Data-based questions: The two-spot ladybug 1) The typical ladybug have 2 dots while the annulata has a more complex design. 2) The differences between the two forms are due to a single gene. If male and female typica are mated together, all the offspring are typica. Similarly, the offspring produced when annulata forms are mated are all annulata. Explain the conclusions that can be drawn. [2] Because it is a one gene difference, it can be concluded that many of the lady bugs have similar designs because their designs are based off a single gene. 3) The F1 hybrid has a more complicated design from their parents. It is a combination between the two. 4) a) f1typica f1annulata f1typicca F1typica f1typica F1typica f1annulata f1annulata f1annulata f1typica f1annulataf1annulata b) Typica: Hybrid: annulata 1:2:1