Medical / Optical Refunds - Claim Form Section 1 – Your personal details Employee Number Please post completed form and receipts to MRPC An Post Oliver Plunkett Street PO Box 1234 CORK Name Grade Work Location Contact Number Company Doctor Section 2 – Your claim details Employees who are members of the Company Medical Scheme Prescriptions Date Dispensed (Note 1) Cost Doctors Fees Date of visit (Note 2) Doctor’s Name Fee Employees who are (a) users of Display Screen Equipment (Note 3) or (b) employed on driving duties Spectacles/Bi-focals Date Dispensed Cost Eye Test Date of visit Optician’s Name Fee Section 3 – Your declaration I confirm the following: the particulars entered on this claim are correct the claim is in strict accordance with An Post’s policy for refund of medical and / or optical expenses the amounts claimed were wholly and necessarily incurred on my own behalf any associated receipts are attached and will be forwarded with this claim form a claim has not been made or will not be made to another entity in connection with the details which are the subject of this claim Signature Date D D M M Y Y Section 4 – Refund Centre use only 461 Meds 463 Doc 458 Test 459 Lens Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Refund of prescription medicine expenses if prescribed by the Company-appointed Doctor (or by a private Doctor where there is no Company-appointed Doctor in place) Refund of GP fees is only available to employees in areas where there is no Company-appointed Doctor Users of Display Screen Equipment must be referred to the Optician by their line manager (forms SH1 & SH3 required) Various limits apply to Medical Scheme / Optical benefits. These are notified from time to time by Company Circular © An Post 2014 Form MRPC 01 (Revn.1.0) Revd. 02 October 2014