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How to Write a Speech: Structure & Style Guide

How to write a speech
1. Address the audience
2. Stimulate the audiences’ thoughts
a. Use a rhetorical question
b. Make a bold or controversial statement
c. Use shocking or surprising facts/statistics
d. Use an analogy or metaphor
3. State thesis
Body paragraph (x3)
1. Topic sentence (first, second or last sentence)
2. Provide reasoning or evidence
a. Examples
b. Anecdotes
c. Facts / statistics / research
d. Expert opinions / authority
3. Summarize what the evidence means (be prepared to counter any counter-arguments)
a. Urge the audience to act
b. Suggest an appropriate course of action
4. Concluding sentence (could include personal opinion)
1. Leave a lasting impression
a. End on a vivid image
b. End on a thought-provoking question
c. End on a happy note
d. End on ‘a call to action’
2. Restate your opinion (list your reasons)
3. Give a situation to allow audience to consider future implications
4. Concluding sentence
Your class is debating the topic ‘The best place to live is in a city.’
Write the text for a speech to be given in this debate either arguing for or against living in a city.
Hi everyone. (address the audience) Have you ever thought of living in the countryside? (rhetorical question to stimulate
the audiences’ thoughts) It must be nice if you're retired … or dead. If you want to have a semblance of a social life and
like to do wild things like, oh, going to the cinema on a Monday night, the city is for you. (state thesis by showing preference
for the city)
Forget about having to spend a quarter of your paycheck on a car. Forget about feeding your second-hand beater gallons
of earth-destroying gas on a weekly basis. And forget about spending two hours a day stuck in traffic. Living in the city
means that walking is often an option. (topic sentence identifying a benefit of living in the city) And if it’s not, commuting
by public transport makes you feel like you’re part of the world: you and others are on the same boat, so to speak, taking
time to pause and read, or listen to music, before reaching work or going home. And, from London to Paris, Amsterdam
to Vancouver, chances are you will also be lucky enough to bike everywhere (reasoning with examples) – making you both
fitter and happier. (summarize what the evidence means for the audience) Living in the heart of the city definitely has its
perks. (concluding sentence) You won’t find me stuck in a gridlock and inching my way to find a parking spot during the
morning rush hour, I would probably be strolling to work with a coffee in one hand and the daily newspaper in the other.
The entire world is (almost) on your doorstep. (topic sentence) I don't know about you, but it would be a shame to die on
the way to the hospital – or give birth on the side of a road which probably won't happen in the city. You can order anything
from online stores and – miracle! – receive it the next day. Museums, galleries, libraries are easily accessible, a lot of them
free. And food: enough said. (reasoning with examples) Who likes to have the choice only between a grim pub serving
dismal burgers or fish-and-chips and the local Subway branch at the back of a derelict mall? (summarize what the evidence
means for the audience) Not me. The city provides plenty of amenities, activities and entertainment all within a convenient
radius, so you’ll never be left feeling disconnected from the outside world. (concluding sentence)
It teaches you tolerance. (topic sentence) The world is a diverse place – and in the city, you learn that fast. There's a reason
New Yorkers are considered to be the most thick-skinned people on earth: nothing fazes them, because no one has time
to be fazed and they've seen it all anyway. (evidence) Someone is rude to you on the subway? Move along. Someone cuts
you while queuing in the supermarket? Get ahead and get even. But cities also teach patience and empathy because, after
all, you're all in this together. Compromise is in the very fabric of city living. (point of view supported by previous examples)
Neighbours complaining about your Saturday party? You have to reach an agreement. People who don't act, think, or
speak like you do? Kids who annoy you by listening to rap music in the bus? They share your space, too. And you, theirs.
(give situations for the audience to consider) It's an imperfect and fragile microcosm, which, no matter its many drawbacks,
seems to work. Almost like magic. (concluding sentence)
Annotate the speech by identifying the structural elements in the framework like the example above.
This text is for a speech given on the argument for schools in England to have the responsibility to ensure the physical
fitness of their students.
(address the audience)
Ladies and gentlemen,
I firmly believe that it is the duty of every school, every college and every academy in England to ensure the physical fitness
of their students.
