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Rounding to the kth Decimal Place Exercises

Rounding to the kth decimal digit, or k decimal places (NOT k significant figures)
There are three types of rounding:
- rounding to the nearest,
- rounding down,
- rounding up.
Rounding to the NEAREST kth decimal digit – applies to both positive and negative
1. Discard the excess decimal digits after the kth one, but take note of the k+1st digit.
2. If the k+1st digit was 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, do nothing.
3. If the k+1st digit was 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, increase the kth digit by one.
Rounding DOWN to the kth
Rounding UP to the kth decimal
decimal digit
(pushing to the left on the
(pushing to the right on the
number line; the rounded
number line; the rounded number
number will be less than the
will be greater than the unrounded
unrounded number)
1. Discard the excess decimal
1. Discard the excess decimal
digits after the kth one.
digits after the kth one.
2. Do nothing else.
2. Increase the kth digit by one.
1. Discard the excess decimal
1. Discard the excess decimal
digits after the kth one.
digits after the kth one.
2. Increase the kth digit by one.
2. Do nothing else.
© 2022 Radha Bose Florida State University Department of Statistics
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Rounding to the kth decimal digit, or k decimal places (NOT k significant figures)
Round to the NEAREST
1st decimal place
2nd decimal place
3rd decimal place
4th decimal place
5th decimal place
Round DOWN to
an integer
1 decimal place
2 decimal places
3 decimal places
4 decimal places
5 decimal places
Round UP to
an integer
1 decimal place
2 decimal places
3 decimal places
4 decimal places
5 decimal places
© 2022 Radha Bose Florida State University Department of Statistics
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