1 WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF NURSING GRADUATE PROGRAM Syllabus 1. TITLE OF COURSE AND NUMBER: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: NUR 5001-800, 801, 802, 803, 804 Credits: 3 DEPARTMENT/SECRETARY’S TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: Graduate Nursing Department: Jami Jennings (Nursing Office) Tel. #973-720-3511 email Jenningsj3@wpunj.edu SEMESTER OFFERED: Fall I Session (9/5/23-10/22/23) Fall II Session (10/30/23-12/17/23) FACULTY MEMBER’S NAME, OFFICE HOURS, AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: Faculty: Dr. Faith Atte AtteF@wpunj.edu Dr. Mary Ann Donohue-Ryan Donohueryanm@wpunj.edu Dr. Christina McSherry McSherryC@wpunj.edu Dr. Karen Phillips PhillipsK116@wpunj.edu Prof. Uma Venugopal VenugopalU@wpunj.edu OFFICE HOURS: Virtual office hours by appointment. Please email the faculty to schedule an appointment. *Note: Please use WPU email as the primary mode of telecommunication to make an appointment for a telephone call or Zoom meeting. Response time is 24 – 48 hours Monday through Friday.* 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Focuses on theory development and criteria for evaluating theories. Emphasis is on a variety of interdisciplinary and nursing theories and their application to clinical and community nursing based practice. Includes an exploration of contemporary issues in theory development and the relationship between theory and research in nursing as a practice discipline. 3. COURSE PREREQUISITES: Matriculation into the Master’s Program or permission of Graduate Program Director. 4. REQUIRED TEXTS, SUGGESTED READING, AND OTHER MATERIAL FOR STUDY: Chinn, P. L., Kramer, M. K, & Sitzman, K. (2022). Knowledge development in nursing: Theory and process, (11th Ed.). Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0323793001 2 Print link: https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/product/9780323793001?role=student Ebook link: https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/product/9780323793025?role=student American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000 Recommended: Alligood, M.R. (2014). Nursing theory: Utilization and application (5th Ed.). Mosby Elsevier 5. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course will: A. Examine knowledge development and evolution of nursing theories within a social-cultural context including the values and resources that have influenced nursing knowledge. B. Guide the student to examine how multidisciplinary and nursing theories can be used in advanced nursing practice, research, administration, and education. C. Engage the student to critically analyze selected (nursing and interdisciplinary) theories. D. Introduce the student to integrate organizational science and informatics to make changes in the care environment to improve health outcomes 6. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Synthesize advanced knowledge from nursing and related disciplines as the basis for advanced nursing practice, education and management as shown in class discussion and oral presentation (Discussion Questions, Concept Analysis, Nurse Theorist Presentation). 2. Demonstrate ability to use a selected group of theories in the design, delivery, and evaluation of health care utilizing a scholarly approach and critical thinking skills (Discussion Questions, Nursing Philosophy Paper, Nurse Theorist Presentation). 3. Evaluate the quality of nursing intervention, education or management in dealing with clinical and community-based populations using theoretical models, scientific methods and ethical and legal principles shared in class presentation and paper (Discussion Questions, Mini-Assignment). 4. Express oneself in written and oral form in class participation and papers. Work effectively with others on a group presentation (Discussion Questions, Nurse Theorist Presentation). 5. Locate and use information appropriate to written and oral projects (Discussion Questions, Mini Assignment, Concept Analysis Paper, Nursing Philosophy Paper). WP Online Calendar: https://www.wpunj.edu/registrar/calendars/wp-online-calendar Please review at the beginning of your class to identify important dates such as for withdrawal from the course whether it be with reimbursement or without, etc. 3 **Please note that a 3 Credit course is equivalent to approximately 20 hours of course student work/week ** WEEKLY OUTLINE TOPIC MODULE OBJECTIVES INDIVIDUAL/ DISCUSSIONS COLLABOR ACTIVITIES READINGS ASSIGNMENTS Module 1 1. Discuss the conceptual descriptions of emancipatory, ethical, personal, aesthetic, and empiric knowing. 2. Differentiate between “knowledge” and “knowing.” 3. Recognize the importance of Nightingale’s legacy in relation to the development of nursing knowledge. 4. Analyze social circumstances and contexts that influence the development of nursing knowledge. 