(state thesis by showing preference for the physical fitness of their students)
(topic sentence identifying a benefit of to have the responsibility to ensure the physical fitness)
Go to any good doctor, and they should tell you that physical exercise not only secures mental and bodily health, but also
increases productivity in lessons. As the aim of a school is to maximise a student’s potential in the academic arena, the
use of sport to aid this endeavor is a thought worth some consideration. The classroom can be a place of static mundanity
without giving students some time every week which can serve as an outlet for stress. Aim of a school
Three out of five students are physically unfit, and although this statistic is fairly understandable, we must ask ourselves—
why? Why is it that these students shall have to face the demanding outside world without even the small advantage of
being well? The answer lies very close to home; in fact, it is in your home. Most students face a routine with little leeway
to just go out for a jog. They get up, go to school, come home, eat and finally, sleep. Expecting young people to manage
studies as well as making time for rigorous exercise --- to me, that appears like some sort of obscene juggling act. Asking
schools and colleges to put aside some time every week for the sake of their children is not a bridge too far. However,
finding extra lessons for physical activities is not, I acknowledge, easy for a school to integrate into the timetable.
Topic sentence
Yet, while Britain faces an obesity epidemic, the young people of other countries are ardent athletes. There is no decline
among their youth. Take countries such as Germany, for instance --- spending Saturdays in school and reducing hours in
weekdays gives young people time to enjoy sports and athletics. Perhaps the real culprit here is the dragging, unreasonably
Long British school-day which never seems to yield. Of course, we cannot live in hope for change on that front. The long
day is too deeply ingrained in our lives, and removing it would cause chaos to parents, guardians and employers. After all,
care for younger children is not all that cheap! The shorter day in Britain would simply result in children being moved from
Point of view supported by previous examples
school to afterschool-club, and I don’t imagine that is a very great change of scenery.
Topic sentence
Therefore, our only option is to leave time in the week for children to exercise. If schools up and down the country takes
on this duty, indeed, their own duty, the strain on the NHS (National Health Service) could actually lessen. Fit youngsters
are far more likely to become fit adults, and not the unhealthy, obese generations that NHS really cannot continue to cope
with. People who criticize P.E. lessons may say, ‘I’m sending my child here to get educated, not to waste time on sports!’
This is short-sighted. Whatever fantastic qualifications your child may gain, they shall suffer in life if they can’t run fifteen
hundred meters without collapsing. Life is slightly more than paper degrees and novelty certificates, anyone who has had
a serious health scare may tell you that. If physical fitness can remove a child from the uncertainty and pain caused by
unhealthiness, a few hours taken out of every week for sport is a price I would be willing to pay. Yes, I would be willing to
put my own child through a demanding exercise routine, and I would be just as prepared to put myself through it as well.
Point of view supported by previous example
Although, now that I think of it, the personal opinions of the adults in this debate have little significance. The children and
young people of Britain live with other people’s decisions, and some live with these choices every day of their lives until
they die. Allowing the youth to participate in physical education gives them a choice, and more importantly an autonomy.
Three basic ingredients of a strong speech
Ethos refers to the credibility and authority of the speaker: “What gives him or her the right to speak
before the audience?” This is the kind of question a good speaker will try to answer, when appealing to an
audience's sense of ethos.
Pathos refers to an appeal to the emotions: “How does the speaker stir an emotional response from the
audience?” This is another question on the speaker’s mind when trying to convince the audience of a
Logos is an appeal to the audience's logic. A good speaker will want to include valid arguments and
Stylistic devices in a speech
Qualification (knowledge)
Expertise (experience)
Authority (position)
Emotive language
Short sentence
Rhetorical question
Experts’ opinions
Other elements of a speech:
Humor = A shared sense of humor can be a powerful connection between speaker and the audience,
as it hints at similar values making the speaker seem more trustworthy. Also, people who are in a good
mood are less likely to disagree with a persuasive message. Use it cautiously because improper use of
humor can be disruptive by distracting from the main message or by threatening credibility.
o When using humor, make sure you know your audience and their general interests
Modal Verbs when giving your opinion/belief or advice (e.g. should, must, ought to)
o Even children or teenagers who are in good health should not eat too much.
