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CAP Impact on Biodiversity & Agriculture in EU27

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In the major cities of Italy today, high-quality bicycle paths have been laid along most major roads. Access through your institutionVolume 126, 15 September 2013, Pages 132-141 rights and contentWithin both natural areas and agricultural land of Europe biodiversity is declining. The method detects/tracks those land (or so-called reference) parcels
in the LPIS, holding significant amount of land agriculture found as potentially abandoned. On the part of farmers, subsidies’ accountability systems were lived as unjust, giving rise to speculation around the ‘real’ intended purposes of agri-environment legislation, which in turn undermines the expert authority of the state and heightens skepticism
towards the European ‘project’.Worldwide, the role of farmlands for biodiversity conservation and the delivery of multiple ecosystem services has been widely acknowledged. A large number of factories are operational within the territory of the country. Our findings illustrate the structure of the three governance networks and dissimilar patterns of
collaboration, indicating distinct particularities to be considered when exploring barriers to and options for successful governance in traditionally managed grasslands in the context of CAP measures-driven management.The EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy requires the gathering of information on biodiversity to aid in monitoring progress towards its
main targets. One of the targets of the strategy is to maximise areas that are covered by biodiversity-related measures under the CAP, to ensure and improve the conservation status of species and habitats that depend on or are affected by agriculture, and to provide ecosystem services, thus contributing to sustainable agricultural management.
Emphasis is currently on plant growing. The various land-use types are scattered throughout Europe, with large areas of highly intensive agriculture concentrated in north-western Europe (Fig. The cover of each type was increased separately up to 5% of the area in three Danish landscapes, which are characterised by low hare densities. In the
southern part of the country, all agriculture is concentrated on growing almonds, which are actively sold not only throughout the European Union (EU), but throughout the entire world. The CAP post-2013 will lead to a shift in direct payments from cropland to grassland dominated production regions as well as to a slight decrease in regional producer
surpluses in Austria. At the European level, few attempts have been made in creating conceptual strategies for implementing conservation measures in a multi-actor and multi-scale governance setting. Semi-natural grasslands, partially under agri-environment scheme management contracts, covered roughly 1% of the UAA and were mostly
intermingled with other farmland habitats in extensively managed agricultural landscapes.In the context of the EU-wide HNVf assessment, IACS constitutes an important source of data, characterized by a high spatial, thematic and temporal resolution of data collected annually. The objective is to present the methodology and to illustrate the method
with comparisons of stylised policy scenarios. Economic agricultural sector models exist for the calculation of the economic impacts of the CAP, but no satisfactory tools are available for the assessment of the influence of CAP measures on farmland biodiversity in the EU27. In this sense, we aimed to develop a spatially-explicit indicator of habitat
quality (HQI) at European level based on the species included in the European Common Bird Index, also grouped into their major habitat types (farmland and forest). In this way, we proved that relative species richness compensated for the bias caused by the inherent heterogeneous patterns of the species distributions that was yielding larger local
species richness in areas where most of the target species have the core of their distribution range. Material finishes, dimensions and colours shown are purely an expression of the artist and subject to change depending on availability and design updates. Land use and land-use intensity are dominant drivers of farmland biodiversity. All greening
scenarios had significant positive effects on hare populations. You can open, download and print this detailed map of Capri by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map. It is of interest to evaluate the integrated impact of these modifications and of climate change (CC), since the latter could neutralize or reverse some desired effects of
the former. Integrated, quantitative modelling at EU scale is lacking.This article focuses on integrated modelling of the impact of agricultural policies on biodiversity, agricultural production and farm income at EU27 level. Making use of IACS data in such a way could provide a stepping-stone towards achieving a more effective balance between the
management and control of CAP support payments and the growing societal demands related to the maintenance and enhancement of farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services.With the current implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for 2014–2020, the European Commission wants to move towards “greener” farming practices
in the European Union.
Permanent set-asides seem to be the most valuable type of EFA, but this needs to be confirmed for a wider range of species and landscapes. Even though such data exhibits high thematic, spatial and temporal resolution, IACS has seldom been used, due to significant access restrictions. The CAP post-2013 will lead to intensification of agricultural land
use in favorable cropland and grassland regions as well as to extensification in marginal areas. Even though HNVf assessment in space and time is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of Rural Development Programmes, the diversity of rural landscapes across EU, the scarcity of data on farming systems, and the lack of common methodological
guidelines has hampered the implementation of HNVf mapping and monitoring across Europe.
However, impacts of greening the CAP on biodiversity in agricultural areas are often illustrated with case studies at local level (e.g. Poláková et al., 2011) and expert judgements at country or EU level (Butler et al., 2010). Essentially, IACS comprises high-resolution, spatially explicit information on the type and intensity of agricultural land-use.
