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Research Background Design: Video Games & Aggression

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Background of Research
Answer the activities that follow to practice your knowledge and skill about
designing a research used for daily life.
The sample background or introduction of the study below is lifted from
BEHAVIOR IN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Read first the background of the
research and analyze its flow through the use of the funnel diagram. Determine
the general ideas, specific topics and the purpose of the study conducted.
Retrieved on June 2020 from https://rc.library.uta.edu/utair/bitstream/handle/10106/11536/Prokarym_uta_2502M_11974.pdf?isAllowe
Researchers have been intrigued by the possible relationship between media
outlets and the effect on behavior for over half a century. Studies have evolved
from a focus on television in the 1950’s to video games in the 2000’s. Previous
studies have concluded that there is a relationship between media and
aggressive behavior, but the present issue addresses whether studies on video
games produce similar results (Andison, 1977; Carnagey & Anderson, 2005). In
addressing this issue, several factors are taken into account including the time
spent playing video games, the type of game played (violent or non-violent), an
individual’s personality, and their history of aggressive behavior. Anderson and
Bushman (2001), two major researchers in this field, developed the General
Aggression Model (GAM) to explain these factors which has been supported by
several laboratory experiments. The GAM suggests that short-term exposure to
violent video games causes a temporary increase in aggression (Anderson &
Bushman, 2001). Studies regarding the relationship between video games and
aggressive behavior are relatively recent, starting in the past decade, and
therefore have not reached a concrete agreement on their effect. Although it has
been commonly accepted that video games produce a short-term increase in
levels of aggression, the long-term and lasting effects of video games are argued
among researchers and require future longitudinal research.
Video games are becoming a prominent source of media in today’s society and
studies should consider them as an evolution of the interest in the relationship
between media and 2 aggressive behavior. Statistics reveal that more than ninety
percent of children in the U.S. play video games and that the time spent playing
video games has increased from four hours per week in the 1980’s to over nine
hours per week in the 2000’s (Anderson, Gentile, & Buckley, 2005; Gentile &
Walsh, 2002; as cited in Carnagey & Anderson, 2005). Despite these statistics
being several years old, the increase in video game usage is concerning and is
reason enough to study the effects of video games, especially considering that
children are thought to be the most impressionable. Additionally, the threat of
video games increasing aggressive behavior has become a reality with cases such
as the 1999 shooting at Columbine, attributed in part to the students playing
DOOM, and Norway’s shooter Anders Behring Breivik in 2011, who claimed that
he “trained” on games such as World of Warcraft and Modern Warfare 2 (Moore
& Manville, 2009; Peckham, 2012). With the popularity of video games in society
and these real-life incidents, it is imperative to study the potential effects of video
games on individuals.
The current study examined the effect of video games, including play time and
content, on aggressive behavior and personality in undergraduate students. The
study utilized a survey method to ask students about their video game playing
habits as well as their personality and behavioral issues. The results were
analyzed in SPSS version 20.0 to evaluate whether or not the sample of
undergraduate students at University of Texas – Arlington (UTA) supported the
hypotheses regarding the relationship between video games and aggressive
behavior, personality, and acts.
General Idea
● The effects of Online games to the Behavior of Undergraduate Students
Specific Topic
● The GAM understood the aggressive behavior of students and their
addiction to online games
Purpose of the Study
● The purpose of the study is to prove and identify tge exsistense of
aggressive behavior of the students
● To find evidences that video games affects students behavior
General Idea
● The increasing number of media sources affecting student behavior and
student addiction from 90's to 00's era
Specific Topics
● The current study examined the effect of video games, including play time
and content, on aggressive behavior and personality in undergraduate
students. The study utilized a survey method to ask students about their
video game playing habits as well as their personality and behavioral
What I have learned
In this lesson, we focused on describing a research background specifically:
The approach or style in writing a research background which includes the
structure or the flow of the introduction, the grammar involved, and the
The four components of the background or the introduction of the research
namely: Component 1: Establish the problem or issue you want to research.
Component 2: Provide an overview of existing thinking about and/or research
into your research problem. Component 3: Identify a gap, problems or
unresolved issues in the existing knowledge/research that will be useful to the
focus of your research. Component 4: State your research question, your
hypothesis, and your knowledge claim, making sure to place research within the
gap in existing knowledge.
Using the Activity 3. COMPONENTS THAT MATTER, determine what component
of introduction or the background of the research is being described in each
Component 3
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Component 4
Additional Activity
In order to connect the topics discussed in modules 4, 5, and 6, you have to fill
out the information needed below:
Your research problem identified
● The research identified to be the answer to those teenager who are in this depth of situation.
The adolescent period is considered a critical time in the young person’s life. Initiation of
sexual activities, and for many a marriage, occur during this period. The early onset of
sexual intercourse and menarche and the delay in marriage means the period of adolescent
is now longer than ever, which increases the risk of unplanned pregnancy and early
motherhood. During the teenage years, young people who are faced with early motherhood
may experience conflict between their new position as mothers and their adolescent needs.
The study aims to inform and give knowledge about the topic early motherhood.
Your proposed Research Title
● Motherhood: Expoloring the experiences of teenage mom in Marikina City
Summary of the initial background or introduction of your research
Motherhood is a significant and important aspect of life for many women around the
globe. For women in communities where motherhood is highly desired, motherhood is
considered crucial to the woman’s identity. Teenage motherhood, occurring at a critical
developmental stage of teenagers’ lives, has been identified as having adverse social and
health consequences. This research aimed to solicit the lived experiences of young refugee
women who have experienced early motherhood in Marikina