5. Describe current trends in nursing knowledge development. Individual participation Course Overview & Review Syllabus Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Patterns of Knowing Ch 1 1. Explain the concept of emancipatory knowing. 2. Analyze ways in which language Individual participation 9/59/10/23 SLO 1, 2 Module 2 9/11/9/17/23 Two discussion questions due Day 3 by 11:59 PM EST Response to one classmate by 11:59 PM EST on Day 7. History of Knowledge Development Pathways Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 2 Day 1-2: Post a short bio of 100200 words about yourself, your goals etc. Select a peer reviewed journal article about a nursing theorist that interests you. Include a few lines in your Bio about why this theorist interests you. 9/7/23: Last day (11:59 PM EST) to drop for 100% Refund. Emancipatory Knowledge Development Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 3 9/12/23: Last day (11:59 PM) to drop for 50% refund. 4 SLO 1, 3, reflects and creates ideologies and 4 systems of dominance and control. 3. Discuss the rationale underlying nursing’s concern for both care and justice. 4. Apply the processes of dialogue and justification in examining an ethical dilemma in practice. 5. Identify the concept of personal knowing in nursing. 6. Describe the significance of personal story and autobiography in the development of personal knowledge. 7. Explain the concept of self-inrelation. Two discussion questions due Day 3 by 11:59 PM EST. 1. Analyze the conceptual dimensions of “the 9/18art of nursing” as it 9/24/23 relates to various SLO 1, 2, definitions and perspectives. 4 2. Describe the processes of envisioning and rehearsing using narrative. Individual participation Module 3 Response to one classmate by 11:59 PM EST on Day 7. Two discussion questions due Day 3 by 11:59 PM EST. Response to one classmate Ethical Knowledge Development Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 4 Personal Knowledge Development Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 5 Aesthetic Knowledge Development Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 6 Empiric Knowledge Development Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 7 Nursing Philosophy Paper DUE 9/24/23 by 11:59 PM EST. 5 Module 4 9/2510/1/23 SLO 1, 3, 4 3. Compare various definitions of “theory.” 4. Analyze the conceptual meaning of “empiric.” 5. Describe the processes used to structure and contextualize theory. 1. Analyze the descriptive components of a selected theory. 2. Differentiate between description and critical reflection of a theory. 3. Compare theory-linked and isolated research. 4. Compare the distinctions between theorygenerating and theory-validating research. 5. Explain the processes for examining the soundness of theory-linked research. 6. Describe processes for determining if a theory should be applied in practice. 7. Examine methodologic approaches used to validate relationships and by 11:59 PM EST on Day 7. Meet in groups for group presentation. Individual Participation Two discussion Question due Day 3 by 11:59 PM EST. Response to one classmate by 11:59 PM EST on Day 7. Work on group presentations. Description & Critical Reflection of Empiric Theory Knowledge Authentication Using Research Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 8 Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 9 Integrated Expression of Knowledge in Practice Chinn, Kramer, & Sitzman: Ch 10 6 outcomes in practice. 1. Identify major premises of the perspectives of 10/2nursing as 10/8/23 presented by SLO 2, 3, Nightingale, Benner, and 4 Watson. 2. Discuss the contributions to the medical profession made by Nightingale, Benner, and Watson 3. Describe the influence of Nightingale, Benner, and Watson on nursing curriculum. 1. Examine how Module multidisciplinary 6 and nursing 10/9theories can be 10/15/23 used in advanced nursing practice, SLO 1, 2, research, 3, 4, 5 administration and education. 2. Critically analyze selected (nursing and interdisciplinary) theories. 3. Recognize the implications of multidisciplinary theories to nursing practice. 4. Identify key principles of selected multidisciplinary Module 5 Individual participation Two discussion questions due Day 3 by 11:59 PM EST. See NUR Theories of Selected Nursing 5001 Lib page and Theorists: electronic Nightingale course reserves. Watson Benner Response to one classmate by 11:59 PM EST on Day 7. Work on group presentations. Individual participation Work on group presentation. Respond to one classmate by Day 7 at 11:59 PM EST. Selected See NUR Multidisciplinary 5001 Lib Theories: page and electronic Organizational course Ethical reserves Learning Motivation 10/2/23: Last day to withdraw at 0%. 10/8/23 at 11:59 PM EST: Division of responsibilities for Theorist presentation assignment (group leader, list other members and their tasks etc) due. Email to faculty. Mini Assignment: Due 10/11/23 by 11:59 PM EST. Select an article for a multidisciplinary theory outside of nursing. Discuss its application to nursing (bedside practice, education, & administration). (Must respond to one of your peers) 7 theories as applied to teaching and learning. 