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MCA375sylFall23 (1)

Advertising Management
MCA 375
The City College of New York
Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:00-3:15PM
Spring, 2022
Professor Edward Keller
Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10:30 AM-12:15 PM
Wed. 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment
Course Description
This course covers basic management principles of the advertising business with particular emphasis on the relationship between the Client and the Advertising Agency. Readings and discussions will focus on the economic, social and legal aspects of the industry
with an emphasis on advertising’s role in the development of the marketing plan. In order
to do this, students will examine how the process of advertising results including the development of the creative strategy, the media plan as well as the other key functions integral to the development and execution of creative. To do so, the relationship between the
key players in the process —account planners, account managers, media planners, production and other services—will be examined. Prerequisites: MCA 20900, MCA 21000,
or permission of the instructor.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
General Course Objectives and Outcomes
This course should enable students to:
1. Judge the meaningfulness and effectiveness of advertising’s role as part of the
overall marketing function.
2. Research, analyze and write effectively about the key players in the advertising agency and how they interact to develop the product (advertising).
3. Analyze the salient marketing data and develop a creative strategy.
4. Analyze and demonstrate competency in evaluating existing advertising based
on determination of its creative strategy.
5. Understand and evaluate the components of an effective media plan.
6. Utilize persuasive presentation techniques to provide a creative and media recommendation.
7. Critique and analyze current industry trends through reading major trade publications (Ad Age and Adweek).
Required Text
The New Account Manager
Don Dickinson
Craig Davis
ISBN-10: 0997308494
ISBN-13: 9780997308495
NOTE: The 3rd edition (pictured, above) is the recommended version.
Other Readings to be assigned.
All written and oral assignments must be turned in to pass the course. All
written assignments must be typed (double spaced on standard 8 1/2 x 11).
Academic Integrity
The University has a published policy on academic integrity that may be found at:
Ignorance of this policy is no excuse. A student who cheats or plagiarizes may incur academic and disciplinary penalties, including failing grades, suspensions or expulsion.
Assignments & Tests
Writing assignments will include critiques of issues affecting the media category (news reports, advertising and public relations campaigns, films, television programs, etc.)
All written and oral assignments must be submitted in hard copy form to the following specs:
8½ x 11 white paper, standard 12pt font, double-spaced, 1” margins. Each assignment is expected on the due date given.
Additional assignments may include attending public events and lectures, visiting exhibits
and public resource centers, or viewing various television programs and films.
There will be a midterm and final exam.
Late and Missing Assignments
They are expected on the date due. Lateness will affect the final grade. There will be no
make-ups on exams or quizzes. Missing deadlines will affect your final grade.
Grade Breakdown:
40%: Written Assignments
20%: Midterm
10%: Participation
10%: Attendance
20%: Final
Grading Rubric
Your work is excellent and of a professional quality
Work is handed in on time
No more than 1 or 2 typos or technical/grammatical writing errors
Presented in a neat, professional format
Tone is professional — language is well crafted and clear
Message is relevant, persuasive and professional
Your work is good
Work is handed in on time
Minimal typos and technical errors that do not impede overall quality of work
Presented in a neat, professional format
Needs minor corrections and edits
Message is relevant and presented clearly
Your work is competent but not strong
Work is late
Typos and grammatical issues are more common
Tone is not professional
Message is unfocused and not well thought out
Your work is poor
Work is late
Many typos and grammatical errors (such as incomplete sentences, poor grammar)
Work does not show understanding of professional format
Language and thinking not well crafted—ie Written as if “to just get it done.”
Operating in the Covid-19 Environment
• If you find yourself struggling, especially due to circumstances out of your control, you
do not have to struggle in silence. Please contact me immediately so that we can find
ways to address the issue.
Course Calendar (Subject to Change)
Units of Study
WEEK: 1: 1/25:
Advertising Management: An Overview
WEEK 2: 1/30 $ 2/1:
Evolution of Ad Agency
Emergence of the Acct. Manager (Ch. 1,2)
WEEK 3: 2/6 & 8:
Advertising Functions/Roles and Expectations: (Ch 3/-5)
WEEK 4: 2/15:
Advtg Functions/Roles and Expectations: Present Findings
WEEK 5: 2/21 & 22:
How Advertising Works (Ch. 4)
The Creative Revolution
WEEK 6: 2/27 & 3/1:
Org. Values & Culture: Acct. Mgmt and IMC (Ch 9)
WEEK 7: 3/6 & 8:
The Art of Account Management (Ch. 5-6)
WEEK 8: 3/13 & 15:
Acct. Manager Role: The Media Environment
WEEK 9: 3/20 & 22:
New Business Development (Ch. 7)
WEEK 10: 3/27 & 29:
Traditional versus Digital/ Role of Paid Media (Ch. 8)
WEEK 11: 4/3:
Traditional versus Digital
WEEK 12: 4/17 & 19:
Case Study
WEEK 13: 4/24 & 26:
Case Study
WEEK 14: 5/1 & 3:
Case Study/Presentations
WEEK 15: 5/8 & 10:
Case Study Presentations
WEEK 16: 5/15:
Final Exams