Uploaded by Лидия Колева

I am sorry

“I am sorry”
We all do or have done some mistakes which hurt another person. Apology can often be the first
step to better understanding in a damaged relationship. It says that we share values regarding
appropriate behavior towards each other. Apologizing should be from our heart, not logically or
reluctantly from our mind. A “sorry” should express a true sorrow on our part for hurting someone.
It should be an expression of the humility of our character and a way to reconnect with the person
we have wronged.
Forgiveness is the key to allow the emotional reunion between two people who have emotionally
distanced a bit as a result of a bad event. Saying “I’m sorry” is not just about admitting who is right
or who is wrong but about acknowledging when a wrong is perceived and empathizing with feeling
hurt. Apology opens the door to forgiveness by allowing us to have empathy for the wrongdoer.
When we are truly sorry, it lets us realize our errors and our shortcomings. What is more, it makes us
feel emotionally satisfied and at peace. Why we are sorry is because we respect the other person’s
feelings, want to keep our connection and also to continue the friendliness.
On the other hand, sometimes the only word “Sorry” is not enough. Just regretting the incident,
does not actually mean an apology. “Sorry” comes out to be one of the hardest words to pronounce.
By excusing, we first show that we care about other person’s feelings and then that we have
analyzed our action and realized our mistake. Actually, the two simple words, “I’m sorry” can result
in such hard feelings to vanish – depending on how this expression comes out - it could be a matter
of accepting responsibility, and not to lay blame on someone else. Quite often, these words are said
without it being a heart-felt apology – without sincerity and any humility. Apologies communicate
the messages “I respect you” and “I recognize that you are a human being with feelings” without
actually using those words.
Nobody in this world is perfect and as we move forward in this era of self-knowledge and selfdiscovery, it is vital to acquire the ability to recognize our own mistakes. The ability to apologize is a
manifestation of strength and conscience. We don’t have to feel weak. It's easier to hide and
procrastinate, it's harder to face the problem head on.
Lidia Koleva