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Quantitative Research Importance Across Fields

Module 2
Importance of Quantitative Research Across Feilds
What's more
Answer the activities that will follow to practice your knowledge and skill
about the topic of characteristics of quantitative research.
Answer the questions below about the importance of quantitative research
across fields/disciplines.
1. In 5 to 10 sentences, illustrate or show the importance of quantitative
research in life. Include examples to make your points clear.
- Quantitative Research is very vita because if a research is not done in a organized way
the results will be less trustworthy. We are in the modern world that our daily information
are based on some scientific accuracy. For example, the weather for today, people tend to
look for updated about it to be prepared with the use of scientific accuracy which is under
the Quantitative research. Next example is a Quantitative random sampling of food supply,
it is necessary to keep the industry on it's toes seeing that they can provide a safe food
supply. Without Quantitative research our daily lives would be thrown into a confession,
so we better learn how this research are being conducted.
2. What are the steps in conducting true experiments?
Set objectives.
Select process variables.
Select an experimental design.
Execute the design.
Check that the data are consistent with the experimental assumptions.
Analyze and interpret the results.
Use/present the results (may lead to further runs or DOE's).
What I Have Learned
Why are researches conducted?
● Researches are being conducted in orther to provide results that will help social
evaluation. We conducted this research to inform action, to prove a theory and to
contribute to developing knowledge and in a field or of your study.
What kind of research is widely use in natural science?
● Natural science use Quantitative research research to explore social interaction, system
and process.
What are the different king of Quantitative researches accross diciplines? Write some important
points/ideas in each diciplines.
● Anthropology is concern with the exploring connections, simutaneously, admist, cultural
differences, alternative and identify
● Communication is very important we cannot function in as a society without
communication we are all social being and we cannot exist without consulting interacting
with other people.
● Medical education tends to be predominantly observational research according to Prieto
this is based on surveys or Correlational studies.
● Behavioral Science is any various diciplines dealing with the subject of human including
the feilds of sociology,, social cultural anthropology, phycology, and behavioral aspects
of biology, economic, geography law phyciatric and political science.
● Education and Phycology dominant pradigms that guides early educational physiological
research were were positionism successor, and post positivist.
● Social science social world can be studied in the same way as the natural world Athat
there is a method for studyibg the social world that is value free and the explanations is a
casual action can be provided.
Showcase the knowledge and skills you have learned in this lesson by
answering the assessment activity.
A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. Research is an __________ part of learning about life.
A. integral
2. Very important to quantitative research is the process of __________.
C. measurement
3. Quantitative researches in __________ is concerned with exploring
connections simultaneously, amidst cultural differences,
alternatives and identity.
A. Anthropology
4. Quantitative research in medical education tends to be
predominantly __________ research.
D. observational
5. ________ research is based mainly on deductive styles of reasoning.
C. Positivist
6. Social research is a method used by social scientists and
researchers to learn about people and societies so that they can
design products/services that cater to various __________ of the
C. needs
7. A/An __________ is conducted by sending a set of pre-decided
questions to a sample of individuals from a target market.
D. survey
8. In observational research, a researcher is expected to be involved in
the __________ of all the participants to understand their routine,
their decision-making skills, their capability to handle pressure and
their overall likes and dislikes.
B. daily life
9. In experiments, there is a __________ which needs to be proved or
disproved by careful observation and analysis.
D. theory
10. The technique of garnering opinions and feedback by asking
selected questions face-to-face, via telephone or online mediums
is called __________ research.
A. interview
B. Choose one (1) among the six (6) fields discussed in this module. Then,
explain the importance of quantitative research through an example. (5
pts.). Use a separate paper for this activity.
● Qualitative research in communication, it play big role in our lives a simple conversation
a talk over the phone or even real time video cause conference are consider
communication. Communication have involved with something way important that merly
talking. Researchers specially those who specialized in linguistic and other related fields,
researchers are often interested in understanding how a particular communication
phenomenon might me generalized to a larger population. Some of these questions are
how we effectively communicage to people with anxiety, what are positive benifits ways
to response to a co-worker with high level of stress. This only a few example of of a
research topic that are realted to communication.
Additional Activity
Quantitative research has undeniable impact on the different aspects of society, the
findings of a particular Quantitative study can influence crucial decision affecting different
organizations and individual. Whatever field of study research methods are utelized in orther to
investigate observable phenomena via statistical and mathematical techniques. Research is used
in almost all fields because we are curious we have many questions, we need and want to be
satisfied so we do research to find answers. Quantitative Research is important to different feilds
first in Anthropology it is the study of human in all times and places. Anthropology make
Quantitative more often, they tend to observed abstract variables. Quantitative research is
helpful, especially in economy and political aspects of human life. Second is communication it
play a big role in our lives a simple conversation a talk over the phone or even real time video
cause conference are consider communication. Researchers specially those who specialized in
linguistic and other related fields, researchers are often interested in understanding how a
particular communication phenomenon might me generalized to a larger population. Third is
medical education, research in the field of medicine tend to be observational research that based
on surveys, and Correlational studies. Experimental research enhance the quality of medical
education, it is also focuses on improvement of exusting drugs, medical equipment and
procedures. Quantitative research helps in creating medecine for uncurable diseases such as
cancer, alzheimer etc. Next behavioral and social science, research in behavioral and social
science has focus on understanding. Behavioral refers to actions such as emotion, cognition,
motivation etc while social is about socioeconomic, sociocultural and sociodemographic status of
some groups and complex crutial systems. The output of this research focuses on how human
behavior relates with another people that may affect human relations. Lastly, education and
psycology concept susch as teaching strategy, clasroom managements, difficult types of
assessment, childhood learning and etc,.are being study in the feild of education and psychology.