FOSTIIMA Business School, New Delhi Post Graduate Diploma in Management Course Title: Technology and Operations Management Year: 2023-24 Semester: I Credits: 1.5 Core/Elective: Core Course Designed by: Rakesh Kumar Course Instructor(s) : Rakesh Kumar Email: 1. COURSE INTRODUCTION The Profession of Operations Management is constantly evolving as new Technologies, Innovative ideas, and increasing competition enter the global picture. The field of Operations Management is typically at the vortex of storm when disruptive technologies become available. On the other side, the age old practices which have evolved over decades (like layout planning) or have been used frequently (like Learning Curve) remain relevant in current scenario as well. What is still more important is that Operations Management is applicable to all fields of Management be it HR or Marketing or be it the role of Production Management. 2. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO) Students, who successfully complete this course, should be able to: CLO No. Descriptions of Course Learning Outcomes LO1 : What is Operations Management LO2 : Operations Processes for Goods and Services LO3 : How to manage Capacity for optimal profits and Customer Service The science of Learning Curves and its usage in Operations Management LO4 : Tools of Operations Management-Layout, Line Balancing, Capacity Management, S&OP LO5 : How emerging Technologies are rapidly affecting the science of Operations Management Course Learning Outcome PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 CLO1 3 CLO2 2 CLO3 3 CLO4 3 CL05 3 3 1 Average Score 3 2 3 3 3 Course Code PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 3 2 3 3 3 Programme Objectives PO1: Ability to comprehend, analyse, and communicate all aspects of business and corporate social responsibility that are global, economic, legal, and ethical. PO2: The ability to come up with ideas – out-of-the-box thinking and turn them into businesses or entrepreneurial endeavours. PO3: Possessing the capacity to develop policies, strategies, and programmes by analysing the pertinent internal, external influences, risk assessment and their effects on the organization PO4: Possess ability to take initiative to execute projects, solve problems and learn to effectively perform in a team and emerge as a leader. PO5: Ability to access lessons learned and use simulation approaches in various management domains to address practical problems. 3. SESSION PLAN AND COURSE CONTENTS Session/ Week No 1 2 3 4 Topic Introduction to OperationsEfficiency, Effectiveness, and Value Operations Strategy Design of Products and Services Facility layout Cases / Assignments / Readings Chap 1 Chap 2 Chap 3 Chap 8 pages 182-188 Chap 8 pages Pages 189-193 5 Assembly Line Design, Line Balancing, 6 Strategic Capacity Management Chap 5 Pages 119-129 7 Learning Curves Chap 6 Pages 140 to 149 Session Learning Outcomes [SLO Evolution of Operations Management, Products, and Services Basic facility layouts Designing assembly line What is Capacity Management and it’s importance The concept of Learning Curve and it’s 2 8 Manufacturing Process/Service Process 9 ERP/MRP 10 S&OP 11 Technology and it’s impact on Ops Management Technology and it’s impact on Ops Management 12 Chap 7 pages 159-169 Chap 9 pages 215-221 Chap 9 pages 215-225 Chap 19 pages 517-532 Internet and Library Research Internet and Library Research usage What is a Manufacturing process and how are they organized Software used in Operations How does Operations Co-ordinate and make a business succesful New emerging technologies and how they will impact the future of Operations Management SQC, Process Control-p Chart and other charts, Acceptance Sampling 4. ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS AND DESCRIPTIONS (Number of Assessments should consist of up to 6 Components for 3 Credit Course) S. No. 1 2 3 4 Name of the Assessment Components Assessment 1 [Quiz.] Assessment 2 [Technology Project] Assessment 4 [Class Participation] End-Sem Examination Conduct of Assessment /Submission (Allotted Session Nos.) 1-10 11/12 - Total Marks Descriptions AS1 : Sample – Quiz/CT/Role Plays Weightage (%) 10 30 10 50 100 Marks:10 Give brief description about the assessment: A contract manufacturer is an organization capable of manufacturing and/or purchasing all of the components needed to produce a finished product or device. True/False AS2 : Marks: 30 3 Give brief description about the assessment: Pick any emerging Technology e.g., QR Code, RFID, 3D printing, Block Chain. Discuss the Technology, How is it being used and how would it change the future of Operations AS3 : Class Participation Marks: 10 Give brief description about the assessment: Assessment will be done on the basis of your participation in the ‘class discussions’ through questioning and answering, case discussion and role plays, including your preparation of the ‘required readings/cases, if any. Assessment will be based on your active class participation, your intellectual alertness, quality of questions asked and the quality of observations or answers provided during sessions. Book (Text Book): a. Operations and Supply Chain Management by Chase, Shankar, and Jacobs, McGraw Hill Suggested readings: a. S.N. Chary, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. b. Operations Strategy by Slack and Lewis, Pearson b. B. Mahadeven, Operations management (Theory and Practice), Pearson Education, 482, F.I.E. 4