CSWI P 3.2 – Senior Welding I nspect or WI S10 Training and Exam inat ion Ser vices Grant a Park , Gr eat Abingt on Cam bridge CB21 6AL Unit ed Kingdom Copy right © TWI Lt d CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspection Introduction WIS10 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd The Course The Senior Welding Inspector course covers a variety of subjects that somebody operating at this level will have to have a comprehensive knowledge of. Once each subjected is presented it will be reinforced with 10 questions relating to that subject. As the examination is multi choice these questions will also be. Course Subjects QA and QC Destructive testing Heat treatments Welding procedures Welding dissimilar Residual stress and distortion Weldability Weld fractures Welding symbols Non destructive testing Welding consumables Weld repairs □ □ □ □ Specifications Joint design HSLA steels Arc energy and heat input There will also be homework each night in multi choice format which will be reviewed the following day. Copyright © TWI Ltd Course Assessment Exam after the course is completed No continuous assessment Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP Certificate Scheme 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector 3.1 Welding Inspector 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector For further examination information please see website www.cswip.com Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 0‐1 CSWIP 3.2 Examination The TWI Specification will be used. To attempt the Senior Welding Inspectors Examination (3.2) you must already be a holder of the Welding Inspectors Qualification (3.1). CSWIP 3.0 Examination Before attempting the examination, you MUST provide the following Two passport size photographs, with your name and signature on reverse side of both. Eye test certificate, the certificate must show near vision and colour tests. (N4.5 or Times Roman numerals standard) and verified enrolment. Completed examination form, you can print from the website www.twi.training.com It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to provide the above. Failure to do so will delay results and certification being issued. Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP 3.2 Examination 3.2.1 Without radiograph interpretation 70% pass mark required in all areas of examination 3.2.2 With radiograph interpretation (Optional) 70% Pass mark required in all areas of examination including radiographic interpretation before certificate can be issued. Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP 3.2 Examination Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP 3.2 Examination There are four sections to the examination each will require 70% pass mark for the qualification to be awarded. Part 1 General Multi-choice 30 Questions 45 minutes Part 2 Scenario multi choice 60 questions 150 minutes Part 3 Assessment of four NDT Reports 40 Questions 75 minutes Part 4 The interpretation of weld symbols using a drawing 10 questions 30 minutes Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP 3.2 Examination All of the questions from all of the sections are generated individually from a large data base so no one student has the same exam. For candidates wishing to complete the RT supplementary examination In the case of the scenario section of 60 questions, 12 topics will be randomly generated, each with 4 questions from the 12 sections presented through the week and 12 questions directly related to the specification. Theory: Density and Sensitivity Calculations 1 hour The exam specification, will be required for most of the scenario and NDT questions but not for the General and weld symbol questions. Copyright © TWI Ltd Theory B2: Radiographic general theory 20 multiplechoice questions 30 Minutes Practical D2: Interpretation of Radiographs Metal Group A: Ferrous 6 Radiographs 1 Hour 30 Minutes Metal Group B: Austenitic 3 Radiographs 45 Minutes Metal Group C: Aluminum 3 Radiographs 45 minutes Metal Group D: Copper 3 Radiographs 45 minutes Copyright © TWI Ltd 0‐2 Notification of Examination Results 70% Pass mark required for EVERY section of the exam CSWIP 3.2 Renewals 5 years 10 years Log book submittal Renewal examination 2 copies of certificates and an identity card sent to delegates’ sponsor Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Certification Scheme for Personnel Recognised Worldwide Copyright © TWI Ltd 0‐3 CSW I P 3 .2 – Se n ior W e ldin g I n spe ct or Con t e n t s Se ct ion Subj e ct 1 D u t ie s of t h e Se n ior W e ldin g I nspe ct or 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Leader ship skills Technical skills Knowledge of t echnology Knowledge of norm at ive docum ent s Knowledge of planning Knowledge of organisat ion Knowledge of qualit y/ audit ing Man m anagem ent Recruit m ent Morals and m ot ivat ion Discipline Sum m ary 2 W e lde d Join t D e sign 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Welds Types of j oint Fillet welds But t welds Dilut ion Welding sym bols Welding posit ions Weld j oint preparat ions Designing welded j oint s Sum m ary 3 Qu a lit y Assu r an ce a n d Qu a lit y Con t r ol 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Definit ions Qualit y syst em st andards Audit ing and docum ent at ion Qualit y requirem ent s for w elding Calibrat ion/ validat ion of welding equipm ent Workshop exercise 4 Code s a n d St an da r ds 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Com pany m anuals Audit ing Codes and st andards Sum m ary 5 Fe - C St e e ls 5.1 St eel t erm inology 6 D e st r u ct ive Te st in g 6.1 6.2 6.3 Test t ypes, t est pieces and t est obj ect ives Fract ur e t est s Macr oscopic exam inat ion WI S10- 30816 Cont ent s Copyright © TWI Lt d 7 H e a t Tr e a t m en t 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Heat t r eat m ent of st eel Post weld heat t r eat m ent ( PWHT) PWHT t herm al cycle Heat t r eat m ent furnaces Local PWHT 8 W PS a n d W e lde r Qu a lifica t ion s 8.1 8.2 Qualified welding procedure specificat ions Welder qualificat ion 9 Ar c En er gy a n d H e at I n pu t 9.1 9.2 Curr ent and v olt age Arc energy or heat im put 10 Re sidu a l St r ess a n d D ist or t ion 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 What causes dist ort ion? What ar e t he m ain t ypes of dist ort ion? What ar e t he fact or s affect ing dist ort ion? Dist ort ion – prevent ion by pr e- set t ing, pre- bending or use of r est raint Dist ort ion – prevent ion by design Elim inat ion of w elding Dist ort ion – prevent ion by fabricat ion t echniques Dist ort ion – corr ect ive t echniques 11 W e lda bilit y of St e e ls 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Fact or s t hat effect w eldabilit y Hydr ogen cracking Solidificat ion cracking Lam ellar t earing 12 W e ld Fr a ct ur es 12.1 12.2 12.3 Duct ile fract ur es Brit t le fract ure Fat igue fract ure 13 W e ldin g Sym bols 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 St andards for sym bolic represent at ion of welded j oint s on drawings Elem ent ary w elding sym bols Com binat ion of elem ent ary sym bols Supplem ent ary sym bols Posit ion of sym bols on drawings Relat ionship bet ween t he arr ow line and t he j oint line Posit ion of t he refer ence line and posit ion of t he w eld sym bol Posit ions of t he cont inuous line and t he dashed line Dim ensioning of welds I ndicat gion of t he w elding process Ot her inform at ion in t he t ail of t he r eference line Weld sym bols in accordance wit h AWS 2.4 14 NDT 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Radiographic m et hods Magnet ic part icle t est ing Dye penet rant t est ing Surface cracks det ect ion ( m agnet ic part icle/ dye penet rant ) : general WI S10- 30816 Cont ent s Copyright © TWI Lt d 15 Welding Consumables 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 MMA electrodes Cellulosic electrodes Rutile electrodes Basic electrodes Classification of electrodes TIG filler wires MIG/MAG filler wires SAW filler wires 16 MAG welding 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 The process Process variables Welding consumables Important inspection point/checks when MIG/MAG welding 17 MMA Welding 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 Manual metal arc/shielded metal arc welding (MMA/SMAW) MMA welding basic equipment requirements Power requirements Welding variables Voltage Type of current and polarity Type of consumable electrode Typical welding defects 18 Submerged Arc Welding 18.1 18.2 18.3 The process Process variables Storage and care of consumables 19 TIG Welding 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 Process characteristics Process variables Filler wires and shielding gases Tungsten inclusions Crater cracking Common applications of the TIG process Advantages of the TIG process Disadvantages of the TIG process 20 Weld Repairs 20.1 20.2 Production repairs In-service repairs Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix WIS10-30816 Contents 1 2 3 4 Homeworks NDT Training Reports Training Drawing Specification Questions Copyright © TWI Ltd Se ct ion 1 D u t ie s of t h e Se n ior W e ldin g I n spe ct or 1 D u t ie s of t h e Se n ior W e ldin g I nspe ct or The Senior Welding I nspect or has prim arily a supervisor y/ m anagerial role, which could encom pass t he m anagem ent and cont r ol of an inspect ion cont ract . The role w ould cert ainly include leading a t eam of Welding I nspect or s, who will look t o t he Senior Welding I nspect or for guidance, especially on t echnical subj ect s. The Senior Welding I nspect or will be expect ed t o give advice, r esolve problem s, t ak e decisions and generally lead from t he fr ont , som et im es in difficult sit uat ions. The at t ribut es required by t he Senior Welding I nspect or are varied and t he em phasis on cert ain at t ribut es and skills m ay differ fr om proj ect t o proj ect . Essent ially t hough t he Senior Welding I nspect or will require leadership skills, t echnical skills and experience. 1 .1 Le a de r ship sk ills Som e aspect s on t he t heory of leadership m ay be t aught in t he classroom , but leadership is an inherent part of t he char act er and t em peram ent of an individual. Pract ical applicat ion and experience play a m aj or part in t he dev elopm ent of leadership skills and t he Senior Welding I nspect or should st rive t o im prov e and fine t une t hese skills at every opport unit y. The skills required for t he developm ent of leader ship include a: 1 .2 Willingness and abilit y t o accept inst ruct ions or orders from senior st aff and t o act in t he m anner pr escribed. Willingness and abilit y t o give orders in a clear and concise m anner, whet her v erbal or writ t en, which will leave t he recipient in no doubt as t o what act ion or act ions are r equired. Willingness t o t ak e r esponsibilit y, part icularly when t hings go w rong, perhaps due t o t he Senior Welding I nspect or ’s direct ion, or lack of it . Capacit y t o list en ( t he basis for good com m unicat ion skills) if and when explanat ions are necessar y and t o provide const ruct ive r easoning and advice. Willingness t o delegat e r esponsibilit y t o allow st aff t o get on wit h t he j ob and t o t rust t hem t o act in a professional m anner. The Senior Welding I nspect or should, wherever possible, st ay in t he background, m anaging. Willingness and abilit y t o support m em bers of t he t eam on t echnical and adm inist rat ive issues. Te chnica l sk ills A num ber of fact or s m ake up t he t echnical skills r equired by t he Senior Welding I nspect or and t hese are a knowledge of: Technology. Nor m at ive docum ent s. Planning. Organisat ion. Audit ing. WI S10- 30816 Dut ies of t he Senior Welding I nspect or 1- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 .3 Know le dge of t e ch nology Welding t echnology knowledge r equired by t he Senior Welding I nspect or is v ery sim ilar t o t hat required by t he Welding I nspect or, but wit h som e addit ional scope and dept h. Cert ain areas wher e addit ional knowledge is required are a: 1 .4 Knowledge of qualit y assurance and qualit y cont rol. Sound appreciat ion of t he four com m only used non- dest ruct ive t est ing m et hods. Basic underst anding of st eel m et allurgy for com m only welded m at erials and t he applicat ion of t his underst anding t o t he assessm ent of fract ure sur faces. Assessm ent of non- dest ruct ive t est report s, par t icularly t he int erpr et at ion of radiographs. Know le dge of nor m a t ive docu m e nt s I t is not a requirem ent for I nspect ors at any lev el t o m em orise t he cont ent of relevant norm at ive docum ent s, except possibly wit h t he except ion of t aking exam inat ions. Specified norm at ive docum ent s ( specificat ions, st andards, codes of pract ice, et c) should be available at t he workplace and t he Senior Welding I nspect or would be expect ed t o read, under st and and apply t he requirem ent s wit h t he necessary level of precision and direct ion required. The Senior Welding I nspect or should be aware of t he m ore widely used st andards as applied in welding and fabricat ion. For exam ple: 1 .5 BS EN I SO 15614 / ASME I X St andards for welding procedur e approval BS 4872, BS EN 287/ BS EN I SO 9606 / ASME I X PED BS 5500 / ASME VI I I St andards for welder approval. BS EN I SO 9000 – 2000 St andards for qualit y m anagem ent . St andards for qualit y of fabricat ion. Know le dge of pla n nin g Any proj ect or cont ract will require som e planning if inspect ion is t o be carried out effect ively and wit hin budget . See Sect ion: Planning for m ore det ailed inform at ion. 1 .6 Know le dge of or ga nisa t ion The Senior Welding I nspect or m ust hav e good organisat ional skills in order t o ensur e t hat t he inspect ion requirem ent s of any qualit y/ inspect ion plan can be m et , wit hin t he allocat ed t im e, budget and using t he m ost suit able per sonnel for t he act ivit y. Assessm ent of suit able personnel m ay require considerat ion of t heir t echnical, physical and m ent al abilit ies in order t o ensur e t hat t hey are able t o perfor m t he t asks required of t hem . Ot her considerat ions would include availabilit y of inspect ion personnel at t he t im e required, levels of supervision and t he m onit oring of t he inspect or’s act ivit ies form st art t o cont ract com plet ion. WI S10- 30816 Dut ies of t he Senior Welding I nspect or 1- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 .7 Know le dge of qu a lit y / a u dit ing Ther e ar e m any sit uat ions in m anufact uring or on a pr oj ect wher e t he Senior Welding I nspect or m ay be r equired t o carr y out audit s. See sect ion on: Qualit y Assurance/ Qualit y Cont rol and I nspect ion for m or e det ailed inform at ion. 1 .8 M a n m a na ge m e nt As m ent ioned abov e, t he Senior Welding I nspect or will have t o wit h a t eam of I nspect ion personnel which he m ay well have have t o liaise wit h cust om er r epr esent at ives, sub- cont ract ors I nspect or s. He m ay have t o invest igat e non- com pliances, deal discipline as well as per sonal m at t ers of his st aff. direct and work t o pick. He will and t hird part y wit h m at t ers of To do t his effect ively he needs skills in m an m anagem ent . 1 .9 Re cr u it m e nt When r ecruit ing an individual or a t eam t he SWI will first have t o est ablish t he requirem ent s of t he wor k. Am ong t hem w ould be: What skills are definit ely required for t he wor k and what addit ional ones would be desirable? Are part icular qualificat ions needed? I s experience of sim ilar wor k desirable? What physical at t ribut es ar e needed? I s t he work local, in- shop, on- sit e, in a t hird world count ry? Does t he j ob require w orking unsociable hours being away from hom e for long periods? I s t he j ob for perm anent st aff or for a fixed t er m ? I f overseas what ar e t he leave and t ravel ar rangem ent s? What is t he likely salary? During subsequent int erviews t he SWI will need t o assess ot her aspect s of t he candidat es’ suit abilit y: 1 .1 0 Has he t he abilit y t o work on his own init iat ive? Can he w or k as part of a t eam ? I f overseas has t he person been t o a sim ilar locat ion? What is his m arit al/ hom e sit uat ion? Are t her e any Passport / Visa problem s likely? M or a le a nd m ot iv a t ion The m orale of a workfor ce has a significant effect on it s perform ance so t he SWI m ust st rive t o keep t he personnel happy and m ot ivat ed and be able t o det ect signs of low m or ale. Low m orale can lead t o am ong ot her t hings, poor productivity, less good workm anship, lack of diligence, taking short cut s, ignoring safet y pr ocedures and higher levels of absent eeism . The SWI needs t o be able t o recognise t hese signs and ot hers such as per sonnel not st art ing wor k pr om pt ly, t aking longer breaks, t alking in groups and grum bling about m inor m at t er s. WI S10- 30816 Dut ies of t he Senior Welding I nspect or 1- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d A good supervisor should not allow his wor kforce t o get int o such a st at e. He m ust k eep t hem m ot ivat ed by: 1 .1 1 His own dem eanour – does he have drive and ent husiasm or is he seen t o have no energy and generally depressed. The w ork force will r eact accordingly. I s he seen t o be leading fr om t he fr ont in a fair and consist ent m anner? Favourit ism in t he t reat m ent of st aff, on disciplinary m at t ers, t he allocat ion of w ork, allot m ent of overt im e, week end w or king and holidays are com m on causes of problem s. Keep t hem inform ed in all aspect s of t he j ob and t heir sit uat ion. Rum ours of im pending redundancies or cut s in allowances et c will not m ake for good m orale. D isciplin e Any workfor ce m ust be working in a disciplined m anner, norm ally t o rules and st andards laid down in t he Com pany’s condit ions of em ploym ent or relevant com pany handbook. The SWI m ust hav e a good underst anding of t hese requirem ent s and be able t o apply t hem in a fair and equit able m anner. He m ust hav e a clear underst anding as t o t he lim it s of his aut horit y – knowing how far he can go in disciplinary proceedings. The usual st ages of disciplinary pr ocedur e ar e: The quiet word. Form al verbal warning. Writ t en warning. Possible dem ot ion, t ransfer, suspension. Dism issal wit h not ice. I nst ant dism issal. Usually aft er t he writ t en warning st age t he m at t er will be handled by t he Com pany’s Per sonnel or Hum an Resources Depart m ent . I t is of vit al im port ance t hat t he com pany rules are rigorously followed as any deviat ion could result in claim s for unfair or const ruct ive dism issal. I n dealing wit h disciplinary m at t er s t he SWI m ust : Act pr om pt ly. Mean what he says. Tr eat every one fairly and as an adult . Avoid const ant com plaining on pet t y issues. Wher e t her e ar e serious breaches of com pany rules by one or t w o people t he rest of t he w orkfor ce should be inform ed of t he m at t er so t hat rum our and count er- rum ours can be quashed. Som e m at t er s of discipline m ay well arise because of incor rect wor king pract ices, passing off below qualit y work, signing for work which has not been done, et c. WI S10- 30816 Dut ies of t he Senior Welding I nspect or 1- 4 Copyright © TWI Lt d I n all such cases t he SWI will need t o carry out an invest igat ion and apply disciplinary sanct ions t o t he personnel involved. To do t his: 1 .1 2 First est ablish t he fact s – by int erviewing st aff, from t he relevant r ecords, by having recheck s on part of t he j ob. I f any suspicions are confirm ed, t ransfer/ r em ov e suspect per sonnel from t he j ob pending disciplinary proceedings. I f t he per sonnel ar e em ployed by a sub- cont ract or t hen a m eet ing wit h t he sub- cont ract or will be needed t o achieve t he sam e end. Find out t he ext ent of t he pr oblem , is it localised or widespr ead? I s t here need t o inform t he cust om er and t hird part y inspect or? Form ulat e a plan of act ion, wit h ot her com pany depart m ent s wher e necessary , t o r et riev e t he sit uat ion. Carr y out t he necessary disciplinary m easur es on t he personnel involved. Convene a m eet ing wit h t he r est of t he w ork for ce t o infor m t hem of t he sit uat ion and ensure t hat any sim ilar lapses will be dealt wit h sever ely. Follow up t he m eet ing wit h a writ t en m em o. Sum m a r y The Senior Welding I nspect or’s r ole can be varied and com plex, a num ber of skills need t o be dev eloped in order for t he individual t o be effect ive in t he role. Ev er y Senior Welding I nspect or will have personal skills and at t ribut es which can be br ought t o t he j ob, som e of t he skills ident ified abov e m ay already have been m ast er ed or under st ood. The im port ant t hing for t he individual t o recognise is not only do t hey hav e unique abilit ies which t hey can bring t o t he role, but t hey also need t o st rive t o be t he best t hey can by st rengt hening ident ifiable weak ar eas in t heir knowledge and underst anding. Som e way s in which t hese goals m ay be achieved is t hrough: Em bracing fact s and r ealit ies. Being creat ive. Being int erest ed in solving problem s. Being pro- act ive not r eact ive. Having em pat hy wit h ot her people. Having personal values. Being obj ect ive. WI S10- 30816 Dut ies of t he Senior Welding I nspect or 1- 5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 2 W e lde d Join t D e sign 2 W e lde d Join t D e sign This sect ion is principally concerned wit h st ruct ures fabricat ed by w elding st eel plat es t oget her, exam ples include bridges, ships, offshore plat form s, pressur e vessels and pipelines, alt hough in som e cases t his m ay involve welding curv ed plat es t oget her. This sect ion int roduces t ypical j oint geom et ries involved in j oining plat es t oget her and describes t he t ypes of weld used in t hese j oint configurat ions wit h t ypical feat ures of but t and fillet welds described. For t he st ruct ure t o funct ion loads m ust be t ransferr ed from one plat e t o anot her and t he feat ur es of welds t hat enable t hem t o t ransm it loads are described. Finally, som e exam ples of good and bad design pract ice ar e given. 2 .1 W e lds A weld is a perm anent union bet ween m at erials caused by t he applicat ion of heat , pr essur e or bot h and if m ade bet w een t wo faces approxim at ely parallel is known as a but t weld. Figur e 2 .1 But t w e ld. A weld m ade bet w een t wo faces t hat ar e approxim at ely at right angles t o each ot her is known as a fillet weld. Figur e 2 .2 Fille t w e ld. For sim plicit y t hese diagram s show an arc welding process t hat deposit s filler weld m et al in a single weld pass. Typical feat ures of a but t weld are shown in Figure 2.3 and t hose of a fillet weld in Figure 2.4. The weld or w eld m et al refer s t o all t he m at erial t hat has m elt ed and resolidified. The heat - affect ed zone ( HAZ) is m at erial t hat has not m elt ed but whose m icrost ruct ur e has been changed as a r esult of t he welding. The fusion line is t he int erface bet ween t he w eld m et al and t he HAZ. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d The r oot is t he bot t om of t he weld or nar row est part and t he face is t he t op or widest part . At t he corner s of t he w eld cr oss sect ion wher e t he weld m et al j oins t he par ent m et al ar e t he w eld t oes. These are at each corner of bot h t he weld face and w eld root in a but t weld but only on t he w eld face in a fillet weld. a Fusion line Weld m et al Weld t oe HAZ Parent m et al b Figur e 2 .3 Typica l fe a t ur e s of a : a b But t w e ld. D ou ble - side d bu t t w e ld. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 2 .4 Typica l fe a t ur e s of a fille t w e ld. The applicat ion of heat nat urally causes som e changes t o t he m icrost ruct ur e parent m at erial, t he HAZ shown in Figure 2.5 for a but t w eld in st eel wit h sim ilar HAZs dev eloped in t he par ent m at erial of fillet welds. Close t o t he fusion line t he t em perat ure in t he HAZ has been sufficient t o cause m icrost ruct ural phase changes, which will result in recry st allisat ion and grain growt h. Furt her away fr om t he fusion line t he parent m at erial has been heat ed t o a lower m axim um t em perat ur e and t he par ent m icrost r uct ure is t em pered. Solid- liquid boundary Maxim um t em perat ure Solid weld m et al Grain growt h zone Recryst allised zone Part ially t ransform ed zone Tem pered zone Unaffect ed base m at erial Figur e 2 .5 H AZs in a but t w e ld. The dist ance bet w een weld t oes is t he weld widt h. When t he dist ance is bet ween t he t oes at t he weld cap it is t he weld cap widt h, t he dist ance bet ween t he t oes at t he root is t he w eld root widt h. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d The height of t he addit ional weld m et al in t he weld cap is t he excess weld m et al which used t o be called reinfor cem ent which wrongly suggest s t hat incr easing t his dim ension will st rengt hen t he weld. I f t he excess weld m et al is t oo great it increases t he st r ess concent rat ion at t he weld t oe and t his ext ra weld m et al is called t he excess r oot penet rat ion. Weld widt h Excess weld m et al Excess root penet rat ion Figur e 2 .6 D e finit ions on a but t w e ld. 2 .2 Type s of j oint A j oint can sim ply be described as a configurat ion of m em bers and can be described independent ly of how it is welded. Figures 2.7 and 2.8 show t he m ost com m on j oint t ypes - but t and T j oint . Ot her t ypical j oint t ypes are shown in Figures 2.9- 2.11; lap, cruciform and corner j oint . When designing a lap j oint t he ov erlap bet ween t he t wo plat es needs t o be at least four t im es t he plat e t hickness ( D = 4t ) , but not less t han 25m m . Figur e 2 .7 But t j oint . Figur e 2 .8 T j oint . WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 4 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 2 .9 La p j oint s. Figur e 2 .1 0 Cr ucifor m Joint Figur e 2 .1 1 Cor ne r j oint . An alt ernat ive t o a convent ional lap j oint is t o weld t he j oint using plug or slot welding, shown in Figure 2.12 showing t he t ypical lap j oint can be drast ically alt ered. The hole for a slot weld should have a widt h at least t hree t im es t he plat e t hickness and not less t han 25m m . I n plat e less t han 10m m t hickness, a hole of equal widt h t o t he plat e t hickness can be w elded as a plug weld. a b Figur e 2 .1 2 : a b Slot w e lde d la p j oint . Plug w e lde d la p j oint . Corner j oint s can be fit t ed and w elded in a num ber of ways. The unwelded pieces can be assem bled eit her wit h an open corner or closed t oget her. The weld can be on t he ext ernal or int ernal corner or bot h in a double- sided weld. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Open Closed Ext ernal corner j oint I nt ernal corner j oint Double- sided corner j oint Figur e 2 .1 3 D iffe r e nt t ype s of cor ne r j oint s, un w e lde d a nd w e lde d. 2 .3 Fille t w e lds The t hroat and leg lengt h of a fillet weld are shown in Figure 2.14. Throat size a is generally used as t he design param et er since t his part of t he w eld bear s t he st resses and can be r elat ed t o leg lengt h z by t he following relat ionship: a ≈ 0.7z and z ≈ 1.4a. Throat a Leg Leg z Figur e 2 .1 4 Le g le ngt h z a nd t hr oa t siz e a in a fille t w e ld. This is only valid for m it re fillet welds having sim ilar leg lengt hs ( Figure 2.15) , so is not valid for concave, conv ex or asym m et ric welds. I n concave fillet welds t he t hroat t hickness will be m uch less t han 0.7 t im es t he lengt h. The leg lengt h of a fillet weld is oft en approxim at ely equal t o t he m at erial t hickness. The act ual t hroat size is t he widt h bet ween t he fused w eld root and t he segm ent linking t he t wo weld t oes, show n as t he red line in Figure 2.16. Due t o root penet rat ion t he act ual t hroat size of a fillet weld is oft en larger t han it s design size but because of t he unpr edict abilit y of t he root penet rat ion ar ea, t he de sign t hr oat size m ust a lw a y s be t aken as t he st r ess par am et ers in design calculat ions. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 6 Copyright © TWI Lt d z a z Figur e 2 .1 5 M it r e fille t w e ld. Figur e 2 .1 6 D e sign t hr oa t of a fille t w e ld. Convex fillet weld Concave fillet weld Mit re fillet weld Figur e 2 .1 7 Fille t w e ld cr oss- se ct ions. Act ual t hroat Design t hroat Design t hroat = act ual t hroat Figur e 2 .1 8 D e finit ion of de sign a n d a ct ua l t hr oa t in conca ve a n d con ve x fille t w e lds. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 7 Copyright © TWI Lt d The choice bet ween m it re weld, concav e and conv ex fillet weld needs t o account for t he weld t oe blend. A concav e fillet weld gives a sm oot h blend profile and a low st ress concent r at ion at t he fillet weld t oe. Convex fillet welds can have a higher st ress concent rat ion at t he weld t oe. I f t he fluidit y of t he weld pool is not cont rolled it is possible t o obt ain an asym m et rical fillet weld wher e t he weld pool has sagged int o t he j oint preparat ion and t here is also a risk of undercut on t he bot t om w eld t oe ( see Figure 2.19) . Having a sm oot h t oe blend is im port ant t o give bet t er fat igue perfor m ance for fillet welds. Figur e 2 .1 9 Fille t w e ld t oe ble nds. 2 .4 But t w e lds The design t hroat t 1 of a but t weld is t he penet rat ion dept h below t he par ent plat e surface and no account is m ade of t he excess weld m et al. The design t hroat is t her efor e less t han t he act ual t hroat t 2 . Figur e 2 .2 0 D e sign t hr oa t t 1 a nd t he a ct ua l t hr oa t t 2 for but t w e lds. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 8 Copyright © TWI Lt d The weld t oe blend is im port ant for but t welds as well as fillet welds. Most codes st at e t hat weld t oes shall blend sm oot hly, leaving it open t o individual int erpr et at ion. The higher t he t oe blend angle t he gr eat er t he am ount of st r ess concent rat ion. The t oe blend angle ideally should be bet ween 20- 30 degr ees ( Figure 2.21) . 6mm Poor weld t oe blend angle 3mm I m proved weld t oe blend angle Figur e 2 .2 1 Toe ble n d in but t w e lds. 2 .5 D ilut ion When filler and parent m at erial do not have t he sam e com posit ion t he result ing com posit ion of t he weld depends largely on t he weld preparat ion before welding. The degr ee of dilut ion result s fr om t he edge pr eparat ion and process used; t he percent age of dilut ion ( D) is part icularly im port ant when welding dissim ilar m at erials and is expr essed as t he rat io bet ween t he w eight of parent m at erial m elt ed and t he t ot al weight of fused m at erial ( m ult iplied by 100 t o be expr essed as a percent age) , as shown: D= Weight of parent material melted × 100 Total weight of fused material Low dilut ions are obt ained wit h fillet welds and wit h but t welds wit h m ult iple runs. For a single pass bet t er dilut ion is obt ained wit h grooved welds, see Figure 2.22. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 9 Copyright © TWI Lt d Fille t w e lds Single V gr oove w e ld Squa r e gr oove w e ld Figur e 2 .2 2 Effe ct of w e ld pr e pa r a t ion on dilut ion a nd w e ld m e t a l com posit ion ( for a single pa ss only) . 2 .6 W e lding sy m bols On engineering drawings a welded j oint can be represent ed by differ ent m eans. A det ailed represent at ion shows ev ery det ail and dim ension of t he j oint preparat ion wit h carefully writ t en, ext ensive not es. I t pr ovides all t he det ails required t o produce a part icular weld in a very clear m anner but requires a separat e det ailed sk et ch ( t im e consum ing and can ov erburden t he drawing) . For a special weld preparat ion not covered in t he r elevant st andards ( eg nar row groov e welding) ; it is t he only way t o indicat e t he way com ponent s are t o be prepared for w elding or brazing. 8-12° 8- 12 1-3 ≈R6 R6 8mm 1-4 Figur e 2 .2 3 D e t a ile d r e pr e se nt a t ion of U be ve l angle . Sym bolic represent at ion using weld sym bols can specify j oining and inspect ion inform at ion and t he UK has t r adit ionally used BS 499 Part 2 which has been superseded by BS EN ISO 2553. I n m any w elding and fabricat ion organisat ions use old draw ings t hat reference out of dat e st andards such as BS 499 Pt 2. BS EN ISO 2553 is alm ost ident ical t o t he original BS EN I SO 2553 st andard on which it was based. I n Am erica AWS A2.4 is followed, while sym bols for brazing are given in EN 14324. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 10 Copyright © TWI Lt d The advant ages of sym bolic represent at ion ar e: Sim ple and quick t o visualise on t he drawing. Does not overburden t he drawing. No need for addit ional views as all welding sym bols can be placed on t he m ain assem bly drawing. Gives all necessary indicat ions regarding t he specific j oint t o be obt ained. Sym bolic represent at ion can only be used for com m on j oint s and requires t raining t o underst and t he sym bols. Sym bolic represent at ion of a welded j oint cont ains an arr ow line, a r efer ence line and an elem ent ary sy m bol. The elem ent ary sym bol can be com plem ent ed by a supplem ent ary sy m bol. The arr ow line can be at any angle ( ex cept 180 degrees) and can point up or down. The arr ow head m ust t ouch t he surfaces of t he com ponent s t o be j oined and t he locat ion of t he weld. Any int ended edge preparat ion or w eldm ent is not shown as an act ual cross- sect ional represent at ion but as a line. The arr ow also point s t o t he com ponent t o be pr epar ed wit h single prepar ed com ponent s. Figur e 2 .2 4 Sym bolic r e pr e se nt a t ion of U be ve l a ngle . BS EN I SO 2553 and AWS A2.4 list all t he m ain elem ent ary sym bols, som e exam ples are shown in Table 2.1. The sym bols for arc welding are oft en shown as cross- sect ional represent at ions of a j oint design or com plet ed weld. Sim ple, single edge preparat ions are shown in Figure 2.25. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 11 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 2 .1 Ele m e nt a r y w e ld sym bols. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 12 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ke y: a = b = c = d = e = f = single V but t j oint . double V but t j oint . single bevel but t j oint . double bevel but t j oint . single sided fillet weld. double sided fillet weld. Figur e 2 .2 5 W e lding sym bols for t he m ost com m on j oint t ype s sh ow n on a r e fe r e nce line . These sim ple sym bols can be int erpret ed as eit her t he j oint det ails alone or t he com plet ed w eld. For a finished weld it is norm al for an appropriat e weld shape t o be specified. Ther e are a num ber of opt ions and m et hods t o specify an appropriat e weld shape or finish. But t welded configurat ions would norm ally be shown as a convex profile ( Figure 2.26 a, d and f) or as a dressed- off weld as shown in b and c. Fillet weld sym bols are always shown as a m it re fillet weld and a convex or concav e profile can be superim posed ov er t he original sym bol's m it re shape. Ke y: a b c d e f = = = = = = single V but t weld wit h conv ex profile. double V but t weld flushed off bot h sides on weld face. single bev el but t weld flushed off bot h sides on weld face. double bev el but t convex ( as w elded) . concav e fillet weld. double sided convex fillet weld. Figur e 2 .2 6 W e lding sy m bols show ing t he w e ld pr ofile for t he m ost com m on j oint t ype s. So t he cor r ect size of w eld can be applied it is com m on t o find num bers t o t he left or right of t he sy m bol. For fillet welds num bers t o t he left indicat e t he design t hroat t hickness, leg lengt h or bot h ( Figure 2.27) . WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 13 Copyright © TWI Lt d a7 z 10 a7 z 10 Figur e 2 .2 7 Thr oa t a n d le g le ngt h dim e n sion s give n on t he w e ld sy m bol for a fille t w e ld. For but t j oint s and welds an S wit h a num ber t o t he left of a sym bol refer s t o t he dept h of penet rat ion. When t here ar e no specific dim ensional requirem ent s specified for but t welds on a drawing using weld sym bols, it would norm ally be assum ed t hat t he requirem ent is for a full penet rat ion but t weld. Num ber s t o t he right of a sym bol or sym bols relat e t o t he longit udinal dim ension of welds, eg for fillet s t he num ber of welds, weld lengt h and weld spacing for noncont inuous welds. Figur e 2 .2 8 W e ld sym bols sh ow in g t he w e ld le ngt h dim e nsions t o t h e r ight of t he w e ld j oint sym bols f or a n int e r m it t e nt fille t w e ld. Supplem ent ary sym bols can be used for special cases wher e addit ional inform at ion is required ( Figure 2.29) . The w eld all round sym bols m ay be used for a r ect angular hollow sect ion ( RHS) welded t o a plat e, for exam ple. The flag sym bol for w eld in t he field or on sit e can be added t o any st andard sym bol. A box at t ached t o t he t ail of t he ar r ow can cont ain or point t o ot her inform at ion such as whet her NDT is required. This inform at ion is som et im es t he welding process t ype given as a t hree num ber reference from BS EN I SO 4063, for exam ple 135 refers t o MAG welding. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 14 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 2 .2 9 Ex a m ple s of supple m e nt a r y sym bols. 2 .7 W e lding posit ion s I n weld procedur e docum ent s and engineering drawings t he t ype and orient at ion of welds ar e oft en given a t w o let t er abbreviat ion which defines t hem w hich can vary depending on t he st andard t he w elds are conform ing t o. The abbreviat ions here are consist ent wit h BS EN I SO 6947 and are sum m arised in Table 2.2. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 15 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 2 .2 W e lding posit ions. Welding posit ion Figure/ sym bol Abbreviat ion Flat PA Horizont al PB Horizont al vert ical PC WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 16 Copyright © TWI Lt d Welding posit ion 2 .8 Figure/ sym bol Abbreviat ion Vert ical up, vert ical down PG/ PF Ov erhead PE Horizont al ov erhead PD W e ld j oint pr e p a r a t ions The sim plest w eld j oint preparat ion is a squar e edged but t j oint , eit her closed or open. A closed but t j oint is used in t hick plat e for k eyhole welding processes such as laser or elect r on beam welding ( EBW) . A square edged open but t j oint is used for t hinner plat e up t o 3m m t hickness for arc w elding in a single pass or in t hick plat e for w elding processes such as elect roslag welding. Square edge closed but t Square edge open but t Figur e 2 .3 0 Squa r e e dge but t j oint s. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 17 Copyright © TWI Lt d I t is norm al t o use a bev el on t he edges of t he par ent m et al t o be w elded t o allow access t o t he root for t he first welding pass which is filled using fill passes. Single- sided preparat ions ar e norm ally m ade on t hinner m at erials or when access fr om bot h sides is rest rict ed. Double- sided preparat ions ar e norm ally m ade on t hicker m at erials or when access fr om bot h sides is unr est rict ed. Edge pr eparat ion design includes t he bevel angle ( or included angle if bot h sides are bevelled) and also t he square edges r oot face and root gap. I n a j oint wher e bot h sides are bev elled t he pr eparat ion is t erm ed a V or v ee pr eparat ion ( Figure 2.31) . V prepar at ions are usually used for plat e of 3- 20m m t hickness. An alt ernat ive is a U pr eparat ion ( or J preparat ion if only one side has t he edge preparat ion) where t he edge is m achined int o t he shape of a U. This is used in t hicker plat e, over 20m m t hickness, wher e it uses less filler m et al t han a V preparat ion j oint . J or U edge pr eparat ions also require a bev el angle and root face, t he gap t o be defined, a root radius and land t o be specified ( Figure 2.32) . Single- sided edge preparat ions are oft en used for t hinner m at erials or when t here is no access t o t he root of t he w eld ( pipelines) . I f t her e is access t o bot h sides of t he m at erial t hen a double- sided edge preparat ion is used, especially for t hicker m at erials. Single and double edge preparat ions are shown in Figure 2.33. Included angle Bevel angle Root face Gap Figur e 2 .3 1 Sin gle V be ve l. Included angle Root radius Bevel angle Root face Gap Land Figur e 2 .3 2 U be ve l. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 18 Copyright © TWI Lt d Single Bevel Single J Single V Single U Double Bevel Double V Double J Double U Figur e 2 .3 3 Ra nge of single a nd double - side d be ve l, V, J a nd U pr e pa r a t ions. 2 .9 D e sign ing w e ld e d j oint s Weld j oint design select ion will also be influenced by pract ical issues such as t he welding process used and t he access r equired t o obt ain root fusion. The bevel angle m ust allow good access t o t he r oot and sufficient m anipulat ion of t he elect r ode t o ensure good sidewall fusion ( Figure 2.34) . I f t he included angle is t oo large t hen heavy dist ort ions can result and m ore filler m et al is required. I f t he included angle is t oo sm all t here is a risk of lack of penet rat ion or lack of sidewall fusion. Typical bev el angles are 30- 35 degr ees in a V preparat ion ( 6070 degrees included angle) . I n a single bevel j oint t he bevel angle m ight be increased t o 45 degrees. Figur e 2 .3 4 Be ve l a ngle t o a llow e le ct r ode m a nipula t ion for side w a ll fusion. The root gap and face are select ed t o ensure good r oot fusion ( Figure 2.35) . This will depend on t he welding process and heat input . I f t he r oot gap is t oo wide or r oot face t oo narr ow t here is a risk of burn t hrough. I f t he root gap is t oo nar row or root face is t oo deep t her e is a risk of lack of root penet rat ion. A balance m ust be found and designed for; t his differ ence in weld root size is shown in Figure 2.36. High heat input processes r equire a larger r oot face but less weld m et al which reduces dist ort ions and increases product ivit y. Typical values for t he r oot face are 1.5- 2.5m m and t he root gap 2- 4m m . WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 19 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 2 .3 5 The im por t a nce of se le ct ing t he cor r e ct r oot fa ce a nd ga p. a b Figur e 2 .3 6 Root siz e for w e lding pr oce sse s w it h diffe r e nt he a t input s: a b Low he a t input . H igh he a t input . I f t he com ponent s are t o be j oined by an arc w elding process t he select ed bev els need t o be adequat ely m achined t o allow t he w elding t ool t o access t he root of t he w eld. This considerat ion would not apply for a procedure such as EBW as shown in Figure 2.37. I f using gas- shielded processes t hen t he size of t he gas nozzle m ay lim it t he abilit y t o use a J pr eparat ion for t hick sect ion m at erial as it would be difficult t o ensure good root fusion if t he welding head could not access t he bot t om of t he weld groov e and a single bevel m ay be needed inst ead ( Figure 2.38) . WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 20 Copyright © TWI Lt d a b Figur e 2 .3 7 Pr e pa r a t ion diffe r e nce s be t w e e n: a b Ar c. Ele ct r on be a m w e ldin g. a b Figur e 2 .3 8 Usin g ga s- shie lde d a r c w e lding: a b D iff icult ie s of r oot a cce ss in a J p r e p a r a t ion. I m pr ove d de sign usin g a be ve l pr e pa r a t ion . Choosing bet ween a J or U preparat ion and a bevel or V preparat ion is also det erm ined by t he cost s or pr oducing t he edge pr eparat ion. Machining a J or U preparat ion can be slow and expensive. Using t his j oint design also r esult s in t ight er t olerance which can be easier t o set - up. A bevel or V preparat ion can be flam e or plasm a cut fast and cheaply r esult ing in larger t olerances, m eaning t hat set - up can be m or e difficult . Backing bar or st rip is used t o ensure consist ent root fusion and avoid burn t hrough. Perm anent backing bar ( rat her t han one rem ov ed aft er w elding) , gives a built - in crevice which can m ake t he j oint s suscept ible t o corr osion ( Figure 2.39) . When using back ing for alum inium welds any chem ical cleaning reagent s m ust be rem ov ed befor e assem bling t he j oint . A backing bar also gives a lower fat igue life. Figur e 2 .3 9 Usin g a ba ck ing ba r for a but t w e ld. Separat e fr om t he design of t he j oint and weld access t o w eld locat ions and t he order in which welds are m ade are im port ant . Figure 2.40 shows exam ples of t he lim it at ions of access in designing welded j oint s and gives im proved designs. I t is im port ant t o ensur e t hat it is indeed possible t o m ak e w elds as r equired by t he drawing. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 21 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 2 .4 0 Ex a m ple s of im pr ove d w e ld de signs w he r e t he r e is lim it e d a cce ss. 2 .1 0 Sum m a r y You should now: Be able t o label t he part s of a but t and fillet weld and of a V and U edge preparat ions. Recognise welding sym bols and know what t hey m ean. WI S10- 30816 Welded Joint Design 2- 22 Copyright © TWI Lt d Outline Welded Joint Design Section 2 What determines joint Design? Weld features. Types of welded joints. Welding symbols. Weld positions. Weld bevels. Designing welded joints. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Types of Welds Weld A permanent union between materials caused by heat, and or pressure (BS499). Fillet Welds Fillet welds Throat Butt weld Fillet weld Leg Leg size Leg Throat size Copyright © TWI Ltd Butt Joint Preparations Copyright © TWI Ltd Single Sided Butt Preparations Single sided preparations are normally made on thinner materials, or when access from both sides is restricted Square Edge Closed Butt Single bevel Single V Single-J Single-U Square Edge Open Butt Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐1 Double Sided Butt Preparations Double sided preparations are normally made on thicker materials, or when access form both sides is unrestricted Joint Preparation Terminology Angle of bevel Root Radius Double -Vee Double -Bevel Root Face Root Gap Double - U Double - J Single bevel butt Copyright © TWI Ltd Joint Preparation Terminology Included angle Included angle Angle of bevel Root radius Root face Root gap Single-V butt Angle of bevel Root Gap Root Face Land Single-J butt Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Design, fatigue life expectancy, loading types Full penetration butt weld gives better life expectancy compared to partial penetration and compound weld gives better performance than a fillet weld. Root face Root gap Single-U butt Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Welding process Open root runs with SAW. (Difficult unless backing is used or closed) Closed square edge butt joints key hole Plasma and Electron Beam. (Key hole technique used) Thin wall S/S Dairy pipe closed square edge butt joint TIG. Access for large welding heads U butts. Positional welding with SAW. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Material thickness Butt welds, generally, as material gets thicker single preparations become double preparations. (Dependent on access) Butt welds, generally as material gets thinner, root gaps close. T joints, generally as material gets thicker, the vertical plate is prepared. (Compound weld) Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐2 What determines welded joint design? Quality Root penetration is guaranteed if backing is used, ceramic or a material that won’t fuse, shaped to produce a particular profile. What determines welded joint design? Quality To ensure that root defects are minimised, back gouge and check via NDT, MPI/Dye pen. Copyright © TWI Ltd Access and Weld preparations Access impacts upon weld preparation Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Welding position Preparation for horizontal welding using the submerged Arc welding process Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Welding position Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Weld volume A U butt between 20-30% less weld volume than a V Butt. The benefits could be reduced costs, reduced residual stress and reduced distortion. The disadvantages of the U is the additional preparation costs of machining although fit up conditions improve. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐3 What determines welded joint design? Weld volume What determines welded joint design? Distortion control Double V butt A double V has less weld volume than a single V. A double V, therefore will reduce cost, reduce distortion and stress and should guarantee higher quality. Disadvantage of the double V, access to both sides required. The asymmetrical V butt, ⅓, Distortion control Shrinkage ଶ ଷ is often used to control distortion. The smaller v is completed first. Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Asymmetrical V butt Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Level of penetration Shrinkage Full penetration Partial penetration The U butt has significantly less liquid metal and a more even distribution of weld metal in the upper most regions than the V butt. Therefore, greater shrinkage and distortion occurs with the V butt. Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Level of penetration Small root face Full penetration Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Gas purging of pipes Large root face Less penetration It is much easier to regulate the gas purge if the joint is closed. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐4 Nozzles Set-On Nozzle Shorter nozzle is cheaper. Easy to make groove for full or partial penetration. Single side welding in 2G/PB position means high welder skill is required. Through thickness stress means danger of lamellar tearing. Can be difficult to UT especially on smaller diameters. Mainly used for small (<2inch diameter) nozzles, or thick wall or large diameter vessels. May require reinforcement. Extra cost to shape nozzle to radius of shell. Nozzles connect a pressure vessel with other components Type of nozzle depends on Diameter/thickness ratio of the shell. Diameter/thickness ratio of the nozzle. Access (one side only or both sides). Type of joint required (partial/full pen). Groove preparation methods available. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Set-On Nozzle Set-Through Nozzle 1G/PA position much easier. Groove prep can be flame cut. No danger of lamellar tearing. Easy access to the back side of root, so full penetration is easier to achieve. For nozzles with small diameters no need for reinforcement. Nozzle body needs to be longer. Greater weld volume means higher distortions. Can be hard to UT on smaller diameters, usually easy to inspect. Used for larger diameter nozzles, and thinner walled small diameter vessels. Copyright © TWI Ltd Reinforcement or Compensation To compensate for loss in strength, we can reinforce either the shell or nozzle Reinforcing ring/ Compensating plate Copyright © TWI Ltd What determines welded joint design? Less known joint designs Welded insert, consumable socket ring (CSR) or EB insert, used on small bore pipework where consistent root penetration is required. Long neck nozzle Sweepolet, shaped to fit radius of shell, butt welded to shell with a butt joint on the vertical stem. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐5 Narrow Gap Joint Narrow Gap Welding Head Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Joint Design As a Senior Welding Inspector you are assigned to the fabrication of a C/Mn pressure vessel. The vessels main barrel thickness and dished ends are 25mm wall thickness, all nozzles (set in and set on), man ways 20mm thickness. During the fabrication and welding your main concerns are distortion control, joint design, and all other quality aspects. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 You notice that the joint preparations are not shown on the Engineering drawing or the WPS. In the case of a set on nozzle attachment which of the following joint preparations would be the most suited? a. b. c. d. Open corner joint Fillet joint Single bevel butt joint Single V butt joint Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 You notice that the joint preparations are not shown on the Engineering drawing for a set in nozzle attachment. Which of the following preparations would be suitable when a full penetration weld was required? a. b. c. d. Single bevel butt joint Fillet joint Lap joint Corner weld Copyright © TWI Ltd Questions 3 The fabricator suggests to you that it would be much more cost effective to weld up the pressure vessel from the out side only without any back gouging. The WPS shows all the main barrel sections and dished end to barrel joints are full penetration butt welds, welded by the SAW welding process, back gouged root from the inside, welded with the MMA process. Would you agree with his suggestions? a. Yes, SAW welding can be used from one side providing the root gap is greater than 3mm b. Yes, SAW welding can be used from one side and would provide a much stronger joint when compared to a back gouged joint c. No, SAW welding would never be considered on any material <50mm thickness d. No, the SAW welding process can’t be used on a open root joint welded from one side only Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐6 Question 4 When considering distortion, which of the following butt weld preparations would be the most suited for the longitudinal welded main barrel joints? a. b. c. d. Double U but weld Single V butt weld Single U butt weld All options would produce the same amount of distortion Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 6 Which distortion control technique is referenced in the TWI specification? a. b. c. d. Raised heat input technique Back welds Back skip welding Full penetration welds Question 5 The fabricator proposes to you that he wishes to reduce the bevel angle from 45° to 30° on the set on nozzle joints. Which of the following issues may occur if this was permitted? a. The reduction in bevel angle may result in an increase in distortion b. The reduction in bevel angle may result in a greater risk of lack of fusion and would not be compliant with the specification c. The reduction in bevel angle would result in requalification of all the welders d. All options may apply Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 In accordance with the TWI Specification would it be permissible to hard stamp the vessel’s material for the purpose of material identification? a. Yes, any hard stamping is permitted providing the information is on both ends of the material b. No, hard stamping isn’t allowed in any situation c. Yes, hard stamping is permitted providing a low stress concentration die is used. d. No options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 During fit-up you notice that the longitudinal seams have two different bevel angles on one joint, top bevel 50°, bottom bevel 15°. Is this permitted in accordance with TWI Specification? While inspecting the completed vessel, you notice that some of the longitudinal seams on the main barrel section are in line with each other, ie not offset: a. No, under no situation shall different bevel angles be permitted on a single V joint b. Yes, providing the joint is welded either in the overhead or vertical horizontal positions c. No, the bevel angles stated are out of specification d. Yes, As long as there is access this would be acceptable a. This would be permitted providing the linear misalignment doesn’t exceed 1.5mm b. This is not permitted all longitudinal seams shall be off set to each other by 90° c. The TWI Specification makes no mention of this requirement d. This would be permitted providing the angular misalignment doesn’t exceed 3° Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐7 Question 10 The fabricator wishes to reduce welding time and distortion on the longitudinal and circumferential welds, which of the following will best achieve this? a. Single V butt joints, welded by the MMA process b. Double V butt joints, welded by the SAW process c. Double U butt joints, welded by the SAW process d. Heterogeneous welds Copyright © TWI Ltd 2‐8 Section 3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3.1 Definitions Before we consider what quality assurance and quality control are, let us first define quality. This is best described as the fitness-for-purpose of a product, service or activity. Quality assurance comprises all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality. Quality control is described as the operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil requirements for quality. Quality assurance therefore encompasses the plans and systems by which confidence in a product is provided, ie all of the paperwork used to plan, control and record activities: the documentation. Quality control describes the activities which monitor the quality of the product. These operational techniques include materials and dimensional checks, inspection before, during and after welding, non-destructive testing, hydraulic or leak testing, ie activities which check after the event that a specified activity has been carried out correctly. Quality assurance has been introduced to ensure that the activity ‘gets it right the first time’, based on the principle that prevention is better than cure. This can be achieved by planning and anticipating problems. In order to satisfy this requirement, a documented quality system is needed which sets out in a formal framework the basis of control for the critical activities. This framework generally comprises four tiers of documentation, the highest tier being the company quality manual, followed by quality systems, quality plans and detailed manufacturing and inspection instructions. 3.1.1 Quality system A quality system can be defined as: The organisation structures, responsibilities, procedures, resources for implementing quality management. processes and The quality manual and support procedures document an organisation's quality system. 3.1.2 Quality manual A quality manual can be defined as: A document setting out the general quality policies, procedures and practices of an organisation. The word ‘general’ is important in this definition. The quality manual is usually the first indication a purchaser or prospective client has of a company's approach to quality. This document should contain a statement of the company's total commitment to quality by means of a quality policy statement signed by the Chairman, MD or Chief Executive of the company. This policy statement should be prominently displayed within the company. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 3.1.3 Procedure A procedure can be defined as: A document that describes how an activity is to be performed and by whom. Note: A procedure is not a detailed work instruction such as a welding procedure, but rather a statement of who does what and how: it describes the corporate plan for achieving quality. However, there may be times when an organisation needs to operate in a different way from the corporate system, for example for a unique project or to satisfy a specific customer's requirements. In these circumstances, an appropriate quality system can be documented in the form of a project off-contract specific quality plan. 3.1.4 Quality plan A quality plan can be defined as: A document setting out the specific quality practices, resources and sequence of activities relevant to a particular product, service, contract or project. A quality plan is the corporate quality system suitably modified to reflect specific equipments. It may comprise a project quality manual incorporating appropriate sections from the corporate quality manual which apply. It is generally a detailed document. Project procedures may include: Existing procedures appropriate to the contract. Existing procedures amended for the contract. New procedures to meet new specific requirements of the contract. Some contracts may well call for a combination of all three. 3.2 Quality system standards Quality system standards specify the minimum requirements of quality systems for application to specific products or services. Standards are normally used for the following purposes: As guidance to an organisation introducing quality assurance. As a basis for evaluating an organisation's quality system (assessment). To specify the quality assurance requirements when invoked in a contract. The most common standard in the UK is ISO 9000. 3.2.1 Quality records A quality record is any document that specifies the inspection performed, quantities inspected, results obtained, positive identification of the material inspected to drawing or part number, the signature or stamp of the person carrying out the inspection and date of inspection. Quality records may also indicate the qualifications of personnel, calibration of equipment or other records not directly related to the product. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd Questions that need to be addressed include: 3.2.2 What quality records are to be maintained, eg received inspection reports, NDT results, test certificates, final inspection reports and non-conformance reports (including any feedback or corrective action generated)? Where are the records filed and by whom? How long are the quality records retained? Are the quality records available to the customer for analysis and review? Are records easily retrievable? Is a suitable environment available to minimise deterioration or damage to stored records? Typical quality record contents The Quality Record Package for a welded product is defined specifically for each contract, but should include the following types of information: a b c d e f g h i j k l Records of stage inspections in the form of check sheets or quality plans. Non-conformity reports and concession records. Where appropriate, as-built drawings. Welding procedures. Welder approvals. Welding consumable records. Weld history records. NDT reports. Heat treatment records. Hydraulic and/or other testing records. Where appropriate, material test certificates. Final acceptance certificates. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 3.2.3 What areas of a business need to be covered by ISO 9001? ISO 9001 requires the following elements of a business to have set procedures: 3.3 Management responsibility - who is responsible for what? Quality system - how does the system operate? Contract review - allows personnel to see what the requirement is and who has been asked to do what. Design review and control - ensures smooth passage from drawing board to end product. Documentation controls - make sure the correct documents are available. Purchasing - make sure the right products and services are available. Purchaser supplied product - make sure that purchased items are in a satisfactory condition. Product identification and traceability - what is it and where is it? Process control - lets everyone know clearly how to make the product. Inspection and test - describes how to inspect and test the product. Inspection, measuring and test equipment - make sure the equipment used is correct. Inspection and test status - where is the product in the inspection cycle? Control of non-conforming product - ensures incorrect product is not used. Corrective action - finds the root cause of the problem and solves it. Handling, storage, packing and delivery - don't damage it now it's made. Quality records – fulfils the need for documented evidence that the company meets specific requirements. Internal quality audits - are quality activities performed as planned? Training – the product cannot be manufactured effectively if people are not adequately trained and qualified. Servicing - if carried out by the company, effective procedures are required. Statistical techniques - used to build-in product quality. Auditing and documentation Quality manuals, procedures, work instructions etc provide objective evidence that the systems of control have been adequately planned. The records and documentation generated by carrying out work in accordance with these systems provide the evidence that the systems are being followed by all. Systems of control, no matter how effective they are, will tend to deteriorate because of human errors being made or perpetuated or due to changes in the nature of the business. In order to ensure that the systems are effective and being followed, as well as to determine if changes are needed, it is necessary to monitor the systems. This is achieved by auditing them and reviewing the results of the audit in order to implement any changes. 3.3.1 What is an audit? Quality audits examine implementation. a quality system for adequacy and correct They are defined in BS 4778 Part 1 as: Systematic and independent examinations to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd Auditing is carried out to provide objective evidence that the system is working in accordance with the procedures. When an audit is complete the results are analysed by management who must ensure that the quality policy is satisfied and modify the quality system if necessary. 3.3.2 Which type of audit? There are two levels of audit: 3.3.3 A systems audit, which is quite superficial and simply examines the system to confirm that it follows the quality manual and that procedures are in place. A compliance audit, which is an in-depth audit examining compliance with procedures. Auditing of documentation A documentation audit is regarded as being a compliance audit, where documentation is examined in depth. Items to check in such an audit should include: Is all the documentation available? Is the documentation schedule in accordance with contract or specification requirements? Does the documentation itself comply with contract or specification requirements? For example, are the weld procedure and welders correctly qualified? Is the material composition correct? Is the documentation legible? Have all the interested parties, eg inspection department, independent third party inspectors and client inspectors, signed off where required? Have provisions been made for storage (which includes the ability to retrieve documents and storage conditions preventing deterioration)? Documentation audits should be carried out by the manufacturer/supplier as a matter of course. Customers will also frequently require access to carry out their own audits. Remember that no job is finished until the paperwork is complete. Failure of a documentation audit carried out by a client will often result in a delay in payment, even though the component may have been delivered to the client. There can often be a consequential financial penalty. 3.4 Quality requirements for welding Within the international community, welding has been defined as a special process which means that it must be controlled by specialist management and utilise specialist personnel. The welding co-ordination BS EN ISO 14731 and welding quality systems standards BS EN ISO 3834 have been prepared in support of this ruling. It is perceived that these standards will serve as references for other application standards and be used as set criteria for the qualification of fabricators. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd Currently there are a number of European Standards or codes that refer to BS EN ISO 3834: EN 13445:2002: Unfired pressure vessels. prEN 15085: Railway applications – Welding of railway vehicles and components. prEN 1090: Execution of steel structures. EN 12732: 2000 Gas supply systems – Welding steel pipework – functional requirements. EN 12592: 2001 Water tube boilers and auxiliary installations. National Structural Steelwork Specification for Building Construction (5th Edition) (NSSSBC). It is an increasingly common requirement for the fabricator to have a quality system compliant with ISO 3834. This is to be specified as a condition of the customer contract. 