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Technology and Thinking: An Essay

“Human dependency on technology has reduced their ability to think”. Do you agree?
Technology has impacted our life greatly in many different aspects. Be it in the way
we do our chores everyday, to the way we learn in school and even to the way we
are responding and behaving to the people around us. Inevitably our life is very
much connected to how the technology is evolving with the passing of time.
Undeniably we start to depend very much on the technology that we developed
around us every single movement that we do, will always be revolving around the
technology. Even the shoes that we wear nowadays is using the latest technology
called memory foam so that we will be comfortable walking all day. That is just on
the steps that we take daily. Imagine on a bigger part of our life, definitely technology
will also play important role. Then, here comes the thought that leads to the biggest
debate among the academician, is our dependency on technology detrimental to our
thinking? Not necessarily. In my opinion, I disagree that dependency on technology
reduce our ability to think. In fact, it helps the way we think especially in terms of
education, health and communication.
Firstly, technology helps us to think in the form of education. Ever since the ministry
of education around the world introduce the 21 st century learning, we cannot help
but to use technology in our schools be it in primary or tertiary education. The usage
of technology such as DELIMA in our education website clearly indicates that we
believe education will be enhanced with the help of technology. For example, lots of
interactive exercises provided in kahoots for the students to explore and try. In fact,
the usage of technology provides platform for the students to study independently
without much guidance by their respective teachers. This in turn makes students to
think critically in attempting every questions and exercises given in that apps. More
Sample essay by Dayang Jauyah Yunus/ Junainah Mukhter
over, with the help of the internet generally, the acquisition of language such as
English is made better for the non-native speakers to learn and acquire the
proficiency. Websites such as British council provides practices for all the four skills
of the English language study. It even caters for all different level of proficiency
namely for the weak, average and excellent students. This enables students to get
their hands on the practices according to their level of proficiency and attempt to
answer questions and not be frustrated with the difficulty level. Somehow, students
will also have better exposure to different accent of native speaker such as British,
Scottish and American accent this will further make students be more confident with
their own accent. Hence, this in turn facilitates well one’s cognitive ability better
instead of reducing our ability to think.
Secondly, technology is very much needed for us to think in terms of providing better
health for the nation. Technologies such as the creation of vaccines had helped
millions of children around the world be protected against certain diseases. Once
before even a mere measles will kill a child but thanks to evolution of technology
human managed to find vaccine for it and thus creates better health for children.
Technology such as video conferencing enables experts to share their thoughts and
opinion on certain health issues so that solutions can be found for the betterment of
humankind. For example, despite being so far away in UK, Dr Amalina the
Malaysian O & G specialist, was able to give her opinion and share her expertise
with fellow Malaysians with the help of technology as now, distance is no longer a
barrier for us to acquire knowledge and share information with each other. In her
social media account, she always shares tips for health and debunks misleading
information regarding health thus helps Malaysians to think of better option for our
health in general. With lots of information shared in social media, it can’t be helped
Sample essay by Dayang Jauyah Yunus/ Junainah Mukhter
that there will be lots of misleading information shared that can be detrimental to our
health. But thanks to the technology itself, people can now weigh the truth in those
information and decide whether it is worth to be practiced or not. Awareness of the
right and healthy way of life as well can be found and freely discussed in social
media which allows many people from many walks of life including health experts to
exchange information and proof and evidence can also be made available through
the use of technology namely internet. Hence, it is undeniable that technology helps
us to think of better healthcare rather than reducing our ability to think.
Finally, information technology in communication helps us to think critically before
coming to problem solving solution with the advancement of communication
technology we are no longer confined to time and space. We now can be connected
to anyone, anywhere and anytime. Once we are able to be connected, sharing of
information will propel us to think critically. Communication apps such as FaceTime,
Zoom and Google Meet enable us to communicate better and more frequent with
each other. Technology helps us to think of better ways to communicate with people.
Instead of just listening to voices via the telephones, now one can communicate via
video calling. Thus help us not just to mentally connected but emotionally as well.
Communication technology such as smart phones enable us to have information in
our palm. Gone were the days where we have to go physically to our office to email
information. The office now is with us everywhere we go. Gadgets like notes and
tablets enable one to connect to windows apps thus any work can be done using
the gadgets. Contacting business partners nowadays is made faster and easier by
using the above mention gadgets. Thus enable them to think of better advancement
in their business as well. Enough said, technology of communication facilitate our
ability to think rather than hampering it.
Sample essay by Dayang Jauyah Yunus/ Junainah Mukhter
As a conclusion, people will always point out any mistakes or errors in whatever we
do or have as it is in our nature to put our guard on to our defence system. However,
in this case, technology is a blessing given to us as it helps us to think for the
betterment of mankind in many aspects. The education is made easy with the help
of technology. The vision of 21st century learning is made possible with the aid of
technology. Apart from that, better health has become a global ambition and this is
made available via the assistance of the technology and of course communication
is made easier and faster with the help of those so called gadgets in the forms of
android or IOS. In fact, everything is made possible due to the technology developed
by us and to deny its function in enhancing our ability to think is not justifiable.
Sample essay by Dayang Jauyah Yunus/ Junainah Mukhter