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Male Multiple Orgasm The Ultimate Guide on Becoming a Multi-Orgasmic Man

Male Multiple Orgasm (MMO) The Ultimate Guide
on Becoming a Multi-Orgasmic Man All rights reserved.
Otherworld Publishing
Copyright © 2014
Disclaimer There’s no guarantee that these exercises will give you the expected results. Keep in
mind every person’s body is different and that there are certain routines which may work for some and not
so much for others. It’s a matter of trial and error on your part and through this process, you should be
aware of the risks. Failure on your first, second or even third attempt is a part of the learning process and
should not be considered as a demotivator. This book serves as your guide and will possibly help you come
up with a routine that will work best for you. This books contains warnings and will not be held responsible
for anyone hurting themselves in any way.
Contents The Basics
What Does Multiple Orgasm Mean?
Ejaculation Versus Orgasm
Why Bother?
Multiple orgasms feel amazing!
Say goodbye to premature ejaculation
Be more confident than ever!
Longer sex is healthier
Male’s Sexual Arousal: Physically and Psychological
Excitement Phase
Plateau Phase
Orgasm Phase
Point Of No Return (PONR)
Resolution Phase
Different Types of Male Orgasms
Wave Orgasms or Rolling Orgasms
Whole Body Orgasms
Quick Tips for Multiple Orgasms
The Muscles of the Pelvis and Perineum
Pelvic Muscles
Perineal Muscles
Locating the Muscles
Kegel Movements
The Kegel
The Reverse Kegel
The Back Kegel
The Reverse Back Kegel
Pelvis Lift Variation
Routine and Exercises
Crescendo Kegel
Back Crescendo Kegel
Kegel Hold
3-point Kegel Hold
Triple Level Kegel Hold
Towel Lift
Sine Wave Hold
Combo Hold
Super Combo Kegel
Super Combo Kegel Hold
Reverse Kegels
The Front Reverse Kegel
The Back Reverse Kegel
Tips When Doing Reverse Kegels
Reverse Kegel Exercises
Front Reverse Kegel
Reverse Back Kegel
Reverse Kegel Hold
Reverse Kegel Breathing
3-Point Reverse Kegel
Designing a Routine That Suits You
Identify the Areas of Concern
Finding the Correct Ratio
How To Edge
Benefits of Ballooning
How ballooning is done
Dry Orgasm
Types of Orgasms (in relation to DO)
Bad dry orgasms
Good dry orgasms
Learning to Dry Orgasm: The Three Aspects
Learning to Dry Orgasm: Technique
Learning to Dry Orgasm: Timing
Practicing Your Timing
Learning to Dry Orgasm: After The DO
Frequently asked questions
The Basics
Multiple orgasm is commonly associated with women and is regarded to be a
fact however with men, there are still a number of confusions that make it hard
to distinguish myths from facts and make people think “Are men really capable
of multiple orgasm?” For us to have a clearer answer to this question, let’s go
into the details of it one by one, starting with the basics.
What Does Multiple Orgasm Mean?
Particularly in men, multiple orgasm, as the term suggests, refers to having
several orgasms in a single erection or in other words, without losing one’s
sexual arousal between orgasms. This can be that there is some time between
orgasms, but it can also be that they are consecutive orgasms, occurring one after
the other without gaps.
The concept of multiple orgasms, isn’t that hard but there’s a lot to learn before
one could fully understand it. However, the hardest part of it, is putting this
learned information into practice. For this, I think learning how to achieve
multiple orgasms needs to be tackled step-by-step.
Ejaculation Versus Orgasm
The orgasm, also known as climax, is the peak of sexual excitement which may
be accompanied by a series of involuntary muscle contractions of the genitals
and ejaculation of the semen in males. On the other hand, ejaculation is simply
the act of expelling the semen from the male urethra.
Usually, men have this common misconception that ejaculation and orgasm are
the same process and that these terms are interchangeable. Well in fact, these are
separate processes which mean one can occur without the other but for most
cases, these occur at the same time.
Why Bother?
Why bother with all these exercises & becoming a multi-orgasmic man? It’s
because of the following reasons.
Multiple orgasms feel amazing!
Orgasms make a man feel good. So, having multiple of it can give you a feeling
of intense pleasure, satisfaction and can even become euphoric.
Say goodbye to premature ejaculation
Aside from the pleasure you are getting from having multiple orgasms, it can
also benefit your partner by being able to last as long as you want. This can as
well satisfy your partner and this can sometimes be a factor in having a stronger
relationship. Couples which share multiple orgasms can reduce chances of your
partner committing adultery obviously because you are able to satisfy your
partner more completely.
Be more confident than ever!
Being a multi-orgasmic man can also build your confidence. Knowing that you
are able to please your partner or any woman better than any other guys out there
is a great feeling. Your ability to achieve multiple orgasms is considered as an
edge against other guys. Remember that psychic elements can influence your
sexual activity so the lack of self confidence can even worsen your condition
while having a good self confidence can enhance sexual activity.
Longer sex is healthier
Sex is also considered an exercise. Thirty minutes of sex can burn at least 85
calories. Since MMO prolongs sex, you can definitely burn a lot of calories.
Other than the fact that it can help your burn calories, it can improve heart health
as it lowers blood pressure and can reduce stress levels.
Male’s Sexual Arousal:
Physically and Psychological
During sexual activities, our bodies undergo several changes, physically and
psychological. A short overview of these changes will be presented in the
context of the different phases of sexual arousal particularly in males.
Excitement Phase
First is the arousal or the excitement phase. To avoid confusions, we’ll use the
latter, excitement phase. In male, this phase is most obviously characterized by
penile erection which may be caused by either physical elements such as kissing
or direct stimulation or psychological elements such as sexual dreams and
thoughts. When the body is subjected to these sexual stimulations, certain
excitatory signals from the brain cause bodily changes. The penile tissues
become filled with blood thus the penis enlarges and becomes harder. In addition
the testes, just like the penis, may also increase in size and may be slightly
elevated in this phase. Aside from these changes, breathing also becomes more
rapid, heart rate and blood pressure will also rise, there may also be an increase
in muscle tension and nipple erection though this may vary for some men.