Special Verbs (e.g. urge/recommend/suggest)
Identify the stylistic devices in the following extracted speech statements.
1. “As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results.”
2. “If we don’t move soon, we’re all going to die! Can’t you see how dangerous it would be to stay?”
3. “I’m not just invested in this community – I love every building, every business, every hard-working
member of this town.”
4. "More than one hundred peer-reviewed studies have been conducted over the past decade, and none of
them suggests that this is an effective treatment for hair loss."
5. “My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless commitment to the people of this
community, and my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition, make me the
ideal candidate for your mayor.”
6. “The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite
of market declines in other areas.”
7. “We’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check.”
8. “But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is
still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years
later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.”
9. “If my years as a Marine taught me anything, it’s that caution is the best policy in this sort of situation.”
10. “You know me – I’ve taught Sunday School at your church for years, babysat your children, and served
as a playground director for many summers – so you know I can run your preschool.”
11. “I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.”
12. “Where would we be without this tradition? Ever since our forefathers landed at Plymouth Rock, we’ve
celebrated Thanksgiving without fail, making more than cherished recipes. We’ve made memories.”
13. “Private demand for the product has tapered off for the past three years, and this year’s sales figures are
at an all-time low. It’s time to research other options.”
14. “In 2003, heat waves caused 20,000 deaths in Europe and 1,500 deaths in India.”
15. “Oceans are rising; coral reefs are dying; species are disappearing; glaciers are melting.”
16. “So we must act now.”
17. “If my age doesn’t convince you that I know what I'm talking about, at least consider that I am your
grandfather and I only want the best for you.”
18. “We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow
our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic
heights of meeting physical force with soul force.”
19. “We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now.”
20. “Research compiled by analysts from NASA, as well as organizations from five other nations with space
programs, suggests that a moon colony is viable with international support.”
21. “Leading scientists say that to stabilize the planet's climate by the end of the century, we need a 70
percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions below 1990 levels by 2050.”
22. “As the headteacher of the English Department, I assure you that this new learning scheme would
benefit the most to all of you.”
23. “I plucked the dewy, white blossom and tucked it into my hair band and went about my day with joy in
my heart. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that my big white flower had been host to a dozen or so tiny
bugs, that apparently enjoyed a new home in the warmth and security of my hair. I was soon itching and
twitching like a scrappy dog.”
24. “And here is the key: Carbon dioxide doesn’t dissipate. It stays in the atmosphere for five decades or
more – causing the Earth’s temperature to rise.”
25. “A world leader has the weight of the world on their shoulders.”
Go back to the previous two sample speeches and annotate them by identifying the rhetorical devices used and their
Practice of the stylistic devices
1) Authority
E.g., “As the headteacher of the English Department, I assure you that this new learning scheme would
benefit the most to all of you.”
Topic: Recreational drug use (assistant / school counsellor)
As the assistant of the school counsellor, I assure you that recreational drug use
Topic: First-aid course should be implemented in the school (trainee / St. John First-aid course)
As the trainee of St.mJohn First-aid course, I assure you that first-aid course should be implemented in the school
Topic: Importance of academic honesty (advocator / anti-plagiarism campaign)
As the advocator of anti-plagiarism campaign, i assure you that importance of academic honesty
Topic: Texting undermines writing skills (organizer / creative writing club)
As the organizer of creative writing club, I assure you that texting undermines writing skills
Topic: Volunteering for the community should be made compulsory for all students in school
As the teacher of this school, I assure you that volunteering for the community should be
made compulsory for all students in school
Topic: Students should be encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities
As the students of the school, i assure that all students should be encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities
Topic: Importance of a healthy lifestyle
2) Facts / Statistics
E.g., “The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even
in spite of market declines in other areas.” (evidence = factual conclusion drawn from statistics)
Topic: Importance of online privacy
The data is perfectly clear: nowadays online hackers are become more and more popular, even adults
got hack when using mobile phone.