Wheat, rice, corn, barley, potatoes, legumes, tomatoes, onions, olives, and other vegetables are some of the crops grow in the country. Spatially highly diverging impacts call for more targeted policy measures.View all citing articles on ScopusThis paper studies the effects of investment support from the common agricultural policy on labour and total
factor productivity of agricultural firms in Sweden. Whilst having the potential for use in HNVf assessment, some challenges remain, especially due to significant access restrictions. The purpose of the product ‘Farmland abandonment’, as part of the AGRI-ENV package, is to detect potentially abandoned agriculture land, based on multi-annual SPOT
data with several acquisitions per year. … Open Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Facades Note: Images of facades shown are a guide only. A bio-economic model simulates the possible adaptation of various farm types in an
agricultural area of Southern Italy to these changes, given the available technological options and current market conditions. Agricultural land makes up about half of the land area of the European Union (EU27). As an example, we use the Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System (ALMaSS), an established simulation system that has been used
to simulate a wide range of farmland species relevant to biodiversity.
However, some farm types are more affected. We examined the effects of the following EFA types on hare population dynamics: the cultivation of legumes such as (1) peas and (2) beans, (3) permanent and (4) rotational set-asides, (5) permanent extensive grasslands, and (6) herbaceous and (7) woody field margins. During the 1990s, millions of
hectares of farmland in the new EU Member States, from Central and Eastern Europe, were abandoned as a result of the transition process from centralized and planned to market economy. Motorists relate to such road users with great respect. Detailed firm-level data on 34 300 firms are used to estimate a matched panel model that relates firm
productivity to a series of factors reflecting internal and external characteristics. The EU biodiversity strategy states that the forthcoming reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) presents opportunities to enhance synergies and maximise coherence with biodiversity objectives (EC, 2011a). Our paper focuses on a comparative network analysis
of grassland governance of three Romanian regions (Iron Gates Natural Park – SW; Sighisoara - Tarnava Mare – center; and Dobrogea - SE), representatives for grassland management in mountain and lowland landscapes. The recently developed Coarsened Exact Matching method is used to estimate matched control groups and handle selection bias.
The light industry is represented by textile and leather goods. For example, a 5% ecological set-aside leads to a 3.2% increase in extensive arable land and 0.7%We thank Annemieke Righart for editing the English of this paper and Allard Warrink and Arie den Boer for editing the figures.S.J. Butler et al.P.F. Donald et al.F. Herzog et al.M. Kempen et
al.G. Louette et al.A. Renwick et al.A.J.A.M. Temme et al.P.H. Verburg et al.P.S. ArmingtonM. The policy tools adopted gradually within the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (EU CAP), as well as the EU environmental and structural policies, aimed to prevent further expansion of this phenomenon and to facilitate the revival of the
agriculture land, being abandoned (ComReg 1122/2009).
We used a chain of models to describe the effects, from policy measure and economic effect through to land-use change and to biodiversity effects.As an illustration, we identified two important policy measures from the proposed CAP (EC, 2010). (2013). The Agri-Environment (AGRI-ENV) component of the Core Information Service (CIS), developed
within the scope of the FP7-funded project “geoland2” were designed to support the agricultural user community at pan-European and national levels by contributing to the improvement of more accurate and timely monitoring of the status of agricultural land use in Europe and its change. Capri - guide chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The air transport network
in the country is also highly developed.
Analysis of the spatial patterns of local and relative species richness (defined as the ratio between species richness in a given location and the average richness in the regional context) for the common birds analysed demonstrated that the development of a HQI based on species richness needs to account for the regional species pool in order to make
objective comparisons between regions. Effective policy making is hampered, as the costs and quantity of biodiversity ‘goods’ – to be produced by farmers – and their linkages are not clear at the EU scale. Many studies focused on the relationship between agricultural policy and biodiversity (e.g. Brady et al., 2009). The relative change in female
abundance ranged from a factor of 0.4 in the peas scenario to 3.6 in the permanent set-aside scenario. Therefore, the EU funds both obligatory measures, such as Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) through the Green Direct Payment program, and voluntary agri-environment measures. About one third of the boards are used in domestic flights. This sector
gives about 4% of the world’s shoe exports. Herbaceous field margins were the second best EFA type, leading to population viability in two landscapes. It provides essential independent information on the status of the agricultural land as recorded in the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS), which is one of the core instruments of the
implementation of CAP. The method provides information on the transfer of policy stimuli through the economic-environment system. Test results have been successfully generated for one test area (the Bulgarian part of the Strymunas-Struma River Basin).This paper explores how the implementation of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and
agri-environment measures in particular have been used to increase state oversight into rural affairs and land use in Hungary. CC can effectively attenuate or reverse several of those effects, especially in some farm types. Sets of indicators known to be essential for identifying potential HNVf and underlying farming systems (expressing landscape
structure and composition, farming systems, and crop diversity), were derived from IACS. Findings show a positive and significant treatment effect of investment support on firm productivity, but only for small firms. However, empirically evaluating the effectiveness of these measures is challenging. For this purpose, this paper evaluates the potential
impact of the abolition of milk quotas, as well as of the reform of the first pillar of CAP in two different climate scenarios (present and near future). The EU Biodiversity strategy to 2020 (EC, 2011a) sets targets ‘to halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, restore them in so far as feasible, while stepping
up the EU contribution to averting global biodiversity loss’. Only 3% of the Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) of Lower Saxony potentially constituted HNVf, with the majority of HNVf coinciding with mosaics of arable and/or permanent crops and semi-natural features under less intensive farming practices. Brady et al.W. Britz et al.B. Delbaere et
al.ECECECECRomanian grasslands have high nature value, being among the most important biodiversity hotspots at the European level.
