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Point, Line, Plane Relationships: Calculus & Vectors Handout

Calculus & Vectors Class 15 handout
Relationships Between Point, Lines and Planes (2)
Distance from a Point to a Line in β„πŸ
In 2D-space, we know that a line’s direction is determined by its _________________. We can
use this fact to find the formula for the distance between a point and a line when they are
restricted to 2D-space:
In 2D-space, we have a line represented by its Cartesian equation 𝑙: 𝐴π‘₯ + 𝐡𝑦 + 𝐢 = 0 and an
arbitrary point 𝑃1 with coordinates 𝑃1 : (π‘₯1 , 𝑦1 ), the distance 𝑑 from 𝑃1 to 𝑙 is determined by:
|π€π’™πŸ + ππ’šπŸ + 𝐂|
√π‘¨πŸ +π‘©πŸ
Ex 1. Find the distance between the point (7, 5) to each of the following lines:
a) 4𝑦 − 10π‘₯ = 7
b) π‘Ÿβƒ— = (1, 4) + 𝑑(3, −2), 𝑑 ∈ ℝ
Calculus & Vectors Class 15 handout
Distance from a Point to a Line in β„πŸ‘
We cannot develop the same formula to determine the distance between a point and a
line in 3D-space, as there is no Cartesian equation for a line when we allow one more
dimension (recall that a line in 3D has infinitely many non-parallel normal vectors).
However, we can draw a similar diagram to find another approach:
In 3D-space, we have a line represented by its vector equation 𝑙: π‘Ÿβƒ— = βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—
π‘Ÿ0 + 𝑑𝑒⃗⃗, 𝑑 ∈ ℝ where βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—
π‘Ÿ0 =
π‘‚π‘ƒπ‘œ, the position vector of a given point π‘ƒπ‘œ(π‘₯π‘œ, π‘¦π‘œ , π‘§π‘œ ) on the line and 𝑒⃗⃗ = (𝑒π‘₯, 𝑒𝑦 , 𝑒𝑧) is a
direction vector of the line. The distance 𝑑 from some other point 𝑃1 with coordinates
𝑃1 (π‘₯1 , 𝑦1 , 𝑧1 ) to 𝑙 is determined by:
| βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—βƒ—
𝐏𝟎 𝐏𝟏 × π’–
Ex 2. Find the distance between the point (5, 4, −1) to the line
𝑙: π‘Ÿβƒ— = (1, −3, 4) + 𝑑(4, 1, 2), 𝑑 ∈ ℝ.
Calculus & Vectors Class 15 handout
There is another way to find the distance between a point and a line. Let’s use this
second method to solve the same problem in example 2:
Distance from a Point to a Plane
A plane 𝝅 is given by its Cartesian equation 𝝅: 𝐴π‘₯ + 𝐡𝑦 + 𝐢𝑧 + 𝐷 = 0 and an
arbitrary point 𝑃1 (π‘₯1 , 𝑦1 , 𝑧1 ) in 3D-space as shown below:
𝑑 =
βƒ—βƒ— |
0 𝑃1 βˆ™ 𝑛
(Note: this is just _______________________.)
From there, we can derive the formula for the distance 𝑑 from
the point 𝑃1 to the plane 𝝅:
|π€π’™πŸ + ππ’šπŸ + π‚π’›πŸ +𝑫|
√π‘¨πŸ +π‘©πŸ +π‘ͺ𝟐
Calculus & Vectors Class 15 handout
Ex 3. Find the distance from the point (5, 5, 10) to the plane πœ‹: 5π‘₯ + 𝑦 − 6𝑧 = 60.
Ex 4. Find the distance between the parallel planes πœ‹1 : 3π‘₯ + 2𝑦 − 4𝑧 = 30 and
πœ‹2 : 6π‘₯ + 4𝑦 − 8𝑧 + 7 = 0.
Intersection of Three Planes
Last lesson, we have seen that there are three possibilities for the intersection of two planes:
How many ways can three planes intersect each other? Assuming the three planes are not
parallel or coincident (or two of them coincident and 1 parallel). Then the planes could
possibly intersect:
Calculus & Vectors Class 15 handout
We can see that out of all the possibilities, there is only one case (case 6) where all
three planes intersect at a point. If the three planes have a single point of intersection,
then when we solve the corresponding _______________________ representing those
three planes, we will arrive at a single solution. We call a system of three equations and
3 variables as such consistent. When we can’t obtain a single solution from a system
of three equations and 3 variables, we say that the system is inconsistent.
Ex 5. The following three Cartesian equation represent three planes that will intersect at
a point. Determine the point of intersection of these three planes.
πœ‹1 : 3π‘₯ − 𝑦 + 𝑧 + 7 = 0
πœ‹2 : 2π‘₯ − 3𝑦 + 𝑧 + 6 = 0
πœ‹3 : 2π‘₯ − 4𝑦 + 2𝑧 + 11 = 0
Calculus & Vectors Class 15 handout
Think: Can you change one equation in example 5 so that the three planes intersect in
the way as shown in
a) case 6?
b) case 8?