Grade 6 I Week (8/1/2023 - 12/1/2023) Timetable Subject Arabic Language English Language Classwork تم التمهيد للوحدة الجديدة (اإلحسان وحسن الصحبة ) وعرض أهمية بر الوالدين. 7-6 صفحة قام الطلبة بشرح درس اإلحسان وحسن الصحبة حيث توزعت المهام بينهم)7-6 وكانت المعلمة كمرشد بين الطلبة (صفحة . توزع الطالب على شكل مجموعات أثناء استخراج األفكار والمعاني للدرس تشارك الطالب و المعلم بمراجعة الجملة الفعلية بطرح أمثلة أمامهم و استخراج. من درس اإلحسان وحسن الصحبة . وظف الطالب الكلمات الجديدة بدرس حسن الصحبة بجمل مفيدة من إنشائهمReading and vocabulary: ● Students read, analyzed ideas and discussed figurative language used in the lesson 11 text “The Great Fire” from pages 313-324. ● Students learned new vocabulary words (page 308 and 309 from the mainbook) and how to use them in meaningful compound and complex sentences by playing a game where they pick a card from a bowl with the vocabulary words on them. Material (Books and notebooks used) الكتاب و الدفتر - Journey’s mainbook Reader’s notebook Grammar: ● Students were introduced to the lesson complex sentences and main and subordinate clauses from their journeys main book page 300 and practiced the lesson on their reader’s notebook pages 103-105,115-117. ● Students were introduced to subject and object pronouns from their main book page 336 and practiced the lesson on their reader’s notebook pages 151-154. Writing: ● Students were introduced to informative writing and practiced writing in class together with the teacher and on their own. Global Perspective Global Perspectives Challenge 5: Seeking Refuge Students were able to: Information Technology ● Identify what refugees are and their reasoning ● Have a debate on whether countries should feel obliged to take refugees in students were able to understand and know Pages: 84-85 computing book 6 pages 38 and 39 ● how to simplify problem ● how to plan a solution to a problem ● how to make a program to match the plan ● وضح الطالب معنى جمع الصالة وقصرها من خالل الفيديو ● َميّز الطالب بين جمع التقديم والتأخير من خالل ضرب أمثلة ● استخرج الطالب أسباب الجمع والقصر بين الصالتين ● وضح الطلبة شروط صحة الجمع بين الصالتين ● حل الطالب أسئلة الدرس واألنشطة داخل الدرس Islamic Education Mathematics Students were able to: ● ● ● Physical Education Use knowledge of tests of divisibility to find factors of numbers greater than 100 Know the rules of divisibility from 2 to 10 Identify and describe the combination of properties that determine specific 3D shape االنترنت الكتاب المدرسي الدفتر *Worksheet #1 * Student book Pg 65 to 69 Pg 54 -55 Welcoming back the students by giving them fitness exercises and playing football , basketball game Sciences Students were able to: ● Use their independent and innovation competencies review basics of chemistry chapter through scattergories Thinking game. ● Describe the structure of an atom and its subatomic particles. ● Differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures. ● Use their innovation, and communication competencies, identify the elements composed from each compound. ● Use their innovation, collaboration, and communication competencies to answer the workbook questions. Practical lessons: ( Science laboratory) Use their innovation, collaboration, and communication competencies : ● Enhancing team spirit and emphasizing on the importance of teamwork to complete the task (Building a stable and straight pasta tower). Cambridge Lower Secondary Science Book pages 77-83 Art and design Students learned this week about the art movement Fauvism. They learned about color moods and how colors can affect our mood and vice versa. Students illustrated a giraffe and colored it in the mood of Fauvism. students will finish their coloring project next week. STEAM welcoming and first day activities Homework & Quizzes Sunday Subject Homework Material (Next Week) Computing 6 study pages 38 and 39 Answer questions 1,2,3, on page 88 (Science Book) on your notebooks Books and notebooks needed for that day Quizzes Every science class students should bring their Lower Secondary Science, notebook and workbook Science Math WB: Q1 Pg22 English Arabic Subject Arabic التدرب على قراءة درس اإلحسان و . حسن الصحبة Monday Homework Material (Next Week) Math English Arabic Read lesson 11 text 2 from your journey’s mainbook pages 330-334 اختر خمس كلمات من درس اإلحسان وحسن الصحبة ووظفها في جمل من إنشائك Answer questions 8 on pages 42 and 43 from your workbook Science *Student book *Workbook *Notebook Find out any 3D solids and bring it to class Journey’s mainbook Reader’s notebook English copybook Dictation from page 102 of their reader’s notebook. الكتاب و الدفتر Books and notebooks needed for that day Student book Workbook Notebook Journey’s mainbook Reader’s notebook English copybook الكتاب و الدفتر Every science class students should bring their lower Secondary Quizzes *Student book Pg65 to 69 Pg 54 to 55 *Workbook Q1 Pg22 Worksheet #1 Science, notebook and workbook Tuesday Subject Global Perspective Arabic Homework Material (Next Week) Write down five points on why a country should allow refugees in and five point on why a country would not allow refugees in with examples to support both arguments تحدث بفقرة عن بر الوالدين أو موقف يدل على ذلك Books and notebooks needed for that day Quizzes Global Perspective Pages: 84-85 الكتاب و الدفتر *Student book *Workbook *Notebook WB : Q4 ”Pg23” Math Every science class students should bring their lower Secondary Science, notebook and workbook Quiz Science: book pages 77-79 + Workbook page 38-39 Science English page 107 of the reader’s notebook Journey’s mainbook Reader’s notebook English copybook - Wednesday Subject Homework Material (Next Week) Books and notebooks needed for that day Computing 6 Science : يختار الطالب بين أحد الموضوعين Islamic Education يكتب عن مكان سافر اليه وكيف جمع.1 الصلوات اثناء سفره ( مع مراعاة )76 شروط الجمع بين الصالتين ص الرجاء اإللتزام بإحضار الكتاب والدفتر في كل حصة للضرورة لحل األسئلة وتوضيح النقاط، المهمة في الدرس Quizzes جمع الصالة في المسجد في حال.2 المطر الشديد ( مع مراعاة شروط )76 الجمع بين الصالتين ص Journey’s mainbook Reader’s notebook English copybook Study for the English quiz tomorrow. English Math Arabic Re-read and revise text 11 “The Great Fire” pages 313-324 with the vocabulary words on pages 308 and 309 and revise the grammar lesson “subject and object pronouns” from main book page 336 and reader’s notebook pages 151-154. *Student book *Workbook *Notebook WB: Q8 (a) Pg 25 الكتاب و الدفتر Thursday Subject Islamic Education Homework Material (Next Week) Arabic Quizzes سيتم تطبيق درس جمع الصالة وقصرها في الرجاء إحضار سجادة صالة، ً الصف عمليا حيث سيتم، ومالبس صالة للفتيات، للجميع رصد عالمات لهذا النشاط English Math Books and notebooks needed for that day WB: Q8 (a) Pg 25 تلخيص قصة من اختيار الطالب و عرضها أثناء الحصة Journey’s mainbook Reader’s notebook English copybook *Student book *Workbook *Notebook الكتاب و الدفتر English quiz