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Practical Nursing Student Manual

PN Student Manual 1
Academic Integrity ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Academic Appeals and Consideration ......................................................................................................... 2
Academic Standing ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Admissions and Program Progression ......................................................................................................... 3
Student Code of Conduct ............................................................................................................................. 5
Attendance ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Evaluations & Testing ................................................................................................................................... 6
Professional Lab Attire ................................................................................................................................. 7
Lab Practice Opportunities .......................................................................................................................... 7
Student Signature of Agreement ................................................................................................................. 9
Appendices ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Appendix A – Photography/Video Waiver .............................................................................................. 10
Appendix B – Practical Nursing Program Map ...................................................................................... 11
Appendix C – Process for Repeating Students ...................................................................................... 12
Appendix D – Re-entry/Readmission Process ....................................................................................... 13
Appendix E – Student Learning Contract ............................................................................................... 14
Appendix F – Practical Nursing Exam Process ....................................................................................... 17
PN Student Manual 2
PART A – Important Sheridan Policies and
Every Sheridan student has a responsibility to be familiar with several important Academic
Policies and Procedures that may have a direct impact on students throughout their time in the
Practical Nursing Program. A full listing of Sheridan’s Academic Policies and Procedures can be
found via Access Sheridan.
NOTE: In order to view the files linked in the sections below, you will need to use your Sheridan
username and password to authenticate your identity when prompted.
Academic Integrity
All Sheridan students are expected to uphold the principles of academic integrity during their
academic and clinical studies. Students who breach academic integrity will be held accountable
and a sanction will be imposed. For example, students who breach academic integrity may
receive a warning, zero on their assignment or failure in the course. All students, who breach
academic integrity, will be required to complete the academic integrity remediation. It is
important to note that “not knowing” is not a valid reason for breaches of academic integrity. It
is your responsibility to understand the Academic Integrity policies and procedures and to ask
questions if you are not sure of the expectations.
The Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure can be found by clicking on the links
Academic Appeals and Consideration
Every Sheridan student has the right to appeal a final grade or academic decision. It is
important to note that this process would be the final step in a student’s quest to rectify a
situation that they deem to have been unfair or that warrants an alternate resolution.
Students are encouraged to speak with their professor first to determine if an alternate
resolution can be achieved prior to submitting an appeal. If a suitable resolution cannot be
reached, the student would then follow the steps outlined in the Academic Appeals and
Consideration Procedure document, linked here.
PN Student Manual 3
The Associate Dean overseeing the program will review and adjudicate all filed appeals, and
when appropriate, will contact the student to gather further information or to have a discussion
about the situation in question. Once the appeal has been submitted, the Associate Dean will
email the student with questions or the final decision.
All Sheridan students can gain support and guidance in the appeals process by visiting the
Sheridan Student Union (SSU) or Student Advisement in B230.
The Academic Appeals and Consideration Policy can be found by clicking on the link
Academic Standing
The Academic Standing Policy and Procedure speaks to the academic status that a student earns
each semester, as well as cumulatively throughout the program, according to their Grade Point
Average (GPA).
For information on the Grading System utilized at Sheridan College, and
on how to calculate your GPA, please follow the link provided below.
Grading System & GPA Calculation
It important to note that this Policy addresses what constitutes “Good Standing”, what triggers a
student to be placed on “Academic Probation”, and ultimately what results in a student being
“Suspended” from their program due to academic standing.
The Academic Standing Policy and Procedure can be found by clicking the links provided.
Admissions and Program Progression
The nursing program works on a pre-requisite model. Meaning, a student must be successful in
all courses of one semester before moving on to the next semester. If a student is unsuccessful
in a theory course, they must retake that course before progressing to the next semester
courses. They will also be enrolled in a Lab support module on SLATE to keep their nursing skills
current and be required to engage in lab practice hours for that semester. If a student is
unsuccessful in a Lab course (i.e. Lab, Clinical or Health Assessment), all lab courses must be
taken together, regardless of grade achieved, in the next term offering before progressing in the
PN Student Manual 4
The nursing program can be completed in as few as 16 consecutive months, or over the course
of 2 years. We also understand that there may be circumstances beyond a student’s control that
require them to temporarily step away from the program. Re-entry into the program will
depend on how long the student has been away from the program, and enrollment numbers.
