Chemical kinetics Chats XI). i) Cheial Kinetics deals ad also t with Chemibtn e Yates o a Chei cal yeatio. gatoss a}tectng a Yatas o achoi'al Yeatiom: Kate or a cheical veachi om deginad as the daexoabe i tie Comeemtyabin o Xlatant oy incese im te Caneenta -tim D} pyodut pey uoit bime. 3) The hang averae Yabe 0t appyeitle peiod o; tie is alle Averane xate z Chame im the Concetration Time taken. + 4P] At A The Concentyatim q A o time. Loith imeYeabe deeYaases Averay Yatez -A]-4,-A) 4) The Yate o7 a seacim at a given oint allel in Stantanípub seation. Te i Caletated a tangent to te Cusve at ta imtanti miud Yate tanget givs = instantanious Xate =-dAJ Slope z A, de dt ’ very Bmall inta iti. dA)’ Vy all e, i eapyes e Xate ot Xeactin ín terms H , , nd + 0t Siiazl Kate = -L slB) ot Bt 0t G) Foy a qebeous Yea chion at Constamnt tem peYatuye b disactL propos tional to t partial pxes uselonentyati 9 Speciu and hence. Yate Can aso be enpmessed as Yate q Chanye nartial prebuye 4 ttie Xeactamt oY the pxoduct t) Fatoy b inguancáng tte Yate q a xeachian ) Datuse ) 9 te Yeatants Tempesature: in Generally g Yute a xeectim betoas tempealwe. Yeartut imereases meYeses. most o} e Yeachind doul toY even xike moleL . 4NH,3 ()+ S 0,4)’ 4 No (g) +GH,o C) elibappearast appearan ce ) kate la: Tue aepoesentaim 4 Yate 4 a xeaction mtermb o Concetyatim g lta yeactat's i Caled Yute law. Ie is also Called Yate exesi oY Yata Qgation . Yate K= Xetion Yate Con Stant Al:Conce mtrati aye detesmimaA OMly by erperimat. wot fra the Stioiomatsie egustim. + Cl, ’ Ccl t HtL tQesimesctaly determi ned 2 ’ CH,CooH + CzHOH CH,Coo zHt,o Experiment ally daterined Yabe =k cooc,g) C tha Yate te xeatin, denes o n t e ebtex but mot waber the A' is Called te o%der deteima tactoy Te orer nuay be oY wole nd o,tyachien The mu an bex or Tae molaeubas) taki art an Yeabimg dnecies (atoms, in ayy Xeackion, and Coloid hy im oydareaet to aLput the eheu Yeaction is 3)_Moleculavity: dimulCaled tanious a) Lt s a o mol e cul a yi t y theoYeti cal Conee pt a whole. mumbay wit eag bxinseatin. g te i) The dde topositj on an Uni mo leeulay Yeaction; mium mityite ii) Bioleeulay yeactio 2 HI ’ H, +1, Ti) T8i molaculay seatin 200to, ’ 2w0, 2 Chaees 4 Sim tamions oLisios lhe it is becaus a. pastielas Xata Canbtt : Tt is %ate g a chemilal seacti when ta lonlant yation g yeactemt aye unity yate = k DATTay yate eg Lohen Umit Yate k uatio. =| M The vaLue Yate K do es Con centatin bime. cim mot dee n mitxob oxed ’ 2,tO2 polsen Yate = k C,] Tue ox dey 4 t possiGla mechaniot ) ,o adt 2) 2.w,0 Zexo oY dey . , t O 22t yeactioy: Yate z K, Cay° dt On interabion both te Side -k,(dt Sl titute tus value [R].