SAN FRANCISCO POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT INCIDENT NUMBER: 226194243 HEADING TYPE OF INCIDENT INITIAL SUPP PC487 06374 TIME REPORTED TIME ENDED X TIME STARTED 10/13/2022 23:30 10/14/2022 00:20 REPORTING UNIT TYPE OF PREMISE 10/17/2022 20:43 2F00 Internet LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE 1148 MARKET Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CA CAD NO. RELATED CASE NUMBER Government Premises LOCATION SENT TO 3TENDERLOIN300 OFFICER DECLARATION PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY OIC APPROVAL Sgt Kimberly Ng 1817 PERSON LISTINGS CODE NAME (LAST, FIRST) DOB RACE SEX DRIVERS LICENSE NO LICENSING STATE *** *** *** V Bowerman ,Shawn EMAIL *** RESIDENCE ADDRESS *** EMPLOYER NAME *** BUSINESS ADDRESS *** PHONE *** *** PHONE PROPERTY LISTINGS 1 CODE ITEM QUANTITY BRAND MODEL VALUE S Other Items SERIAL NO. 1 Unagi Model One Duel Motor 1000.00 COLOR Silver/Aluminum DESCRIPTION Electric scooter, glue on left side display, 2 metal ring clamps lower neak NARRATIVE I was at un plaza (the McAllister side) standing in the driveway next to the new dog play area. I had set my scooter right behind me, less then a foot. While I was talking to a few people someone snuck up behind me and walked off with my scooter. By the time I had realized it the scooter was nowhere to be found I spent quite a few hours looking for any trace, I even rented a lime scooter to help me cover more ground. I'm guessing they got on a bus or bart because the scooter was almost dead. I will enter the serial number once I find it later. Thank you Page 1 of 1