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SISCAL Sweep Guide: Definitions, Roles, Procedures

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
SISCAL Sweep definitions .............................................................................................................................. 2
Policy SISCAL Sweep...................................................................................................................................... 3
SISCAL 534 Roles ........................................................................................................................................... 3
SISCAL Lab 4NG/4NH/4NP/4NV Roles ...................................................................................................... 3
Types of Sweep Assignments ........................................................................................................................ 4
Sweep Engineer............................................................................................................................................. 5
Pre-Sweep ................................................................................................................................................. 6
During Sweep ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Post Sweep ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Sweep Team Lead ...............................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Sweep Technician ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Report Cal Status Acronym ........................................................................................................................... 7
General Points ............................................................................................................................................... 8
In Brief and Out brief .................................................................................................................................... 9
In Brief ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Out Brief .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Sweep Emails Pre and Post ......................................................................................................................... 10
pre ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Post – Fi8nal ............................................................................................................................................ 10
“Calibration is the comparison of a measurement system or device of unverified accuracy with a
measurement system of known and greater accuracy to detect any deviation from required
performance specifications of the unverified measurement system or device.” NAVSEAINST
4734.1B para 5.C
Calibration is the verification of measurement accuracy of an instrument (with or without signal
chain) using a calibrated standard.
SISCAL Sweep definitions
Defined as Calibration Effort to perform calibration on Ship’s CRL Calibration Activity 2
instrumentations (includes sensors, signal chains, displays etc..) over one continuous
scheduled period. Some SISCAL lab may deviate from one continues time frame.
Scheduled as 10 or 15 working day Window for 4NG, 4NH, 4NV. 4NP will have separate
windows dependent on scheduling.
All calibrations performed on site/in place.
Split Sweep
Effort to perform Sweep but over two separate scheduled periods.
All calibrations performed on site/in place.
Request driven effort to perform calibration on instruments identified in a sweep as
NOT CALIBRATED. Typically to address various instruments left uncelebrated following a
Callback events for <100 instruments per AWR/2-kilos
SISCAL II events for 100+ instruemnts per AWR/2-Kilos
All calibrations performed on site/in place.
SISCAL Sweep teams are
4NG: based in Philadelphia, PA, Supports Surface and Carriers homeported in Norfolk,
San Diego, Mayport, Everett, Bremerton, Bahrain, Rota and CVN in Yokosuka., Japan.,
4NH: Based in Yokosuka Japan, Supports surface homeported in Yokosuka, Sasebo. Also
supports local Carrier for callbacks and Singapore for Surface callbacks.
4NP: based in Pearl Harbor, Hawai. Supports Surface homeported in Pearl Harbor
4NV: Based in Camp Pendleton, California. Supports LCACs homeported in ACU5.
CRL subset of Cal Activity 2 instruemnts
System calibration procedures (SCP)s
Policy SISCAL Sweep
Data sheets for SISCAL Sweeps and SISCAL IIs to be scanned and sent to SISCAL EA with sweep
reports for archived
Data sheets for SISCAL Sweeps and SISCAL IIs to be scanned and archived with sweep
reports on branch drive
SISCAL 534 Roles
534 Branch Manager – Responsible for personnel and financial management of NSWCPD code
SISCAL Engineering Agent (EA) – Responsible for technical decision making within the SISCAL
program, such as SCP and CRL development and maintenance.
534 Quality Manager – Responsible for developing and enforcing the Quality Management
Systems for code 534 activities, including 4NG.
534 Document Control Specialist - Responsible for SCP management for all ship classes.
Ship Class Manager – Responsible for technical decision making, CRL and SCP management for
their assigned ship class.
SISCAL Lab 4NG/4NH/4NP/4NV Roles
Sweep Engineer – Responsible for the overall operation and reporting or their assigned
SISCAL effort. Independent of ship class responsibility
Sweep team Technician – Performs physical calibrations in accordance with appropriate
4NG Lab Manager – Responsible for operation of 4NG calibration lab, and the execution
of 4NG calibration efforts.
Sweep Engineer – Responsible for the overall operation and reporting or their assigned
SISCAL effort. Independent of ship class responsibility
Fleet Scheduler – Coordinates with the fleet to create the schedule of SISCAL efforts.
CTR Program Manager - Responsible for personnel and financial management of
SAIC contractors for NSWCPD branch 534.
SAIC Logistician – Coordinates SAIC personnel assignments to SISCAL efforts.
SAIC Team Lead – Coordinates the daily operation of the SAIC technicians on their
SAIC Technician – Performs physical calibrations in accordance with appropriate
Types of Sweep Assignments
Sweep Engineer remains in Philadelphia but maintains contact with Team Lead to track
Sweep progress and provide guidance and communication with ship.
Sweep Engineer travels to location and manages the Sweep from onboard ship
May be treated as Remote sweep, overseen by the Ship Class Manger or Sweep
No Sweep Engineer need be assigned
Sweep Engineer/Team Lead
Need to maintain Situational Awareness during the Sweep
What has been calibrated? (system/equipment terms)
What has been rejected? (specific instruments)
What are the exceptions? (system/equipment terms)
What is remaining? (system/equipment terms)
What is SISCAL’s plan of the day/next day/visit? (system/equipment terms)
What support requirements are needed for remaining?