Students who pause their studies, may be placed on a waitlist and may need to wait for the next
available spot. This could mean students are out of the program longer than expected. Please
see PN Process for Re-Entry/Readmission Process (Appendix C)
Students who need to withdraw from a course for any reason are advised to contact the
Program Academic Advisor as soon as possible to discuss the process and make a plan for
course re-enrollment. Please see the PN Process for Repeating Students (Appendix B)
Please see the following language from the Graduation Policy that refers to program
progression and re-entry:
4.6 Interrupted, Reduced and Part-time Studies
Students whose full or part-time studies are interrupted for two or more consecutive
terms will have their earned credits re-assessed against the current version of the
program of study at the time of re-starting the program. The time to complete for
interrupted Students will be re-aligned to begin at the point at which credits were
most recently assessed against the current version of the program. The Dean of the
Faculty or designated Associate Dean reserves the right to waive the requirements in
4.7 Program Completion Timelines Full-time Students
Students who register in a program full-time may extend the timeline to complete their
program requirements by twice the normal and original length of the program
without penalty or risk to credits earned toward their credential. Faculties reserve the
right to extend or limit times to complete any program to ensure relevant professional
or disciplinary standards for currency of knowledge are met at graduation. Faculties
also reserve the right to require upgrading or repeat of earned credits in all cases not
covered by the provisions to ensure relevant professional or disciplinary standards for
currency of knowledge are met at graduation. Students whose actual or projected date
to complete all requirements extends beyond twice the normal length of the program
will have earned credits re-assessed against the current version of the Program of
Instruction to ensure relevancy at the time of graduation from the program. If in the
course of the student’s residency, changes to the time limits are made by the Faculty,
the more favorable of the two time limits will be applied.
Please refer to the Admissions Policy linked here for more details.
PN Student Manual 5
Student Code of Conduct
Sheridan expects that students’ act responsibly and conduct themselves professionally while
showing respect for the Sheridan community. Furthermore, students represent Sheridan when
they engage in clinical placements and are expected to act respectfully and professionally.
There is no tolerance for disrespectful, harmful, or unprofessional behaviors and students are
expected to understand the student code of conduct.
The Student Code of Conduct clearly outlines these expectations and describes the rights and
responsibilities of every Sheridan student. It also addresses the potential consequences that
would follow deviation from these.
The Student Code of Conduct can be found by clicking on the link provided.
PART B – Expectations of Students in Lab
Lab courses are an integral part of the Practical Nursing curriculum and is considered an
extension of the practice environment. These skills-based courses provide students with the
opportunity for hands-on learning, translation of theory-based knowledge into practice and for
the development of problem solving and critical thinking skills. The learning environment in the
lab is different from that of a traditional classroom, and with this, students should be aware of
specific expectations and procedures associated with their lab classes.
As noted above, Lab courses allow students to learn and practice their hands-on nursing skills
that are an essential component of nursing. In addition, this is the space where students will
begin to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in other courses to the realities of clinical
With this, attendance is mandatory in ALL Lab classes. Absence from a Lab class will result in the
1. Students will be required to make-up the missed hours during scheduled lab practice time
before the next major evaluation (midterm or final); failure to complete missed lab hours will
result in the student being unsuccessful in the course. These hours are not part of the
mandatory practice hours.
PN Student Manual 6
2. Students will be responsible to ensure that the specific skills missed are learned and practiced
correctly prior to the next major evaluation (midterm or final)
3. Any missed evaluations will be assigned a mark of zero (0) without the option for a make-up.
NOTE: Failure to remain for the duration of a Lab class will result in a mark of zero (0) being
assigned on the pre-lab quiz associated with that class.
Absence from two Lab classes will result in the student being placed on a Learning Contract
(Appendix D) by their Lab Instructor. Failure of the student to follow-up on the terms of the
assigned Learning Contract will jeopardize their success in the Lab course.