Plateau Phase
On the second phase, known as the plateau phase, the same changes from the
previous phase are experienced however, these are intensified and maintained at
a certain level with continued sexual stimulation. The penis, for instance,
becomes firmer and skin color may also darken. A clear, viscous fluid or better
known as pre-ejaculate secreted by the Cowper’s or bulbourethral glands may
also start to come out from the penis. This pre-ejaculate prepares the urethra
such that it’s well lubricated for efficient passage of the sperm as well as
eliminates foreign substances and traces of urine and sperm within the urethra.
The testes may continue to increase in size and are drawn more closely to the
abdomen. Heart rate and blood pressure continue to shoot up and muscle tension
becomes intensified.
Orgasm Phase
The next phase is known as the orgasm or climax. In this phase, a series of
spasms are felt not only in the sexual organs but throughout the body. The body
also flushes and heavy breathing occurs. These involuntary muscle contractions
may lead to ejaculation, however this may only be true for some. It is possible
that men can delay ejaculation and have multiple orgasms of course with the aid
of certain exercises such as kegels which will be further discussed later and also
its relation to the pelvic and perineal muscles. One common technique in
preventing ejaculation and have multiple orgasms include squeezing of the
Point Of No Return (PONR)
The Point Of No Return (PONR) is sometimes also called “ejaculatory
inevitability”. This describes a certain phenomenon in man wherein he has
already reached the peak of his sexual excitement and ejaculation has become
inevitable. In this so-called phenomenon, the body prepares itself for ejaculation
as the prostate and seminal vesicles start to contract, moving the semen toward
the urethral bulb, ready for expulsion through the urethra. At the same time, the
bladder sphincter closes to prevent outflow of the urine and the inflow of semen
to the bladder.
Resolution Phase
The fourth and last phase of the sexual cycle is the resolution phase.
Immediately after an orgasm, men experience a refractory period. During this
period, the body starts to shift from an excited state to the unexcited state which
means that further sexual stimulation during this period will not trigger another
erection or orgasm. The refractory period vary among individuals and has been
found to be proportional with age, lasting for a couple of minutes in young males
while hours and even days for older males. In females, the refractory period
occurs rapidly that their bodies are capable of reverting back to the orgasm phase
when further sexually stimulated and for this reason, having multiple orgasms is
a lot easier for females than for males. During the resolution phase the body
diverts back to its normal state gradually. The penis starts to become flaccid,
testes regain its normal size and may descend back to its normal position. The
rate of breathing, blood pressure and heart rates normalizes and muscle tension
slowly decreases and finally becomes fully relaxed. At this phase, the person
somehow feels a certain level of satisfaction and might feel drained at the same
Different Types of Male Orgasms
Wave Orgasms or Rolling Orgasms
There are two types of wave orgasms, the soft wave and the hard wave orgasm.
Wave orgasms are also called rolling orgasms. These types of orgasms are
consecutive waves-like orgasms of which the greater intensity is felt in the
pelvic area.
Soft wave orgasms can be described as the pleasurable waves right before you’re
about to ejaculate or have a dry orgasm (more about dry orgasms later) and
having these waves one after the other, often during edging. Sometimes people
don’t realize they are having these orgasms because they feel a lot less intense
then normal orgasms. Some argue whether or not these types of spasms can even
be considered orgasms. But they are pleasurable nonetheless.
Hard wave orgasms are basically series of consecutive dry orgasms. As the name
suggests hard wave orgasms are a lot more intense than soft wave orgasms,
intensity is more similar to regular orgasms but a succession of them which
means very a long intense pleasure.
Whole Body Orgasms
Whole body orgasms are comparable with the female G-spot orgasms. In both
cases intense pleasurable waves will be felt through your whole body, unlike
regular and wave orgasms which are mainly felt in the pelvic area. This often
results in involuntary convulsions of the entire body. Whole body orgasms can
be achieved with or without ejaculations. This type of orgasm won’t be
discussed in this book but if you know how to achieve this type of orgasm you
can apply the techniques taught in this book to achieve multiple whole body
orgasms which is possibly the most intense and pleasurable kind or orgasm
achievable by a man.
Quick Tips for Multiple Orgasms
Here are some quick tips that will eventually help achieve male multiple
First, males should learn and practice how to do kegel exercises. If these
exercises are done properly, this will help strengthen your pelvic floor and
perineal muscles. Importance of these muscles will be further discussed
Second, try to familiarize your body’s responses. Get to know what and
when a particular stimulation excites you more. This will help you have a
proper timing which is a vital skill in edging.
Third, is to practice dry orgasms (DO’s) and be able to maintain an
erection after it. This will entail a lot of practice.
When you have mastered the previous tips, you can have another orgasm. This
time, it can either be another dry orgasm or an orgasm with ejaculation, this is up
to you.
If you can accomplish this consistently, congrats, you call yourself a multiorgasmic man.
Practice is the key in achieving multiple orgasms, first practice it solo, then
whenever you are ready, you can try it out with your partner. As you get better at
it you’ll be able to keep on going as long as you want and have as many orgasms
as you wish.
The Muscles of the Pelvis and
Pelvic Muscles
Muscles in the pelvis or better known as the area between the abdomen and the
lower extremities are divided into two groups. The first group is consist of the
Obturator internus and the Piriformis muscles, both of which are muscles of the
lower extremities while the second group includes the levator ani and the
coccygeus muscles which are specifically muscles of the pelvic floor found
directly below the pelvic cavity. The levator ani, in turn, is composed of two
muscles, the iliococcygeus (IC) and pubococcygeus (PC) muscles.
Perineal Muscles
The muscles that compose the perineum, also known as the outlet of the pelvis
or the area below the pelvic floor, can also be divided into two groups namely
the muscles that are located on the anal region and the other are those that are
found in the urogenital region. The anal muscles are the corrugator cutis ani,
sphincter ani externus and internus. The urogenital muscles are the transversus
perinei superficialis and profundus, bulbocavernosus (BC) and ischiocavernosus.
Before we go into the kegel exercises proper, we should first learn on how to
locate the muscles being utilized during kegel exercises.
Before we start with the exercises, let us first get to know the different
movements of the pelvic floor and perineal muscles and how to identify these
muscles as well as the various positioning of the body which will be helpful in
learning kegel exercises.