3.4.1 Qualification of welding fabricators – BS EN ISO 3834 BS EN ISO 3834 comprises five parts: Part 1 - Guidance for use This describes how the standard works. Part 2 - Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials - Comprehensive quality system This standard is suitable for use by a manufacturer or an assessment body, as a supplement to ISO 9001 or 9002 providing detailed guidance on the requirements that must be in place to adequately control welding. Part 3 - Quality requirements for welding, Fusion welding of metallic materials - Standard quality system This standard can be applied where a documented quality system for the control of welding is required but will not be used in conjunction with ISO 9001 or 9002. Part 4 - Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials - Elementary system This standard provides criteria appropriate for the control of welding when either of the following applies: A quality system according to ISO 9001 is not to be applied. The combination of selected welding processes, procedures and the final welds are such that documented welding controls have minor importance in respect to the overall integrity of the product. Part 5 - Documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of BS EN ISO 3834-2, BS EN ISO 3834-3 or BS EN ISO 3834-4 This lists all other documents or standards that are required for compliance with BS EN ISO 3834, such as specification and qualification of welding procedures, approval testing of welders, etc. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd The manufacturer should select one of the three parts (2-4) specifying the different levels of quality requirements, based on the following criteria: The extent and significance of safety-critical products; The complexity of manufacture; The range of products manufactured; The range of different materials used; The extent to which metallurgical problems may occur; The extent to which manufacturing imperfections, eg misalignment, distortion or weld imperfection, affect product performance. This approach offers a cascading qualification; for (comprehensive) also gives compliance for lower levels. example, Part 2 As previously stated, BS EN ISO 3834 is intended to complement, rather than conflict with, quality systems established to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 and, in the case of a comprehensive quality system for welding fabrication (Part 2), requires in addition to ISO 9001 that specific procedures are used to control the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Review of requirements. Technical review. Sub-contracting. Welders and welding operators. Welding co-ordination personnel. Inspection and testing personnel. Production and testing equipment. Equipment maintenance. Description of equipment. Production planning. Welding procedure specifications. Qualification of welding procedures. Batch testing of consumables (if required by contract). Storage and handling of welding consumables. Storage of parent material. Post-weld heat treatment procedure. Inspection and testing before, during and after welding. Non-conformance and corrective actions. Calibration or validation of measuring, inspection and testing equipment. Identification during process (if required by contract). Traceability (if required by contract). Quality records (if required by contract). WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd A company applying for certification to ISO 3834 will usually be required to complete the following stages: Client returns preliminary enquiry. Quotation. Detailed forms sent to client. Assessment team appointed by auditor. Preliminary visit by auditor (not mandatory but common) to carry out a gap analysis. Document review by auditor to review procedures against BS EN ISO 3834. On-site assessment conducted by auditor to demonstrate that the client has accrued evidence that procedures are used and that these are overseen by the welding co-ordination team. Assessment recommendations made. Certificate issued (5 year validity). Surveillance (yearly). This process, from application to issuing of the certificate, can take months to complete. 3.4.2 Welding co-ordination A key part of BS EN ISO 3834 is the definition of responsibilities of the welding co-ordination personnel. ISO 14731 defines these personnel and the technical knowledge that they require. The main role falls to the Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC). One or more personnel in a company may perform the welding co-ordination function, but each of the requirements of BS EN ISO 3834 listed above will require input from the welding co-ordination team. Table 1 in BS EN ISO 14731 gives guidance for those tasks which may require a welding co-ordinator input. The technical knowledge required from the coordinator will obviously depend upon the complexity of the product. The standard defines three levels of knowledge and experience: 1 2 3 Comprehensive: Equivalent to the level of an International/European Welding Engineer. Specific: Equivalent to the level of an International/European Welding Technologist. Basic: Equivalent to the level of an International/European Welding Specialist. It can be seen that the three levels of technical knowledge are defined to match with the three levels of quality requirements given in Parts 2-4 of BS EN ISO 3834. The IIW route is not mandatory; there are in fact three possible routes to demonstrate technical knowledge: 1 2 3 IIW qualification and experience (via interview). Interview to assess knowledge without IIW qualification (professional review in 3834 audit). Sub-contract to an external resource with appropriate knowledge and experience; again, an interview is required (it would be expected that the external resource will be familiar with the company applying for certification and will be contracted to visit regularly). WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 3.5 Calibration/validation of welding equipment Faulty equipment compromises the quality of work. It follows that any equipment used in production, or for welder and procedure approval tests, should be in a sound condition in all respects in order to avoid breakdown during production or testing. One important point to note is the accuracy of meters and the repeatability of the machine's controls in relation to output performance. Welding current connections and return leads on all arc welding equipment should be checked for tightness prior to commencing welding; failure to do so may lead to voltage losses affecting arcing conditions. Where semi-automatic gas shielded processes are used, care should also be taken to ensure that the wire feeding systems are repeatable and accurate. Additionally, flowmeters controlling shielding and purging gases are expected to be calibrated. This activity is collectively known as validation. A requirement in many industries during the welding operation is the use of a calibrated meter(s) to check the welding current, arc voltages, travel speed and, on occasion, wire feed speed. In addition, it must be ensured that the welders are using the correct gas, the electrode wires are of the correct composition and the preheat temperature and location have been applied in accordance with the welding procedure requirements. In the case of manual metal arc (MMA) and submerged-arc welding (SAW), attention should be paid to any special drying requirements for fluxes or covered electrodes and also the conditions they are kept in prior to use. The use of a written procedure for storage and handling of consumables is recommended and records of humidity and temperature may be required to be kept. WIS10-30816 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 3-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd Se ct ion 4 Code s a n d St a n da r ds 4 Code s a n d St an da r ds The cont r ol of qualit y in a fabricat ion and welding sit uat ion is achiev ed by wor king t o com pany procedur es and codes of const ruct ion or st andards. The lat t er m ay be int ernat ional, nat ional, com pany’s own or specific t o t he part icular client or cont ract . Com pany pr ocedur es ar e usually covered in qualit y m anuals t he scope of which m ay vary widely depending upon t he size of com pany, it s range of wor k, it s wor king pract ices and m any ot her fact ors. 4 .1 Com pa ny m a nu a ls 4 .1 .1 Qua lit y a ssu r a nce m a nua l Qualit y assurance is defined in I S0 9000 as; part of qualit y m anagem ent focused on pr oviding confidence t hat qualit y requirem ent s will be fulfilled. Essent ially what t he QA m anual set s out is how t he com pany is organised, t o lay down t he responsibilit ies and aut horit y of t he various depart m ent s, how t hese depart m ent s int erlink. The m anual usually covers all aspect s of t he com pany st ruct ure, not j ust t hose aspect s of m anufact ure. 4 .1 .2 Qua lit y cont r ol m a nu a l Qualit y cont rol is defined in I SO 9000 as; part of qualit y m anagem ent focused on fulfilling qualit y requirem ent s. The QC m anual will be t he m anual m ost oft en referr ed t o by t he SWI as it will spell out in det ail how different depart m ent s and operat ions ar e organised and cont r olled. Typical exam ples would be: pr oduct ion and cont rol of dr awings, how m at erials and consum ables are purchased, how w elding procedur es ar e produced, et c. Essent ially all operat ions t o be carried out wit hin t he organisat ion will have cont r ol procedur es laid down. I n part icular it will lay down how t he I n spe ct ion funct ion, whet her visual, dim ensional or NDT, will be perform ed, inspect ion being defined as t he act ivit y of m easuring, exam ining and t est ing charact erist ics of a pr oduct or ser vice and com paring t hese t o a specified requirem ent . Such requirem ent s are laid down in codes of pract ice and st andards. 4 .2 Audit ing Audit ing is a t erm originat ing from account ancy pract ice which involves an independent account ant checking t he account s of a com pany t o see if t he account s ar e fair and accurat e. A sim ilar checking process is now widely pract ised in m anufact uring and const ruct ion indust ries and inspect ion per sonnel will be involved in t he carr ying out of t his operat ion. WI S10- 30816 Codes and St andards 4- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Differ ent t ypes of audit s m ay be perfor m ed: Full audit of a com pany, usually carried out by a t hird part y such as a Cert ifying Aut horit y, checking t he com pany for t he award of a QA accr edit at ion syst em such as I SO 9000 or ASME st am p. Maj or audit by a pot ent ial cust om er prior t o placem ent of a large cont ract . This is usually carried out t o dem onst rat e t he com pany has all t he necessary facilit ies, plant , m achinery, personnel and qualit y syst em s in place t o enable t hem t o successfully com plet e t he cont ract . Part audit s carried out as ongoing dem onst rat ion t hat t he qualit y syst em is wor king properly. An exam ple of t he lat t er case w ould be wher e a Senior I nspect or is r esponsible for signing- off t he dat a book or r elease cert ificat e for a product . Aft er checking t hat all t he necessar y docum ent s are in t he package and t hat t hey have been corr ect ly com plet ed and approv ed wher e necessary , t he SWI w ould look at a part of t he j ob – a beam , a piece of pipew ork et c and cr osscheck against t he drawings, m ill cert ificat es, inspect ion report s et c t hat all com ply wit h t he j ob requirem ent s. 4 .3 Code s a nd st a n da r ds I t is not necessary for t he I nspect or t o car ry a wide range of codes and st andards in t he perfor m ance of his/ her dut ies. Norm ally t he specificat ion or m or e precisely t he cont ract specificat ion is t he only docum ent required. How ev er t he cont ract specificat ion m ay reference support ing codes and st andards and t he inspect or should know w her e t o access t hese norm at ive docum ent s. The following is a list of definit ions relat ing t o codes and st andards which t he I nspect or m ay com e acr oss whilst car rying inspect ion dut ies 4 .3 .1 D e finit ion s N or m a t ive docu m e nt : Provides rules, guidelines or charact erist ics for act ivit ies or t heir r esult s. The t erm norm at ive docum ent is generic and covers docum ent s such as st andards, t echnical specificat ions, codes of pract ice and r egulat ions.* St a nda r d Docum ent est ablished by consensus and approv ed by a r ecognised body. A st andard pr ovides, for com m on and r epeat ed use, guidelines, rules, and charact erist ics for act ivit ies or t heir result s, aim ed at t he achievem ent of t he opt im um degree of order in a given cont ext .* H a r m onise d st a nd a r d s St andards on t he sam e subj ect approved by differ ent st andardising bodies, t hat est ablish int erchangeabilit y of product s, processes and services, or m ut ual underst anding of t est result s or inform at ion provided according t o t hese st andards* WI S10- 30816 Codes and St andards 4- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d Code of pr a ct ice Docum ent t hat r ecom m ends pract ices or procedures for t he design, m anufact ure, inst allat ion, m aint enance, ut ilisat ion of equipm ent , st ruct ures or product s. A code of pract ice m ay be a st andard, part of a st andard or independent of a st andard.* Re gu la t ion Docum ent pr oviding binding legislat ive rules t hat is adopt ed by an aut horit y.* Aut h or it y Body ( r esponsible for st andards and regulat ions legal or adm inist rat ive ent it y t hat has specific t asks and com posit ion) t hat has legal power s and right s.* Re gu la t or y a ut hor it y Aut horit y responsible for pr eparing or adopt ing regulat ions.* Enfor ce m e nt a ut hor it y Aut horit y responsible for enforcing regulat ions.* Spe cifica t ion A docum ent st at ing requirem ent s, needs or expect at ions. A specificat ion could cover bot h physical and t echnical requirem ent s ie visual inspect ion, NDT, Mechanical t est ing et c. essent ially full dat a and it s support ing m edium . Specificat ions are generally im plied or obligat ory. Pr oce dur e Specified way t o carry out an act ivit y or a process.* Usually it is a writ t en descript ion of all essent ial param et er s and pr ecaut ions t o be observ ed when applying a t echnique t o a specific applicat ion following an est ablished st andard, code or specificat ion I nst r uct ion Writ t en descript ion of t he precise st eps t o be followed based on an est ablished procedur e, st andard, code or specificat ion. Qua lit y pla n A docum ent specifying which procedur es and associat ed resources shall be applied by whom and w hen t o a specific proj ect , pr oduct , process or cont ract .* * I SO I EC Guide 2 – St andardisat ion and relat ed act ivit ies – General vocabulary. * * EN I SO 9000 – 2000 – Qualit y m anagem ent syst em s – Fundam ent als and vocabulary. WI S10- 30816 Codes and St andards 4- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d 4 .4 Sum m a r y Applicat ion of t he requirem ent s of t he qualit y m anuals, t he st andards and codes of pract ice ensur e t hat a st ruct ur e or com ponent will have an accept able level of qualit y and be fit for t he int ended purpose. Applying t he requirem ent s of a st andard, code of pract ice or specificat ion can be a pr oblem for t he inexperienced I nspect or. Confidence in applying t he requirem ent s of one or all of t hese docum ent s t o a specific applicat ion only com es wit h use ov er a period of t im e. I f in doubt t he I nspect or m ust always r efer t o a higher aut horit y in order t o avoid confusion and pot ent ial problem s. WI S10- 30816 Codes and St andards 4- 4 Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 5 Fe - C St e e ls 5 Fe - C St e e ls Pure iron is v ery soft and expensive t o m anufact ure and t hus has lim it ed pract ical engineering applicat ions. How ev er , as we’ve already seen, as ferr ous alloys can go t hr ough different phase changes depending on com posit ion and t em perat ur e, t he pr opert ies and part icularly t he st r engt h, duct ilit y and t oughness can be t ailored t hrough alloying and t herm al cycling ( heat t reat m ent or welding for exam ple) . Of all t he alloying elem ent s used in st eels, by far t he m ost im port ant one is carbon ( C) and st eels are defined as iron alloys cont aining less t han 2% C. Fer rous alloys of m or e t han 2% carbon cont ent on t he ot her hand are called cast irons. Many ot her elem ent s can also be present in st eels, bot h int ent ionally added alloying elem ent s and r esidual elem ent s pr esent from ore or scrap m et al used in t he st eelm aking process. 5 .1 St e e l t e r m inology The t erm inology used t o describe and specify different st eel product s can be confusing as t hese can be based on a com binat ion of: Product form ( sheet , plat e, bar, sect ions, pipe or wire) . Deoxidat ion pract ice ( killed, sem i- killed) . Manufact uring rout e such as cast , forged, r olled, ext ruded. Heat t reat m ent such as annealed, norm alised and quench and t em per ed, which are used t o achieve propert ies. Cleanliness level in t erm s of im purit ies such as sulphur and phosphor ous. Finishing m et hods such as cold rolled or hot r olled. Presence or not of cor rosion prot ect ion coat ings. And so on. To add t o t he confusion, different indust ry sect or s use different nom enclat ures and definit ions t o r efer t o t he sam e alloys. A sim plified t erm inology is used her e which is widely used and is relevant t o w elding, but be awar e t hat ot her t erm inologies also exist . I n a broad sense, non- st ainless st eels can be divided int o t wo m aj or groups: Carbon st eel ( also called C- Mn st eels, depending on Mn level) and low alloy st eels. This nom enclat ure is used in Am erican st andards ( Am erican I r on and St eel I nst it ut e and The Societ y of Aut om ot ive Engineering) and in m odified for m s in Eur opean st andards as w ell. 5 .1 .1 Ca r bon st e e ls I n m any indust ry sect ors, carbon st eel is t he usual descript ion used t o refer t o any st eel t hat is not st ainless. Carbon is t he single m ost im port ant alloying elem ent in st eel and a wide range of propert ies is possible sim ply by changing it s cont ent . St r engt h can be increased v er y cost effect ively by r et aining m ore carbon in t he com posit ion ( rem em ber, carbon is already present from t he prim ary st eelm aking process and is in fact r em ov ed as part of st eel r efining) . How ev er, when welded it is well recognized t hat HAZ t oughness decr eases and risk of cracking during welding increases wit h carbon addit ion and welding becom es m or e challenging. Surprisingly t hough, in som e part icular applicat ions such as in welded rail t rack s t his t rade- off can be overcom e and st eels which are oft en of eut ect ic com posit ion wit h carbon cont ent of 0.76% are used! ! WI S10- 30816 Fe- C St eels 5- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d As shown below, hardness and st r engt h can be achieved sim ply by increasing t he carbon cont ent of t he alloy. This however com es at a cost , not only in t erm s of welding but also in t erm s of m echanical propert ies as duct ilit y and t oughness also det eriorat e wit h increasing carbon cont ent . Carbon st eels can be divided ( broadly) int o plain carbon and carbon- m anganese st eels: Pla in ca r bon st e e ls are t he m ost widely used st eel t ype. These ar e usually specified based on carbon cont ent ( exam ple, AI SI 1010 and 1018 carbon st eels have t arget carbon cont ent s of approxim at ely 0.1 and 0.18, r espect ively) and are lim it ed t o a m axim um of 1% m anganese. The m icr ost ruct ures of plain carbon st eels are based around t he t herm odynam ic equilibrium m icrost ruct ures of ferrit e and pearlit e. Ca r bon – m a nga ne se ( C- M n ) st e e ls ar e sim ilar t o plain carbon st eels ex cept t hat C- Mn st eels have higher Mn cont ent s of bet ween 1 and 1.65 w eight % . Manganese is used for deoxidat ion ( t o r em ov e oxygen from t he m elt during st eelm aking) , as a solid solut ion st rengt hener and also can have t he effect of lowering t he duct ile t o brit t le t ransit ion t em perat ur e. How ev er , addit ion of m anganese also increases t he hardenabilit y of st eels which could be a drawback when welding as will be shown lat er in t his sect ion. 5 .1 .2 Low Alloy st e e ls Som e alloying elem ent s increase t he hardenabilit y of st eels, t hat is, t hey delay t he t ransform at ion fr om aust enit e t o t he equilibrium m icrost ruct ur es of fer rit e and pearlit e t o longer t im es, t hus giving m ore opport unit y for non- equilibrium m icrost ruct ures such as m art ensit e t o form during cooling. Alloys specified based on elem ent addit ions t o increase hardenabilit y t o achieve designat ed st rengt h, duct ilit y and t oughness r equirem ent s ar e called low alloy st eels. I n general, t ot al alloy cont ent does not exceed 5% . Mart ensit e is achieved wit h a sufficient level of carbon or ot her elem ent s and a sufficient ly rapid cooling rat e. I t has high st rengt h and hardness but can be very brit t le, so a soft ening ( t em pering) heat t reat m ent is norm ally applied t o im prove t oughness during t he m anufact uring process. This is not always possible aft er welding and t hese st eels r equire special precaut ions during welding t o obt ain good enough propert ies in t he HAZ and t o avoid hydrogen cracking. N ot e : I n som e indust ry sect or s st ainless st eels are refer r ed t o as alloy st eels ( m inim um of 10% alloying) , which is probably why low- alloy- st eel is used t o describe st eels wit h high hardenabilit y ( quenched and t em per ed for exam ple) as t hese hav e m uch lower alloy cont ent com pared t o st ainless grades. Com paring wit h C- Mn st eels howev er, t hese are r elat ively high alloyed st eel grades wit h m uch higher hardenabilit y. WI S10- 30816 Fe- C St eels 5- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 5 .1 .3 H igh st r e ngt h low a lloy st e e ls For t he par ent m at erial, an alt ernat ive appr oach t o increase st rengt h wit hout increasing carbon cont ent is grain refinem ent which not only increases st rengt h but also increases t oughness. This fam ily of fine grained high st rengt h st eels ( up t o 560MPa yield) wit h low carbon and lean general com posit ion are called high st rengt h low alloy st eels. Cont rary t o low- alloy- st eels which can in fact be quit e highly alloyed, HSLA st eels are t ruly low alloyed st eels and t he st r engt h is achieved t hrough refinem ent of t he m icr ost ruct ure rat her t han by significant alloying addit ions. For t he sam e st r engt h lev el, an HSLA alloy will have a m uch leaner com posit ion t o it s C- Mn equivalent . The m icrost ruct ur e of HSLA st eels is st ill generally ferrit e and pearlit e but will usually cont ain very sm all am ount s of pearlit e. The m anufact uring rout es t o achieve t he necessar y m icrost ruct ur e r efinem ent wer e cover ed in Sect ion 6 ( Heat t r eat m ent of st eels) . To r e f r e sh you r m e m or y HSLA st eels r ely on ver y sm all alloying addit ions of vanadium , niobium and/ or t it anium and cont rolled rolling as well as defined and narrow t em perat ur e ranges. Because t he addit ions of V, Nb and Ti are so sm all t hese ar e also called m icro- alloyed st eels. Part icularly in t he oil and gas indust ry, a slight variat ion of t he cont rolled r olling process is used where m icro- alloying is used t o obt ain a fine- grain st ruct ur e during t he hot rolling process followed by accelerat ed cooling at t he end of t he hot r olling process t o pr om ot e a bainit ic or acicular fer rit e m icrost ruct ure. These alloys ar e called Therm o- m echanically cont r olled process ( TMCP) st eels. WI S10- 30816 Fe- C St eels 5- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 6 D e st r u ct ive Te st in g 6 D e st r u ct ive Te st in g Eur opean Welding St andards require t est coupons t hat ar e m ade for w elding procedur e qualificat ion t est ing t o be subj ect ed t o non- dest ruct ive t est ing and t hen dest ruct ive t est ing. The t est s are called dest ruct ive t est s because t he welded j oint is dest r oy ed when various t ypes of t est piece are t aken fr om it . Dest ruct ive t est s can be divided int o 2 groups, t hose used t o: Measure a m echanical propert y Assess t he j oint qualit y – qu a nt it a t ive t e st s – qu a lit a t ive t e st s Mechanical t est s are quant it at ive because a quant it y is m easured – a m echanical propert y such as t ensile st rengt h, hardness and im pact t oughness. Qualit at ive t est s ar e used t o v erify t hat t he j oint is free fr om defect s – t hey ar e of sound qualit y, exam ples of t hese ar e bend t est s, m acr oscopic ex am inat ion and fract ur e t est s ( fillet fract ur e and nick- br eak) . 6 .1 Te st t y pe s, t e st pie ce s a nd t e st obj e ct ive s Various t ypes of m echanical t est s are used by m at erial m anufact urers and suppliers t o verify t hat plat es, pipes, forgings, et c. have t he m inim um propert y values specified for part icular grades. Design engineers use t he m inim um propert y v alues list ed for part icular grades of m at erial as t he basis for design and t he m ost cost - effect ive designs are based on an assum pt ion t hat welded j oint s have pr opert ies t hat are no wor se t han t hose of t he base m et al. The quant it at ive ( m echanical) t est s t hat are carried out for welding procedur e qualificat ion are int ended t o dem onst rat e t hat t he j oint propert ies sat isfy design requirem ent s. The em phasis in t he following sub- sect ions is on t he dest ruct ive t est s and t est m et hods t hat ar e widely used for w elded j oint s. 6 .1 .1 Tr a n sve r se t e nsile t e st s Te st obj e ct ive Welding procedur e qualificat ion t est s always r equire t ransv er se t ensile t est s t o show t hat t he st r engt h of t he j oint sat isfies t he design crit erion. Te st spe cim e n s A t ransv erse t ensile t est piece t ypical of t he t ype specified by Eur opean Welding St andards is shown below. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Parallel lengt h St andards, such as EN 895, t hat specify dim ensions for t ransv er se t ensile t est pieces r equire all excess w eld m et al t o be r em ov ed and t he surface t o be fr ee from scrat ches. Test pieces m ay be m achined t o repr esent t he full t hickness of t he j oint but for very t hick j oint s it m ay be necessary t o t ak e several t ransverse t ensile t est specim ens t o be able t o t est t he full t hickness. Te st m e t hod Test specim ens are accurat ely m easured befor e t est ing. Specim ens are t hen fit t ed int o t he j aws of a t ensile t est ing m achine and subj ect ed t o a cont inually increasing t ensile for ce unt il t he specim en fract ures. The t ensile st rengt h ( Rm ) is calculat ed by dividing t he m axim um load by t he cr oss- sect ional area of t he t est specim en - m easured before t est ing. The t est is int ended t o m easur e t he t e n sile st r e ngt h of t h e j oin t and t hereby show t hat t he basis for design, t he base m et al propert ies, rem ains t he valid crit erion. Acce pt a nce cr it e r ia I f t he t est piece breaks in t he weld m et al, it is accept able provided t he calculat ed st rengt h is not less t han t he m inim um t ensile st r engt h specified, which is usually t he m inim um specified for t he base m et al m at erial grade. I n t he ASME I X code, if t he t est specim en br eaks out side t he weld or fusion zone at a st ress abov e 95% of t he m inim um base m et al st rengt h t he t est r esult is accept able. 6 .1 .2 All- w e ld t e nsile t e st s Te st obj e ct ive Ther e m ay be occasions when it is necessary t o m easure t he weld m et al st rengt h as part of welding procedure qualificat ion – part icularly for elevat ed t em perat ur e designs. The t est is carried out in order t o m easure not only t ensile st r engt h but also yield ( or proof st r engt h) and t ensile duct ilit y. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d All weld t ensile t est s are also regularly carried out by w elding consum able m anufact urers t o verify t hat elect rodes and filler wires sat isfy t he t ensile propert ies specified by t he st andard t o which t he consum ables are cert ified. Te st spe cim e ns As t he nam e indicat es, t est specim ens are m achined from w elds par allel wit h t heir longit udinal axis and t he specim en gauge lengt h m ust be 100% weld m et al. Round t ensile specim en from a welding procedure qualificat ion t est piece. Round t ensile specim en from an elect rode classificat ion t est piece. Te st m e t h od Specim ens are subj ect ed t o a cont inually increasing force in t he sam e way t hat t ransv er se t ensile specim ens are t est ed. Yield ( Re) or proof st r ess ( Rp) ar e m easured by m eans of an ext ensom et er t hat is at t ached t o t he parallel lengt h of t he specim en and is able t o accurat ely m easur e t he ext ension of t he gauge lengt h as t he load is increased. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Typical load ext ension curv es and t heir principal charact erist ics ar e shown below. Load- ext ension curve for a st eel t hat shows a dist inct yield point at t he elast ic lim it . Load- ext ension curve for a st eel ( or ot her m et al) t hat does not show a dist inct yield point ; proof st ress is a m easure of t he elast ic lim it . Tensile duct ilit y is m easured in t wo ways: 1 2 % elongat ion of t he gauge lengt h ( A% ) . % reduct ion of ar ea at t he point of fract ure ( Z% ) . WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 4 Copyright © TWI Lt d The figures below illust rat e t hese t w o duct ilit y m easur em ent s. Necking! 6 .1 .3 I m pa ct t ough ne ss t e st s Te st obj e ct ive Charpy V not ch t est pieces hav e for assessing resist ance t o brit t le and propagat e, a crack from a subj ect ed t o an im pact load. The im pa ct t ough ne ss. becom e t he int ernat ionally accept ed m et hod fract ur e by m easuring t he energy t o init iat e, sharp not ch in a st andard sized specim en va lue a chie ve d is k now n a s t he not ch or Design engineers need t o ensur e t hat t he t oughness of t he st eel t hat is used for a part icular it em will be high enough t o avoid brit t le fract ur e in service and so im pact specim ens are t est ed at a t em perat ur e t hat is relat ed t o t he design t em perat ur e for t he fabricat ed com ponent . C- Mn and low alloy st eels undergo a sharp change in t heir resist ance t o brit t le fract ur e as t heir t em perat ure is lowered so t hat a st eel t hat m ay have very good t oughness at am bient t em perat ur e m ay show ext r em e brit t leness at subzer o t em perat ures, as illust rat ed in following figure. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Tr a nsit ion r a n ge I m pa ct e ne r gy ( Joules) Uppe r she lf e ne r gy D uct ile fr a ct ur e ( 0 % cr yst a llinit y) Low e r she lf e ne r gy Br it t le fr a ct ur e ( 1 0 0 % cr y st a llinit y) Te st t e m pe r a t ur e , °C The t ransit ion t em perat ure is defined as t he t em perat ur e m id- way bet ween t he upper shelf ( m axim um t oughness) and lower shelf ( com plet ely brit t le) . I n t he abov e t he t ransit ion t em perat ur e is –20°C. Te st spe cim e ns The dim ensions for t est specim ens have been st andardised int ernat ionally and are shown below for full siz e d spe cim e ns. Ther e ar e also st andard dim ensions for sm aller sized specim ens, for exam ple 10m m x 7.5m m and 10m m x 5m m . Charpy V not ch t est piece dim ensions for full sized specim ens. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Specim ens ar e m achined fr om w elded t est plat es wit h t he not ch posit ion locat ed in different locat ions according t o t he t est ing requirem ent s but t ypically in t he cent r e of t he w eld m et al and at posit ions acr oss t he HAZ – as shown below. Typical not ch posit ions for Charpy V not ch t est specim ens from double V but t welds. Te st m e t h od Test specim ens ar e cooled t o t he specified t est t em perat ur e by im m ersion in an insulat ed bat h cont aining a liquid t hat is held at t he t est t em perat ure. Aft er allowing t he specim en t em perat ure t o st abilise for a few m inut es it is quickly t ransfer red t o t he anvil of t he t est m achine and a pendulum ham m er quickly released so t hat t he specim en experiences an im pact load behind t he not ch. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 7 Copyright © TWI Lt d The m ain feat ur es of an im pact t est m achine ar e shown below. I m pact specim en on t he anvil showing t he ham m er posit ion at point of im pact I m pact t est ing m achine Charpy V not ch t est pieces – before and aft er t est ing The energy absorbed by t he ham m er when it st rikes each t est specim en is shown by t he posit ion of t he ham m er point er on t he scale of t he m achine. Energy values ar e given in Joules ( or ft - lbs in US specificat ions) . I m pact t est specim ens ar e t ak en in t riplicat e ( 3 specim ens for each not ch posit ion) as t here is always som e degr ee of scat t er in t he r esult s, part icularly for w eldm ent s. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 8 Copyright © TWI Lt d Acce pt a nce cr it e r ia Each t est r esult is recorded and an average value calculat ed for each set of t hree t est s. These values are com par ed wit h t he values specified by t he applicat ion st andard or client t o est ablish whet her specified requirem ent s have been m et . Aft er im pact t est ing, exam inat ion of t he t est specim ens pr ovides addit ional inform at ion about t heir t oughness charact erist ics and m ay be added t o t he t est report : % cr yst allinit y – t he % of t he fract ur e face t hat has cryst alline appearance which indicat es brit t le fr act ure; 100% indicat es com plet ely brit t le fract ure. Lat er al expansion – t he increase in widt h of t he back of t he specim en behind t he not ch – as indicat ed below; t he larger t he value t he t ougher t he specim en. A specim en t hat exhibit s ext rem e brit t leness will show a clean break. Bot h halves of t he specim en having a com plet ely flat fract ure face wit h lit t le or no lat eral expansion. A specim en t hat exhibit s very good t oughness will show only a sm all degr ee of crack ext ension, wit hout fract ure and a high value of lat eral expansion. 6 .1 .4 H a r dne ss t e st ing Te st obj e ct ive s The hardness of a m et al is it s’ r esist ance t o plast ic deform at ion det er m ined by m easuring t he r esist ance t o indent at ion by a part icular t ype of indent er . A st eel weldm ent wit h hardness above a cert ain m axim um m ay be suscept ible t o cracking, eit her dur ing fabricat ion or in ser vice, and welding procedur e qualificat ion t est ing for cert ain st eels and applicat ions t hat require t he t est w eld t o be hardness sur vey ed t o ensure t hat ar e no r egions of t he weldm ent t hat exceed t he m axim um specified hardness. Specim ens pr epar ed for m acroscopic exam inat ion can also be used for t aking hardness m easurem ent s at various posit ions of t he weldm ent – refer r ed t o as a ha r dne ss sur v e y. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 9 Copyright © TWI Lt d Te st m e t h ods Ther e ar e 3 widely used m et hods for hardness t est ing: 1 2 3 Vickers hardness t est Rockw ell hardness t est Brinell hardness t est uses a square- base diam ond pyram id indent er. uses a diam ond cone indent er or st eel ball. uses a ball indent er. The hardness value being given by t he size of t he indent at ion produced under a st andard load, t he sm aller t he indent at ion, t he harder t he m et al. The Vickers m et hod of t est ing is illust rat ed below. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 10 Copyright © TWI Lt d Bot h Vicker s and Rock well m et hods ar e suit able for carrying out hardness surv eys on specim ens prepared for m acr oscopic exam inat ion of weldm ent s. A t ypical hardness surv ey requires t he indent er t o m easur e t he hardness in t he base m et al ( on bot h sides of t he weld) , in t he weld m et al and across t he HAZ ( on bot h sides of t he w eld) . The Brinell m et hod gives an indent at ion t hat is t oo large t o accurat ely m easur e t he hardness in specific regions of t he HAZ and is m ainly used t o m easur e hardness of base m et als. A t ypical hardness sur v ey ( using Vickers hardness indent er) is shown below: Hardness values are shown on t est r eport s as a num ber followed by let t ers indicat ing t he t est m et hod, for exam ple: 6 .1 .5 240HV10 = hardness 240, Vicker s m et hod, 10kg indent er load. 22HRC = hardness 22, Rockw ell m et hod, diam ond cone indent er ( scale C) . 238HBW = 238 hardness, Brinell m et hod, t ungst en ball indent er. Cr a ck t ip ope n ing displa ce m e nt ( CTOD ) t e st in g Te st obj e ct ive Charpy V not ch t est ing enables engineers t o m ake j udgem ent s about risks of brit t le fract ur e occurring in st eels, but a CTOD t est m easures a m at erial propert y - fr a ct u r e t ou ghne ss. Fract ur e t oughness dat a enables engineers t o car ry out fract ur e m echanics analyses such as: Calculat ing t he size of a crack t hat would init iat e a brit t le fract ur e under cert ain st ress condit ions at a part icular t em perat ure. The st ress t hat would cause a cert ain sized crack t o give a brit t le fract ure at a part icular t em perat ur e. This dat a is essent ial for m aking an appropriat e decision when a crack is discovered during inspect ion of equipm ent t hat is in- service. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 11 Copyright © TWI Lt d Te st spe cim e n s A CTOD specim en is prepared as a rect angular ( or squar e) shaped bar cut t ransv er se t o t he axis of t he but t weld. A V not ch is m achined at t he cent re of t he bar, which will be coincident wit h t he t est posit ion - weld m et al or HAZ. A shallow saw cut is t hen put int o t he bot t om of t he not ch and t he specim en is t hen put int o a m achine t hat induces a cy clic bending load unt il a shallow fat igue crack init iat es fr om t he saw cut . The specim ens are r elat ively large – t ypically having a cross sect ion B x 2B and lengt h ~ 10B ( B = full t hickness of t he weld) . The t est piece det ails are shown below. Te st m e t h od CTOD specim ens are usually t est ed at a t em perat ur e below am bient and t he t em perat ur e of t he specim en is cont rolled by im m er sion in a bat h of liquid t hat has been cooled t o t he r equired t est t em perat ur e. A load is applied t o t he specim en t o cause bending and induce a concent rat ed st ress at t he t ip of t he crack and a clip gauge, at t ached t o t he specim en across t he m out h of t he m achined not ch, gives a reading of t he increase in widt h of t he m out h of t he cr ack as t he load is gradually increased. For each t est condit ion ( posit ion of not ch and t est t em perat ure) it is usual pract ice t o carr y out t hr ee t est s. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 12 Copyright © TWI Lt d Below illust rat es t he m ain feat ures of t he CTOD t est . Fract ur e t oughness is expr essed as t he dist ance t hat t he crack t ip opens wit hout init iat ion of a br it t le crack. The clip gauge enables a chart t o be generat ed showing t he increase in widt h of t he crack m out h against applied load from which a CTOD value is calculat ed. Acce pt a nce cr it e r ia An applicat ion st andard or client m ay specify a m inim um CTOD v alue t hat indicat es duct ile t earing. Alt ernat ively, t he t est m ay be for inform at ion so t hat a value can be used for an engineering crit ical assessm ent . A ver y t ough st eel weldm ent will allow t he m out h of t he crack t o open widely by duct ile t earing at t he t ip of t he crack wher eas a very brit t le weldm ent will t end t o fract ur e when t he applied load is quit e low and wit hout any ext ension at t he t ip of t he crack . CTOD values are expressed in m illim et res - t ypical values m ight be < < ~ 0.1m m = brit t le behaviour; > ~ 1m m = v er y t ough behaviour. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 13 Copyright © TWI Lt d 6 .1 .6 Be nd t e st ing Te st obj e ct ive Bend t est s are rout inely t aken fr om w elding procedur e qualificat ion t est pieces and som et im es hav e t o be t ak en from welder qualificat ion t est pieces. Subj ect ing specim ens t o bending is a sim ple m et hod of v erifying t hat t here ar e no significant flaws in t he j oint . Som e degr ee of duct ilit y is also dem onst rat ed. Duct ilit y is not act ually m easur ed but is dem onst rat ed t o be sat isfact ory if t est specim ens can wit hst and being bent wit hout fract ure or fissur es above a cert ain lengt h. Te st spe cim e n s Ther e ar e 4 t ypes of bend specim en: Fa ce be nd Specim en t aken wit h axis t ransver se t o but t welds up t o ~ 12m m t hickness and bent so t hat t he face of t he weld is on t he out side of t he bend ( face in t ension) . Root be nd Test specim en t aken wit h axis t ransverse t o but t welds up t o ~ 12m m t hickness and bent so t hat t he r oot of t he w eld is on t he out side of t he bend ( root in t ension) . Side be nd Test specim en t aken as a t ransverse slice ( ~ 10m m ) from t he full t hickness of but t welds > ~ 12m m and bent so t hat t he full j oint t hickness is t est ed ( side in t ension) . Longit udin a l be nd Test specim en t ak en wit h axis parallel t o t he longit udinal axis of a but t weld; specim en t hickness is ~ 12m m and t he face or r oot of w eld m ay be t est ed in t ension. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 14 Copyright © TWI Lt d Te st m e t hod Bend t est s for w elding procedur e qualificat ion ( and welder qualificat ion) are usually guided bend t est s. Guided m eans t hat t he st rain im posed on t he specim en is uniform ly cont rolled by being bent ar ound a for m er wit h a cert ain diam et er. The diam et er of t he for m er used for a part icular t est is specified in t he code, having been det erm ined by t he t ype of m at er ial t hat is being t est ed and t he duct ilit y t hat can be expect ed from it aft er w elding and any PWHT. The diam et er of t he for m er is usually expressed as a m ult iple of t he specim en t hickness and for C- Mn st eel it is t ypically 4t ( t is t he specim en t hickness) but for m at erials t hat have lower t ensile duct ilit y t he radius of t he form er m ay be great er t han 10t . The st andard t hat specifies t he t est m et hod will specify t he m inim um bend angle t hat t he specim en m ust experience and t his is t ypically 120- 180°. Acce pt a nce cr it e r ia Bend t est pieces should exhibit sat isfact or y soundness by not showing cracks or any signs of significant fissures or cavit ies on t he out side of t he bend. Sm all indicat ions less t han about 3m m in lengt h m ay be allowed by som e st andards. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 15 Copyright © TWI Lt d 6 .2 Fr a ct ur e t e st s 6 .2 .1 Fille t w e ld fr a ct u r e s Te st obj e ct ive The qualit y/ soundness of a fillet weld can be assessed by fract uring t est pieces and exam ining t he fract ure surfaces. This m et hod for assessing t he qualit y of fillet welds m ay be specified by applicat ion st andards as an alt ernat ive t o m acr oscopic exam inat ion. I t is a t est m et hod t hat can be used for w elder qualificat ion t est ing according t o Eur opean St andards but is not used for welding procedure qualificat ion t o Eur opean St andards. Te st spe cim e n s A t est weld is cut int o short lengt hs ( t ypically 50m m ) and a longit udinal not ch is m achined int o t he specim en as shown below. The not ch pr ofile m ay be square, V or U shaped. Te st m e t hod Specim ens ar e m ade t o fract ure t hr ough t heir t hroat by dynam ic st rok es ( ham m ering) or by pressing, as shown below. The welding st andard or applicat ion st andard will specify t he num ber of t est s ( t ypically 4) . Acce pt a nce cr it e r ia The st andard for welder qualificat ion, or applicat ion st andard, will specify t he accept ance crit eria for im perfect ions such as lack of penet rat ion int o t he r oot of t he j oint and solid inclusions and porosit y t hat are visible on t he fract ur e surfaces. Test r eport s should also give a descript ion of t he appearance of t he fract ure and locat ion of any im perfect ion WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 16 Copyright © TWI Lt d But t w e ld fr a ct u r e s ( nick - br e a k t e st s) Te st obj e ct ive The obj ect ive of t hese fr act ure t est s is t he sam e as for fillet fract ur e t est s. These t est s ar e specified for w elder qualificat ion t est ing t o European St andards as an alt ernat ive t o radiography. They are not used for w elding procedur e qualificat ion t est ing t o EU St andards. Te st spe cim e ns Test specim ens ar e t ak en fr om a but t weld and not ched so t hat t he fract ure pat h will be in t he cent ral region of t he weld. Typical t est piece t ypes are shown below. Te st m e t h od Test pieces ar e m ade t o fract ure by ham m ering or t hr ee- point bending. Acce pt a nce cr it e r ia The st andard for welder qualificat ion, or applicat ion st andard, will specify t he accept ance crit eria for im perfect ions such as lack of fusion, solid inclusions and por osit y t hat are visible on t he fract ure sur faces. Test r eport s should also give a descript ion of t he appearance of t he fract ure and locat ion of any im perfect ion. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 17 Copyright © TWI Lt d 6 .3 M a cr oscopic e x a m in a t ion Transv erse sect ions from but t and fillet welds are r equired by t he EU St andards for welding procedur e qualificat ion t est ing and m ay be required for som e w elder qualificat ion t est ing for assessing t he qualit y of t he welds. This is considered in det ail in a separat e sect ion of t hese cour se not es. Macr o exam inat ion Micro exam inat ion Obj e ct ive s Det ect ing weld defect s. ( m acr o) . Measuring grain size. ( m icro) . Det ect ing brit t le st ruct ures, precipit at es. Assessing resist ance t oward brit t le fract ur e, cold cracking and corr osion sensit ivit y. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 18 Copyright © TWI Lt d Eur ope a n St a n da r ds for D e st r u ct ive Test M e t h ods The following St andards ar e specified by t he Eur opean Welding St andards for dest ruct ive t est ing of welding procedur e qualificat ion t est welds and for som e welder qualificat ion t est welds. BS EN I SO 9 0 1 6 Dest ruct ive t est s on w elds in m et allic m at erials – I m pact t est s – Test specim en locat ion, not ch orient at ion and exam inat ion. BS EN I SO 4 1 3 6 Dest ruct ive t est s on w elds in m et allic m at erials – Transverse t ensile t est . BS EN I SO 5 1 7 3 + A1 Dest ruct ive t est s on w elds in m et allic m at erials – Bend t est s. BS EN I SO 1 7 6 3 9 Dest ruct ive t est s on w elds in m et allic m at erials – Macroscopic and m icroscopic exam inat ion of w eld. BS EN I SO 6 8 9 2 - 1 Met allic m at erials t em perat ur e. Tensile t est ing. Part 1: Met hod of t est at am bient BS EN I SO 6 8 9 2 - 2 Tensile t est ing of m et allic m at erials. Part 2: Met hod of t est at elevat ed t em perat ur es. WI S10- 30816 Dest ruct ive Test ing 6- 19 Copyright © TWI Lt d Destructive Testing Objective When this presentation has been completed you should be able to: Recognise a wide range of mechanical tests and their purpose. Make calculations using formulae and tables to determine various values of strength, toughness, hardness and ductility. Destructive Testing Section 6 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Destructive Testing Definitions Destructive Tests Destructive tests includes Bend test. Impact test. Tensile test. Hardness test. Macro/micro examination. What is Destructive Testing? The destruction of a welded unit or by cutting out selected specimens from the weld is carried out to check the mechanical properties of the joint materials. They can be produced to: 3 x Toughness (Charpy V notch) 2 x Ductile (Bend test) 2 x Strength (transverse tensile) Approve welding procedures (BS EN 15614). Approve welders (BS EN 287). Production quality control. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Qualitative and Quantitative Tests The following mechanical tests have units and are termed quantitative tests to measure mechanical properties of the joint. Tensile tests (transverse welded joint, all weld metal). Toughness testing (Charpy, Izod, CTOD). Hardness tests (Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers). The following mechanical tests have no units and are termed qualitative tests for assessing weld quality. Macro testing. Bend testing. Fillet weld fracture testing. Butt weld nick-break testing. Copyright © TWI Ltd Definitions Mechanical Properties of metals are related to the amount of deformation which metals can withstand under different circumstances of force application. Malleability Ductility Toughness Hardness Tensile Strength Ability of a material to withstand deformation under static compressive loading without rupture Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐1 Definitions Definitions Mechanical Properties of metals are related to the amount of deformation which metals can withstand under different circumstances of force application. Mechanical Properties of metals are related to the amount of deformation which metals can withstand under different circumstances of force application. Malleability Ductility Toughness Hardness Tensile Strength Ability of a material undergo plastic deformation under static tensile loading without rupture. Measurable elongation and reduction in cross section area Malleability Ductility Toughness Hardness Tensile Strength Ability of a material to withstand bending or the application of shear stresses by impact loading without fracture. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Definitions Definitions Mechanical Properties of metals are related to the amount of deformation which metals can withstand under different circumstances of force application. Mechanical Properties of metals are related to the amount of deformation which metals can withstand under different circumstances of force application. Malleability Ductility Toughness Hardness Tensile Strength Measurement of a materials surface resistance to indentation from another material by static load Malleability Ductility Toughness Hardness Tensile Strength Measurement of the maximum force required to fracture a materials bar of unit cross-sectional area in tension Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Mechanical Test Samples Tensile specimens Destructive Testing Welding Procedure Qualification Testing CTOD specimen Top of fixed pipe 2 Typical positions for test pieces Specimen type 3 Macro + hardness Transverse tensile Bend test specimen Charpy specimen Fracture fillet specimen Copyright © TWI Ltd 4 Position 5 2, 4 Bend tests 2, 4 Charpy impact tests 3 Additional tests 3 5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐2 Mechanical Testing Hardness Testing Definition Measurement of resistance of a material against penetration of an indenter under a constant load. There is a direct correlation between UTS and hardness. Hardness Testing Hardness tests Brinell. Vickers. Rockwell. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Hardness Testing Objectives Measuring hardness in different areas of a welded joint. Assessing resistance toward brittle fracture, cold cracking and corrosion sensitivity. Information to be supplied on the test report Material type. Location of indentation. Type of hardness test and load applied on the indenter. Hardness value. Hardness Testing Usually the hardest region 1.5 to 3mm Fusion line or fusion boundary HAZ Hardness test methods Vickers Rockwell Brinell Typical designations 240 HV10 Rc 22 200 BHN-W Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Vickers Hardness Test Typical location of the indentations Butt weld from one side only Vickers Hardness Test Vickers hardness tests Indentation body is a square based diamond pyramid (136° included angle). The average diagonal (d) of the impression is converted to a hardness number from a table. It is measured in HV5, HV10 or HV025. Indentation Adjustable shutters Diamond indentor Butt weld from both side Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐3 Vickers Hardness Test Machine Brinell Hardness Test Hardened steel ball of given diameter is subjected for a given time to a given load. Load divided by area of indentation gives Brinell hardness in kg/mm2. More suitable for on site hardness testing. 30KN Ø=10mm steel ball Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Rockwell Hardness Test Rockwell B Portable Hardness Test Rockwell C 1KN 1.5KN Ø=1.6mm steel ball Dynamic and very portable hardness test. Accuracy depends on the condition of the test/support surfaces and the support of the test piece during the test. For more details, see ASTM E448. 120° Diamond cone Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Mechanical Testing Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Weld metal Fusion Line (FL) FL+2mm FL+5mm Parent material Objectives Measuring impact strength in different weld joint areas. Assessing resistance toward brittle fracture. Impact Testing Information to be supplied on the test report Material type. Notch type. Specimen size. Test temperature. Notch location. Impact Strength Value. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐4 Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Specimen Pendulum (striker) Anvil (support) Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Specimen Specimen dimensions according ASTM E23 ASTM: American Society of Testing Materials Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Charpy Impact Test 10 mm 2 mm 22.5° 100% Brittle Mn < 1.6 % increases toughness in steels, and lower energy input used. Machined notch 8 mm Ductile/Brittle Transition Curve Fracture surface 100% bright crystalline brittle fracture Temperature range Ductile fracture 47 Joules Transition range Ductile/Brittle transition point 100% Ductile 28 Joules Machined notch Brittle fracture Large reduction in area, shear lips Randomly torn, dull gray fracture surface - 50 - 40 - 30 Energy absorbed - 20 - 10 0 Testing temperature - Degrees Centigrade Three specimens are normally tested at each temperature Copyright © TWI Ltd Comparison Charpy Impact Test Results Impact Energy Joules Room Temperature -20oC Temperature 1. 197 Joules 1. 49 Joules 2. 191 Joules 2. 53 Joules 3. 186 Joules 3. 51 Joules Copyright © TWI Ltd Charpy Impact Test Reporting results Location and orientation of notch. Testing temperature. Energy absorbed in joules. Description of fracture (brittle or ductile). Location of any defects present. Dimensions of specimen. Average = 191 Joules Average = 51 Joules The test results show the specimens carried out at room temperature absorb more energy than the specimens carried out at -20oC. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐5 Mechanical Testing Tensile Testing Tensile Testing Copyright © TWI Ltd UTS Tensile Test Copyright © TWI Ltd Tensile Tests Rm ReH ReL Copyright © TWI Ltd Tensile Test Rp 0.2% - Proof stress Refers to materials which do not have a defined yielding such as aluminium and some steels. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Tensile Tests Different tensile tests Transverse tensile. All-weld metal tensile test. Cruciform tensile test. Short tensile test (through thickness test). Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐6 Tensile Test Transverse Joint Tensile Test All-weld metal tensile specimen Objective Measuring the overall strength of the weld joint. Information to be supplied on the test report Material type. Specimen type. Specimen size (see QW-462.1). UTS. Location of final rupture. Transverse tensile specimen Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Transverse Joint Tensile Test Transverse Tensile Test Maximum load applied = 220 kN Cross sectional area = 25 mm X 12 mm UTS = Weld on plate UTS = Weld on pipe Multiple cross joint specimens Maximum load applied csa 220 000 25mm X 12mm UTS = 733.33 N/mm2 Copyright © TWI Ltd Transverse Tensile Test Reporting results: Type of specimen eg reduced section. Whether weld reinforcement is removed. Dimensions of test specimen. The ultimate tensile strength in N/mm2, psi or Mpa. Location of fracture. Location and type of any flaws present if any. Copyright © TWI Ltd All-Weld Metal Tensile Test BS EN ISO 6892-1 All Weld Metal Tensile Testing Direction of the test* Tensile test piece cut along weld specimen Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐7 All-Weld Metal Tensile Test All-Weld Metal Tensile Test Gauge length Original gauge length = 50mm Increased gauge length = 64 Object of test Ultimate tensile strength. Yield strength. Elongation %(ductility). Elongation % = Increase of gauge length X 100 Original gauge length Elongation % = 14 50 X 100 Increased gauge length Elongation = 28% Copyright © TWI Ltd All-Weld Metal Tensile Test Two marks are made Copyright © TWI Ltd All-Weld Metal Tensile Test Two marks are made Gauge length 50mm Gauge length 50mm During the test, yield and tensile strength are recorded The specimen is joined and the marks are re-measured During the test, Yield & Tensile strength are recorded The specimen is joined and the marks are re-measured Force Applied Increased gauge length 75mm Increased gauge length 75mm A measurement of 75mm will give Elongation of 50% Copyright © TWI Ltd All-Weld Metal Tensile Test A measurement of 75mm will give Elongation of 50% Copyright © TWI Ltd STRA (Short Transverse Reduction Area) Reporting results Type of specimen eg reduced section. Dimensions of test specimen. The UTS, yield strength in N/mm2, psi or Mpa. Elongation %. Location and type of any flaws present if any. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐8 STRA Test STRA Test Probable freedom from tearing in any joint type Original CSA STRA % Reduction of CSA Reduced CSA Copyright © TWI Ltd Mechanical Testing 20 Some risk in highly restrained joints eg node joint, joints between sub-fabs 15 Some risk in moderately restrained joints eg box columns 10 Some risk in lightly restrained joints T-joints eg I-beams Copyright © TWI Ltd Macro Preparation Purpose To examine the weld cross-section to give assurance that: The weld has been made in accordance with the WPS. The weld is free from defects. Specimen preparation Full thickness slice taken from the weld (typically ~10mm thick). Width of slice sufficient to show all the weld and HAZ on both sides plus some unaffected base material. One face ground to a progressively fine finish (grit sizes 120 to ~ 400). Prepared face heavily etched to show all weld runs & all HAZ. Prepared face examined at up to x5 (& usually photographed for records). Prepared face may also be used for a hardness survey. Macro/Micro Examination Copyright © TWI Ltd Micro Preparation Purpose To examine a particular region of the weld or HAZ in order to: To examine the microstructure. Identify the nature of a crack or other imperfection. Specimen preparation A small piece is cut from the region of interest (typically up to ~ 20mm x 20mm). The piece is mounted in plastic mould and the surface of interest prepared by progressive grinding (to grit size 600 or 800). Surface polished on diamond impregnated cloths to a mirror finish Prepared face may be examined in as-polished condition and then lightly etched. Prepared face examined under the microscope at up to ~ 100 – 1000X. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Macro/Micro Examination Object Macro/microscopic examinations are used to give a visual evaluation of a cross-section of a welded joint. Carried out on full thickness specimens. The width of the specimen should include HAZ, weld and parent plate. They maybe cut from a stop/start area on a welders approval test. Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐9 Macro/Micro Examination Will reveal Weld soundness. Distribution of inclusions. Number of weld passes. Metallurgical structure of weld, fusion zone and HAZ. Location and depth of penetration of weld. Fillet weld leg and throat dimensions. Macro/Micro Examination Macro Visual examination for defects. Cut transverse from the weld. Ground and polished P400 grit paper. Acid etch using 5-10% nitric acid solution. Wash and dry. Visual evaluation under 5x magnification. Report on results. Micro Visual examination for defects and grain structure. Cut transverse from a weld. Ground and polished P1200 grit paper, 1µm paste. Acid etch using 1-5% nitric acid solution. Wash and dry. Visual evaluation under 100-1000x magnification. Report on results. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Metallographic Examination Metallographic Examination Objectives Detecting weld defects (macro). Measuring grain size (micro). Detecting brittle structures, precipitates, etc. Assessing resistance toward brittle fracture, cold cracking and corrosion sensitivity. Macro examination Micro examination Information to be supplied on the test report Material type. Etching solution. Magnification. Grain size. Location of examined area. Weld imperfections (macro). Phase, constituents, precipitates (micro). Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Mechanical Testing Bend Tests Object of test To determine the soundness of the weld zone. Bend testing can also be used to give an assessment of weld zone ductility. There are three ways to perform a bend test: Bend Testing Root bend Face bend Side bend Side bend tests are normally carried out on welds over 12mm in thickness. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐10 Bending Test Bending Test Methods Types of bend test for welds (acc BS EN ISO 5173): Root/face bend t up to 12 mm Thickness of material - t t over 12 mm Side bend Guided bend test Copyright © TWI Ltd Bend Testing Side bend Face bend Defect indication generally this specimen would be unacceptable Root bend Acceptance for minor ruptures on tension surface depends upon code requirements. Copyright © TWI Ltd Mechanical Testing Wrap around bend test Copyright © TWI Ltd Bend Tests Reporting results Thickness and dimensions of specimen. Direction of bend (root, face or side). Angle of bend (90°, 120°, 180°). Diameter of former (typical 4T). Appearance of joint after bending eg type and location of any flaws. Copyright © TWI Ltd Fillet Weld Fracture Tests Object of test To break open the joint through the weld to permit examination of the fracture surfaces. Specimens are cut to the required length. A saw cut approximately 2mm in depth is applied along the fillet welds length. Fracture is usually made by striking the specimen with a single hammer blow. Visual inspection for defects. Fillet Weld Fracture Testing Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐11 Fillet Weld Fracture Tests Fillet Weld Fracture Tests Hammer 2mm Notch This fracture indicates lack of fusion Fracture should break weld saw cut to root This fracture has occurred saw cut to root Lack of penetration Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Fillet Weld Fracture Tests Reporting results Thickness of parent material. Throat thickness and leg lengths. Location of fracture. Appearance of joint after fracture. Depth of penetration. Defects present on fracture surfaces. Mechanical Testing Nick-Break Testing Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Nick-Break Test Object of test To permit evaluation of any weld defects across the fracture surface of a butt weld. Specimens are cut transverse to the weld. A saw cut approximately 2mm in depth is applied along the welds root and cap. Fracture is usually made by striking the specimen with a single hammer blow. Visual inspection for defects. Copyright © TWI Ltd Nick-Break Test Notch cut by hacksaw 3 mm 19 mm 3 mm Approximately 230 mm Weld reinforcement may or may not be removed Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐12 Nick-Break Test Alternative nick-break test specimen, notch applied all way around the specimen Lack of root penetration or fusion Nick-Break Test Reporting results Thickness of parent material. Width of specimen. Location of fracture. Appearance of joint after fracture. Depth of penetration. Defects present on fracture surfaces. Inclusions on fracture line Copyright © TWI Ltd Summary of Mechanical Testing We test welds to establish minimum levels of mechanical properties and soundness of the welded joint We divide tests into qualitative and quantitative methods: Quantitative: (Have units) Hardness (VPN & BHN) Toughness (Joules & ft.lbs) Strength (N/mm2 & PSI, MPa) Ductility/Elongation (E%) Qualitative: (Have no units) Macro tests Bend tests Fillet weld fracture tests Butt nick-break tests Copyright © TWI Ltd Hydrostatic Test Test procedure Blank off all openings with solid flanges. Use correct nuts and bolts, not G clamps. Two pressure gauges on independent tapping points should be used. For safety purposes bleed all the air out. Pumping should be done slowly (no dynamic pressure stresses). Test pressure - see relevant standards (PD 5500, ASME VIII). Usually 150% design pressure. Hold the pressure for minimum 30 minutes. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Hydrostatic Test Under pressure leakage proof test Vessel configuration The test should be done after any stress relief. Components that will not stand the pressure test (eg flexible pipes, diaphragms) must be removed. The ambient temperature MUST be above 0°C (preferably 15-20°C). Copyright © TWI Ltd Hydrostatic Test What to look for Leaks (check particularly around seams and nozzle welds)! Dry off any condensation. Watch the gauges for pressure drop. Check for distortion of flange faces, etc. Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐13 Mechanical Testing Mechanical Testing As part of your remit as a Senior Welding Inspector, visits to the test house are common, witnessing mechanical testing of weld procedures and welder qualifications in C Mn steel. Any Questions ? In addition, verifying the accompanying documentation is also a major part of your role. Therefore, your knowledge of the TWI specification and the use of it is essential to your role. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 You notice at the test house that root and face bends are being conducted with a 50% reduction in the former diameter than that stated in the specification. What difference would this make to the testing conditions? a. This should make no difference as long as the bend is to the correct angle b. This is common practice when reinforcement is left in place c. This would put excessive stress on the specimen d. No options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 3 Testing has just been completed on a single sided butt weld procedure, 10mm thick, PA position using the MMA process. Which mechanical tests would you expect to find within the documentation? a. 1 transverse tensile, two transverse side bends, impact tests 1 set of 3, Hardness test one specimen and macro examination b. 2 transverse tensile, two transverse bends-1root and 1 face bends, impact tests 1 set of 3, Hardness test one specimen and macro examination c. 2 transverse tensile, two transverse root and 1 face bends, hardness test one specimen and macro examination d. 2 transverse tensile, two transverse side bends, impact tests 1 set of 3, Hardness test one specimen and macro examination Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 Continuing with the witnessing of bend testing, you notice that the excess weld metal has not been removed. Are there any consequences attached to this practice? a. When bends are tested in this manner, the test is much more accurate as all the weld is under test b. The excess weld metal is only removed if it is excessive c. The excess weld metal could give rise to stresses d. Only the part in contact with the former requires the excess weld metal to be removed Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 You are checking the test report for a transverse tensile test on a 16mm butt weld with a UTS value of 460N/mm². Which of the following sets of tensile samples would fail the test? a. Test 1 failed in parent metal at 414 N/mm², test 2 failed in weld metal at 555N/mm² b. Test 1 failed in parent metal at 420 N/mm², test 2 failed in weld metal at 480N/mm² c. Test 1 failed in parent metal at 435 N/mm², test 2 failed in weld metal at 498N/mm² d. Test 2 failed in weld metal at 498N/mm², test 1 failed in parent metal at 435 N/mm² Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐14 Question 5 Charpy impact tests have been conducted on a 16mm single V butt joint. Which of the following set of results would meet the specification? a. Average of set 30 value 20 joules b. Average of set 40 value 32 joules c. Average of set 38 value 35 joules d. Average of set 42 value 28 joules joules, lowest individual joules, lowest individual joules, lowest individual joules, lowest individual Question 6 A welder qualifies in C Mn steel, 10mm thick, MMA process using low hydrogen electrodes, PC position using DC- polarity. Which one of the following is the welder not qualified for? a. C mn steel, 20mm thick, MMA process, rutile electrode, PB position, DCb. C mn steel, 6mm thick, MMA process, rutile electrode, PA position, DCc. C mn steel, 15mm thick, MMA process, low hydrogen electrode, PC position, DCd. C mn steel, 15mm thick, MMA process, rutile electrode, PE position, DC- Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 A charpy impact test is devised to test samples at different temperatures. What does this hope to establish? a. b. c. d. A transition range from ductile to brittle The Rm of the material The Re of the material The relationship between hardness and tensile strength Question 8 The point at which the Rm is reached in a tensile test is also referred to as the: a. b. c. d. Yield point UTS A% Gauge length Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 If a tensile test specimen fails to meet the required value, what action can be taken? a. Two more test welds are required which will require complete testing b. One more test sample can be submitted c. If the specimen is large enough, two more tests can be done d. As many test welds as required can be submitted until the tests meet the specification Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 In a procedure qualification in 10m thick material welded in the PF position when impacts are not specified, which position(s) is the procedure qualified for? a. b. c. d. PA, PC PF, PG All positions PF only Copyright © TWI Ltd 6‐15 Se ct ion 7 H e a t Tr e a t m e n t 7 H e a t Tr e a t m en t The heat t reat m ent given t o a part icular grade of st eel by t he st eelm aker/ supplier should be shown on t he m at erial t est cert ificat e and m ay be referr ed t o as t he supply condit ion. Welding inspect or s m ay need t o r efer t o m at erial t est cert ificat es and it is appropriat e t hat t hey be fam iliar wit h t he t er m inology t hat is used and have som e under st anding of t he principles of som e of t he m ost com m only applied heat t r eat m ent s. Welded j oint s m ay need t o be subj ect ed t o heat t reat m ent aft er welding ( PWHT) and t he t asks of m onit oring t he t her m al cycle and checking t he heat t reat m ent r ecords are oft en delegat ed t o welding inspect or s. 7 .1 H e a t t r e a t m e nt of st e e l The m ain supply condit ions for w eldable st eels are: As r olle d, hot r olle d, hot f in ish e d Plat e is hot rolled t o finished size and allowed t o air cool; t he t em perat ur e at which rolling finishes m ay vary fr om plat e t o plat e and so st rengt h and t oughness propert ies vary and are not opt im ised: Applie d t o: Relat ively t hin, lower st rengt h C- st eel. The r m o- m e ch a n ica l cont r olle d t he r m o- m e ch a n ica lly r olle d pr oce ssin g ( TM CP) , cont r ol r olle d, St eel plat e given precisely cont r olled t hickness r educt ions during hot rolling wit hin carefully cont r olled t em perat ure ranges; final rolling t em perat ur e is also car efully cont r olled; Applie d t o Relat ively t hin, high st rengt h low alloy st eels ( HSLA) and for som e st eels wit h good t oughness at low t em perat ur es, eg cryogenic st eels. N or m a lise d Aft er working t he st eel ( rolling or forging) t o size, it is heat ed t o ~ 900°C and t hen allowed t o cool in air t o am bient t em perat ure; t his opt im ises st r engt h and t oughness and gives uniform pr opert ies fr om it em t o it em for a part icular grade of st eel; Applie d t o C- Mn st eels and som e low alloy st eels. Que n ch e d a n d t e m pe r e d aft er w or king t he st eel ( rolling or forging) t o size, it is heat ed t o ~ 900°C and t hen cooled as quickly as possible by quenching in wat er or oil; aft er quenching, t he st eel m ust be t em per ed ( soft ened) t o im prove t he duct ilit y of t he asquenched st eel: Applie d t o Som e low alloy st eels t o give higher st r engt h, t oughness or wear resist ance. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Solut ion a nn e a le d/ h e a t t r e a t e d Aft er hot or cold working t o size, st eel heat ed t o ~ 1100°C and rapidly cooled by quenching int o wat er t o prevent any carbides or ot her phases from for m ing: Applie d t o Aust enit ic st ainless st eels such as 304 and 316 grades. Ann e a le d Aft er w or king t he st eel ( pressing or forging et c) t o size, it is heat ed t o ~ 900°C and t hen allowed t o cool in t he furnace t o am bient t em perat ur e; t his reduces st rengt h and t oughness but im proves duct ilit y: Applie d t o C- Mn st eels and som e low alloy st eels. Figure 7.1- 7.6 show t he t herm al cycles for t he m ain supply condit ions and subsequent heat t r eat m ent t hat can be applied t o st eels. 7 .2 Post w e ld he a t t r e a t m e nt ( PW H T) Post w eld heat t reat m ent has t o be applied t o som e w elded st eels t o ensure t hat t he propert ies of t he w eldm ent will be suit able for t heir int ended applicat ions. The t em per at ure at w hich PWHT is carried out is usually well below t he t em perat ur e where phase changes can occur ( not e 1) , but high enough t o allow residual st resses t o be r elieved quickly and t o soft en ( t em per) any har d regions in t he HAZ. Ther e ar e m aj or benefit s of r educing residual st ress and ensuring t hat t he HAZ hardness is not t oo high for part icular st eels wit h cert ain service applicat ions. Exam ples of t hese benefit s are: I m proved t he r esist ance of t he j oint t o brit t le fract ure. I m proved t he r esist ance of t he j oint t o st ress corr osion cracking. Enables welded j oint s t o be m achined t o accurat e dim ensional t olerances. Because t he m ain reason for ( and benefit of) PWHT is t o reduce residual st resses, PWHT is oft en called st r e ss r e lie f. N ot e : Ther e are circum st ances when a welded j oint m ay need t o be norm alised t o r est or e HAZ t oughness. However, t hese ar e relat ively rare circum st ances and it is necessar y t o ensure t hat w elding consum ables are car efully select ed because norm alising will significant ly reduce w eld m et al st rengt h. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 7 .3 PW H T t he r m a l cycle The applicat ion st andard/ code will specify when PWHT is required t o give benefit s # 1 or # 2 above and also give guidance about t he t herm al cycle t hat m ust be used. I n order t o ensur e t hat a PWHT cy cle is carried it in accordance wit h a part icular code, it is essent ial t hat a PWHT pr ocedur e is prepared and t hat t he following param et er s are specified: 7 .3 .1 Maxim um heat ing rat e. Soak t em perat ur e range. Minim um t im e at t he soak t em perat ure ( soak t im e) . Maxim um cooling rat e. H e a t ing r a t e This m ust be cont r olled t o av oid large t em perat ur e differ ences wit hin t he fabricat ed it em . Large differences in t em perat ure ( large t herm al gradient s) will produce large st resses and t hese m ay be high enough t o cause dist ort ion ( or ev en cracking) . Applicat ion st andards usually require cont r ol of t he m axim um heat ing rat e when t he t em perat ur e of t he it em is above ~ 300°C. This is because st eels st art t o show significant loss of st rengt h abov e t his t em perat ur e and ar e m ore suscept ible t o dist ort ion if t here ar e large t herm al gradient s. The t em perat ur e of t he fabricat ed it em m ust be m onit ored during t he t herm al cycle and t his is done by m eans of t herm ocouples at t ached t o t he sur face at a num ber of locat ions r epresent ing t he t hickness range of t he it em . By m onit oring furnace and it em t em perat ur es t he rat e of heat ing can be cont r olled t o ensur e com pliance wit h code requirem ent s a t a ll posit ion s w it h in t he it e m . Maxim um heat ing rat es specified for C- Mn st eel depend on t hickness of t he it em but t end t o be in t he range ~ 60 t o ~ 200°C/ h. 7 .3 .2 Soa k t e m pe r a t ur e The soak t em perat ure specified by t he code depends on t he t ype of st eel and t hus t he t em perat ur e range r equired t o r educe r esidual st resses t o a low level. C and C- Mn st eels require a soak t em perat ur e of ~ 600°C wher eas som e low alloy st eels ( such as Cr- Mo st eels used for elevat ed t em perat ur e service) require higher t em perat ures – t ypically in t he range ~ 700 t o ~ 760°C. N ot e : Soak t em perat ur e is an essent ial variable for a WPQR. Thus, it is very im port ant t hat t he it is cont r olled wit hin t he specified lim it s ot herwise it m ay be necessary t o carr y out a new WPQ t est t o validat e t he propert ies of t he it em and at worst it m ay not be fit - for- purpose. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d 7 .3 .3 Soa k t im e I t is necessary t o allow t im e for all t he welded j oint s t o experience t he specified t em perat ur e t hr oughout t he full j oint t hickness. The t em perat ur e is m onit ored by sur face- cont act t herm ocouples and it is t he t hickest j oint of t he fabricat ion t hat governs t he m inim um t im e for t em perat ur e equalisat ion. Typical specified soak t im es ar e 1h per 25m m t hickness. 7 .3 .4 Cooling r a t e I t is necessary t o cont r ol t he rat e of cooling from t he PWHT t em perat ure for t he sam e r eason t hat heat ing rat e needs t o be cont rolled – t o avoid dist ort ion ( or cracking) due t o high st resses fr om t herm al gradient s. Codes usually specify cont rolled cooling t o ~ 300°C. Below t his t em perat ure t he it em can be wit hdrawn from a furnace and allowed t o cool in air because st eel is relat ively st rong and is unlikely t o suffer plast ic st rain by any t em perat ur e gradient s t hat m ay dev elop. Figure 7.6 is a t ypical PWHT t her m al cycle. 7 .4 H e a t t r e a t m e nt f ur n a ce s I t is im port ant t hat oil and gas- fired furnaces used for PWHT do not allow flam e cont act wit h t he fabricat ion as t his m ay induce large t herm al gradient s. I t is also im port ant t o ensur e t hat t he fuel ( part icularly for oil- fired furnaces) does not cont ain high levels of pot ent ially harm ful im purit ies – such as sulphur. 7 .5 Loca l PW H T For a pipeline or pipe spool it is oft en necessary t o apply PWHT t o individual welds by local applicat ion of heat . For t his, a PWHT procedure m ust specify t he previously described param et er s for cont rolling t he t herm al cycle but it is also necessary t o specify t he following: Widt h of t he heat ed band ( m ust be wit hin t he soak t em perat ur e range) . Widt h of t he t em per at ur e decay band ( soak t em perat ur e t o ~ 300°C) . Ot her considerat ions ar e: Posit ion of t he t herm ocouples wit hin t he heat ed band widt h and t he decay band. I f t he it em needs t o be support ed in a part icular way t o allow m ovem ent / avoid dist ort ion. The com m onest m et hod of heat ing for local PWHT is by m eans of insulat ed elect rical elem ent s ( elect rical ‘m at s’) t hat are at t ached t o t he w eld. Gas- fired, radiant heat ing elem ent s can also be used. Figure 7.7 show s t ypical cont r ol zones for localised PWHT of a pipe but t weld. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 4 Copyright © TWI Lt d N or m a lisin g Tem perat ure,°C Rapid heat ing t o soak t em perat ur e ( 100% aust enit e) . Short soak t im e at t em perat ur e. Cool in air t o am bient t em perat ur e. ~ 900°C Tim e Figur e 7 .1 Typica l nor m a lising he a t t r e a t m e n t a pplie d t o C- M n a nd som e low a lloy st e e ls. Que nch ing a nd t e m pe r ing Tem perat ure°C Rapid heat ing t o soak t em perat ur e ( 100% aust enit e) . Short soak t im e at t em perat ur e. Rapid cooling by quenching in wat er or oil. Reheat t o t em pering t em perat ur e, soak and air cool. ~ 900°C > ~ 650°C Quenching cycle Tempering cycle Tim e Figur e 7 .2 Typica l que nchin g a nd t e m pe r ing he a t t r e a t m e nt a pplie d t o som e low a lloy st e e ls. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Slab h e a t ing temperature > ~ 1050°C ( γ) Austenite Tem perat ure,°C ~ 900°C Aust enit e + ferrit e ( γ+α) ~ 700°C Ferrit e + pearlit e ( α)+ iron carbide) As- r olle d or hot r olle d Cont r ol- r olle d or TM CP Tim e Figur e 7 .3 Com pa r ison of t he ‘cont r ol- r olle d’ ( TM CP) a nd ‘a s- r olle d’ condit ions ( = hot r olling) . Solut ion h e a t t r e a t m e nt Rapid heat ing t o soak t em p. ( 100% aust enit e) . Short ‘soak’ t im e at t em perat ur e. Rapid cool cooling by quenching int o wat er or oil. Tem perat ure,°C > ~ 1050°C Que nchin g Tim e Figur e 7 .4 Ty pica l solut ion he a t t r e a t m e nt ( solut ion a n ne a ling) a pplie d t o a ust e nit ic st a inle ss st e e ls. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ann e a ling Rapid heat ing t o soak t em perat ur e ( 100% aust enit e) . Short ‘soak’ t im e at t em perat ur e. Slow cool in furnace t o am bient t em perat ur e. Tem perat ur e,°C ~ 900°C Tim e Figur e 7 .5 Ty pica l a nne a ling he a t t r e a t m e nt a pplie d t o C- M n a n d som e low a lloy st e e ls. PW H T ( C- M n st e e ls) Tem perat ure °C Cont rolled heat ing rat e from 300°C t o soak t em perat ur e. Minim um soak t im e at t em perat ur e. Cont rolled cooling t o ~ 300°C. ~ 600°C Controlled heating and cooling rates ~ 300°C Soak time Air cool Tim e Figur e 7 .6 Typica l PW H T a pplie d t o C- M n st e e ls. WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 7 Copyright © TWI Lt d Weld seam Figur e 7 .7 Loca l PW H T of a pipe gir t h se a m . WI S10- 30816 Heat Treat m ent 7- 8 Copyright © TWI Lt d Heat Treatment Controlled heating and cooling to bring about desired changes in metals and alloys Objectives Microstructural changes improve mechanical properties ie toughness, machinability, strength. Reduce residual stress level. Heat Treatment Section 7 Where? Global Local Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Carrying Out Heat Treatment Heat Treatment Equipment Furnaces and ovens Heating & cooling bulk specimen Furnaces and ovens Gas fired Electric Heat Treatment Electric heating mats Temperature control? Use thermocouples, optical pyrometers Localised Heat treatment Localised heat sources Flame heating Induction heating Laser heating Gas fired: Special attention to environment control. Heat from oxygen + fuel gas (methane, propane). High concentration of oxygen may result in scaling, a neutral environment is beneficial. Avoid heat gradients. Radiant tube furnaces to avoid contact with combustion product. Electric furnaces: Cleaner environment. Expensive. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Localised Heat Treatment Heating and cooling a specific portion of a component, ie gear edge, case or surface hardening, weld PWHT. Gas flames such as oxygen + methane or propane. Induction. Electric heating blankets. Heat Treatment Cycle Temperature Soaking temperature Important parameters Heating rate. Soaking temperature. Soaking time (1h/25mm). Cooling rate. Time Heating Copyright © TWI Ltd Soaking Cooling Copyright © TWI Ltd 7‐1 Types of Heat Treatment Annealing. Normalising. Recovery and re-crystallisation. Stress relief. Quenching and tempering. Precipitation hardening. Heat Treatment Temperatures oC Homogenizing and hot working Welds & parent metals Austenite Acm 910 Annealing Normalizing A3 Normalising Annealing 727 Recovery and recrystallization Parent metals Recovery & recrystallisation Stress relief & PWHT A1 600 PWHT and PWHT Stress Relieve Phase change to austenite No phase change 500 0.022 0.77 2.0 Carbon content in weight % Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Full Annealing - Steel Heated to high temperature (Partially or fully austenitic): □ Hypereutectic steels are partially austenitized to avoid cementite formation on grain boundaries during slow cooling. Hold for some time and then slow cool. Coarse grain size. Reduced strength. Increased ductility. Homogeneous. Pearlite Normalising Steel heated just to where austenite is stable. Air cooling – fairly rapid. Grain refinement. Pearlite Stress relief. Higher strength. Higher toughness. Ferrite Ferrite Copyright © TWI Ltd Recovery and Re-crystallisation Cold work increases strength and reduces ductility and toughness. Reversed by recovery and re-crystallisation: □ Copyright © TWI Ltd Recovery and Recrystallisation Heat treatment temperature (o F) But if temperature too high excessive grain growth leads to drop in strength and toughness. Recovery reduces the stored energy in coldworked or deformed (rolled) material. Dislocations move and align at heat treatment temperature (recovery). New defect-free grains nucleate from grain boundaries and grow (recrystallisation). Heat treatment temperature (o C) Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 7‐2 Non Equilibrium Heat Treatment - Quenching Non Equilibrium Heat Treatment - Quenching Heating to annealing heat treatment temperature range. Fast cooling to increase hardness: oC Austenite □ Acm 910 □ A3 Annealing □ A1 0.83 0.05 Increased quench severity Ductility and toughness are drastically reduced. Usually followed by tempering. 727 2.0 Carbon content in weight % Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Tempering Tempering Subcritical (Below A1) Heat treatment to tailor hardness/strength of martensite. Performed after quenching to reduce the brittleness. Ductility and toughness are improved. Removes stresses due to quenching. Hardness 0.008 Brine (Water and salt). Water. Oil. As- 100 quenched 200 300 400 500 600 700 o Low C steel (0.12C) Annealed at 900°C for 30 minutes and water quenched. 380Hv C After tempering at 700°C for 30 minutes and air cooled. 245Hv Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Heat Treatments Following Welding Stress relief Carried out at lower temperature, to reduce residual stresses. Stress Relief and PWHT oC Austenite 910 Tempering Carried out at higher temperature (for constructional steels). Not only relieves stresses but also softens the hard HAZ microstructure. A3 A1 727 Tempering 600 500 Stress Relief 0.022 0.77 Carbon content in weight % Copyright © TWI Ltd Acm 2.0 No phase transformation. Slow heating and cooling (max: 50°C/h). Soaking time 1hr/25mm of thickest section. Usual temperature for PWHT (C-Mn steel) – 550 to 650°C. Stress Relief carried out after cold work or welding, at lower temperatures. Copyright © TWI Ltd 7‐3 PWHT Effect on Residual Stress YS at room temperature Soaking temperature PWHT Effects PWHT temperature Residual stress level YS at soaking temperature Actual YS Time Copyright © TWI Ltd PWHT Recommendations Provide adequate support (low YS at high temperature!). Control heating rate to avoid uneven thermal expansions. Control soak time to equalise temperatures. Control temperature gradients - No direct flame impingement. Control furnace atmosphere to reduce scaling. Control cooling rate to avoid new residual stresses. For specific PWHT applications see standards, eg ASME VIII, ASME B31.3, ASME B31.8. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 While inspecting some cast duplex valve bodies one of your inspectors asks if the castings require a heat treatment process. Which of the following would most likely be applied to these items? a. b. c. d. Solution annealing Quench hardening No heat treatment required Stress relieving would be required but only after welding if applicable Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Heat Treatments You are assigned to a heat treatment company to witness heat treatments being conducted. The heat treatments are being conducted on various products for a major offshore oil and gas project that you have been involved with. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 A set of fabricated brackets manufactured from 316L stainless steel is about to be heat-treated, which of the following applies? a. This material is always stressed relieved after welding b. A post weld heat treat isn’t generally conducted on this type of material c. Quench hardening would always be applied to this material to increase toughness after welding d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd 7‐4 Question 3 During the post weld heat treatment of a small welded fabrication, you observe the heat treatment personnel applying heat by a heating torch. In accordance with TWI Specification do you consider this an acceptable practice? a. Yes this is acceptable providing the temperature attained and the soaking times are correct in accordance with the approved PWHT procedure b. Yes this is acceptable providing the thermocouples are correctly placed and calibrated c. No, this application method isn’t acceptable d. 2 options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 5 It is a requirement for a quenched and tempered component to undergo post weld heat treatment, one of your inspectors asks you what is the maximum temperature required for this material. Which of the following is correct in accordance the TWI Specification? a. The same as for C/Mn steel b. You would never permit a PWHT to be carried out on this material c. The TWI Specification doesn’t reference this information, but would expect it to be around 680°C d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 After a PWHT process has been carried out on some thick to thin C/Mn pipe spools (12.5mm to 25mm WT) you notice that the heating rate is recorded at 200°C/Hr. In accordance with the TWI Specification is this correct? a. b. c. d. No, it should be a minimum of 220°C/hr No, it should be 40°C/hr Yes, Providing the cooling rate is the same Yes, providing the cooling rate is 220°C/hr Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 Unfortunately the stress relieving of a welded fabricated steel structure hasn’t been witnessed by any of your inspectors. When you review the PWHT chart you notice only 2 thermocouples have been used. In accordance with the TWI Specification do you consider this to be acceptable? a. No, all PWHT shall be witnessed and a minimum of 3 thermocouples shall be used b. Yes, only the PWHT charts require reviewing by inspectors c. No, all PWHT shall be witnessed, an inspector has to be present 100% of the time throughout the PWHT process d. No, a minimum of 3 thermocouples shall be used, and calibration certificates require checking prior to the heat treatment process Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 6 During Post Weld Heat Treatment, what sequence of events occurs to the properties of the material? a. Yield strength increases, stresses decrease then yield strength decreases b. Ductility decreases, stresses increase then ductility increases c. Yield strength decreases, stresses decrease then yield strength increases d. Stresses increase, stresses decrease then yield increases Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 While reviewing the heat treatment chart for a PWHT process you notice that the temperature is not recorded below 150°C on the cooling cycle. Would you accept this chart? a. No, the temperature must be recorded down to room temperature b. It would depend on the thickness and grade of material as to whether this would be acceptable or not c. No, the temperature has to be recorded to at least 110°C d. The TWI Specification doesn’t reference this information. Copyright © TWI Ltd 7‐5 Question 9 In certain cases heat treatments are conducted on cold work components such as cold rolled, steel plate. Which of the following heat treatments would you expect to be conducted on these components? a. b. c. d. Stress relieving Densensitization Quench hardening Post hydrogen release Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 You notice from your records you don’t have an inspection report for a component that has undergone a PWHT. In this case what would your course of action be? a. It would be acceptable, If the component had a full inspection report before PWHT b. The TWI Specification makes no reference of this, so you would have to seek advice c. It is a requirement that all components undergo full inspection after a PWHT process has been conducted; in this case it would not be acceptable d. As long as no welding has be conducted after the PWHT process, this would be acceptable Copyright © TWI Ltd 7‐6 Se ct ion 8 W PS a n d W e lde r Qu a lifica t ion s 8 W PS a n d W e lde r Qu a lifica t ion s When st ruct ures and pr essurised it em s ar e fabricat ed by w elding, it is essent ial t hat all t he welded j oint s are sound and have suit able propert ies for t heir applicat ion. Cont rol of w elding is by m eans of w elding procedur e specificat ions ( WPS) t hat give det ailed writ t en inst ruct ions about t he welding condit ions t hat m ust be used t o ensur e t hat welded j oint s have t he r equired propert ies. Alt hough WPS are shop floor docum ent s t o inst ruct w elders, welding inspect or s need t o be fam iliar wit h t hem because t hey will need t o refer t o WPSs when t hey ar e checking t hat welders ar e w orking in accordance wit h t he specified requirem ent s. Welders need t o underst and WPSs and have t he skill t o m ak e w elds t hat ar e not defect ive and dem onst rat e t hese abilit ies befor e being allowed t o m ake product ion welds. 8 .1 Qua lif ie d w e ldin g pr oce dur e spe cif ica t ion s I t is indust ry pract ice t o use qu a lifie d W PS for m ost applicat ions. A welding procedur e is usu a lly qu a lif ie d by m aking a t est w eld t o dem onst rat e t hat t he pr opert ies of t he j oint sat isfy t he r equirem ent s specified by t he applicat ion st andard ( and t he client / end user) . Dem onst rat ing t he m echanical propert ies of t he j oint is t he principal purpose of qualificat ion t est s but showing t hat a defect - fr ee weld can be produced is also very im port ant . Product ion welds t hat are m ade in accordance wit h welding condit ions sim ilar t o t hose used for a t est weld should have sim ilar propert ies and t her efor e be fit for t heir int ended purpose. Figure 8.1 is an exam ple of a t ypical WPS writ t en in accordance wit h t he Eur opean Welding St andard form at giving det ails of all t he welding condit ions t hat need t o be specified. 8 .1 .1 W e ld ing st a nd a r ds for p r oce d ur e q ua lifica t ion Eur opean and Am erican St andards hav e been dev eloped t o give com pr ehensive det ails about : How a w elded t est piece m ust be m ade t o dem onst rat e j oint propert ies. How t he t est piece m ust be t est ed. What welding det ails need t o be included in a WPS? The range of pr oduct ion welding allowed by a part icular qualificat ion t est weld. WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 1 Copyright © TWI Lt d The principal Eur ope a n St a nda r ds t hat specify t hese r equirem ent s ar e: BS EN I SO 1 5 6 1 4 Specificat ion and qualificat ion of welding procedures for m et allic m at erials – Welding procedur e t est . Pa r t 1 : Arc & gas w elding of st eels & arc welding of nickel & nickel alloys. Pa r t 2 : Arc w elding of alum inium and it s alloys. The principal Am e r ica n St a nd a r d s for pr ocedure qualificat ion are: ASM E Se ct ion I X for pressurised sy st em s ( v essels & pipewor k) . AW S D 1 .1 St ruct ural welding of st eels. AW S D 1 .2 St ruct ural welding of alum inium . 8 .1 .2 The qua lif ica t ion pr oce ss for w e lding pr oce dur e s Alt hough qualified WPS are usually based on t est welds t hat have been m ade t o dem onst rat e weld j oint propert ies; welding st andards also allow qualified WPS t o be writ t en based on ot her dat a ( for som e applicat ions) . Som e alt ernat ive ways t hat can be used for writ ing qualified WPS for som e applicat ions are: Qua lif ica t ion by a dopt ion of a st a nda r d w e ldin g pr oce dur e - t est welds previously qualified and docum ent ed by ot her m anufact ur er s. Qua lif ica t ion ba se d on pr e v iou s w e lding e x pe r ie nce - w eld j oint s t hat have been r epeat edly m ade and proved t o have suit able propert ies by t heir service record. Procedure qualificat ion t o Eur opean St andards by m eans of a t est w eld ( and sim ilar in ASME Sect ion I X and AWS) requires a sequence of act ions t hat is t ypified by t hose shown by Table 8.1. A successful procedure qualificat ion t est is com plet ed by t he product ion of a welding procedur e qualificat ion record ( WPQR) , an exam ple of which is shown by Figure 8.2. 8 .1 .3 Re la t ionship be t w e e n a W PQR a n d a W PS Once a WPQR has been produced, t he welding engineer is able t o writ e qua lif ie d W PSs for t he various product ion weld j oint s t hat need t o be m ade. The welding condit ions t hat are allowed t o be writ t en on a qualified WPS are referr ed t o as t he qu a lifica t ion r a nge and t his range depends on t he welding condit ions t hat wer e used for t he t est piece ( t he as- run det ails) and form part of t he WPQR. Welding condit ions are referr ed t o as w e lding va r ia ble s by Eur opean and Am erican Welding St andards and ar e classified as eit her e sse nt ia l va r ia ble s or non- e sse nt ia l v a r ia ble s. WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d These variables can be defined as follows: Esse nt ia l va r ia ble a variable t hat has an effect on t he m echanical propert ies of t he w eldm ent ( and if changed beyond t he lim it s specified by t he st andard will require t he WPS t o be re- qualified) . N on- e sse nt ia l v a r ia ble a variable t hat m ust be specified on a WPS but does not hav e a significant effect on t he m echanical propert ies of t he weldm ent ( and can be changed w it h ou t n e e d for r e - qua lifica t ion but will require a new WPS t o be w rit t en) . I t is because essent ial variables can have a significant effect on m echanical propert ies t hat t hey ar e t he cont r olling variables t hat govern t he qualificat ion range and det erm ine w hat can be writ t en int o a WPS. I f a w elder m ak es a pr oduct ion weld using condit ions out side t he qualificat ion range given on a part icular WPS, t here is danger t hat t he w elded j oint will not have t he r equired pr opert ies and t her e ar e t hen t wo opt ions: Make anot her t est w eld using sim ilar welding condit ions t o t hose used for t he affect ed weld and subj ect t his t o t he sam e t est s used for t he r elevant WPQR t o dem onst rat e t hat t he propert ies st ill sat isfy specified requirem ent s. Rem ove t he affect ed w eld and re- weld t he j oint st rict ly in accordance wit h t he designat ed WPS. Most of t he w elding variables t hat are classed as essent ial are t he sam e in bot h t he European and Am erican Welding St andards but t heir qualificat ion ranges m ay differ . Som e Applicat ion St andards specify t heir own essent ial variables and it is necessary t o ensur e t hat t hese ar e t aken int o considerat ion when procedur es are qualified and WPSs are writ t en. Exam ples of essent ial variables ( according t o European Welding St andards) ar e given in Table 8.2. 8 .2 W e lde r qu a lifica t ion The use of qualified WPSs is t he accept ed m et hod for cont rolling product ion welding but t his will only be successful if t he welder s have t he abilit y t o underst and and w or k in accordance wit h t hem . Welders also need t o have t he skill t o consist ent ly produce sound welds ( free from defect s) . Welding St andards have been dev eloped t o give guidance on what part icular t est welds are r equired in order t o show t hat welders have t he r equired skills t o m ake part icular t ypes of product ion w elds in part icular m at erials. WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d 8.2.1 Welding standards for welder qualification The principal European Standards that specify requirements are: EN 287-1 / BS EN ISO 9606 Qualification test of welders – Fusion welding Part 1: Steels BS EN ISO 9606-2 Qualification test of welders – Fusion welding Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys BS EN ISO 14732 Welding personnel. Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials The principal American Standards that specify requirements for welder qualification are: 8.2.2 ASME Section IX Pressurised systems (vessels & pipework) AWS D1.1 Structural welding of steels AWS D1.2 Structural welding of aluminium The qualification process for welders Qualification testing of welders to European Standards requires test welds to be made and subjected to specified tests to demonstrate that the welder understands the WPS and can produce a sound weld. For manual and semi-automatic welding the emphasis of the tests is to demonstrate ability to manipulate the electrode or welding torch. For mechanised and automatic welding the emphasis is on demonstrating that welding operators have ability to control particular types of welding equipment. American Standards allow welders to demonstrate that they can produce sound welds by subjecting their first production weld to non-destructive testing. Table 8.3 shows the steps required for qualifying welders in accordance with European Standards. Figure 8.5 shows a typical Welder Qualification Certificate in accordance with European Standards. 8.2.3 Welder qualification and production welding allowed The welder is allowed to make production welds within the range of qualification recorded on his welder qualification certificate. The range of qualification is based on the limits specified by the Welding Standard for welder qualification essential variables - defined as: a variable that if changed beyond the limits specified by the Welding Standard may require greater skill than has been demonstrated by the test weld. WIS10-30816 WPS and Welder Qualifications 8-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd Som e w elding variables t hat ar e classed as essent ial for welder qualificat ion are t he sa m e t ype s as t hose classified as essent ial for w elding procedur e qualificat ion, but t he range of qualificat ion m ay be significant ly wider. Som e essent ial variables ar e specific t o welder qualificat ion. Exam ples of welder qualificat ion essent ial variables are given in Table 8.4. 8 .2 .4 Pe r iod of v a lidit y for a w e lde r qua lifica t ion ce r t ifica t e A welder ’s qualificat ion begins from t he dat e of welding of t he t est piece. The Eur opean St andard allows a qualificat ion cert ificat e t o r em ain valid for a period of t w o y ear s – pr ovided t hat : 8 .2 .5 The w elding co- ordinat or, or ot her r esponsible per son, can confirm t hat t he w e lde r h a s be e n w or k ing w it hin t he in it ia l r a nge of qua lif ica t ion. Working wit hin t he init ial qualificat ion range is confirm ed ev ery six m ont hs. Pr olonga t ion of w e lde r qu a lifica t ion A welder’s qualificat ion cert ificat e can be pr olonged every t w o y ear s by an exam iner/ exam ining body but befor e pr olongat ion is allowed cert ain condit ions need t o be sat isfied: Records/ evidence ar e available t hat can be t r aced t o t he w elder and t he WPS t hat have been used for pr oduct ion welding. The support ing evidence m ust r elat e t o volum et ric exam inat ion of t he welder’s product ion w elds ( RT or UT) on t w o w elds m ade during t he 6 m ont hs prior t o t he pr olongat ion dat e. The support ing evidence w elds m ust sat isfy t he accept ance lev els for im perfect ions specified by t he Eur opean w elding st andard and have been m ade under t he sam e condit ions as t he original t est weld. WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 8 .1 Typica l se que nce for w e lding pr oce dur e qua lifica t ion by m e a ns of a t e st w e ld. Th e w e ldin g e n gin e e r w r it e s a pr e lim ina r y W e lding Pr oce dur e Spe cifica t ion ( pW PS) for e a ch t e st coupon t o be w e lde d A welder m ak es t he t est coupon in accordance wit h t he pWPS A welding inspect or r ecords all t he welding condit ions used t o m ake t he t est coupon ( called t he as- run condit ions) An I ndependent Exam iner/ Exam ining Body/ Third Part y I nspect or m a y be request ed t o m onit or t he pr ocedur e qualificat ion The t e st coupon is su bj e ct e d t o N D T in a ccor da nce w it h t he m e t hods spe cif ie d by t he St a n da r d – visua l inspe ct ion, M T or PT a nd RT or UT The t est coupon is dest r uct ively t est ed ( t ensile, bend, m acr o t est s) The code/ applicat ion st andard/ client m ay require addit ional t est s such as hardness t est s, im pact t est s or corr osion t est s – depending on m at erial and applicat ion A Welding Procedur e Qualificat ion Record ( WPQR) is prepared by t he welding engineer giving det ails of: » » » » The a s- r un w e ldin g condit ion s Re su lt s of t he N D T Re su lt s of t he de st r u ct ive t e st s The w e lding condit ions a llow e d for pr oduct ion w e lding I f a Third Part y I nspect or is involved he will be request ed t o sign t he WPQR as a t rue r ecord of t he t est WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 8 .2 Typica l e x a m ple s of W PS e sse nt ia l va r ia ble s a ccor ding t o Eur ope a n W e lding St a nda r ds. VARI ABLE RAN GE for PROCED URE QUALI FI CATI ON W e lding pr oce ss No range – pr ocess qualified is process t hat m ust be used in product ion PW H T Joint s t est ed aft er PWHT only qualify as PWHT product ion j oint s Joint s t est ed ‘as- welded’ only qualify ‘as- welded’ product ion j oint s Pa r e nt t ype m a t e r ia l Par ent m at erials of sim ilar com posit ion and m echanical propert ies ar e allocat ed t he sam e Mat erial Group No.; qualificat ion only allows product ion welding of m at erials wit h t he sam e Gr oup No. W e lding consu m a ble s Consum ables for pr oduct ion welding m ust have t he sam e Eur opean designat ion – as a general rule M a t e r ia l t hick ne ss A t hickness range is allowed – below and abov e t he t est coupon t hickness Type of cu r r e n t AC only qualifies for AC; DC polarit y ( + VE or - VE) cannot be changed; pulsed current only qualifies for pulsed curr ent pr oduct ion welding Pr e h e a t t e m pe r a t ur e The pr eheat t em perat ure used for t he t est is t he m inim um t hat m ust be applied I nt e r pa ss t e m pe r a t ur e The highest int erpass t em perat ur e reached in t he t est is t he m axim um allowed H e a t input ( H I ) When im pact requirem ent s apply m axim um HI allowed is 25% abov e t est HI when hardness r equirem ent s apply m inim um HI allowed is 25% below t est HI WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 7 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 8 .3 St a ge s for qu a lifica t ion of a w e lde r . Th e w e ldin g e ngin e e r w r it e s a W PS for w e lde r qua lif ica t ion t e st pie ce The w e lde r m a k e s t h e t e st w e ld in a ccor da nce w it h t h e W PS A w e ldin g in spe ct or m on it or s t h e w e ldin g t o e nsu r e t h a t t h e w e lde r is w or k in g in a ccor da nce t he W PS An I ndependent Exam iner/ Exam ining Body/ Thir d Part y I nspect or m a y be request ed t o m onit or t he t est The t e st cou pon is subj e ct e d t o N D T in a ccor da nce w it h t h e m e t hods spe cifie d by t he St a n da r d ( v isu a l in spe ct ion, M T or PT a nd RT or UT) For ce r t a in m a t e r ia ls, a nd w e lding pr oce sse s, som e de st r uct iv e t e st ing m a y be r e qu ir e d ( be n ds or m a cr os) A W e lde r ’s Qua lif ica t ion Ce r t if ica t e is pr e pa r e d sh ow ing t he w e ldin g con dit ion s u se d for t h e t e st pie ce a n d t h e r a n ge of qua lif ica t ion a llow e d by t h e St a n da r d for pr oduct ion w e ldin g I f a Thir d Pa r t y is in volve d, t h e Qu a lifica t ion Ce r t ifica t e w ould be e ndor se d a s a t r ue r e cor d of t he t e st WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 8 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 8 .4 Typica l e x a m ple s of w e lde r qua lifica t ion e sse nt ia l va r ia ble s a ccor ding t o Eur ope a n W e lding St a nda r ds. VARI ABLE RAN GE for W ELD ER QUALI FI CATI ON W elding proce ss No range – pr ocess qualified is process t hat a welder can use in product ion Type of w eld But t welds cover any t y pe of j oint except branch welds fillet welds only qualify fillet s Pa re nt t ype Par ent m at erials of sim ilar com posit ion and m echanical propert ies ar e allocat ed t he sam e Mat erial Group No.; qualificat ion only allows product ion w elding of m at erials wit h t he sam e Group No. but t he Groups allow m uch wider com posit ion ranges t han t he pr ocedur e Groups m at e ria l Filler m at er ia l Elect r odes and filler wires for product ion welding m ust be of t he sam e form as t he t est ( solid wire, flux cor ed, et c) ; for MMA coat ing t ype is essent ial. The filler wire m ust fall wit hin t he range of t he qualificat ion of t he filler m at erial. M at er ial t hick ness A t hickness range is allowed; for t est pieces abov e 12m m allow 5m m Pipe dia m et e r Essent ial and very rest rict ed for sm all diam et er s; t est pieces above 25m m allow 0.5 x diam et er used ( m in. 25m m ) W elding posit ions Posit ion of welding very im port ant ; H- L045 allows all posit ions ( except PG) WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 9 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 8 .1 Ex a m ple of a w e lding pr oce dur e spe cifica t ion ( W PS) t o EN 1 5 6 1 4 for m a t . WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 10 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 8 .2 Ex a m ple of a W PQR docum e nt ( qu a lifica t ion r a nge ) t o EN 1 5 6 1 4 for m a t . WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 11 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 8 .3 Ex a m ple of W PQR docum e nt ( t e st w e ld de t a ils) t o EN 1 5 6 1 4 for m a t . WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 12 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 8 .4 Ex a m ple of a W PQR docum e nt ( de t a ils of w e ld t e st ) t o EN 1 5 6 1 4 for m a t . WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 13 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 8 .5 Ex a m ple of a w e lde r qua lifica t ion t e st ce r t ifica t e ( W PQ) t o EN 2 8 7 for m a t . WI S10- 30816 WPS and Welder Qualificat ions 8- 14 Copyright © TWI Lt d Welding Procedure Qualification Question: What is the main reason for carrying out a Welding Procedure Qualification Test? (What is the test trying to show?) Welding Procedure and Welder Qualification Answer: To show that the welded joint has the properties* that satisfy the design requirements (fit for purpose). Section 8 * Properties Mechanical properties are the main interest - always strength but toughness & hardness may be important for some applications. Test also demonstrates that the weld can be made without defects. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Purpose of a WPS To achieve specific properties. □ Mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, composition. To ensure freedom from defects. To enforce QC procedures. To standardise on methods and costs. To control production schedules. To form a record. Application standard or contract requirement. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedure Qualification (according to BS EN ISO 15614) Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS) Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Object of a welding procedure test To give maximum confidence that the welds mechanical and metallurgical properties meet the requirements of the applicable code/specification. Each welding procedure will show a range to which the procedure is approved (extent of approval). If a customer queries the approval evidence can be supplied to prove its validity. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Producing a welding procedure involves Planning the tasks. Collecting the data. Writing a procedure for use of for trial. Making a test welds. Evaluating the results. Approving the procedure. Preparing the documentation. Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐1 Welding Procedure Qualification Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS) Welding Engineer writes a preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS) for each test weld to be made. Welding Procedure Qualification Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) A welder makes a test weld in accordance with the pWPS. A welding inspector records all the welding conditions used for the test weld (referred to as the 'as-run' conditions). An Independent Examiner/ Examining Body/ Third Party inspector may be requested to monitor the qualification process. The finished test weld is subjected to NDT in accordance with the methods specified by the EN ISO Standard - Visual, MT or PT & RT or UT. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedure Qualification Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) Test weld is subjected to destructive testing (tensile, bend, macro). The Application Standard, or Client, may require additional tests such as impact tests, hardness tests (and for some materials - corrosion tests). Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) The welding conditions used for the test weld Results of the NDT. Results of the destructive tests. The welding conditions that the test weld allows for production welding. The Third Party may be requested to sign the WPQR as a true record. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedure Qualification Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) The welding engineer writes qualified Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) for production welding. Production welding conditions must remain within the range of qualification allowed by the WPQR. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedure Qualification Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedure Qualification (according to EN Standards) Welding conditions are called welding variables. (according to EN Standards) Welding essential variables Welding variables are classified by the EN ISO Standard as: Question: Why are some welding variables classified as essential? Essential variables. Non-essential variables. Additional variables. Note: Additional variables = ASME supplementary essential. The range of qualification for production welding is based on the limits that the EN ISO Standard specifies for essential variables* Answer: A variable, that if changed beyond certain limits (specified by the Welding Standard) may have a significant effect on the properties* of the joint. * particularly joint strength and ductility. (* and when applicable - the additional variables) Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐2 Welding Procedure Qualification (according to EN Standards) Welding additional variables Question: Why are some welding variables classified as additional? Answer: A variable, that if changed beyond certain limits (specified by the Welding Standard) may have a significant effect on the toughness and/or hardness of the joint. Note: ASME calls variables that affect toughness as supplementary essential variables (but does not refer to hardness). Welding Procedure Qualification (according to EN Standards) Some typical essential variables Welding process. Post weld heat treatment (PWHT). Material type. Electrode type, filler wire type (Classification). Material thickness. Polarity (AC, DC+ve/DC-ve). Pre-heat temperature. Some typical additional variables Heat input. Welding position. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures In most codes reference is made to how the procedure are to be devised and whether approval of these procedures is required. Welding Procedures Components of a welding procedure Parent material Type (Grouping). Thickness. Diameter (Pipes). Surface condition. The approach used for procedure approval depends on the code. Example codes AWS D.1.1: Structural Steel Welding Code. BS 2633: Class 1 welding of Steel Pipe Work. API 1104: Welding of Pipelines. BS 4515: Welding of Pipelines over 7 Bar. Welding process Type of process (MMA, MAG, TIG, SAW etc). Equipment parameters. Amps, volts, travel speed. Other codes may not specifically deal with the requirement of a procedure but may contain information that may be used in writing a weld procedure. EN 1011: Process of Arc Welding Steels. Welding consumables Type of consumable/diameter of consumable. Brand/classification. Heat treatments/storage. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Components of a welding procedure Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Example Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Joint design Edge preparation. Root gap, root face. Jigging and tacking. Type of backing Welding position Location, shop or site. Welding position e.g. PA, PB, PC etc. Any weather precaution. Thermal heat treatments Preheat, temps. Post weld heat treatments eg stress relieving. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐3 Welding Positions PA 1G / 1F Flat / Downhand Horizontal-Vertical PB 2F PC 2G Horizontal PD 4F Horizontal-Vertical (Overhead) PE 4G Overhead PF 3G / 5G Vertical-Up PG 3G / 5G Vertical-Down H-L045 6G Inclined Pipe (Upwards) J-L045 6G Inclined Pipe (Downwards) Welding Positions Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Monitoring heat input As Required by BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004 In accordance with BS EN 1011-1:1998 Welding Procedures 15614-1-2-3 When impact requirements apply, the upper limit of heat input qualified is 25% greater than that used in welding the test piece. When hardness requirements apply, the lower limit of heat input qualified is 25% lower than that used in welding the test piece. Heat input is calculated in accordance with BS EN10111. If welding procedure tests have been preformed at both a high and low heat input level, then all intermediate heat inputs are also qualified. Specifies contents of WPS "Shall give details of how a welding operation is to be performed and contain all relevant information". Definitions Processes to be designated in accordance with BS EN ISO 4063. Welding positions in accordance with BS EN ISO 6947. Typical WPS form. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004 (Replaced BS EN 288-3) "does not invalidate previous … approvals made to former national standards… providing the intent of the technical requirements is satisfied… approvals are relevant" "where additional tests… make the approval technically equivalent… only necessary to do the additional tests…" "approval is valid… in workshops or sites under the same technical and quality control of that manufacturer…" "service, material or manufacturing conditions may require more comprehensive testing… " Application standard may require more testing Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Table 5 Thickness of test piece t BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004 Range of qualification Single run Multi run t<3 0.7t to 1.3ta 0.7t to 2t 3<t<12 0.5t (3 min) to 1.3ta 3 to 2ta 12<t<100 0.5t to 1.1t 0.5t to 2t t>100 Not applicable 50 to 2t Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐4 Welding Procedures Table 6 BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004 (Replaced BS EN 288-3) Covers Arc & Gas Welding of Steels & Arc Welding of Nickel & Nickel Alloys BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004 Range of qualification Thickness of test piece t Material Thickness t<3 Welding Procedures Throat Thickness Single run Multi run 0.7 to 2 t 0.75 a to 1.5 a No restriction 3<t<30 0.5t (3 min) to 1.2 t 0.75 a to 1.5 a No restriction t>30 >5 a No restriction 111 12 135 137 15 - MMA SAW MAG FCAW - inert gas PLASMA ARC 114 131 136 141 311 - FCAW - no gas shield - MIG - FCAW - active gas - TIG – Oxy-Acetylene The principle of this European Standard may be applied to other fusion welding processes Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures Welding Procedures TABLE 7 Note 1: a is the throat as used for the test piece. Note 2: Where the fillet weld is qualified by means of a butt test, the throat thickness range qualified shall be based on the thickness of the deposited metal. For special applications only. Each fillet weld shall be proofed separately by a welding procedure test. BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004 Diameter of the test piece Da, mm Range of Qualification D<25 0.5 D to 2 D D>25 >0.5 D (25 mm min) Note: For structural hollow sections D is the dimension of the smaller side a D is the outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch pipe Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP 3.2 Welding Inspection Copyright © TWI Ltd Welder Qualification (according to BS EN Standards) Question: What is the main reason for qualifying a welder? Welder Approval Answer: To show that he has the skill to be able to make production welds that are free from defects. Note: When welding in accordance with a Qualified WPS. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐5 Welder Qualification (according to BS EN ISO 9606) An approved WPS should be available covering the range of qualification required for the welder approval. The welder qualifies in accordance with an approved WPS. A welding inspector monitors the welding to make sure that the welder uses the conditions specified by the WPS. EN Welding Standard states that an Independent Examiner, Examining Body or Third Party Inspector may be required to monitor the qualification process. Welder Qualification (according to BS EN ISO 9606) The finished test weld is subjected to NDT by the methods specified by the EN Standard - Visual, MT or PT & RT or UT. The test weld may need to be destructively tested - for certain materials and/or welding processes specified by the EN Standard or the Client Specification. A Welder’s Qualification Certificate is prepared showing the conditions used for the test weld and the range of qualification allowed by the EN Standard for production welding. The Qualification Certificate is usually endorsed by a Third Party Inspector as a true record of the test. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welder Qualification (according to BS EN ISO 9606) The welder is allowed to make production welds within the range of qualification shown on the Certificate. The range of qualification allowed for production welding is based on the limits that the EN Standard specifies for the welder qualification essential variables. A Welder’s Qualification Certificate automatically expires if the welder has not used the welding process for 6 months or longer. A Certificate may be withdrawn by the Employer if there is reason to doubt the ability of the welder, for example A high repair rate. Not working in accordance with a qualified WPS. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welder Qualification (according to BS EN ISO 9606) Typical Welder Essential Variables Welding process. Material type. Electrode type. Material thickness. Pipe diameter. Welding position. Weld backing (an unbacked weld requires more skill). Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welder Qualification (according to BS EN ISO 9606) Essential variables Question: What is a 'welder qualification essential variable'? (what makes the variable 'essential'?) Answer: A variable, that if changed beyond the limits specified by the EN Standard, may require more skill than has been demonstrated by the test weld. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welder Qualification Numerous codes and standards deal with welder qualification, eg BS EN ISO 9606 Once the content of the procedure is approved the next stage is to approve the welders to the approved procedure. A welders test know as a Welders Qualification Test (WQT). Object of a welding qualification test: To give maximum confidence that the welder meets the quality requirements of the approved procedure (WPS). The test weld should be carried out on the same material and same conditions as for the production welds. Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐6 Welder Qualification Information that should be included on a welders test certificate are: Welders name and identification number. Date of test and expiry date of certificate. Standard/code eg BS EN ISO 9606. Test piece details. Welding process. Welding parameters, amps, volts Consumables, flux type and filler classification details. Sketch of run sequence. Welding positions. Joint configuration details. Material type qualified, pipe diameter etc. Test results, remarks. Test location and witnessed by. Extent (range) of approval. Welder Qualification The inspection of a welders qualification test It is normal for a qualified inspectors usually from an independent body to witness the welding. Under normal circumstances only one test weld per welder is permitted. If the welder fails the test weld and the failure is not the fault of the welder eg faulty welding equipment then a re-test would be permitted. The testing of the test weld is done in accordance with the applicable code. It is not normal to carry out tests that test for the mechanical properties of welds eg tensile, charpy and hardness tests. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Procedures and Welder Qualifications Welder Qualification You are in the process of ensuring that welding procedures and qualified welders are available for a new project involving many materials and processes. Example: Welder Approval Qualification Certification You have to ensure that they all comply with the TWI specification. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 Within the range of variables in a welding procedure, DC+ has been stated for the root pass. a. This would allow the use of DC- also b. This would allow the use of AC also c. In accordance with the Specification, any polarity could now be used d. In accordance with the specification only DC+ can be used Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 Using the TWI specification, which of the following is true for welder qualifications? a. b. c. d. Plate and pipe require separate qualifications Plate qualifies pipe Pipe qualifies plate It depends on whether it is fillet weld or butt weld Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐7 Question 3 Which of the following NDT test is specified for all types of Stainless steel welds? a. b. c. d. Visual Radiographic Dye penetrant All options are correct Question 4 If a welding current of 145A was used on the test plate during qualification, on the actual job while using this procedure, the maximum current permitted is? a. b. c. d. 175A 125A 166A 200A Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 5 With respect to the validity of using a procedure in different positions, which one of the following is acceptable? a. Procedure is always valid only for the position tested b. Procedure is always valid for all the positions when impacts are specified c. Procedure qualified in vertical up position qualifies for that position only when impacts are specified d. Procedure is valid for all positions only for butt welds when impacts are specified Question 6 If a welder tests on a plate thickness of 14 mm, he is qualified to weld which of the following thicknesses? a. b. c. d. 14 mm 5-14 mm 5-28 mm 14 mm and above Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 For qualifying a welder for butt welding austenitic stainless steels, 14 mm thick plate, using the TIG process, which of the following tests are not required? a. b. c. d. Fillet fracture Macro examination Hardness tests All of the above Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 Which one of the following changes does not require re-qualification of a welder? a. b. c. d. Change from Change from Change from Change from consumable PF to PG fillet to butt pipe to plate rutile to low hydrogen Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐8 Question 9 Which one of the following is true? Question 10 If a welder fails a qualification test due to lack of skill, how many are allowed? a. Cellulosic qualifies rutile types also b. PG qualifies PG only c. The addition of a backing strip requires requalification d. Change from argon to carbon dioxide a. b. c. d. Copyright © TWI Ltd One Two No retests are allowed No limit for retests Copyright © TWI Ltd 8‐9 Se ct ion 9 Ar c En e r gy a n d H e a t I n pu t 9 Arc Energy and Heat Input 9.1 Current and voltage The amount of electrons on the move defines the amount of electricity that flows termed current. i and measured in amps, A. Electron flow and therefore electricity, move at the speed of light as, rather than being the movement of small solid particles, it is a form of electromagnetic wave, but as this takes us into the realm of relativity we will not offer a proof of that here. Suffice to say that, for all practical purposes, electricity is instantaneously available throughout a circuit. The differential of the positive and negative used to attract the electrons from one to the other can be regarded as the driving force. This is called the potential difference or voltage. Because of this potential there is a tendency for the electrons to move, ie there is a force attempting to move them from the negative to the positive. This force is called the electromotive force, (emf), and is measured in volts, V. 9.2 Arc Energy or heat Input Amperage and voltage are the two main parameters used when measuring the welding arc but so is the travel speed. These three variables are used to calculate the arc energy or heat input, measured in kilo Joules per mm of weld length. In general, this measurement is from 0.2 to 3.5 Kj per mm but there are occasions when it can drop below or go above this range. This measurement is used as a point of reference and is quoted on documentation, such as a weld procedure. It can have a significant effect on a materials properties, distortion and residual stress, depending on how high or low the value is. Therefore, knowing the importance and how to calculate it is essential for anybody involved in the process. Arc energy, is generally the term used in conjunction with heat input although in reality they are different measurements. Arc energy, is the energy generated at the welding arc using a simple formula. Heat input is the energy generated in the workpiece from the welding arc using a slightly different formula. Essentially they are the same thing but once one type of measurement has been selected, you should not deviate between the two or errors will occur. American standards use the term heat input but the energy is measured at the arc wheras the end standards use the term heat input which is the actual energy transferred to the material. These measurements will be different in each case, EN generally has lower values as the EN standards take into account the thermal efficiency value of the welding process know as the “K” factor. Therefore, the standards dictating which type of measurement shall be recorded although a Senior Welding Inspector should have a knowledge of both. Arc energy is reasonably easy to calculate, the amperage and voltage used are multiplied together and divided by the travel speed in mm per second multiplied by 1000 to give the Kj per mm. WIS10-30816 Arc Energy and Heat Input 9-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd Ex a m ple A MAG weld is m ade and t he following condit ions wer e r ecorded: Arc volt s = 24. Welding am perage = 240. Trav el speed = 300m m / m inut e. W h a t is t h e a r c e n e r gy? Arc energy ( kJ/ m m ) = Volt s x am ps Trav el speed ( m m / sec) x 1000 = 24 x 240 ( 300/ 60) x 1000 = 5760 5000 Ar c e n e r gy = 1 .1 5 2 or 1 .2 k J/ m m To calculat e heat input , t he am ount of energy produced in t he work piece, w e can use t he sam e values as befor e but m ult iply t he am perage and volt age values by what ’s know as t he efficiency value. This is based on t he fact t hat a cert ain am ount of ener gy is lost t hrough t he arc and depending on t he welding process, m ore or less of t his energy is lost . For exam ple, SAW does not lose any energy m ainly due t o insulat ion of t he granular flux whereas t he TI G process loses 40% t hr ough conduct ion, conv ect ion and r adiat ion. Efficiency values via process: SAW = 1.0. MI G/ MAG, FCAW and MMAW = 0.8. TI G and PLASMA = 0.6. I f w e use t he sam e wor ked exam ple of t he MAG pr ocess but t his t im e calculat e heat input it will be ev ident t he value has dr opped by 20% . Therefor e, it is essent ial t hat t he values r ecorded ar e eit her k ept t he sam e or labelled as heat input or ar c energy. WI S10- 30816 Arc Energy and Heat I nput 9- 2 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ex a m ple A MAG weld is m ade and t he following condit ions wer e r ecorded: Arc volt s = 24. Welding am perage = 240. Trav el speed = 300m m / m inut e. W ha t is t h e h e a t inpu t ? Heat input ( kJ/ m m ) = Volt s x am ps x 0.8 ( efficiency value) Trav el speed ( m m / sec) x 1000 = 24 x 240 x 0.8 ( 300/ 60) x 1000 = 4608 5000 H e a t input = 0 .9 2 k J/ m m WI S10- 30816 Arc Energy and Heat I nput 9- 3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Arc Energy and Heat Input Section 9 Copyright © TWI Ltd Arc Energy/Heat Input Copyright © TWI Ltd Arc Energy/Heat Input What are the factors that influence arc energy/heat input? What is the difference between arc energy and heat input? Amperage. Voltage. Travel speed. Its the Thermal Efficiency Factor known as ”k” ASME IX – Heat Input (but measured as Arc energy) BS EN ISO 15614 – Heat Input (Arc energy x ”k”) Copyright © TWI Ltd What's the difference? What we call Arc Energy the American standards reference as Heat Input? The difference between EN standards and American standards is the use of a thermal efficiency factor in EN known as the ”k” factor The ”k” factor denotes the thermal efficiency value of the process used Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Arc Energy The amount of heat generated in the welding arc per unit length of weld. Expressed in kilo Joules per millimetre length of weld (kJ/mm). Arc energy (kJ/mm) = Volts x Amps welding speed(mm/s) x 1000 Copyright © TWI Ltd 9‐1 Heat Input Heat Input The energy supplied by the welding arc to the work piece. Heat input values for various welding processes can be calculated from the arc energy by multiplying by the following Expressed in terms of arc energy x thermal efficiency factor Thermal efficiency factors; Thermal efficiency factor is the ratio of heat energy introduced into the weld to the electrical energy consumed by the arc. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Arc Energy/Heat Input Thermal efficiency factor k of welding processes Process No Process Factor k 121 Submerged arc welding with wire 1.0 111 Metal-arc welding with covered electrodes 0.8 131 MIG welding 0.8 135 MAG welding 0.8 114 Flux-cored wire metal-arc welding without gas shield 0.8 136 Flux-cored wire metal-arc welding with active gas shield 0.8 137 Flux-cored wire metal-arc welding with inert gas shield 0.8 138 Metal-cored wire metal-arc welding with active gas shield 0.8 139 Metal-cored wire metal-arc welding with inert gas shield 0.8 141 TIG welding 0.6 15 Plasma arc welding 0.6 Arc Energy Calculation Example A MAG weld is made and the following conditions were recorded: Arc volts = 24. Welding amperage = 240. Travel speed = 300mm/minute. What is the arc energy and heat input? Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Arc Energy Calculation AE (kJ/mm) = = = Arc Energy = Volts x amps TS (mm/ sec) x 1000 Heat Input AE (kJ/mm) = 24 x 240 (300/60) x 1000 5760 5000 1.152 or 1.2kJ/mm Volts x amps x 60 x 0.8 TS (mm/ min) x 1000 = 24 x 240 x 60 x 0.8 300 x 1000 = 276480 300000 Heat Input = 0.92kJ/mm Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 9‐2 Arc Energy/Heat Input Heat Input and Arc Energy In the near future your shop floor is likely to get fabrication jobs involving many critical materials in which controlling heat input will be required to achieve the desired properties. The customer has already provided you with the specification, the TWI specification, which talks about welding of many materials and specifies heat input control for some of them. It is generally felt by you and your team that a proper understanding of this vital area is required before initiating any fabrication activity. Some of the queries raised during the discussions you had with your team are as detailed below and trying to answer them will bring in more clarity and will help in following correct practices during welding. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 What is the arc energy using process 121 when the parameters are 24V-225A-250mm per minute ? a. b. c. d. Question 2 The heat input for the TIG welding process using parameters 20V-125A-50mm per minute will be? a. b. c. d. 1.3 KJ/mm 1.04KJ/mm 0.57KJ/mm 3.2KJ/mm 2.42KJ/mm 1.02KJ/mm 1.80 KJ/mm 0.8KJ/mm Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 3 Using the preheat tables in the TWI specification, when welding C-Mn steels having a carbon equivalent of 0.38 and section combined thickness of 25 mm using MMA process with hydrogen scale C and a preheat of 125C with 22V-150A, Which welding speed falls within the permitted range of HI? a. b. c. d. Question 4 When welding C-Mn steels, having a carbon equivalent of 0.40 and combined section thickness of 102 mm, using a preheat of 50C with MMA process with parameters 24V-100 mm per min. From those listed which is the maximum current permitted? a. b. c. d. 68mm/min 72mm/min 74mm/min 80mm/min Copyright © TWI Ltd 276A 372A 555A 434A Copyright © TWI Ltd 9‐3 Question 5 Which of the following is true? Question 6 Which of the following materials have specific restrictions on heat input? a. For a lower heat input, higher preheats are required b. For the same material, the heat input increases with decreasing hydrogen levels c. As preheat increases, the heat input increases d. A higher heat input cannot eliminate preheat a. b. c. d. Q&T steels Duplex stainless steels Aluminium All of the above options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 Using TIG process for welding 4043 aluminium alloy having a thickness of 4.2 mm, which of the following parameters will be acceptable? a. b. c. d. 20V, 20V, 21V, 20V, 25mm/min, 25mm/min, 25mm/min, 25mm/min, 18A 13A 30A 9A Question 8 When welding A514 grade material having a thickness of 15 mm, using a preheat of 100C, with the MMA process, which of the following parameters can be acceptable? a. b. c. d. 24V-210A-200mm/min 20V-210A-200mm/min 24V-210A-150mm/min 25V-250A-200mm/min Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 When welding duplex stainless steels, having 23.5% Chromium, using the TIG process, for a plate thickness of 12 mm, the heat input will be dependent on? a. b. c. d. Question 10 When welding 75mm Q&T steels with a maximum preheat of 100C, the minimum heat input is restricted to a. b. c. d. The carbon content The preheat used Combined plate thickness None of the above Copyright © TWI Ltd 2.5KJ/mm 3.2KJ/mm 4.8KJ/mm 5.0KJ/mm Copyright © TWI Ltd 9‐4 Se ct ion 1 0 Re sidu a l St r e ss a n d D ist or t ion 10 Re sidu a l St r ess a n d D ist or t ion 1 0 .1 W ha t ca use s dist or t ion? Because welding involves highly localised heat ing of j oint edges t o fuse t he m at erial, non- uniform st r esses ar e set up in t he com ponent because of expansion and cont ract ion of t he heat ed m at erial. I nit ially, com pr essive st resses are cr eat ed in t he sur rounding cold parent m et al when t he weld pool is for m ed due t o t he t her m al expansion of t he hot m et al ( heat affect ed zone ( HAZ) ) adj acent t o t he weld pool. How ev er , t ensile st resses occur on cooling when t he cont ract ion of t he weld m et al and im m ediat e HAZ is resist ed by t he bulk of t he cold parent m et al. The m agnit ude of t herm al st resses induced int o t he m at erial can be seen by t he volum e change in t he weld area on solidificat ion and subsequent cooling t o room t em perat ur e. For exam ple, when welding C- Mn st eel, t he m olt en weld m et al volum e will be reduced by appr oxim at ely 3% on solidificat ion and t he volum e of t he solidified weld m et al/ HAZ will be r educed by a furt her 7% as it s t em perat ur e falls from t he m elt ing point of st eel t o room t em perat ur e. I f t he st resses generat ed from t herm al expansion/ cont ract ion ex ceed t he yield st rengt h of t he parent m et al, localised plast ic deform at ion of t he m et al occurs. Plast ic deform at ion causes a perm anent r educt ion in t he com ponent dim ensions and dist ort s t he st ruct ur e. 1 0 .2 W ha t a r e t he m a in t y pe s of dist or t ion ? Dist ort ion occurs in sev eral ways: Longit udinal shrinkage. Transv erse shrinkage. Angular dist ort ion. Bowing and dishing. Buckling. Cont ract ion of t he weld area and longit udin a l shrinkage. on cooling result s in bot h t r a nsve r se Non- uniform cont ract ion ( t hrough t hickness) produces a n gula r dist ort ion as well as longit udinal and t ransv er se shrinking. For exam ple, in a single V but t weld, t he first weld run produces longit udinal and t ransverse shrinkage and rot at ion. The second run causes t he plat es t o rot at e using t he first weld deposit as a fulcrum . Ther efor e balanced welding in a double side V but t j oint can be used t o pr oduce uniform cont ract ion and prev ent angular dist ort ion. Sim ilarly, in a single- sided fillet weld, non- uniform cont ract ion will pr oduce angular dist ort ion of t he upst anding leg. Double- sided fillet welds can t herefor e be used t o cont r ol dist ort ion in t he upst anding fillet but because t he weld is only deposit ed on one side of t he base plat e, angular dist ort ion will now be produced in t he plat e. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Longit udinal bow ing in welded plat es happens when t he w eld cent re is not coincident wit h t he neut ral axis of t he sect ion so t hat longit udinal shrinkage in t he welds bends t he sect ion int o a curved shape. Clad plat e t ends t o bow in t wo direct ions due t o longit udinal and t ransverse shrinkage of t he cladding. This produces a dished shape. D ish in g is also produced in st iffened plat ing. Plat es usually dish inwards bet ween t he st iffener s, because of angular dist ort ion at t he st iffener at t achm ent welds. I n plat ing, long range com pressive st r esses can cause elast ic buckling in t hin plat es, r esult ing in dishing, bowing or rippling, see below. Ex a m ple s of dist or t ion Figur e 1 0 .1 Ex a m ple s of dist or t ion. I ncreasing t he leg lengt h of fillet welds, in part icular, increases shrinkage . 1 0 .3 W h a t a r e t h e fa ct or s a ffe ct in g dist or t ion ? I f a m et al is uniform ly heat ed and cooled t her e would be alm ost no dist ort ion. How ev er, because t he m at erial is locally heat ed and rest rained by t he surr ounding cold m et al, st r esses are generat ed higher t han t he m at erial yield st ress causing perm anent dist ort ion. The principal fact or s affect ing t he t ype and degr ee of dist ort ion ar e: Par ent m at erial propert ies. Am ount of r est raint . Joint design. Part fit - up. Welding procedur e. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 0 .3 .1 Pa r e n t m a t e r ia l pr ope r t ie s Par ent m at erial propert ies, which influence dist ort ion, ar e coefficient of t herm al expansion, t herm al conduct ivit y, and t o a lesser ext ent , yield st ress and Young’s m odulus. As dist ort ion is det erm ined by expansion and cont r act ion of t he m at erial, t he coefficient of t herm al expansion of t he m at erial plays a significant role in det erm ining t he st resses generat ed during welding and, hence, t he degr ee of dist ort ion. For exam ple, as st ainless st eel has a higher coefficient of expansion and lesser t herm al conduct ivit y t han plain car bon st eel, it generally has significant ly m or e dist ort ion. 1 0 .3 .2 Re st r a int I f a com ponent is w elded wit hout any ext ernal r est r aint , it dist ort s t o r elieve t he welding st resses. So, m et hods of r est raint , such as st r ongbacks in but t welds, can prevent m ovem ent and reduce dist ort ion. As r est raint produces higher levels of residual st ress in t he m at erial, t here is a great er risk of cr acking in weld m et al and HAZ especially in crack- sensit ive m at erials. 1 0 .3 .3 Joint de sign Bot h but t and fillet j oint s ar e pr one t o dist ort ion, but it can be m inim ised in but t j oint s by adopt ing a j oint t ype, which balances t he t herm al st r esses t hrough t he plat e t hickness. For ex am ple, double- in prefer ence t o a single- sided weld. Double- sided fillet welds should elim inat e angular dist ort ion of t he upst anding m em ber, especially if t he t w o w elds are deposit ed at t he sam e t im e. 1 0 .3 .4 Pa r t fit - up Fit - up should be uniform t o produce pr edict able and consist ent shrinkage. Excessive j oint gap can also increase t he degr ee of dist ort ion by increasing t he am ount of weld m et al needed t o fill t he j oint . The j oint s should be adequat ely t acked t o prevent relat ive m ov em ent bet w een t he part s during welding. 1 0 .3 .5 W e ld ing pr oce d ur e This influences t he degree of dist ort ion m ainly t hrough it s effect on t he heat input . As welding procedur es ar e usually select ed for r easons of qualit y and product ivit y, t he welder has lim it ed scope for r educing dist ort ion. As a general rule, weld volum e should be kept t o a m inim um . Also, t he welding sequence and t echnique should aim t o balance t he t herm ally induced st resses ar ound t he neut ral axis of t he com ponent . 1 0 .4 D ist or t ion - pr e ve nt ion by p r e - se t t in g, pr e - be nd ing or u se of r e st r a int Dist ort ion can oft en be prev ent ed at t he design st age, for exam ple, by placing t he w elds about t he neut ral axis, r educing t he am ount of w elding and deposit ing t he weld m et al using a balanced w elding t echnique. I n designs where t his is not possible, dist ort ion m ay be prev ent ed by one of t he following m et hods: Pre- set t ing of part s. Pre- bending of part s. Use of r est raint . WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d The t echnique chosen will be influenced by t he size and com plexit y of t he com ponent or assem bly, t he cost of any rest raining equipm ent and t he need t o lim it residual st resses. Figur e 1 0 .2 Pr e - se t t ing of pa r t s t o pr oduce cor r e ct a lignm e nt a ft e r w e lding: a b 1 0 .4 .1 Pr e - se t t ing of fille t j oint t o pr e ve nt a ngula r dist or t ion; Pr e - se t t ing of but t j oint t o pr e ve nt a ngula r dist or t ion. Pr e - se t t in g of pa r t s The part s ar e pr e- set and left free t o m ove during welding ( see above) . I n pract ice, t he part s are pre- set by a pre- det er m ined am ount so t hat dist ort ion occurring during welding is used t o achieve ov erall alignm ent and dim ensional cont r ol. The m ain advant ages com par ed wit h t he use of r est raint are t hat t her e is no expensive equipm ent needed and t here will be lower r esidual st ress in t he st ruct ur e. Unfort unat ely, as it is difficult t o predict t he am ount of pre- set t ing needed t o accom m odat e shrinkage, a num ber of t rial welds will be required. For exam ple, when MMA or MI G/ MAG welding but t j oint s, t he j oint gap will norm ally close ahead of w elding; when subm erged ar c welding; t he j oint m ay open up during welding. When car rying out t rial welds, it is also essent ial t hat t he t est st ruct ure is reasonably represent at ive of t he full size st r uct ure in order t o generat e t he level of dist ort ion likely t o occur in pract ice. For t hese r easons, pr e- set t ing is a t echnique m or e suit able for sim ple com ponent s or assem blies. Figur e 1 0 .3 Pr e - be nding, u sing st r ongba ck s a nd w e dge s, t o a ccom m oda t e a ngula r dist or t ion in t hin pla t e s. 1 0 .4 .2 Pr e - be nd ing of p a r t s Pre- bending, or pr e- springing t he part s before welding is used t o pr e- st ress t he assem bly t o count eract shrinkage during welding. As shown abov e, pre- bending by m eans of st rongbacks and wedges can be used t o pre- set a seam before welding t o com pensat e for angular dist ort ion. Releasing t he wedges aft er welding will allow t he part s t o m ov e back int o alignm ent . WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d The figure show s t he diagonal bracings and cent re j ack used t o pre- bend t he fixt ure, not t he com ponent . This count eract s t he dist ort ion int roduced t hough out - of- balance w elding. 1 0 .4 .3 Use of r e st r a int Because of t he difficult y in applying pre- set t ing and pre- bending, rest raint is t he m or e widely pract ised t echnique. The basic principle is t hat t he part s are placed in posit ion and held under rest raint t o m inim ise any m ov em ent during welding. When r em oving t he com ponent fr om t he rest raining equipm ent , a relat ively sm all am ount of m ov em ent will occur due t o locked- in st resses. This can be cured by eit her applying a sm all am ount of pre- set or st r ess- r elieving befor e rem oving t he r est raint . When welding assem blies, all t he com ponent part s should be held in t he corr ect posit ion unt il com plet ion of welding and a suit ably balanced fabricat ion sequence used t o m inim ise dist ort ion. Welding wit h rest raint will generat e addit ional r esidual st resses in t he w eld, which m ay cause cracking. When w elding suscept ible m at erials, a suit able welding sequence and t he use of pr eheat ing will reduce t his risk. Rest raint is relat ively sim ple t o apply using clam ps, j igs and fixt ures t o hold t he part s during welding. W e lding j igs a nd fix t ur e s Jigs and fixt ures are used t o locat e t he par t s and ensure t hat dim ensional accuracy is m aint ained whilst welding. They can be of a r elat ively sim ple const ruct ion, as shown in a) below but t he welding engineer will need t o ensur e t hat t he finished fabricat ion can be r em ov ed easily aft er welding. Fle x ible cla m ps A flexible clam p ( b) below) can be effect ive in applying rest raint and also set t ing- up and m aint aining t he j oint gap ( it can also be used t o close a gap t hat is t oo wide) . A disadvant age is t hat as t he rest raining forces in t he clam p will be t ransferr ed int o t he j oint when t he clam ps are rem ov ed, t he level of residual st ress acr oss t he j oint can be quit e high. Figur e 1 0 .4 Re st r a in t t e chnique s t o pr e ve nt dist or t ion. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d St r ongba ck s ( a nd w e dge s) St rongback s ar e a popular m eans of applying rest r aint especially for sit e work. Wedged st rongbacks ( c) ) above) , will prevent angular dist ort ion in plat e and help prev ent peaking in welding cylindrical shells. As t hese t ypes of st r ongback will allow t ransver se shrinkage, t he risk of cracking will be great ly reduced com pared wit h fully welded st rongbacks. Fully welded st rongbacks ( welded on bot h sides of t he j oint ) ( d) abov e) will m inim ise bot h angular dist ort ion and t ransver se shrinkage. As significant st resses can be generat ed across t he w eld, which will increase any t endency for cracking, car e should be t aken in t he use of t his t ype of st r ongback . 1 0 .4 .4 Be st pr a ct ice Adopt ing t he following assem bly t echniques will help t o cont r ol dist ort ion: 1 0 .5 Pre- set part s so t hat w elding dist ort ion will achieve ov erall alignm ent and dim ensional cont rol wit h t he m inim um of r esidual st ress. Pre- bend j oint edges t o count eract dist ort ion and achieve alignm ent and dim ensional cont rol wit h m inim um residual st ress. Apply rest raint during welding by using j igs and fixt ures, flexible clam ps, st rongbacks and t ack w elding but consider t he risk of cracking which can be quit e significant , especially for fully welded st rongbacks. Use an appr ov ed pr ocedure for w elding and rem oval of w elds for r est raint t echniques, which m ay need preheat t o avoid form ing im perfect ions in t he com ponent surface. D ist or t ion - pr e ve nt ion by de sign D e sign pr inciple s At t he design st age, welding dist ort ion can oft en be prevent ed, or at least rest rict ed, by considering: 1 0 .6 Elim inat ion of w elding. Weld placem ent . Reducing t he volum e of weld m et al. Reducing t he num ber of runs. Use of balanced welding. Elim in a t ion of w e ldin g As dist ort ion and shrinkage ar e an inevit able result of welding, good design requires t hat not only t he am ount of welding is kept t o a m inim um , but also t he sm allest am ount of weld m et al is deposit ed. Welding can oft en be elim inat ed at t he design st age by form ing t he plat e or using a st andard r olled sect ion, as shown below. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 0 .5 Elim ina t ion of w e lds by: a b For m ing t he pla t e ; Use of r olle d or e x t r ude d se ct ion. I f possible, t he design should use int erm it t ent welds rat her t han a cont inuous run, t o r educe t he am ount of w elding. For exam ple, in at t aching st iffening plat es, a subst ant ial reduct ion in t he am ount of welding can oft en be achieved whilst m aint aining adequat e st r engt h. 1 0 .6 .1 W e ld pla ce m e n t Placing and balancing of welds ar e im port ant in designing for m inim um dist ort ion. The closer a weld is posit ioned t o t he neut ral axis of a fabricat ion, t he lower t he leverage effect of t he shrinkage forces and t he final dist ort ion. Exam ples of poor and good designs ar e shown below. Figur e 1 0 .6 D ist or t ion m a y be r e duce d by pla cing t he w e lds a r ou nd t h e ne ut r a l a x is. As m ost welds ar e deposit ed away from t he neut ral axis, dist ort ion can be m inim ised by designing t he fabricat ion so t he shrinkage for ces of an individual weld are balanced by placing anot her weld on t he opposit e side of t he neut ral axis. When possible, welding should be carried out alt ernat ely on opposit e sides, inst ead of com plet ing one side first . I n large st ruct ures, if dist ort ion is occurring prefer ent ially on one side, it m ay be possible t o t ake corr ect ive act ions, for ex am ple, by increasing welding on t he ot her side t o cont rol t he ov erall dist ort ion. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 0 .6 .2 Re du cin g t h e volu m e of w e ld m e t a l To m inim ise dist ort ion, as well as for econom ic reasons, t he volum e of weld m et al should be lim it ed t o t he design requirem ent s. For a single- sided j oint , t he cr oss- sect ion of t he w eld should be k ept as sm all as possible t o reduce t he lev el of angular dist ort ion, as illust rat ed below. Figur e 1 0 .7 Re ducin g t h e a m ount of a ngula r dist or t ion a nd la t e r a l sh r in k a ge . Ways of r educing angular dist ort ion and lat eral shrinkage: Reducing t he volum e of weld m et al. Using single pass w eld. Ensur e fillet welds are not oversize. Joint preparat ion angle and root gap should be m inim ised pr oviding t he weld can be m ade sat isfact orily. To facilit at e access, it m ay be possible t o specify a larger root gap and sm aller preparat ion angle. By cut t ing down t he difference in t he am ount of weld m et al at t he root and face of t he w eld, t he degr ee of angular dist ort ion will be cor respondingly reduced. But t j oint s m ade in a single pass using deep penet r at ion have lit t le angular dist ort ion, especially if a closed but t j oint can be welded ( see abov e) . For exam ple, t hin sect ion m at erial can be welded using plasm a and laser welding processes and t hick sect ion can be welded, in t he v ert ical posit ion, using elect rogas and elect roslag processes. Alt hough angular dist ort ion can be elim inat ed, t her e will st ill be longit udinal and t ransv er se shrinkage. I n t hick sect ion m at er ial, as t he cross- sect ional area of a double V j oint preparat ion is oft en only half t hat of a single V preparat ion, t he volum e of weld m et al t o be deposit ed can be subst ant ially r educed. The double V j oint preparat ion also perm it s balanced welding about t he m iddle of t he j oint t o elim inat e angular dist ort ion. As weld shrinkage is pr oport ional t o t he am ount of w eld m et al bot h poor j oint fit - up and over- welding will increase t he am ount of dist ort ion. Angular dist ort ion in fillet welds is part icularly affect ed by over- w elding. As design st rengt h is based on t hroat t hickness, over- welding t o produce a convex w eld bead does not increase t he allowable design st r engt h but will increase t he shrinkage and dist ort ion. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 0 .6 .3 Re ducing t h e n um be r of r u ns Ther e ar e conflict ing opinions on whet her it is bet t er t o deposit a given volum e of w eld m et al using a sm all num ber of large w eld passes or a large num ber of sm all passes. Experience shows t hat for a single- sided but t j oint , or fillet weld, a large single weld deposit gives less angular dist ort ion t han if t he weld is m ade wit h a num ber of sm all runs. Generally, in an unrest rained j oint , t he degr ee of angular dist ort ion is approxim at ely proport ional t o t he num ber of passes. Com plet ing t he j oint wit h a sm all num ber of large weld deposit s result s in m ore longit udinal and t ransverse shrinkage t han a w eld com plet ed in a larger num ber of sm all passes. I n a m ult i- pass weld, previously deposit ed weld m et al provides rest raint , so t he angular dist ort ion per pass decr eases as t he w eld is built up. Large deposit s also incr ease t he risk of elast ic buckling part icularly in t hin sect ion plat e. 1 0 .6 .4 Use of ba la nce d w e lding Balanced welding is an effect ive m eans of cont rolling angular dist or t ion in a m ult i- pass but t weld by arranging t he welding sequence t o ensur e t hat angular dist ort ion is cont inually being corr ect ed and not allowed t o accum ulat e during welding. Com parat ive am ount s of angular dist ort ion from balanced w elding and welding one side of t he j oint first are show n below. The balanced welding t echnique can also be applied t o fillet j oint s. Figur e 1 0 .8 Ba la nce d w e lding t o r e duce t he a m oun t of a ngula r dist or t ion. I f w elding alt ernat ely on eit her side of t he j oint is not possible, or if one side has t o be com plet ed first , an asym m et rical j oint preparat ion m ay be used wit h m or e weld m et al being deposit ed on t he second side. The great er cont ract ion result ing from deposit ing t he weld m et al on t he second side will help count eract t he dist ort ion on t he first side. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 0 .6 .5 Be st pr a ct ice The following design principles can cont rol dist ort ion: Elim inat e welding by for m ing t he plat e and using rolled or ext ruded sect ions. Minim ise t he am ount of weld m et al. Do not ov er- weld. Use int erm it t ent welding in preference t o a cont inuous weld pass. Place welds about t he neut ral axis. Balance t he welding about t he m iddle of t he j oint by using a double V j oint in preference t o a single. Adopt ing best pract ice principles can hav e surprising cost benefit s. For exam ple, for a design fillet leg lengt h of 6m m , deposit ing an 8m m leg lengt h will result in t he deposit ion of 57% addit ional weld m et al. Besides t he ext r a cost of deposit ing weld m et al and t he increase risk of dist ort ion, it is cost ly t o rem ov e t his ext ra w eld m et al lat er. How ev er , designing for dist ort ion cont r ol m ay incur addit ional fabricat ion cost s. For exam ple, t he use of a double V j oint preparat ion is an excellent way t o reduce weld volum e and cont r ol dist ort ion, but ext ra cost s m ay be incurred in product ion t hrough m anipulat ion of t he wor kpiece for t he w elder t o access t he r ev erse side. 1 0 .7 D ist or t ion - pr e ve nt ion by f a br ica t ion t e ch nique s 1 0 .7 .1 Asse m bly t e ch nique s I n general, t he welder has lit t le influence on t he choice of w elding procedur e but assem bly t echniques can oft en be crucial in m inim ising dist or t ion. The principal assem bly t echniques ar e: Tack welding. Back- t o- back assem bly. St iffening. Ta ck w e ldin g Tack w elds are ideal for set t ing and m aint aining t he j oint gap but can also be used t o r esist t ransverse shrinkage. To be effect ive, t hought should be given t o t he num ber of t ack w elds, t heir lengt h and t he dist ance bet w een t hem . Wit h t oo few, t here is t he risk of t he j oint progr essively closing up as welding proceeds. I n a long seam , using MMA or MI G/ MAG, t he j oint edges m ay ev en overlap. I t should be not ed t hat w hen using t he subm erged arc pr ocess, t he j oint m ight open up if not adequat ely t acked. The t ack w elding sequence is im port ant t o m aint ain a uniform root gap along t he lengt h of t he j oint . Thr ee alt ernat ive t ack- welding sequences are show n below: Tack weld st raight t hrough t o t he end of t he j oint a) . I t is necessary t o clam p t he plat es or t o use wedges t o m aint ain the j oint gap during t acking. Tack w eld one end and t hen use a back st epping t echnique for t acking t he rest of t he j oint b) . Tack weld t he cent r e and com plet e t he t ack w elding by back st epping c) . WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-10 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 0 .9 Alt e r na t ive pr oce dur e s use d for t a ck w e lding t o pr e ve nt t r a nsve r se shr in k a ge . Direct ional t acking is a useful t echnique for cont r olling t he j oint gap, for exam ple closing a j oint gap which is ( or has becom e) t oo wide. When t ack welding, it is im port ant t hat t acks which are t o be fused int o t he m ain weld, are pr oduced t o an approv ed pr ocedure using appropriat ely qualified welders. The pr ocedure m ay require preheat and an approv ed consum able as specified for t he m ain weld. Rem oval of t he t acks also needs careful cont r ol t o avoid causing defect s in t he com ponent sur face. Ba ck - t o- ba ck a sse m bly By t ack w elding or clam ping t wo ident ical com ponent s back- t o- back , w elding of bot h com ponent s can be balanced around t he neut ral axis of t he com bined assem bly ( see a) on next page) . I t is recom m ended t hat t he assem bly is st ressrelieved befor e separat ing t he com ponent s. I f st ress- relieving is not done, it m ay be necessar y t o insert wedges bet w een t he com ponent s ( b) on next page) so when t he wedges ar e rem oved, t he part s will m ove back t o t he cor r ect shape or alignm ent . Figur e 1 0 .1 0 Ba ck - t o- ba ck a sse m bly t o con t r ol dist or t ion w he n w e lding t w o ide nt ica l com pone nt s: a b Asse m blie s t a ck e d t oge t he r be for e w e lding; Use of w e dge s for com pone nt s t ha t dist or t on se pa r a t ion a ft e r w e ldin g. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-11 Copyright © TWI Lt d St iffe ning Figur e 1 0 .1 1 Longit udina l st iffe ne r s pr e ve nt bow ing in but t w e lde d t hin pla t e j oint s. Longit udinal shrinkage in but t welded seam s oft en r esult s in bowing, especially when fabricat ing t hin plat e st ruct ures. Longit udinal st iffeners in t he for m of flat s or angles, welded along each side of t he seam ( see abov e) ar e effect ive in prev ent ing longit udinal bowing. St iffener locat ion is im port ant : t hey m ust be at a sufficient dist ance fr om t he j oint so t hey do not int erfere wit h welding, unless locat ed on t he r ev erse side of a j oint welded from one side. 1 0 .7 .2 W e ld ing pr oce d ur e A suit able welding procedur e is usually det erm ined by product ivit y and qualit y requirem ent s rat her t han t he need t o cont r ol dist ort ion. Nevert heless, t he welding process, t echnique and sequence do influence t he dist ort ion level. W e lding pr oce ss General rules for select ing a welding process t o prev ent angular dist ort ion ar e: Deposit t he weld m et al as quickly as possible. Use t he least num ber of runs t o fill t he j oint . Unfort unat ely, select ing a suit able welding process based on t hese rules m ay increase longit udinal shrinkage r esult ing in bowing and buckling. I n m anual welding, MI G/ MAG, a high deposit ion rat e pr ocess, is preferr ed t o MMA. Weld m et al should be deposit ed using t he largest diam et er elect r ode ( MMA) , or t he highest curr ent level ( MI G/ MAG) , wit hout causing lack- of- fusion im perfect ions. As heat ing is m uch slower and m or e diffuse, gas welding norm ally produces m or e angular dist ort ion t han t he ar c pr ocesses. Mechanised t echniques com bining high deposit ion rat es and welding speeds have t he gr eat est pot ent ial for pr ev ent ing dist ort ion. As t he dist ort ion is m or e consist ent , sim ple t echniques such as pr e- set t ing are m or e effect ive in cont r olling angular dist ort ion. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-12 Copyright © TWI Lt d W e lding t e ch nique General rules for pr ev ent ing dist ort ion are: Keep t he w eld ( fillet ) t o t he m inim um specified size. Use balanced w elding about t he neut ral axis. Keep t he t im e bet w een runs t o a m inim um . Figur e 1 0 .1 2 Angula r dist or t ion of t he j oint a s de t e r m ine d by t he n um be r of r un s in t he fille t w e ld. I n t he absence of rest r aint , angular dist ort ion in bot h fillet and but t j oint s will be a funct ion of t he j oint geom et ry , w eld size and t he num ber of r uns for a given cross- sect ion. Angular dist ort ion ( m easured in degrees) as a funct ion of t he num ber of runs for a 10m m leg lengt h fillet weld is shown above. I f possible, balanced welding around t he neut ral axis should be done, for exam ple on double- sided fillet j oint s, by t wo people w elding sim ult aneously. I n but t j oint s, t he run order m ay be crucial in t hat balanced welding can be used t o cor rect angular dist or t ion as it develops. Figur e 1 0 .1 3 Use of w e lding dir e ct ion t o cont r ol dist or t ion: a b Ba ck - st e p w e lding; Sk ip w e lding. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-13 Copyright © TWI Lt d W e ldin g se qu e n ce The w elding sequence, or direct ion, of w elding is im port ant and should be t owards t he fr ee end of t he j oint . For long welds, t he whole of t he w eld is not com plet ed in one direct ion. Short runs, for exam ple using t he back- st ep or skip welding t echnique, ar e very effect ive in dist ort ion cont rol ( see abov e) . 1 0 .7 .3 Back- st ep welding involves deposit ing short adj acent weld lengt hs in t he opposit e direct ion t o t he general progression ( see above) . Skip welding is laying short weld lengt hs in a pre- det erm ined, evenly spaced, sequence along t he seam ( b) in above figure) . Weld lengt hs and t he spaces bet w een t hem are generally equal t o t he nat ural run- out lengt h of one elect rode. The direct ion of deposit for each elect r ode is t he sam e, but it is not necessary for t he welding direct ion t o be opposit e t o t he direct ion of general progr ession. Be st pr a ct ice The following fabricat ion t echniques ar e used t o cont r ol dist ort ion: 1 0 .8 Using t ack welds t o set - up and m aint ain t he j oint gap. I dent ical com ponent s welded back- t o- back so w elding can be balanced about t he neut r al axis. At t achm ent of longit udinal st iffener s t o prevent longit udinal bowing in but t welds of t hin plat e st ruct ures. Wher e t her e is choice of w elding procedur e, process and t echnique should aim t o deposit t he weld m et al as quickly as possible; MI G/ MAG in preference t o MMA or gas w elding and m echanised rat her t han m anual welding. I n long runs, t he whole w eld should not be com plet ed in one direct ion; back- st ep or skip welding t echniques should be used. D ist or t ion - cor r e ct iv e t e chnique s Ev er y effort should be m ade t o avoid dist ort ion at t he design st age and by using suit able fabricat ion pr ocedur es. As it is not always possible t o av oid dist ort ion during fabricat ion, sev eral w ell- est ablished corr ect ive t echniques can be em ploy ed. Reworking t o cor rect dist ort ion should not be undert aken light ly as it is cost ly and needs consider able skill t o avoid dam aging t he com ponent . General guidelines ar e provided on best pr act ice for corr ect ing dist ort ion using m echanical or t herm al t echniques. 1 0 .8 .1 M e cha nica l t e chn ique s The principal m echanical t echniques are ham m ering and pressing. Ham m ering m ay cause surface dam age and w or k hardening. I n cases of bowing or angular dist ort ion, t he com plet e com ponent can oft en be st raight ened on a pr ess wit hout t he disadvant ages of ham m ering. Packing pieces are insert ed bet ween t he com ponent and t he plat ens of t he press. I t is im port ant t o im pose sufficient deform at ion t o give over- cor rect ion so t hat t he norm al elast ic spring- back will allow t he com ponent t o assum e it s corr ect shape. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-14 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 0 .1 4 Use of pr e ss t o cor r e ct bow in g in T but t j oin t . Pressing t o cor r ect bowing in a flanged plat e is shown above. I n long com ponent s, dist ort ion is rem oved progr essively in a series of incr em ent al pressings; each one act ing over a short lengt h. I n t he case of t he flanged plat e, t he load should act on t he flange t o prevent local dam age t o t he web at t he load point s. As increm ent al point loading will only produce an approxim at ely st raight com ponent , it is bet t er t o use a form er t o achieve a st raight com ponent or t o produce a sm oot h curvat ur e. Be st pr a ct ice for m e ch a n ica l st r a igh t e nin g The following should be adopt ed when using pressing t echniques t o r em ov e dist ort ion: Use packing pieces which will over corr ect t he dist ort ion so t hat spring- back will ret urn t he com ponent t o t he corr ect shape. Check t hat t he com ponent is adequat ely support ed during pressing t o prev ent buckling. Use a for m er ( or r olling) t o achieve a st raight com ponent or produce a curvat ur e. As unsecured packing pieces m ay fly out fr om t he press, t he following safe pract ice m ust be adopt ed: 1 0 .8 .2 Bolt t he packing pieces t o t he plat en. Place a m et al plat e of adequat e t hickness t o int er cept t he m issile. Clear personnel fr om t he hazard ar ea. The r m a l t e ch nique s The basic principle behind t herm al t echniques is t o creat e sufficient ly high local st resses so t hat , on cooling, t he com ponent is pulled back int o shape. Figur e 1 0 .1 5 Loca lise d he a t ing t o cor r e ct dist or t ion. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-15 Copyright © TWI Lt d This is achieved by locally heat ing t he m at erial t o a t em perat ur e wher e plast ic deform at ion will occur as t he hot , low yield st rengt h m at erial t ries t o expand against t he surrounding cold, higher yield st rengt h m et al. On cooling t o room t em perat ur e t he heat ed area will at t em pt t o shr ink t o a sm aller size t han befor e heat ing. The st resses generat ed t her eby will pull t he com ponent int o t he required shape ( see above) . Local heat ing is, t herefor e, a relat ively sim ple but effect ive m eans of corr ect ing welding dist ort ion. Shrinkage level is det erm ined by size, num ber, locat ion and t em perat ur e of t he heat ed zones. Thickness and plat e size det erm ines t he area of t he heat ed zone. Num ber and placem ent of heat ing zones are largely a quest ion of experience. For new j obs, t est s will oft en be needed t o quant ify t he level of shrinkage. Spot , lin e , or w e dge - sha pe d heat ing t echniques can all be used in t herm al corr ect ion of dist ort ion. Spot he a t in g Figur e 1 0 .1 6 Spot he a t ing for cor r e ct ing buck ling. Spot heat ing is used t o rem ov e buckling, for exam ple when a relat ively t hin sheet has been w elded t o a st iff fram e. Dist ort ion is corr ect ed by spot heat ing on t he conv ex side. I f t he buckling is regular, t he spot s can be arranged sym m et rically, st art ing at t he cent r e of t he buckle and wor king out war ds. Line h e a t ing Figur e 1 0 .1 7 Line he a t ing t o cor r e ct a n gula r dist or t ion in a fille t w e ld. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-16 Copyright © TWI Lt d Heat ing in st raight lines is oft en used t o cor rect angular dist ort ion, for exam ple, in fillet welds. The com ponent is heat ed along t he line of t he welded j oint but on t he opposit e side t o t he w eld so t he induced st resses will pull t he flange flat . W e dge - sh a pe d he a t in g To cor rect dist ort ion in larger com plex fabricat ions it m ay be necessar y t o heat whole areas in addit ion t o em ploying line heat ing. The pat t ern aim s at shrinking one part of t he fabricat ion t o pull t he m at erial back int o shape. Figur e 1 0 .1 8 Use of w e dge sha pe d he a t in g t o st r a ight e n pla t e . Apart fr om spot heat ing of t hin panels, a wedge- shaped heat ing zone should be used fr om base t o apex and t he t em perat ur e profile should be uniform t hrough t he plat e t hickness. For t hicker sect ion m at erial, it m ay be necessary t o use t w o t orches, one on each side of t he plat e. As a general guideline, t o st raight en a curved plat e wedge dim ensions should be: Lengt h of w edge - t wo- t hirds of t he plat e widt h. Widt h of wedge ( base) - one sixt h of it s lengt h ( base t o apex) . The degr ee of st raight ening will t ypically be 5m m in a 3m lengt h of plat e. Wedge- shaped heat ing can be used t o cor rect dist ort ion in a variet y of sit uat ions, ( see below) : St andard r olled sect ion, which needs corr ect ion in t wo planes a) . Buckle at edge of plat e as an alt ernat ive t o rolling b) . Box sect ion fabricat ion, which is dist ort ed out of plane c) . WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-17 Copyright © TWI Lt d a) St andard rolled st eel sect ion b) Buckled edge of plat e c) Box fabricat ion Figur e 1 0 .1 9 W e dge sha pe d he a t ing t o cor r e ct dist or t ion. Ge n e r a l pr e ca ut ions The danger s of using t herm al st raight ening t echniques are t he risk of ov ershrinking t oo large an area or causing m et allurgical changes by heat ing t o t oo high a t em perat ur e. As a general rule, when cor rect ing dist ort ion in st eels t he t em perat ur e of t he ar ea should be rest rict ed t o approxim at ely t o 600- 650°C dull red heat . I f t he heat ing is int errupt ed, or t he heat lost , t he operat or m ust allow t he m et al t o cool and t hen begin again. Be st pr a ct ice for dist or t ion cor r e ct ion by t he r m a l h e a t ing The following should be adopt ed when using t herm al t echniques t o rem ov e dist ort ion: Use spot heat ing t o rem ov e buckling in t hin sheet st ruct ur es. Ot her t han in spot heat ing of t hin panels, use a wedge- shaped heat ing t echnique. Use line heat ing t o cor r ect angular dist ort ion in plat e. Rest rict t he ar ea of heat ing t o avoid over- shrinking t he com ponent . Lim it t he t em per at ure t o 600- 650°C ( dull red heat ) in st eels t o pr event m et allurgical dam age. I n w edge heat ing, heat fr om t he base t o t he apex of t he wedge, penet rat e ev enly t hrough t he plat e t hickness and m aint ain an ev en t em per at ure. WI S10- 30816 Residual st ress and Dist rort ion 10-18 Copyright © TWI Lt d Residual Stress Residual stresses are undesirable because Residual Stress and Distortion They lead to distortions. They affect dimensional stability of the welded assembly. They enhance the risk of brittle fracture. They can facilitate certain types of corrosion. Factors affecting residual stresses Section 10 Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors Affecting Residual Stress Parent material properties Thermal expansion coefficient - the greater the value, the greater the residual stress. Yield strength - the greater the value, the greater the residual stress. Young’s modulus - the greater the value (increase in stiffness), the greater the residual stress. Thermal conductivity - the higher the value, the lower the residual stress. Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors Affecting Residual Stress Welding sequence Number of passes - every pass adds to the total contraction. Heat input - the higher the heat input, the greater the shrinkage. Travel speed - the faster the welding speed, the less the stress. Build-up sequence. Copyright © TWI Ltd Parent material properties. Amount of restrain. Joint design. Fit-up. Welding sequence. Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors Affecting Residual Stress Joint design Weld metal volume. Type of joint - butt vs. fillet, single vs. double side. Amount of restrain Thickness - as thickness increase, so do the stresses. High level of restrain lead to high stresses. The lack of pre heat will increase stresses. Fit-up Misalignment may reduce stresses in some cases. Root gap - increase in root gap increases shrinkage. Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors Affecting Residual Stress Residual stresses Are a result of local plastic deformation. Are a result of non uniform heating and cooling ie welding. Are a result of non uniform heating, cooling, expansion and contraction. This is because the expansion and contraction can be obstructed by colder surrounding materials and also the mechanical properties of the material being welded. Copyright © TWI Ltd 10‐1 Nature of Residual Stress Residual Stress Heating and cooling leads to expansions and contractions. If expansion is hindered, compressive stresses occur. The material as shown can expand and contract freely without hindrance. If on cooling shrinkage is obstructed, tensile stresses occur. A welded joint does not react in this way! The overall result, Residual Stresses. Copyright © TWI Ltd Residual Stress Origins of residual stress in welded joints Cold weld unfused Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors Affecting Residual Stress Residual stresses Temperatures higher than 600°C, depending on the restraint, plastic deformation occurs (distortion). Temperatures lower than 600°C, depending on restraint, residual stresses occur because temperature not high enough to yield the material sufficiently. Hot weld Cold weld fused Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Types of Residual Stress Longitudinal residual stress after welding Maximum stress = YS at room temperature Types of Residual Stress Residual stress after welding Compression Tension Tension YS at room temperature Compression The longer the weld, the higher the tensile stress! The higher the heat input the wider the tensile zone! Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 10‐2 Residual Stress Reducing residual stresses The most effective way to reduce residual stresses is to post weld heat treat uniformly. The most effective method is to PWHT the whole member but this is not always possible. A controlled local, uniform PWHT usually reduces stresses by 75%. Residual Stress Post weld heat treatment Controlled ramp up to soak temperature so that complex items are heated uniformly and distortion does not take place. Held at soak temperature for approximately one hour for every 25mm of thickness. Controlled reduction of temperature. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Heat Treatment Methods Heat Treatment Methods Advantages Ability to vary heat. Ability to continuously maintain heat. Advantages: High heating rates. Ability to heat a narrow band. Disadvantages Elements may burn out or arcing during heating. Disadvantages High equipment cost. Large equipment, less portable. HF local heat treatment Local heat treatment using electric heating blankets Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Distortion TEMP 650°C YIELD Factors affecting distortion Parent material properties. Amount of restrain. Joint design. Fit-up. Welding sequence. Randomly Uniformed Stressed Structure Structure Soak Time STRESS TIME Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 10‐3 Factors Affecting Distortion Parent material properties Thermal expansion coefficient - the greater the value, the greater the residual stress. Yield strength - the greater the value, the greater the residual stress. Thermal conductivity - the higher the value, the lower the residual stress. Factors Affecting Distortion Welding sequence Number of passes - every pass adds to the total contraction. Travel speed - the faster the welding speed, the less the stress. Build-up sequence. Copyright © TWI Ltd Types of Distortion Angular distortion Copyright © TWI Ltd Distortion Prevention Distortion prevention by design Consider eliminating the welding!! a) By forming the plate. b) By use of rolled or extruded sections. Copyright © TWI Ltd Distortion Prevention Distortion prevention by design Copyright © TWI Ltd Distortion Prevention Distortion prevention by design Use of balanced welding. Consider weld Placement. Reduce weld metal volume and/or number of runs. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 10‐4 Distortion Prevention Distortion prevention by fabrication techniques Residual Stress and Distortion You are currently employed as a Senior Welding Inspector on a fabricated steel structure. The structure has many different joint configurations with a thickness range from 12.5mm up to 50mm. All welding to be completed by either the SAW or MMA welding processes. Control welding techniques by a) Back-step welding. b) Skip welding. One of your main tasks is to ensure both stress and distortion is kept to a minimum. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 Residual stresses would play a major part in which of the following a. b. c. d. HICC and brittle fracture Lamellar tearing and solidification cracking Fatigue and ductile failure Chevron cracking and hot cracking Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 3 Which combination of factors will increase the level of distortion? a. High Rm, high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of expansion b. Low Re, low thermal conductivity and high coefficient of expansion c. High yield, high UTS and low coefficient of expansion d. Low percentage Z, High percentage of Sulphur and Phosphorous Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 Which of the following conditions would cause the greatest amount of distortion on this type of fabricated structure? a. A highly restrained joint during welding b. A joint, which is free to move during welding c. A joint, which would be subjected to the lowest heat input d. 2 options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 The fabrication contains materials of varying Re values, generally which of the following would you expect to distort the most without control methods in place? a. Welded joints made from the highest Re value materials b. Welded joints made from the lowest Re value materials c. Welded joints that contain the highest residual stress d. 2 options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd 10‐5 Question 5 Part of the fabrication contains a joint made from C/Mn steel welded to a 316L steel. Which of the following best applies when considering distortion? a. The C/Mn steel side of the joint will distort the most due to high thermal expansion b. The C/Mn steel side of the joint will distort the most due to low thermal conductivity c. The 316L side of the joint will distort the most due to high thermal conductivity d. The 316L side of the joint will distort the most due to low thermal conductivity Question 6 Which of the following are factors affecting distortion? a. b. c. d. Parent material properties Joint design/amount of restraint Heat input/welding sequence All options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 The fabricator approaches you on the best way to reduce distortion. The joint configuration, welding process, material type can’t be changed. Which of the following could be applied to reduce distortion? a. Increase restraint and minimize the amount of weld beads deposited, heavier weld beads b. Reduce restraint and minimize the amount of weld beads deposited, heavier weld beads c. Increase restraint and maximize the amount of weld beads deposited, lighter weld beads d. Reduce restraint and increase the amount of weld beads deposited, heavier weld beads Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 After welding it is a requirement to conduct a PWHT on certain welded joints. On this welded structure what is the main purpose of this heat treatment? a. Normalising the material to increase the UTS value for the welded structure b. For hydrogen release, especially if a E8016 electrodes had been used for the welding of the joint. c. For stress relieving the welded joint d. To anneal and temper the weld metal Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 Which of the following thickness and joint configurations would you expect to produce the highest amount of distortion? a. b. c. d. 25.5mm single V butt 50mm single U butt 50mm double U butt 25.5mm single J butt Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 One of your inspectors asks you what would a typical PWHT temperature be, when applied to this fabrication. Which of the following would be the correct answer when taking into account the material thickness range stated on a C/Mn to C/Mn steel welded joint? a. Approximately 50°C above the upper critical limit of the material stated b. Between 600°C to 650°C c. Approximately 100°C lower than the lower critical limit of the material stated d. 2 options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd 10‐6 Se ct ion 1 1 W e lda bilit y of St e e ls 11 W e lda bilit y of St e e ls The t erm w eldabilit y sim ply m eans t he abilit y t o be w elded and m any t ypes of st eel t hat are w eldable have been dev eloped for a wide range of applicat ions. How ev er, it is t he ease or difficult y of m aking a weld wit h suit able propert ies and fr ee from defect s which det erm ines whet her st eels are consider ed as having ‘good w eldabilit y’ or said t o have poor w eldabilit y. A st eel is usually said t o have poor weldabilit y if it is necessar y t ak e special precaut ions t o av oid a part icular t ype of im per fect ion. Anot her r eason m ay be t he need t o w eld wit hin a very narr ow range of param et er s t o achieve propert ies r equired for t he j oint . 1 1 .1 Fa ct or s t ha t a ffe ct w e lda bilit y A num ber of int er- r elat ed fact or s det erm ine whet her a st eel is said t o have good or poor w eldabilit y. These ar e: Act ual chem ical com posit ion. Weld j oint configurat ion. Welding process t o be used. Propert ies r equired from t he w eldm ent s. For st eels wit h poor weldabilit y it is part icularly necessary t o ensur e t hat : Welding procedure specificat ions give welding condit ions t hat do not cause cracking but achieve t he specified propert ies. Welders w ork st rict ly in accordance wit h t he specified welding condit ions. Welding inspect or s r egularly m onit or welders t o ensure t hey are w orking st rict ly in accordance t he WPSs. Having a good underst anding of t he charact erist ics, causes, and ways of avoiding im perfect ions in st eel weldm ent s should enable welding inspect or s t o focus at t ent ion on t he m ost influent ial welding param et ers when st eels wit h poor w eldabilit y are being used. 1 1 .2 H ydr oge n cr a ck in g During fabricat ion by w elding, crack s can occur in som e t ypes of st eel, due t o t he pr esence of hydr ogen. The t echnical nam e for t his t ype of cr acking is hydrogen induced cold cracking ( HI CC) but it is oft en r efer r ed t o by ot her nam es t hat describe var ious charact erist ics of hydrogen cracks: Cold cracking - crack s occur when t he weld has cooled down. HAZ cracking - cracks t end t o occur m ainly in t he HAZ. Delayed cracking - cracks m ay occur som e t im e aft er w elding has finished ( possibly up t o ~ 48h) . Underbead cracking - cr acks occur in t he HAZ beneat h a weld bead. Alt hough m ost hydrogen cracks occur in t he HAZ, t here are circum st ances when t hey m ay form in weld m et al. Figure 11.1 show s t ypical locat ions of HAZ hydr ogen cracks. Figure 11.2 show s hydr ogen crack in t he HAZ of a fillet weld. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 1 .2 .1 Fa ct or s inf lu e ncing susce pt ibilit y t o h ydr oge n cr a ck in g Hydr ogen cracking in t he HAZ of a st eel occurs when 4 con dit ion s e x ist a t t he sa m e t im e : H ydr oge n le v e l St r e ss Te m pe r a t u r e Susce pt ible m icr ost r u ct ur e > > < > 1 5 m l/ 1 0 0 g of w e ld m e t a l de posit e d 0 .5 of t he y ie ld st r e ss 3 0 0 0C 4 0 0 H V ha r dne ss These four condit ions ( four fact ors) ar e m ut ually int erdependent so t hat t he influence of one condit ion ( it s’ act ive level) depends on how act ive t he ot hers t hree fact or s are. 1 1 .2 .2 Cr a ck ing m e ch a nism Hydr ogen ( H) can ent er t he m olt en weld m et al when hydrogen cont aining m olecules ar e broken down int o H at om s in t he welding arc. Because H at om s are v er y sm all t hey can m ove about ( diffuse) in solid st eel and while weld m et al is hot t hey can diffuse t o t he weld surface and escape int o t he at m ospher e. How ev er, at lower t em perat ur es H cannot diffuse as quickly and if t he weldm ent cools down quickly t o am bient t em perat ur e H will becom e t rapped usually t he HAZ. I f t he HAZ has a suscept ible m icrost ruct ure – indicat ed by being relat ively hard and brit t le, t here ar e also r elat ively high t ensile st r esses in t he weldm ent t hen H cracking can occur. The pr ecise m echanism t hat causes crack s t o form is com plex but H is believed t o cause em brit t lem ent of regions of t he HAZ so t hat high- localised st resses cause cracking rat her t han plast ic st raining. 1 1 .2 .3 Avoiding H AZ h ydr oge n cr a ck ing Because t he fact or s t hat cause cracking are int erdependent , and each need t o be at an act ive level at t he sam e t im e, cracking can be avoided by ensuring t hat at least one of t he four fact or s is not act ive during welding. Met hods t hat can be used t o m inim ise t he influence of each of t he four fact or s are considered in t he following sub- sect ions. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d H ydr oge n The principal source of hydrogen is m oist ure ( H 2 O) and t he principal sour ce of m oist ure is welding flux. Som e fluxes cont ain cellulose and t his can be a very act ive source of hydrogen. Welding processes t hat do not require flux can be regarded as low hydrogen processes. Ot her sources of hydr ogen are m oist ure pr esent in rust or scale, and oils and greases ( hydr ocarbons) . Reducing t he influence of hydrogen is possible by: Ensuring t hat fluxes ( coat ed elect rodes, flux- cor ed wires and SAW fluxes) are low in H when w elding com m ences. Low H elect rodes m ust be eit her bak ed & t hen st or ed in a hot holding ov en or supplied in vacuum - sealed packages. Basic agglom erat ed SAW fluxes should be k ept in a heat ed silo befor e issue t o m aint ain t heir as- supplied, low m oist ure, condit ion. Check t he diffusible hydrogen cont ent of t he weld m et al ( som et im es it is specified on t he t est cer t ificat e) . Ensuring t hat a low H condit ion is m aint ained t hroughout welding by not allowing fluxes t o pick- up m oist ure fr om t he at m ospher e. Low hydr ogen elect r odes m ust be issued in sm all quant it ies and t he exposur e t im e lim it ed; heat ed ‘quivers’ facilit at e t his cont r ol. Flux- cored wire spools t hat are not seam less should be cover ed or r et urned t o a suit able st orage condit ion when not in use. Basic agglom erat ed SAW fluxes should be ret urned t o t he heat ed silo when welding is not cont inuous. Check t he am ount of m oist ure present in t he shielding gas by checking t he dew point ( m ust be bellow - 60°C) . Ensuring t hat t he weld zone is dr y and free fr om rust / scale and oil/ grease. Te nsile st r e ss Ther e are always t ensile st resses act ing on a weld because t her e ar e always residual st resses fr om w elding. The m agnit ude of t he t ensile st resses is m ainly dependent on t he t hickness of t he st eel at t he j oint , heat input , j oint t ype, and size and weight of t he com ponent s being welded. Tensile st resses in highly r est rained j oint s m ay be as high as t he yield st rengt h of t he st eel and t his is usually t he case in large com ponent s wit h t hick j oint s and it is not a fact or t hat can easily be cont r olled. The only pract ical ways of reducing t he influence of residual st resses m ay be by: Avoiding st ress concent rat ions due t o poor fit - up. Avoiding poor weld profile ( sharp w eld t oes) . Applying a st ress- r elief heat t r eat m ent aft er w elding. I ncreasing t he t rav el speed as pract icable in order t o reduce t he heat input . Keeping weld m et al volum e t o an as low lev el as possible. These m easur es ar e part icularly im port ant when welding som e low alloy st eels t hat have part icularly sensit ivit y t o hydrogen cr acking. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Susce pt ible H AZ m icr ost r uct ur e A suscept ible HAZ m icr ost ruct ure is one t hat cont ains a relat ively high proport ion of hard brit t le phases of st eel - part icularly m art ensit e. The HAZ hardness is a good indicat or of suscept ibilit y and when it exceeds a cert ain value a part icular st eel is consider ed t o be suscept ible. For C and C- Mn st eels t his hardness value is ~ 350HV and suscept ibilit y t o H cracking increases as hardness increases above t his value. The m axim um hardness of an HAZ is influenced by: Chem ical com posit ion of t he st eel. Cooling rat e of t he HAZ aft er each w eld run is m ade. For C and C- Mn st eels a form ula has been developed t o assess how t he chem ical com posit ion will influence t he t endency for significant HAZ hardening t he carbon equivalent value ( CEV) form ula. The CEV form ula m ost widely used ( and adopt ed by I I W) is: CEV iiw = % C + % Mn + % Cr + % Mo + % V 6 5 + % Ni + % Cu 15 The CEV of a st eel is calculat ed by insert ing t he m at erial t est cert ificat e values shown for chem ical com posit ion int o t he form ula. The higher t he CEV of a st eel t he great er it s suscept ibilit y t o HAZ hardening and t herefor e t he gr eat er t he suscept ibilit y t o H cracking. The elem ent wit h m ost influence on HAZ hardness is carbon. The fast er t he rat e of HAZ cooling aft er each weld run, t he great er t he t endency for hardening. Cooling rat e t ends t o incr ease as: Heat input decr eases ( lower energy input ) . Joint t hickness increases ( bigger heat sink) . Avoiding a suscept ible HAZ m icrost ruct ure ( for C and C- Mn st eels) requires: Procuring st eel wit h a CEV t hat is at t he low- end of t he range for t he st eel grade( lim it ed scope of effect iveness) . Using m oderat e w elding heat input so t hat t he w eld does not cool quickly ( and give HAZ hardening) . Applying pre- heat so t hat t he HAZ cools m or e slowly ( and does not show significant HAZ hardening) ; in m ult i- run welds, m aint ain a specific int erpass t em perat ur e. For low alloy st eels, wit h addit ions of elem ent s such as Cr, Mo and V, t he CEV for m ula is not applicable and so m ust not be used t o j udge t he suscept ibilit y t o hardening. The HAZ of t hese st eels will always t end t o be relat ively hard regardless of heat input and pre- heat and so t his is a ‘fact or’ t hat cannot be effect ively cont r olled t o reduce t he risk of H cracking. This is t he reason why som e of t he low alloy st eels have great er t endency t o show hydr ogen cracking t han in weldable C and C- Mn st eels, which enable HAZ hardness t o be cont r olled. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d W e ldm e n t a t low t e m pe r a t u r e Weldm ent t em perat ur e has a m aj or influence on m ainly by influencing t he rat e at which H can m ov e and HAZ. While a weld is r elat ively warm ( > ~ 300°C) and escape int o t he at m ospher e rat her t han em brit t lem ent . suscept ibilit y t o cracking ( diffuse) t hr ough t he weld H will diffuse quit e rapidly be t rapped and cause Reducing t he influence of low weldm ent t em per at ure ( and t he risk of t r apping H in t he weldm ent ) can be effect ed by: Applying a suit able pre- heat t em perat ur e ( t ypically 50 t o ~ 250°C) . Prevent ing t he weld from cooling down quickly aft er each pass by m aint aining t he preheat and t he specific int erpass t em perat ure during welding. Maint aining t he pre- heat t em per at ure ( or r aising it t o ~ 250°C) when welding has finished and holding t he j oint at t his t em perat ur e for a num ber of hours ( m inim um 2) t o facilit at e t he escape of H ( called post - he a t * ) . * Post - heat m ust not t em perat ur e ~ 600°C. 1 1 .2 .4 be confused wit h PWHT which is perform ed at a H ydr oge n cr a ck in g in w e ld m e t a l Hydr ogen cracks can form in st eel weld m et al under cert ain circum st ances. The m echanism of cracking, and ident ificat ion of all t he influencing fact ors, is less clearly underst ood t han for HAZ cracking but it can occur when welding condit ions cause H t o becom e t rapped in weld m et al rat her t han in HAZ. How ev er it is recognised t hat w elds in higher st r engt h m at erials, t hicker sect ions and using large beads ar e t he m ost com m on ar eas wher e problem s arise. Hydr ogen cracks in weld m et al usually lie at 45° t o t he direct ion of principal t ensile st r ess in t he weld m et al and t his is usually t he longit udinal axis of t he weld ( Figure 11.3) . I n som e cases t he cracks are of a V form at ion, hence an alt ernat ive nam e chevr on cracking. Ther e are not any well- defined rules for avoiding weld m et al hydrogen crack s apart from : Ensur e a low hydr ogen welding process is used. Apply preheat and m aint ain a specific int erpass t em perat ur e. BS EN 1011- 2 ent it led Welding – Recom m endat ions for welding of m et allic m at erials – Part 2: Ar c w elding of ferrit ic st eels gives in Annex C pract ical guidelines about how t o avoid H cracking. Pract ical cont rols are based principally on t he applicat ion of pre- heat and cont r ol of pot ent ial H associat ed wit h t he welding process. 1 1 .3 Solidif ica t ion cr a ck in g The t echnically cor rect nam e for crack s t hat form during weld m et al solidificat ion is solidificat ion cracks but ot her nam es ar e som et im es used when referring t o t his t ype of cracking. Hot cracking - t hey occur at high t em perat ur es – while t he w eld is hot . Cent r eline cracking - crack s m ay appear dow n t he cent reline of t he weld bead. Crat er cracking - sm all cracks in weld crat er s are solidificat ion cracks. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Because a w eld m et al m ay be part icularly suscept ible t o solidificat ion cracking it m ay be said t o show hot short ness because it is short of duct ilit y when hot and so t ends t o crack. Figure 11.4 shows a t ransv er se sect ion of a weld wit h a t ypical cent reline solidificat ion crack . 1 1 .3 .1 Fa ct or s inf lu e ncing susce pt ibilit y t o solidif ica t ion cr a ck ing Solidificat ion cracking occur s when t hree condit ions exist at t he sam e t im e: 1 1 .3 .2 Weld m et al has a suscept ible chem ical com posit ion. Welding condit ions used give an unfavour able bead shape. High level of r est raint or t ensile st resses present in t he weld area. Cr a ck ing m e ch a nism All weld m et als solidify ov er a t em per at ure range and since solidificat ion st art s at t he fusion line t owar ds t he cent reline of t he weld pool, during t he last st ages of weld bead solidificat ion t here m ay be enough liquid present t o form a w eak zone in t he cent re of t he bead. This liquid film is t he r esult of low m elt ing point const it uent s being pushed ahead of t he solidificat ion front . During solidificat ion, t ensile st resses st art t o build- up due t o cont ract ion of t he solid part s of t he weld bead, and it is t hese st resses t hat can cause t he weld bead t o rupt ur e. These circum st ances result in a weld bead showing a cent r eline crack t hat is present as soon as t he bead has been deposit ed. Cent r eline solidificat ion cracks t end t o be sur face breaking at som e point in t heir lengt h and can be easily seen during visual inspect ion because t hey t end t o be r elat ively wide cracks. 1 1 .3 .3 Avoiding solidif ica t ion cr a ck ing Avoiding solidificat ion cracking requires t he influence of one of t he fact or s responsible, t o be r educed t o an inact ive level. W e ld m e t a l com posit ion Most C and C- Mn st eel weld m et als m ade by m odern st eelm aking m et hods do not have chem ical com posit ions t hat are part icularly sensit ive t o solidificat ion cracking. How ev er, t hese weld m et als can becom e sensit ive t o t his t ype of cracking if t hey are cont am inat ed wit h elem ent s, or com pounds, t hat produce relat ively low m elt ing point film s in weld m et al. Sulphur and copper ar e elem ent s t hat can m ake st eel weld m et al sensit ive t o solidificat ion cracking if t hey are pr esent in t he w eld at relat ively high levels. Sulphur cont am inat ion m ay lead t o t he form at ion of iron sulphides t hat rem ain liquid when t he bead has cooled down as low as ~ 980°C, whereas bead solidificat ion st art s at above 1400°C. The source of sulphur m ay be cont am inat ion by oil or grease or it could be picked up from t he less refined parent st eel being welded by dilut ion int o t he weld. Copper cont am inat ion in weld m et al can be sim ilarly harm ful because it has low solubilit y in st eel and can for m film s t hat are st ill m olt en at ~ 1100°C. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Avoiding solidificat ion cracking ( of an ot herwise non- sensit ive weld m et al) requires t he avoidance of cont am inat ion wit h pot ent ially harm ful m at erials by ensuring: Weld j oint s are t horoughly cleaned im m ediat ely befor e w elding. Any copper cont aining welding accessories ar e suit able/ in suit able condit ion - such as backing- bars and cont act t ips used for GMAW, FCAW and SAW. Unf a vour a ble w e ldin g con dit ion s Unfavourable welding condit ions are t hose t hat encour age w eld beads t o solidify so t hat low m elt ing point film s becom e t rapped at t he cent r e of a solidifying weld bead and becom e t he weak zones for easy crack form at ion. Figure 11.5 show s a w eld bead t hat has solidified using unfavourable welding condit ions associat ed wit h cent r eline solidificat ion cracking. The weld bead has a cr oss- sect ion t hat is quit e deep and narr ow – a widt h- t odept h rat io < ~ 2 and t he solidifying dendrit es have pushed t he lower m elt ing point liquid t o t he cent re of t he bead wher e it has becom e t rapped. Since t he surr ounding m at erial is shrinking as a result of cooling, t his film would be subj ect ed t o t ensile st ress, which leads t o cracking. I n cont rast , Figure 11.6 shows a bead t hat has a widt h- t o- dept h rat io t hat is > > 2. This bead shape shows lower m elt ing point liquid pushed ahead of t he solidifying dendrit es but it does not becom e t r apped at t he bead cent re. Thus, ev en under t ensile st r esses r esult ing from cooling, t his film is self- healing and cracking is avoided. SAW and spray- t ransfer GMAW ar e m or e likely t o give weld beads wit h an unfavourable widt h- t o- dept h rat io t han t he ot her ar c w elding processes. Also, elect r on beam and laser welding processes ar e ext r em ely sensit ive t o t his kind of cracking as a r esult of t he deep, nar row beads pr oduced. Avoiding unfavourable welding condit ions t hat lead t o cent reline solidificat ion cracking ( of weld m et als wit h sensit ive com posit ions) m ay require significant changes t o w elding param et ers, such as reducing t he: Welding curr ent ( t o give a shallower bead) . Welding speed ( t o give a wider w eld bead) . Avoiding unfavourable welding condit ions t hat lead t o crat er cracking of a sensit ive weld m et al requires changes t o t he t echnique used at t he end of a weld when t he arc is ex t inguished, such as: For TI G w elding, use a curr ent slope- out device so t hat t he cur rent , and weld pool dept h gradually reduce before t he arc is ext inguished ( gives m or e favourable weld bead widt h- t o- dept h rat io) . I t is also a com m on pract ice t o backt rack t he bead slight ly befor e br eaking t he ar c or lengt hen t he arc gradually t o avoid crat er cracks. For TI G w elding, m odify weld pool solidificat ion m ode by feeding t he filler wire int o t he pool unt il solidificat ion is alm ost com plet e and av oiding a concave cr at er. For MMA, m odify t he weld pool solidificat ion m ode by reversing t he direct ion of t rav el at t he end of t he w eld run so t hat crat er is filled. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 1 .4 La m e lla r t e a r ing Lam ellar t earing is a t ype of cracking t hat only occurs in st eel plat e or ot her rolled product s underneat h a weld. Charact erist ics of lam ellar t earing are: Cracks only occur in t he r olle d pr oduct s eg plat e and sect ions. Most com m on in C- Mn st eels. Cracks usually form close t o, but j ust out side, t he HAZ. Cracks t end t o lie parallel t o surface of t he m at erial ( and t he fusion boundary of t he w eld) , having a st epped aspect . The abov e charact erist ics can be seen in Figure 11.7a. 1 1 .4 .1 Fa ct or s inf lu e ncing susce pt ibilit y t o la m e lla r t e a r ing Lam ellar t earing occur s when t wo condit ions exist at t he sam e t im e: A suscept ible rolled plat e is used t o m ake a w eld j oint . High st resses act in t he t hrough- t hickness direct ion of t he suscept ible m at erial ( known as t he short - t ransv er se direct ion) . Susce pt ible r olle d pla t e A m at erial t hat is suscept ible t o lam ellar t earing has very low duct ilit y in t he t hrough- t hickness direct ion ( short - t ransv er se direct ion) and is only able t o accom m odat e t he r esidual st resses fr om welding by t earing rat her t han by plast ic st raining. Low t hr ough- t hickness duct ilit y in rolled product s is caused by t he pr esence of num erous non- m et allic inclusions in t he for m of elongat ed st ringer s. The inclusions form in t he ingot but are flat t ened and elongat ed during hot rolling of t he m at erial. Non- m et allic inclusions associat ed wit h lam ellar m anganese sulphides and m anganese silicat es. t earing ar e principally H igh t hr ough- t hick ne ss st r e ss Weld j oint s t hat are T, K and Y configurat ions end up w it h a t e n sile r e sidu a l st r e ss com pone nt in t he t hr ough- t hick n e ss dir e ct ion . The m agnit ude of t he t hrough- t hickness st r ess increases as t he rest raint ( rigidit y) of t he j oint increases. Sect ion t hickness and size of weld are t he m ain influencing fact ors and it is in t hick sect ion, full penet rat ion T, K and Y j oint s t hat lam ellar t earing is m or e likely t o occur. 1 1 .4 .2 Cr a ck ing m e ch a nism High st resses in t he t hrough- t hickness direct ion, t hat are pr esent as welding residual st resses, because t he inclusion st ringer s t o open- up ( de- cohese) and t he t hin ligam ent s bet ween individual de- cohesed inclusions t hen t ear and produce a st epped crack. Figure 11.11b show s a t ypical st ep- like lam ellar t ear . WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 1 .4 .3 Avoiding la m e lla r t e a r in g Lam ellar t earing can be av oided by r educing t he influence of one, or bot h, of t he fact or s. Susce pt ible r olle d pla t e BSEN 10164 ( St eel product s wit h im prov ed deform at ion propert ies perpendicular t o t he surface of t he pr oduct – Technical delivery condit ions) gives guidance on t he procur em ent of plat e t o r esist lam ellar t earing. Resist ance t o lam ellar t earing can be evaluat ed by m eans of t ensile t est pieces t aken wit h t heir axes perpendicular t o t he plat e surface ( t he t hr ough- t hickness direct ion) . Through- t hickness duct ilit y is m easured as t he % r educt ion of ar ea ( % R of A) at t he point of fr act ur e of t he t ensile t est piece ( Figure 11.8) . The great er t he m easured % R of A, t he gr eat er t he resist ance t o lam ellar t earing. Values in excess of ~ 20% indicat e good resist ance even in very highly const rained j oint s. Reducing t he suscept ibilit y of rolled plat e t o lam ellar t earing can be achiev ed by ensuring t hat it has good t hrough- t hickness duct ilit y by: Using clean st eel t hat has low sulphur cont ent ( < ~ 0.015% ) and consequent ly has r elat ively few inclusions. Procuring st eel plat e t hat has been subj ect ed t o t hr ough- t hickness t ensile t est ing t o dem onst rat e good t hr ough- t hickness duct ilit y ( as EN 10164) . Thr ough - t h ick ne ss st r e ss Through t hickness st r ess in T, K and Y j oint s is principally t he residual st ress from w elding, alt hough t he addit ional service st ress m ay hav e som e influence. Reducing t he m agnit ude of t hr ough- t hickness st resses for a part icular weld j oint would require m odificat ion t o t he j oint , in som e way and so m ay not always be pract ical because of t he need t o sat isfy design requirem ent s. Howev er, m et hods t hat could be considered are: Reducing t he size of t he weld by: Using a part ial penet rat ion but t weld inst ead of full- penet rat ion. Using fillet welds inst ead of a full, or a part ial pen but t weld ( Figure 11.8) . By applying a but t ering layer of weld m et al t o t he surface of a suscept ible plat e so t hat t he highest t hr ough- t hickness st rain is locat ed in t he weld m et al and not t he suscept ible plat e ( Figure 11.9) . Changing t he j oint design – such as using a for ged or ext ruded int erm ediat e piece so t hat t he suscept ible plat e does not experience t hrough- t hickness st ress ( Figure 11.10) . WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 1 .1 Typica l loca t ions of hydr oge n indu ce d cold cr a ck s. Figur e 1 1 .2 H ydr oge n induce d cold cr a ck t ha t init ia t e d t he H AZ a t t he t oe of a fille t w e ld. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-10 Copyright © TWI Lt d X Transverse cracks a Y Weld layers w it h cracks lying at 45° t o X - Y axis b Figur e 1 1 .2 a a n d b a b Pla n vie w of a pla t e but t w e ld show ing subsur f a ce t r a nsve r se cr a ck s; Longit u dina l se ct ion X- Y of t he a bove w e ld show in g how t he t r a nsve r se cr a ck s a ct ua lly lie a t 4 5 ° t o t he sur fa ce . The y t e n d t o r e m a in w it hin a n individua l w e ld r u n a n d m a y be in w e ld se ve r a l la ye r s. The ir a ppe a r a n ce in t his or ie nt a t ion ha s give n r ise t o t he n a m e ‘ch e vr on’ cr a ck s ( a r r ow sha pe d cr a ck s) . WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-11 Copyright © TWI Lt d a b Figur e 1 1 .3 a b Solidifica t ion cr a ck a t t he w e ld be a n ce nt r e w he r e colum na r de ndr it e s ha ve t r a ppe d som e low e r m e lt ing poin t liquid The w e ld be a d doe s n ot ha ve a n ide a l sha pe bu t it ha s solidifie d w it hout t he de ndr it e s m e e t ing ‘e nd- on’ a nd t r a pping low e r m e lt ing point liquid t h e r e by r e sist ing solidifica t ion cr a ck ing. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-12 Copyright © TWI Lt d W D W/ D < 2 Direction of travel Figur e 1 1 .4 A w e ld be a d w it h a n unfa vou r a ble w idt h- t o- de pt h r a t io. This is responsible for liquid m et al being pushed int o t he cent re of t he bead by t he advancing colum nar dendrit es and becom ing t he weak zone t hat is rupt ured. W W/ D > ~ 2 D Direction of travel Figur e 1 1 .5 W e ld be a d w it h a fa vour a ble w idt h - t o- de pt h r a t io. The dendrit es push t he lowest m elt ing point m et al t owards t he surface at t he cent r e of t he bead cent r e and so it does not for m a w eak cent ral zone. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-13 Copyright © TWI Lt d Fusion boundar HAZ a Crack pr opagat ion by t earing of ligam ent s bet ween ‘de- cohesed’ inclusion st ringers De- cohesion of inclusion st ringers Through- t hickness residual st resses from w elding I nclusion st ringer b Figur e 1 1 .6 a b Typica l la m e lla r t e a r loca t e d j ust out side t he visible H AZ; St e p- lik e cr a ck cha r a ct e r ist ic of a la m e lla r t e a r . WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-14 Copyright © TWI Lt d Through- t hickness t ensile t est piece Plat e surface Reduct ion of diam et er at point of fr act ur e Plat e surface Figur e 1 1 .7 Roun d t e nsile t e st pie ce t a k e n w it h it s a x is in t he shor t - t r a nsve r se dir e ct ion ( t hr ou gh t hick ne ss of pla t e ) t o m e a su r e t he % R. of A. a nd a sse ss t he pla t e ’s r e sist a nce t o la m e lla r t e a r ing. Suscept ible plat e Suscept ible plat e Figur e 1 1 .8 Re ducin g t he e ffe ct ive siz e of a w e ld w ill r e duce t he t hr ought hick ne ss st r e ss on t he su sce pt ible pla t e a n d m a y be sufficie nt t o r e duce t he r isk of la m e lla r t e a r ing. WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-15 Copyright © TWI Lt d Suscept ible plat e Ext ruded sect ion Figur e 1 1 .9 La m e lla r t e a r ing ca n be a voide d by cha ngin g t he j oint de sign. Weld m et al ‘but t ering’ Suscept ible plat e Figur e 1 1 .1 0 Tw o la ye r s of w e ld m e t a l ( usua lly by M M A) a pplie d t o susce pt ible pla t e be for e t he T- but t w e ld is m a de . WI S10- 30816 Weldabilit y of St eels 11-16 Copyright © TWI Lt d Weldability of Steels Section 11 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd What is Weldability? "The ease with which a material, or materials can be welded to give an acceptable joint" Weldability Problems Weldability can pose problems for welders, inspectors & engineers. BS 499 - 1 Weldability = hardenability = susceptibility to cracking Weldability is a measure of how easy (or how difficulty) it is to: 1. Obtain crack free welds. 2. Achieve adequate mechanical properties. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Weldability Problems Weldability problems can be overcome through understanding In order to produce a sound weld it is necessary to know and understand the material properties of the steels to be welded. Weldability Weldability is the key to successful welding Weldability Weld process crack mechanisms Effect of carbon Grain structures Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐1 The Effect of Carbon Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon (0.01 - 1.4%C). Plain Carbon Steels The effect of carbon Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Carbon - The Key Element in Steel The Effect of Carbon It affects Increase in tensile strength 1. Strength. Increase in hardness 2. Hardness. 0.1% Increase in carbon 1.4% 3. Ductility. Decrease in elongation Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd The Effect of Carbon Steel alloys can be divided into five main groups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Carbon steels. Alloy steels. Quenched & tempered steels. Heat treatable low alloy steels. Chromium molybdenum steels. Copyright © TWI Ltd The Effect of Carbon Plain carbon steels come in three types Low Carbon Steels 0.01 - 0.3%C Medium Carbon Steels 0.3 - 0.6%C High Carbon Steels 0.6 - 1.4%C Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐2 Alloy Steels Alloy steels contain iron and carbon plus other alloying elements to give the steel required mechanical & metallurgical properties. Low alloy steels Fe & C +Mn, Cr, Ni, Mo < 7% total Elements in steels High alloy steels Fe & C + Mn, Cr, Ni, Mo> 7% total Copyright © TWI Ltd Alloying Elements Manganese (Mn) - Primary desulphuriser & secondary deoxidizer. Added to steels to reduce carbon. Affects strength & hardenability. Copyright © TWI Ltd Alloying Elements Molybdenum (Mo) - Improves creep resistance and temper embrittlement. Chromium (Cr) - Improves hardness & resistance to wear. A major element in stainless steels to give corrosion resistance. Silicon (Si) - Primary deoxidizer. Nickel (Ni) - Improves ductility, strength & toughness. A key element in austenitic stainless steel to improve corrosion resistance from acids. Aluminium (Al) - Grain refiner & tertiary deoxidizer. Copyright © TWI Ltd Alloying Elements Sulphur (S) - An impurity in steels. Harm full because it can cause ‘hot shortness’ cracking during hot working. Phosphorus (P) - An impurity in steels. Harmful in steels when over 0.05% because it can cause ‘cold shortness’ - cracking during cold working. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Carbon Content Vs Carbon Equivalent Carbon content The actual amount of carbon in the steel. Carbon Equivalent The carbon content in relation to other alloying elements. Ceq% = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Cu + Ni 6 5 15 Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐3 Carbon Content Vs Carbon Equivalent Carbon Content Vs Carbon Equivalent Because Manganese has 1/6 of the effect on hardenability compared to one part Carbon. A steel contains 0.12%C and 1.3%Mn. The formula can be shortened to: What is the carbon equivalent? Ceq% = C + Mn 6 = 0.12 + 1.3 6 = 0.12 + 0.216 Ceq% = C + Mn 6 Ceq = 0.336% Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Grain Structures Grain structures in materials are influenced by 1. Elements in the material. 2. Temperature. 3. Cooling rate. Key grain structures Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Simplified Continuous Cooling Diagram Critical Cooling Rate Austenite Temperature Critical cooling rate The rate of cooling from the austenite region which determines the final grain structure. Martensite Bainite Ferrite + Pearlite Time Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐4 Weld Process Crack Mechanisms TWI – Welding Inspection 1. Hydrogen induced cold cracking (HICC). 2. Solidification cracking. 3. Lamellar tearing. 4. Re-heat cracking. Hydrogen Induced Cold Cracking (HICC) Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors for HICC Hydrogen Why can Hydrogen be a problem? Tensile stress It can cause embrittlement in steel. Susceptible microstructure Cracking (at room temperature) This is the process by which steels become brittle and fractures due to the introduction and subsequent diffusion of hydrogen into the metal. High hydrogen concentration Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors Affecting HICC Factor H2 Access into Weld Quantum Diffusible > 15ml/100gm. Of weld metal hydrogen content for C steels. Can reduce with higher strength levels Stress > 0.5 of yield strength Temperature < 300C Susceptible microstructure Hardness > 400 VPN Water vapour in the air or in the shielding gas H2 Moisture on the electrode or grease on the wire H2 H Oxide or grease on the plate Copyright © TWI Ltd H H H2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐5 The Process of HICC Hydrogen enters the weld via the welding arc. Heat of the arc breaks down molecular hydrogen (H2) into atomic hydrogen (H). As weld cools hydrogen diffuses outwards into parent plate and atmosphere. The Process of HICC As the weld cools some hydrogen atoms can become trapped between grain boundaries as the lattice structure of the steel also contracts and changes. Below 300°C hydrogen prefers to be in its molecular form (H2) so individual atoms are attracted towards each other. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd The Process of HICC The Process of HICC Atomic Hydrogen (H) Steel in expanded condition Hydrogen diffusion Above 300oC Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Steel in expanded condition Above 300oC Steel under contraction Below 300oC Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd The Process of HICC Avoidance of HICC When hydrogen molecules exist in large numbers a lot of pressure is exerted, typically between 400 to 1400N/mm². 1. Clean joint preparations. This can lead to cracking in susceptible microstructures where ductility is poor. 3. Use a low hydrogen welding process. 2. Pre heat. 4. Use a multi pass welding technique. 5. Delay cooling rate. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐6 Avoidance of HICC Avoidance of HICC Below is a list of welding process in order of lowest hydrogen content (H2/100 grams of deposited weld metal). Below is a list of hydrogen scales taken from BS EN 1011 with regards to 100 grams of weld metal deposited. TIG MIG/MAG MMA SAW FCAW Scale Hydrogen Content A > 15 ml < < < < < 3ml 5ml 5ml 60ml 10ml 15ml B > 10 ml < 15 ml C > 5 ml < 10 ml D > 3 ml < 5 ml E < 3 ml Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Avoiding HICC Factor Avoiding them Diffusible hydrogen Use LH consumable, process; cleaning; conditioning of consumables; weather conditions; use post heating; PWHT Susceptible microstructure Use preheat Temperature Maintain preheat, Use post heat Stress Reduce weld volume; balanced welding; skip, back step welding; presetting; automate; reduce number of runs; large weld beads; PWHT TWI - Welding Inspection Solidification (hot) cracking Solidification (Hot) Cracking Copyright © TWI Ltd Solidification (Hot) Cracking Only occur in the weld metal. Copyright © TWI Ltd Factors for Solidification Cracking 1. High tensile stresses. 2. Sulphur. Appear as straight lines along the centre line of the weld. 3. Joint geometry. Can occur in the weld crater (star crack). Usually readily visible. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐7 Solidification Cracking Sulphur in the parent material may dilute in the weld metal to form iron sulphides (low strength, low melting point compounds). During weld metal solidification, columnar crystals push still liquid iron sulphides in front to the last place of solidification, weld centerline . The bonding between the grains which are themselves under great stress. may now be very poor to maintain cohesion and a crack will result, weld centerline. Solidification Cracking Factors for solidification cracking Columnar grain growth with impurities in weld metal (sulphur, phosphorus and carbon). The amount of stress/restraint. Joint design high depth to width ratios. Liquid iron sulphides are formed around solidifying grains. High contractional strains are present. High dilution processes are being used. There is a high carbon content in the weld metal. Most commonly occurring in sub-arc welded joints. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Solidification Cracking in Fe Steels Liquid Iron Sulphide films Solidification crack * Contractional strain Solidification Cracking Columnar grains Intergranular liquid film Columnar HAZ grains Shallow, wider weld bead Deep, narrower weld bead On solidification the bonding between the grains may be adequate to maintain cohesion and a crack is unlikely to occur On solidification the bonding between the grains may now be very poor to maintain cohesion and a crack may result. Avoid > than 2:1 ratio Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Solidification Cracking Solidification Cracking Precautions for controlling solidification cracking The use of high manganese and low carbon content fillers. Minimise the amount of stress/restraint acting on the joint during welding. The use of high quality parent materials, low levels of impurities (phosphorus and sulphur). Clean joint preparations contaminants (oil, grease, paints and any other sulphur containing product). Joint design selection depth to width ratios, avoid >2:1 ratio Avoid high welding speeds. Copyright © TWI Ltd HAZ Add Manganese to weld metal Spherical Mn Sulphide balls form between solidified grains Cohesion and strength between grains remains Contractional strain Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐8 TWI – Welding Inspection Lamellar Tearing Location: Parent metal just below the HAZ. Steel Type: Any steel type possible. Susceptible Microstructure: Poor through thickness ductility. Lamellar tearing has a step like appearance due to the solid inclusions in the parent material (eg sulphides and silicates) linking up under the influence of welding stresses. Low ductile materials (often related to thickness) in the short transverse direction containing high levels of impurities are very susceptible to lamellar tearing. It forms when the welding stresses act in the short transverse direction of the material (through thickness direction). Lamellar Tearing Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Lamellar Tearing Lamellar Tearing Susceptible joint types Step like appearance Tee fillet weld Corner butt weld (single-bevel) Tee butt weld (double-bevel) Cross section Copyright © TWI Ltd Lamellar Tearing Critical area Critical area Copyright © TWI Ltd Lamellar Tearing Factors for lamellar tearing to occur Low quality parent materials, high levels of impurities there is a high sulfur content in the base metal. Joint design, direction of stress 90 degrees to the rolling direction, the level of stress acting across the joint during welding. Note! very susceptible joints may form lamellar tearing under very low levels of stress. High contractional strains are through the short transverse direction. There is low through thickness ductility in the base metal. There is high restraint on the work. Critical area Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐9 Lamellar Tearing Assessment of susceptibility to lamellar tearing: Carry out through thickness tensile test. Carry out cruciform welded tensile test. Lamellar Tearing Precautions for controlling lamellar tearing The use of high quality parent materials, low levels of impurities. The use of buttering runs. A gap can be left between the horizontal and vertical members enabling the contraction movement to take place. Joint design selection. Minimise the amount of stress/restraint acting on the joint during welding. Hydrogen precautions. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Lamellar Tearing Short Tensile (Through Thickness) Test The short tensile test or through thickness test is a test to determine a materials susceptibility to lamellar tearing Friction welded extension stubs Plate Material Short Tensile Specimen Sample of Parent Material 6.4mm DIA Final short transverse tensile specimen Methods of avoiding lamellar tearing:* 1 Avoid restraint*. 2 Use controlled low sulfur plate*. 3 Grind out surface and butter*. 4 Change joint design*. 5 Use a forged T piece (critical applications)*. The results are given as a STRA va Short Transverse Reduction in Are Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Lamellar Tearing Modifying a Tee joint to avoid lamellar tearing Non-susceptible Susceptible Improved Lamellar Tearing Modifying a corner joint to avoid lamellar tearing Susceptible Non-Susceptible Susceptible Non-susceptible Use a forged Tee piece Susceptible Less susceptible Prior buttering of the joint with a ductile layer of weld metal may avoid lamellar tearing Copyright © TWI Ltd An open corner joint may be selected to avoid lamellar tearing Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐10 STRA Test Probable freedom from tearing in any joint type STRA % Reduction of CSA 20 Some risk in highly restrained joints eg node joint, joints between sub-fabs 15 Some risk in moderately restrained joints eg box columns 10 Some risk in lightly restrained joints T-joints eg I-beams Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 One of your inspectors suggests to you that lamellar tearing may have occurred in a single bevel butt joint. Would you agree with this comment? a. No, this defect can only occur in single v butt welds b. No, this type of defect will only occur in C/Mn steels with a CE value >0.48% c. Yes, this defect is possible in a single bevel butt, but it would require RT for clarification d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 3 One of your inspectors suggests to you that the pre heat temperatures are too low to prevent hydrogen cracking occurring. Which of the following combinations are correct for determining a correct pre heat temperature to be applied prior to welding? a. Material thickness, joint design, the amount of hydrogen and welding process b. Material thickness, the amount of stress, hydrogen content and material type c. Material type and thickness, hydrogen scale and heat input d. The amount of stress, welding process, hydrogen content and material type Copyright © TWI Ltd Weldability You are working as a Senior Welding Inspector during the fabrication and welding of a top side module, the module is fabricated from C/Mn steel maximum CE value of 0.46%. Certain sections are fabricated from universal beams with thicknesses ranging from 12.5 to 50mm thickness, other sections are fabricated from steel plate again ranging from 12.5 mm to 50mm thickness. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 You notice from the WPS on certain joints a pre heat of 150°C is required, on other joints the preheat is only 75°C. Why do you think some joints require more pre heat than others? a. This would be due to the different thickness of materials being used and the increased chances of solidification cracking b. This would be due to the different thickness of materials being used and the increased chances of hydrogen cracking c. This would be due to the fact that some welders require more preheat than others as it increases penetration d. All options are incorrect; it’s due to lamellar tearing in thicker materials Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 One of your inspectors asks you what are the main factors affecting hydrogen cracking. Which of the following would be your best reply? a. Temperature, the amount of stress, molecular hydrogen and material composition b. Material thickness, atomic hydrogen, material composition and the amount of stress c. Sulphur content >0.03%, hydrogen content > 15ml, the amount of stress and material composition d. All options have insufficient information given Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐11 Question 5 During visual inspection one of your inspectors detects a longitudinal crack along the weld centerline approximately 100mm in length. Which of the following would be reasons for the occurrence of this type of crack? a. Sulphur contents and manganese contents too low b. Sulphur contents too high, manganese contents too low c. Sulphur contents too low, manganese contents too high d. All options would cause this type of cracking Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 When inspecting the material certificates you notice some of the materials are classified as Z steels. What does this relate to? a. All these materials when welded will be free from solidification issues/cracking b. All these materials will have a guaranteed minimum UTS value of 500N/mm2, this will help prevent the formation of hydrogen cracking c. All these materials will have a probable freedom from lamellar tearing when welded d. All these materials have properties of zero ductility Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 Question 6 One of your welding inspectors informs you that during welding one of the welders is using an excessive long arc length. Which of the following issues could be caused by this situation? a. An increase in hydrogen content in the weld b. An increased risk of carbide precipitation occurring c. An increased risk of solidification cracking occurring d. An increased risk of lamellar tearing occurring after welding. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 Which of the following could be used to prevent the formation of hydrogen cracking? a. The use of E8018 electrodes in standard packaging b. The use of E8010 electrodes, baked to 350°C prior to use to remove moisture c. The use of E6012 electrodes, used in a dried condition will give a lower UTS value which will give an increased elongation value d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 One of your inspectors suggests increasing the restraint on all single V butt joints to reduce distortion. Which of the following may have detrimental affect of this? During the inspection of the materials prior to fabrication one of the NDT inspection personnel reports back to you that he has detected lamellar type defects running in the center of the parent plate, sub-surface. Which of the following is correct? a. An increase risk of solidification cracking and lamellar tearing b. An increased risk of solidification and hydrogen cracking c. An increased risk of weld decay and hydrogen cracking d. All options are correct a. The defects detected would most likely be plate laminations and definitely not lamellar tearing b. Lamellar tearing does not happen sub surface, it is a surface breaking cracking mechanism c. If its been located in the center of the plate then it would most likely be solidification cracking d. NDT does not locate lamellar tearing it requires through thickness ductility testing to locate it when present Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 11‐12 Se ct ion 1 2 W e ld Fr a ct u r e s 12 W e ld Fr a ct ur es Welds m ay suffer t hree different fract ure m echanism s: Duct ile. Brit t le. Fat igue. Oft en a com plet e fract ure of a weldm ent will be a com binat ion of fract ure t ypes eg init ially fat igue followed by final duct ile fract ure. 1 2 .1 D uct ile fr a ct ur e s Occur in inst ances wher e t he st rengt h and t he cross- sect ional area of t he m at erial are insufficient t o carr y t he applied load. Such fract ures ar e com m only seen on m at erial and welding procedur e t ensile t est specim ens wher e failure is accom panied by yielding, st ret ching and t hinning as shown below. The fract ure edges ar e at 45° t o t he applied load a nd ar e known as shear lips. 1 2 .2 Br it t le fr a ct u r e I s a fast , unst able t ype of fract ure which can lead t o cat ast r ophic failure. The phenom enon was first ident ified during World War 2 when m any Libert y Ships broke in t wo for no appar ent r eason. Since t hat t im e m any brit t le failures have occur red in bridges, boilers, pr essure v essels et c som et im es wit h loss of life and always wit h expensive dam age. The risk of brit t le fract ure increases; WI S10- 30816 Weld Fract ures As t he t em perat ur e ( am bient or oper at ional) decr eases. Wit h t he t ype and increasing t hickness of t he m at erial. Wher e high levels of residual st resses ar e pr esent . I n t he pr esence of not ches. I ncreased st rain rat e ie speed of loading. 12-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Court esy of Douglas E. William s, P.E., Welding Handbook, Vol.1, Nint h Edit ion, reprint ed by perm ission of t he Am erican Welding Society. Effect of not ch on a t ensile specim en. Dist inguishing feat ures of a brit t le fract ur e ar e: Surface is flat and at 90° t o t he applied load. Will show lit t le or no plast ic deform at ion. The surface will be r ough and m ay be cryst alline in appearance. May show chev rons which will point back t o t he init iat ion sour ce. Brit t le fract ure surface on a CTOD t est piece. WI S10- 30816 Weld Fract ures 12-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 2 .3 Fa t igue fr a ct u r e Fat igue fract ur es occur in sit uat ions wher e loading is of a cyclic nat ure and at st ress levels w ell below t he yield st ress of t he m at erial. Typically fat igue cracks will be found on bridges, cranes, aircraft and it em s affect ed by out of balance or vibrat ing forces. I nit iat ion t akes place from st r ess concent rat ions such as changes of sect ion, arc- st rikes, t oes of welds. Ev en t he best designed and m ade welds have som e degr ee of st ress concent rat ion. As fat igue crack s t ak e t im e first ly t o init iat e t hen t o gr ow, t his slow progression allows such crack s t o be found by regular inspect ion schedules on t hose it em s known t o be fat igue sensit ive. The gr owt h r at e of fat igue cr ack s is dependant on t he loading and t he num ber of cycles. I t is not t im e dependant Fat igue failures are not rest rict ed t o any one t ype of m at erial or t em perat ur e range. St r ess- relief has lit t le effect upon fat igue life. St ruct ures known t o be at risk of fat igue failure ar e usually designed t o codes t hat acknowledge t he risk and lays down t he rules and calculat ions t o predict it s design life. Typical fat igue fract ure in a T j oint . WI S10- 30816 Weld Fract ures 12-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d I dent ifying feat ures of fat igue fract ure ar e: Ver y sm oot h fract ur e surface, alt hough m ay have st eps due t o m ult iple init iat ion point s. Bounded by cur ved crack fr ont . Bands m ay be visible indicat ing crack progression. I nit iat ion point opposit e curv e crack fr ont . Surface at 90° t o applied loading. Fat igue crack s som et im es st op of t heir own accord if t he crack runs int o an area of low st r ess. On t he ot her hand t hey m ay grow unt il t he rem aining crosssect ion is insufficient t o support t he applied loads. At t his point final failure will t ake place by a secondary m echanism ie duct ile or brit t le. WI S10- 30816 Weld Fract ures 12-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d Fracture Mechanisms Ductile fracture. Brittle fracture. Fatigue fracture. Weld Fractures Section 12 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Fracture Mechanisms Ductile Fracture Ductile (overload) fracture appears when yielding and deformation precedes failure Ductile Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Ductile Fracture Ductile fracture distinguish features It is the result of overloading Evidence of gross yielding or plastic deformation The fracture surface is rough and torn The surface shows 45° shear lips or have surfaces inclined at 45° to the load direction (because maximum shear plane is at 45° to the load!) Copyright © TWI Ltd Fracture Mechanisms Brittle Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐1 Brittle Fracture Brittle fracture It is a fast, unstable type of fracture. Brittle Fracture Brittle fracture It is a fast, unstable type of fracture. Copyright © TWI Ltd Brittle Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd Brittle Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd Brittle Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd Brittle Fracture Brittle fracture distinguish features There is little or no plastic deformation before failure The crack surface may show chevron marks pointing back to the initiation point In case of impact fracture, the surface is rough but not torn and will usually have a crystalline appearance The surface is normally perpendicular to the load Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐2 Brittle Fracture Factors affecting brittle fracture Temperature (transition curve, convergence of YS and UTS as the temperature is reduced) Crystalline structure (b.c.c. vs. f.c.c.) Material toughness Residual stress Strain rate (YS increase but UTS remain constant) Material thickness (restrain due to surrounding material) Stress concentrations/weld defects Brittle Fracture Causes for brittle fracture Presence of weld defects (poor quality) Poor toughness in parent material (wrong choice) Poor toughness in HAZ (to high heat input) High level of residual stress (no PWHT, wrong design) Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Fracture Mechanisms Fatigue Fracture Fatigue fracture distinguish features Crack growth is slow. It initiate from stress concentration points. Load is considerably below the design or yield stress level. The surface is smooth. The surface is bounded by a curve. Bands may sometimes be seen on the smooth surface 'beach marks'. They show the progress of the crack front from the point of origin. The surface is 90° to the load. Final fracture will usually take the form of gross yielding (as the maximum stress in the remaining ligament increase!). Fatigue crack need initiation + propagation periods. Fatigue Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Fatigue Fracture If a material is subjected to a static load, final rupture is preceded by very large strains. Fatigue Fracture Location: Any stress concentration area. Steel Type: All steel types. If the same material is subjected to cyclic loads, failure may occur: At stress well below elastic limit. With little or no plastic deformation. Susceptible Microstructure: All grain structures. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐3 Fatigue Fracture Fatigue cracks occur under cyclic stress conditions. Fracture normally occurs at a change in section, notch and weld defects ie stress concentration area. All materials are susceptible to fatigue cracking. Fatigue cracking starts at a specific point referred to as a initiation point. The fracture surface is smooth in appearance sometimes displaying beach markings. The final mode of failure may be brittle or ductile or a combination of both. Fatigue Fracture Precautions against Fatigue Cracks Toe grinding, profile grinding. The elimination of poor profiles. The elimination of partial penetration welds and weld defects. Operating conditions under the materials endurance limits. The elimination of notch effects eg mechanical damage cap/root undercut. The selection of the correct material for the service conditions of the component. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Fatigue Fracture Fatigue Fracture Points of initiation Smooth fracture surface Fatigue cracking at the weld toe Copyright © TWI Ltd Fatigue Fracture Copyright © TWI Ltd Products Liable to Fatigue Failure Pressure vessels Aerospace Piping systems Oil/gas platforms Ductile fracture Beach Marks Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐4 Products Liable to Fatigue Failure Overhead Cranes Fatigue Fracture Lifting equipment Fatigue fracture occurs in structures subject to repeated application of tensile stress. Crack growth is slow (in same cases, crack may grow into an area of low stress and stop without failure). Engineering plant Rotating equipment Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Fractures A large C-Mn structure is due for inspection after prolonged use. It has been used in a variety of environments including temperatures below zero and at times subjected to intense cyclic loading. There are a number of failed joints within the structure which you have to assess and report on. Question 1 A failure has occurred at the termination of a fillet weld. Part of the surface condition of the fractured surface shows variations in colour contrast between different parts. This can be described as: a. b. c. d. Beach marks Shear lips Reduction in area Crystallization marks Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 You discover a thick section failure, with a flat surface, over one metre long. You need to establish the initiation point of this failure. What feature on the failed surface could help you to find this? a. b. c. d. Crystalline zone Chevron marks Crescent marks Crack direction line Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 3 Cyclic loading can cause failure over time. What best describes this? a. b. c. d. Repeated loading of varying magnitude Loads above the UTS of the material Stress above the Rm point Impact loading at low temperatures Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐5 Question 4 Brittle failure is consistent with which combinations? Question 5 On the failed structure, some of the failures show distinct initiation points. Which of the following is more likely to be these points? a. High temperature and static loading b. Low temperature and residual stress c. Temperatures that vary considerably and a load below Re d. Temperatures above ambient and low loading a. b. c. d. Concave weld features Mitre like weld features Convex weld features Unequal leg length features Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 6 Question 7 Brittle fracture occurs at: Which failure combination is most common? a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. The speed of light Crack propagation is very slow The speed of sound Crack propagation is measured at 10mm per minute Fatigue to brittle Ductile to Brittle Ductile to Fatigue Fatigue to Ductile Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 Which of the following materials does not suffer from fatigue failure? a. b. c. d. HSLA 316L stainless steel Q/T steels None of the options are correct Question 9 One of the failed joints on the structure, has a torn feature with shear lips at the point of failure. What is the most likely cause of this failure? a. b. c. d. Copyright © TWI Ltd Cyclic loading High residual stress Over loading Over loading in combination with low temperatures Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐6 Question 10 Some of the failures show a smooth flat surface. This is consistent with? a. b. c. d. Sudden failure Slow, progressive crack propagation Loading above the UTS value Ductile failure Copyright © TWI Ltd 12‐7 Se ct ion 1 3 W e ldin g Sym bols 13 W e ldin g Sym bols A weld j oint can be r epresent ed on an engineering drawing by m eans of a det ailed sket ch showing ev er y det ail and dim ension of t he j oint preparat ion - as shown below. 8- 12° ≈R6 1- 3m m 1- 4m m Single U pr e pa r a t ion. While t his m et hod of represent at ion gives com prehensive inform at ion, it can be t im e- consum ing and can also ov erburden t he drawing. An alt ernat ive m et hod is t o use a sym bolic repr esent at ion t o specify t he required inform at ion - as shown below for t he sam e j oint det ail. Sym bolic r e pr e se nt a t ion h a s follow ing a dv a nt a ge s: Sim ple and quick t o put on t he drawing. Does not over- burden t he drawing. No need for an addit ional view - all welding sym bols can be put on t he m ain assem bly drawing. Sym bolic r e pr e se nt a t ion h a s follow ing disa dva nt a ge s: Can only be used for st andard j oint s ( eg BS EN I SO 9692) . Ther e is not a way of giving precise dim ensions for j oint det ails. Som e t raining is necessary in order t o int erpret t he sym bols cor rect ly. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .1 St a nda r ds for sym bolic r e pr e se nt a t ion of w e lde d j oint s on dr a w in gs Ther e ar e t wo principal st andards t hat are used for w elding sym bols: Eu r ope a n St a n da r d BS EN I SO 2553 – Welded, brazed and soldered j oint s – Sy m bolic represent at ion on dr awings. Am e r ica n St a nda r d AWS A2.4 – St andard Sym bols for Welding, Brazing, and Non- dest ruct ive Exam inat ion. These st andards ar e v er y sim ilar in m any respect s, but t her e are also som e m aj or differences t hat need t o be underst ood t o avoid m is- int erpret at ion. Det ails of t he Eur opean St andard are given in t he following sub- sect ions wit h only brief inform at ion about how t he Am er ican St andard differs from t he Eur opean St andard. Ele m e nt a r y W e ldin g Sym bols Various t ypes of weld j oint are represent ed by a sym bol t hat is int ended t o help int erpr et at ion by being sim ilar t o t he shape of t he w eld t o be m ade. Exam ples of sym bols used by BS EN I SO 2553 are shown on following pages. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 13.2 Elementary welding symbols Designation Square butt weld Illustration of joint preparation Symbol Single V butt weld Single bevel butt weld Single V butt weld with broad root face Single bevel butt weld with broad root face Single U butt weld Single J butt weld Fillet weld Surfacing (cladding) Backing run (back or backing weld) Backing bar WIS10-30816 Welding Symbols 13-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 1 3 .3 Com bin a t ion of e le m e nt a r y sym bols For sym m et rical welds m ade fr om bot h sides, t he applicable elem ent ary sym bols are com bined – as shown below. D e sign a t ion I llust r a t ion of j oint pr e pa r a t ion Sym bol Double V but t weld ( X weld) Double bev el but t weld ( K weld) Double U but t weld Double J but t weld WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .4 Supp le m e nt a r y sy m b ols Weld sym bols m ay be com plem ent ed by a sym bol t o indicat e t he required shape of t he w eld. Ex a m ple s of supple m e n t a r y sym bols a nd h ow t he y a r e a pplie d a r e given be low . D e sign a t ion I llust r a t ion of j oint p r e p a r a t ion Sym bol Flat ( flush) single V but t weld Convex double V but t weld Concav e fillet weld Flat ( flush) single V but t weld wit h flat ( flush) backing run Single V but t weld wit h broad root face and backing run Fillet weld wit h bot h t oes blended sm oot hly N ot e : I f t he weld sy m bol does not hav e a supplem ent ary sym bol t hen t he shape of t he w eld surface does not need t o be indicat ed precisely. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .5 Posit ion of sy m bols on dr a w ings I n order t o be able t o pr ovide com prehensive det ails for w eld j oint s, it is necessary t o dist inguish t he t wo sides of t he w eld j oint . The way t his is done, according t o BS EN I SO 2553, is by m eans of: An arr ow line. A dual refer ence line consist ing of a cont inuous line and a dashed line. Below illust rat es t he m et hod of r epr esent at ion. 3 2a 1 = Arrow line 2a = Reference line ( cont inuous line) 2b = I dent ificat ion line ( dashed line) 3 = Welding sym bol ( single V j oint ) 1 2b Joint line 1 3 .6 Re la t ionship be t w e e n t he a r r ow line a nd t h e j oint lin e One end of t he j oint line is called t he a r r ow side and t he opposit e end is called ot he r side . The ar row side is always t he end of t he j oint line t hat t he arrow line point s t o ( and t ouches) . I t can be at eit her end of t he j oint line and it is t he draught sm an who decides which end t o m ak e t he arr ow side. Below illust rat es t hese principles. ‘arrow side’ arrow line ‘other side’ ‘other side’ ‘arrow side’ ‘other side’ ‘arrow side’ arrow line WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols ‘arrow side’ arrow line ‘other side’ arrow line 13-6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ther e ar e som e conv ent ions about t he ar r ow line: I t m ust t ouch one end of t he j oint line. I t j oins one end of t he cont inuous refer ence line. I n case of a non- sym m e t r ica l j oint , such as a single bevel j oint , t he arr ow line m ust point t owards t he j oint m em ber t hat will have t he weld preparat ion put on t o it ( as shown below) . An exam ple of how a single- bevel but t j oint should be repr esent ed is shown below. 1 3 .7 Posit ion of t he r e fe r e nce line a n d posit ion of t h e w e ld sym bol The r efer ence line should, wherev er possible, be drawn parallel t o t he bot t om edge of t he drawing ( or perpendicular t o it ) . For a non- sym m et rical weld it is essent ial t hat t he arr ow side and ot her side of t he weld be dist inguished. The conv ent ion for doing t his is: Sym bols for t he weld det ails required on t he arr ow side m ust be placed on t he cont inuous line. Sym bols for t he weld det ails on ot her side m ust be placed on t he dashed line. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .8 Posit ion s of t h e cont inuou s line a n d t he da she d lin e BS EN ISO 2553 allows t he dashed line t o be eit her above or below t he cont inuous line – as shown below. or I f t he weld is a sym m et rical weld t hen it is not necessary t o dist inguish bet ween t he t wo sides and BS EN I SO 2553 st at es t hat t he dashed line should be om it t ed. Thus, a single V but t weld wit h a backing run can be shown by eit her of t he four sym bolic represent at ions shown below. Single V weld wit h a backing run Arr ow side Ot her side Arr ow side Ot her side Ot her side Arr ow side Ot her side Arr ow side N ot e : This flexibilit y wit h t he posit ion of t he cont inuous and dashed lines is an int erim m easur e t hat BS EN I SO 2553 allows so t hat old drawings ( t o t he obsolet e BS 499 Part 2, for exam ple) can be conv enient ly conv ert ed t o show t he EN m et hod of represent at ion. 1 3 .9 D im e nsion ing of w e ld s Ge n e r a l r ule s Dim ensions m ay need t o be specified for som e t ypes of w eld and BS EN I SO 2553 specifies a convent ion for t his. Dim ensions for t he cross- sect ion of t he w eld are w rit t en on t he left - hand side of t he sym bol. Lengt h dim ensions for t he weld are writ t en on t he right hand side of t he sym bol. I n t he absence of any indicat ion t o t he cont rar y, all but t welds ar e full penet rat ion w elds. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .9 .1 Sym bols for cr oss- se ct ion dim e n sions The following let t ers ar e used t o indicat e dim ensions: a Z s Fillet weld t hroat t hickness. Fillet weld leg lengt h. Penet rat ion dept h. ( Applicable t o part ial penet rat ion fillet s..) but t welds and deep penet r at ion Som e exam ples of how t hese sym bols ar e used are shown below. 10m m Part ial penet rat ion single V but t weld s1 0 Z8 Fillet weld wit h 8m m leg 8m m a6 Fillet weld wit h 6m m t hroat 6m m WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .9 .2 Sym bols for le ngt h dim e nsion s To specify weld lengt h dim ensions and, for int erm it t ent welds t he num ber of individual weld lengt hs ( weld elem ent s) , t he following let t ers ar e used: l ( e) n Lengt h of w eld. Dist ance bet w een adj acent weld elem ent s. Num ber of w eld elem ent s. The use of t hese let t ers is illust rat ed for t he int erm it t ent double- sided fillet weld shown below. 100m m 8 150m m Plan view End view zZ n x l ( e) Z n x l ( e) Z8 Z8 3 × 150 ( 100) 3 × 150 ( 100) N ot e : dashed line not r equired because it is a sym m et rical weld. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-10 Copyright © TWI Lt d I f an int erm it t ent double- sided fillet weld is t o be st agger ed, t he conv ent ion for indicat ing t his is shown below. l ( e) z Plan view 1 3 .9 .3 End view Com ple m e nt a r y in dica t ions Com plem ent ary indicat ions m ay be needed t o specify ot her charact erist ics of welds. Exam ples ar e: Field or sit e w elds is indicat ed by a flag. A peripheral weld, t o be m ade all around a part , is indicat ed by a circle. WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-11 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 3 .1 0 I ndica t ion of t he w e lding pr oce ss I f r equired, t he w elding process is t o be sy m bolised by a num ber writ t en bet ween t he t wo branches of a fork at t he end of t he reference line – as shown below. Som e welding process designat ions 111 1 3 .1 1 111 121 131 135 141 = = = = = MMA SAW MI G MAG TI G Ot h e r I n for m a t ion in t h e t a il of t h e r e f e r e n ce lin e I n addit ion t o specifying t he w elding process, ot her infor m at ion can be added t o an ope n t a il ( shown abov e) such as t he NDT accept ance lev el t he w or king posit ion and t he filler m et al t ype and BS EN I SO 2553 defines t he sequence t hat m ust be used for t his infor m at ion. A closed t ail can also be used int o which refer ence t o a specific inst ruct ion can be added – as shown below. WPS 014 1 3 .1 2 W e ld sym bols in a ccor da nce w it h AW S 2 .4 Many of t he sym bols and convent ions t hat are specified by BS EN I SO 2553 are t he sam e as t hose used by AWS. The m aj or differ ences are: Only one reference line is used ( a cont inuous line) . Sym bols for w eld det ails on t he a r r ow side go u nde r n e a t h t h e r e fe r e n ce lin e . Sym bols for w eld det ails on t he ot he r side go on t op of t h e r e f e r e n ce lin e . WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-12 Copyright © TWI Lt d These differences ar e illust rat ed by t he following exam ple. Arrow side Ot her side WI S10- 30816 Welding Sym bols 13-13 Copyright © TWI Lt d Weld Symbols on Drawings Joints in drawings may be indicated By detailed sketches, showing every dimension. Welding Symbols By symbolic representation. Section 13 Copyright © TWI Ltd Weld Symbols on Drawings A method of transferring information from the design office to the workshop is: Please weld here The above information does not tell us much about the wishes of the designer. We obviously need some sort of code which would be understood by everyone. Most countries have their own standards for symbols. Some of them are AWS A2.4 & BS EN ISO 2553 Copyright © TWI Ltd Weld Symbols on Drawings Advantages of symbolic representation Simple and quick plotting on the drawing. Does not over-burden the drawing. No need for additional view. Gives all necessary indications regarding the specific joint to be obtained. Disadvantages of symbolic representation Used only for usual joints. Requires training for properly understanding of symbols. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Weld Symbols on Drawings Arrow Line (BS EN ISO 2553 & AWS A2.4) Convention of the arrow line The symbolic representation includes An arrow line. A reference line. An elementary symbol. The elementary symbol may be completed by A supplementary symbol. A means of showing dimensions. Some complementary indications. Copyright © TWI Ltd Shall touch the joint intersection. Shall not be parallel to the drawing. Shall point towards a single plate preparation (when only one plate has preparation). Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐1 Reference Line (AWS A2.4) Convention of the reference line Shall touch the arrow line. Shall be parallel to the bottom of the drawing. Reference Line (BS EN ISO 2553) Convention of the reference line Shall touch the arrow line. Shall be parallel to the bottom of the drawing. There shall be a further broken identification line above or beneath the reference line (Not necessary where the weld is symmetrical and should be omitted). or Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Elementary Welding Symbols (BS EN ISO 2553 & AWS A2.4) Convention of the elementary symbols Various categories of joints are characterised by an elementary symbol. The vertical line in the symbols for a fillet weld, single/double bevel butts and a J-butt welds must always be on the left side. Weld type Square edge butt weld Sketch Symbol Single-v butt weld Elementary Welding Symbols Weld type Sketch Symbol Single-V butt weld with broad root face Single bevel butt weld Single bevel butt weld with broad root face Backing run Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Elementary Welding Symbols Weld type Sketch Symbol Single-U butt weld Double Side Weld Symbols (BS EN ISO 2553 & AWS A2.4) Convention of the double side weld symbols Representation of welds done from both sides of the joint intersection, touched by the arrow head. Single-J butt weld Surfacing Fillet weld Double bevel Double J Fillet weld Double V Copyright © TWI Ltd Double U Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐2 Dimensions Convention of dimensions In most standards the cross sectional dimensions are given to the left side of the symbol, and all linear dimensions are give on the right side. BS EN ISO 2553 a = Design throat thickness. s = Depth of Penetration, Throat thickness. z = Leg length (min material thickness). Supplementary Symbols (BS EN ISO 2553 & AWS A2.4) Convention of supplementary symbols Supplementary information such as welding process, weld profile, NDT and any special instructions Ground flush AWS A2.4 In a fillet weld, the size of the weld is the leg length. In a butt weld, the size of the weld is based on the depth of the joint preparation. 111 MR M Removable backing strip Permanent backing strip Welding process numerical BS EN Further supplementary information, such as WPS number, or NDT may be placed in the fish tail Copyright © TWI Ltd Supplementary Symbols Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Symbols (BS EN ISO 2553 & AWS A2.4) Convention of supplementary symbols Supplementary information such as welding process, weld profile, NDT and any special instructions Toes to be ground smoothly (BS EN only) Site Weld BS EN ISO 2553 Concave or Convex Weld all round Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Reference lines Arrow line Other side Arrow side Arrow side Arrow side Other side Arrow side Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐3 BS EN ISO 2553 BS EN ISO 2553 Other side Both sides Other side Both sides Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 a BS EN ISO 2553 b Mitre c Convex Toes shall be blended Concave d Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Peripheral welds Field weld (site weld) NDT The component requires NDT inspection Welding to be carried out all round component (peripheral weld) WPS Additional information, the reference document is included in the box Copyright © TWI Ltd z10 10 10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐4 BS EN ISO 2553 a = Design throat thickness s = Depth of penetration, throat thickness z = Leg length (min material thickness) a = (0.7 x z) BS EN ISO 2553 n = number of weld elements l = length of each weld element (e) = distance between each weld element n x l a4 z a (e) 4mm Design throat Welds to be staggered s z6 s6 2 x 40 (50) 3 x 40 (50) 6mm Actual throat 6mm leg 111 Process Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 BS EN ISO 2553 All dimensions in mm 5 80 80 All dimensions in mm z5 3 x 80 (90) z6 3 x 80 (90) 6 80 5 80 90 90 3 x 80 (90) z6 3 x 80 (90) 80 6 8 6 80 z8 90 90 90 90 8 6 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 BS EN ISO 2553 MR M Single V butt with permanent backing strip Single V butt flush cap Single U butt with removable backing strip Single bevel butt Double bevel butt Single U butt with sealing run Single bevel butt Single J butt Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐5 BS EN ISO 2553 s10 10 BS EN ISO 2553 Square butt weld Plug weld 15 Partial penetration single V butt ‘S’ indicates the depth of penetration Resistance spot weld Steep flanked single V butt Resistance seam weld Surfacing Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Compound Weld Ex BS EN ISO 2553 Numerical values for welding processes 111: MMA welding with covered electrode 121: Sub-arc welding with wire electrode 131: MIG welding with inert gas shield 135: MAG welding with non-inert gas shield 136: Flux core arc welding 141: TIG welding 311: Oxy-acetylene welding 72: Electro-slag welding 15: Plasma arc welding Complete the symbol drawing for the welded cruciform joint provided below All welds are welded with the MAG process and fillet welds with the MMA process 7 35 15 10 20 30 All fillet weld leg lengths 10 mm Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Compound Weld Ex Complete the symbol drawing for the welded cruciform joint provided below. All welds are welded with the MAG process and fillet welds with the MMA process. z10 S30 7 35 15 135/111 10 135/111 S20 z10 20 30 z10 a 7 S35 S15 z10 All fillet weld leg lengths 10 mm Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2553 Rules Welds this side of joint, go on the unbroken reference line while welds the other side of the joint, go on the broken reference line. Symbols with a vertical line component must be drawn with the vertical line to the left side of the symbol. All CSA dimensions are shown to the left of the symbol. All linear dimensions are shown on the right of the symbol ie number of welds, length of welds, length of any spaces. Included angle and root opening are shown on top of the symbol. Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐6 BS EN ISO 2553 Rules - Example Welding Symbols All leg lengths shall be preceded by z and throat by a or s (in case of deep penetration welds) z 10 3 x 50 (50) AWS A2.4 50 50 10 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd AWS Welding Symbols Depth of bevel AWS Welding Symbols Welding process Root opening 1 (1-1/8) 1(1-1/8) 1/8 60° Effective throat Groove angle GSFCAW 1/8 60° GMAW GTAW SAW Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd AWS Welding Symbols AWS Welding Symbols Welds to be staggered 3 – 10 3 – 10 3rd Operation Sequence of operations SMAW 2nd Operation Process 3 3 1st Operation 1(1-1/8) FCAW 1/8 60° 10 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐7 AWS Welding Symbols Welds on arrow side of joint go underneath the reference line while welds the other side of the joint, go on top of the reference line. Symbols with a vertical line component must be drawn with the vertical line to the left side of the symbol. All CSA dimensions are shown to the left of the symbol. All linear dimensions are shown on the right of the symbol ie number of welds, length of welds, length of any spaces. Included angle and root opening are shown on top of the symbol. RT Sequence of operations MT MT 1(1-1/8) AWS A 2.4 Rules FCAW 1/8 60° Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd AWS A 2.4 Rules - Example 10 3 x 50 (70) Any Questions ? 70 50 10 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 10 Questions relating to Welding Symbols – refer to Vessel Drawing 1 in Appendix 3 Based on the information given, what would be the appropriate weld symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 for the joint numbered 1, if the excess weld metal was removed to allow ultrasonic testing from the outside of the vessel? The joint has been welded using the FCAW process. 136 135 a Copyright © TWI Ltd b 131 c 136 d Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐8 Question 2 Based on the information given, what would be the appropriate weld symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 for the joint numbered 2, if it was welded from the outside of the vessel by the SAW process with a sealing run on the inside of the vessel? 111 15 a b 121 c Question 3 At position 3, what would be the appropriate weld symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 , if a set on nozzle type configuration, welded from the outside of the vessel using the MMA welding process? a d 111 111 131 SUB ARC 111 b c d Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 At position 3, what would be the appropriate weld symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 , if a set through joint configuration was used and a 14mm design throat was required on the inside, and a 20mm leg length fillet on the outside of the vessel, using the MAG welding process? a14 135 z20 z20 131 a14 a 135 z20 b At position 4 on the vessel, what would be the appropriate symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 , if a fillet weld was required with a 26mm leg length fillet on the outside of the flange and a 14mm design throat on the inside on the flange? z20 z20 135 z20 c Question 5 a14 z26 a14 z26 z26 a14 z26 a14 c d a d b Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 6 At position 3 on the vessel, what would be the appropriate weld symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 , if a compound weld was required on the outside of the vessel with a 30mm leg length and a 14mm design throat weld on the inside of the vessel using the MMA process? a30 a14 a14 141 a14 z30 a b 131 c d Copyright © TWI Ltd 2 a MR MR 135 111 z14 z30 At position 1, the material thickness has been changed to 5mm. What would be the appropriate welding symbol to BS EN ISO 2553 , if a single sided weld from the outside of the vessel was used with removable backing using the MAG process? MR 111 111 z30 Question 7 b M 137 136 c d Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐9 Question 8 Question 9 When using BS EN ISO 2553 , the term symmetrical means? a. b. c. d. At position 2 on the vessel, if a single sided bevel joint was required on the dished end when welding from the outside, in accordance with BS EN ISO 2553 which would be the correct symbol? The same, arrow and other side Different arrow and other side Only refers to the arrow side Only refers to the other side a Copyright © TWI Ltd ) b c d Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 The letter s preceding a symbol dimension to BS EN ISO 2553 means? a. b. c. d. Weld requires flushing Toes require blending Depth of penetration Standard shape Copyright © TWI Ltd 13‐10 Se ct ion 1 4 NDT 14 NDT Radiographic, ult rasonic, dye- penet rant and m agnet ic part icle m et hods are briefly described below. The relat ive advant ages and lim it at ions of t he m et hods are discussed in t erm s of t heir applicabilit y t o t he exam inat ion of w elds. 1 4 .1 Ra d iog r a p hic m e t hod s I n all cases radiographic m et hods as applied t o welds involve passing a beam of penet rat ing radiat ion t hrough t he t est obj ect . The t ransm it t ed radiat ion is collect ed by som e form of sensor, which is capable of m easuring t he relat ive int ensit ies of penet rat ing radiat ions im pinging upon it . I n m ost cases t his sensor will be a radiographic film ; howev er t he use of various elect r onic devices is on t he increase. These devices facilit at e so- called real t im e radiography and exam ples m ay be seen in t he securit y check ar ea at m ost airport s. Digit al t echnology has enabled t he st oring of radiographs using com put er s. The present discussion is confined t o film radiography since t his is st ill by far t he m ost com m on m et hod applied t o welds. 1 4 .1 .1 Sour ce s of pe n e t r a t in g r a dia t ion Penet rat ing radiat ions m ay be generat ed fr om high- energy elect r on beam s, in which case t hey are t erm ed X ray s, or fr om nuclear disint egrat ions ( at om ic fission) , in which case t hey are t erm ed γ- rays. Ot her form s of penet rat ing radiat ion exist but t hey are of lim it ed int erest in weld radiography. 1 4 .1 .2 X rays X rays used in t he indust rial radiography of welds generally have phot on energies in t he range 30keV up t o 20MeV. Up t o 400keV t hey are generat ed by conv ent ional X ray t ubes which dependant upon out put m ay be suit able for port able or fixed inst allat ions. Port abilit y falls off rapidly wit h increasing kilovolt age and radiat ion out put . Above 400keV X ray s are produced using devices such as bet at r ons and linear accelerat ors. These dev ices are not generally suit able for use out side of fixed inst allat ions. All sources of X rays produce a cont inuous spect rum of radiat ion, reflect ing t he spread of kinet ic energies of elect rons wit hin t he elect ron beam . Low energy radiat ions are m ore easily absorbed and t he presence of low energy radiat ions, wit hin t he X ray beam , gives rise t o bet t er r adiographic cont rast and t herefor e bet t er radiographic sensit ivit y t han is in t he case wit h γ- rays which are discussed below. Convent ional X ray unit s ar e capable of per for m ing high qualit y radiography on st eel of up t o 60m m t hickness, bet at r ons and linear accelerat ors ar e capable of penet rat ing in excess of 300m m of st eel. WI S10- 30816 NDT 14-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 4 .1 .3 γ- r a ys The early sources of γ- rays used in indust rial radiography w er e in general com posed of nat urally occurring radium . The act ivit y of t hese sources was not very high, t herefor e t hey wer e physically rat her large by m odern st andards ev en for quit e m odest out put s of radiat ion and t he radiographs pr oduced by t hem wer e not of a part icularly high st andard. Radium sources wer e also ext r em ely hazardous t o t he user due t o t he product ion of radioact ive radon gas as a pr oduct of t he fission react ion. Since t he advent of t he nuclear age it has been possible t o art ificially produce isot opes of m uch higher specific act ivit y t han t hose occur ring nat urally and which do not pr oduce hazardous fission pr oduct s. Unlike t he X- ray sources γsour ces do not pr oduce a cont inuous dist ribut ion of quant um energies. γsour ces produce a num ber of specific quant um energies which ar e unique for any part icular isot ope. Four isot opes ar e in com m on use for t he radiography of welds; t hey ar e in ascending order of radiat ion energy: t hulium 90, yt t erbium 169, iridium 192 and cobalt 60. I n t erm s of st eel t hulium 90 is useful up t o a t hickness of 7m m or so, it ’s energy is sim ilar t o t hat of 90keV X rays and due t o it ’s high specific act ivit y useful sources can be pr oduced wit h physical dim ensions of less t han 0.5m m . Yt t erbium 169 has only fairly recent ly becom e available as an isot ope for indust rial use, it ’s ener gy is sim ilar t o t hat of 120keV X ray s and it is useful for t he radiography of st eel up t o appr oxim at ely 12m m t hickness. I ridium 192 is probably t he m ost com m only encount er ed isot opic sour ce of radiat ion used in t he radiographic exam inat ion of w elds, it has a relat ively high specific act ivit y and high out put sources wit h physical dim ensions of 2- 3m m are in com m on usage, it ’s energy is approxim at ely equivalent t o t hat of 500 keV X rays and it is useful for t he radiography of st eel in t he t hickness range 1075m m . Cobalt 60 has an energy approxim at ing t o t hat of 1.2MeV X ray s, due t o t his relat ively high energy suit able source cont ainer s are large and rat her heavy. Cobalt 60 sour ces ar e for t his r eason not fully port able. They are useful for t he radiography of st eel in t he t hickness range 40- 150m m . The m aj or advant ages of using isot opic sources ov er X rays ar e: a b c The increased port abilit y. The lack of t he need for a pow er sour ce. Low er init ial equipm ent cost s. Against t his t he qualit y of radiographs produced by γ- ray t echniques is inferior t o t hat produced by X ray t echniques, t he hazards t o personnel m ay be increased ( if t he equipm ent is not properly m aint ained, or if t he operat ing per sonnel have insufficient t raining) and due t o t heir lim it ed useful lifespan new isot opes hav e t o be pur chased on a r egular basis ( so t hat t he operat ing cost s of a γ- ray source m ay exceed t hose of an X ray source) . WI S10- 30816 NDT 14-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 4 .1 .4 Ra d iog r a p hy of w e ld s Radiographic t echniques depend upon det ect ing differ ences in absorpt ion of t he beam ie: changes in t he effect ive t hickness of t he t est obj ect , in order t o r ev eal defect ive areas. Volum et ric weld defect s such as slag inclusions ( ex cept in som e special cases wher e t he slag absorbs radiat ion t o a great er ext ent t han does t he weld m et al) and various form s of gas porosit y are easily det ect ed by radiographic t echniques due t o t he large negat ive absorpt ion difference bet w een t he par ent m et al and t he slag or gas. Planar defect s such as cracks or lack of side w all or int er- run fusion are m uch less likely t o be det ect ed by radiography since such defect s m ay cause lit t le or no change in t he penet rat ed t hickness. Wher e defect s of t his t ype are likely t o occur ot her NDE t echniques such as ult rasonic t est ing are pr eferable t o radiography. This lack of sensit ivit y t o planar defect s m ak es radiogr aphy an unsuit able t echnique wher e a fit ness- for- purpose appr oach is t aken when assessing t he accept abilit y of a w eld. How ev er, film radiography produces a perm anent record of t he w eld condit ion, which can be archived for fut ur e reference; it also provides an excellent m eans of assessing t he welder’s per form ance and for t hese r easons it is oft en st ill t he preferr ed m et hod for new const ruct ion. Figur e 1 4 .1 X r a y e quipm e nt . WI S10- 30816 NDT Figur e 1 4 .2 Ga m m a - r a y e quipm e n t . 