Evaluations & Testing
Students are required to know when they have tests and evaluations in the Lab. Additionally,
students are expected to read and follow the Lab Testing Procedures as outlined in the Lab
Testing and Procedures Process (please refer to your Lab SLATE site for the document).
Students requiring academic accommodations MUST speak directly with their Lab
Instructor no less than 1 week in advance of the evaluation in order discuss the
required accommodations. (Please refer to the Academic Accommodation
Punctuality for the selected time/day of testing is expected of every student. Students that
show up late for their testing block will NOT be granted the opportunity of a make- up test, and
will be assigned a mark of zero (0) as per the Lab Testing Process:
“Students must write all tests at the specified times. Missed tests are awarded a mark of
zero. If an extension or make-up opportunity is approved by the professor as outlined
below, the mark of zero may be revised by subsequent performance.”
“Students who miss a test due to exceptional circumstances are required to notify their
professor in advance of the class whenever possible (via e-mail only). A make-up test
may be supplied for students who provide an acceptable explanation of their absence. All
make-up tests are to be written at a time and place agreed to by the professor and the
student upon the student’s return”
Students that fail to attend their selected testing time without properly informing their Lab
Instructor (via email BEFORE the time of the testing) will be assigned a mark of zero (0) on that
Lab evaluation and will not be granted the opportunity for a make-up test.
PN Student Manual 7
Professional Lab Attire
All students attending Lab classes, Lab testing and Lab practice sessions must follow the
guidelines (below) related to professional Lab attire. As noted above, the Lab provides students
with the opportunity to learn and refine their skills such that they are prepared for entering the
clinical environment in a safe and competent way.
With this, the expectation is that professional attire that meets health and safety standards in
the clinical setting is mirrored in the Lab setting.
The following points must be adhered to:
Clean scrubs & closed toe/heel shoes must be worn in the Laboratory at all times;
Toques, ball caps & neck scarves must not be worn in the Lab and should be left in the
student’s locker or backpack outside of the Lab space;
Low-cut tops or tops that expose the midriff are not permitted;
Pajama bottoms are not permitted – Proper medical scrub pants are;
Undergarments should not be visible at any time;
Long hair should be tied back, away from the face;
Jewelry that is large or dangling (such as large hoop earrings) are not permitted.
Failure to follow the requirements for professional lab attire will result in the student being
asked to leave the lab space until they can meet the requirements as mentioned above.
Students will have to make up any missed lab-time.
Lab Practice Opportunities
One of the biggest challenges that nursing students face is the ability to translate their
theoretical knowledge into safe and competent clinical practice. The Lab courses in the Practical
Nursing program have been designed to provide students with the opportunity to be introduced
to the many critical skills required in the clinical setting.
For students to ensure their success in the lab setting, it is essential that students engage in the
practice of these skills outside of their lab class time. Through repetitive practice, students will
translate their theoretical knowledge of the skill with the practical and working knowledge of
the skills introduced in their lab classes.
The ONLY way for students to gain confidence, establish critical thinking abilities and
ultimately “perfect” their skills is through PRACTICE.
Lab space will be made available to students throughout the semester with time blocked
specifically for the practice of lab skills. The Lab Practice schedule will be posted throughout the
PN Student Manual 8
semester so that students can access as much practice time as needed. Each Lab course will
have its own requirements for Lab practice – This will be reviewed at the start of each term. A
Lab Technician will be available during all the posted practice times and is there to help support
and guide the students. The Lab Technicians are also there to answer any questions that
students might have about the skills they are learning; however, they are not able to teach new
It is the responsibility of the student to maintain the ongoing record of their Lab practice
hours and to have them appropriately signed off by the supervising Lab Technicians
throughout the semester.
NOTE: A great saying to keep in mind is “Practice makes PERMANENT”… Which is great if you
have been practicing skills properly. But, if a student chooses to practice outside of the Lab
environment, or without the guidance of the Lab Technicians, this could result in the
establishment of bad habits and incorrect skill acquisition. With this, students are encouraged
to make use of the Lab Technicians present during practice hours, and to limit practice outside
of the Lab while they are solidifying their skillset.
