Temenos Support Forum (/SitePages/tsf.aspx) Portal Help mmutoti Customer Support Portal (/SitePages/Home.aspx) Entire Site MENU Enter your keywords here 0interested%20in%20this%20article:%20How%20to%20install%20T24%20Updates%20in%20TAFJ%20Environment%27? pdates%20in%20TAFJ%20Environment%20%20-%20https://tcsp.temenos.com/HowTo/InstallT24Updates.aspx) How to install T24 Updates in TAFJ Environment - ( A Complete Guide) (/SitePages/Home.aspx) Introduction (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) A complete guide with screenshots to download and install T24 Updates in TAFJ environment. (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) Creating System De nition File (SysDef.xml) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) SysDef.xml file is an xml file which contains the current status of the T24 system. This (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) xml file should be generated each time when T24Updates are downloaded. Steps to generate SysDef.xml le Start Web Server and Database Server Open ToolBox (Click on Tools -> User Options…) Input "Connections" (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Click OK) Input T24 Username and Password (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Click "Sign On") (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) ToolBox is connected to T24 System (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Click on "System Update") System Update screen Click on "Extract System Information") T24 System Information screen (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Click on "Create System Definition File") Register this System screen (Click on "Create System Definition File" Button) ARC-IB URL warning screen (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Click "Yes") (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) Save System Definition File (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Click on "Save") Registering System in TCSP Login to the TCSP portal and navigate to MENU -> T24 -> T24 Updates as shown below. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Click on the link shown below to go to Updates portal. Click on Add System button. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) Click on the browse button and select the generated SysDef.xml file. (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) The above message shows that the system has been registered successfully. Click on "Systems" tab and then click on "Select System" on the system which is registered recently (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) List of updates for the selected system are displayed. Click on the corresponding checkboxes of the updates to be downloaded. Then click the button below the "Download Selected Updates" text as shown below. (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) Confirm the list of updates selected in the window appearing next and click Download Updates. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) Click on the save button to download the updates. (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/Home.aspx) Setting up TAFJ properties (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) Make sure that the property "tafj.home" is set with absolute path. (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Change the property "temn.tafj.directory.updates" in the default .properties file as shown below. The jar files after updates installation will be placed in the path mentioned here. The property "temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current" should point to UD folder path. Make sure the path given is absolute and not relative. Setting up T24 Updater Tool Follow to the below steps to setup the updater. Place the downloaded updates zip file in \UD\updater\updates folder. Open the updater.xml from the path UD\updater\config. Uncomment the service tag <service=T24> and make sure all the other services are commented in updater.xml as shown below. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) Make sure the following tags are set correctly in updater.xml <updaterdir> should point to \UD\updater\updates directory (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Under <service name="T24"> tag, the below tag should point to valid directories <path> <installpath> <installprogram> For Windows OS, add the following in updater.bat present in \UD\updater\bin directory. set T24_HOME=<<UD_DIRECTORY>> set TAFJ_HOME=<<TAFJHOME>> set JAVA_HOME=<<JAVAHOME>> set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH% For UNIX OS, add the following in updater File present in \UD\updater\bin directory. export T24_HOME=<<UD_DIRECTORY>> export TAFJ_HOME=<<TAFJHOME>> export JAVA_HOME=<<JAVAHOME>> export PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH% Open the command prompt from UD directory and set the following variables. set PATH=<<UD_Directory>>\updater\bin;%PATH% Running T24Updater tool (/SitePages/Home.aspx) Run the updater.bat from UD directory. (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) The updates are installed successfully. After Updater tool is run successfully, the downloaded update jar file will be created in TAFJ/updates/<< Release_Product_Component_Version >> as shown below. Updater tool will do the below: Move the jar files to path specified in temn.tafj.directory.updates property. Create a log in &COMO& for each update showing the progress of updates installation. Create &SAVEDLISTS& record for each update if there are any records to be released to the system. After updates