GRADES 1 to 12 DAILY LESSON LOG I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies Write the LC code for each School: Cantapoy Elementary School Teacher: Ria Biong-Taripe Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 4-8, 2023 (WEEK 2) Grade Level: VI Learning Area: All Subjects Quarter: 1ST QUARTER MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Identifying feelings/reactions related to the pandemic/or any form of disaster. Accept that all feelings and reactions are normal and valid. The learner demonstratesan understanding ofvalidating feelings andnormalizing emotions. The learner writes areflection after learning thathis/her reactions to thestressful events of thepandemic or any other formof disaster were normal andvalid The learner demonstrates anunderstanding of calmingdown and managing one’semotions and thoughts • Identify feelings/reactionsrelate d to the pandemic/anyform of disaster • Accept that all feelings andreactions are normal and valid • Identify positive ways to manage one’s emotions. • Practice calming down usinga diaphragmatic breathing andthe 3C’s of Feelings and Thoughts Be able to practice reframing one’s self The learner distinguishesemotions that they felt beforeand after the peak of thepandemic by fillingout/answering the table andmakes reflective activitiesabout managing theiremotions and thoughts The learner demonstrates anunderstanding of identifyingand addressing one’s needs. The learner creates a list ofemergency contact numbersinformation, fills out the needsform table and makesreflective essays and activitiesabout identifying andaddressing needs. • Identify one’s current needsand those of one’s family • Become aware of the various institutions, departments, and centers present within the school environment or the immediate community. Take note of the important number and information regarding who to approach for needs. FRIDAY The learner demonstrates anunderstanding of identifyinghis/her sources of strengths. The learner demonstrates anunderstanding of identifyinghis/her sources of strengths. The learner expresses his/herthoughts about his/her sourceof strength through drawing, writing a poem and reflectiveessays The learner expresses his/herthoughts about his/her sourceof strength through drawing, writing a poem and reflectiveessays • Identify personal, social, andemotional sources ofstrengths during and in theaftermath of thedisaster/stressful situation Identify your internal and external sources of strength. • Identify personal, social, andemotional sources ofstrengths during and in theaftermath of thedisaster/stressful situation. Identify your internal and external sources of strength. II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) III. Learning Resources A.References B. Materials C. Strategies Module I: Validating Feelings and Normalizing Reactions Module II on PFA: Calming Down and Managing one’s Emotions and Thoughts Module III on PFA: Identifying and Addressing Needs Module IV on PFA: Sources of Strengths Module IV on PFA: Sources of Strengths Psychological First Aid(PFA) Modules Pen, paper, crayons, scissors, ruler Reflective essays,demonstration, groupsharing, lecture method Psychological First Aid(PFA) Modules Pen, paper, crayons, scissors, ruler Reflective essays, lecturemethod, simulation Psychological First Aid(PFA) Modules Pen, paper, crayons, scissors, ruler Reflective essays, lecturemethod, inquirybasedlearning Psychological First Aid(PFA) Modules Pen, paper, crayons, scissors, ruler Reflective essays, lecturemethod, inquirybasedlearning, poetry writing Psychological First Aid(PFA) Modules Pen, paper, crayons, scissors, ruler Levels of reflection chart, KWLchart, reflect and sketch,quotes in songs IV.PROCEDURES CONDUCT OF PFA/MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT SERVICES (MHPSS) ACTIVITIES Introduction The teacher will ask thelearners on what do theyfeel now. The teacher will listen to the learners’ responses. The teacher will then explain to the learners that they will be accomplishing modules that will let them talk about their experiences during the months of lockdown due to the pandemic or maybe due to another disaster such as Typhoon Odette. The aim of the activities of the modules is to help the learners feel better as they are provided with ways to react to all the disruptions caused by the pandemic or the The teacher will ask the learners to remember the routines and feelings that they have during the past few months of pandemic. Explain to the learners that for this session, the focus is on how to manage their feelings. PFA Module 2 p. 8 The teacher will ask the learners about what have been discussed last session. The teacher will explain to the laerners that since we have already discussed feelings, thoughts, and how to accept and reframe them. Today, we will learn about how to refer people in need. PFA Module 3 p.8 The teacher reviews the topics discussed for the past 3 sessions. Today, we will focus on your sources of strength. PFA Module 4 p. 8 Learners will be given tasks that they need to accomplish at home. The following tasks should be submitted on Monday the following week. Using the levels of reflection chart, make a reflection on what you have learned on Module I: Validating Feelings and Normalizing Reactions. Using the KWL chart, make a reflection on what you have learned on Module II: Calming Down and Managing one’s Emotions and Thoughts Activity disaster. After they are done answering all 4 modules, the learners will need to submit these modules back to the teacher/adviser so that the teacher/adviser can give them feedback on the laerners’ answer. PFA Module 1 p.8 Let the learners do the first activity. Learners will write toa friend about the following: 1.During the months and years of lockdown due the peak of COVID 19 cases and after Typhoon Odette, what were the 5 routines you did at home? Number them from 1-5, and write them down on the front part of your letter. 