Locating the Muscles
There are two ways to locate you’re the muscles. First, by stopping your urine
midstream and second is by contracting your voluntary anal sphincter, the
external anal sphincter. For the second one, you can check it by inserting your
finger in your anus while you are contracting the external anal sphincter or by
simply stopping the process of defecation though I think the former one better
confirms it. Be sure that while you are doing these, you don’t contract muscles
other than the pelvic floor and perineal muscles like the muscles on your
abdominals, thighs and buttocks because if you do so, you are doing it in a
wrong way. So, I assume at this point, you already know what muscles are
responsible for these movements as it was clearly discussed earlier.
Kegel Movements
The following are the different kegel movements:
The Kegel
It is the contraction of the muscle found between the testicles and anus or the PC
muscle. You can identify the muscles that are responsible for kegel movements
by stopping your urine midstream or by bobbing your penis while it is erect.
Again, these are just ways of identifying the muscles and are not part of the
kegel exercise proper.
The Reverse Kegel
If kegel is the contraction of muscles, this one is the relaxation of the muscles.
Its goal is to relax or stretch the muscles to make it more flexible. This
movement involves inflation of the lower abs or if you want to describe it in
medical terms, the hypogastric region as well as the PC muscle. You can identify
the muscle responsible for this movement when urinating by speeding up your
The Back Kegel
It is done by contracting and relaxing the voluntary sphincter of the anus, the
external anal sphincter. During defecation, you can identify the muscles
responsible for this movement by contracting the anal muscles to stop the
process of defecation.
The Reverse Back Kegel
It refers to the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. Unlike in the back kegel
which involves both contracting and relaxing of the external anal sphincter, the
reverse back kegel movement only involves relaxing of this sphincter.
Defecation is a way of identifying the muscles for this movement by simple
allowing the external anal sphincter to relax thus favoring defecation to occur.
All positions can be done when doing kegel exercises but for amateurs, the ideal
positions would be the supine position but basically there are variations in the
positions which you could actually try depending on your level of expertise in
doing these exercises.
The following are the different positions in doing the kegel exercises:
This is the recommended position especially for amateurs. This is done by lying
on your back, with knees bent (about 45o angle). Bending your knees in this way
will decrease the pressure on your pelvis thus making it easier to perform kegel
This is one of the most convenient positions in doing kegel exercises because
obviously you can be at this position when doing kegel exercises anywhere.
However, not all men have reported this position being beneficial in doing kegel
exercises. Beneficial, in a sense that doing kegel exercises on this position will
be a lot easier because in fact, some men are having a hard time doing kegel
exercises on this position.
In general, this position is seldom recommended. As an exception, with men
encountering problems when doing reverse movements, this position may be
helpful. As a tip, when you want to lessen the pressure between your testicles
and anus, you can elevate or lift your knees.
Seriously, this position is also possible and it can even strengthen some
exercises. This is somewhat like an experimental position and it will challenge
you on how you are able to manage doing exercises in a stressful environment,
having a lot of distractions along the process.
Pelvis Lift Variation
Aside from the four variations in positions described above, there is also a socalled pelvic lift variation which is a bit more complex however, this is very
helpful especially for those having a hard time to isolate specific muscles for a
certain exercise or routine. Be sure not to overwork because if you do so, you
will most likely experience adverse effects rather than the beneficial effects.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Position yourself properly
Lay on your back such as in a supine position with your knees bent (about 45o
angle). Place your hands at the sides, close to your hips on the floor with palms
2. Raise your hips
Raise your hips with your hands still placed on the floor for support or if your
are having a hard time, you can place both hands at your lower back as you raise
your hips for support.
Hold on to this position and be sure your back is straight from the shoulders
down to the knees.
3. Perform a kegel exercise
While maintaining that position, you can do your desired kegel exercise
4. Take some rest
So before doing another set of exercise, it wouldn’t harm if pause and take some
rest first. After you finish your first set of exercises, you can lower your hips
back on the floor and relax for a while before proceeding to the next set of
Routine and Exercises
As you go along the different kegel exercises, you will notice that these
exercises are tailored according to a certain level such as beginner, intermediate
and advanced. To eliminate confusions, here follows a description of each level.
You’ll also see different states (such as: Flaccid, Erect, Post ejaculation, etc)
mentioned after in parentheses which let’s you know which states are allowed
for that particular level. If no state is mentioned, it means that they are all
Well-versed with the terminologies related to multiple orgasms.
Has been actively doing kegel for less than a month.
Has a hard time isolating muscle movements.
Not sure if they’re doing the basic movements correctly, especially reverse
Has successfully done several beginner routines.
More balanced pelvic floor compared to a beginner.
Can somewhat isolate muscle movements.
Can do a long kegel hold of at least 30 seconds.
Has successfully done several intermediate routines.
Can isolate muscle movements without struggling.
Has a well balanced pelvic floor though not perfect just yet.
Has relatively strong pelvic floor and perineal muscles
Crescendo Kegel
This exercise is used to strengthen and balance the pelvic floor. In addition, it
can also enhance erection quality (EQ).
Level: Any (flaccid, post ejaculation).
Note: This exercise should be coupled with reverse kegel exercises in the routine
to prevent pelvic floor and perineal muscles imbalance.
How to do crescendo kegel:
1. Do an incremental kegel going from 0 to 8 strength-wise in a 2 second period.
2. Relax your PC muscles for a same amount of time then you can do another
one 3. You can start off on your first day with as many crescendo kegels you
can comfortably do then you can increase the number as your pelvic floor gets
stronger, until you reach the maximum recommended which is 50 repetitions.
When you are able to do 50 you should advance to other exercises.
You might encounter the following:
You might feel pain on your PC muscles (muscle between your anus and
testicles). This is normal. If ever you encounter this, take a break from
doing such exercises for 1-2 days before resuming.
As beginner it might be difficult for you to isolate at this moment. Usually
what happens is that kegel movement and back kegel movement are mixed
up such that these two movements are done at the same time. If this
happens, you don’t need to worry, what is important at this time is that
your kegel movement is stronger than your back kegel movement and
eventually, you will be able to isolate better.