5. Recommend theoretical knowledge to improve nursing administration, practice, education, and research 1. Demonstrate Module ability to use a 7 selected group of 10/16theories in the 10/22/23 design, delivery, and evaluation of SLO 1, 2, health care 3, 4, 5 utilizing a scholarly approach and critical thinking skills. 2. Evaluate the quality of nursing intervention, education or management in dealing with clinical and community-based populations using theoretical models, scientific methods and ethical and legal principles shared in class presentation and paper. 3. Examine knowledge development and evolution of nursing theories within a socialcultural context including the Group Presentations Application of Theory to Personal Nursing Practice Concept Analyses of selected clinically relevant concepts See NUR 5001 Lib page course reserve Concept paper due 10/18/23 by 11:59 PM EST. Nurse Theorist PPT due 10/22/23 EST 10/22/23: Last day of classes for Fall Session I 8 values and resources that have influenced nursing knowledge. 4. Examine how multidisciplinary and nursing theories can be used in advanced nursing practice, research, administration and education. NOTE: Each course module/week begins on Monday morning at 12:00 a.m. (EST) and ends on Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. (EST). COURSE EXPECTATIONS: Students are required to adhere to the same professional, legal and ethical standards of conduct online as on campus. In addition, students should conform to generally accepted standards of "netiquette" while sending e-mail, posting comments to the discussion board, and while participating in other means of communicating online. Specifically, students should refrain from inappropriate and/or offensive language, comments and actions. Chapter Reading assignments should be completed on the topics and the student should be prepared to post discussions. Sources should include two journal references per question in addition to the textbook. Full points are only earned if the student provides a thoughtful paragraph and response to another student in the course. Late discussion boards will be subject to a loss of 5 points per day. No submissions will be accepted after Sunday at 11:59 PM. Group Project Collaboration: You will be enrolled in a group project. You will be required to discuss and exchange information/research in order to develop and complete the work assignment. Students will analyze, reflect and synthesize the information and present the project to the class. Students will evaluate each group presentation. Late submission will be subject to a loss of 5 points per day. No assignment will be accepted after 3 days from scheduled due date unless prior arrangements have been made with the faculty prior to the assignment due date. Papers: Typed scholarly papers should be submitted though the module by the due date. The paper will automatically be submitted to Safe Assign to check the similarity index. The similarity index should be at 25%-30% or less. If similarity is higher than 30%, papers should be revised and resubmitted. This is a scholarly written paper and must follow APA style writing (APA, 7th edition). Include faculty name, course number, and date on cover page. All assignments must be typewritten, double-spaced, and proofread for errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. References should be within 10 years unless they are theories. 9 The introductory paragraph of each paper should contain background information on the topic, summarize the elements of the paper, and end with a purpose sentence (The purpose of the paper…). The summary should include a summary of the elements of the paper and the purpose. All papers must be submitted/reviewed through tutor.com prior to submission via the module in BB. To submit through Tutor.com-go to course tools and scroll down to tutor.com and then submit a paper. Failure to include the paper (with feedback) from tutor.com will result in a 5point deduction from the grade. Late papers are subject to a loss of 5 points per day for each day an assignment is overdue. No assignment will be accepted after 3 days from the scheduled due date unless prior arrangements have been made with the faculty prior to the assignment due date. ***Please be advised that both Safe Assign and Tutor.com should be considered to be helpful/useful resources that do not take away nor replace the student’s responsibility to submit a paper that is in alignment with the course requirements, as outlined elsewhere in this syllabus and in the Department of Nursing guidelines.