What support has the ship been unable to provide?
When Shipboard, Sweep Engineer should have this knowledge in real time
When Remote, Sweep Engineer should have this knowledge on a daily basis
Sweep technician should have this knowledge in real time
Sweep Engineer and Sweep technician should be in agreement in this knowledge
Maintain Inventory of Calibration Standards in use during sweep
Communicate any issues with Sweep Engineer as they occur
• Need for technical information
• Any procedure or datasheet discrepancies
• Problems with ship’s force support
Provide 534 Engineer and Ship with status updates on rejected and exception instruments
Sweep Technician
Perform Calibrations IAW provided SCPs
Record calibration results on data sheets
Return data sheets to Sweep Team Lead upon completion or at end of day
Report any issues to the Sweep Team Lead
Rejections or Exceptions to calibration
Need for additional technical support
Note any discrepancies in procedures and datasheets
Contact ship via email prior to sweep
Provide support requirements needed, Energized but NON operational.
Provide tentative schedule, daily list of equipment scheduled
CC the Sweep Lab Manager, SISCAL Ship Class manager/EA
Verify with SISCAL Ship Class Manager that Sweep team the latest SCPs
Assemble information for use on the Sweep
Sweep Macro file
Working CRL for ship (work with Ship class manager)
Possible? Working CRL for other hulls of the same class/configuration (work
with Ship class manager)
During Sweep
Maintain communication with Sp and Sweep team lead WRT Situational Awareness guidance
Perform in-brief/out-brief as requested (if shipboard)
Work with Sweep Team to set priorities for day/week/visit
Sweep Engineer has final say on priorities
Coordinating with Ship’s Force for Sweep Team support
Provide Sweep Team with additional technical guidance as required
Track any CRL Cal activity 2 adds/deletes/changes on both the MACRO file and your copy of the
ship’s working CRL
Coordinate with ship class manager for assistance with updates
4NG: Investigate any tech authority Add/Delete/Change requests and annotate your working
Document guidance provided for potential revision of SCP, using SCP change request
Inform class manager of findings
Communicate any issues with SISCAL Lab Manager as they occur
Need for technical information
Problems with ship’s force
Problems with sweep team
Review SCP data sheets and update Sweep Macro daily
Every Friday send SF/ SISCAL 534 POCs a status report with: %calibrated, %exceptions, a list of
rejects and a rundown of any major roadblocks (i.e. HPAC2 under maintenance, diesel
inspectors working on engine, unable to shift standby generator)
Post Sweep
Compile final reports and send to ship and SISCAL Lab manager
4NG: Archive data on 534 Branch Drive in SISCAL director, Sweep results
Coordinate with Ship class manager to ensure any CRL changes in Working CRL/MAcro
Update sweep dates and statuses in MCMS or MeasureWeb
Ship class manager will published via MCMS or MeasureWeb
within 5 working days after Sweep/Callback compltetyion
Have short debrief with SISCAL Lab Manager to discuss Sweep results
Report Cal Status Acronym
2A.1 In Tolerance - Able to hook up and perform calibration as directed by the procedure, all
test points came within tolerance on the first run.
2A.2 Adjusted - Able to hook up and perform calibration as dictated by the procedure, but one
or more parts of the signal chain had to be adjusted to bring all test points into tolerance.
2B Special Cal - Able to hook up and perform calibration as dictated by the procedure, but were
unable to verify signal calibration by SCP, therefore need to deviate by other means i.e. only
calibrating a certain range, single point verification, etc. Also used for radar TLIs where we do
not test the TLI mechanism and cannot call the TLI fully calibrated.
2C Calibrated/replaced - Able to hook up and perform calibration as directed by the procedure,
all test points came within tolerance after replacement/repair of instruments during initial
3A Rejected - Able to hook up and perform calibration as dictated by the procedure, but even
with available adjustments could not bring the test points into tolerance. The key difference
between Reject and any other of the exception statuses is that we were able to perform the
calibration but the results didn't come within our tolerances. Other Notes used to distinguish
ways we were hindered from performing the calibration.
3B Previous Reject - Part of the signal chain still bears the rejected sticker from a previous
calibration attempt.
3C Not Installed - Unable to hook up and perform calibration due to Instrument should be in
place but is not there, such as: panel meter removed from mounting, pressure transducer
removed, but gage line and cabling still in place.
3D Not done due to Ship's Operations - Unable to hook up and perform calibration due to Ship's
operations prevent testing, i.e. ship was running HPAC, LPAC or AC for the entire visit.
3E Not done at ship's request - Unable to hook up and perform calibration due to Ship's force
has formally requested we do not calibrate specific instruments. This is a rare one as normally
there is a previous request for ship to sign off on not performing the calibration.
3F Not done due to shipyard activity - Unable to hook up and perform calibration due to
Tagouts for outside activity prevents calibration. Examples include HPAC, LPAC, AC tagged out
for repair, Diver activity preventing shifting of equipment, or other maintenance activity.