Back Crescendo Kegel
This exercise is used to strengthen your pelvic floor as well as balance them.
Level: Beginners (flaccid, post ejaculation) and intermediate.
How to do the back crescendo kegel:
1. Contract your anal muscles in an incremental way for 2 seconds.
2. Release and rest for the same amount of time before you continue.
3. Contraction should neither be too strong nor too weak (moderate strength).
4. Just the same with the crescendo kegel, start with as many repetitions you can
comfortably do then increase it gradually until you reach a maximum of 50
repetitions in just one session.
You might encounter the following:
After doing this exercise, you might feel pain on the muscles near your
testicles and anus. Rest will be the best remedy for that so give your
muscles a break maybe for a day or two.
Isolation of muscles in a back crescendo kegel is much easier than in a
crescendo kegel.
Kegel Hold
This exercise is done to strengthen and balance the pelvic floor as well as to kill
involuntary kegels and increase your EQ. For instance, when involuntary kegels
occur during edging, the crescendo kegel is converted to a kegel hold thus can
stop involuntary kegels. It should be included in everyone’s routine at some
Level: Intermediate (flaccid) and advanced.
How to do a kegel hold:
1. Do a regular kegel but hold it for 5 seconds.
2. Moderate to hard strength is applied and done at a slow pace, meaning there
are longer rests in between each kegel hold.
3. This should be done at a maximum of 10 repetitions. Doing more than that
will tire your muscles so instead of increasing the number of repetitions, you
should focus more in increasing the duration of your kegel hold.
4. Don’t forget to breathe normally and properly when doing a kegel hold Note:
Make sure you are breathing normally and not tensing any other muscles like
your abs and such. A kegel hold so be the same intensity throughout the hold. It
should not be fading and you shouldn’t be reapplying the hold.
3-point Kegel Hold
This is a combination of crescendo kegel and kegel hold and is done to
strengthen, fine-tune and balance the pelvic floor.
Level: Intermediate (flaccid) and advanced.
How to do a 3-point kegel hold:
1. Do a slow 3 second crescendo kegel.
2. Then don’t release but do a kegel hold for 3 seconds.
3. Now do a 3 second release.
4. Now rest and do it again.
5. These should be slow pace and with moderate to hard strength The maximum
recommended repetition is 15. You can increase the 3 seconds to 5 seconds
when you feel comfortable.
Triple Level Kegel Hold
This is a kegel type of exercise and is done to strengthen the pelvic floor and
perineal muscles as well as balance these muscles. It can help enhance erections
and conditions the muscles for a dry orgasm.
Level: Advanced.
How to do a triple level kegel hold
1. Do a kegel hold for 5 seconds with a moderate strength.
2. After 5 seconds, do not release, instead continue with the kegel hold and
increase the strength and maintain it for another 5 seconds.
3. After a total of 10 seconds, still continue the kegel hold with a maximum
increased strength of hold for 5 seconds.
4. Relax the muscles.
5. Start with 5 repetitions then increase it until you reach the maximum
recommended repetitions of 15. Please take note that going beyond this will
cause pelvic floor imbalance.
Towel Lift
This is an advanced exercise is to strengthen and balance the pelvic floor and
especially enhance EQ (erection quality). It’s a kegel hold with a twist. You
must be fully erect with this one and have a towel handy.
Level: Advanced (erect)
How to do the Towel Lift
1. Make your penis fully erect.
2. Hang a towel onto your erect penis.
3. Raise the towel by doing a kegel and holding it for 5 seconds.
4. Relax and repeat.
5. Start with 5 reps and don’t do more than 20 reps. When 20 gets too easy
increase the duration from 5 to 10 seconds. When that gets too easy increase the
weight of the towel by wetting it or using a larger towel.
Sine Wave Hold
This exercise is used to enhance strength, isolation, and balance. It combines the
3-point kegel and the 3-point reverse kegel. It can also be done in reverse,
meaning you start with a reverse kegel and transfer to a regular kegel. (Read the
reverse kegel section of this guide first before doing this one) Level: Advanced.
How to do the sine hold:
1. Do a slow strong crescendo kegel lasting 5 seconds.
2. Hold it for 5 seconds.
3. Release slowly lasting 5 seconds.
4. Immediately without rest do a reverse kegel pushing out slowly with medium
strength lasting for 5 seconds.
5. Hold it for 5 seconds.
6. Release slowly, lasting 5 seconds.
7. Start with 5 reps, increase to 10 reps when you feel comfortable.
Combo Hold
This is a strength exercise. First you do a kegel hold and then you increase the
intensity by adding a back kegel hold.
Level: Beginner (flaccid, medium strength), Intermediate (all states, medium
strength), Advanced (all states, strong).
How to do the combo hold:
1. Do a slow crescendo kegel lasting 3 seconds.
2. Hold it for 3 seconds.
3. Do a 3 second back crescendo kegel while still maintaining the kegel hold.
4. Hold both for 3 seconds.
5. For beginners start with 5 reps and 3 second movements. Then increase to 10
reps. Lastly increase to 5 second movements.
6. You can also do this exercise with the reverse kegels.
Super Combo Kegel
This is an isolation exercise and is a combination of the kegel, the back
crescendo kegel, the reverse kegel, and the reverse back kegel. There are 2
recommended combinations. (Read the reverse kegel section of this guide first
before doing this one) Level: Beginner (flaccid), Intermediate (erect), Advanced.
How to do the super combo kegel:
Combination 1: 1. Do a kegel.
2. No pause and do a reverse kegel.
3. No pause and do a back kegel 4. No pause and do a reverse back kegel.
Combination 2: 1. Do a reverse back kegel.
2. No pause and do a back kegel.
3. No pause and do a reverse kegel.
4. No pause and do a kegel.
5. Start with 20 reps total. You can do both combinations in a single set. Max.
40 reps.
Super Combo Kegel Hold
This is possibly the hardest exercise to do perfectly. It takes the super combo
kegel to the next level. Used to strengthen, enhance isolation, balance. (Read the
reverse kegel section of this guide first before doing this one) Level: Advanced.