PN Student Manual 9
Student Signature of Agreement
Practical Nursing Program
I, ________________________________________ (print name) have read the Sheridan College
Practical Nursing Student Manual in its entirety and agree to the expectations, responsibilities
and conditions outlined.
Signature of Student: ________________________________
Date Signed: ________________________________________
This page is to be submitted to the Lab Instructor during the second Lab Class for record
that the manual has been read and agreed to by the student.
PN Student Manual 10
Appendix A – Photography/Video Waiver
I voluntarily agree to allow Sheridan College’s Practical Nursing Program to use the
photographs/video taken of myself, by the College and its agents, or persons retained
to act on the College’s behalf, for the purposes of education and evaluation.
I will receive no compensation for my participation.
I agree that I will release, hold harmless, and indemnify Sheridan College’s Practical
Nursing Program and their successors, assigns, agents, employees, directors, and
officers from any responsibility or liability.
I hereby accept the terms and conditions outlined above.
I have fully read this agreement/release and understand its contents.
Last Name: ___________________________________________________________________
First Name: __________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
Appendix B – Practical Nursing Program Map
Practical Nursing (PPNSG) Program Map
Term 4
The Realities Of
Lab 4
General Education
CR: NURS29798
CR: NURS20065
Term 3
PR: All Term 1, 2, 3
PR: All Term 1, 2, 3
Hrs: 28 / Cr: 2.0
Issues & Trends In
Nursing & Health
Hrs: 450 / Cr: 14.0
Nursing Care 2
PR: All Term 1, 2, 3
Hrs: 14 / Cr: 1.0
Family Care Nursing
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Mental Health
Term 2
PR: All Term 2
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Health Assessment
PR: All Term 2
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Nursing Care 1
CR: NURS10082
CR: NURS27721
Term 1
PR: All Term 2
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Human Anatomy &
Physiology For
Nurses 2
PR: All Term 2
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Pharmacology For
Nursing Clinical 3
Lab 3
CR: NURS28263
CR: NURS24717
PR: All Term 2
Hrs: 168 / Cr: 6.0
Nursing Clinical 2
GPA Training
PR: All Term 2
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Lab 2
CR: NURS10082
CR: NURS17271
PR: All Term 1
PR: All Term 1
PR: All Term 1
PR: All Term 1
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
The Self & The
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Fundamentals Of
Practical Nursing
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Human Anatomy &
Physiology For
Nurses 1
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Mathematics For
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
PR: All Term 1
Hrs: 168 / Cr: 6.0
Human Growth &
Through The
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
General Education
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
General Education
CR: NURS27721
CR: NURS17271
PR: All Term 1
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Lab 1
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Hrs: 57 / Cr: 4.0
Hrs: 42 / Cr: 3.0
Appendix C – Process for Repeating Students
Current students who
need to retake their failed
course(s) from their
Student needs to contact
program academic advisor as
soon as the course grades are
released and before the start of
the semester. Students are
responsible for viewing their
grades and reaching out the
advisor for their next steps in a
timely manner.
Academic advisor provides
information about
enrollment process and add
student's name to the
The infomation can include:
- Advice about next steps
- Overall view of the process
- Answers to any questions
The following must be
completed for a spot to be
considered for the student:
The following ONLY applies to
students who need to repeat
theory course(s):
- The student pays deposit on
time following the instruction
provided by the Registrar.
Program coordinator provides
information about Learning
Module and adds the student to
SLATE virtual community(VC)
once the student is enrolled. The
student is required to submit
their completed Learning Module
along with the required lab
practice hours during the
The student must contact
the academic advisor to
express their interest in
readmission (to their regular
semester) before week 7
during the repeating
semester so that
information about the
upcoming semester can be
shared with the student to
help them prepare.
*** Enrollment or course registration is based on a first come, first serve and depends on space availability; it is not guaranteed.