3G Cannot Isolate - Unable to hook up and perform calibration due to Instrumentation cannot
be properly isolated or connected to perform test, such as leaking hoke or root valves on
pressure systems, damaged threading on pressure transducers, poor shorting switches inside
switchboards. This has also been used when pressure transducers or TLIs are mounted in places
which cannot be safely accessed after contacting SF for Assitance.
3H Out of Commission - Unable to hook up and perform calibration due to Instrument cannot
be calibrated due to non-functioning of equipment. Examples: No power to transducer, HPAC,
LPA, AC, etc. tagged out for reasons other than an outside activity.
General Points
Technical Issue chain of communication
• SAIC Technician -> SAIC Team Lead ->534 Engineer->Class Manager-> EA
SAIC General Issue chain of communication
• SAIC Technician -> SAIC Team Lead -> SAIC Program manager
4NG General Issue chain of communication
• SAIC Technician -> SAIC Team Lead ->534 Engineer->4NG Lab Manager -> 534
Branch Head AND EA
534 Engineer and SAIC Team Lead work together to achieve maximum items calibrated
534 Engineer has ultimate responsibility, and ultimate say during the sweep
534 Engineer decisions can be overridden by 4NG Lab manager
In Brief and Out brief
In Brief
In brief should have similar content and email sent before the sweep
• Time frame i.e. 10/4/21 to 10/15/21
• General support requirements
• Need equipment Energized and NON Operational
• All HMI display needs power
• For high voltage system (SWBD or EP monitor) it needs electrical isolation
and possibly live work authorization while we test it
• Equipment operation and Standby generator status will need to be
shifted as the SISCAL effort progresses
• No filling or transfers while we work on Tank Level Indicators
• Monitor diver activity
• Ask about potential interference
• Maintenance
• Inspection
• Drills
• Underway
• Events
• Schedule: Provide a general workflow of how the calibration will proceed. Use
template from Shipa class maamnger but may deviste if issue are known ahead
of time
Review In brief and Out Brief Notes document/Check Lists
Out Brief
Out brief and final email should contain similar information
• Final reports
• Break down of Calibrated and NOT Calibrated percentages
• List of NOT Calibrated instruments for Callbacks
• “Cheat Sheet” Version listing only rejected parts of the signal chain
• Note to submit an AWR for corrected exceptions to initiate a callback
Send AWR Guidance docuemnt
Draft Report status
Sweep Emails Pre and Post
-> EA Draft Email
CHENG, MPA - Surface
CHENG, MPA AIMD POC, AIMD chief/1st class – LHA/LHDs
SMM, AIMD POC, AIMD chief/1st class - CVNs
USS RUSSELL is scheduled for a SISCAL sweep during timeframe 6/18 to 6/29 2018.
Support requirements are as follows: (or as detailed in SISCAL Sweep Instrumentation system
distinct requirements document)
Need equipment Energized and NON Operational
Gas Turbines need to be tagged out IAW personnel entering the module.
Consoles and Engine controllers need to be online.
AC plants and compressors need to be offline with power to their controllers while under test.
A Live work chit is required for calibration of switchboard electrical meters, unless any of the
boards are powered down.
Enclosed is our recommend schedule with start on Monday with Arrival, Invbbrief and XX and
starting calibartions with power supplies and a few other preliminary checks, and then start on
whichever engine room is available to us with the goal of moving through all the gas turbines in
the course of the first week. The switchboard calibration will be tentatively planned for Tuesday
of the second week. Auxiliary equipment will be calibrated throughout as the equipment is
I will be traveling Monday, however the Sweep team will be onboard to load equipment and
begin the calibration checks. If necessary, I'll be available to in brief on Tuesday morning for
further clarification of our requirements.
I require DISS information for my travel visit request, if you could please forward this to the
appropriate security personnel or provide the SMO code and POC information that would be
most helpful.
Post – Final
CHENG, MPA - Surface
CHENG, MPA AIMD POC, AIMD chief/1st class – LHA/LHDs
SMM, AIMD POC, AIMD chief/1st class - CVNs
Attached are the reports from the SISCAL sweep of USS MAKIN ISLAND. Reports are as follows:
Status Final - Numerical totals of calibration statuses. Final result was 92% calibrated (1583 of
1715 CRL items).
Rejected- Items rejected
OOC- Items received out of commission, i.e no power at transducer, etc.
CNI - Cannot isolate- Items which could not be isolated, such as seized isolation valves,
corroded cannon plugs, etc. Also includes TLIs for which we could not find tank top
connections. WRT these connections, since returning to Philadelphia I have tracked down the
appropriate documentation to locate intermediate junction boxes in order to calibrate the
remaining TLIs, these can be accomplished during a callback visit.
With the exception of the TLI tank tops, the remaining issues we encountered were also on the
lists provided to CHENG, AIMD and the WC during the Sweep. When the issues are
rectified/resolved, an AWR can be submitted to schedule the calibration team come back and
calibrated those items. AWR guidance has been enclosed