2. On the back page of your letter, write to your friend about your feelings towards your reactions or routines. Once the learners are done writing. Discuss the information about “Common Reactions of Students to Stressful Events”. Let the learners compare their feelings to the feelings mentioned. Are there commonalities? Were there feelings that the learners also felt? K-W-L Chart Topic:_____________ KNO W Let the learners do the “Catch the Paper Ball” activity. Instruct the learners to do the following: •Make a paper ball. •Throw the ball upwards then catch it. Tell them: •Imagine that what you are catching are feelings. Those were some of the feelings you caught during the lockdown/pandemic/disaster. They are feelings of fear, boredom, anxiety, etc. “ •Stop holding the ball for a moment. You stare at the paper ball. Hold it. Look at it. Accept the feeling. Say to yourself, “Yes, I was feeling afraid.” Or “Yes, I was feeling anxious.” •” Catching your feelings, it is always good to catch what you are feeling. It is a normal and valid feeling. It’s okay to Not feel okay. But they are real and true only as the not so-normal situation that triggers it.” •” It is ok to not feel okay, in a not-so-ok-situation like the pandemic or any disaster. “ Let the learners do the activity “Saan Ka Pupunta?” Let the learners fill in the table below: Instruct the learners to place the list in their homes where it would be visible to all members of your household. • Discuss the List of Common Needs of Survivors after a Disaster or Pandemic • Discuss the List of Common Needs During a Pandemic and How to Access Them Let the learners do the following: • Draw a kite. • Instruct and tell the learners: Just like a kite, you too have what it takes to fly. On each part of the kite’s diamond, kindly write down what you think are your sources of strength. What makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic? Can you also identify what or who acts like the wind for you? Who provides you with support? Who or what helps you soar? On the areas outside WHAT LEARNED REFLECT ‘N’ SKETCH Sketch the learnings and reflection you had for Module III on PFA: Identifying and Addressing Needs Find a song where the singer uses lyrics that describe your what you have learned on Module IV on PFA: Sources of Strengths It does not need to be a whole song but the lyrics in a song. Common Reactions of Students to Stressful Events •feel a strong responsibility to the family. •feel anxious brought about by uncertainty of the future. •feel intense or prolonged grief for not being able to wake. •may become selfabsorbed and feel selfpity. May experience changes in their relationships with other people. •may also start taking risks, engage in selfdestructive behavior, have avoidant behavior, and become aggressive. •may experience major shifts in their view of the world accompanied by a sense of hopelessness about the present and the future. •may become defiant authorities and parents while they start relying on peers for socializing through social media. •may feel guilty and anxious having been separated from their loved ones due to lockdown. PFA Module 1 pp. 9-10 •” Now, I want to invite you to do some diaphragmatic breathing.” • Breathe in (Inhalation of Air). A very slight pause before you exhale. Breathe out (exhalation of air). Breathe in (inhalation of Air). A very slight pause before you inhale. Breathe out (exhalation of air). Release all the feelings. •Check your Feelings Were those feelings helpful to me? You will probably answer with both a yes and a no. That means that some of your feelings were helpful, but others were not. For instance, if you keep feeling fearful, do you need to stay in fear for long? How helpful is fear to you? How accurate or appropriate is the feeling of anxiety, now? How helpful is it to always be worrying about things? While thinking about this, breathe in and Breathe out (5x). •Change that Feeling In this part, I want you to think of something else to help you feel better. This means that you can replace that feeling. Some feelings are productive and useful while some may be unproductive and useless. It is because they are no longer appropriate to the situation. You have the power to change your feelings by actually changing your thoughts about the feeling. This process is called REFRAMING. Where is the • Fill out the Needs Form the kite, write down the names of these people or things that act like the wind for you. Take time to color your drawing. Below it, write a brief explanation about your sources of strength and the people and things who act like the wind to help you fly or soar. PFA Module 4 pp. 89 Analysis The teacher will then ask the learners about the following: 1. What are the common feeling/s about the usual routines of your everydaylife? 