installation is successful, the zip file will be placed in UD/updater/processed directory. Copying les generated under Updates folder After T24 Updater tool is executed in TAFJ environment, folder(s) with name as Release_Product_Component_Version (Example R16_EB_AlertProcessing_1) will be created under TAFJ/Updates directory. Various jar files will be created under the TAFJ/Updates/<<Update_Name>> folder. The naming convention of <<Update_Name>> is <<Release_Product_Component_Version>>. For example, in the update R16_EB_AlertProcessing_1, Release – R16 Product – EB Component – AlertProcessing UpdateVersion – 1 (/SitePages/Home.aspx) The files generated under <<Update_Name>> should be moved to the respective folders replacing the existing ones. (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) T24 Core Updates (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) T24 Core Updates contain only a single jar file as shown below for (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) R16_EB_AlertProcessing_1. The jar file present under TAFJ/updates/<<Update_Name>> folder should be moved to t24lib folder. (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) T24 Service Updates Certain T24 Service updates contain extensions folder, data jar, service jar and t24service.jar files as shown below for R16_IF_IntegrationLandscapeService_1. Move all the jar files present under the TAFJ/updates/<<Update_Name>> folder (in this case, IF_IntegrationLandscapeService.jar, t24-IF_IntegrationLandscapeService-Data.jar, t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeService-t24service.jar) to t24lib folder. Below is the TAFJ/updates/<<Update_Name>> folder structure with an example. Below example is provided considering Extensions folder to be present. There are certain T24 Service updates for which Extensions folder may not be present. For such cases, the below explanation can be ignored. <<Update_Name>> - R16_IF_IntegrationLandscapeService_1 Extensions 1. <<Product_Component_Name>> IF_IntegrationLandscapeService t24ejb t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-ejb.jar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeServiceejb.jar t24proxy t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-ProxyAdaptor.jar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeServiceProxyAdaptor.jar (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) t24ws t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-Data.jar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeServiceData.jar t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-jws.aar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeServicejws.aar t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-provider.jar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeServiceprovider.jar t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-tafj-jws.aar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeService-tafjjws.aar t24<<Product_Component_Name> >-tafj-provider.jar - t24IF_IntegrationLandscapeService-tafjjws.aar (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Data and service jar files If Extensions folder exists for an update, then navigate to the t24ws folder path, copy the t24-<<Product_Component>>-tafj-jws.aar and replace the corresponding .aar file under axis2.war/WEB-INF/services as shown below. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) t24ejb folder contains the ejb jar file which should be deployed on the Application server if T24 custom adapters are used for connecting to ESBs. The jar file present within t24ejb folder should be moved to the server deployments folder. If adapters are not used, then t24ejb should be ignored. t24Proxy folder contains jar file used for calling out of T24 into Java/C from within T24 if required. Currently, it is only used by PW to call out to jBPM to fetch next task. Move the jar file under t24Proxy to server deployments folder only if it is required. Else, ignore the t24Proxy folder. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) The contents present in the TAFJ/updates folder can be deleted as a part of a clean up activity. (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) Running BNK/T24.UPDATES service (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) Login to T24 (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Set the SERVICE.CONTROL field of TSM and BNK/T24.UPDATES in TSA.SERVICE to START. Start TSM from TAFJ shell (tRun START.TSM -DEBUG). (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Start the agent for BNK/T24.UPDATES service (tRun tSA 2). The updates installed will be updated in the SPF record. BNK/T24.UPDATES service will release the data record to the system and also update SPF with the latest update name in T24.UPDATES field. Post Installation Steps The records respective to the updates installed will be in INAU status. These records can authorised either manually or by running BNK/T24.AUTHORISE service. Set the Service Control field of BNK/T24.AUTHORISE to start. (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) Start TSM Start agent for BNK/T24.AUTHORISE service Conclusion The T24 updates on TAFJ environment installed successfully and the newly released records are authorised. Last Updated: 01-Dec-2017 (/SitePages/Home.aspx) (/SitePages/supportinterface.aspx) COPYRIGHT © 2018 TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA viewed in Internet Explorer 10 & above Best (/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx) (/Support/DashBoard.aspx) (/OpenSourcePortal/SitePages/Home.aspx) (http://www.temenos.com/)