BUSINESS ECONOMICS ASSIGNMENT NO 3 GDP ASSIGNMENT The assignment requires you to prepare a 6 Slide PowerPoint Deck (A deck is another term for a PowerPoint presentation). Select a country that starts with the same letter as the first letter of your last name. o For example, my last name is MERCHANT, I would select a country starting with the letter M e,g, Malaysia, If not a single country starts with the first letter of your last name, select a country that starts with the first letter of your first name. For me it would be Zimbabwe. Items to research o o o o Research GDP data of said country from 2012 to 2021. Research the product base for the country including What is the country’s highest export? What is the country’s highest import Did the GDP change substantially over the 10 year period, is there a reason? Research or calculate the GDP per Capita, compare the GDP % change to GDP per Capita change, are there any observations to be made. Presentation Breakdown Title, Chosen Country, Name Country information, GDP, export, import Etc. Change in GDP over 10 years, and drivers for change (Why did the change happen) Changes in GDP per capita over 10 years, comparison to changes in GDP. Key Observations GDP outlook Conclusions Slide: What have you learned about the country you researched. Marking Grid Format, Presentation, Spelling 10 Marks Slide 2 10 Marks Slide 3 20 Marks Slide 4 20 Marks Slide 5 20 Marks Slide 6 20 Marks Hungary’s largest export class is of machines, responsible for a total of $47.6 billion of their total export trades. Read more at: Hungary's major imports are machinery and equipment, other manufactures and fuels and electricity. 14662.03 euro million