Regional climate change amplifies land use intensification with increases in crop and forage yields, e.g. in Alpine regions, and land use extensification with declining crop yields, e.g. in eastern cropland regions. In Dobrogea, grassland governance was performed in an intensive, centralized state-run management regime during the communist time and
by large landowners after the transition period ended. These two measures, agri-environmental measures and ecological set-aside, could be easily incorporated For the species richness indicator, 2005 serves as a reference year (Section 2.2.4). Through ethnographic engagement with the Hungarian state’s interactions with its farmers during
inspections, the forms and consequences of neoliberal governmentality are given life in a post-socialist context. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Capri by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map. Reference parcels with such change are flagged and reported, enabling the National Administrations to further analyze
the spatial distribution and magnitude of this phenomenon at regional and national levels. The European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) contradicts the Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 objectives by hindering coordinated grassland governance and collaboration among the involved actors. The presented method consists of calculations with the
Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact Modelling System (CAPRI), which is a partial equilibrium model that has been widely used for economic scenario studies for the agricultural sector (Britz et al., 2012; Kempen et al., 2011), combined with a farmland biodiversity indicator for species richness in EU agricultural areas, developed by
Overmars et al. SHOP THE #1 SELLING PROGRAM The actual dimensions of the Capri map are 4228 X 2368 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 590982. The actual dimensions of the Capri map are 3450 X 2420 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 962416. The method presented in this study provides a robust and innovative indicator of habitat quality which can be
used to make comparisons between regions at the European scale, and therefore potentially applied to measure progress towards the EU Biodiversity Strategy targets. Thus, there is a pressing need to develop and test methodological approaches that may support HNVf assessment across the EU.The Integrated Administration and Control System
(IACS) which is mandatory for all EU Member States constitutes a system for the management and control of CAP payments to farmers. Finally, since species distribution models are based on breeding birds, the HQI can be also interpreted as a measure of the capacity of ecosystems to provide and maintain nursery/reproductive habitats for terrestrial
species, a key maintenance and regulation ecosystem service.We assess impacts of the latest CAP reform and regional climate change scenarios on agricultural land use intensification and environment in Austria for the period 2025–2040. Farmland biodiversity is an important component of this strategy.The maintenance and enhancement of farmland
biodiversity increasingly depends on public intervention. FLA, often associated with social and economic problems in rural areas, has significant environmental consequences. The analysis also reveals that an increase in the size of the support in relation to firm income has a negative and significant impact on productivity for all firms. 2). Spatial
patterns of indicators were analyzed at two different scales to delineate the potential distribution of HNVf across Lower Saxony.Results highlighted that most regions in Lower Saxony were characterized by intensive farming practices including high livestock density, high share of intensive crops and low density of linear elements. Nevertheless, it is
worth noting that the greater part of passenger traffic is concentrated only in 3 major Italian airports, of which the Da Vinci airport terminal is the main one. These two elements are connected through the analysis and modelling of the land-use system and its intensity.The objective of this study is to develop a modelling approach to systematically
assess policy measures targeted at supporting biodiversity on farmland.
A spatially explicit integrated assessment based on sequentially coupled models quantifies the impacts at a 1 km grid resolution in order to take into account the heterogeneity of agricultural production and environment. Differentiating between various types of investment supports indicates heterogeneous treatment effects. In 2005, the simulated
agricultural area in the EU27 amounted to 55 million hectares of grassland, 121 million hectares of arable land and 14 million hectares of permanent cropland. However, only one EFA type, permanent set-asides, led to densities of more than 10 females per km2 in all three landscapes, which we assumed to be the threshold for population viability.