*** What is SafeAssign: SafeAssign is a plagiarism detection tool that can help improve your writing and citation skills by providing feedback about the originality of your work. It identifies similarities between your written work and existing work of others. While we prefer you to have a similarity score of 25% or below, a higher score does not necessarily mean there is an issue. There are ways to prevent plagiarism: a) avoid cutting and pasting from other sources; b) use direct quotes sparingly; and c) rephrase or use your own words to express ideas from others. Deduct those that are 3% or less from your total as these are generally just word strings or commonly used phrases. Only revise the large block (percentages) of copied sections in your paper. Ignore scores related to citations and references. Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: The academic dishonesty policy is clearly spelled out in the WPUNJ handbook and all students are expected to comply. Plagiarism and collaboration with others when assignments are designedfor individual work will not be tolerated and is cause for failure, dismissal from nursing, or fromthe University. Some forms of academic dishonesty are collusion, fabrication, plagiarism, and submission of work written for other classes. Do not take, borrow or steal information from sources without citing them in your paper. Handing in another’s work or ideas as your own is stealing, no matter how small. Make sure your sources are listed on your reference page and in the body of the paper. All reference sources are to be appropriately cited using APA format. Plagiarism and collaboration with others when assignments are designed for individual work is not tolerated and is cause for failure. Please read the section on Academic Dishonesty in the WPUNJ Graduate Student Handbook. Some forms of academic dishonesty are collusion, fabrication, plagiarism, and submission of work written for other classes. Deliberately handing in another’s work or ideas as your own is stealing. You will be able to resubmit the assignment until the due date in order to revise any issues. 10 Please consider that it is not enough to be without the intention of plagiarism: one should consciously and actively work to avoid it. The following is the faculty’s policy on incorrectly cited material: If the citation is not implemented correctly (significantly), but the reference is included in the document, the problematic area will need to be rewritten before it is accepted for grading (there will still be some impact on the grade even with the rewrite). The student will also need to review the WP Academic Integrity Policy. Situations, which are more problematic in lack of citation, will be addressed on an individual basis according to the WP Academic Integrity policy (there will be a plan and contract made which will be shared with the program director and may be maintained in the student’s folder). See pp 10 -12 of the Nursing Graduate Programs Student Handbook of Policies and Procedures: WP Graduate Nursing Student Handbook of Policies and Procedures *The copyrighted material used in this course is used under the rubric of academic fair use. It is important to understand that this material should not be copied or disseminated outside of the course environment. Methods of Instruction: Online, discussion questions will be presented, readings assigned, and a synthesis of knowledge through presentations and written papers will be utilized to achieve course objectives. Lecture, audiovisuals, email and web sites will be presented. E-CULTURE POLICY: William Paterson University has adopted the University e-mail address as an official and only means of communication with students. Course communication, department requirements, registration, financial aid and scholarships, payment of bills and graduation information are sent through university email. Students are responsible to checking their e-mail regularly (at least every 24-48 hours) and respond appropriately using only WPU email. NETIQUETTE: Netiquette is the use of courtesy and politeness when communicating online. Careful crafting of your message is vital to avoiding misinterpretation in online communication. To communicate successfully in your online course: •avoid vague words, jargons, and sarcasm in your online messages •limit or eliminate the use of exclamation points, bolding, capital letters, and emoticons •change subject lines of email chains regularly •plan carefully who to CC on messages •edit meticulously For additional information on the 10 rules of netiquette, refer to the following: https://www.utep.edu/extendeduniversity/utepconnect/blog/october-2017/10-rules-of-netiquettefor-students.html 11 GRADING AND OTHER METHODS FOR ASSESSING STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: Note: *Expected grading turnaround time is 5-7 days.