How to do the super combo kegel hold:
1. Do a kegel hold.
2. No pause and do a reverse kegel hold.
3. No pause and do a back kegel hold 4. No pause and do a reverse back kegel
5. Start with 5 reps and 5 second movements. Then increase reps to 10. Lastly
increase time to 10 second movements.
Reverse Kegels
Reverse kegels are exercises that relax the pelvic floor and make them flexible.
It is a stretching exercise so we can expect that it is much weaker than the
regular kegels which is a strengthening exercise. This discrepancy is important
in maintaining balance in terms of muscle strength and ability to relax them
which in turn is beneficial in achieving male multiple orgasm. Reverse kegels
are necessary in order to maintain a balanced pelvic floor.
Basically, there are two kinds of reverse kegels, the front and the back reverse
kegels. The difference between the two lies on the target muscles to relax and
that’s what we are going to discuss next.
The Front Reverse Kegel
During a front reverse kegel your are stretching and relaxing the BC and IC
muscles. In effect, the blood is free to move in and out of the penis.
It is important to have a balance between the regular kegel and the reverse kegel.
We have learned that the kegel exercise strengthens the pelvic floor therefore,
compresses the return of the blood via the veins and allows a large amount of
blood to be suspended within the penis making it stiffer and heightens orgasm. If
your pelvic floor is unbalanced, as result of having done too many or only kegel
exercises, there is a tendency that your muscles will tense and have a hard time
relaxing and you’ll reach the PONR way faster than the ideal rate. But if you
have a balanced kegel-reverse kegel, you will most likely reach PONR at a
normal pace. In order to achieve multiple orgasms, you need to stop at PONR
and avoid going beyond that to prevent premature ejaculation. To counter the
effect of over-kegeling, you need to do a front reverse kegel to relax these
muscles and allow blood to flow freely, slightly decreasing the tension thus
reverting back from the PONR.
The Back Reverse Kegel
This is for if the back of the pelvic floor is tense. Though this isn’t common and
the focus is on the front reverse kegel, you shouldn’t disregard the back reverse
kegel as it is still vital in achieving perfect balance for dry orgasms or MMO.
Tips When Doing Reverse Kegels
1. Position your body at its most comfortable. Sitting is often considered the
most comfortable position for reverse kegels.
2. As always, start by identifying the muscles. In a front reverse kegel, you can
identify the front reverse kegel movement by trying to urinate. In a back reverse
kegel, on the other hand, you can identify it by trying to fart or defecate. If you
feel like you’re about to urinate, defecate while doing the actual exercises, you
are pushing too hard unless you really have to go bad, in that case go.
3. Don’t hold your breath. Remember that holding your breathe during kegel or
reverse kegel exercises will just increase your body’s tension and possibly push
blood towards your head and give you a headache. You can actually try this
breathing technique: When doing this, there is a very slight expansion of the
chest and significant expansion of the abdomen. Do a reverse kegel every time
you breathe in and release when you breathe out.
Reverse Kegel Exercises
Front Reverse Kegel
This exercise is to stretch and relax the front of your pelvic floor. It’s used to
counter involuntary kegels, balance the pelvic floor and move away from the
Level: Beginner
How to do the front reverse kegel:
1. Push out the muscle at your perineum like a balloon. You should feel it swell
up a bit as you push.
2. Hold this for 2 seconds.
3. Relax for 2 seconds.
4. Do this for maximum 50 reps at medium strength.
Reverse Back Kegel
This exercise is to stretch and relax the back of your pelvic floor. It’s basically to
counter the back kegel exercise. It’s not as important as the front reverse kegel
since it’s usually the front of your pelvic floor that’s tense and not the back, but
if you do a lot of back kegels it’s a good idea to include this in your routine.
Level: Beginner
How to do the back reverse kegel:
1. Push out the muscle at your anus (and somewhat also your lower abdomen)
like a balloon. You should feel it swell up a bit as you push.
2. Hold this for 2 seconds.
3. Relax for 2 seconds.
4. Do this for maximum 50 reps at medium strength.
Reverse Kegel Hold
The level up from the front reverse kegel. This exercise is used for same things
as the front reverse kegel but at a higher level.
Level: Intermediate.
How to do the reverse kegel hold:
1. Push out the muscle at your perineum like a balloon.
2. Hold this for 5 seconds.
3. Relax.
4. Do this for maximum 10 reps at medium pace and strength. Increase the hold
time as you get stronger to maximum 30 seconds.
Reverse Kegel Breathing
This exercise is a meditative one and a great warm up before doing an intense
routine. Or it can be used to relax your mind as well as your pelvic floor on a
stressful day.
Level: Beginner.
How to do reverse kegel breathing:
1. Start breathing slowly, first by inflating your lower belly and then the rest of
the lungs, hold for 1 or 2 seconds and then slowly exhale.
2. Keep breathing like this. While you inhale, do a weak to medium reverse
kegel hold.
3. As you exhale slowly let go off your hold.
4. Continue like this for 5 minutes. You can increase the time to the
recommended maximum time of 15 minutes. You can also do a variation of the
front and back reverse kegels for a more complete relaxation of the pelvic floor.
3-Point Reverse Kegel
This exercise increases control and stretches your pelvic floor in order to relax it.
Level: Intermediate.
How to do the 3-point kegel:
1. Push out, going from a relaxed state to fully pushed out with medium
strength. Make this last for 3 seconds.
2. Now hold this for 3 seconds.
3. Slowly release, going from fulled pushed out to a relaxed state. Make this last
for 3 seconds.
4. Start with 5 reps. First increase the reps to 15. When you’re comfortable with
that increase the 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
Designing a Routine That Suits You
It’s a good idea to have a kegel routine if you’re trying to become a multiorgasmic man. It makes sure you target all your muscles the right way, it keeps
you from forgetting to do your kegel exercises in comparison when you just do
kegels sporadically and it keeps you from overdoing it or underdoing it.
Identify the Areas of Concern
Before creating a routine, you must first identify what areas or muscles of your
pelvic floor are too strained. These are areas of concentration and needs to be
considered when creating a routine that will best work for you. For instance, if
your bulbocavernosus muscles are too tensed then focus more on doing front
reverse kegels. On the other hand, if you have tensed pubococcygeus and
iliococcygeus muscles then you should do more of back reverse kegels.