Using mechanistic simulation models for a suite of representative species, types of agricultural landscapes, and eco-regions could help in achieving the aim of the European Commission to promote biodiversity in the European community via greener farming practices.View full text Our results indicate that overall, 5% coverage with Ecological Focus
Area is insufficient to improve the living conditions of the brown hare to a necessary degree. The main results show that the considered policy changes have small positive impacts on economic and environmental factors of the study area. The state is also trying to maintain agriculture at the same proper level. In the baseline scenario, the total
mapped area has been divided as follows:The strength of the methodology presented lies in the fact that impacts of economic or regulatory policy instruments on performance of the agricultural sector can be linked to changes in biodiversity status. The production line is based on object-based image analysis and benefits from the extensive availability
of Biophysical parameters derived from the satellite data (geoland2). Environmental indicators deteriorate at national level in all scenarios. Quite a large part of exports are occupied by citrus and tobacco.
This allowed us to cope with the limitations arising from modelling common and widespread species, obtaining habitat suitability maps for each species at finer spatial resolution (10 km × 10 km grid), which provided higher model accuracy. Among popular flights not only international passenger flights are popular. In Sighisoara, grassland
governance has been centralized but biodiversity-friendly, while in Iron Gates, grasslands were traditionally managed through a decentralized, community-level system, and this type of governance continues to date. We analysed the benefits of seven greening scenarios for the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus), which has been in widespread
decline throughout Europe since the 1960s. They are engaged in the development and creation of profile equipment for various manufacturing activities, including chemical, food, and light industries. Using species occurrences from the European Breeding Birds Atlas (at 50 km × 50 km) and the maximum entropy algorithm, we derived species
distribution maps using refined occurrence data based on species ecology. These results can inform the planning of future changes to the CAP, which will have to act in the context of deeper climate alteration.Farmland abandonment (FLA) could be defined as the cessation of agricultural activities on a given surface of land (Pointereau et al., 2008).
The policy instrument can improve its efficiency if targeted to small firms and investments that have a link to public good provision.The European Union (EU) has recently reformed its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and, in parallel, has completely abolished the production quotas for milk. However, due to the conversion of natural grasslands into
arable land over the last century, as well as the general intensification of agricultural practices over the last decades, farmland biodiversity has been declining. I elucidate the numerous subjectivities involved in these encounters, and how bureaucratic and administrative requirements underlie the rise of private consultants, where social capital and
informal networks are of great importance for the successful navigation of the agricultural system. We therefore demonstrate here that mechanistic simulation models are a valuable tool for performing these evaluations. Here, the potential to use IACS data to support the assessment of HNVf was evaluated within the German Federal State of Lower
Saxony by implementing a recently developed methodological framework. These changes will have important consequences for the use of land, of inputs (i.e., water and chemicals) and on the economic performance of rural areas. Agricultural surveillance mechanisms and processes are recounted here as holistic, perpetual and immediate, composed
of the remote, administrative, as well as embodied physical encounters. Nevertheless, IACS constitutes a powerful tool to evaluate the extent and condition of HNVf across the EU countryside. We investigated the structural characteristics of one-mode directed governance networks in the three protected areas (standard cohesion and reciprocity
metrics, exponential random graph models), the position of actors participating in networks (node-level centrality metrics), and the perception of CAP influence on grassland governance by farmers benefiting of CAP agri-environmental payments. In the European Union (EU), societal demands to include environmental conservation concerns within the
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have resulted in the recognition of the importance of maintaining High Nature Value farmlands (HNVf).HNVf constitute complex social-ecological systems, which owe their nature conservation value to the maintenance of specific, mostly low-intensity farming systems, supporting high levels of species and habitats
dependent on agricultural practices. The economic impact of climate change scenarios depends on the spatial location and the precipitation scenario. It is worth noting that in Italy, as in most countries of modern Europe, bicycling is gradually gaining popularity.
Within agricultural land especially the traditionally managed lands are an important habitat for biodiversity (Donald et al., 2002). Please refer to our current price list and specifications for façade finishes allowed in published price. ARE YOU READY TO KEEP THE CURVES? The governmentalities of the agricultural sector through Europeanisation
include stringent inspections and controls as part and parcel of accountability drives around the disbursement of subsidies. For example, the number of farmland birds in the EU has dropped by 15%–20% in the past two decades (PBL, 2012). … Open The electrical industry has been very developed since the year 1996. The effects on female and
yearling abundance were observed over a period of 30 years. In The CAP towards 2020 (EC, 2010), the European Commission has outlined strategic options for greening of the CAP.CAP instruments could stimulate farmers to undertake measures that are beneficial for biodiversity, but it is not clear how and where such measures should take place.
Common species are good proxies for the diversity and integrity of ecosystems, since they are key elements of the biomass, structure, functioning of ecosystems, and therefore of the supply of ecosystem services.