* Assignment Percentage Date due Discussion Questions (10 X 2.5 points): 25% weekly Day 3 initial DQ response; Day 7 for response to peer. Personal Philosophy of Nursing 15% 9/24/23 Mini Assignment: Multidisciplinary Theory Concept Analysis Paper Theorist Presentations 5% 25% 30% TOTAL 100% 10/11/23 10/18/23 10/22/23 (Division of responsibilities due 10/8/23) Graduate Program Grading Scale: Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CF Quality Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 0.0 Number Grade 93.51 - 100 89.51 - 93.50 86.51 - 89.50 83.51 - 86.50 79.51 - 83.50 76.51 - 79.50 73.51 - 76.50 69.51 – 73.50 Below 69.50 *Please note: If you no longer wish to attend classes, students must withdraw from the class within 10 days of the session or they will earn an F grade in the course. * SUPPORTING SERVICES: 1. Professor Renee Pevour: UH 214 Graduate Educational Support Program coordinator, email- PevourR@wpunj.edu. Phone #973-720-3516. Primarily, will review drafts of paper assignments. 2. Cheng Librarian: Linda Salvesen: Access Services Librarian – 973-720-3127. Email: SalvesenL@wpunj.edu 3. University Writing Center: 973-720-2633 for appointments and other Writing Resources. Students can make an appointment: https://wpunj.mywconline.com, or go to Preakness Hall 124. Purdue University's Online Writing Lab – link https://owl.purdue.edu/ It contains a wide selection of thoughtfully informative handouts and hyperlinks. 12 4. Accessibility Resource Center-The Mission of the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) is to assist students with documented disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations and services that ensures equal access to all programs, activities, and related benefits of the University’s educational and professional programs. Phone: 973-720-2853; Fax: 973-720-3293 Email: arc@wpunj.edu 5. Tutor.com-Helps students with Writing Assistance, both live and by submitting papers for review - 24/7. Free to WP students. They provide links to learning resources to assist with areas students may struggle in. Tutor.com is linked on the student Blackboard home page. It can be found at the bottom of the Tools menu on the left side of the screen. 6. Blackboard Help-For Blackboard related issues off-hours, the best path for support is to enter a Helpdesk ticket at www.wpunj.edu/helpdesk under the ticket category of Blackboard. For regular hours Help Desk information, etc.: https://www.wpunj.edu/it/ COURSE ASSIGNMENTS All paper assignments are to be submitted through the designated module (i.e. Philosophy paper through module 3) RUBRIC CRITERIA FOR DISCUSSION PARTICIPATION: Each student is to be prepared for class discussion. That means you are to be knowledgeable of the topics being discussed and you have contributed to the discussion demonstrating: Response to 2 discussion questions with original thought / contribution (perspective not previously posted). Must be posted on Day 3 by 11:59 PM EST. Must use APA format for citations and references and be free of grammatical errors. In the discussion development of thought is evidenced (full explanation, detail, insight; this usually requires a couple of paragraphs to accomplish) Must be substantive and include 2 peer reviewed journals (within 10 years) for each question for literature support in addition to textbook. Substantive response to posting of 1 other classmates. Must include at least 1 peer reviewed journal for literature support. Must be posted Day 7 by 11:59 PM EST. Total 40% 40% 20% 100% PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING PAPER: The purpose of this paper is to define, describe, and explain your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm and their interrelationship to one another as they guide your current nursing practice. Select a nursing theorist or theorists that closely identify with your nursing philosophy (no more than 2 theorists). The paper is to be typed according to APA format 7th Edition and should be 5-8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference list. The similarity index should not be more than 25-30%. See paper requirements under course expectations on pages 8-9. The references should be within 10 years except for theories. Please use the paper template listed with the assignment criteria in Module 3. The paper must be submitted/reviewed through tutor.com prior to submission via the module 13 in BB and the paper with comments from tutor.com must be uploaded. See evaluation criteria below: Rubric Criteria for Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper: 1. Introduction: Describe the personal factors that influenced the development of your philosophy, identify the purpose of the paper, and include an overview of the elements of the paper. 2. Define, describe, and explain your personal thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm (must be thorough) a. Person/client b. Environment c. Health d. Nursing e. Summarized interrelationship of the concepts 3. Identification and detailed overview of the nursing theorist(s) found to be the most compatible with the student's personal nursing philosophy (no more than 2 theorists). Include their definitions of the paradigm (should be thorough): a. Person/client b. Environment c. Health d. Nursing 4. Provide an explanation with 3 specific examples from your practice that demonstrates compatibility of personal philosophy with the nursing theorist(s) in #3aa 5. Summary and conclusion-include purpose, overview, and summary of the paper. 