2. What are your shared human experiences of Covid19 or of the disaster that hit your town? Are they similar? Are they dissimilar? The teacher will explain to the learners that they were not alone. They can empathize with each other. They accept each other. These are all normal feelings to stressful situations. Discuss the Module I Handout: When Terrible Things Happen • Positive and negative reactions that students can experience during and immediately after crisis situations. feeling coming from? Or, you can ask, “Where is the ball coming from?” Why did it hit you? How do you manage your feelings? You can manage it by changing the name of the ball into feelings of gratefulness, understanding, happiness, and contentment. Breathe in. Breathe out (5x) Ask the learners on the following guide questions and have a group sharing. 1.What do you feel? What do you think was the point of Catching, Checking and Changing your feelings? 2. What was the reason why you had to reframe your thoughts? PFA Module 2 p. 9 Ask the learners on the following guide questions and have a group sharing. 1.Why do you think it is important for all of you to learn about whom you can go to for your own needs and the needs of yourfamily? 2.Why do you think it is important for you to learn about whom you can go to for your own needs and the needs of your family? PFA Module 3 p. 12 Ask the learners on the following guide questions and have a group sharing. What have you realized about yourself after drawing the kite? PFA Module 4 p. 10 •Common negative reactions that may continue •Positive changes in priorities, worldview, and expectations •When a Loved One Dies, Common Reactions •What Helps •What Helps •What Helps? •What Doesn’t Help PFA Module 1 pp. 1013 Abstraction •Ask the learners how they feel now about themselves after knowing what they were feeling or how they were reacting was similar to the one that has been discussed. Remind the learners that their reactions to stressful situations are normal at the moment. •Demonstrate the breathing exercise for relaxation. PFA Module 1 p. 14 Application Let the learners write are flection about the Instruct the learners the following: Use the columns below labeled with the words “Before” on one side and “After” on the other side. Under the Column Before, write your feelings during the pandemic/disaster. Under the column After, write your feelings at this very moment, after going through the Catch, Check and Change Exercise. BEFORE (my feelings during the activity) AFTER (my feelings after the activity) Instruct the learners to answer the following Ask the learners on the following guide questions and have a group sharing. Think about news reports that showed how at times, even these linkages could not do their responsibilities efficiently. Why do you think these groups had a hard time? Can you also recall some great or good stories about how other groups were able to help you very well? Ask the learners on the following guide questions and have a group sharing. How are you similar to the kite? What are your strengths as a person? PFA Module 4 p. 10 Let the learners write a poem (with one stanza and 4lines) lesson by answering the following: •Today you learned that our reactions to the stressful events of a pandemic or any other form of disaster were normal and valid. How does this new learning that my reactions and feelings toward Covid19/disaster were normal after all help me? •How can you apply this learning to your life especially after experiencing such a pandemic? Closure: Let the learners read their letters again. Let them compare their feelings now that they know that those feelings were normal and valid. Let the learners say to themselves: “My feelings are valid. My reactions are normal. My feelings and reactions are valid and normal.” questions on a clean sheet of paper: 1. How can you apply your new found knowledge to your daily life? After going through the activity, I learned that the feelings that ICAUGHT could be… 2.After a while, I CHECKED the feelings and realized that I could… 3. And so I CHANGED my feelings into the following: Then ,tell yourself: The next time when I experience intense feelings, I would take a deep breath 5X to calm down, and then check, change the feelings by reframing my thoughts. Closure: As a way to close the session, repeat this line to yourself: “Emotions can be caught (like in a ball), checked (on helpfulness or usefulness and accuracy) and changed.” about his/her sources of strength. Closure: Instruct the learners: Face the mirror, read and recite out loud the poem you have written about your sources of strength. PFA Module 4 p. 10 PFA Module 2 pp. 10-11 PFA Module 1 p. 14 V. Remarks Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: RIA BIONG-TARIPE MARILOU A. BECINA Teacher Principal II