Finding the Correct Ratio
Determine the ratio between kegels and reverse kegels that will suit you. You
can try the 70 kegels:30 reverse kegels or 60 kegels:40 reverse kegels but you
can definitely make changes or adjust these ratios from time to time. For
instance, if you feel that your kegel is too strong that your reverse kegel becomes
useless then you modify by doing more reverse kegels on your routine. Just
increase your reverse kegel routine but don’t do an all-reverse-kegel routine
because it can cause your muscles to weaken, making it difficult for you to
maintain an erection. Same goes for an all-kegel routine, for it might cause
premature ejaculation.
Edging is defined briefly as orgasm control. It definitely involves masturbating
the penis. Particularly the penile shaft is stimulated to heighten sexual tension
and finally stopping just before the point of no return by kegeling in order to
prevent oneself from ejaculating. Edging helps build sexual stamina and control
in men and is therefore vital in achieving multiple orgasms in men along with
kegel exercises.
How To Edge
I assume, by this time, you have already mastered kegeling and have
familiarized yourself with your arousal levels. Edging is just like playing with
your arousal levels and thresholds.
1. So first, stimulate yourself to an erection.
2. Continue to stroke your penis.
3. Be sure to keep breathing normally and pay attention to your breathing so
you don’t start breathing short and rapid breaths. If you keep breathing slowly it
will trick your brain to think you aren’t turned on and you’ll have greater control
of your arousal level.
Note, you should stroke it at the shaft, and avoid the frenulum and other
sensitive parts of the penis if you don’t want to ejaculate too soon or to avoid
uncontrolled ejaculation especially for first-timers and premature ejaculators.
Also remember to take it slowly, try to feel and enjoy every sensation that you
feel. It is better especially for first-timers to begin with slow strokes then later
on, when you seemed to have mastered edging with these slow strokes, you can
increase the speed and intensity of your strokes.
4. When you feel that you are just before the point of no return, stop
stimulation and do a single hard kegel hold and allow that certain level of
arousal you are feeling to subside a bit. Just before the PONR, you will start to
feel the muscles in your perineum and pelvic floor area tensing up and getting
ready for an orgasm so stroking at this moment is not a good idea and will just
trigger the orgasm to occur, and if you don’t kegel at exactly the right time
during that orgasm, an ejaculation will as well. The hard kegel helps to ward off
the orgasm as if you’re slapping those tensing muscles in the face like “Stop it!”
It’s also the tool we use to achieve a dry orgasm.
5. Once your arousal level goes down, you can resume stimulation until you
again reach PONR, and so on until it is the right time for you to ejaculate.
Remember that the arousal threshold varies among individuals so some may
reach PONR rapidly while in some, reaching PONR might take longer time.
Don’t be dismayed because that’s the reason why we are doing this, to improve
sexual stamina. Edging may rewrite your brain so you can receive more pleasure
for a longer time before you reach the PONR and in other words push up your
Just like edging, ballooning is also an exercise that will improve sexual stamina
and erection quality. In ballooning, you also stimulate your penis and stop at
PONR to keep yourself from ejaculating but what makes it distinct from edging
is that instead of stroking the penis up and down, you just rub its sensitive parts.
Also unlike with edging you can’t ejaculate at the end of the session, which will
give you a fuller flaccid penis for a longer period. It is regarded to be more
advanced than edging in terms of the technique and its effects but also more
difficult to master.
Benefits of Ballooning
Other than MMO, ballooning is also therapeutic in males suffering from
premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It helps you control your
ejaculation and also makes your penis erect for longer period of time as
compared to edging. It also enhances your penis in terms of the size and
function. Just like our body in general, the penis also becomes healthier when it
is subjected to certain exercises. Certain exercises help expand some penile
tissues therefore increasing its capacity to accommodate blood which makes the
penis harder and thicker.
How ballooning is done
1. Rub the spot on your penis that gives you most pleasure.
Note: below you can see a section that tells you what parts of the penis are most
sensitive. Beginners may want to avoid rubbing the frenulum as it’s the most
sensitive part and it may push you over the PONR. If you can take it then you
rubbing this part may give you a better workout because of the intensity.
2. Continue to rub this spot in a circular motion.
3. While keeping this up also do kegels or reverse kegels in order to push more
blood in your penis. This will give you an even better workout.
4. Keep this up for at least 20 minutes. Ballooning can be done for hours by
some people because there is not heavy stroking involved.
The sensitivity threshold of the different parts of the penis.
Shaft: The area between your glans or head of the penis and the base of the
penis. Moderately sensitive Foreskin: Fold of skin covering the tip of the penis,
adjacent to the sulcus. Slightly sensitive Sulcus: The area between the junction
of the penile head and shaft. Moderately sensitive Middle of glans: Glans penis
minus the urethral opening. Slightly sensitive Meatus of glans: Urethral opening
at the tip of the glans. Slightly sensitive Frenulum: Found beneath the penis
glans; skin that connect the shaft to the head or glans. Highly sensitive
Dry Orgasm
Dry orgasm (DO), as being spelled out by the name itself, no semen is coming
out of the penis or in other words, there is no ejaculation taking place.
For us to have a more sensible meaning of dry orgasm, let’s consider these two
scenarios, from a medical point-of-view and from the context of male multiple
From a medical point-of-view, dry orgasm happens when a young man had
multiple ejaculations in a short span of time giving no chance for the sexual
organs (i.e. testis) to produce enough amount of ejaculate therefore will end up
having just an orgasm without any ejaculate emerging from the penis.
In the context of male multiple orgasm, dry orgasms occur when you try to stop
the expulsion of the semen through kegel or reverse kegel techniques throughout
a series of orgasms, not losing erection or arousal in between these orgasms..
Types of Orgasms (in relation to DO)
There are 5 types of orgasms, generally classified into the good and the bad
orgasms. Let’s focus more on the good since it is our main goal. Anyway, those
that belonged under the bad orgasms were listed for the purpose of awareness so
you can avoid these from occurring.
Bad dry orgasms
These are the type of dry orgasms that need to be avoided if you are after a good
multiple orgasm.