Topic: Should the use of plastic bottles be banned
The data is perfectly clear: nowadaoys shop usually like to use plastic bottles to sell their drink,
may cause the plastic bottles couldn’t break down and cause global warming more serious
Topic: Video games are harmful and dangerous
The data is perfectly clear: teenagers and child usually like to play video games, video game likes to let players to use
to buy props, player may want to pass the level faster, therefore they will use money to buy props,
Topic: Should energy drinks be sold in school?
The data is perfectly clear:
Topic: Dangers of air pollution
Topic: The government should ban smoking in all public places
E.g., “More than one hundred peer-reviewed studies have been conducted over the past decade, and
none/all of them suggest that this is an effective treatment for hair loss.” (evidence = factual conclusion
drawn from research)
Topic: The dangers of alcohol abuse (research studies / decade)
Topic: Benefits of a vegetarian diet (experimental studies / five months)
Topic: The importance of eating breakfast (trial experiments / month)
Topic: Importance of ending school violence (case studies / decade)
Topic: Should we eat genetically modified foods?
Topic: Why should we learn another language?
3) Emotive Language
E.g., “We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency now to put
an end to racial discrimination”
Topic: Importance of gun control
Topic: Dangers of media violence
Topic: Importance of school ethics
Topic: Should the government spend money on space exploration?
E.g., “We are the poor, helpless children who are forced to do hours and hours of homework every
night, constantly haunted by exam stress”
Topic: Should fast foods only be sold to people over 18-years old?
Topic: Importance of showing care and respect to elderlies in the community
4) Metaphor
E.g., “Asking schools and colleges to put aside some time every week for the sake of their children is
not a bridge too far”
Topic: Importance of blood donation
Topic: Should we support charities?
Topic: Child labour should be banned
Topic: Importance of exercise
5) Simile
E.g., “Expecting young people to manage studies as well as making time for rigorous exercise – to me,
that appears like some sort of juggling act.”
Topic: The government should censor violent movies
Topic: Students should spend more time in libraries
Topic: All dangerous sports should be banned
Topic: Extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in school
6) Short sentence
E.g., “People who criticize P.E. lessons may say, ‘I’m sending my child here to get educated, not to
waste time on sports!’ This is short-sighted.
Topic: Should practical subjects be taught in school?
Topic: Should cloning be made legal?
Topic: Should the government enforce a heavy tax on unhealthy food?
7) Repetition/Anaphora
E.g., “We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not
allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the
majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.”
Topic: Animal experimentation (stop / mental torture; inflict / pain; find / alternative / science research)
Topic: Women’s rights (invest / education; empower / politically; equip / reduce / vulnerability)
Topic: Importance of vaccinations (protect / children / diseases; care for / elderlies / weak; prevent / epidemics)
E.g., “But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the
Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One
hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of
material prosperity.”
Topic: Importance of religious freedom (practice / religion; fear / religious persecution; suffer / religious beliefs)
Topic: Effects of cyber-bullying
8) Parallelism & Triplet
E.g., “Oceans are rising; coral reefs are dying; species are disappearing.”
Topic: Global warming (temperature / rise; glaciers / melt; polar bears / lose / homes) [present participle]
Topic: Should junk food be banned (fries / oil; burgers and pizzas / salt; soft drinks / sugar) [adjectives]
Topic: Should students be given more holidays? (exam stress / increase / substantial; sleepless nights /
lengthen / dramatic; leisure time / disappear / complete) [present participle + adverb]
Topic: Ending family violence (observe / careful; report / immediate; act / decisive) [adverbs]
Topic: How to be a persuasive speaker (topic / should be / inspire; speaker / should be / passion;
delivery / should be / power) [adjectives]
Using the structure as a guide, choose a topic and write out your speech.
Write a speech for Year 11 students at your school/college, encouraging them to take up a healthy lifestyle.
In your speech you could:
Describe what a healthy lifestyle involves, e.g. exercise, diet, avoiding drugs and alcohol
Give examples of the challenges of leading a healthy lifestyle and where to get help
Explain the benefits of adopting a healthy lifestyle
As well as any other ideas you might have.