-Ca] kz -lope time ’ 2wR, I|30k. yate =k [N H] 2) 3) Thetm iYdt OYdex on a hot N)t3Hg) (onstant) R’p ux tale. =k ti m del a npasi 2H1 Yeacbi on: plati ue H2 on teachans. qplA Sargace K: Rea ction sal covstomt =k, Ce7' A, : Beqieug (ee. itegbi slo pe z -k -k,t k,= 23es Lng Ra e Lope Fixst osdes Aecay 3) pelom osit m g slope 2-303 o At tao Pi ata At tione t (Pi-x) atn Xatn Pi = initiad 2?-t 2-303 Pi PA 2"3o3 Pi 2P;-Pe) Yate yatinm. dt inkayratin -K.(4t RI, Stope znk Halt lie Tue pexiodi The timae talken to bie kakon ko ba Lompute halt ptete haly o tie imitial Concentsatia 2 k, = R, -R k, 2 2. l¢ is Clear that lst oxdex Xcacin 2303 2 k, = 22-303 2-303 2, 2-3a3 D.b93 irjtial tencetrabian seudo 2irbt oAer Reaetim: Some Xeactimd ad Caled nulo ixd? ordey Yeations. 1t is a bimmoleculay seactio but tem pnesabuse. Eoy most Caled tempayabuve Coe!}i eint. Temperat«*e Coe3}iaieut Rate Gonbtant at T2 Te num bey b} - ant loe Rate onstaut at Ttioe daelive Colliins ameg olecules belome doubte toy ewesy ye Ileyejoe the yeacls Yabe Cost t louble. belomes Ayxhcnious bateen 9usnbitaive selali n li seac lin Yate lnstant am temneyature. Tuis is Calle A Ayshenivub e9uatin actos bY frequeny zacto E:Aheníous Aclivabin enes4 K: Gub Conbtant z g-34 Iomole k I= im Tempeyatuve Dn Kilvin Sale, akiy logasi th toy the above eg Ea)rt Ea 2-303 2303 R, Ea Cam be detesmimed temnesatures Let h, d K, -lin at buo by meabusiny ave tie Yube lonbtants ty reyct benavat uveb Yespeci valy 2-303RT, Ea 2303RT Ea 2-303 RT Ea 2-303R - E 2-303 RT a tead T, an 7, Ea 2-303R |3 T, T activatin yolblam: The teCaleulabe mpevaturetheChages som Yeastin absuming that Loith temneatuse. 243k tobo 313k. it does Not ALTIVATION ENER Gy poten tial tnas%4 KACei vabe dlo Ea play En = A Ea ckvatim amas y feactin Co-osdmates onexay oich ust be Suppiel to te activation lnesgy Ea) VwsTheesuoltodtel enexg to un Seuised deyo hemical Ce ostue Yenctant oeculeb Heeiuated Comples : À am in tesmediate imsta 0duct, olie Jelomses to toyn H To Products. H-I 1 Ackvakel Gmplex. to Yeyuised ox tue Yeactaat moleudes toym Acbivute d Conlex is also Call Acbivakin enesA4 Foy en o thermie Emasgy Ydaclia tue pYoducts ave Actiyatat Comple Reaeiom lo-oyinale CATALy ST : CataLybt iüa dub btance oich alless the 9 Yate a Chenical Yeacbn, oitl Dut lonbuminy ftdel Catalyt neYeabes the Yate a a bian by deeseasing teactin which has Aceivated Conploy abbene yeatayst 4 Enerh : A tivatiem R pyebence eresay the YeaLtim Cooydnates (oLLÍSIDN THEDRY OF CHEMICAL REALTÍONS Tab theosy wab by develored MaxTYoutz and Laisib. It ib bubel on Hhe The main kinelie theoy D Doinib tis tueoy A Chemi cal 2) Au te Yeaction OccuI Col'bins lo do due bo the natlea wilam o3 Collibions betcon bt Chenilal YeactiM Colibjn& wácth the Dcivaiom esy, Can leae tteYeactont moleules Dosses w Henea thes eiins Cheilal easn. Calla 2ecie lolisio he is ) mumes Colibin lallas lolihen xeguercy e Dxopex osíeulalon also im po ast is A Co). Xate AR Calle 4 Secn, ex Wnit 2) eaLeant Dsobabilty gatoy AB Colisin oleules oy Stexie i a