1. Dribble Ejaculation
What happens in a dribble ejaculation?
The semen seeps out from the penis drop by drop or in a slower rate. Eventually,
all of the semen will be expelled thus making this type the least harmful among
the bad dry orgasms.
When does this happen?
This has something to do with the strength of the kegel. It can either be due to a
weak kegel or when the reverse kegel is stronger and it seems to overpower the
2. Retrograde ejaculation
What happens in a retrograde ejaculation?
Normally, the semen from the ejaculatory duct and prostate will be routed
through the urethra and finally exits from the penis. But if, due do a medical
condition, blockage or wrong MMO technique the ejaculate can’t leave the
urethra, the semen will take the easiest path which will be to flow towards the
bladder rather than the urethra. This is the reason for the minute amount of
semen that comes out of the penis or even the absence of it in a retrograde
ejaculation. Like with normal ejaculation you will lose your arousal and your
When does this happen?
Wrong execution of MMO technique or some kind of medical condition can
cause this.
During MMO practices this is mostly because you applied a kegel hold too late
when you were trying to have a dry orgasm.
How can you tell whether or not you did it?
Beginners of MMO often think they have achieved a dry orgasm while actually
they did a retrograde ejaculation. Well, we can’t really tell if we only view it
externally, since in both cases we can only note that there’s no ejaculation. The
only way to tell if you truly had a dry orgasm or or just a retrograde ejaculation
is by peeing in a bottle. If your pee is cloudy it means you had a retrograde
ejaculation, if clear, you have done a dry orgasm.
Is it harmful?
It can be harmful and could lead to problems so it’s advised to try and prevent it
from happening by correctly following the right technique and if you lost control
or did something wrong just have a normal ejaculation to be safe.
3. Partial Ejaculation
What happens in a partial ejaculation?
Some of the semen is ejaculated while some will either go into the bladder or
there are instances where it will just be reabsorbed. So in other words, you will
have sort of a partial ejaculation and partial retrograde ejaculation. At some
point, you may also lose your erection and arousal.
When does this happen?
With wrong techinque or if the strength of your kegel is too weak.
Good dry orgasms
1. Dry orgasm or clean dry orgasm
What happens in a clean dry orgasm?
Though, we have slightly discussed this some pages ago let us just add more
details on it. You will be able to maintain your arousal though your erection will
slightly drop which is an effect of the kegel hold.
When does this happen?
This happens obviously when all the three aspects (strength, technique and
timing) are well executed.
2. Perfect dry orgasm
What happens in a perfect dry orgasm?
This is the highest form of a good dry orgasm. You are considered to be an
expert at dry orgasms for you to be able to achieve this. In this type, all three
aspects are perfectly executed therefore successfully stopping ejaculation while
having intense orgasmic contractions. Unlike in the clean dry orgasm where you
experience a drop with your erection, in this type, both your erection and arousal
are maintained.
When does this happen?
If in a clean dry orgasm, you only need a satisfactory technique, timing and
strength, well, in a perfect dry orgasm, you need to level it up into excellent.
Learning to Dry Orgasm: The Three Aspects
In order to have a good DO, much attention should be given to these three
aspects: strength, technique and timing. These three will be the determining
factors for the success of a DO and are related with kegels or kegel exercises.
We should know what particular muscles to contract and how to properly
contract these muscles (technique). Strengthen these muscles, making them
strong enough to be able to withstand the intensity of the orgasm while stopping
an ejaculation. Also being able to learn the correct timing for a kegel is crucial
for a perfect DO. Timing can make the difference between a perfect DO and a
retrograde ejaculation.
Learning to Dry Orgasm: Technique
Now we’ve already covered conditioning your pelvic muscles for strength and
balance, so it’s time to teach you the right technique to do a kegel hold for a dry
Using the right techinque is the most important aspect that leaves no margin
for error. While if you have a balanced and strong pelvic floor, you’ll have a
slightly larger margin for error with the timing part and vice versa if you have
perfect timing you’ll have a larger margin for error with strength/balance.
Although it’s obviously best to have a perfect score in all three aspects.
So what is the right technique and how do you learn it? The best way to get a
good feel of the technique is to do Towel Lifts. However before you start doing
Towel Lifts you need to have gotten comfortable with the beginner and
intermediate kegel exercises first, since it’s an advanced kegel exercise.
Once you get the hang of those Towel Lifts, remember how they feel and try to
get that same feeling when applying that kegel hold as you’re trying to DO.
Learning to Dry Orgasm: Timing
Timing the kegel hold in order to achieve a DO is easiest the hardest part. Out of
all questions I’ve heard about DO, timing is the most questioned aspect and it’s
not easy to answer either. Most answers are vague like “Do the kegel hold just
before the PONR”, others just give pointers to recognize when you haven’t done
it right like “When you kegel and feel more than three spasms you have failed
and you need to release to avoid retrograde ejaculation”. While these answers
might not be wrong, it doesn’t really explain the specific timing, which is why so
many are confused.
It also takes the longest to perfect, since every time you fail you end up
ejaculating and have to wait until you’ve recovered from your refractory period
at least before you can try again.
Which is why you have to pay very close attention and be very focused when
you’re practicing and remember it’s better to kegel too early than too late. Too
late means you’re going to ejaculate and have to wait until next time, while too
early means you can simply try again.
Below follows practicing instructions, but before you practicing your timing, it’s
very important that you are fully conditioned in strength and technique. If you
aren’t, don’t try to perform a dry orgasm because you might end up doing bad
DO’s in worst case a retrograde ejaculation and it will be frustrating and
demotivation that you can’t get it right.
Practicing Your Timing
1. Start by edging slowly until you are fully aroused and have a very hard
erection. The harder and more aroused you are, the better.
2. Edge till just before your PONR, then do a reverse kegel hold of medium to
high strength while continuing stimulation.
3. Now go really slow so you can focus better on the sensations. As you get
closer you will experience the first involuntary spasm override your reverse
kegel. This involuntary spasm is the first spasm of your orgasm. When you feel
this you immediately release the reverse kegel and switch to a kegel hold as fast
as you can. If this is too difficult for you I suggest you practice the Reverse Sine
Wave Hold some more while being erect, until you can do it more easily and
faster. The kegel hold should be synchronous with the first orgasmic spasm and
remember the Towel Lift feeling when doing the kegel hold.