Appendix D – Re-entry/Readmission Process
Students who are away for ≥ 2
semesters, but less than two
Student's re-entry/readmission is
subject to review by the program
Assosciate Dean.
Student needs to contact
program academic advisor or
program coordinator at least 9
weeks before the start of the
Academic advisor provides
information about the process and
add student's name to the
readmission waitlist.
The infomation can include:
- Clinical Requirements/Documents
- Overall view of the process
Program coordinator provides
information about Learning
Module and adds the student to
SLATE virtual community (VC).
The following must be completed for a spot to
be considered for the student:
1. Student must submit their completed work
for the Learning Module to SLATE VC six weeks
before the start of the semester.
2. Student has all the up-to-date clinical
documents and must upload them to the
required verification platform six weeks before
the start of the semester.
*** Re-entry/readmission is based on a first come, first-serve and depends on space availability; it is not guaranteed.
Appendix E – Student Learning Contract
Students who are away for ≥ 2 semesters (but
less than two years), and they need to retake
their failed course(s). Student's reentry/readmission is subject to review by the
program Assosciate Dean.
Student needs to contact
program academic advisor or
program coordinator at least 9
weeks before the start of the
Academic advisor provides information about
the process and add student's name to the
readmission waitlist.
The infomation can include:
Program coordinator provides
information about Learning Module
and adds the student to SLATE
virtual community (VC).
- Clinical Requirements/Documents
The following must be completed for a spot to be
considered for the student (ANY Students):
- Student must submit their completed work for the
Learning Module to SLATE VC six weeks before the
start of the semester.
The following ONLY applies to students who need to
repeat any clinical course:
- Overall view of the process
- Student has all the up-to-date clinical documents and
must upload them to the required verification platform
six weeks before the start of the semester.
Skill Test
- Once the student is enrolled, the student who must repeat any lab course does
not need to complete a skill test. However, the student who needs to repeat
theory course(s) except lab is required to complete a skill test in week 4. The
student will be given feedback about their performance for improvement.
*** Re-entry/readmission is based on a first-come, first-serve and depends on space availability; it is not guaranteed.
School of Nursing
Student Learning Contract
Student name: ____________________________________________________
Student number: __________________________________________________
Employee name: __________________________________________________
Date of contract: ___________________________________________________
Follow-up meeting date: _____________________________________________
1. Brief description of the challenge(s):
2. Strategies for success
3. Other general requirements or comments:
I, _____________________________ acknowledge that if I am not able to meet the
course requirements and learning outcomes that I will not be successful in the course.
Course requirements include, but not limited to, professionalism, accountability, and
attendance. Please refer to the PN Student Manual for more information on course
4. Signatures:
Student Signature
Date: ______________________
Student Name (Printed)
Employee Signature
Employee Name (Printed)
Date: ______________________
Appendix F – Practical Nursing Exam Process
Practical Nursing Exam Process
The purpose of this document is to provide transparent communication regarding the
expectations of students, staff and faculty during testing. Each individual is responsible for
reading and understanding this document.
Test Schedule
Tests will be scheduled within the regular class
All mid-term and final exams will be scheduled at the beginning of the semester. It is
the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are aware of testing dates and
Students requiring accommodations are encouraged to book all exams and tests as
soon as possible in the semester to ensure that they are writing the exam on the
same dates and time as it is scheduled in class.
All requests to use accommodations for testing must be received by the instructor
NO LESS than 1 week prior to the scheduled test
Late Arrival or Missed Exam
All students are expected to arrive at the specified time
There is a grace period of 30 minutes from the start of the exam where students can
enter the exam room. Students who arrive late will not receive additional time.
Students who are not able to make their scheduled exam are required to notify their
faculty as soon as possible and may be asked to provide documentation to support
their reason(s) for being absent (e.g. doctors note).
If a student arrives after the first 30 minutes, this will be considered a ‘missed test’
and subject to the FAHCS test and Assignment Protocol, which states:
o “Students must write all tests at the specified times. Missed tests are awarded a
mark of zero. If an extension or make-up opportunity is approved by the
professor as outlined below, the mark of zero may be revised by subsequent
o “Students who miss a test due to exceptional circumstances are required to
notify their professor in advance of the class whenever possible (via e-mail only).