14-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 4 .3 X r a y of a w e lde d se a m sh ow in g por osit y. 1 4 .1 .5 Ra diogr a phic t e st in g 1 4 .1 .6 Adv a nt a ge s Per m anent r ecord Good for sizing non planar defect s/ flaws Can be used on all m at erials Direct im age of defect s/ flaws Real- t im e im aging Can be posit ion inside pipe ( product ivit y) Ver y good t hickness penet rat ion available No power required wit h gam m a Lim it a t ions Healt h hazard. Safet y ( im port ant ) Classified work er s, m edicals required Sensit ive t o defect orient at ion Not good for planar defect det ect ion Lim it ed abilit y t o det ect fine cracks Access t o bot h sides required Skilled int erpr et at ion required Relat ively slow High capit al out lay and running cost s I sot opes hav e a half life ( cost ) Ult r a son ic m e t hods The v elocit y of ult rasound in any given m at erial is a const ant for t hat m at erial and ult rasonic beam s t rav el in st raight lines in hom ogeneous m at erials. When ult rasonic wav es pass from a given m at erial wit h a given sound v elocit y t o a second m at erial wit h different v elocit y refract ion and r eflect ion of t he sound beam will occur at t he boundary bet ween t he t w o m at erials. The sam e laws of physics apply equally t o ult rasonic wav es as t hey do t o light waves. Because ult rasonic waves ar e r efract ed at a boundar y bet ween t w o m at erials having different acoust ic pr opert ies, probes m ay be const ruct ed which can beam sound int o a m at erial at ( wit hin cert ain lim it s) any given angle. Because sound is r eflect ed at a boundary bet ween t w o m at erials having different acoust ic pr opert ies ult rasound is a useful t ool for t he det ect ion of w eld defect s. Because t he v elocit y is a const ant for any given m at erial and because sound t rav els in a st raight line ( wit h t he right equipm ent ) ult rasound can also be ut ilised t o give accur at e posit ional inform at ion about a given r eflect or. WI S10- 30816 NDT 14-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d Careful observat ion of t he echo pat t ern of a given reflect or and it s behaviour as t he ult rasonic probe is m ov ed t oget her wit h t he posit ional inform at ion obt ained abov e and knowledge of t he com ponent hist or y enables t he experienced ult rasonic operat or t o classify t he reflect or as say slag lack of fusion or a crack . 1 4 .1 .7 Equipm e nt for u lt r a sonic t e st ing Equipm ent for m anual ult rasonic t est ing consist s of: a A f la w de t e ct or com pr ising: Pulse generat or. Adj ust able t im e base generat or wit h an adj ust able delay cont r ol. Cat hode ray t ube wit h fully rect ified display. Calibrat ed am plifier wit h a graduat ed gain cont rol or at t enuat or) . b An ult r a sonic pr obe com pr ising: Piezo- elect ric cryst al elem ent capable of conv ert ing elect rical vibrat ions t o m echanical vibrat ions and vice- versa. Probe shoe, norm ally a Per spex block t o which t he cry st al is firm ly at t ached using a suit able adhesive. Elect rical and/ or m echanical cryst al dam ping facilit ies t o prevent excessive ringing. Such equipm ent is light weight and ext rem ely port able. Aut om at ed or sem iaut om at ed syst em s for ult rasonic t est ing ut ilise t he sam e basic equipm ent alt hough in general t his will be m ult i- channel equipm ent , it is bulkier and less port able. Probes for aut om at ed syst em s are set in array s and som e form of m anipulat or is necessary in order t o feed posit ional infor m at ion about t he pr obes t o t he com put er. Aut om at ed syst em s generat e v ery large am ount s of dat a and m ake large dem ands upon t he RAM of t he com put er . Recent advances in aut om at ed UT have led t o a r educed am ount of dat a being recorded for a given lengt h of weld. Sim plified probe ar ray s have great ly reduced t he com plexit y of set t ing up t he aut om at ed sy st em t o carr y out a part icular t ask. Aut om at ed UT syst em s now provide a serious alt ernat ive t o radiography on such const ruct ions as pipelines wher e a large num ber of sim ilar inspect ions allow t he unit cost of syst em dev elopm ent t o be reduced t o a com pet it ive lev el. Figur e 1 4 .4 Ult r a sonic e quipm e nt . WI S10- 30816 NDT 14-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 4 .5 Com pr e ssion a nd she a r w a ve pr obe s. Figur e 1 4 .6 Sca nnin g t e chnique w it h a she a r w a ve pr obe . Figur e 1 4 .7 Typica l scr e e n displa y w he n u sing a she a r w a ve pr obe . 1 4 .1 .8 Ult r a son ic t e st ing WI S10- 30816 NDT Adv a nt a ge s Port able ( no m ains pow er) bat t ery Direct locat ion of defect ( 3 dim ensional) Good for com plex geom et ry Safe operat ion ( can be car ried out next t o som eone) I nst ant result s High penet rat ing capabilit y Can be done fr om one side only Good for finding planar defect s 14-6 Lim it a t ions No perm anent r ecord Only fer rit ic m at erials ( m ainly) High level of oper at or skill required Calibrat ion of equipm ent required Special calibrat ion blocks r equired No good for pin point ing por osit y Crit ical of surface condit ions ( clean sm oot h) Will not det ect surface defect s Mat erial t hickness > 8m m due t o dead zone Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 4 .2 M a gn e t ic pa r t icle t e st ing Surface breaking or give rise t o leakage leakage fields will t hem selves and t his ver y near surface discont inuit ies in fer r om agnet ic m at erials fields when high levels of m agnet ic flux are applied. These at t ract m agnet ic part icles ( finely divided m agnet it e) t o process leads t o t he form at ion of an indicat ion. The m agnet ic part icles m ay be visibly or fluorescent ly pigm ent ed in order t o provide cont rast wit h t he subst rat e or conversely t he subst rat e m ay be light ly coat ed wit h a whit e backgr ound paint in order t o cont rast wit h t he part icles. Fluorescent m agnet ic part icles provide t he great est sensit ivit y. The part icles will norm ally be in a liquid suspension and t his will norm ally be applied by spraying. I n cert ain cases dr y part icles m ay be applied by a gent le j et of air. The t echnique is applicable only t o fer rom agnet ic m at erials, which are at a t em perat ur e below t he curie point ( about 650°C) . Th e leakage field will be great est for linear discont inuit ies lying at right angles t o t he m agnet ic field. This m eans t hat for a com prehensive t est t he m agnet ic field m ust nor m ally be applied in t wo direct ions, which are m ut ually perpendicular. The t est is econom ical t o carr y out bot h in t erm s of equipm ent cost s and rapidit y of inspect ion. The level of operat or t r aining required is r elat ively low. Figur e 1 4 .8 M a gne t ic pa r t icle inspe ct ion u sing a yok e . Figur e 1 4 .9 Cr a ck fou nd using m a gne t ic pa r t icle inspe ct ion. WI S10- 30816 NDT 14-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 4 .2 .1 M a gn e t ic pa r t icle t e st ing Adv a nt a ge s I nexpensive equipm ent Direct locat ion of defect Not crit ical of surface condit ions Could be applied wit hout power Low skill level Sub defect s surface 1- 2m m Quick inst ant result s Hot t est ing ( using dry powder) Can be used in t he dark ( UV light 1 4 .3 Lim it a t ions Only m agnet ic m at erials May need to dem agnet ise com ponent s Access m ay be a pr oblem for t he yok e Need power if using a yok e No perm anent r ecord Calibrat ion of equipm ent Test ing in t wo direct ions r equired Need good light ing 500 Lux m inim um D ye pe n e t r a n t t e st in g Any liquid t hat has good wet t ing propert ies will act as a penet rant . Penet rant s are at t ract ed int o surface breaking discont inuit ies by capillary for ces. Penet rant , which has ent ered a t ight discont inuit y, will rem ain even when t he excess penet rant is r em ov ed. Applicat ion of a suit able dev eloper will encourage t he penet rant wit hin such discont inuit ies t o bleed out . I f t her e is a suit able cont rast bet ween t he penet rant and t he dev eloper an indicat ion visible t o t he eye will be for m ed. This cont rast m ay be pr ovided by eit her visible or fluorescent dyes. Use of fluorescent dy es considerably increases t he sensit ivit y of t he t echnique. The t echnique is not applicable at ext rem es of t em perat ure. At low t em perat ur es ( below 5°C) t he penet rant vehicle, nor m ally oil will becom e excessively viscous and t his will cause an increase in t he penet rat ion t im e wit h a consequent decr ease in sensit ivit y. At high t em perat ur es ( abov e 60°C) t he penet rant will dry out and t he t echnique will not wor k. Figur e 1 4 .1 0 M e t hods of a pplying t he r e d dye dur ing dye - pe ne t r a n t inspe ct ion. WI S10- 30816 NDT 14-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 4 .1 1 Cr a ck fou n d usin g dye - pe ne t r a nt inspe ct ion. 1 4 .3 .1 D ye pe n e t r a n t Adv a nt a ge s All m at erials ( non- porous) Port able Applicable t o sm all part s wit h com plex geom et r y Sim ple I nexpensive Sensit ivit y Relat ively low skill level ( easy t o int erpr et ) 1 4 .4 Lim it a t ions Will only det ect defect s open t o t he surface Requires car eful surface preparat ion Not applicable t o porous surfaces Tem perat ur e dependant Cannot r et est indefinit ely Pot ent ially hazardous chem icals No perm anent r ecord Tim e lapse bet ween applicat ion and result s Messy Sur f a ce cr a ck de t e ct ion ( m a gne t ic pa r t icle / dye pe ne t r a nt ) : ge n e r a l When considering t he r elat ive value of NDE t echniques, it should not be forgot t en t hat m ost cat ast r ophic failures init iat e fr om t he surface of a com ponent , t herefore t he value of t he m agnet ic part icle and dye Penet rant t echniques should not be underest im at ed. Ult rasonic inspect ion m ay not det ect near surface defect s easily since t he indicat ions m ay be m asked by echoes arising fr om t he com ponent geom et r y and should t herefor e be supplem ent ed by an appropriat e surface crack det ect ion t echnique for m axim um t est confidence. Re vie w of N D T docu m e nt a t ion I n reviewing or car rying out an audit of NDT r eport s cert ain aspect s apply t o all report s whilst ot hers ar e specific t o a part icular t echnique. Ge n e r a l r e qu ir e m e nt s: WI S10- 30816 NDT Dat e/ t im e/ st age of inspect ion. Place of inspect ion. Procedure or St andard t o which t he t est was perform ed. St andard used for accept ance crit eria. Mat erial t ype and t hickness. Joint configurat ion. All defect s ident ified, locat ed and sized. NDT t echnicians nam e and qualificat ion. St am ped signed and dat ed. 14-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ult r a son ic spe cif ic – not e not su it a ble for a ll w e ld m e t a l t ype s Surface finish ie as- welded or ground. Type of equipm ent . Probe t ypes – com pression and shear wave. Probe sizes – usually 10m m . Probe fr equency – t ypically 2.5–5MHz. Probe angles – t ypically 45, 60, 70, 90. Type of couplant . Calibrat ion block t ype and hole size. Calibrat ion range set t ing. Scanning pat t ern. Sensit ivit y set t ing. Recording level. Ra diogr a phic spe cific Type of radiat ion – X or gam m a Source t ype, size and st rengt h ( curies) Tube focal spot size and pow er ( Kva) Technique eg single wall single im age Source/ focal spot t o film dist ance Type and range of I QI . Type and size of film . Type and placem ent of int ensifying scr eens. Exposur e t im e. Dev elopm ent t em ps and t im es. Recorded sensit ivit y – bet t er t han 2% . Recorded densit y range – 2- 3.5. M a gn e t ic p a r t icle spe cific – n ot e m e t h od su it a ble for fe r r it ic st e e ls on ly Met hod – wet / dry, fluor escent , cont r ast , et c. Met hod of m agnet isat ion- DC or AC. Equipm ent t ype – prod, yok e, perm . m agnet , bench, coils. Prod spacing ( 7.5A/ m m ) . Lift t est for m agnet s – 4.5kg for AC y ok e, 18kg for perm . Magnet . Cont rast paint . I nk t ype. Prod/ y ok e t est scan sequence – 2 x at 45 0 t o w eld c/ l. Light ing condit ions – 500 Lux m in for daylight , 20 Lux for UV. UV light - 1m W/ cm 2 . Flux m easurem ent st rips – Burm ah- Cast r ol, et c. Pe n e t r a n t spe cific WI S10- 30816 NDT Met hod – colour cont rast or fluorescent . Surface pr eparat ion. Penet rant t ype. Applicat ion m et hod and t im e ( 5- 60m in) . Met hod of r em oval. Type and applicat ion of dev eloper. Cont rast light – 500 Lux m in. Black light – 20 Lux. Operat ing t em perat ur e - 5–50 ° C. 14-10 Copyright © TWI Lt d Non-Destructive Testing A welding inspector should have a working knowledge of NDT methods and their applications, advantages and disadvantages. Four basic NDT methods Magnetic particle inspection (MT). Dye penetrant inspection (PT). Radiographic inspection (RT). Ultrasonic inspection (UT). NDT Section 14 Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Radiographic Testing The principles of radiography X or Gamma radiation is imposed upon a test object. Radiation is transmitted to varying degrees dependant upon the density of the material through which it is travelling. Thinner areas and materials of a less density show as darker areas on the radiograph. Thicker areas and materials of a greater density show as lighter areas on a radiograph. Applicable to metal’s, non-metals and composites. Radiographic Testing X–rays Gamma rays Electrically generated Generated by the decay of unstable atoms Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Radiographic Testing Radiographic Testing Source Source Radiation beam Image quality indicator Radiation beam Image quality indicator Test specimen Test specimen Radiographic film Radiographic film with latent image after exposure Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐1 Radiographic Testing Density - relates to the degree of darkness. Radiographic Density 1.23 1.88 2.13 2.44 2.63 2.93 3.03 3.53 4.23 Contrast - relates to the degree of difference. Definition - relates to the degree of sharpness. Sensitivity - relates to the overall quality of the radiograph. Density strip Density is measured by a densitometer. A densitometer should be calibrated using a density strip. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Radiographic Sensitivity Radiographic Sensitivity IQI’s/Penetrameters are used to measure radiographic sensitivity and the quality of the radiographic technique used. They are not used to measure the size of defects detected. 7FE12 Step/hole type IQI Wire type IQI Copyright © TWI Ltd Radiographic Sensitivity Duplex type IQI Copyright © TWI Ltd Radiographic Sensitivity Wire type IQI Step/hole type IQI Wire type IQI Step/Hole type IQI Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐2 Radiographic Techniques Single Wall Single Image (SWSI) Single Wall Single Image (SWSI) Film inside, source outside. Single Wall Single Image (SWSI) panoramic Film outside, source inside (internal exposure). Film Double Wall Single Image (DWSI) Film outside, source outside (external exposure). Film Double Wall Double Image (DWDI) Film outside, source outside (elliptical exposure). IQI’s should be placed source side Copyright © TWI Ltd Single Wall Single Image Panoramic Copyright © TWI Ltd Double Wall Single Image (DWSI) Film IQI’s are placed on the film side. Source inside film outside (single exposure). Film IQI’s are placed on the film side. Source outside film outside (multiple exposure). This technique is intended for pipe diameters over 100mm. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Double Wall Double Image (DWDI) Film IQI’s are placed on the source or film side. Source outside film outside (multiple exposure). A minimum of two exposures. This technique is intended for pipe diameters less than 100mm. Copyright © TWI Ltd Gamma Isotopes Isotope Iridium 192 Cobalt 60 Ytterbium 169 Thulium 170 Selenium 75 Typical thickness range 10 to 70 mm > 50 mm <10 mm < 10 mm 10 to 40mm Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐3 Radiographic Testing Gamma Isotopes Half Life The half life of an isotope is the time taken for an isotope to reduce its initial activity by a half. After two half life's the activity is reduced to one quarter of its initial activity. Isotopes are normally replaced after 3 half life's. Cobalt 60 Iridium 192 Ytterbium 169 Selenium 75 5.3 years. 74 days. 32 days. 120 days. Lead intensification screens (Pb) < 100 Kv’s None or up to 0.03mm thickness. 100 to 250 KV’s up to 0.15mm thickness. > 250 KV’s / Ir192 up to 0.2mm thickness. Co60 0.25 to 0.7mm thickness. Source Size Ir192 1.5 X 1.5 17Ci, 2.0 X 2.0 60Ci, 3 X 2 120Ci 4 X 4 300Ci. Processing Development typically 4minutes at 20°C. Fixing typically around 2-4 minutes at 20°C. Density typically 2 to 3.5. Sensitivity typically 2% or less. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Radiographic Testing Advantages Permanent record. Little surface preparation. Defect identification. No material type limitation. Not so reliant upon operator skill. Thin materials. Ultrasonic Testing Disadvantages Expensive consumables. Bulky equipment. Harmful radiation. Defect require significant depth in relation to the radiation beam (not good for planar defects). Slow results. Very little indication of depths. Access to both sides required. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Ultrasonic Testing Main features Surface and sub-surface detection. This detection method uses high frequency sound waves, typically above 2MHz to pass through a material. A probe is used which contains a piezo electric crystal to transmit and receive ultrasonic pulses and display the signals on a cathode ray tube or digital display. The actual display relates to the time taken for the ultrasonic pulses to travel the distance to the interface and back. An interface could be the back of a plate material or a defect. For ultrasound to enter a material a couplant must be introduced between the probe and specimen. Copyright © TWI Ltd Ultrasonic Testing Pulse echo signals A scan display Compression probe Digital UT set Checking the material thickness Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐4 Ultrasonic Testing Defect echo Initial pulse Back wall echo Ultrasonic Testing UT set A scan display Material Thk Defect 0 Compression probe 10 20 30 40 50 Angle probe CRT display Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Ultrasonic Testing Probes Frequency Crystal Application Initial pulse defect Defect echo ½ Skip Full Skip Defect echo 0° 4 to 5 MHz Twin 10mm Lamination scanning, weld scanning if cap ground flush 45° 4 to 5 MHz Single 10mm Weld body scanning root pass and plate thickness above 15mm 60° 4 to 5 MHz Single 10mm Weld body scanning plate thickness above 10mm 70° 4 to 5 MHz Single 10mm Weld body scanning all plate thickness 0 10 20 30 40 50 CRT Display Initial pulse defect Ultrasonic Testing Probes 0 10 20 30 40 50 CRT Display Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Ultrasonic Testing Calibration Blocks Ultrasonic Testing Calibration Blocks 70o 0 100 25 V2 (A4) Block Thickness 12.5 or 20mm 0 V1/A2 Block Copyright © TWI Ltd 100 200 V1 (A2) Block Thickness 25mm Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐5 Ultrasonic Testing Advantages Rapid results. Both surface and Sub-surface detection. Safe. Capable of measuring the depth of defects. May be battery powered. Portable. Magnetic Particle Testing Disadvantages Trained and skilled operator required. Requires high operator skill. Good surface finish required. Defect identification. Couplant may contaminate. No permanent record. Calibration Required. Ferritic material (mostly). Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Magnetic Particle Testing Main features Surface and slight sub-surface detection. Relies on magnetization of component being tested. Only Ferro-magnetic materials can be tested. A magnetic field is introduced into a specimen being tested. Methods of applying a magnetic field, yoke, permanent magnet, prods and flexible cables. Fine particles of iron powder are applied to the test area. Any defect which interrupts the magnetic field, will create a leakage field, which attracts the particles. Any defect will show up as either a dark indication or in the case of fluorescent particles under UV-A light a green/yellow indication. Magnetic Particle Testing Collection of ink particles due to leakage field Electro-magnet (yoke) DC or AC Prods DC or AC Copyright © TWI Ltd Magnetic Particle Testing Copyright © TWI Ltd Magnetic Particle Testing Alternatively to contrast inks, fluorescent inks may be used for greater sensitivity. A crack like indication These inks require a UVA light source and a darkened viewing area to inspect the component. Crack like indication Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐6 Magnetic Particle Testing Typical sequence of operations to inspect a weld Clean area to be tested. Apply contrast paint. Apply magnetisism to the component. Apply ferro-magnetic ink to the component during magnatising. Interpret the test area. Post clean and de-magnatise if required. Copyright © TWI Ltd Magnetic Particle Testing Advantages Simple to use. Inexpensive. Rapid results. Little surface preparation required. Possible to inspect through thin coatings. Penetrant Testing Main features Detection of surface breaking defects only. This test method uses the forces of capillary action. Applicable on any material type, as long they are non porous. Penetrants are available in many different types: Magnetic ink composition Non-fluorescent ink between 1.25% to 3.5% by volume. Fluorescent ink between 0.1% to 0.3% by volume. Light requirements White light 500 Lux minimum. Black light 20 Lux or 1.0mW/cm2. Permanent/electromagnets lifting capacity AC current 4.5 kg pole spacing 300mm or less. DC current 18 kg pole spacing above 75mm. Prods 6 amps/mm of spacing i.e. 200mm spacing = 1200 amps. Copyright © TWI Ltd Penetrant Testing Disadvantages Surface or slight sub-surface detection only. Magnetic materials only. No indication of defects depths. Only suitable for linear defects. Detection is required in two directions. Copyright © TWI Ltd Magnetic Particle Testing Copyright © TWI Ltd Penetrant Testing Step 1. Pre-cleaning Ensure surface is very clean normally with the use of a solvent. Water washable contrast. Solvent removable contrast. Water washable fluorescent. Solvent removable fluorescent. Post-emulsifiable fluorescent. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐7 Penetrant Testing Step 2. Apply penetrant After the application, the penetrant is normally left on the components surface for approximately 5-15 minutes (dwell time). The penetrant enters any defects that may be present by capillary action. Penetrant Testing Step 3. Clean off penetrant The penetrant is removed after sufficient penetration time (dwell time). Care must be taken not to wash any penetrant out/off any defects present. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Penetrant Testing Penetrant Testing Step 4. Apply developer Step 5. Inspection/development time After the penetrant has be cleaned sufficiently, a thin layer of developer is applied. The developer acts as a contrast against the penetrant and allows for reverse capillary action to take place. Inspection should take place immediately after the developer has been applied. Any defects present will show as a bleed out during development time. After full inspection has been carried out post cleaning is generally required. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Penetrant Testing Penetrant Testing Test procedure Penetrant time 5-15 minutes. Development/inspection time 0-30 minutes. Light requirements White light 500 Lux minimum. Black light 20 Lux or 1.0mW/cm2, below 20 Lux ambient light. Inspectors should wait 5 minutes before conducting inspection using fluorescent methods to allow the eyes to become adapted to the conditions. Colour contrast penetrant crack indication Fluorescent penetrant crack indication Copyright © TWI Ltd Temperature Between 10-50°C. Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐8 Penetrant Testing Advantages Simple to use. Inexpensive. Quick results. Can be used on any nonporous material. Portability. Low operator skill required. Disadvantages Surface breaking defect only. Little indication of depths. Penetrant may contaminate component. Surface preparation critical. Post cleaning required. Potentially hazardous chemicals. Can not test unlimited times. Temperature dependant. Copyright © TWI Ltd Any Questions ? Copyright © TWI Ltd NDT Specification Exercise Please turn to appendix 2 in your course notes (A2-1), here you will find four NDT reports accompanied by five questions for each report relating to the NDT method and referencing the TWI specification in most cases. There will be one correct answer for each question. Note! Answers will be shown on screen using PowerPoint section 14A after students have completed the exercise. Copyright © TWI Ltd 14‐9 Se ct ion 1 5 W e ldin g Con su m a ble s 15 W e ldin g Con su m a ble s Welding consum ables are defined as all t hose t hings t hat are used up in t he product ion of a w eld. This list could include m any t hings including elect rical energy; howev er w e norm ally refer t o w elding consum ables as t hose t hings used up by a part icular welding process. 1 5 .1 M M A e le ct r ode s MMA elect rodes can be cat egorised according t o t he t ype of cov ering t hey hav e and consequent ly t he charact erist ics t hat it confers. For C- Mn and low alloy st eels t her e ar e 3 gener ic t ypes of elect r odes: Cellulosic. Rut ile. Basic. These generic nam es indicat e t he t ype of m iner al/ com pound t hat is dom inant in t he covering. 1 5 .1 .1 Cove r e d e le ct r ode m a n uf a ct u r e Elect r ode m anufact ur er s pr oduce elect rodes by : * St raight ening and cut t ing core wire t o st andar d lengt hs ( t ypically 300, 350 and 450m m depending on elect rode classificat ion and diam et er) . Making a dry m ix of powder ed com pounds/ m inerals ( precise levels of addit ions depend on individual m anufact urer’s form ulat ions) . Making a wet m ix by adding t he dry powder s t o a liquid binder. Ext ruding t he covering ( concent rically) on t o t he cor e wire. Hardening t he cov ering by drying t he elect rodes. * Carr ying out bat ch t est s - as required for elect r ode cert ificat ion. Packing t he elect r odes int o suit able cont ainers. For low hydr ogen elect rodes t his is a high t em perat ur e bake - ≥~450ºC. Vacuum pack ed elect rodes ar e packed in sm all quant it ies int o packaging t hat is im m ediat ely vacuum sealed – t o ensure no m oist ure pick- up. Elect r odes t hat need t o be r e- bak ed ar e pack ed int o st andard pack et s and as t his m ay be som e t im e aft er baking, and t he packaging m ay not be sealed, t hey do not r each t he end- user in a guarant eed low hydrogen condit ion, t hey t her efore r equire r e- baking at a t ypical t em perat ur e of 350º C for appr oxim at ely 2 hours, N ot e ! You should always follow t he m anufact ur er ’s r ecom m endat ions. For individual bat ch cer t ificat ion t his will require t he m anufact ure of a t est pad for chem ical analysis and m ay require m anufact ure of a t est w eld from which a t ensile t est and Charpy V not ch t est pieces are t est ed. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .1 .2 Ele ct r ode cove r ings Cor e wires used for m ost C- Mn elect r odes, and som e low alloy st eel elect r odes, are a v er y low C st eel* and it is t he form ulat ion of t he covering t hat det erm ines t he com posit ion of t he deposit ed weld m et al and t he operat ing charact erist ics of t he elect rode. ( * t ypically ~ 0.06% C, ~ 0.5% Mn) The flux cov ering on an elect r ode is form ulat ed t o aid t he m anufact uring process and t o provide a num ber of funct ions during welding. The m aj or w elding funct ions are: 1 5 .1 .3 Facilit at e arc ignit ion/ re- ignit ion and give ar c st abilisat ion. Generat e gas for shielding t he arc and m olt en m et al from cont am inat ion by air. I nt eract wit h t he m olt en weld m et al t o give de- oxidat ion and flux im purit ies int o t he slag t o cleanse/ refine t he m olt en weld m et al. Form a slag for prot ect ion of t he hot w eld m et al from air cont am inat ion. Provide elem ent s t o give t he weld m et al t he r equired m echanical propert ies. Enable posit ional welding by m eans of slag form ers t hat fr eeze at t em perat ur es abov e t he solidificat ion t em per at ure range of t he weld m et al. I nspe ct ion point s for M M A consum a ble s 1. Size: Wire diam et er and lengt h. 2. Condit ion: Cracks, chips and concent ricit y. 3. Type ( specificat ion) : Cor r ect specificat ion/ code. E 46 3 B Check s should also be m ade t o ensur e t hat ba sic e le ct r ode s have been t hrough t he cor r ect pr e - u se pr oce du r e . Having been baked t o t he cor rect t em perat ur e ( t ypically 300- 350°C) for 1 hou r and t hen held in a holding oven at 1 5 0 °C befor e being issued t o t he w elders in h e a t e d qu iv e r s. Most elect r ode flux coat ings will det eriorat e rapidly when dam p and care should be t aken t o inspect st orage facilit ies t o ensur e t hat t hey are adequat ely dry , and t hat all elect r odes ar e st ored in condit ions of cont rolled t em perat ur e and hum idit y. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .2 Ce llu losic e le ct r ode s Cellulose is t he principal subst ance in t his t ype of elect rode and com prising t ypically ~ 40% of t he flux const it uent s. Cellulose is an organic m at erial ( nat urally occurring) such as cot t on and wood, but it is wood pulp t hat is t he principal source of cellulose used in t he m anufact ure of elect rode cov erings. The m ain charact erist ics of cellulosic elect rodes are: 1 5 .2 .1 Cellulose br eaks down during welding and produces carbon m onoxide and dioxide and hydr ogen. Hydr ogen provides part of t he gas shielding funct ion and gives a relat ively high arc v olt age. The high arc volt age gives t he elect rode a hard and forceful arc wit h good penet rat ion/ fusion abilit y. The v olum e of slag form ed is r elat ively sm all. Cellulosic elect rodes cannot be baked during m anufact ure or before welding because t his would dest roy t he cellulose; t he m anufact uring procedure is t o harden t he coat ing by drying ( t ypically at 70- 100º C) . Because of t he high hydrogen levels t her e is always som e risk of H cracking which requires cont r ol m easur es such as hot - pass w elding t o facilit at e t he rapid escape of hydrogen. Because of t he risk of H cracking t here are lim it s on t he st rengt h/ com posit ion and t hickness of st eels on which t hey can be used ( elect rode are m anufact ur ed in classes E60xx , E70xx , E80xx and E90xx but bot h lower st rengt h grades t end t o be t he m ost com m only used) . High t oughness at low t em perat ur es cannot be consist ent ly achieved fr om t his t ype of elect r ode ( t ypically only down t o about - 20º C) . Applica t ions of ce llulosic e le ct r ode s Cellulosic elect rodes have charact erist ics t hat enable t hem t o be used for vert ical- down welding at fast t rav el speed but wit h low risk of lack- of- fusion because of t heir forceful arc. The niche applicat ion for t his t ype of elect r ode is girt h seam welding of large diam et er st eel pipes for overland pipelines ( Tr ansco ( BGAS) P2, BS 4515 and API 1104 applicat ions) . No ot her t ype of elect r ode has t he abilit y t o allow root pass w elding at high speed and st ill give good root penet rat ion when t he root gap is less t han ideal. Because of t heir penet r at ion abilit y t hese elect r odes hav e also found applicat ion on oil st orage t anks – for v ert ical and circum ferent ial seam welding of t he upper/ t hinner cour ses for which pr eparat ions wit h large root faces or squar e edge pr eparat ions are used. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .3 Ru t ile e le ct r ode s Rut ile is a m ineral t hat consist s of about 90% t it anium dioxide ( TiO 2 ) and is present in C and C- Mn st eel rut ile elect r odes at t ypically ~ 50% . Charact erist ics of rut ile elect r odes ar e: They hav e a ver y sm oot h and st able arc and produce a r elat ively t hin slag cov ering t hat is easy t o rem ov e. They give a sm oot h w eld profile. They ar e r egarded as t he m ost user- friendly of t he various elect rode t ypes. They have relat ively high com bined m oist ure cont ent and because t hey cont ain t ypically up t o ~ 10% cellulose t hey cannot be baked and consequent ly t hey do not give a low H w eld deposit . Because of t he risk of cracking t hey ar e not designed for w elding of high st rengt h or t hick sect ion st eel. ( Alt hough elect rodes ar e m anufact ur ed in classes E60xx , E70x x, E80x x t he E60xx grade is by far t he m ost com m only used) . They do not give high t oughness at low t em perat ur es ( t ypically only down t o about - 20º C) . The abov e list ed charact erist ics m ean t hat t his t ype of elect r ode is used for general- purpose fabricat ion of unalloyed, low st rengt h st eels in relat ively t hin sections (typically ≤ ~13mm). 1 5 .3 .1 Rut ile e le ct r ode v a r ia nt s By adding iron powder t o t he cov ering a range of t hick- coat ed elect r odes hav e been produced in order t o enhance pr oduct ivit y. Such elect r odes give w eld deposit s t hat weigh bet ween ~ 135 and 190% of t heir core wire w eight and so r efer r ed t o as high recov er y elect rodes, or m or e specifically for exam ple a 170% recovery elect r ode. The w eld deposit fr om such elect r odes can be r elat ively large and fluid and t his rest rict s welding t o t he flat posit ion and for st anding fillet s for elect r odes wit h t he highest recovery rat es. I n all ot her r espect s t hese elect r odes have t he charact erist ics list ed for st andard rut ile elect rodes. 1 5 .4 Ba sic e le ct r ode s Basic elect rodes ar e so nam ed because t he cov ering is m ade wit h a high proport ion of basic m inerals/ com pounds ( alkaline com pounds) , such as calcium carbonat e ( CaCO 3 ) , m agnesium carbonat e ( MgCO 3 ) and calcium fluoride ( CaF2 ) . A fully basic elect rode cov ering will be m ade up wit h about 60% of t hese basic m inerals/ com pounds. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d Charact erist ics of basic elect r odes ar e: The basic slag t hat for m s when t he cov ering m elt s react s wit h im purit ies, such as sulphur and phosphorus, and also reduces t he ox ygen cont ent of t he weld m et al by de- ox idat ion. The r elat ively clean weld m et al t hat is deposit ed gives a very significant im provem ent in weld m et al t oughness ( C- Mn elect rodes wit h Ni addit ions can give good t oughness down t o - 90°C) . They can be baked at relat ively high t em perat ures wit hout any of t he com pounds pr esent in t he cov ering being dest r oy ed, t her eby giving low m oist ure cont ent in t he cov ering and low hydrogen levels in weld m et al. I n order t o m aint ain t he elect r odes in a low hydrogen condit ion t hey need t o be pr ot ect ed fr om m oist ure pick- up. By m eans of baking befor e use ( t ypically at ~ 350°C) , t ransfer ring t o a holding oven ( t ypically at ~ 120°C) and issued in sm all quant it ies and/ or using heat ed quivers ( ‘port able ovens’) at t he w ork st at ion ( t ypically ~ 70°. By use of vacuum pack ed elect rodes t hat do not need t o be re- bak ed befor e use. Basic slag is relat ively viscous and t hick which m eans t hat elect rode m anipulat ion requires m or e skill and should be used wit h a short arc t o m inim ise t he risk of por osit y. The sur face pr ofile of weld deposit s from basic elect rodes t ends t o be conv ex and slag rem oval requires m or e effort . M e t a l pow de r e le ct r ode s cont ain an addit ion of m et al powder t o t he flux coat ing t o increase t he m axim um perm issible welding current lev el. Thus, for a given elect rode size, t he m et al deposit ion rat e and efficiency ( percent age of t he m et al deposit ed) ar e incr eased com par ed wit h an elect r ode cont aining no iron powder in t he coat ing. The slag is norm ally easily rem ov ed. I r on powder elect r odes are m ainly used in t he flat and H/ V posit ions t o t ake advant age of t he higher deposit ion rat es. Efficiencies as high as 130- 140% can be achieved for rut ile and basic elect r odes wit hout m arked det eriorat ion of t he arcing charact erist ics but t he arc t ends t o be less for ceful which reduces bead penet rat ion. 1 5 .4 .1 Applica t ions of ba sic e le ct r ode s Basic elect r odes have t o be used for all applicat ions t hat require good fract ur e t oughness at t em perat ures below ~ - 20°C. To avoid t he risk of hydrogen cracking basic elect rodes have t o be used for welding hardenable st eels ( m ost C- Mn and all low alloy st eels) and for m ost st eels when t he j oint t hickness is gr eat er t han about 15m m . WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .5 Cla ssif ica t ion of e le ct r ode s Nat ional st andards for elect rodes t hat are used for w elding are: BS EN I SO 2560 - Covered elect rodes for m anual m et al arc welding of nonalloy and fine grain st eels. AWS A5.1 - Specificat ion for carbon st eel elect rodes for shielded m et al arc welding. AWS A5.5 - Specificat ion for low- alloy st eel elect rodes for shielded m et al arc welding. Elect r ode classificat ion is based on t est s specified by t he st andard on weld deposit s m ade wit h each t ype of cov ered elect r ode. The st andards require chem ical analysis and m echanical t est s and elect rode m anufact ur ers t end t o dual cert ify elect rodes, wher ev er possible, t o bot h t he European and Am erican st andards 1 5 .5 .1 BS EN I SO 2 5 6 0 BS EN I SO 2560 - Cov ered elect r odes for m anual m et al arc welding of non- alloy and fine grain st eels ( see Figure 15.1) . This is t he designat ion t hat m anufact urer s print on t o each elect rode so t hat it can be easily ident ified. The classificat ion is split int o t wo sect ions: Com pu lsor y se ct ion - t his includes t he sym bols for: Type of pr oduct . St rengt h. I m pact pr opert ies. Chem ical com posit ion. Type of elect rode cov ering. Opt ion a l se ct ion - t his includes t he sy m bols for: Weld m et al recov ery. The t ype of cur rent . The w elding posit ions. The hydrogen cont ent . The designat ion, com pulsor y ( st r engt h, t oughness and coat ing including any light alloying elem ent s) m ust be ident ified on t he elect rode, how ev er t he opt iona l ( posit ion, hydrogen levels et c are not m a nda t or y and m ay not be shown on all elect rodes. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-6 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 5 .1 The e le ct r ode cla ssifica t ion syst e m of BS EN I SO 2 5 6 0 . 1 5 .5 .2 AW S A5 .1 / 5 .1 M : 2 0 0 3 AWS A5.1/ 5.1M: 2003 - Specificat ion for carbon st eel elect rodes for shielded m et al arc w elding ( see Figure 15.2) . This specificat ion est ablishes t he requirem ent s for classificat ion of cov er ed elect r odes wit h carbon st eel cor es for MMA welding. Requirem ent s include m echanical propert ies of w eld m et al; weld m et al soundness; and usabilit y of elect r odes. Requirem ent s for chem ical com posit ion of t he weld m et al, m oist ure cont ent of low hydrogen elect rodes, st andard sizes and lengt hs, m arking, m anufact uring and packaging are also included. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d A guide t o t he use of t he st andard is given in an appendix. Opt ional supplem ent ary requirem ent s include im proved t oughness and duct ilit y, lower m oist ure cont ent s and diffusible hydrogen lim it s. The AWS classificat ion syst em has m andat or y and opt ional designat ors and requires t hat bot h t he m andat ory classificat ion designat ors and any opt ional designat ors be print ed on each elect r ode. The last t wo digit s of t he m andat ory part of t he classificat ion are used t o designat e t he t ype of elect r ode coat ing/ covering and ex am ples of som e of t he m or e widely used elect r odes are shown below. Ta ble 1 5 .1 Ex a m ple s of som e of t he com m only use d AW S A5 .1 e le ct r ode s. AW S A5 .1 cla ssifica t ion E6010 E6011 E6012 E6013 E7014 E7015 E7016 E7018 E7024 Te nsile st r e n gt h, N / m m 2 414 482 Type of coa t in g Cellulosic Cellulosic Rut ile Rut ile Rut ile, iron powder Basic Basic Basic, iron powder Rut ile high recov ery Typical elect rode t o AWS A5.1 D e sign a t e s: An elect r ode D e sign a t e s: The t ensile st rengt h ( m in.) in PSI of t he weld m et al D e sign a t e s: The w elding posit ion t he t ype of cov ering and t he kind of curr ent Figur e 1 5 .2 M a n da t or y cla ssifica t ion de signa t or s. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ta ble 1 5 .1 Com m on e le ct r ode s t ha t a r e cla ssifie d t o BS EN I SO 2 5 6 0 & AW S A5 .1 / 5 .5 . Ge n e r a l de scr ipt ion BS EN I SO 2 5 6 0 AW S A5 .1 / 5 .5 Ce llu losic e le ct r ode s E 38 3 C 21 E6010 ( For v ert ical- down w elding ‘St ov epipe welding’ of pipeline girt h w elds) E 42 3 Z C 21 E7010- G E 46 3 Z C 21 E8010- G E 42 3 C 25 E7 0 1 0 - P 1 * E 46 4 1Ni C 25 E8 0 1 0 - P 1 * * P = specially elect r odes E 38 2 R 12 Ru t ile e le ct r ode s designat ed piping E6013 ( For general purpose fabricat ion of low st rengt h st eels – can be used for all posit ions except vert ical- down) E 42 0 R 12 E6013 H e a vy coa t e d r u t ile e le ct r ode s E 42 0 RR 13 E6013 ( I r on- powder elect rodes) E 42 0 RR 74 E7024 Ba sic e le ct r ode s E 42 2 B 12 H10 E7016 ( For higher st rengt h st eels, t hicker sect ion st eels w her e t here is risk of H cracking; for all applicat ions r equiring good fract ur e t oughness) E 42 4 B 32 H5 E7018 E 46 6 Mn1Ni B 12 H5 E 7016- G E 55 6 Mn1Ni B 32 H5 E8018- C1 E 46 5 1Ni B 45 H5* E8018- G ( For higher pr oduct ivit y welding for general fabricat ion of low st rengt h st eels – can generally only be used for downhand or st anding fillet welding) E9018- G E10018- G * Vert ical- down low H elect r odes WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .6 TI G fille r w ir e s Filler wires m anufact ur ed for TI G w elding have com posit ions very sim ilar t o t hose of base m at erials. How ev er, t hey m ay cont ain ver y sm all addit ions of elem ent s t hat will com bine wit h oxygen and nit rogen as a m eans of scavenging any cont am inant s from t he surface of t he base m at erial or from t he at m osphere. For m anual TI G, t he wires are m anufact ur ed t o t he BS EN I SO 14341 and are provided in 1m lengt hs ( t ypically 1.2, 1.6, and 2.4m m diam et er) and for ident ificat ion have flat t ened ends on which is st am ped t he wire designat ion ( in accordance wit h a part icular st andard) and, for som e gr ades, a bat ch num ber. TI G consum able ident ificat ion is st am ped at t he end of t he wire. For m aking precision root runs for pipe but t welds ( part icularly for aut om at ed TI G welding) consum able insert s can be used t hat are m ade from m at erial t he sam e as t he base m at er ial, or ar e com pat ible wit h it . For sm all diam et er pipe, t he insert m ay be a ring but for larger diam et er pipe an insert of t he appropr iat e diam et er is m ade from shaped st rip/ wire, exam ples of which ar e shown below. 1 5 .6 .1 TI G sh ie lding ga se s Pure argon is t he shielding gas t hat is used for m ost applicat ions and is t he preferr ed gas for TI G welding of st eel and gas flow rat es are t ypically ~ 8- 12 lit res/ m in for shielding. The shielding gas not only prot ect s t he arc and weld pool but also is t he m edium required t o est ablish a st able arc by being easy t o ionise. A st able arc cannot be est ablished in air and hence t he w elder w ould not be able t o weld if t he shielding gas wer e not swit ched on. Argon wit h a helium addit ion – t ypically ~ 30% m ay be used when a hot t er ar c is needed such as when welding m et als wit h high t herm al conduct ivit y, such as copper/ copper alloys or t hicker sect ion alum inium / alum inium alloys. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-10 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ther e ar e som e circum st ances when special shielding gases ar e beneficial, for exam ple: Ar + 3- 5% H for aust enit ic st ainless st eels and Cu- Ni alloys. Ar + ~ 3% N for duplex st ainless st eels. 1 5 .6 .2 TI G ba ck - pur gin g For m ost m at erials, t he underside of a w eld root bead needs t o be pr ot ect ed by an inert gas ( a back- pur ge) – t ypically ~ 6- 8 lit res/ m in during welding. For C steels and low alloy steels with total alloying additions ≤2.5% it may not always be necessary t o use a back- purge but for higher alloyed st eels and m ost ot her m at erials t here m ay be excessive oxidat ion – and risk of lack of fusion if it is not used. 1 5 .7 M I G/ M AG f ille r w ir e s Solid filler wires m anufact ured for MI G/ MAG generally have chem ical com posit ions t hat have been form ulat ed for part icular base m at erials and t he wires have com posit ions sim ilar t o t hese base m at erials. Solid wires for welding st eels wit h act ive shielding gases ar e deoxidised wit h m anganese and silicon t o avoid por osit y. Ther e m ay also be t it anium and alum inium addit ions. Mild st eel filler wires ar e available wit h different levels of deoxidant s, k nown as double or t riple de- oxidised wires. Mor e highly deoxidised wires are m or e expensive but ar e m or e t olerant of t he plat e surface condit ion, eg m ill scale, surface rust , oil, paint and dust . There m ay, t her efor e, be a reduct ion in t he am ount of cleaning of t he st eel befor e welding. These deoxidiser addit ions yield a sm all am ount of glassy slag on t he surface of t he weld deposit , com m only refer red t o as silica deposit s. These sm all pocket s of slag are easily rem ov ed wit h light brushing; but when galvanising or paint ing aft er w elding, it is necessar y t o use shot blast ing. During welding, it is com m on pract ice t o w eld ov er t hese sm all islands since t hey do not r epr esent a t hick slag, and t hey usually spall off during t he cont ract ion of t he weld bead. How ev er , when m ult ipass welding, t he slag level m ay build up t o an unaccept able level causing weld defect s and unr eliable arc st art ing. St eel wires usually have a flash coat ing of copper t o im prove curr ent pick- up and t o ext end t he shelf life of t he wire. However, t he copper coat ing can som et im es flake off and be drawn int o t he liner and wire feed m echanism , part icularly if t here is m isalignm ent in t he wire feed syst em . This m ay cause clogging and errat ic wire feed. Uncoat ed wires are available as an alt ernat ive, alt hough elect rical cont act m ay not be as good as wit h copper- coat ed wires, and cont act t ip operat ing t em perat ur es m ay be higher. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-11 Copyright © TWI Lt d Som e t ypical St andards for specificat ion of st eel wire consum ables are: BS EN I SO 1 4 3 4 1 Welding consum ables - Wire elect rodes and deposit s for gas shielded m et al arc welding of non- alloy and fine grain st eels - Classificat ion. BS EN I SO 1 6 8 3 4 Welding consum ables - Wire elect rodes, wires, r ods and deposit s for gas shielded m et al arc welding of high st rengt h st eels - Classificat ion. Wire sizes ar e t ypically in t he range 0.6- 2.4m m diam et er but t he m ost com m only used sizes are 0.8, 1, 1.2 and 1.6m m and provided on layer w ound spools for consist ent feeding. Spools should be labelled t o show t he classificat ion of t he wire and it s’ diam et er. Flux- cored and m et al- cored wires ar e also used ext ensively alt hough t he process is t hen referr ed t o as FCAW ( flux- cored ar c welding) and M CAW ( m et al cor ed arc welding) 1 5 .7 .1 M I G/ M AG ga s shie lding For non- ferr ous m et als and t heir alloys ( such as Al, Ni and Cu) an inert shielding gas m ust be used. This is usually eit her pure argon or an argon rich gas wit h a helium addit ion. The use of a fully inert gas is t he reason why t he process is also called M I G welding ( m et al inert gas) and for pr ecise use of t erm inology t his nam e should only be used when r efer ring t o t he welding of non- ferr ous m et als. The addit ion of som e helium t o argon gives a m or e uniform heat concent rat ion wit hin t he arc plasm a and t his affect s t he shape of t he weld bead pr ofile. Argon- helium m ixt ures effect ively give a hot t er arc and so t hey are beneficial for w elding t hicker base m at erials t hose wit h higher t herm al conduct ivit y eg copper or alum inium . For w elding of st eels – all grades, including st ainless st eels – t here needs t o be a cont rolled addit ion of oxygen or carbon dioxide in order t o generat e a st able arc and give good droplet wet t ing. Because t hese addit ions react wit h t he m olt en m et al t hey are referr ed t o as act ive gases and hence t he nam e M AG welding ( m et al a ct ive gas) is t he t echnical t erm t hat is use when r eferring t o t he welding of st eels. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-12 Copyright © TWI Lt d The percent age of carbon dioxide ( CO 2 ) or oxy gen depends on t he t ype of st eel being welded and t he m ode of m et al t ransfer being used – as indicat ed below: 100% CO 2 For low carbon st eel t o give deeper penet rat ion ( Figure 15.3) and fast er welding t his gas prom ot es globular droplet t ransfer and gives high levels of spat t er and welding fum e. Argon + 15 t o 25% CO 2 Widely used for carbon and som e low alloy st eels ( and FCAW of st ainless st eels) . Argon + 1 t o 5% O 2 Widely used for st ainless st eels and som e low alloy st eels. Figur e 1 5 .3 Effe ct s of shie lding ga s com posit ion on w e ld pe ne t r a t ion a n d pr ofile . Figur e 1 5 .4 Act ive shie lding ga s m ix t ur e s f or M AG w e lding of ca r bon , ca r bonm a nga ne se a n d low a lloy st e e ls. Blue is a cooler gas m ix t ure; r ed is a hot t er m ixt ure. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-13 Copyright © TWI Lt d Gas m ixt ures - helium in place of argon gives a hot t er arc, m or e fluid weld pool and bet t er w eld profile. These quat ernar y m ixt ures perm it higher welding speeds, but m ay not be suit able for t hin sect ions. St a in le ss st e e ls Aust enit ic st ainless st eels are t ypically welded wit h argon- CO 2 / O 2 m ixt ures for spray t ransfer, or argon- helium - CO 2 m ixt ures for all m odes of t ransfer. The oxidising pot ent ial of t he m ixt ures are k ept t o a m inim um ( 2- 2.5% m axim um CO 2 cont ent ) in order t o st abilise t he arc, but wit h t he m inim um effect on corr osion perform ance. Because aust enit ic st eels have a high t herm al conduct ivit y, t he addit ion of helium helps t o avoid lack of fusion defect s and ov er com e t he high heat dissipat ion int o t he m at erial. Helium addit ions are up t o 85% , com pared wit h ~ 25% for m ixt ures used for carbon and low alloy st eels. CO 2 - cont aining m ixt ures are som et im es av oided t o elim inat e pot ent ial carbon pick- up. Figur e 1 5 .5 Act ive shie lding ga s m ix t ur e s for M AG w e lding of st a inle ss st e e ls. Blue is a cooler gas m ix t ure; r ed is a hot t er m ixt ure. For m art ensit ic and duplex st ainless st eels, specialist advice should be sought . Som e Ar- He m ixt ures cont aining up t o 2.5% N 2 are available for w elding duplex st ainless st eels. Light alloys, eg alum inium and m agnesium , and copper and nickel and t heir alloys I nert gases are used for light alloys and alloys t hat are sensit ive t o oxidat ion. Welding grade inert gases should be purchased rat her t han com m ercial purit y t o ensure good w eld qualit y. Ar gon Argon can be used for alum inium because t her e is sufficient surface oxide available t o st abilise t he arc. For m at erials t hat are sensit ive t o oxygen, such as t it anium and nickel alloys, ar c st abilit y m ay be difficult t o achieve wit h inert gases in som e applicat ions. The densit y of argon is approxim at ely 1.4 t im es t hat of air. Therefor e, in t he downhand posit ion, t he relat ively heavy argon is very effect ive at displacing air. A disadvant age is t hat when wor king in confined spaces, t her e is a risk of argon building up t o dangerous levels and asphy xiat ing t he w elder. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-14 Copyright © TWI Lt d Ar gon- h e lium m ix t u r e s Argon is m ost com m only used for MI G w elding of light alloys, but som e advant age can be gained by t he use of helium and argon/ helium m ixt ures. Helium possesses a higher t herm al conduct ivit y t han argon. The hot t er weld pool produces im prov ed penet rat ion and/ or an increase in welding speed. High helium cont ent s give a deep broad penet r at ion profile, but produce high spat t er levels. Wit h less t han 80% argon, a t rue spr ay t ransfer is not possible. Wit h globular- t ype t ransfer, t he w elder should use a 'buried' arc t o m inim ise spat t er . Arc st abilit y can be pr oblem at ic in helium and argon- helium m ixt ures, since helium raises t he ar c volt age, and t her efore t here is a larger change in arc volt age wit h respect t o arc lengt h. Helium m ixt ures r equire higher flow rat es t han argon shielding in order t o provide t he sam e gas pr ot ect ion. Ther e is a reduced risk of lack of fusion defect s when using argon- helium m ixt ures, part icularly on t hick sect ion alum inium . Ar- He gas m ixt ures will offset t he high heat dissipat ion in m at erial over about 3m m t hickness. Figur e 1 5 .6 I ne r t shie lding ga s m ix t u r e s for M I G w e lding of a lum inium , m a gne sium , t it a niu m , n ick e l a nd coppe r a lloys. Blue is a cooler gas m ix t ure; r ed is a hot t er m ixt ure. A sum m ary t able of shielding gases and m ixt ures used for differ ent base m at erials is given in Table 15.2. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-15 Copyright © TWI Lt d Sum m a r y Ta ble 1 5 .2 Shie lding ga s m ix t ur e s for M I G/ M AG w e lding – sum m a r y Metal Carbon st eel St ainless st eels Alum inium , copper, nickel, t it anium alloys WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables Shie lding ga s ArgonCO 2 Re a ct ion be h a viour Slight ly oxidising ArgonO2 Slight ly oxidising Argonhelium CO 2 Slight ly oxidising CO 2 Oxidising He- ArCO 2 Slight ly oxidising Argon- O 2 Slight ly oxidising Argon I nert Argonhelium I nert 15-16 Cha r a ct e r ist ics I ncreasing CO 2 cont ent gives hot t er arc, im prov ed ar c st abilit y, deeper penet rat ion, t r ansit ion from fingert ype t o bowl- shaped penet rat ion profile, m ore fluid weld pool giving flat t er weld bead wit h good wet t ing, increased spat t er lev els, bet t er t oughness t han CO 2 . Min 80% argon for axial spray t ransfer. Generalpurpose m ixt ure: argon- 10- 15% CO 2 . St iffer ar c t han Ar- CO 2 m ixt ures m inim ises undercut t ing, suit ed t o spray t ransfer m ode, lower penet rat ion t han Ar- CO 2 m ixt ures, 'finger'- t ype w eld bead penet rat ion at high curr ent levels. Generalpurpose m ixt ure: argon- 3% CO 2 . Subst it ut ion of helium for argon gives hot t er arc, higher arc volt age, m or e fluid weld pool, flat t er bead profile, m ore bowl- shaped and deeper penet rat ion profile and higher w elding speeds, com pared wit h Ar- CO 2 m ixt ures. High cost . Arc volt ages 2- 3V higher t han ArCO 2 m ixt ures, best penet rat ion, higher w elding speeds, dip t ransfer or buried arc t echnique only, narr ow wor king range, high spat t er lev els, low cost . Good arc st abilit y wit h m inim um effect on corr osion r esist ance ( carbon pickup) , higher helium cont ent s designed for dip t ransfer , lower helium cont ent s designed for pulse and spray t ransfer . Generalpurpose gas: Ar- 40- 60% He- 2% CO 2 . Spray t ransfer only, m inim ises undercut t ing on heavier sect ions, good bead profile. Good arc st abilit y, low spat t er, and general- purpose gas. Tit anium alloys r equire inert gas backing and t railing shields t o pr ev ent air cont am inat ion. Higher heat input offset s high heat dissipat ion on t hick sect ions, lower risk of lack of fusion defect s, higher spat t er and higher cost t han argon. Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .8 SAW fille r w ir e s Filler wires for SAW are m ade t o AWS and EN st andards and t he m ost com m only used sizes are 2.4, 3.2, 4 and 5m m diam et er and ar e av ailable for welding a wide range of st eels and som e non- fer rous applicat ions, t hey hav e com posit ions sim ilar t o t he base m at erial but for cert ificat ion st andards require flux/ wire w eld m et al deposit s t o be m ade for analysis and t est ing as r equired 1 5 .8 .1 SAW flu x t ype s Fluxes can be cat egorised int o t wo t ypes, nam ely fused and agglom erat ed ( agglom erat ed fluxes are som et im es called bonded fluxes – part icularly in t he USA) . Fuse d f lux These t ypes are m anufact ured by m ixing cert ain suit able m inerals/ com pounds, fusing t hem t oget her , crushing t he solid m ass and t hen sieving t he crushed m ass t o r ecov er granules wit hin a part icular size range. Fused fluxes have t he following charact erist ics/ propert ies: Cont ain a high proport ion of silica ( up t o ~ 60% ) and so t he flux granules have sim ilar in appearance t o crushed glass – irregular shaped and hard and have a sm oot h, and slight ly shiny, surface. During re- circulat ion t hey have good r esist ance t o br eaking down int o fine part icles – referr ed t o as fines. Hav e v ery low m oist ure cont ent as m anufact ured and does not absorb m oist ure during exposure and so t hey should always give low hydrogen weld m et al. Give w elds beads wit h good surface finish and profile and de- slag easily. The m ain disadvant age of fused fluxes is t hat t he com pounds t hat give deoxidat ion cannot be added so t hat welds have high oxygen cont ent and so st eel weld m et al does not have good t oughness at sub- zero t em perat ur es. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-17 Copyright © TWI Lt d Agglom e r a t e d flux This is m anufact ured by m ixing fine powder ed m inerals/ com pounds, adding a wet binder and furt her m ixing t o form flux granules of t he required size. These are dried/ baked t o r em ov e m oist ure, siev ed and packaged in sealed cont ainers t o ensure t hey ar e in low hydr ogen condit ion when supplied t o t he user . Som e of t he m inerals/ com pounds used in t hese fluxes cannot be subj ect ed t o t he high t em perat ur es r equired t o m ak e fused fluxes because t hey would break down and lose t he propert ies t hat are needed during welding. Agglom erat ed fluxes have t he following charact erist ics: Granules t end t o be m ore spherical and have a dull/ m at t finish. Granules ar e consist of fine powder s, w eakly held t oget her, and so are quit e soft and easily be brok en down int o fine powders during handling/ re- circulat ion. Som e of t he com pounds and t he binder it self, will t end t o absorb m oist ure from t he at m ospher e if left exposed and a cont rolled handling procedure* is essent ial. The slag is less fluid t han t hose generat ed by fused fluxes and t he weld bead pr ofile t ends t o be m ore convex and m or e effort is r equired t o r em ov e t he slag. * Agglom erat ed fluxes are sim ilar t o fluxes used for basic cov er ed elect r odes and suscept ible t o m oist ure pick- up when t hey are cold and left exposed. A t ypical cont rolled handling pract ice is t o t ransfer flux from t he m anufact ur er ’s drum / bag t o a heat ed silo ( ~ 120- 150°C) . This act s like t he holding ov en for basic elect r odes. Warm flux is t ransfer red t o t he flux hopper on t he m achine ( usually unheat ed) and at t he end of a shift or when t her e is t o be an int errupt ion in welding, t he hopper flux should be t r ansferr ed t o t he silo. The part icular advant age of agglom erat ed fluxes is t her e abilit y t o give weld m et als wit h low oxygen cont ent and t his enables st eel weld m et al t o be produced wit h good sub- zero t oughness. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-18 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 5 .8 .2 SAW flux ba sicit y inde x Fluxes are oft en referr ed t o as having a cert ain basicit y or basicit y index ( BI ) . The BI indicat es t he flux form ulat ion according t o t he rat io of basic com pounds t o acid com pounds and is used t o give an indicat ion of flux/ weld react ion and can be int erpret ed as follows: A flux wit h a BI = 1 has an equal rat io of basic and acid com pounds and t hus is neit her basic nor acid but said t o be n e u t r a l.* A flux wit h BI > 1 has ba sic charact erist ics; fully basic fluxes have BI of ~ 3~ 3.5. A flux wit h BI < 1 has acid charact erist ics. Fused and agglom erat ed fluxes are m ixed t o produce fluxes referr ed t o as sem i- basic. * I n t he USA it is cust om ary t o use t he t erm s neut ral t o indicat e t hat t he flux has no significant influence on t he com posit ion by t ransfer of elem ent s from flux t o weld pool and act ive t o indicat e t hat t he flux does t ransfer som e elem ent s. Fused fluxes have acid charact erist ics and agglom erat ed fluxes have basic charact erist ics. Alt hough t here are EN and AWS st andards for flux classificat ion, it is com m on UK pract ice t o order fluxes by m anufact urer nam e and use t his nam e on WPSs. WI S10- 30816 Welding Consum ables 15-19 Copyright © TWI Lt d Welding Consumables Welding consumables are any products that are used up in the production of a weld. Welding consumables may be Covered electrodes, filler wires and electrode wires. Shielding or oxy-fuel gases. Separately supplied fluxes. Fusible inserts. Welding Consumables Section 15 Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumable Standards MMA (SMAW) BS EN ISO 2560: AWS A5.1: AWS A5.4: AWS A5.5: Steel electrodes. Non-alloyed steel electrodes. Chromium electrodes. Alloyed steel electrodes. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumable Standards SAW BS 4165: BS EN ISO 14171: BS EN ISO 14174: AWS A5.17: Wire and fluxes. Wire electrodes. Fluxes. Wires and fluxes. MIG/MAG (GMAW) TIG (GTAW) BS EN ISO 14343: Filler wires. BS EN ISO 14341: Wire electrodes. AWS A5.9: Filler wires. BS EN ISO 14175: Shielding gases. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumables TIG/PAW rods Welding fluxes (SAW) Cored wire SAW strips SAW solid wire MIG/MAG solid wire Courtesy of ESAB AB Covered electrodes Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumable Gases Welding gases GMAW, FCAW, TIG, Oxy-fuel. Supplied in cylinders or storage tanks for large quantities. Colour coded cylinders to minimise wrong use. Subject to regulations concerned handling, quantities and positioning of storage areas. Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐1 Welding Consumable Gases Moisture content is limited to avoid cold cracking. Dew point (the temperature at which the vapour begins to condense) must be checked. Welding Consumables Each consumable is critical in respect to Size. Classification/supplier. Condition. Treatments eg baking/drying. Handling and storage is critical for consumable control. Handling and storage of gases is critical for safety. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Quality Assurance MMA Covered Electrodes Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd MMA Welding Consumables The three main electrode covering types used in MMA welding Cellulosic - deep penetration/fusion. Rutile - general purpose. Basic - low hydrogen. MMA Welding Consumables Plastic foil sealed cardboard box Rutile electrodes. General purpose basic electrodes. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Tin can Cellulosic electrodes. Vacuum sealed pack Extra low hydrogen electrodes. Copyright © TWI Ltd Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Welding consumables Filler material must be stored in an area with controlled temperature and humidity. Poor handling and incorrect stacking may damage coatings, rendering the electrodes unusable. There should be an issue and return policy for welding consumables (system procedure). Control systems for electrode treatment must be checked and calibrated; those operations must be recorded. Filler material suppliers must be approved before purchasing any material. Welding Consumables Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐2 MMA Welding Consumables Cellulosic electrodes Covering contains cellulose (organic material). Produce a gas shield high in hydrogen raising the arc voltage. Deep penetration/fusion characteristics enables welding at high speed without risk of lack of fusion. Generates high level of fumes and H2 cold cracking. Forms a thin slag layer with coarse weld profile. Not require baking or drying (excessive heat will damage electrode covering). Mainly used for stove pipe welding. Hydrogen content is 80-90ml/100g of weld metal. MMA Welding Consumables Rutile electrodes Covering contains TiO2 slag former and arc stabiliser. Easy to strike arc, less spatter, excellent for positional welding. Stable, easy-to-use arc can operate in both DC and AC. Slag easy to detach, smooth profile. Reasonably good strength weld metal. Used mainly on general purpose work. Low pressure pipework, support brackets. Electrodes can be dried to lower H2 content but cannot be baked as it will destroy the coating. Hydrogen content is 25-30ml/100g of weld metal. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd MMA Welding Consumables High recovery rutile electrodes Characteristics: Coating is bulked out with iron powder. Iron powder gives the electrode high recovery. Extra weld metal from the iron powder can mean that weld deposit from a single electrode can be as high as 180% of the core wire weight. Give good productivity. Large weld beads with smooth profile can look very similar to SAW welds. MMA Welding Consumables Basic covering Produce convex weld profile and difficult to detach slag. Very suitable for for high pressure work, thick section steel and for high strength steels. Prior to use electrodes should be baked, typically 350°C for 2 hour plus to reduce moisture to very low levels and achieve low hydrogen potential status. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN ISO 2560 MMA Covered Electrodes MMA Welding Consumables Contain calcium fluoride and calcium carbonate compounds. Cannot be rebaked indefinitely! Low hydrogen potential gives weld metal very good toughness and YS. Have the lowest level of hydrogen (less than 5ml/100g of weld metal). Compulsory Optional Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © 2004 TWI Ltd 15‐3 MMA Welding Consumables Covered Electrode Treatment Types of electrodes (for C, C-Mn steels): BE EN ISO 2560 AWS A5.1 Cellulosic E XX X C EXX10 EXX11 Rutile E XX X R EXX12 EXX13 Rutile heavy coated E XX X RR EXX24 E XX X B EXX15 EXX16 EXX18 Basic Cellulosic electrodes Use straight from the box No baking/drying! Rutile electrodes If necessary, dry up to 120°C - No baking! Vacuum packed basic electrodes Use straight from the pack within manufacturers recommendations Copyright © TWI Ltd Covered Electrode Treatment Note: This is to be done in accordance with manufacturers recommendations Basic electrodes Copyright © TWI Ltd Covered Electrode Treatment 1: Electrode size (diameter and length). Baking in oven 2 hours at 350°C! 2: Covering condition: adherence, cracks, chips and concentricity. Limited number of rebakes! After baking, maintain in oven at 150°C 3: Electrode designation. EN 2560-E 50 3 B If not used within 4 hours, return to oven and rebake! Arc ignition enhancing materials (optional!) Use from quivers at 75°C Weld Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumables See BS EN ISO 544 for further information Copyright © TWI Ltd TIG Welding Consumables Welding consumables for TIG Filler wires, shielding gases, tungsten electrodes (non-consumable). Filler wires of different materials composition and variable diameters available in standard lengths, with applicable code stamped for identification. Steel filler wires of very high quality, with copper coating to resist corrosion. Shielding gases mainly argon and helium, usually of highest purity (99.9%). TIG Consumables Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐4 TIG Welding Consumables Welding rods Supplied in cardboard/plastic tubes. Fusible Inserts Pre-placed filler material Before welding Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Must be kept clean and free from oil and dust. Might require degreasing. Copyright © TWI Ltd Shielding Gases for TIG Welding Argon Low cost and greater availability. Heavier than air - lower flow rates than Helium. Low thermal conductivity - wide top bead profile. Low ionisation potential - easier arc starting, better arc stability with AC, cleaning effect. For the same arc current produce less heat than helium - reduced penetration, wider HAZ. To obtain the same arc power, argon requires a higher current - increased undercut. Copyright © TWI Ltd Shielding Gases for TIG Welding Hydrogen Not an inert gas - not used as a primary shielding gas. Increase the heat input - faster travel speed and increased penetration. Better wetting action - improved bead profile. Produce a cleaner weld bead surface. Added to argon (up to 5%) - only for austenitic stainless steels and nickel alloys. Flammable and explosive. Copyright © TWI Ltd After welding Other terms used include EB inserts (electric boat company). Consumable socket rings (CSR). Copyright © TWI Ltd Shielding Gases for TIG Welding Helium Costly and lower availability than Argon. Lighter than air - requires a higher flow rate compared with argon (2-3 times). Higher ionisation potential - poor arc stability with AC, less forgiving for manual welding. For the same arc current produce more heat than argon - increased penetration, welding of metals with high melting point or thermal conductivity. To obtain the same arc power, helium requires a lower current - no undercut. Copyright © TWI Ltd Shielding Gases for TIG Welding Nitrogen Not an inert gas. High availability – cheap. Added to argon (up to 5%) - only for back purge for duplex stainless, austenitic stainless steels and copper alloys. Not used for mild steels (age embrittlement). Strictly prohibited in case of Ni and Ni alloys (porosity). Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐5 Welding Consumables MIG/MAG Welding Consumables Welding consumables for MIG/MAG Spools of continuous electrode wires and shielding gases. Variable spool size (1-15Kg) and wire diameter (0.6-1.6mm) supplied in random or orderly layers. Basic selection of different materials and their alloys as electrode wires. Some steel electrode wires copper coating purpose is corrosion resistance and electrical pick-up. Gases can be pure CO2, CO2+argon mixes and argon+2%O2 mixes (stainless steels). MIG/MAG Consumables Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd MIG/MAG Welding Consumables MIG/MAG Welding Consumables Welding wires Welding wires Supplied on wire/plastic spools or coils. Random or line winding. Carbon and low alloy wires may be copper coated. Stainless steel wires are not coated. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Plastic spool Wire spool Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Coil Courtesy of ESAB AB Wires must be kept clean and free from oil and dust. Flux cored wires does not require baking or drying. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd MIG/MAG Welding Consumables How to check the quality of welding wires MIG/MAG Shielding Gases Ar Ar-He He CO2 Cast diameter Helix size - limited to 25mm to avoid problems with arc wandering! Cast diameter improves the contact force and defines the contact point; usually 400-1200mm. Contact point close to contact tip end - good! Contact point remote from contact tip end - poor! Copyright © TWI Ltd Argon (Ar) Higher density than air; low thermal conductivity - the arc has a high energy inner cone; good wetting at the toes; low ionisation potential. Helium (He) Lower density than air; high thermal conductivity uniformly distributed arc energy; parabolic profile; high ionisation potential. Carbon dioxide (CO2) Cheap; deep penetration profile; cannot support spray transfer; poor wetting; high spatter. Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐6 MIG/MAG Shielding Gases Gases for dip transfer CO2: Carbon steels only; deep penetration; fast welding speed; high spatter levels. Ar + up to 25% CO2: Carbon and low alloy steels; minimum spatter; good wetting and bead contour. 90% He + 7,5% Ar + 2,5% CO2: Stainless steels; minimises undercut; small HAZ. Ar: Al, Mg, Cu, Ni and their alloys on thin sections. Ar + He mixtures: Al, Mg, Cu, Ni and their alloys on thicker sections (over 3mm). MIG/MAG Shielding Gases Gases for spray transfer Ar + (5-18)% CO2: Carbon steels; minimum spatter; good wetting and bead contour. Ar + 2% O2: Low alloy steels; minimise undercut; provides good toughness. Ar + 2% O2 or CO2: Stainless steels; improved arc stability; provides good fusion. Ar: Al, Mg, Cu, Ni, Ti and their alloys. Ar + He mixtures: Al, Cu, Ni and their alloys; hotter arc than pure Ar to offset heat dissipation. Ar + (25-30)% N2: Cu alloys; greater heat input. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumables Flux Core Wire Consumables Flux Core Wire Consumables Functions of metallic sheath Provide form stability to the wire. Serves as current transfer during welding. Function of the filling powder Stabilise the arc. Add alloy elements. Produce gaseous shield. Produce slag. Add iron powder. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Types of Cored Wire Seamless cored wire Butt joint cored wire Types of Cored Wire Seamless cored wire Overlapping cored wire Not sensitive to moisture pick-up. Can be copper coated - better current transfer. Thick sheath - good form stability - 2 roll drive feeding possible. Difficult to manufacture. Copyright © TWI Ltd Butt joint cored wire Overlapping cored wire Good resistance to moisture pick-up. Can be copper coated. Thick sheath. Difficult to seal the sheath. Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐7 Types of Cored Wire Seamless cored wire Butt joint cored wire Overlapping cored wire Welding Consumables SAW Consumables Sensitive to moisture pick-up. Cannot be copper coated. Thin sheath. Easy to manufacture. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd SAW Filler Material Welding wires Supplied on coils, reels or drums. Random or line winding. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric SAW Filler Material Welding wires can be used to weld Carbon steels. Low alloy steels. Creep resisting steels. Stainless steels. Nickel-base alloys. Special alloys for surfacing applications. Courtesy of ESAB AB Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Coil Reel Drum (approximately 25kg) (approximately 300kg) (approximately 450kg) Copyright © TWI Ltd SAW Filler Material Welding wires Carbon and low alloy wires are copper coated. Stainless steel wires are not coated. Welding wires can be Solid wires. Metal-cored wires. Copyright © TWI Ltd SAW Filler Material Copper coating functions To assure a good electric contact between wire and contact tip. To assure a smooth feed of the wire through the guide tube, feed rolls and contact tip (decrease contact tube wear). To provide protection against corrosion. Wires must be kept clean and free from oil and dust. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐8 SAW Consumables Welding fluxes Are granular mineral compounds mixed according to various formulations. Shield the molten weld pool from the atmosphere. Clean the molten weld pool. Can modify the chemical composition of the weld metal. Prevents rapid escape of heat from welding zone. Influence the shape of the weld bead (wetting action). Can be fused, agglomerated or mixed. Must be kept warm and dry to avoid porosity. SAW Consumables Welding flux Supplied in bags/pails (approximately 25kg) or bulk bags (approximately 1200kg). Might be fused, agglomerated or mixed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd SAW Consumables SA welding flux: Must be kept warm and dry. Handling and stacking requires care. Fused fluxes: Are normally not hygroscopic but particles can hold surface moisture. Only drying. Agglomerated fluxes: Contain chemically bonded water. Similar treatment as basic electrodes. For high quality, agglomerated fluxes can be recycled with new flux added. If flux is too fine it will pack and not feed properly. Cannot be recycled indefinitely. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric Ceramic Backing Ceramic backing Used to support the weld pool on root runs. Usually fitted on an aluminium self adhesive tape. Allow increased welding current without danger of burn-through - increased productivity, consistent quality. Different profiles to suit different applications. No backing/drying required. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector Inspection of Consumables Why? To assess whether the products are in compliance with the requirements of the order or not - see BS EN 10204. How? Non-specific inspection: Welding Consumables Inspection and Validation Copyright © TWI Ltd Carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with its own procedures. The products inspected are not necessarily the products supplied! Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐9 Inspection of Consumables Specific inspection Carried out before delivery in accordance to product specification. Inspection is performed on the products to be supplied or on test units of which the products supplied are part. BS EN 10204-Type of Documents Type 2.1 Non-specific inspection documents Name: − Declaration of compliance with the order. Content: − Statement of compliance with the order (doesn’t include test results!) Who validate it: − The manufacturer. Name: ‒ Test report. Content: ‒ Statement of compliance with the order (include test results!) Who validate it: ‒ The manufacturer. Copyright © TWI Ltd BS EN 10204-Type of Documents Type 3.1 Specific inspection documents Name: − Inspection certificate 3.1. Content: − Statement of compliance with the order (include specific test results!) Who validate it ? − The manufacturer inspection (independent of manufacturing department!) Type 2.2 Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumables Type 3.2 Name: − Inspection certificate 3.2. Content: − Statement of compliance with the order (include specific test results!) Who validate it? − The manufacturer inspection (independent of manufacturing department!) + purchaser’s/ official designated authorised inspector. Copyright © TWI Ltd Welding Consumables You are currently employed as a Senior Welding Inspector in a fabrication yard. The yard has numerous major oil and gas projects under construction. Part of your duties is to monitor the control, storage and handling of welding consumables used during the construction. Copyright © TWI Ltd Any Questions ? Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 1 One of your inspectors informs you that a batch of E8018 electrodes has arrived on site and requires a heat treatment before use. Which of the following best applies to this type of electrode? a. Generally this type of electrode can be used directly from the container with no heat treatments required b. In accordance with the TWI Specification, these types of electrodes are not permitted for use on this type of fabrication c. This type of electrode can be used providing the electrodes flux has been recycled to a maximum of 50:50 ratios old to new d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐10 Question 2 Question 3 During welding one of your inspectors informs you that the fabricators are recycling SAW welding flux 30% new to 70% old. Is this permitted in accordance with the TWI Specification? You are informed that the approved supplier of electrodes cannot make a delivery for two weeks. He asks if another manufacturer can be used, the electrodes are the same specification and size. a. This would not be permitted as the TWI specification states a ratio of 50:50 shall be applied b. SAW fluxes can’t be recycled under any conditions c. This would be permitted as it’s in accordance with the TWI Specifications d. This decision would generally be up to the welding supervisor a. No, the electrodes must be from the original manufacturer (Table 7) b. Yes, the electrodes can be used as they are the same specification. c. It depends on whether the client will accept the change d. They can be accepted once an all weld tensile test is completed. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 5 A large batch of MAG wires has arrived on site, one of your inspectors informs you that the copper coating on some of the wire spools has been damaged during transportation. What is the purpose of the copper coating? A batch of E46 3 1Ni B electrodes has arrived on site. One of your inspectors asks the question "what is the minimum yield value of these electrodes". Which of the following is correct? a. The copper is added to the wire to aid fusion and improve mechanical properties of the deposited weld metal. b. The copper aides electrical pick up and protects the wire from corrosion c. The copper coating promotes weld metal fluidity and improves positional welding d. All options are incorrect a. In accordance with AWS A5.1 the minimum UTS value would be 460 N/mm2 b. In accordance with BS EN ISO 2560 the minimum UTS value would be 720 N/mm2 c. In accordance with BS EN ISO 2560 the minimum yield value would be 460 N/mm2 d. In accordance with BS EN ISO 2560 the minimum yield value would be 500 N/mm2 Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 6 You notice a batch of cellulosic electrodes in the welding consumable store, which of the following statements is correct for this type of electrode? a. These electrodes can be used to control hydrogen levels to below 15ml per 100 grams of weld metal b. These electrodes should be baked prior to use c. These type of electrodes are especially suited to the PG welding position d. 2 Options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 7 During your morning inspection of the welding stores, you notice that certain electrodes are being baked in their original container in correctly controlled baking ovens. In accordance with the TWI Specification is this a correct practice? a. Yes, providing the treatment is in accordance with the manufacturers instructions b. No, under no circumstances should electrodes be baked c. Yes providing after baking the electrodes are stored in such a way as to keep them free from moisture intake d. No, not permitted Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐11 Question 8 A Q&T section is being welded with rutile electrodes. It has been proved that Hydrogen cracking does not occur in this type of parent material. Which of the following statements are true? a. If HICC is not a problem in the parent material, rutile electrodes can be used. b. Basic electrodes must be used as the cracking occurs in the weld metal c. If the rutile electrodes are baked before use, the hydrogen level should not be a problem d. Any process that produces less than 20ml of hydrogen per 100 grams of weld metal should stop any HICC occurring. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 One of your inspectors is unsure of the toughness value of an electrode classified as E50 3 2Ni B, which of the following is the correct answer? a. b. c. d. Maximum toughness 47J Minimum toughness 50J Minimum toughness 47J Maximum toughness 50J at -30°C at -20°C at -30°C at -20°C Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 Tungsten electrodes are considered consumables. Therefore, it is crucial that they are used correctly. Which of the following statements is correct concerning Tungsten electrodes? a. Zirconiated electrodes are used on DC negative as they concentrate the arc b. Zirconiated electrodes are used on AC as they can withstand more heat on the positive cycle c. Zirconiated electrodes are multi purpose for use on DC and AC d. Zirconiated electrodes are designed to be used with a long taper preparation. Copyright © TWI Ltd 15‐12 Se ct ion 1 6 M AG W e ldin g 16 M AG W e ldin g 1 6 .1 The pr oce ss Known in t he USA as gas m et al arc welding ( GMAW) . The MI G/ MAG welding process is a ver sat ile t echnique suit able for bot h t hin sheet and t hick sect ion com ponent s in m ost m et allic m at erials. I n t he process, an arc is st ruck bet w een t he end of a wir e elect r ode and t he wor kpiece, m elt ing bot h t o form a w eld pool. The wire ser ves as t he sour ce of heat ( via t he ar c at t he wire t ip) and filler m et al for t he j oint . The wire is fed t hrough a copper cont act t ube ( also called a cont act t ip) which conduct s welding current int o t he wire. The weld pool is prot ect ed from t he surr ounding at m ospher e by a shielding gas fed t hrough a nozzle surrounding t he wire. Shielding gas select ion depends on t he m at erial being welded and t he applicat ion. The wire is fed from a reel by a m ot or drive and t he w elder or m achine m oves t he w elding gun or t orch along t he j oint line. The process offers high pr oduct ivit y and is econom ical because t he consum able wire is cont inuously fed. A diagram of t he process is shown in Figure 16.1. The MI G/ MAG pr ocess uses sem iaut om at ic, m echanised, or aut om at ic equipm ent . I n sem iaut om at ic welding, t he wire feed rat e and arc lengt h are cont r olled aut om at ically, but t he t ravel speed and wire posit ion are under m anual cont rol. I n m echanised welding, all param et er s ar e under aut om at ic cont r ol, but t hey can be varied m anually during welding, eg st eering of t he w elding head and adj ust m ent of wire feed speed and arc volt age. Wit h aut om at ic equipm ent , t her e is no m anual int ervent ion during welding. Figure 16.2 show s equipm ent r equired for t he MI G/ MAG pr ocess. Figur e 1 6 .1 M I G/ M AG w e lding. WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Figur e 1 6 .2 M I G/ M AG w e lding e quipm e n t . Adv a nt a ge s of t he M I G/ M AG pr oce ss Cont inuous wire feed. Aut om at ic self- regulat ion of t he ar c lengt h. High deposit ion rat e and m inim al num ber of st op/ st art locat ions. High consum able efficiency. Heat input s in t he range 0.1- 2.0kJ/ m m . Low hydr ogen pot ent ial process. Welder has good visibilit y of w eld pool and j oint line. Lit t le or no post w eld cleaning. Can be used in all posit ions ( dip t ransfer) . Good pr ocess cont r ol possibilit ies. Wide range of applicat ion. D isa dv a nt a ge s WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding No independent cont r ol of filler addit ion. Difficult t o set up opt im um param et er s t o m inim ise spat t er levels. Risk of lack of fusion when using dip t ransfer on t hicker w eldm ent s. High level of equipm ent m aint enance. Low er heat input can lead t o high hardness values. Higher equipm ent cost t han MMA ( m anual m et al arc) welding. Sit e welding requires special precaut ions t o exclude draught s which m ay dist urb t he gas shield. Joint and part access is not as good as MMA or TI G welding. Cleanliness of base m et al slag processes can t olerat e great er cont am inat ion. 16-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 6 .2 Pr oce ss va r ia ble s The prim ary variables in MI G/ MAG w elding are: 1 6 .2 .1 Welding curr ent / wire feed speed. Volt age. Gases. Trav el speed and elect r ode orient at ion. I nduct ance. Cont act t ip t o work dist ance. Nozzle t o w or k dist ance. Shielding gas nozzle. Type of m et al t ransfer. W e ldin g cu r r e n t / w ir e fe e d spe e d On MI G/ MAG w elding set s t here is no cont r ol t o set t he welding current . The elect rical charact erist ics of t he welding set ( flat or const ant v olt age t ype) aut om at ically alt ers t he welding current wit h changes t o t he set wire feed speed t o achieve a const ant ar c lengt h. I ncreasing t he wire feed, and t her efor e curr ent , increases wire burn- off, deposit ion rat e and penet rat ion. Curr ent t ype is alm ost always DC+ v e, alt hough som e cor ed wires require DC- v e for best r esult s. 1 6 .2 .2 Volt a ge This is set t o achieve st eady sm oot h welding condit ions and is generally increased as t he wire feed speed is increased. I ncrease in volt age increases t he widt h of t he weld and reduces penet rat ion. 1 6 .2 .3 Tr a ve l spe e d a nd e le ct r ode or ie nt a t ion The fast er t he t ravel speed t he less penet rat ion, narr ow er bead widt h and t he higher risk of undercut I ncreasing t ravel speed Reduced penet rat ion and widt h, undercut Figur e 1 6 .3 The e ffe ct of t r a ve l spe e d. WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Penet rat ion Excess weld m et al Undercut Deep Moderat e Maxim um Moderat e Severe Moderat e Shallow Minim um Minim um Figur e 1 6 .4 The e ffe ct of t or ch a ngle . 1 6 .2 .4 Effe ct of cont a ct t ip t o w or k pie ce dist a nce ( CTW D ) The CTWD has an influence over t he w elding curr ent because of resist ive heat ing in t he elect r ode ext ension ( see Figure 16.4) . The welding cur rent required t o m elt t he elect r ode at t he required rat e ( t o m at ch t he wire feed speed) reduces as t he CTWD is increased. Long elect rode ext ensions can cause lack of penet rat ion, for exam ple, in narr ow gap j oint s, or w it h poor m anipulat ion of t he welding gun. Conversely, t he welding current increases when t he CTWD is reduced. Cont act t ip Gas nozzle Cont act t ip set back Nozzle- t o- wor k ( st and- off) dist ance Elect r ode ext ension Arc le n gt h Cont act t ipt o- work dist ance Workpiece Figur e 1 6 .5 Cont a ct t ip t o w or k pie ce dist a nce ; e le ct r ode e x t e nsion a n d noz zle t o w or k pie ce dist a nce . WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d I ncreased ext ension Figur e 1 6 .6 The e ffe ct of incr e a sing e le ct r ode e x t e nsion. The elect r ode ext ension should be check ed when set t ing- up welding condit ions or when fit t ing a new cont act t ube. Nor m ally m easur ed from t he cont act t ube t o t he wor k piece ( Figure 16.5) suggest ed CTWDs for t he principal m et al t ransfer m odes are: 1 6 .2 .5 M e t a l t r a n sfe r m ode CTW D , m m Dip Spray Pulse 10- 15 20- 25 15- 20 Effe ct of n oz z le t o w or k dist a nce Nozzle t o w or k dist ance ( see Figure 16.4) has a considerable effect on gas shielding efficiency; a decrease having t he effect of st iffening t he colum n. The nozzle t o work dist ance is t ypically 12- 15m m . I f t he CTWD is sim ult aneously reduced, how ev er, t he deposit ion rat e at a given current is decr eased and visibilit y and accessibilit y are affect ed; so, in pract ice, a com prom ise is necessary . The following gives suggest ed set t ings for t he m ode of m et al t ransfer being used 1 6 .2 .6 M e t a l t r a n sfe r m ode Cont a ct t ip posit ion r e la t ive t o noz z le Dip Spray Spray ( alum inium ) 2m m inside t o 2m m prot ruding 4- 8m m inside 6- 10m m inside Shie lding ga s noz z le The purpose of t he shielding gas nozzle is t o produce a lam inar gas flow in order t o prot ect t he w eld pool fr om at m ospheric cont am inat ion. Nozzle sizes range from 13- 22m m diam et er. The nozzle diam et er should be increased in relat ion t o t he size of t he w eld pool. WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 6 .2 .7 Type s of m e t a l t r a n sf e r Figur e 1 6 .7 Ar c cha r a ct e r ist ic cur ve . 1 D ip t r a nsf e r : Ke y cha r a ct e r ist ics: Met al t ransfer by wire dipping or short circuit ing int o t he weld pool. Relat ively low heat input process. Low weld pool fluidit y. Used for t hin sheet m et al above 0.8 and t ypically less t han 3.2m m , posit ional welding of t hicker sect ion and root runs in open but t j oint s. Process st abilit y and spat t er can be a pr oblem if poorly t uned. Lack of fusion risk if poorly set up and applied. Not used for non- fer rous m et als and alloys. I n dip t ransfer t he wire short - circuit s t he arc bet ween 50–200 t im es/ sec. This t ype of t ransfer is norm ally achieved wit h CO 2 or m ixt ures of CO 2 and argon gas + low am ps and w elding volt s < 24V. Figur e 1 6 .8 D ip t r a nsfe r . WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-6 Copyright © TWI Lt d 2 Spr a y t r a nsf e r : Ke y cha r a ct e r ist ics: Free- flight m et al t ransfer. High heat input . High deposit ion rat e. Sm oot h, st able arc. Used on st eels above 6m m t hickness and alum inium alloys abov e 3m m t hickness. Spray t ransfer occur s at high current s and high volt ages. Abov e t he t ransit ion curr ent , m et al t ransfer is in t he form of a fine spray of sm all droplet s, which are proj ect ed across t he arc wit h low spat t er levels. The high welding cur rent produces st rong elect rom agnet ic forces ( know n as t he pinch effect ' t hat cause t he m olt en filam ent support ing t he dr oplet t o neck down. The droplet s det ach from t he t ip of t he wire and accelerat e across t he arc gap. Wit h st eels it can be used only in down- hand but t s and H/ V fillet welds, but gives significant ly higher deposit ion rat e, penet rat ion and fusion t han t he dip t ransfer m ode. Wit h alum inum alloys it can be used in all posit ions. 3 Pulse d t r a nsfe r : Ke y cha r a ct e r ist ics: WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding Free- flight droplet t ransfer wit hout short - circuit ing over t he ent ire w orking range. Ver y low spat t er. Low er heat input t han spray t ransfer . Reduced risk of lack of fusion com par ed wit h dip t ransfer . Cont rol of w eld bead pr ofile for dynam ically loaded part s. Process cont rol/ flexibilit y. Enables use of larger diam et er, less expensive wires wit h t hinner plat es – m or e. Easily fed ( a part icular advant age for alum inium welding) . 16-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d Pulsing t he welding current ext ends t he range of spray t ransfer oper at ion well below t he nat ural t ransit ion from dip t o spray t ransfer. This allows sm oot h, spat t er- fr ee spray t ransfer t o be obt ained at m ean cur rent s below t he t ransit ion level, eg 50- 150A and at lower heat input s. A t ypical pulse waveform and t he m ain pulse welding variables are show n in Figure 16.10. Pulse t ransfer uses pulses of curr ent t o fire a single globule of m et al acr oss t he arc gap at a fr equency bet ween 50–300 pulses/ sec. Pulse t ransfer is a dev elopm ent of spray t ransfer t hat gives posit ional welding capabilit y for st eels, com bined wit h cont rolled heat input , good fusion, and high product ivit y. I t m ay be used for all sheet st eel t hickness > 1m m , but is m ainly used for posit ional welding of st eels > 6m m . Figur e 1 6 .1 0 Pulse d w e lding w a ve for m a nd pa r a m e t e r s. 4 Globula r t r a n sfe r : Ke y cha r a ct e r ist ics: I rr egular m et al t ransfer . Medium heat input . Medium deposit ion rat e. Risk of spat t er . Not widely used in t he UK; can be used for m echanised welding of m edium . Thickness st eels ( t ypically 3- 6m m ) in t he flat ( PA) posit ion. The globular t ransfer range occupies t he t r ansit ional range of ar c v olt age bet ween fr ee flight and fully short - circuit ing t ransfer. I rr egular droplet t ransfer and arc inst abilit y are inherent , part icularly when operat ing near t he t ransit ion t hreshold. I n globular t ransfer , a m olt en dr oplet of sev eral t im es t he elect r ode diam et er form s on t he wire t ip. Gravit y ev ent ually det aches t he globule when it s weight over com es surface t ension forces and t ransfer t ak es place oft en wit h excessive spat t er To m inim ise spat t er levels, it is com m on t o operat e wit h a very short arc lengt h and in som e cases a buried arc t echnique is adopt ed. Globular t ransfer can only be used in t he flat posit ion and is oft en associat ed wit h lack of penet rat ion, fusion defect s and uneven weld beads, because of t he irregular t ransfer and t endency for arc wander . WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 6 .2 .8 I nduct a nce W ha t doe s induct a nce do? When MI G w elding in t he dip t ransfer m ode, t he welding elect rode t ouches t he weld pool, causing a short circuit . During t he short circuit , t he arc volt age is nearly zer o. I f t he const ant volt age power supply responded inst ant ly, ver y high curr ent w ould im m ediat ely begin t o flow t hrough t he weldingcircuit . The rapid rise in current t o a high value would m elt t he short - circuit ed elect rode fr ee wit h explosive for ce, dispelling t he weld m et al and causing considerable spat t er. I nduct ance is t he propert y in an elect rical circuit t hat slows down t he rat e of curr ent rise ( Figure 16.11) . The curr ent t rav elling t hrough an induct ance coil cr eat es a m agnet ic field. This m agnet ic field cr eat es a curr ent in t he w elding circuit t hat is in opposit ion t o t he welding current . I ncr easing t he induct ance will also increase t he arc t im e and decrease t he fr equency of short - circuit ing. For each elect rode feed rat e, t her e is an opt im um value of induct ance. Too lit t le induct ance result s in excessive spat t er. I f t oo m uch induct ance is used, t he curr ent will not rise fast enough and t he m olt en t ip of t he elect rode is not heat ed sufficient ly causing t he elect r ode t o st ub int o t he base m et al. Modern elect r onic power sour ces aut om at ically set t he induct ance t o give a sm oot h ar c and m et al t ransfer. Figur e 1 6 .1 1 Re la t ion sh ip be t w e e n induct a nce a nd cur r e nt r ise . 1 6 .3 W e lding con sum a ble s 1 6 .3 .1 Solid w ir e s Usually m ade in sizes from 0.6 t o 1,6m m diam et er t hey ar e pr oduced wit h an analysis which essent ially m at ches t he m at erials being j oined. Addit ional elem ent s ar e oft en added especially ext ra de- oxidant s in st eel wires. C- Mn and low alloy st eel wires are usually copper coat ed t o reduce t he risk of rust ing and prom ot e bet t er elect rical cont act . WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 6 .3 .2 Flux cor e d w ir e s A cored wire consist s of a m et al sheat h cont aining a granular flux. This flux can cont ain elem ent s t hat would norm ally be used in MMA elect rodes and so t he process has a v ery wide range of applicat ions. I n addit ion we can also add gas producing elem ent s and com pounds t o t he flux and so t he process can becom e independent of a separat e gas shield, which rest rict ed t he use of convent ional MI G/ MAG w elding in m any field applicat ions. Most wires ar e sealed m echanically and herm et ically wit h various form s of j oint . The effect iveness of t he j oint of t he wire is an inspect ion point of cor ed wire welding as m oist ure can easily be absorbed int o a dam aged or poor seam . Wire t ypes com m only used ar e: Rut ile – which give good posit ional capabilit ies.. Basic – also posit ional but good on “ dirt y” m at erial. Met al cored – higher product ivit y and som e having excellent root run capabilit ies. Self- shielded – no ext er nal gas needed. Baking of cored wires is ineffect ive and will do not hing t o rest or e t he condit ion of a cont am inat ed flux wit hin a wire. N ot e : Unlike MMA elect rodes t he pot ent ial hydrogen levels and m echanical propert ies of welds wit h rut ile wires can equal t hose of t he basic t ypes. 1 6 .4 I m por t a nt inspe ct ion point s/ che ck s w he n M I G/ M AG w e lding 1 The w e lding e qu ipm e nt A visual check should be m ade t o ensur e t he welding equipm ent is in good condit ion. 2 The e le ct r ode w ir e The diam et er, specificat ion and t he qualit y of t he wire are t he m ain inspect ion headings. The level of de- oxidat ion of t he wire is an im port ant fact or wit h single, double and t riple de- oxidised wires being available. The higher t he level of de- oxidant s in t he wire, t hen t he lower t he chance of por osit y in t he weld. The qualit y of t he wire winding, copper coat ing, and t em per are also im port ant fact ors in m inim ising wire feed problem s. Qua lit y of w ir e w in dings a nd incr e a sing cost s ( a) Ra n dom w ound. ( b) La ye r w ound. ( c) Pr e cision la ye r w ou nd. 3 The dr iv e r olls a nd lin e r . Check t he drive rolls are of t he cor r ect size for t he wire and t hat t he pressur e is only hand t ight , or j ust sufficient t o drive t he wire. Any ex cess pressur e will deform t he wire t o an ovular shape. This will m ake t he wire very difficult t o drive t hrough t he liner and result in arcing in t he cont act t ip and excessive w ear of t he cont act t ip and liner. Check t hat t he liner is t he cor rect t ype and size for t he wir e. A size of liner will generally fit 2 sizes of wire ie ( 0.6 and 0.8) ( 1.0 and 1.2) ( 1.4 and 1.6) m m diam et er. St eel liner s ar e used for st eel wires and Teflon liners for alum inium wires. WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding 16-10 Copyright © TWI Lt d 4 The cont a ct t ip Check t hat t he cont act t ip is t he cor rect size for t he wire being driven, and check t he am ount of w ear fr equent ly. Any loss of cont act bet w een t he wire and cont act t ip will reduce t he efficiency of curr ent pick. Most st eel wires are copper- coat ed t o m axim ise t he t ransfer of curr ent by cont act bet w een 2 copper sur faces at t he cont act t ip, t his also inhibit s corr osion. The cont act t ip should be r eplaced r egularly. 5 The conne ct ion s The lengt h of t he elect ric arc in MI G/ MAG w elding is cont r olled by t he volt age set t ings. This is achieved by using a const ant v olt age volt / am p charact erist ic inside t he equipm ent . Any poor connect ion in t he welding circuit will affect t he nat ure and st abilit y of t he elect ric arc, and is t hus is a m aj or inspect ion point . 6 Ga s a n d ga s f low r a t e The t ype of gas used is ext r em ely im port ant t o MI G/ MAG welding, as is t he flow rat e from t he cylinder, which m ust be adequat e t o give good cov erage ov er t he solidifying and m olt en m et al t o avoid oxidat ion and porosit y. 7 Ot he r va r ia ble w e ldin g pa r a m e t e r s Check s should be m ade for cor r ect wire feed speed, volt age, speed of t ravel, and all ot her essent ial variables of t he pr ocess given on t he approv ed w elding procedure. 8 Sa fe t y ch e ck s Check s should be m ade on t he cur rent carr ying capacit y, or dut y cy cle of equipm ent and elect rical insulat ion. Corr ect ext ract ion syst em s should be in use t o av oid exposur e t o ozone and fum es. A check should always be m ade t o ensure t hat t he welder is qualified t o w eld t he pr ocedur e being em ployed. Typica l w e lding im pe r fe ct ion s: 1 2 3 4 WI S10- 30816 MAG Welding Silica inclusion s, ( on ferrit ic st eels only) caused by poor int er- run cleaning. La ck of side w a ll f usion during dip t ransfer w elding t hick sect ion vert ically down. Por osit y caused from loss of gas shield and low t olerance t o cont am inant s. Bur n - t hr ough from using t he incorr ect m et al t ransfer m ode on sheet m et al. 16-11 Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 1 7 M M A W e ldin g 17 M M A W e ldin g 1 7 .1 M a nu a l m e t a l a r c/ shie lde d m e t a l a r c w e lding ( M M A/ SM AW ) The m ost v er sat ile of t he welding processes, m anual m et al arc ( MMA) welding is suit able for w elding m ost fer rous and non- ferr ous m et als, over a wide range of t hicknesses. The MMA welding process can be used in all posit ions, wit h reasonable ease of use and relat ively econom ically. The final weld qualit y is prim arily dependent on t he skill of t he w elder. When an ar c is st ruck bet ween t he coat ed elect rode and t he workpiece, bot h t he elect r ode and wor kpiece surface m elt t o for m a w eld pool. The av erage t em perat ur e of t he arc is approxim at ely 6000°C, whi ch is sufficient t o sim ult aneously m elt t he par ent m et al, consum able core wire and t he flux coat ing. The flux form s gas and slag, which prot ect s t he w eld pool from oxygen and nit rogen in t he surr ounding at m osphere. The m olt en slag solidifies and cools and m ust be chipped off t he weld bead once t he weld run is com plet e ( or befor e t he next w eld pass is deposit ed) . The process allows only short lengt hs of weld t o be pr oduced before a new elect r ode needs t o be insert ed in t he holder. Figur e 1 7 .1 The m a nua l m e t a l a r c w e lding pr oce ss. WI S10- 30816 MMA Welding 17-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 7 .2 M M A w e lding ba sic e quipm e nt r e qu ir e m e n t s 10 1 9 2 3 8 4 7 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pow e r sou r ce t r a nsfor m e r / r e ct if ie r ( const ant curr ent t ype) . H olding ove n ( holds at t em perat ur es up t o 150°C) . I nve r t e r pow e r sou r ce ( m ore com pact and port able) . Ele ct r ode holde r ( of a suit able am perage rat ing) . Pow e r ca ble ( of a suit able am perage r at ing) . W e lding visor ( wit h corr ect rat ing for t he am perage/ pr ocess) . Pow e r r e t u r n ca ble ( of a suit able am perage r at ing) . Ele ct r ode s ( of a suit able t ype and am perage rat ing) . Ele ct r ode ove n ( bakes elect r odes at up t o 350°C) . Cont r ol pa ne l ( on\ off/ am perage/ polarit y/ OCV) . Figur e 1 7 .2 M M A w e ldin g ba sic e quipm e nt . 1 7 .3 Pow e r r e quir e m e nt s Manual m et al arc welding can be carried out using eit her direct ( DC) or alt ernat ing ( AC) curr ent . Wit h DC welding curr ent eit her posit ive ( + ve) or negat ive ( - ve) polarit y can be used, so cur rent is flowing in one direct ion. AC welding current flows fr om negat ive t o posit ive and is t wo direct ional. Pow er sources for MMA welding are t ransform er s ( which t ransform s m ains AC t o AC suit able for w elding) , t ransform er- r ect ifier s ( which rect ifies AC t o DC) , diesel or pet rol driven generat ors ( pr efer red for sit e work) or invert er s ( a m ore recent addit ion t o welding power sour ces) . For MMA w elding a power source wit h a const ant cur rent ( drooping) out put charact erist ic m ust be used. WI S10- 30816 MMA Welding 17-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d The power source m ust provide: 1 7 .4 An open circuit volt age ( OCV) t o init iat e t he arc, bet w een 50 and 90V. Welding volt age t o m aint ain t he arc during welding, bet w een 20 and 30V. A suit able curr ent range, t ypically 30- 350A. A st able arc. Rapid arc r ecov ery or arc r e- ignit ion wit hout current surge. A const ant welding current . The arc lengt h m ay change during welding, but consist ent elect r ode bur n- off rat e and weld penet rat ion charact erist ics m ust be m aint ained during welding. W e lding v a r ia ble s Ot her fact ors, or w elding variables, which affect t he final qualit y of t he MMA weld, ar e: 1 7 .4 .1 Curr ent ( am perage) Volt age. Trav el speed. Polarit y. Type of elect rode. affect s heat I nput Cur r e n t ( a m pe r a ge ) Am perage cont rols burn- off rat e and dept h of penet rat ion. Welding current level is det erm ined by t he size of elect rode and t he welding posit ion - m anufact ur er s recom m end t he norm al operat ing range and cur rent . I ncor r ect am perage set t ings when using MMA can cont ribut e t o t he following: Am p e r a ge t oo low Poor fusion or penet rat ion, irregular weld bead shape, slag inclusion unst able arc, porosit y, pot ent ial arc st rikes, difficult st art ing. Am pe r a ge t oo high Excessive penet rat ion, burn- t hrough, undercut , spat t er , porosit y, deep crat ers, elect r ode dam age due t o overheat ing, high deposit ion m aking posit ional welding difficult . 1 7 .5 Volt a ge Open circuit volt age ( OCV) is t he volt age m easur ed bet ween t he out put t erm inals of t he power sour ce when no curr ent is flowing t hrough t he welding circuit . For safet y reasons t his should not exceed 100V and is usually bet ween 50- 90V. Arc v olt age is t he volt age r equired t o m aint ain t he arc during welding and is usually bet ween 20–30V. As ar c v olt age is a funct ion of arc lengt h t he w elder cont r ols t he ar c lengt h and t herefor e t he arc v olt age. Arc volt age cont r ols weld pool fluidit y. WI S10- 30816 MMA Welding 17-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d The effect s of having t he w rong arc volt age can be: Ar c V olt a ge t oo low Poor penet rat ion, elect rode st ubbing, lack of fusion defect s, pot ent ial for arc st rikes, slag inclusion, unst able arc condit ion, irregular w eld bead shape. Ar c volt a g e t oo hig h Excessive spat t er, por osit y, arc wander, irr egular weld bead shape, slag inclusions, fluid weld pool m aking posit ional welding difficult . 1 7 .5 .1 Tr a ve l spe e d Trav el speed is r elat ed t o whet her t he w elding is progressed by st ringer beads or by weaving. Oft en t he run out lengt h ( ROL) ie t he lengt h of deposit from one st andard elect rode is quot ed on procedures rat her t han speed as it is easier for t he welder t o visualise. Tr a ve l spe e d t oo fa st Nar row t hin weld fusion/ penet rat ion. bead, fast cooling, slag inclusions, undercut , poor Tr a ve l spe e d t oo slow Cold lap, excess weld deposit ion, irregular bead shape, under cut . 1 7 .6 Type of cu r r e nt a nd pola r it y Polarit y will det erm ine t he dist ribut ion of heat energy at t he w elding arc. The preferr ed polarit y of t he MMA sy st em depends prim arily upon t he elect r ode being used and t he desired pr opert ies of t he weld. D ir e ct cu r r e n t . e le ct r ode posit iv e ( D CEP / D C+ ) . Usually produces t he gr eat est penet rat ion but wit h lesser deposit ion rat e. Known in som e st andar ds as r ev er se polarit y. D ir e ct cu r r e n t . e le ct r ode n e ga t ive ( D CEN / D C- ) Usually produces less penet rat ion wit h great er deposit ion rat e. Known in som e st andar ds as st raight polarit y. When using direct curr ent t he arc can be affect ed by arc blow. The deflect ion of t he ar c from it s norm al pat h due t o m agnet ic forces. Alt e r n a t ing cur r e nt ( AC) The dist ribut ion of heat energy at t he ar c is equal. Ope r a t in g f a ct or ( O/ F) The per cent age ( % ) of arc on t im e in a given t im e span. When com par ed wit h sem i aut om at ic welding processes t he MMA welding process has a low O/ F of approxim at ely 30% Manual sem i- aut om at ic MI G/ MAG O/ F is in t he region 60% wit h fully aut om at ed MI G/ MAG in t he region of 90% O/ F. A w elding process O/ F can be direct ly linked t o pr oduct ivit y . Operat ing Fact or should not t o be conf use d wit h t he t erm dut y cycle , which is a safet y value given as t he % of t im e a conduct or can carry a curr ent and is given as a specific curr ent at 6 0 and 1 0 0 % of 10 m inut es ie 350A 60% and 300A 100% . WI S10- 30816 MMA Welding 17-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 7 .7 Type of consu m a ble e le ct r ode For MMA w elding t here are t hree generic t ypes of flux cov ering: Rut ile , ba sic, ce llulosic The det ails of t hese t ypes ar e cov er ed elsewher e in t hese not es. 1 7 .8 Typica l w e lding de fe ct s 1 Sla g inclu sions caused by poor welding t echnique or insufficient int er- run cleaning. 2 Por osit y from using dam p or dam aged elect r odes or when welding cont am inat ed or unclean m at erial. 3 La ck of r oot fu sion or pe ne t r a t ion caused by in- corr ect set t ings of t he am ps, root gap or face widt h. 4 Unde r cut caused by t oo high am perage for t he posit ion or by a poor welding t echnique eg t ravel speed t oo fast or t oo slow, ar c lengt h ( t herefore volt age) variat ions part icularly during excessive weaving. 5 Ar c st r ik e s caused by incorr ect ar c st riking procedur e, or lack of skill. These m ay be also caused by incorr ect ly fit t ed/ secured pow er r et urn lead clam ps. 6 H ydr oge n cr a ck s caused by t he use of incorrect elect r ode t ype or incorrect baking procedure and/ or cont r ol of basic coat ed elect rodes. WI S10- 30816 MMA Welding 17-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 1 8 Su bm e r ge d Ar c W e ldin g 18 Su bm e r ge d Ar c W e ldin g 1 8 .1 The pr oce ss Abbreviat ed as SAW, t his is a welding process wher e an arc is st ruck bet ween a cont inuous bare wire and t he parent plat e. The arc, elect r ode end and t he m olt en pool ar e subm erged in an agglom erat ed or fused powder ed flux, which t urns, int o gas and slag in it s lower layer s w hen subj ect ed t o t he heat of t he arc, t hus pr ot ect ing t he weld from cont am inat ion. The wire elect r ode is fed cont inuously by a feed unit of m ot or- driven rollers, which usually are volt age- cont rolled t o ensure an arc of const ant lengt h. The flux is fed fr om a hopper fixed t o t he welding head, and a t ube from t he hopper spr eads t he flux in a cont inuous elongat ed m ound in front of t he arc along t he line of t he int ended weld and of sufficient dept h t o subm erge t he arc com plet ely so t hat t her e is no spat t er, t he weld is shielded from t he at m ospher e and t here are no ult raviolet or infra- r ed radiat ion effect s ( see below) . Unm elt ed flux is reclaim ed for use. The use of powder ed flux rest rict s t he pr ocess t o t he flat and horizont al- vert ical welding posit ions. Subm erged arc w elding is not ed for it s abilit y t o em ploy high weld curr ent s owing t o t he propert ies and funct ions of t he flux. Such current s give deep penet rat ion and high deposit ion rat es. Generally a DC elect rode posit ive polarit y is em ployed up t o about 1000A because it produces a deep penet r at ion. On som e applicat ions ( ie cladding operat ions) DC elect r ode negat ive is needed t o reduce penet rat ion and dilut ion. At higher curr ent s or in case of m ult iple elect r ode syst em s, AC is oft en preferr ed t o av oid t he problem of ar c blow ( when used wit h m ult iple elect rode syst em s, DC elect r ode posit ive is used for t he lead arc and AC is used for t he t rail arc) . WI S10- 30816 Subm erged Arc Welding 18-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d Pow er sources can be of t he const ant cur rent or const ant volt age t y pe eit her m ay have out put s ex ceeding 1000A. Difficult ies som et im es arise in ensuring conform it y of t he w eld wit h a predet erm ined line owing t o t he obscuring effect of t he flux. Wher e possible, a guide wheel or st ylus t o run in t he j oint prepar at ion is posit ioned in front of t he welding head and flux hoppers or alt ernat ively a laser t racking syst em is used. Subm erged ar c w elding is widely used in t he fabricat ion of ships, pressur e vessels, linepipe, railway carriages and anywher e wher e long welds are required. I t can be used t o w eld t hicknesses from 1.5m m upwards. M a t e r ia ls j oine d 1 8 .2 Welding of carbon st eels. Welding low alloy st eels ( eg fine grained and cr eep r esist ing) . Welding st ainless st eels. Welding nickel alloys. Cladding t o base m et als t o im prov e w ear and corr osion r esist ance. Pr oce ss va r ia ble s Ther e ar e sev er al variables which when changed can have an effect on t he weld appearance and m echanical propert ies: 1 8 .2 .1 Welding curr ent . Type of flux and part icle dist ribut ion. Arc volt age. Trav el speed. Elect r ode size. Elect r ode ext ension. Type of elect rode. Widt h and dept h of t he layer of flux. Elect r ode angle, ( leading, t railing) . Polarit y. Single- , double- or m ult i- wire syst em . W e lding cu r r e nt Welding current effect on weld profile ( 2.4m m elect rode diam et er, 35V arc volt age and 610m m / m in t ravel speed) Excessively high current produces a deep penet rat ing arc wit h a t endency t o burn- t hrough, undercut or a high, narrow bead prone t o solidificat ion cracking. Excessively low curr ent produces an unst able arc, lack of penet rat ion and possibly lack of fusion. WI S10- 30816 Subm erged Arc Welding 18-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 350A 1 8 .2 .2 500A 650A Ar c volt a ge Arc v olt age adj ust m ent varies t he lengt h of t he arc bet ween t he elect rode and t he m olt en weld m et al. I f t he ar c volt age increases, t he arc lengt h increases and vice ver sa. The volt age principally det erm ines t he shape of t he w eld bead cr oss sect ion and it s ext ernal appearance. 25V 35V 45V Arc volt age effect on weld profile ( 2.4m m elect r ode diam et er, 500A welding curr ent and 610m m / m in t ravel speed) . I ncreasing t he arc v olt age will: Produce a flat t er and wider bead. I ncrease flux consum pt ion. Tend t o r educe por osit y caused by rust or scale on st eel. Help t o bridge ex cessive root opening when fit - up is poor . I ncrease pick- up of alloying elem ent s fr om t he flux when t hey are pr esent . Excessively high arc volt age will: Produce a wide bead shape t hat is subj ect t o solidificat ion cracking. Make slag rem oval difficult in groove welds. Produce a concav e shaped fillet weld t hat m ay be subj ect t o cracking. I ncrease under cut along t he edge( s) of fillet welds. Ov er- alloy t he weld m et al, via t he flux. Reducing t he arc volt age wit h const ant curr ent and t ravel speed will: Produce a st iffer arc which im proves penet rat ion in a deep weld groov e and resist s ar c blow. Excessively low arc volt age will: Produce a high, narrow bead. Causes difficult slag rem oval along t he weld t oes. WI S10- 30816 Subm erged Arc Welding 18-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 8 .2 .3 Tr a ve l spe e d I f t he t rav el speed is increased: Heat input per unit lengt h of w eld is decr eased. Less filler m et al is applied per unit lengt h of weld, and consequent ly less excess w eld m et al. Penet rat ion decreases and t hus t he weld bead becom es sm aller. 300m m / m in 610m m / m in 1220m m / m in Trav el speed effect on weld profile ( 2.4m m elect r ode diam et er , 500A welding curr ent and 35V arc volt age) . 1 8 .2 .4 Ele ct r ode siz e Elect r ode size affect s: The w eld bead shape and t he dept h of penet rat ion at a given cur rent : a high curr ent densit y result s in a st iff arc t hat penet rat es int o t he base m et al. Conversely, a lower cur rent densit y in t he sam e size elect r ode r esult s in a soft arc t hat is less penet rat ing. The deposit ion rat e: at any given am perage set t ing, a sm all diam et er elect r ode will have a higher cur rent densit y and a higher deposit ion rat e of m olt en m et al t han a larger diam et er elect rode. However, a larger diam et er elect r ode can car ry m ore cur rent t han a sm aller elect r ode, so t he larger elect r ode can ult im at ely produce a higher deposit ion rat e at higher am perage. 3.2 m m 4.0 m m 5.0 m m Elect r ode size effect on weld profile ( 600A welding current , 30V ar c volt age and 760m m / m in t ravel speed) . WI S10- 30816 Subm erged Arc Welding 18-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 8 .2 .5 Ele ct r ode e x t e n sion The elect r ode ext ension is t he dist ance t he cont inuous elect rode prot rudes beyond t he cont act t ip. At high current densit ies, resist ance heat ing of t he elect r ode bet w een t he cont act t ip and t he arc can be ut ilised t o increase t he elect r ode m elt ing rat e ( as m uch as 25- 50% ) . The longer t he ext ension, t he great er t he am ount of heat ing and t he higher t he m elt ing rat e ( see below) . 30m m 1 8 .2 .6 45m m 60m m 80m m Type of e le ct r ode An elect r ode wit h a low elect rical conduct ivit y, such as st ainless st eel, can wit h a norm al elect rode ext ension experience great er r esist ance heat ing. Thus for t he sam e size elect r ode and curr ent , t he m elt ing rat e of a st ainless st eel elect r ode will be higher t han t hat of a carbon st eel elect r ode. 1 8 .2 .7 W idt h a nd de pt h of f lux The widt h and dept h of t he layer of granular flux influence t he appear ance and soundness of t he finished weld as well as t he welding act ion. I f t he granular layer is t oo deep, t he arc is t oo confined and a rough weld wit h a rope- like appearance is likely t o result , it m ay also produce local flat areas on t he surface oft en r eferr ed t o as gas flat s. The gases generat ed during welding cannot readily escape, and t he surface of t he m olt en weld m et al is irregularly dist ort ed. I f t he granular layer is t oo shallow, t he arc w ill not be ent irely subm erged in flux. Flashing and spat t ering will occur. The w eld will have a poor appearance, and it m ay show por osit y. 1 8 .3 St or a ge a nd ca r e of consu m a ble s Care m ust be given t o fluxes supplied for SAW which, alt hough t hey m ay be dry when packaged, m ay be exposed t o high hum idit y during st orage. I n such cases t hey should be st or ed in accordance wit h t he m anufact urer's recom m endat ions befor e use, or por osit y or cracking m ay r esult . I t rarely pract ical or econom ical t o r e- dr y fluxes which m ay have picked up m oist ure. Fer rous wire coils supplied as cont inuous feeding elect rodes ar e usually coppercoat ed. This provides som e cor rosion r esist ance, ensures good elect rical cont act s and helps in sm oot h feeding. Rust and m echanical dam age should be avoided in such product s, as t hey will bot h int errupt sm oot h feeding of t he elect r ode. Rust will be det rim ent al t o weld qualit y generally since r ust is a hygroscopic m at erial ( m ay cont ain or absorb m oist ure) and t hus it can lead t o hydrogen induced cracking. Cont am inat ion by carbon cont aining m at erials such as oil, grease, paint and drawing lubricant s is especially harm ful wit h ferr ous m et als. Carbon pick- up in t he weld m et al can cause a m ark ed and usually undesirable change in propert ies. Such cont am inant s m ay also result in hydrogen being absorbed in t he weld pool. Welders should always follow t he consum ables st orage and handling. WI S10- 30816 Subm erged Arc Welding 18-5 m anufact urer's r ecom m endat ions for Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 1 9 TI G W e ldin g 19 TI G W e ldin g 1 9 .1 Pr oce ss ch a r a ct e r ist ics I n t he USA t he TI G process is also called gas t ungst en arc w elding ( GTAW) . TI G welding is a pr ocess w her e m elt ing is produced by heat ing wit h an arc st ruck bet ween a non- consum able t ungst en elect r ode and t he workpiece. An inert gas is used t o shield t he elect rode and weld zone t o pr ev ent oxidat ion of t he t ungst en elect rode and at m ospheric cont am inat ion of t he weld and hot filler wire ( as shown below) . Figur e 1 9 .1 M a n ua l TI G w e lding. Tungst en is used because it has a m elt ing point of 3370°C, which is well above any ot her com m on m et al. The power source is of t he const ant cur r ent t ype. 1 9 .2 Pr oce ss va r ia ble s The m ain variables in TI G w elding are: Welding curr ent . Curr ent t ype and polarit y. Trav el speed. Shape of t ungst en elect rode t ip and vert ex angle. Shielding gas flow rat e. Each of t hese variables is considered in m ore det ail in t he following subsect ions. WI S10- 30816 TI G Welding 19-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 9 .2 .1 W e lding cu r r e nt 1 9 .2 .2 Cur r e nt t ype a nd pola r it y 1 9 .2 .3 Wit h st eels DC elect r ode negat ive is used. Mat erials which have refract ory oxides such as t hose of alum inium or m agnesium are welded using AC or DC elect r ode posit ive which break up t he oxide layer. Wit h a DC posit ively connect ed elect r ode, heat is concent rat ed at t he elect r ode t ip and t herefor e for DC posit ive welding t he elect rode needs t o be of gr eat er diam et er t han when using DC negat ive if overheat ing of t he t ungst en is t o be av oided. A wat er- cooled t or ch is r ecom m ended if DC posit ive is used. The curr ent carr ying capacit y of a DC posit ive elect r ode is about one t ent h t hat of a negat ive one and it is t herefor e lim it ed t o w elding t hin sect ions. Tr a ve l spe e d 1 9 .2 .4 Weld penet rat ion is direct ly relat ed t o welding curr ent . I f t he w elding current is t oo low, t he elect r ode t ip will not be properly heat ed and an unst able arc m ay result . I f t he welding current is set t oo high, t he elect rode t ip m ight overheat and m elt , leading t o t ungst en inclusions. Trav el speed affect s bot h weld widt h and penet r at ion but t he effect on widt h is m ore pr onounced t han on penet rat ion. I ncreasing t he t rav el speed r educes t he penet rat ion and widt h. Reducing t he t ravel speed increases t he penet r at ion and widt h. Tu n gst e n e le ct r ode t ype s Differ ent t ypes of t ungst en elect rodes can be used t o suit different applicat ions: WI S10- 30816 TI G Welding Pur e t un gst e n elect r odes ar e rar ely used. Thor ia t e d e le ct r ode s ar e alloyed wit h t horium oxide, t ypically 2% , t o im prove arc init iat ion. They have higher cur r ent car rying capacit y t han pure t ungst en elect r odes and m aint ain a sharp t ip for longer. Unfort unat ely, t horia is slight ly radioact ive ( em it t ing α radiat ion) and t he dust generat ed during t ip grinding should not be inhaled. Elect r ode grinding m achines used for t horiat ed t ungst en grinding should be fit t ed wit h a dust ext r act ion syst em . Ce r ia t e d a n d la n t h a n a t e d e le ct r ode s ar e alloyed wit h cerium and lant hanum oxides, for t he sam e r eason as t horiat ed elect rodes. They operat e successfully wit h DC or AC but since cerium and lant hanum are not radioact ive, t hese t ypes have been used as replacem ent s for t horiat ed elect r odes Zir con ia t e d e le ct r ode s ar e alloyed wit h zirconium oxide. Oper at ing charact erist ics of t hese elect r odes fall bet ween t he t horiat ed t ypes and pure t ungst en. How ev er, since t hey ar e able t o ret ain a balled end during welding, t hey are recom m ended for AC welding. Also, t hey have a high resist ance t o cont am inat ion and so t hey are used for high int egrit y welds wher e t ungst en inclusions m ust be av oided. 19-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 9 .2 .5 Sha pe of t ungst e n e le ct r ode t ip Wit h DC elect rode negat ive, t horiat ed, ceriat ed or lant hanat ed t ungst en elect r odes ar e used wit h t he end is ground t o a specific angle ( t he elect rode t ip angle or v ert ex angle – shown below) . As a general rule, t he lengt h of t he ground port ion of t he t ip of t he elect rode should have a lengt h equal t o approxim at ely 2- 2.5 t im es t he elect rode diam et er. The t ip of t he elect r ode is ground flat t o m inim ise t he risk of t he t ip breaking off when t he arc is init iat ed or during welding ( shown below) . I f t he vert ex angle is incr eased, t he penet rat ion increases. I f t he vert ex angle is decr eased, bead widt h increases. For AC w elding, pure or zirconiat ed t ungst en elect rodes ar e used. These are used wit h a hem ispherical ( ‘balled’) end ( as shown below) . I n order t o pr oduce a balled end t he elect r ode is grounded, an ar c init iat ed and t he cur rent incr eased unt il it m elt s t he t ip of t he elect rode. Elect rode t ip angle ( or vert ex angle) Elect rode t ip wit h wit h flat end Elect rode t ip wit h a balled end Figur e 1 9 .2 Ex a m ple s of sha pe s of e le ct r ode t ips. 1 9 .3 Fille r w ir e s a nd sh ie lding ga se s These ar e select ed on t he basis of t he m at erials being welded. See t he relevant chapt er in t hese not es. 1 9 .4 Tungst e n inclu sions Sm all fragm ent s of t ungst en t hat ent er a weld will always show up on radiographs ( because of t he relat ively high densit y of t his m et al) and for m ost applicat ions will not be accept able. Therm al shock t o t he t ungst en causing sm all fragm ent s t o ent er t he weld pool is a com m on cause of t ungst en inclusions and is t he reason why m odern power sour ces hav e a cur rent slope- up device t o m inim ise t his risk. This device allows t he curr ent t o rise t o t he set value over a short period and so t he t ungst en is heat ed m or e slowly and gent ly. WI S10- 30816 TI G Welding 19-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d 1 9 .5 Cr a t e r cr a ck ing Crat er cracking is one form of solidificat ion cracking and som e filler m et als can be sensit ive t o it . Modern pow er sour ces have a curr ent slope- out device so t hat at t he end of a weld when t he welder swit ches off t he cur rent it reduces gradually and t he weld pool get s sm aller and shallower. This m eans t hat t he weld pool has a m ore favourable shape when it finally solidifies and crat er cr acking can be avoided. 1 9 .6 Com m on a pplica t ions of t he TI G pr oce ss These include aut ogenous welding of longit udinal seam s, in t hin walled pipes and t ubes, in st ainless st eel and ot her alloys, on cont inuous form ing m ills. Using filler wires, TI G is used for m aking high qualit y j oint s in heavier gauge pipe and t ubing for t he chem ical, pet roleum and pow er generat ing indust ries. I t is also in t he aerospace indust ry for such it em s as airfram es and rock et m ot or cases. 1 9 .7 Adv a nt a ge s of t he TI G pr oce ss 1 9 .8 I t produces superior qualit y welds, wit h ver y low lev els of diffusible hydrogen and so t here is less danger of cold cracking. I t does not give w eld spat t er nor slag inclusions which m akes it part icularly suit able for applicat ions t hat r equire a high degr ee of cleanliness ( eg pipework for t he food and drinks indust ry, sem i- conduct ors m anufact uring, et c) . I t can be used wit h filler m et al and on t hin sect ions wit hout filler; it can produce w elds at r elat ively high speed. I t enables welding variables t o be accurat ely cont r olled and is part icularly good for cont r olling weld root penet r at ion in all posit ions of w elding. I t can be used t o w eld alm ost all weldable m et als, including dissim ilar j oint s, but is not generally used for t hose wit h low m elt ing point s such as lead and t in. The m et hod is especially useful in welding t he react ive m et als wit h very st able oxides such as alum inium , m agnesium , t it anium and zirconium . The heat source and filler m et al addit ions are cont r olled independent ly and t hus it is very good for j oining t hin base m et als. D isa dv a n t a ge s of t h e TI G pr oce ss WI S10- 30816 TI G Welding I t gives low deposit ion rat es com par ed wit h ot her ar c w elding processes. Ther e is a need for higher dext erit y and welder co- ordinat ion t han wit h MI G/ MAG or MMA w elding. I t is less econom ical t han MMA or MI G/ MAG for sect ions t hicker t han ~ 10m m . I t is difficult t o fully shield t he weld zone in dr aught y condit ions and so m ay not be suit able for sit e/ field welding. Tungst en inclusions can occur if t he elect rode is allowed t o cont act t he weld pool. The process does not have any cleaning act ion and so has low t olerance for cont am inant s on filler or base m et als. 19-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d Se ct ion 2 0 W e ldin g Re pa ir s 20 W e ld Re pa ir s Weld repairs can be divided int o t wo specific areas: 1 2 Product ion r epairs. I n service r epairs. The r easons for m aking a repair are m any and varied. Typically, t hey range from t he r em oval of w eld defect s induced dur ing m anufact ure t o a quick and t em porar y running- repair t o an it em of product ion plant . I n t hese t erm s, t he subj ect of w elding repairs is also wide and varied and oft en confused wit h m aint enance and refurbishm ent where t he w ork can be scheduled. Wit h planned m aint enance and r efurbishm ent , sufficient t im e can be allowed t o enable t he t asks t o be com plet ed wit hout product ion pressur es being applied. I n cont rast , repairs are usually unplanned and m ay result in short cut s being t aken t o allow t he product ion program m e t o cont inue. I t is, t herefore, advisable for a fabricat or t o hav e an est ablished policy on r epairs and t o have repair m et hods and pr ocedur es in place. The m anually cont rolled welding processes are t he easiest t o use, part icularly if it is a local repair or one t o be car ried out on- sit e. Probably t he m ost frequent ly used of t hese processes is m anual m et al arc ( MMA) as t his is versat ile, port able and readily applicable t o m any alloys because of t he wide range of off- t he- shelf consum ables. Repairs alm ost always result in higher r esidual st resses and increased dist ort ion com pared wit h first t im e welds. Wit h carbon- m anganese and low/ m edium alloy st eels, t he applicat ion of preheat and post - w eld heat t reat m ent s m ay be r equired. Ther e ar e a num ber of key fact or s t hat need t o be consider ed befor e undert aking any repair. The m ost im port ant being a j udgem ent as t o whet her it is financially wort hwhile. Befor e t his j udgem ent can be m ade, t he fabricat or needs t o answ er t he following quest ions: 1 2 3 4 5 Can st ruct ural int egrit y be achiev ed if t he it em is r epaired? Are t her e any alt ernat ives t o w elding? What caused t he defect and is it likely t o happen again? How is t he defect t o be rem ov ed and what w elding process is t o be used? Which non- dest ruct ive t est ing ( NDT) is r equired t o ensur e com plet e rem oval of t he defect ? 6 Will t he welding procedures r equire appr oval/ re- approval? 7 What will be t he effect of welding dist ort ion and residual st ress? 8 Will heat t reat m ent be r equired? 9 What NDT is required and how can accept abilit y of t he repair be dem onst rat ed? 10 Will approval of t he r epair be r equired - if yes, how and by whom ? Alt hough a weld repair m ay be a r elat ively st raight forward act ivit y, in m any inst ances it can be quit e com plex and various engineering disciplines m ay need t o be involved t o ensur e a successful out com e. I t is recom m ended t hat t here be an ongoing analysis of t he t ypes of defect car ried out by t he Q/ C depart m ent t o discover t he likely reason for t heir occurr ence, ( Mat erial/ process or skill relat ed.) WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-1 Copyright © TWI Lt d I n general t erm s, a welding repair involves: 1 A det ailed assessm ent t o find out t he ext r em it y of t he defect . This m ay involve t he use of a surface or sub- surface NDT m et hods. 2 Cleaning t he repair ar ea, ( r em oval of paint grease et c) . 3 Once est ablished t he ex cavat ion sit e m ust be clearly ident ified and m arked out . 4 An ex cavat ion procedur e m ay be r equired ( m et hod used ie grinding, ar c- air gouging, preheat requirem ent s et c) . 5 NDT should be used t o locat e t he defect and confirm it s rem oval. 6 A welding repair procedur e/ m et hod st at em ent wit h t he appropr iat e* welding process, consum able, t echnique, cont r olled heat input and int erpass t em per at ures et c will need t o be appr ov ed. 7 Use of appr ov ed w elder s. 8 Dressing t he weld and final visual. 9 NDT pr ocedur e/ t echnique pr epar ed and carried out t o ensur e t hat t he defect has been successfully rem oved and r epaired. 10 Any post r epair heat t r eat m ent r equirem ent s. 11 Final NDT procedure/ t echnique prepared and carried out aft er heat t reat m ent r equirem ent s. 12 Applying prot ect ive t r eat m ent s ( paint ing et c as required) . ( * Appropriat e’ m eans suit able for t he alloys being repaired and m ay not apply in specific sit uat ions) 2 0 .1 Pr oduct ion r e pa ir s Repairs are usually ident ified during product ion inspect ion and evaluat ion of t he report s is usually carr ied out by t he Welding I nspect or , or NDT operat or. Discont inuit ies in t he welds are only classed as defect s when t hey ar e out side t he perm it t ed range per m it t ed by t he applied code or st andard. Befor e t he r epair can com m ence, a num ber of elem ent s need t o be fulfilled. 2 0 .1 .1 An a ly sis As t his defect is surface br eaking and has occurr ed at t he fusion face t he problem could be cracking or lack of sidewall fusion. I f t he defect is found t o be cracking t he cause m ay be associat ed wit h t he m at erial or t he welding procedur e, however if t he defect is lack of sidewall fusion t his can be apport ioned t o t he lack of skill of t he welder . 