4. Keep holding that kegel. The second spasm will be a strong one, but you if
you are conditioned enough you should be able to handle it. Then comes third
one which should be faint. After that there should be no more spasm. If you feel
the second is too strong and the third one is too or if you think you are holding it
tightly but experience more than three spasms anyway, let go of you kegel hold
and ejaculate normally to avoid a retrograde ejaculation.
5. To be sure you did a clean DO, pee in a bottle and look for cloudiness in your
pee, usually at the bottom. If it’s all clear, congratulation on a clean DO. Next
time you can try to do more DO’s in one session.
Learning to Dry Orgasm: After The DO
Flaccidity and loss of arousal
After your first successful DO you might experience lost of arousal and that your
penis will go flaccid like you had a normal ejaculation. This might be because
your brain is used to linking the event of an orgasm to having an ejaculation.
After a few sessions of dry orgasming this usually disappears. If it doesn’t
though, try a longer build up, edge longer so your level of arousal will be higher
and thus it will be harder to satisfy you with a single orgasm. Or try getting your
erection back as fast as possible and continue to have a second session right
after. This might break the link.
Don’t stop ejaculating
Just because you can DO now doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ejaculate anymore.
To remain healthy, the maximum recommended time between ejaculations is 4
days. Especially now you’re having DO’s, it’s like you’re cocking the gun but
aren’t shooting it. I’m not a medical expert but my advice is to just abide by this
Don’t stop the kegel exercises
Just like with normal exercise, you’ve got to keep at it to stay in shape. If you
stop kegeling your strength will decrease and eventually it will become too
weak, even with perfect timing and technique.
Become a multi-orgasmic man
If you are at the point where you can DO and maintain an erection you can keep
going and have orgasm after orgasm and stop whenever you feel like. No longer
do ejaculations control the length of your sessions, you control the ejaculations.
Practice your multi-orgasmic skills with your sex partner
Sex with a partner is always different than sex with yourself. Because for one it
feels different and also you aren’t alone so it may be harder to stay focused.
Therefore it may take some practice before you can truly call yourself a multiorgasmic man. When do you practice MMO with a partner, be sure to tell them
about it. If you don’t, it may cause confusion with your partner as to why you
didn’t ejaculate even though it looked like you had an orgasm. Also when you
are at the point where you have mastered multiple orgasms with a partner,
mention it to any new sex partners for the same reasons as most people aren’t
familiar with the concept of MMO and that it’s even possible for a man to
orgasm without ejaculation.
Master of MMO
Eventually you will be able to have dry orgasms without hardly trying. It will
become easier and easier. It might even become an automatism. This is when
you will be a true master of MMO.
Frequently asked questions
How would I prevent myself from reaching the point of no return too soon
after doing the kegel hold to prevent ejaculation?
It has something to do with the right timing. After the kegel hold, you should
give enough time to decrease the sensation before continuing. It is important to
somehow relieve yourself a little bit from the tension and intense sensations so
that you will not end up feeling the sensation so soon. Also, try to avoid rubbing
at the most sensitive areas of the penis since it can increase the sensation rapidly
and that is what we are avoiding to happen.
Which do you think would be a better technique to use to prevent
ejaculation: kegel or reverse kegel?
Actually, both kegel and reverse kegel is used to prevent ejaculation. Kegel is
basically contraction of the pelvic floor and perineal muscles, in which, I am
pertaining to mainly the PC muscles which is situated near the urinary sphincter
and thus having a strong PC muscle can help you contract this sphincter and
prevent leakage of urine or semen. It also makes sense that you always couple
kegel with a reverse kegel.
To discuss it further, contraction of the PC muscle around the sphincter prevents
the expulsion of the semen from the prostate during ejaculation so that means
while the PC muscle contracts, the BC muscle along with the IC muscle (both of
which are responsible for sustained erection) should be relaxed. Imagine if let us
say, the BC and IC muscles contract along with your PC muscles, wouldn’t it
build up pressure and increase the intensity of the orgasm leading to
uncontrolled ejaculation? So, in order to end up with a dry orgasm, there should
be antagonistic effects between the muscles such that kegel (contraction of PC
muscle) must be coupled with a reverse kegel (relaxation of the BC and IC
muscles). In addition, reverse kegel is necessary in order to relax the BC and IC
muscles since these muscles when contracted, causes compression of the vessels
in the penis and can further heighten the sensation. When left uncontrolled can
lead to an ejaculation so for you to achieve multiple orgasms, after edging, your
goal is to decrease the tension a little bit. This can be done by decompressing the
vessels in the penis, allowing blood to flow in and out of the shaft which can be
achieved by relaxing the BC and IC muscles.
Why is it that when I hold a hard reverse kegel at the point of no return I
cannot achieve dry orgasm? It rather allows the ejaculate to flow out from
my penis.
Actually when doing a reverse kegel at the point of no return, you should expect
this effect. Reverse kegel means relaxing the muscles while kegels means
contracting the muscles. Let us say, you are doing a kegel so that means, you are
contracting the PC muscles thus preventing the ejaculate from coming out. On
the other hand, when you do reverse kegels, you relax the muscles therefore
allowing the ejaculate to flow. So, when you edge, you are expected to do a
kegel when you want to hold your ejaculation. However, you also do a reverse
kegel but its purpose is not to hold the ejaculate but rather allow the muscles to
relax in order to release the tension after a successful kegel hold or before a
kegel hold to postpone reaching the PONR.
How will I know when I am nearing the point of no return and when it is
time to do a kegel hold?
The point of no return is the moment when you feel that you are about to
ejaculate. You will feel that there is too much tension building up in your body
that you will feel the urge to ejaculate and your pc muscles will tense up that is
the moment where you do a kegel hold to prevent yourself from ejaculating.
Should I use a lubricant when rubbing my penis or just leave it dry?
Personally, I would suggest you to rub it with lubrication. It will enable you to
stimulate your penis with ease. Actually, it would really depend on your
preference as long as it can stimulate erection of your penis. Some might prefer
it without lubrication while some might like doing it with a lubricant.