A make-up test may be supplied for students who provide an acceptable
explanation of their absence. All make-up tests are to be written at a time and
place agreed to by the professor and the student upon the student’s return”.
Examples of unacceptable reasons for a missed exam include, but are not limited to:
Mis-reading the schedule
Difficulties with parking and/or traffic
Examples of acceptable reasons for a missed exam include, but are not limited to:
Unexpected emergencies
Illness or health related situations
Events outside of the student’s control
Re-scheduling missed exams
Next steps:
Students who are late to or miss their test have the opportunity to e-mail the faculty to
explain why they were not present for their scheduled exam. Students may be requested
to provide appropriate documentation to support their reason for missing the exam (ie:
doctor’s note, death certificate)
The faculty will then determine whether the test can be re-scheduled based on the
rationale provided. This is on a case-by-case basis
If a make-up test is granted:
The student will be notified by the faculty
Students should then let the faculty know their availability to be re-scheduled
The faculty will connect with the lab coordinator to arrange a mutually convenient time
to re-schedule.
The faculty will then reach out to confirm the date/time for the re-test with the student
Students may be tested using an alternate version of the exam
3.0 - Testing Room Expectations
Test Room Setup
Whenever possible, the instructor will attend the testing room prior to the exam to set
up the room
Students are not to be in the room during set up
Where used, Exam and scantron sheets will be placed on desks, ensuring adequate
spacing between students to support Academic Integrity
All test booklets will be placed face up on the desk with a scantron sheet
The whiteboard in the classroom will be set up so as to identify the time the test started,
how many minutes are remaining and what time the test is finished at.
Entering the Testing Room
• Students are not to enter the testing room until asked to do so by the instructor.
Upon entering the test room, students are expected to:
• Remove all equipment needed for the test (i.e, writing utensils, erasers,
OneCard/Government ID, laptop, etc.)
Water bottles and other drinks are permitted, however, they must be inspected by the
instructor/proctor to ensure there is no evidence of a breach of Academic Integrity
Place all other belongings in their bags.
o Bag to be placed in the designated spot in the classroom.
All mobile devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, Smart watches etc. are to be
turned off and left in the bag, as per the Academic Integrity Policy
All hats, scarves, headphones, air pods, ear buds etc., are to be removed and placed in
the student’s bag. This excludes head coverings for religious purposes.
o If students fail to follow these directions (i.e. found to be with a phone on their
person/at their desk), they will be asked to leave and could receive a zero (0) on
their exam
o Students will have the opportunity to follow-up with the faculty via email to
discuss the situation
Students waiting for an emergent and/or time sensitive phone call can communicate this
to the instructor, and accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis
Assigned seating may be used in exams to support Academic Integrity
During the test:
Students are not permitted to talk to each other during the test. If a student is found
conversing with another student, they will be asked to leave the test and may receive a
mark of zero on the test.
Where exams are completed online, in class, LockDown browser is to be used
If a student has a question, they must raise their hand and wait for the instructor to
come over to them.
Students must place their OneCard/Government ID on their desk for verification by the
No student shall leave the testing room for the first 30 minutes of the test. During this
time, any student who was late will have the opportunity to enter the room, with NO
additional time given due to lateness.
After 30 minutes, students may leave the room when they have finished the test. Once a
student completes the test and leaves the room, no other students will be allowed to
enter the room to start the test.
o Where exams are written online in class, once a student has completed the
exam, the student must raise their hand and submit the completed exam in the
presence of the instructor or proctor.
No student is allowed to leave the testing room 15 minutes before the end of the testing
time. Students who finish with 15 or less minutes remaining must wait in their seat for
the exam to finish.
There are no in and out privileges during the exam.
Leaving the exam room:
Students are to collect their bags and belongings from the designated space and take
these with them.
Students who have a class following their exam are still required to leave the after their
exam and return for the start of their class time.