2 0 .1 .2 Asse ssm e nt I n t his part icular case as t he defect is open t o t he surface, m agnet ic part icle inspect ion ( MPI ) or dy e penet rant inspect ion ( DPI ) m ay be used t o gauge t he lengt h of t he defect and ult rasonic t est ing ( U/ T) used t o gauge t he dept h. WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-2 Copyright © TWI Lt d A t ypical defect is show n below: Plan view of defect 2 0 .1 .3 Ex ca va t ion I f a t herm al m et hod of excavat ion is being used ie arc- air gouging it m ay be a requirem ent t o qualify a procedur e as t he heat generat ed m ay have an affect on t he m et allurgical st ruct ure, r esult ing in t he risk of cracking in t he weld or parent m at erial To prevent cracking it m ay be necessary t o apply a preheat . The dept h t o widt h rat io shall not be less t han 1 ( dept h) t o 1 ( widt h) ideally 1 t o 1.5 would be r ecom m ended ( rat io: dept h 1 t o t he widt h 1.5) . WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-3 Copyright © TWI Lt d Side view of ex cavat ion for slight sub surface defect . W D Side view of ex cavat ion for deep defect . W D Side view of ex cavat ion for full root r epair. W D WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-4 Copyright © TWI Lt d 2 0 .1 .4 Cle a n ing of t he e x ca v a t ion At t his st age grinding of t he repair area is im port ant , due t o t he risk of carbon becom ing im pregnat ed int o t he w eld m et al/ parent m at erial. I t should be gr ound back t ypically 3- 4m m t o bright m et al. Con f ir m a t ion of e x ca va t ion At t his st age NDT should be used t o confirm t hat t he defect has been com plet ely ex cavat ed fr om t he ar ea. WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-5 Copyright © TWI Lt d 2 0 .1 .5 Re - w e lding of t he e x ca va t ion Prior t o re- w elding of t he excavat ion a det ailed repair welding procedur e/ m et hod st at em ent shall be approved. Typical side view of w eld repair 2 0 .1 .6 N D T con fir m a t ion of su cce ssfu l r e pa ir Aft er t he ex cavat ion has been filled t he weldm ent should t hen undergo a com plet e r et est using t he sam e NDT t echniques as pr eviously used t o est ablish t he original repair, t his is carried out t o ensure no furt her defect s have been int roduced by t he repair welding process. NDT m ay also need t o be furt her applied aft er any addit ional post - weld heat t reat m ent has been car ried out . 2 0 .2 I n- se r v ice r e pa ir s Most in- service r epairs can be of a very com plex nat ure, as t he com ponent is very likely t o be in a different w elding posit ion and condit ion t han it was during product ion. I t m ay also have been in cont act wit h t oxic or com bust ible fluids hence a perm it t o w or k will need t o be sought prior t o any work being car ried out . The r epair welding procedur e m ay look ver y different t o t he original product ion pr ocedure due t o changes in t hese elem ent s. Ot her fact or s m ay also be t ak en int o consider at ion, such as t he effect of heat on any sur rounding areas of t he com ponent ie elect rical com ponent s, or m at erials t hat m ay becom e dam aged by t he r epair procedur e. This m ay also include difficult y in carr ying out any required pre- or post - welding heat t reat m ent s and a possible rest rict ion of access t o t he area t o be repaired. For large fabricat ions it is likely t hat t he repair m ust also t ak e place on- sit e and wit hout a shut down of operat ions, which m ay bring ot her elem ent s t hat need t o be considered. Repair of in service defect s m ay require considerat ion of t hese and m any ot her fact ors, and as such ar e generally considered m or e com plicat ed t han pr oduct ion repairs. Joining t echnologies oft en play a vit al role in t he repair and m aint enance of st ruct ur es. Part s can be replaced, worn or cor roded part s can be built up, and cracks can be r epaired. WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-6 Copyright © TWI Lt d When a r epair is required it is im port ant t o det erm ine t wo t hings: first ly, t he reason for failure and, secondly, can t he com ponent act ually be repaired? The lat t er point infers t hat t he m at erial t ype is known. For m et als, part icularly t hose t o be welded, t he chem ical com posit ion is vit ally im port ant . Failure m odes oft en indicat e t he approach r equired t o m ake a sound repair. When t he cause- effect analysis, however sim ple, is not followed t hrough it is oft en t he case t hat t he repair is unsafe - som et im es disast rously so. I n m any inst ances, t he St andard or Code used t o design t he st ruct ure will define t he t ype of r epair t hat can be car ried out and will also give guidance on t he m et hods t o be followed. St andards im ply t hat when designing or m anufact uring a new product it is im port ant t o consider a m aint enance regim e and repair procedures. Repairs m ay be r equired during m anufact ure and t his sit uat ion should also be consider ed. Nor m ally, t here is m or e t han one way of m aking a repair. For exam ple, cracks in cast iron m ight be held t oget her or r epaired by: pinning, bolt ing, rivet ing, welding, or brazing. The m et hod chosen will depend on fact ors such as t he reason for t he failure, t he m at erial com posit ion and cleanliness, t he environm ent and t he size and shape of t he com ponent . I t is ve r y im por t a nt t hat repair and m aint enance w elding are not r egarded as act ivit ies, which are sim ple or st raight forward. I n m any inst ances a r epair m ay seem undem anding but t he consequences of get t ing it wrong can be cat ast r ophic failure wit h disast rous consequences. I s w e lding t he be st m e t hod of r e pa ir ? I f repair is called for because a com ponent has a local irregularit y or a shallow defect , grinding out any defect s and blending t o a sm oot h cont our m ight well be accept able. I t will cert ainly be preferable if t he st eel has poor weldabilit y or if fat igue loading is severe. I t is oft en bet t er t o reduce t he so- called fact or of safet y slight ly, t han t o risk put t ing defect s, st r ess concent rat ions and residual st resses int o a brit t le m at erial. I n fact brit t le m at erials - which can include som e st eels ( part icularly in t hick sect ions) as well as cast irons - m ay not be able t o wit hst and t he residual st resses im posed by heavy w eld repairs, par t icularly if defect s ar e not all rem ov ed, leaving st r ess concent rat ions t o init iat e cracking. I s t he r e pa ir r e a lly lik e e a r lie r r e pa ir s? Repairs of one sort m ay have been rout ine for m any years. I t is im port ant , howev er, t o check t hat t he next one is not subt ly differ ent . For exam ple, t he sect ion t hickness m ay be gr eat er; t he st eel t o be r epaired m ay be different and less weldable, or t he rest raint higher. I f t her e is any doubt , answer t he rem aining quest ions. W ha t is t h e com posit ion a nd w e lda bilit y of t he ba se m e t a l? The original drawings will usually give som e idea of t he st eel involved, alt hough t he specificat ion lim it s m ay t hen have been less st ringent , and t he specificat ion m ay not give enough com posit ional det ails t o be helpful. I f sulphur- bearing fr ee- m achining st eel is involved, it could give hot cracking problem s during welding. WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-7 Copyright © TWI Lt d I f t here is any doubt about t he com posit ion, a chem ical analysis should be car ried out . I t is im port ant t o analyse for all elem ent s, which m ay affect weldabilit y ( Ni, Cr, Mo, Cu, V, Nb and B) as well as t hose usually, specified ( C, S, P, Si and Mn) . A sm all cost spent on analysis could prev ent a valuable com ponent being ruined by ill- prepared r epairs or, sav e m oney by reducing or avoiding t he need for preheat if t he com posit ion were leaner t han ex pect ed. Once t he com posit ion is known, a welding procedure can be devised. W h a t st r e n gt h is r e qu ir e d fr om t h e r e pa ir ? The higher t he yield st rengt h of t he repair w eld m et al, t he great er will be t he residual st ress level on com plet ion of welding, t he great er t he risk of cracking, t he great er t he clam ping needed t o av oid dist ort ion and m or e difficult y in for m ulat ing t he welding procedur e. I n any case, t he pract ical lim it for t he yield st rengt h of conv ent ional st eel weld m et als is about 1000N/ m m 2 . Ca n pr e h e a t be t ole r a t e d? Not only does a high lev el of preheat m ak e condit ions m or e difficult for t he welder; t he par ent st eel can be dam aged if it has been t em pered at a low t em perat ur e. I n ot her cases t he st eel being repaired m ay cont ain it em s, which are dam aged by ex cessive heat ing. Preheat lev els can be r educed by using consum ables of ult ra- low hydrogen cont ent or by non- fer rit ic weld m et als. Of t hese, aust enit ic elect rodes m ay need som e preheat , but t he m or e expensive nickel alloys usually do not . However, t he lat t er m ay be sensit ive t o high sulphur and phosphorus cont ent s in t he par ent st eel if dilut ed int o t he weld m et al. Ca n soft e ning be t ole r a t e d? or ha r de n in g of t he heat a ff e ct e d z on e ( H AZ) Soft ening of t he HAZ is likely in ver y high st rengt h st eels, part icularly if t hey have been t em per ed at low t em perat ur es. Such soft ening cannot be avoided, but it s ext ent can be m inim ised. Hard HAZs are part icularly vulnerable wher e service condit ions can lead t o st ress cor rosion. Solut ions cont aining H 2 S ( hydrogen sulphide) m ay dem and hardness’ below 248HV ( 22HRC) alt hough fr esh aerat ed seawat er appear s t o t olerat e up t o about 450HV. Ex cessively hard HAZ’s m ay , t herefor e, r equire post - weld heat t r eat m ent ( PWHT) t o soft en t hem but provided cracking has been av oided. I s PW H T pr a ct ica ble ? Alt hough it m ay be desirable, PWHT m ay not be possible for t he sam e reasons t hat preheat ing is not possible. For large st ruct ures, local PWHT m ay be possible, but car e should be t aken t o abide by t he r elevant codes, because it is all t oo easy t o int roduce new residual st resses by im properly ex ecut ed PWHT. I s PW H T ne ce ssa r y? PWHT m ay be needed for one of sev eral reasons, and t he reason m ust be known befor e considering whet her it can be av oided. W ill t h e f a t igue r e sist a nce of t he r e pa ir be a de qu a t e ? I f t he r epair is in an area, which is highly st ressed by fat igue, and part icularly if t he at t em pt ed r epair is of a fat igue crack, inferior fat igue life can be expect ed unless t he weld surface is ground sm oot h and no surface defect s are left . Fillet welds, in which t he root cannot be ground sm oot h, are not t olerable in ar eas of high fat igue st r ess. WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-8 Copyright © TWI Lt d W ill t h e r e pa ir r e sist it s e nvir onm e nt ? Besides cor rosion, it is im port ant t o consider t he possibilit y of st r ess cor rosion, corr osion fat igue, t herm al fat igue and oxidat ion in service. Cor rosion and oxidat ion r esist ance usually requires t hat t he com posit ion of t he filler m et al is at least as noble or oxidat ion resist ant as t he parent m et al. For corr osion fat igue r esist ance, t he repair w eld profile m ay need t o be sm oot hed. To r esist st r ess cor rosion, PWHT m ay be necessary t o rest ore t he cor r ect m icrost ruct ure, reduce hardness and reduce t he residual st ress left by t he repair. Ca n t h e r e pa ir be in spe ct e d a n d t e st e d? For onerous service, radiography and/ or ult rasonic ex am inat ion are oft en desirable, but problem s are likely if st ainless st eel or nickel alloy filler is used; m or eover, such r epairs cannot be assessed by m agnet ic part icle inspect ion. I n such cases, it is part icularly im port ant t o car ry out t he pr ocedural t est s for repairs v ery crit ically, t o ensure t hat t here are no risks of cracking and no likelihood of serious w elder- induced defect s. I ndeed, for all repair welds, it is vit al t o ensur e t hat t he w elders ar e properly m ot ivat ed and car efully super vised. As- w e lde d r e pa ir s Repair wit hout PWHT is, of cour se, norm al wher e t he original weld was not heat t reat ed, but som e alloy st eels and m any t hick- sect ioned com ponent s requir e PWHT t o m aint ain a reasonable level of t oughness, cor rosion resist ance et c. How ev er, PWHT of com ponent s in service is not always easy or ev en possible, and local PWHT m ay give rise t o m or e pr oblem s t han it solves except in sim ple st ruct ur es. WI S10- 30816 Weld Repairs 20-9 Copyright © TWI Lt d Repair Considerations The first thing to consider, is it worth repairing? Repair welding can cost up to ten times the original cost of making the weld, that’s if it all goes according to plan. There could be access issues, contamination issues if it’s in service. There could be metallurgical issues, changing properties etc. It may be more cost efficient to replace the component or cut the weld out completely. Try and establish the reason for defect occurrence as this may determine a change to the procedure or re training. Was the defect due to poor fit up conditions, misalignment. Weld Repairs Section 20 Copyright © TWI Ltd Cost of Weld Repairs Original weld Cost Repair weld Cut, prep, tack £ Inspector Repair report (NCR etc) Extra cost ££ Welder time £ Inspector Identify repair area ££ Consumable & gas £ Inspector Mark out repair area ££ Visual inspection £ Welder Remove defect ££ NDT ££ Inspector Visual inspection of excavation ££ Documentation £ Inspector NDT area of excavation ££ Inspector Monitor repair welding ££ Welder time £ Consumable & gas £ Inspector Visual inspection ££ NDT ££ Extra repair Documentation £ Penalty % NDT ££ Copyright © TWI Ltd Repair Considerations Can pre heat be tolerated. Local pre heat and welding could lead to distortion and residual stress. In service repairs more complex, electrical and combustible material issues, contamination. Production repairs less complex. Approved repair procedure and welder. Mark accurately where material must be removed. Copyright © TWI Ltd Investigation What is the nature of the defect? If the defect can be attributed to workmanship, it may not require further investigation. However, if it is some form of cracking, it will require further investigation as the problem may be repeated during the repair. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Investigation How was the defect detected? Visual. Dye Penetrant. Magnetic particle. Radiography. Ultrasonics. These processes are not always 100% accurate. Human error etc. Copyright © TWI Ltd 20‐1 Where is the Defect? Defects found on the surface by a NDT method that is surface only, may require further investigation using sub surface NDT. Remove defect and investigate further. Internal defects will be found with UT or X-Ray. UT, will be able to size and locate defect far better than X-Ray. What is the Defect? The process can help determine defect? A sub surface NDT method can help establish defect type with good interpretation. Porosity tends to be central in the weld and at restarts and finishes. Slag inclusions and lack of fusion defects tend to be between runs and at the side walls of the original preparation. Copyright © TWI Ltd What is the Defect? Copyright © TWI Ltd What is the Defect? Copyright © TWI Ltd Removing Material Depending on the material, gouging, machining, filing, grinding can be used, pencil type de burrs for more intricate work. A greater area than just the defect area will have to be removed to allow for access and promote good fusion characteristics. If the depth of defect is not known, progressively remove material and NDT. check. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Weld Repairs Plan View of defect Copyright © TWI Ltd 20‐2 Production Weld Repairs Arc Air Gouging Side view of defect excavation D Side view of repair welding Copyright © TWI Ltd Preparation of Weld Repairs The shape of the repaired area is very important. A boat type shape with large radius is preferred to allow good access and prevent any lack of fusion defects which could occur with straight edges. Copyright © TWI Ltd Considerations Before Welding Pre heat, ref original procedure. Distortion control measures, this could be quite dramatic as the heat concentration will generally be very localised. Materials such as S/S may require back purging; pipes etc. Process to use, TIG is probably the most versatile but there may be consumable match issues. Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Preparation of Weld Repairs Ideal repair shape Potential for lack of fusion defects Copyright © TWI Ltd Upon Completion PWHT to remove residual stress and/or hydrogen release. The repair may need dressing to give it the same geometry as the rest of the weld. Inspection of finished repair including NDT as original process used. Pressure testing if required. Copyright © TWI Ltd 20‐3 Repairs You are working as a Senior Welding Inspector on a high pressure gas supply pipe line. The pipe has a wall thickness of 12mm and in certain areas 25mm. The pipe is a 24” longitudinal seamed X60 grade, welded with the SAW process. All circumferential seams are welded with an E6010 electrode for the root and hot pass, fillers and capping E8010 electrode, all passes in the PF position. Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 2 While witnessing a weld repair on a circumferential welded joint, the fabricator uses a preheat of 200°C. Would this pre heat temperature be correct in accordance with the TWI Specification? a. No, only 75°C preheats shall be used b. Yes providing the original preheat applied to the circumferential joint was 200°C c. Yes, providing the original preheat applied to the circumferential joint was 125°C d. No, preheats aren’t permitted for repair welds on the circumferential seams Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 4 Question 1 One of the circumferential seams has a linear slag inclusion 450mm in length and has been detected by radiography. Can this defect be repaired in accordance with the TWI Specification? a. This defect can be repaired providing the welding is conducted in the same direction as the original welding and under constant supervision b. Any defect exceeding 450mm in length cant be repaired in accordance with the TWI Specification c. This defect can be welded in accordance with the TWI specification, but must be welded using a basic type electrode and under constant supervision d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 3 One of your welding inspectors reports back to you that a weld repair has been removed using the arc air gouging process. Is this acceptable in accordance with the TWI Specification? a. No, defective areas shall be removed by thermal cutting, grinding back to clean metal and inspected by MPI before commencement of welding b. Yes, providing the gouged area is cleaned by grinding back to clean metal, inspected by PT before commencement of welding c. Yes, providing the gouged area is cleaned by grinding back to clean metal, then visual inspection before the commencement of welding d. All options are incorrect Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 5 You notice that no weld repair procedures have been approved for this pipeline. In this situation would you permit any repairs to be conducted? One of your inspectors reports back to you that a crack has been repaired in Weld 42, section 34. Which of the following statements are correct? a. Yes, providing all weld repairs are conducted in accordance with the TWI Specification b. Yes, providing that all welders are qualified to conduct the repairs c. No, all repair welding shall have an approved welding repair procedure d. No, repairs aren’t generally conducted on pipelines; any defects detected would normally require the entire weld to be removed a. This would not be permitted, as cracks can’t be repaired in accordance with the TWI Specification b. This would be permitted providing the crack didn’t exceed the maximum repairable defect length c. This would be permitted providing the repair has be carried out in accordance with the approved repair WPS d. A crack like defect can’t occur using the electrodes stated Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd 20‐4 Question 6 Question 7 After conducting a repair a slag inclusion that exceeds the maximum permitted length has been detected by radiography. The fabricator requests approval from you to conduct a weld repair in this defective area. Would you permit this repair? One of your welding inspectors informs you that a weld repair has been conducted without a qualified welding inspector present. In this situation which of the following applies? a. Yes, a repair can be conducted on this type of defect in accordance with the TWI Specification b. No, weld repairs are not permitted in accordance with the TWI Specification c. The TWI Specification makes no reference to this situation; you would need to ask advice on this situation d. No, in this situation the entire weld would have to be removed, a cutout a. This is not permitted by the TWI Specification b. Providing the welder is qualified this is acceptable in accordance with the TWI Specification c. Providing the welder informs you that the approved repair WPS has been strictly adhered to this is acceptable d. No options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 8 You suspect that lack of inter run fusion has occurred during the welding of one of the pipes to pipe circumferential seams. Which of the following NDT methods would best detect this defect a. MPI or DPI as this defect is usually surface breaking b. RT would be best suited to detect this defect if no slag was present c. UT would be best suited to detect this defect if no slag was present d. 2 options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 9 Some codes and standards only permit weld repairs to be conducted for a minimum amount of times before a full cut out is required. Why do you think this is the case? a. If a weld is repaired an unlimited amount of times it may affect the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the weld b. The amount of preheat will be too high for the welder to weld c. A critical post heat treat will always be required d. It would be difficult to find approved welders to conduct these type of repairs Copyright © TWI Ltd Question 10 One of your welding inspectors asks you what is the minimum depth a weld repair excavation needs to be. Which of the following would be your answer? a. The thickness of the base material. b. As deep as it is required to ensure the defect has been fully removed c. The depth would depend on the radiography interpretation report d. 2 options are correct Copyright © TWI Ltd 20‐5 Appendix 1 Homework Senior Welding Inspection: Multiple Choice Questions Paper 1 Name: ……………………………….…………………………. Date: …………………… 1 Which is the best destructive test for showing lack of sidewall fusion in a 25mm thickness butt weld? a b c d 2 Which of the following would be cause for rejection by most fabrication standards when inspecting fillet welds with undercut, a small amount of? a b c d 3 EN EN EN EN ISO 15614. ISO 2560. 287. ISO 17637. Excess weld metal height. Start porosity. Spatter. Arc strikes. Which of the following is a planar imperfection? a b c d 6 BS BS BS BS When visually inspecting the face of a finished weld which of the following flaws would be considered the most serious: a b c d 5 Depth. Length. Width. Sharpness. The European Standard for NDE of fusion welds by visual examination is: a b c d 4 Nick break. Side bend. Charpy impact. Face bend test. Lack of sidewall fusion. Slag inclusion. Linear porosity. Root concavity. A fillet weld has an actual throat thickness of 8mm and a leg length of 7mm, what is the excess weld metal? a b c d 2.1mm. 1.8mm. 3.1mm. 1.4mm. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 1 A1-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 7 BS EN ISO 17637 allows the use of a magnifying glass for visual inspection, but recommends that the magnification is: a b c d 8 A WPS may specify a maximum width for individual weld beads (weave width) when welding C-Mn steels. If the width is exceeded it may cause: a b c d 9 Above the dashed line. Below the dashed line. Above the solid line. Below the solid line. Which of the following elements is added to steel to give resistance to creep at elevated service temperatures? a b c d 13 Prevent linear porosity. Prevent burn-through. Prevent oxidation of the root bead. Eliminate moisture pick-up in the root bead. According to AWS A2.4 a weld symbol for the other side is placed: a b c d 12 Tungsten spatter. Risk of crater cracking. Risk of arc strikes. Interpass temperature. Pipe bores of some materials must be purged with argon before and during TIG welding to: a b c d 11 Lack of inter-run fusion. A reduction in HAZ toughness. Lack of sidewall fusion. Too low a deposition rate. In TIG welding a current slope-out device reduces: a b c d 10 x2. x2 to x5. x5 to x10. Not greater than x20. Nickel. Manganese. Molybdenum. Aluminium. Compound welds: a Always contain full penetration butt welds. b Joints which have combinations of welds made by different welding processes. c Combinations between two different weld types. d All of the above. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 1 A1-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 14 Welding inspectors: a b c d 15 In an arc welding process, which of the following is the correct term used for the amount of weld metal deposited per minute? a b c d 16 The material thickness reduces. Faster welding speeds. The use of a larger welding electrode. A reduction in carbon content in the parent material. What is the maximum allowable linear misalignment for 8mm material if the code states the following, ‘Linear misalignment is permissible if the maximum dimension does not exceed 10% of t up to a maximum of 2mm’? a b c d 19 27.5mm. 24mm. 13.3mm. 12.5mm. Pre-heat for steel will increase if: a b c d 18 Filling rate. Deposition rate. Weld deposition. Weld duty cycle. The throat thickness of 19mm fillet weld is? a b c d 17 Normally supervise welders. Are normally requested to write welding procedures. Are sometimes requested to qualify welders. All of the above. 0.8mm. 2mm. 8mm. None of the above, insufficient information provided. BS EN ISO 17637: a The minimum light illumination required for visual inspection is 350 Lux. b The minimum light illumination required for visual inspection is 500 Lux. c The minimum light illumination required for visual inspection is 600 Lux at not less than 30°. d Doesn’t specify any viewing conditions for visual inspection. 20 Which of the following electrodes and current types may be used for the TIG welding of nickel and its alloys? a b c d Cerium electrode, DC –ve. Zirconium electrode, AC. Thorium electrode, DC +ve. All of the above may be used. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 1 A1-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 21 When considering the MIG/MAG welding process which of the following metal transfer modes would be the most suited to the welding of thick plates over 25mm in PA. a b c d 22 When considering hydrogen, which of the following welding processes would produce the lowest levels in the completed weld? (under controlled conditions) a b c d 23 MMA. SAW. TIG. FCAW. In steel the element with the greatest effect on hardness is: a b c d 24 Dip transfer. Pulse transfer. Spray transfer. Globular transfer. Chromium. Manganese. Carbon. Nickel. Brittle fractures: a The susceptibility in steels will increase with the formation of a fine grain structure. b The susceptibility in steels will increase with a reduction in the in-service temperature to sub-zero conditions. c The susceptibility in steels will increase with a slow cooling rate. d All of the above. 25 Which of the following steels is considered non-magnetic? a b c d 26 In a transverse tensile test brittleness would be indicated if: a b c d 27 18%Cr, 8%Ni. 2.25Cr 1Mo. 9%Cr,1Mo. 9%Ni. There is a reduction in cross-section at the position of fracture. The fracture surface is flat and featureless but has a rough surface. Fracture occurred in the weld metal. The fracture face shows beach marks. A STRA test is used to measure the: a b c d Tensile strength of the welded joint. Level of residual stress in butt joints. Fracture toughness of the HAZ. Through-thickness ductility of a steel plate (the Z direction). WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 1 A1-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 28 A macrosection is particularly good for showing: a b c d 29 A suitable gas/gas mixture for GMAW of aluminium is: a b c d 30 The weld metal HAZ microstructure. Overlap. Joint hardness. Spatter. 100%CO2. 100% Argon. 80% argon + 20% CO2. 98% argon + 2% O2. A crack running along the centreline of a weld bead could be caused by: a b c d Use of damp flux. Lack of preheat. Arc voltage too high. Weld bead too deep and very narrow. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 1 A1-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd Senior Welding Inspector: Multiple Choice Questions Paper 2 Name: ……………………………….…………………………. Date: …………………… 1 The maximum hardness in the HAZ of a steel will increase if: a b c d 2 Initiation of a TIG arc using a high frequency spark may not be allowed because it: a b c d 3 Often causes tungsten inclusions. Can damage electronic equipment. Is an electrical safety hazard. Often causes stop/start porosity. In friction welding, the metal at the interface when the joining occurs is described as being in the: a b c d 4 Heat input is increased. CEV is increased. Joint thickness is decreased. Basic electrodes are used. Liquid state. Intercritical state. Plastic state. Elastic state. What four criteria are necessary to produce hydrogen induced cold cracking? a Hydrogen, moisture, martensitic grain structure and heat. b Hydrogen, poor weld profiles, temperatures above 200oC and a slow cooling rate. c Hydrogen, a grain structure susceptible to cracking, stress and a temperature below 300oC. d Hydrogen, existing weld defects, stress and a grain structure susceptible to cracking. 5 Austenitic stainless steels are more susceptible to distortion when compared to ferritic steels this is because: a b c d 6 High coefficient of thermal expansion, low thermal conductivity. High coefficient of thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity. Low coefficient of thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity. Low coefficient thermal expansion, low thermal conductivity. Transverse tensile test: a b c d Is used to measure the ultimate tensile strength of the joint. Is used to measure the elongation of a material. Is used to measure the yield strength of a material. All of the above. WIS10-300816 Appendix 1–Paper 2 A1-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 7 In the welding of austenitic stainless steels, the electrode and plate materials are often specified to be low carbon content. The reason for this: a b c d 8 Essential variable: a b c d 9 Creates problems when welding in position (vertical, horizontal, overhead). Requires more heat to melt it when compared with aluminium. Increases weld pool fluidity. Decreases weld pool fluidity. A welder qualified in the PG position would normally be qualified for welding: a b c d 13 Voltage. Amperage. Polarity. Both a and b. An undesirable property of aluminium oxide residue is that it: a b c d 12 44%. 144%. 69.4%. 2.27%. Which of the following will vary the most when varying the arc length using the MMA welding process? a b c d 11 In a WPS may change the properties of the weld. In a WPS may influence the visual acceptance. In a WPS may require re-approval of a weld procedure. All of the above. In an all weld metal tensile test, the original test specimens gauge length is 50mm. After testing the gauge length increased to 72mm, what is the elongation percentage? a b c d 10 To prevent the formation of cracks in the HAZ. To prevent the formation of chromium carbides. To prevent cracking in the weld. Minimise distortion. All diameters of pipe. Welding positions PA, PC, PG, and PF. In position PG only. All pipe wall thickness. A fabrication calls for the toes to be blended in by grinding.The most likely reason for this is to… a b c d Make the weld suitable for liquid (dye) penetrant inspection Improve the fatigue life reduce residual stresses improvethe general appearance of the welds WIS10-300816 Appendix 1–Paper 2 A1-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 14 A carbon equivalent of 0.48%: a b c d 15 Is Is Is Is high for carbon steel and may require a preheat temperature over 100oC. insignificant for carbon steel and preheat will not be required. calculated from the heat-input formula. not a consideration for determining preheating temperatures. Which of the following statements is true? a The core wire of an MMA electrode always contains alloying elements. b Basic electrodes are preferred when welding is carried out in situations where porosity free welds are specified. c Rutile electrodes always contain a large proportion of iron powder. d Cellulose electrodes may deposit in excess of 90ml of hydrogen per 100g of weld metal. 16 Preheat: a b c d 17 Which element has the greatest effect on general corrosion resistance? a b c d 18 2.16 kJ/mm. 0.036 kJ/mm. 2.61 kJ/mm. 0.36 kJ/mm. Which of the following mechanical test(s) can give a quantitative measurement of ductility? a b c d 20 Manganese. Chromium. Carbon. Nickel. Which of the following is the correct arc energy if the amps are 350, volts 32 and travel speed 310 mm/minute. a b c d 19 Must always be carried out on steels. Need not be carried out if post weld heat is to follow. Is always carried out using gas flames. None of the above. Tensile test. Bend test Nick break test. Both a and b. Which of the following are applicable to fatigue cracking? a b c d A rough randomly torn fracture surface, an initiation point and beach marks. A smooth fracture surface, an initiation point and beach marks. Beach marks, step like appearance and a secondary mode of failure. All of the above. WIS10-300816 Appendix 1–Paper 2 A1-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 21 22 Which of the following weld symbols in accordance with BS EN ISO 2553 represents a fillet weld made on the other side? a b c d What is a lap in steel? a b c d 23 24 A A A A fold occurring in the steel during forming or rolling. sub-surface lamination, which may affect the strength of the steel. type of crack occurring in the parent material. non-metallic inclusion. In accordance with BS EN ISO 2553 which of the following symbol best represents a double J butt weld? a b c d Which of the following welding symbols would indicate the depth of penetration in accordance with BS EN ISO 2553? a c WIS10-300816 Appendix 1–Paper 2 z10 b s10 d 10s A1-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 25 How can you tell the difference between an EN/ISO weld symbol and an AWS weld symbol? a The EN/ISO weld symbol will always have the arrow side weld at the top of the reference line. b The EN/ISO symbol has the welds elementary symbol placed on the indication line lying above or below the solid reference line to indicate a weld on the other side. c The EN/ISO symbol has a fillet weld leg length identified by the letter ‘a’. d The EN/ISO symbol has a fillet weld throat thickness identified by the letter ‘z’. 26 What would the number 141 placed at the end of the reference line indicate on a welding symbol in accordance with BS EN ISO 2553? a b c d 27 What would the number 136 placed at the end of the reference line indicate on a welding symbol in accordance with BS EN ISO 2553? a b c d 28 MMA welding process. MIG welding process. FCAW welding process. MAG welding process. What is meant by the term normative document? a b c d 29 NDT requirements. SAW welding process. MMA welding process. TIG welding process. General term used to cover standards, specifications etc. A legal document, the requirements of which must be carried out. A document approved by a recognised body through consensus. A written description of all essential parameters for a given process. In the AWS standard for welding symbols which of the following is true. a The elementary welding symbol is always place below the reference line to indicate a site weld. b The elementary welding symbol is always placed above the reference line to indicate a weld made on the arrow side. c The elementary welding symbol can be placed above or below the reference line to indicate a weld made on the other side. d The elementary welding symbol is always placed below the reference line to indicate a weld made on the arrow side. 30 Impact test: a b c d Is a destructive test used to measure weld zone hardness. Is a mechanical test used to determine a welds resistance to creep. Is a dynamic test, which is used to give a measure of notch toughness. All of the above. WIS10-300816 Appendix 1–Paper 2 A1-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd Senior Welding Inspector: Multiple Choice Questions Paper 3 Name: ……………………………….…………………………. Date: …………………… 1 If arc strikes are found on carbon steel (carbon equivalent of 0.5%), what undesirable grain structure may be present? a b c d 2 Which of the following units is used to express the energy absorbed by a charpy specimen? a b c d 3 Have Have Have Have a a a a lower heat input and a higher degree of grain refinement. lower heat input and a coarse grain structure. lower amount of distortion and a higher degree of grain refinement. higher amount of distortion and a lower degree of grain refinement. Which of the following would you expect of a martensitic grain structure? a b c d 6 70 N/mm2 minimum UTS. 70N/mm2 minimum impact strength. 70,000 p.s.i. minimum UTS. 70,000 p.s.i. minimum yield strength. A multi-run MMA butt weld made on low alloy steel consists of 5 passes using a 6mm diameter electrode, a 12 pass weld made on the same joint using a 4mm diameter electrode on the same material will: a b c d 5 Joules. Newton’s. Mega Pascal’s. Both a and c. What does the 70 represent on an E7010 AWS A5.1 classified electrode? a b c d 4 Perlite. Martensite. Ferrite. All of the above are undesirable grain structures in constructional steels. An An An An increase increase increase increase in in in in toughness and a reduction in hardness. hardness and a reduction in ductility. ductility and a reduction in toughness. malleability and an increase in hardness. Which of the following would reduce the chances of arc blow? a b c d A A A A change change change change WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 3 from from from from AC current to DC current. DC current to AC current. DC electrode +ve to DC electrode –ve. DC electrode –ve to DC electrode +ve. A1-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 7 Which of the following mechanical properties of a weld made on C-Mn steel is most affected if the heat input per unit length is excessively high? a b c d 8 Which of the following tests would you not expect to be carried out on a welder qualification test? a b c d 9 Se 75. Tm 170. Yb 169 Co 60. When carrying out inspection on a Double V butt weld (35° bevel angle), which of the following NDT methods would be the most suited for the detection of lack of sidewall fusion in the root region? a b c d 13 Tesla. Lux. Hertz. Gray. If it was a requirement to radiograph a 10mm thick steel weldment, which of the following isotopes would be the most suited with regards to application and quality? a b c d 12 Density and contrast. Sensitivity and definition. Density and sensitivity. Contrast and definition. What are the units used when measuring light intensities for viewing test specimens using MPI or DPI testing? a b c d 11 Radiography. Tensile test. Macro. Bend test. Which two aspects of radiographic images are normally measured? a b c d 10 Tensile strength. Ductility. Toughness. Elongation. Ultrasonic Inspection. Radiographic Inspection. Magnetic Particle Inspection. Dye Penetrant Inspection. Which NDT method would you associate with prods? a b c d Radiographic Inspection. Magnetic Particle Inspection. Ultrasonic Inspection. Dye Penetrant Inspection.. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 3 A1-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 14 When conducting DPI, which of the following are critical considerations? a b c d 15 Which material would be the least effective for DPI? a b c d 16 It can only be used on material over 3mm thickness. It can only detect surface defects. It can only be used on ferrous materials. Both b and c. What is the main purpose of an IQI when used in Radiography? a b c d 20 The same as that required for visual inspection. 350 lux minimum, 500 lux recommended. 500 lux. Not specified, it’s left to the decision of the NDT technician. A major disadvantage of MPI is: a b c d 19 If the component being tested is too large for regular inks to be used. During the inspection of components underwater. During the inspection of hot components. Iron powder is preferred over regular MPI inks due to the higher sensitivity achieved and ease of application. During MPI inspection using contrast inks, what is the minimum light intensity requirements in accordance with the EN standards? a b c d 18 Carbon Manganese steels. 316L steel. Cast Iron. Both a and c. Why might Iron powder be used when conducting MPI? a b c d 17 Thickness of component being tested. Weld preparation details. Components test temperature. All of the above. To To To All measure defect sensitivity. assess the smallest defect which can be detected. measure Radiographic sensitivity. of the above. Back step welding is used to reduce: a b c d Distortion. Stress corrosion cracking. Fatigue failure. Solidification cracking. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 3 A1-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 21 Which of the following materials will show the greatest amount of distortion, assuming heat inputs, material thickness etc. are the same? a b c d 22 HICC may occur due to which of the following? a b c d 23 use use use use of of of of a large bevel angle. basic coated electrodes. small diameter electrodes, maximise the number of weld passes. large diameter electrodes, minimise the number of weld passes. Check incoming materials. Check and monitor consumable handling and storage. Check calibration certificates. Measure and monitor residual stress. The inclusion of the inductance in the welding circuit when using the MIG/MAG welding process is to: a b c d 27 The The The The A duty not normally undertaken by a Senior Welding Inspector: a b c d 26 The use of E6010 or E6011 electrodes. Keeping preheat to a minimum. The maintenance of minimum heat inputs. None of the above. Distortion can be reduced by: a b c d 25 Damp electrodes. Lack of preheat. The presence of sulphur. Both a and b. The likelihood of hydrogen cracking in a carbon steel weld can be reduced by: a b c d 24 High tensile strength C/Mn steel. Mild steel. 316L steel. QT steel. Control the rate of spatter in the dip transfer mode. Control the rate of spatter in the spray transfer mode. It enables the welder to weld in position at higher current values. Both a and b. What is ‘weld decay’? a A localised reduction in chromium content caused by sulphur and chromium combining in SS. b A localised reduction in chromium content caused by iron and chromium combining in SS. c A localised reduction in chromium content caused by carbon and chromium combining in SS. d A reduction in tensile strength of a material operating at elevated temperatures under a constant load, which generally leads to a failure of the component in SS. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 3 A1-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 28 What are the possible effects of having the heat input too low during welding? a b c d 29 Which of the following Isotopes may be used for a 25mm thick steel pipe to pipe weld DWSI (in accordance to BS EN ISO 17636-1)? a b c d 30 Low toughness, entrapped hydrogen and low hardness. High hardness, lack of fusion and entrapped hydrogen. Entrapped hydrogen, low toughness and high ductility. Lack of fusion, low toughness and a reduction in ductility. Ir 192. Co 60. Se 75. Yb 169. During a the welding of a test piece for the purpose of approving a WPS the following parameters have been recorded: Amps 300, Volts 32, ROL 210mm, time 1 minute. What is the arc energy value? a b c d 4.1 KJ/mm. 7.38 KJ/mm. 6.4 KJ/mm. 2.74 KJ/mm. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 3 A1-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd Senior Welding Inspector: Multiple Choice Questions Paper 4 Name: ……………………………….…………………………. Date: …………………… Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) 1 Which of the following materials cannot be tested using MT? a b c d 2 Suspending magnetic particles in a liquid has the advantage of: a b c d 3 Flaw is at right angles to the direction of the current. Flaw is parallel to the magnetic flux. Flaw is at right angles to the magnetic flux. Current is at right angles to the magnetic flux. When MPI is performed with fluorescent ink, the maximum level of white light illumination that must be present at the area under inspection is: a b c d 6 Iron oxide. Ferrous sulphate. Aluminium oxide. A special high nickel alloy Maximum sensitivity in MT is achieved when the: a b c d 5 Making the same amount of detection media go further. Improving particle mobility. Preventing corrosion. Improving contrast. Magnetic particles for use in magnetic ink are generally made from: a b c d 4 Cobalt. Nickel. Carbon steel. Brass. 50 lux. 500 lux 2000 microwatts per square millimetre. 20 lux. Which of the following statements about the use of permanent magnets for MT is true? a b c d They require no power supply. They are ideal for use with dry magnetic particles. They provide excellent sensitivity for surface breaking defects. They give the clearest indications of discontinuities lying parallel to a line joining the magnet poles. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 4 A1-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 7 The region in the neighbourhood of a permanent magnet or current carrying device in which magnetic forces exist is called a: a b c d 8 The general name given to a simple device used in MPI to indicate field strength and direction is: a b c d 9 Flux indicator. Gauss meter. Magnetometer. Dynamometer. The flash point of a solvent is: a b c d 10 Magnetic circuit. Magnetic field. Leakage field. Magnetic pole. The temperature above which there is a danger of spontaneous combustion of the solvent vapour. It's boiling point. The temperature below which there is a danger of spontaneous combustion of the solvent vapour. The temperature above which the solvent becomes soluble in water. The temperature above which a ferromagnetic material becomes nonmagnetic is called the: a b c d Breaking point. Curie point. Sharp point. Turning point. Penetrant Testing (PT) 11 A disadvantage of penetrant flaw detection is that: a b c d 12 An advantage of penetrant flaw detection is that: a b c d 13 It can only detect surface breaking discontinuities. It cannot be used on fine cracks such as fatigue cracks. Parts cannot be re-tested. It cannot be used on non-ferrous materials. It can be used on non-ferromagnetic materials. Fluorescent penetrant can be used for on-site testing of large parts. The temperature of the part need not be considered. Painted parts can be rapidly tested. European national codes and standards do not normally permit the penetrant method to be used outside what temperature range? a b c d 10-55 C. 15-50 C. 10-50 C. 5-60 C. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 4 A1-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 14 An advantage of colour contrast penetrants over fluorescent penetrants is that they: a b c d 15 Are more sensitive because the indications are easier to see. Do not require special removers. Are more suitable for smooth surfaces. Do not require an electrical power supply. Typically, when fluorescent penetrants are used: a The inspector should allow a few minutes before starting inspection to allow night vision to develop. b The quantity of white light in the inspection booth should be limited to around 20lux. c Removal of excess penetrant is monitored under UV-A light. d All of the above. 16 Which of the following discontinuities would be impossible to detect using the penetrant method? a b c d 17 When selecting which penetrant system to employ which of the following factors must be considered? a b c d 18 Forging laps. Grinding cracks. Non-metallic internal inclusions. Crater cracks. Component surface finish. The sensitivity required. The compatibility of the penetrant with the material under inspection. All of the above must be considered. Which of the following statements concerning liquid penetrant testing is correct? a Fluorescent penetrants will produce red against white discontinuity indications. b Non-fluorescent penetrants require the use of black lights. c Yellow-green fluorescent indications glow in the dark for easy viewing and interpretation. d Fluorescent penetrants produce yellow green visible light under UV-A illumination. 19 Development time is influenced by the: a b c d 20 Type of penetrant used. Type of developer used. Temperature of the material being tested. All of the above. Factors that affect the rate of penetration include: a b c d Surface temperature. Surface condition & cleanliness. Viscosity. All of the above. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 4 A1-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd Ultrasonic Testing (UT) 21 The process of comparing an instrument or device with a standard is called: a b c d 22 The piezoelectric material in a probe, which vibrates to produce ultrasonic waves, is called a: a b c d 23 Water. Oil. Gylcerin Any of the above. The primary purpose of reference blocks is: a b c d 27 Filter undesirable reflections from the specimen. Tune transducer to the correct operating frequency. Reduce attenuation within the specimen. Transmit ultrasonic waves from the transducer to the specimen. A couplant can be: a b c d 26 Scanning. Attenuation. Angulating. Resonating. The purpose of a couplant is to: a b c d 25 Backing material. Lucite wedge. Transducer element or crystal. Couplant. Moving a probe over a test surface either manually or automatically is referred to as: a b c d 24 Angulation. Calibration. Attenuation. Correlation. To aid the operator in obtaining maximum back reflection. To obtain the greatest sensitivity possible from an instrument. To obtain a common reproducible reference standard. None of the above is correct. The gradual loss of energy as ultrasonic vibrations travel through a material is referred to as: a b c d Attention. Attendance. Attemperation. Attenuation. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 4 A1-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 28 Any condition that causes reflection of ultrasound in pulse echo testing can be referred to as: a b c d 29 If the cap of a single V (60° included angle) full penetration butt-weld is ground flush 0 degree compression probe is useful for: a b c d 30 A dispenser. A discontinuity. An attenuator. A refractor. Detecting lack of side wall fusion. Detecting lack of root fusion. Assessing excess penetration. All of the above. Welds in austenitic stainless steel: a Are easily tested by ultrasonic methods. b Are difficult to test by ultrasonic methods due to the coarse grain structure of the weld deposit. c Are difficult to test by ultrasonic methods due to the highly attenuating parent material. d Both b and c are correct. Radiographic Testing (RT) 31 The two factors that most affect the sensitivity of a radiograph are: a b c d 32 The instrument used to measure film density is called: a b c d 33 A A A A densitometer. photometer. radiometer. proportional counter. Compared with conventional ultrasonic testing one advantage of film radiography is: a b c d 34 Density and unsharpness. Latitude and grain size. Density and latitude. Contrast and definition. It's cheaper. A permanent record is directly produced. Lack of fusion is easily detected. All of the above are significant advantages. Which of the following weld defects is most reliably detected by radiography? a b c d Porosity. Lack of inter-run fusion. Lack of root fusion. Heat affected zone crack. WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 4 A1-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 35 Which of the following weld defects is least reliably detected by radiography? a b c d 36 Radiography is a reliable method for the detection of: a b c d 37 Porosity. Slag inclusion. Lack of penetration. Heat affected zone crack. Volumetric flaws. Planar flaws. Both volumetric and planar flaws. Laminations in rolled steel products. DWDI radiography is usually limited to girth welds in pipe with an outside diameter of (consider EN ISO standard): a b c d 75mm or less. 80mm or less. 85mm or less. 100mm or less. 38 Radiography is best suited for: a Cruciform joints. b Dissimilar welds. c T butt welds. d Set through joints 39 The correct terminology for the image that forms on a radiographic film during exposure to radiation is: a b c d 40 Ghost image. Latent image. Patent image. Spitting image. If detected by radiography undercut appears as: a A very thin, continuous or intermittent, straight dark line running parallel with the edge of the weld cap. b A broad straight edged image towards the centre of the weld image. c A dark line of variable width, continuous or intermittent, between the weld & parent material & following the contour of the edge of the weld cap or root. d A dark irregular image, within the weld image, continuous or intermittent, of variable width and film density running essentially parallel to the weld axis WIS10-30816 Appendix 1–Paper 4 A1-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd Appendix 2 Training Reports CSWIP 3.2 TRAINING REPORT MT 01 INSPECTION COMPANY: TWI NDT REPORT NUMBER: 01 PROJECT NUMBER: 1970 CLIENT: Tramcar WELD NUMBER: 48 SPECIFICATION: TWI NDT specification WELD DETAILS: Single V butt weld weld number TECHNIQUE 132/T SURFACE CONDITION: As welded PROCEDURE NUMBER: 132 WELDING PROCESS: 111 DATE OF EXAMINATION: 4.8.15 SCOPE OF INSPECTION: 100% of weld and HAZ LOCATION: Prenton Park workshop PROCESS STAGE: After PWHT MATERIAL:ASTM 182 LIFT TEST COMPLETED: YES @ 5.4 KG CONSUMABLES MANUFACTURER TYPE BATCH NUMBERS Solvent based ink Magnaflux 7HF 120514 Contrast Paint Magnaflux WCP‐2 150415 Solvent Remover Magnaflux SKC‐S 140905 TESTING TECHNIQUE: AC Yoke TEMPERATURE:Ambient LIGHT LEVELS: >350Lux at test surface TEST SENSITIVITY: 3 indications, Burmah castrol strip CURRENT TYPE: DC POLE SPACING: 50 mm TEST RESULTS: No defects detected No reportable indications detected ACTION: No further actions OPERATORS NAME: S Jones REPORT DATE: 4.8.15 OPERATORS SIGNATURE: SJones OPERATORS QUALIFICATION: CSWIP Level 2 MPI SJ Training MT01 CSWIP 3.2 TRAINING REPORT PT 01 INSPECTION COMPANY: TWI NDT REPORT NUMBER: 0011 PROJECT NUMBER: 1970 CLIENT: Tramcar WELD NUMBER: 69 SPECIFICATION: CSWIP WELD DETAILS: Single V Butt joint weld TECHNIQUE 132/PT SURFACE CONDITION: As welded PROCEDURE NUMBER: 132 WELDING PROCESS: 141 DATE OF EXAMINATION: 8.4.15 SCOPE OF INSPECTION: 100% LOCATION: Prenton Park workshop PROCESS STAGE: Completed MATERIAL:316 SS VIEWING CONDITIONS: >500Lux CONSUMABLES MANUFACTURER TYPE BATCH NUMBERS Solvent Remover Magnaflux 7HF 120514 Penetrant Magnaflux SKL‐SP2 150415 Developer Magnaflow SKC‐S 140905 APPLICATION: Brush DWELL TIME: 20 minutes DEVELOPMENT TIME: 10 minutes TEST TEMPERATURE: 5‐10 oC TEST RESULTS ACTIONS SIGNATURE: D Pennar NAME: Dye Pennar SJ Training PT1 REPORT DATE: 8.4.15 QUALIFICATION: CSWIP LT2 PT (ISO 9712) CSWIP 3.2 TTRAINING REPORT RT 01 DATE OF INSPECTION: 4.8.15 INSPECTION COMPANY: TWI NDT REPORT NUMBER: 1970 CLIENT: WELDING PROCESS: MMA 111 WELD REFERENCE: 47 Tramcar SURFACE CONDITION: As welded MMA 111 JOINT GEOMETRY TEST PROCEDURE: 131 STAGE OF TEST: After PWHT 25mm 2.5mm SCOPE OF INSPECTION: 100% MATERIAL: ‐ Bevel Angle 30o + 5o, ‐ 0o ‐ Root Gap 2.5mm. ‐ Plate thickness 30 mm ‐Weld Length C‐Mn Source Strength: 60 Ci FFD/SFD: 150 mm KV's: N/A mA's: N/A Screen type: Pb Exposure: 4Ci mins Focal Spot: Source Size: 2x2 FILM TYPE: AGFA D4 IQI TYPE: Fe DEVELOPMENT: 4 mins @ 20oC manual FIXING CONDITIONS 6 mins @ 20oC RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE: SWSI ISOTOPE TYPE: Ir 192 TEST RESULTS FILM ID SEN % DENSITY COMMENTS ACTION 1‐2 2% 2‐3 No defects observed Accept 2‐3 2% 2‐3 No defects observed Accept 3‐4 2% 2‐3 No defects observed Accept 4‐5 2% 2‐3 No defects observed Accept 5‐6 2% 2‐3 lack of root penetration Reject TEST LIMITATIONS: TEST OPERATOR: Sjones SIGNATURE: S Jones SJ Training RT01 REPORT DATE: 4.8.15 OPERATORS QUALIFICATION: CSWIP L2 RT (EN ISO9712) CSWIP TRAINING REPORT UT01 INSPECTION COMPANY: TWI NDT CLIENT: Tramcar PROJECT NUMBER: 267 REPORT NUMBER:256 PROJECT LOCATION: Prenton Workshop DATE OF INSPECTION: 4.8.15 JOINT GEOMETRY SCOPE OF INSPECTION: 100% WELD NUMBER:24 MATERIAL: Aluminium 5083 DIMENSIONS: 700mm L FORM:Plate 25mm SURFACE CONDITION: As welded 2mm WPS: 0069 GTAW TEMPERATURE :Ambient TEST PROCEDURE: 14 − Root Gap 2mm. − Root to be inspected by MT before commencment of next weld pass DETECTION UNIT: KSM SERIAL NUMBER:6754 COUPLANT: Sonagel CALIBRATION BLOCKS: V1,V2 SIZE PROBES SENSITIVITY SCANNING 10mm Twin Crystal BWE 80% F.S.H At test depth At test sensitivity O 10mm Single Crystal 80% F.S.H 1.5mm Hole At test sensitivity O 4 MHz 60 Shear 10mm Single Crystal 80% F.S.H 1.5mm Hole At test sensitivity O 4 MHz 70 Shear 10mm Single Crystal 80% F.S.H 1.5mm Hole At test sensitivity 5 MHz 0O Compression 4 MHz 45 Shear TEST RESULTS: BS EN ISO 17640:2010 1. Crack like indication detected with 60o shear wave scanning in root location. 2. Slag inclusions detected with 45o shear wave scanning ACCEPTANCE:TWI NDT SPECIFICATION Not accptabe NAME: M Rogers LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION: CSWIP L2 UT EN ISO 9712 SJ training UT01 SIGNATURE: REPORT DATE: 4.8.15 Senior Welding Inspector: Training Reports Questions Name: ……………………………….…………………………. Date: …………………… MT01 Questions 1 The lift test stated in MT01 a b c d 2 Do you consider the scanning pattern shown to be a b c d 3 b c d Yes, as so long as you have valid eye test and have completed competency checks Yes, it states a minimum of 350 Lux but recommends 500 Lux No, 350 Lux is for black light not white light No, 500 Lux is the minimum permitted light intensity Which of the following statements is correct? a b c d 5 Correct and fully compliant with the procedure Missing the dimensions for each span of the yoke conducted Incorrect and not compliant with the specification This type of scanning is only applicable to AC In relation to the light levels reported on MT01, is it stated correctly and which is the correct statement? a 4 Is not required if test sensitivity is recorded Complies with specification and is common practice Lift testing is for permanent magnets only Does not comply with the specification Pole Pole Pole Pole spacing spacing spacing spacing is 300mm minimum is 300mm maximum is 150mm maximum depends on the power of the Yoke Which of the following statements is correct? a AC Yokes only shall be reported b DC yokes shall be used in all situations c According to the TWI specification DC shall be used on raw materials but not welds d Permanent magnets shall be used on live plant and AC on non-live plant WIS10-30816 Appendix 2 – Questions A2-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd PT01 Questions 6 In accordance with the TWI specification, at which of the following temperatures is penetrant inspection permissible a b c d 7 Do you consider the development time stated in PT01 as a b c d 8 Acceptable to the TWI specification as no maximum is stated Not acceptable to the TWI specification A suitable period as to compliment the dwell time All options are incorrect In accordance with the TWI Specification is the material type stated on PT01 acceptable a b c d 9 Between 1°C and10°C Between 5°C and 10°C Between 5°C and 50°C d. Between 25°C and 40°C Yes it is acceptable No, only non-ferrous based materials can be inspected by DPI It is not specified in the TWI Specification regarding this material so I would accept No, Duplex and aluminum are acceptable but the material stated is unacceptable In accordance with TWI Specification are the viewing conditions acceptable as stated in PT01 a b c d Acceptable if used for the TAM calibration Yes the conditions are acceptable No the conditions are not acceptable Acceptable when doing fluorescent 10 In accordance with the TWI Specification are the consumable manufacturers acceptable to the TWI specification a b c d Yes, they are acceptable No, they are not acceptable The developer and penetrant only are acceptable to the specification The developer and remover only are acceptable to the specification WIS10-30816 Appendix 2 – Questions A2-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd RT01 Questions 11 On Radiographic Inspection report RT 01, is the operator’s qualification acceptable to the TWI specification? a b c d Yes No This acceptable if the qualification to ISO 17636 has been verified This is not acceptable because the level 2 is only a minimum 12 Is the material stated on RT 01? a b c d Not permissible in the TWI specification Not possible to radiograph due to its permeability Not possible to radiograph due to its high density Well suited to radiography and is acceptable to the TWI specification 13 Is the scope of inspection reported on RT 01 acceptable to the TWI specification? a b c d If that’s all that’s accessible then yes No The specification only calls for 10% radiography on project 7690 All options are incorrect 14 In relation to the fixing conditions stated on RT 01 a b c d The time and temperatures stated are correct The time is ok but the temperature is too high The temperature is ok but the time is too long All options are incorrect 15 In relation to the Development stated on RT 01 a b c d The time and temperatures stated are correct The time is ok but the temperature is too low The temperature is ok but the time is too long All options are incorrect WIS10-30816 Appendix 2 – Questions A2-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd UT01 Questions 16 Do the calibration blocks shown on UT 01 comply with the requirements of the TWI specification? a b c d The calibration blocks stated are specification compliant The blocks do not matter providing a resolution check is completed The calibration blocks stated are not specification compliant ONLY if a cross checker is present at calibration shall the specification allow the use of the V1,V2 blocks stated 17 Is it possible to use the 60 reported defect 1? a b c d o shear probe as reported in UT 01 to scan for the No Yes Only the crack like indication ,would be discovered It is possible if you scan at 40 o to the probe angle itself 18 According to the TWI specification, Is the material stated on report UT 01 acceptable for ultrasonic examination a b c d Yes it is acceptable to the specification with no special requirements. There is no mention of Aluminum in the specification Yes, ultrasonic testing is often used on Aluminum welds If the attenuation check is done then this material can be inspected by UT with company approval 19 In relation to the joint geometry stated on report UT 01 a b c d A 6 dB drop should be referenced here The report should state the bevel angle/included angle There would be sufficient information to conduct successfully A trained operator would know his beam path ultrasonic testing 20 How many probes would be used on a 25mm single V butt weld in accordance with the TWI specification? a b c d Only a zero degree would be required for this joint 4 probes would be required 3 probes would be required All options are feasible if you have access to both sides of the joint WIS10-30816 Appendix 2 – Questions A2-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd Appendix 3 Training Drawing Drawing one CSWIP 3.2 weld symbols training Nozzles 50mm dia with 10mm flanges Nozzle 450 dia with 20mm flange. Nozzle 600mm with 40mm flange. 3 5 4 8 2000mm dia 1 2 7 6 10,000 Appendix 4 Specification Questions Senior Welding Inspector: Specification Questions Name: ……………………………….…………………………. Date: …………………… 1. The symbols s and ≤ refer to :a) Plate thickness and arrow side b) Nominal throat thickness and less than c) Nominal butt weld thickness and less than and equal to d) Single sided and vee butt weld with reinforcement removed 2. In the case of a ferrous double sided butt weld, which inspection methods should be employed before the second side is welded. a) Dye penetrant and MPI b) Visual only under magnification of x5 c) Visual and dye penetrant d) Visual and MPI 3. What would be the largest leg length dimensions and the smallest throat dimension of a fillet weld deposited on 12mm thick plates. a) 12mm leg length, 8.4mm throat b) 15mm leg length, 10.5mm throat c) 14mm leg length, 9.8mm throat d) 15mm leg length, 8.4mm throat 4. An arc strike has been removed by grinding and the inspection has proven acceptable. The thickness of the joint is 25mm and the removal depth 1mm deep. Is this acceptable? a) There is no problem with 1mm as 2mm is acceptable b) This is not acceptable as no reduction in thickness is allowed c) Not acceptable as 0.5mm is the maximum reduction in thickness d) As long as the inspection proved acceptable this would be allowable 5. Continuous Sub arc welding is being conducted on the manufacture of large I beams 15m in length. After completion of each I beam, the re cycled flux approximately 5kg in weight has another 5kg of new flux added before the operation continues again. Is this allowable? a) No only new flux can be used b) This is not required as the system has a filtration system built in c) This combination of mixing new and used is adequate d) It depends if the operation is hydrogen controlled or not WIS10-30816 Appendix 4 – Questions A4-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 6. Ultrasonic testing of a circumferential pipe butt weld 200mm diameter and 25mm thick, has detected lack of fusion 180mm in length. The contractor has a repair procedure and wants to carry out a repair. What would be your course of action? a) If it’s a first repair and the procedure is being followed, this would be allowable b) If a qualified inspector witnessed the repair this would be allowable c) You should not allow this to happen until you witness a repeat of the NDT d) You should insist on a complete cut out 7. The following parameters were used on a 10mm thick austinetic stainless steel butt weld using the TIG process, 12 volts, 180 amps and a travel speed of 40mm per minute. Witnessing this operation, what would be your course of action? a) The heat input is too high so stop the operation b) The heat input is too low so stop the operation c) As long as the welding procedure is adhered to, continue the operation d) No options are correct 8. A procedure was conducted in the PF position with MMA in 15mm thick C Mn steel. The following tests were conducted, hardness, macro, side bends, tensile, and impacts. Which of the following statements is correct? a) The procedure can be used in any position b) The procedure can only be used in the original test position c) The procedure can be used in the PA, PB, PC and PF positions d) The procedure can be used in the PC, PF and PD positions 9. A quenched and tempered steel has to undergo Post Weld Heat Treatment. Which of the following is correct? a) b) c) d) 10. Heating rate controlled from 320°c, soak temperature 590°c, controlled to 320°c and thermocouples removed at 110°c Heating rate controlled from 300°c, soak temperature 580°c, controlled to 300°c and thermocouples removed below 110°c Heating rate controlled from 220°c, soak temperature 450°c, controlled to 220°c and removal of thermocouples at this point Heating rate controlled to a soak temperature of 700°c, controlled to ambient at which point thermocouples removed. cooling rate cooling rate cooling rate cooling rate A quenched and tempered steel 40mm thick requires pre heating at a temperature of 100°c and a controlled interpass temperature of 100°c. the SAW process id being used. The heat input must be controlled. Which of the following conforms? a) b) c) d) 28 32 32 32 volts, volts, volts, volts, WIS10-30816 Appendix 4 – Questions 450 650 620 750 amps, amps, amps, amps, travel travel travel travel speed speed speed speed 650mm per min 400mm per min 350 mm per min 800 mm per min A4-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd