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BTS Study Answer Key: Cultural Impact Analysis

Answer Key to Excerpt #2
NOTE: I am writing them in a point form, but you should write them in paragraphs.
Excerpt #1
1. Kim’s 2021 study titled, “BTS as a Method: A Counter-hegemonic Culture in the Network Society,”
illustrates that BTS’ popularity owes to the proliferation of social media, BTS’ transnational
appeal with its messages, and its fandom’s sociality on this new digital ecosystem.
2. This excerpt is probably from the conclusion section of the article because
• It has a summary of the findings/The excerpts appears to come AFTER the
results/findings section: i.e., “this study identified the collaborative and interdependent
engagement of these three entities associated with this phenomenon” (Para. 1).
• It has some suggestions: Para (4) “we should neither ignore a counter-hegemonic
formation’s achievements due to its limits, nor should we underestimate negative
outcomes”; “Instead, we should understand its ‘domination and resistance as processes”
• It has the author’s argument/opinion: Para (4)“I underscore the idea that the nonwestern and peripheral subject”; “I also point out that this cultural formation can be a
• It uses simple past tense to note the research has already taken place: e.g., Para (1)
“this study IDENTIFIED”
3. It has a number of academic writing features including (but not limited to)
self-referencing: Para (1) “This study” X 2
Used to forefront/highlight the study (rather than a researcher claiming the ownership of
the study)
discursive "I": Para (2) “I” thus argue; Para (4) “I” underscore the idea, “I” also point
Used to show discourse actions taken in the excerpt. Used to demonstrate what the
researcher(s) did in their study
forecasting: Para (1) “FIRST, media digitalization,” “SECOND, BTS has embodied,”
“THIRD, digital fan networks”
Used to hint the organization of the paper – These are NOT good examples as they don’t
actually signal the organization of the paper.
emphasis: Para (1) “revolutionalized”; Para (3) “not only… but also,” “BTS conquered”;
Para (4) the ‘very same’ culture
Used to note specific emphasis.
reporting verbs: Para (1) this study “explores” (neutral); this study “identified”
(neutral); Para (2) I thus “argue” (strong); Para (4) I “underscore” (strong), I “point out”
Used to note the researcher’s positioning
Modality/hedging: para (4) this cultural formation “can be” part of a longer history.
Used to avoid making factually false statements – This is NOT a good example as there is
only one example found in the excerpt (rather than 2 or more)
메모 포함[W사1]: Capitalize first letters in-text
메모 포함[W사2]: Note that this study does NOT discuss its
메모 포함[M3]: You should write about 3-4 features with 2-3
examples for each AND explain why they were used.
메모 포함[M4]: Rather than memorizing this line and copying,
EXPLAIN what you mean by this.
메모 포함[MYK5]: Maybe not the best example
ALSO, please note that “on the one hand,”’ “On the other hand”
(Para 1) are not examples of forecasting.
메모 포함[MYK6]: Identifying reporting verbs may not be difficult,
but explain how/why they are used could be a bit challenging.
메모 포함[M7]: Used when there is no solid evidence
4. It seems this study has used most likely secondary sources and content/discourse analyses
to examine how and why BTS phenomenon started and what such phenomenon implies.
The study’s research question is stated in Para (1): to explore “the implications of the
BTS phenomenon by analyzing discursive chains and power dynamics that the three
entities – digital media, the K-pop industry, and fandom – have generated.”
Some of the findings are listed in Para (1) indicating that these were probably from
secondary sources: “media digitalization has invigorated,” “BTS has embodied the
impetus of locality,” and “digital fan networks comprise the material conditions”
Suitability of this method?
Not exactly. As the purpose of the study was to explore the “implications of the BTS
phenomenon,” the author should have also interviewed or conducted surveys among BTS
fans as well (provided that the author has ethics approval to do so). That way the
researcher could get more emic perspectives of BTS fans regarding their take on BTS’