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FINA 2343 Lending & Credit Course Syllabus - HKU

FINA 2343
Lending and Credit in Private and Corporate Banking (1)
Professor Anna Wong
Ms. Amy Chun
HKU Business School
University of Hong Kong
Semester 1, 2023-2024
Mondays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. (LE3)
Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. (LE7)
Tutor – Ms Grace Tsang (gtsangwk@hku.hk)
The course covers the key elements of lending and provision of credit facility in banks,
including corporate clients and private banking clients. Lending and credit is a key component
of a banking relationship and an important source of revenues for banks. Lending and credit
products involve risks to the banks and to the clients. The business of lending and the provision
of other credit facilities is intrinsically linked to the management of risk on the bank’s side.
The use of borrowings and entering into leveraged products/transactions is equally a process
of risk awareness and risk management for the clients.
For corporate banking credit analysis, the course starts with the revision of basic accounting
concepts, and reading and understanding of a company’s annual report and its financial
statement. This includes spreading of the financial statement, understanding of financial ratios
and the use of financial ratios in credit analysis. Identification of business risks and financial
risks and evaluate a lending situation will be reviewed.
For private banking credit analysis, the course starts at an understanding of the benefits and
risk of lending, and then discuss about collateralized facilities with an understanding of
different types of collaterals and different types of lending situations.
The students are expected to make credit recommendation on respective corporate and private
banking clients.
First class, mid-term examination, last class and final examination
First class:
4th/ 5th September, 2023
Mid-term examination: 4th November, 2023
Last class: 27th/ 28th November, 2023
Final in-hall examination: TBC
Course Overview
Aims and Objectives
Corporate Banking - The course aims to provide students with a tool to perform a credit risk
analysis on a company including financial statement analysis, application of financial ratios
and understanding of business risks. Students are expected to draw a conclusion of the creditworthiness of a prospective borrower and make a credit recommendation/decision based on the
Private Banking – the course aims to provide students with a tool to analyse the different types
of collaterals and monitoring of marked-to-market value of the underlying collaterals.
Identification of the risks and benefits of leveraging to both the bank and the client.
Teaching/Learning Methodology/Methods
The course adopts a practical approach and teaches the students the real life experience of a
credit analyst/relationship manager in a Corporate Bank or a Private Bank in dealing with risk
analysis and financial analysis. The annual report of a listed company “Luen Thai Holdings
Limited” will be adopted as a real life example of how credit analysis is being performed in a
bank. While there is course materials or reference materials as listed in (2) below, it is
insufficient to meet the course objectives from purely reading the textbook and the materials.
Class attendance is essential in order to fully understand the concepts and the application of
such concepts.
The course organised in a lecture format, but students are expected to do instant application of
concepts and make contributions to questions and answers. Spreadsheets (on financial
statement information) will be built during classroom time, and each class will build on the
spreadsheet developed in the prior class. Students are expected to participate actively in
classroom exercise and/or classroom discussions. Preparation for the class is expected.
Students MUST bring with them a laptop with Excel spreadsheet function and a mobile device
for in-class quiz.
Lecture slides or notes will be uploaded to Moodle prior to lecture time. Students are expected
to quickly review the teaching slides and other required pre-readings in order to prepare for the
Take-home Assignment & Preparation
Take-home assignment and next class reading/preparation materials will be provided at end of
the class. Other than assigned reading materials, the take-home assignment is in itself a
preparation for the next class.
Students are expected to submit the take-home assignments on time, the deadline is 2 p.m. of
the Thursday following the class. The take-home assignment will be either reviewed at tutorial
session or at the start of the next class. The assignment must be submitted via Moodle. No late
submission will be accepted.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Recapture the financial information in the financial statement into a “spreadsheet”
format for further financial analysis (“spreading”)
- Build a cashflow statement from the balance sheet and profit and loss statement
- Understand the different financial ratios and the application of financial ratios in
financial analysis and risk analysis
- Understanding of lending principles and lending rationales
- Identify the key risks in the company’s operations – business risks and financial risks
- Identify key mitigating factors
- Ability to perform a meaningful financial analysis / risks analysis
- Ability to make a credit recommendation / credit decision
- Understanding the purpose and concept of collateralised lending
- Understanding the risks elements of different kinds of collateral
- Understanding how margin are calculated and monitored
Course Materials
Text materials
Luen Thai Holdings Limited (311) 2021 Annual Report
Luen Thai Holdings Limited (311) 2022 Annual Report
Reference Materials
Commercial Lending – Principles and Practice, Adrian Cudby, Chartered Banker, KoganPage
The course assessment will be based on combination of in-class attendance, take-home
assignment, mid-term examination and final examination. Weighting is as per table.
attend class
Assessment method
Brief description
In class attendance
Take home assignments and
tutorial participation
Mid-term examinations*
In class attendance
Quantitative analysis and applications, short
Case study, quantitative analysis and short essay
Case study, quantitative analysis and short essay
Final examination*
*You must attend both examinations for an
Other Information
Regular class attendance is expected. Given this course is using a practical industry approach,
purely textbook and self-study are generally insufficient to meet the assessment demand of the
Video recording of lectures
To facilitate your revision, all classes will be video-taped and posted on Moodle. You are
strongly encourage to visit the recording for revisions and preparation of the mid-term and the
final examination.
Tutorial sessions will be arranged to enhance your understanding of the course and to review
assignments. You are encouraged to prepare for the tutorials and share your views. Details to
be communicated by the tutor.
Office Hours
By appointment via email at awong81@hku.hk, and amychun@hku.hk
Course Syllabus
Seminar No. 1
4th/ 5th Sept 2023
Course introduction and overview
Review of accounting concepts of assets and liabilities
Spreading and understanding of a financial statement
Course outline
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (p. 71-76)
Seminar No. 2
Spreading and understanding of notes to a financial statement
11 / 12 Sept 2023 (cont’d)
Commercial Lending, Chapter 2
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (p. 71-76)
Seminar No. 3
Full spreading and understanding of notes to a financial statement
18th/ 19th Sept 2023
Commercial Lending, Chapter 2
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (p. 71-76)
Seminar No. 4
Financial ratio analysis
25 / 26 Sept 2023
Commercial Lending, Chapter 2
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (p. 71-76)
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (p. 109-155)
2nd/ 3rd Oct 2023
Seminar No. 5
9th/ 10th Oct 2023
Public Holiday
Business risks and financial risks
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report (whole annual report)
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (whole annual report)
16th/ 17th Oct 2023
23rd/ 24th Oct 2023
Reading Week
Public Holiday
Seminar No. 6
Lending principles & Liquidation analysis
30 / 31 Oct 2023
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report (whole annual report)
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (whole annual report)
4th Nov (Saturday)
Seminar No. 7
6th/ 7th Nov 2023
Mid-term examination
Cashflow Statement
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report (whole annual report)
Luen Thai Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report (whole annual report)
Seminar No. 8
13th/ 14th Nov 2023
Cashflow Statement (cont’d)
Introduction of Private Banking. What is lending and leverage in
Collateral analysis and risk monitoring.
Seminar No. 9
Private Banking. What is lending and leverage in Collateral analysis
20th/ 21st Nov 2023 and risk monitoring. What are the benefits and risks to the investor
and to the bank?
Seminar No. 10
27th/ 28th Nov 2023
Collateral analysis and risks monitoring (cont’d)
Overall Revision and Preparation for the Final Examination
Final Examination