6. Tutor.com Feedback: Must include paper from tutor.com with suggested edits. 7. Organization, Grammar, 7th edition APA format. (Must include 2-3 peer reviewed journals minimum) Total 10% 25% 25% 15% 10% 5% 10% 100% CONCEPT ANALYSIS PAPER: Choose a concept relevant to your nursing practice. The selected concept should be broad. Please choose a concept from the following list: autonomy, compassion, advocacy, grief, resilience, comfort, stress, anxiety, self-care, fatigue, caring, or burnout. Any other concepts must be approved. Following the guidelines given in Chinn & Kramer [Chapter 7] or Walker and Avant, analyze the concept and develop a model case. The paper should not exceed 10-15 pages. The paper must be submitted through the assignment in Module 7. The Similarity index should not be more than 25-30%. References should be within 10 years except for theories. See paper requirements under course expectations on page 8. Please use the template provided in Module 7. The paper must be submitted/reviewed through tutor.com prior to submission with feedback from tutor.com included. Evaluation criteria are below: Rubric Criteria for Concept Analysis Paper: 1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. Discuss the meaning of the concept as used in 1 theory. Include an overview of the paper and the purpose of the paper. 10% 14 2. Incorporate relevant research on your concept that has been conducted. There should be 3 peer-reviewed articles summarized in detail in this section (Must be 1 paragraph each of about ½ page). 3. Significance of Concept to Nursing: Discuss the significance of the concept identified in # 1 to nursing. Include application to your area of practice. 4. Definitions: Provide definitions for the concept (minimum of 2 definitions) & other related terms (minimum of 2 definitions) in a paragraph format. This should include nursing/medical sources (i.e. peer-reviewed journals) as well as definitions from a dictionary. Need to describe and expand upon the antecedents and consequences (No lists or bullet points). 5. Development of Case: Develop a model case based on the attributes for the selected concept. Include a definition of a model case and explain how the scenario provided fits the model case. 6. Tentative criteria: Discuss and explain the attributes/criteria developed for concept. State clearly the operational definition (No lists or bullet points). 7. Summary and Conclusion: Summary of analysis. Must include the purpose and an overview of the elements of the paper in the conclusion. 8. Tutor.com Feedback: Must include paper from tutor.com with suggested edits. 9. Organization, clarity, logic, grammar, spelling, & 7th edition APA format. (Minimum of 3-4 journal references) Total 15% 10% 15% 10% 15% 10% 5% 10% 100% NURSE THEORIST POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: In your groups, choose 2 nursing theorists for analysis via PPT presentation. (Any theorist except for Benner, Watson, and Nightingale). Please include all the required elements for one theorist before the second theorist. Your presentation needs to include the following: Rubric Criteria: 1. Discuss two theorist’s backgrounds and paradigm reference (must be detailed). Why 15% were these theorists chosen? 2. List key points of theory and include concepts specific to each theorist (must be 20% thorough). 3. Applicability of theory to nursing practice- provide 2 examples (case study/scenario) 20% for each theorist. 4. Critique [evaluation] of theory following standardized format (Chinn et al.(2022) p. 20% 170-177). 5. Examples of 2 research questions for each theorist that could utilize this theory. 10% 6. Creativity of presentation (group participation, professional approach) 5% th 7. Organization, grammar, APA (7 Ed) format 10% Total 100% 15 RUBRIC CRITERIA: MULTIDISCIPLINARY THEORY (MINI ASSIGNMENT) Select an article for a multidisciplinary theory outside of nursing. Analyze and summarize the article with key points. Must include a scholarly reference (peer-reviewed journal) for that theory. Must be posted on Day 3 at 11:59 PM EST. Must use APA format for citations and references and free of grammatical errors. Recommend how this theory applies to nursing e.g. bedside practice, education, & administration. In the discussion, the development of thought is evident (full explanation, detail, insight). Literature support (2 peer-reviewed journals within 10 years) required. Substantive response to the post of one other classmate. Must include at least 1 peerreviewed journal reference for literature support. Must follow APA format for citations and references and must be free of grammatical errors. Must be posted on Day 7 at 11:59 PM TOTAL: Late online discussion postings will be subject to a late penalty of 5 points per day. No submissions will be accepted after Sunday night 11:59 PM. 40% 40% 20% 100%