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Childhood Immunization Research RFP

Design thinking research to explore perceptions of Childhood Routine Immunization in the
Breakthrough ACTION is an eight-year cooperative agreement funded by the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) to lead social and behavior change (SBC)
programming around the world. The global project is implemented by Johns Hopkins Center for
Communication Programs (CCP) in partnership with Save the Children, ideas42, Think Place,
Camber Collective, Viamo, and the International Center for Research on Women. The project
works in partnership with governments, civil society, and communities to implement creative
and sustainable SBC programming, nurture SBC champions, mainstream new techniques and
technologies, and advocate for strategic and sustained investment in SBC.
Childhood routine immunization (RI) rates are falling in countries worldwide, including the
Philippines where immunization coverage has dropped from 86% in 2016 to 68% in 2020.
Multiple factors may contribute to this decline, and it is unclear how underlying behavioral
determinants, social norms, and structural barriers are influencing immunization-related health
seeking behaviors.
Breakthrough ACTION is seeking a research / design thinking firm to conduct a formative
research study on routine immunization using human-centered and innovative participatory
research techniques. The research will look at current childhood immunization knowledge,
attitudes, and practices among mothers/caregivers of children below 5 years old, husbands/
partners, healthcare providers, and community leaders. It also aims to surface perceptions of
routine immunization and determine possible barriers (behavioral and structural) as well as
facilitators to improving immunization-related behaviors.
Purpose and Objective
The purpose of this research is to understand the social, behavioral, and structural reasons
routine immunization rates are falling in the Philippines, using a human-centered design
approach. The study will explore what drives or inhibits routine immunization behavior.
The objectives of the study are:
a. To determine if parents/caretakers feel that their children are at risk from
diseases that can be prevented by immunization;
b. To know if parents/caretakers know if their children are at risk for adverse
outcomes if they get one of those diseases;
c. To understand what might motivate families to get their children immunized and
what might work for communities to support and encourage those behaviors;
d. To find out perceptions of priority audiences about current efforts to inform and
motivate them to adopt positive behaviors related to RI;
e. To understand caregivers’ current perceptions of vaccines included in routine
immunization, including perceptions of their safety, effectiveness, and benefits;
f. To determine what caused a change in attitudes and behavior towards routine
immunization and if it is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines.
Scope of Work
A research / design thinking firm is needed to plan, implement, and synthesize a qualitative
research study that will explore the reasons for the decreasing uptake of childhood routine
immunization in the country from the perspective of mothers/caregivers with children below 5
years old, husbands/ partners, healthcare providers, community leaders, and other
stakeholders. We are looking for an innovative approach to tackling this challenge. A key
insights report is expected from this engagement.
The firm is expected to:
● Develop a research plan that applies a human-centered design approach or a similar
participatory approach to identify insights and recommend innovative solutions.
o Identify the 4-6 study sites, focusing on comparing areas with low and high
routine immunization rates, both urban and rural.
o Design the study methodology including:
▪ Recruitment process and participant selection criteria with clear
inclusions and exclusions
▪ Consent process and draft consent form
▪ Data collection process
▪ Data analysis
▪ Data management, including privacy, confidentiality, and data protection
● Create participatory techniques and tools/questionnaires; facilitate translations of all
tools and forms into local languages.
● Submit research protocol to a local IRB and comply with the requirements set for the
submission to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH) IRB.
Breakthrough ACTION will assist with IRB submissions.
● Conduct the research, with oversight by the Breakthrough ACTION team, including
colleagues in the US.
● Transcribe and translate the data collected to English.
● Analyze and synthesize the research results into an Insights Report
● Create a final report that includes a detailed description of the research approach, any
problems encountered, the key insights, and recommendations for future work. Include
a PowerPoint presentation summarizing key findings and recommendations.
Breakthrough ACTION will provide technical assistance, supervision, and monitoring of the
above activities, including during fieldwork. The firm will be expected to collaborate closely
with the Breakthrough ACTION team throughout the duration of the contract. The
Breakthrough ACTION team will have final approval of each step of the research process and
the final report.
● Research plan, using a human-centered design approach/participatory approach and
including the identification of four-six study sites and study methodology, reviewed and
approved by Breakthrough ACTION.
● Tools and consent forms developed and translated to local languages, with final
approval by Breakthrough ACTION and IRBs
● Study approval from the local IRB (Breakthrough ACTION will lead the BSPH IRB process)
● Interviews transcribed and translated to English
● Final Insights report and corresponding PowerPoint presentation submitted and
approved by Breakthrough ACTION
The work is set to begin in June and end in December 2023.
We require the following research firm with:
● Minimum of 2 years of experience and proven track record providing the services
outlined in the Scope of Work
● Ability to pull together a team of experienced interviewers who speak the languages of
the respondents and
● Ability to provide the services outlined in the scope of work within the required
● Must be able to process a non-VAT transaction
This procurement is VAT-exempt. A copy of CCP’s VAT exemption certificate will be provided
upon award.
Proposal Application
The complete application package should include the following:
● Proposal (max ten pages excluding cover letter, CVs, budget, and registration
documents but including capability statement and references)
● Capability statement Provide background on the organization (please indicate whether
you are a private company, government owned or whether there is government
ownership or control) and include examples of recent, similar work.
● Copy of Current Firm/Company SEC registration certificate and if available,
Federalwide Assurance (FWA) number (if you have worked with a US government
partner previously)
● Copy of BIR registration certificate and Business Permit
● CVs of lead researcher and other key staff
● Three client references, please include:
o Name and address of the organization for which the work was performed
o Contact information for a responsible representative of the organization familiar
with the work
o Contract/award name and number (if any)
o Brief description of the tasks that were completed.
● Budget and budget narrative
The proposal should include the following sections:
● Cover letter signed by a person designated to engage the organization (not part of 10
● Proposed research plan (to be finalized once hired), suggested sample size,
characteristics of respondents and how they will be selected, and research sites
● Project team– describe the qualifications of researchers and other key staff. Define the
key team and provide a detailed description of the role of each member. Describe who
will do the analysis and who will conduct the interviews/research in the field and how
you will recruit these people.
● Project timeline of major activities and deliverables (Gantt chart of activities)
● References (3)
The budget should include:
● Budget: Please include a detailed budget that includes line items that are consistent
with the requirements described in the proposal. Include relevant line items (for staff,
travel costs, supplies/ materials, meals, management, etc), number of units, per unit
costs, and total costs in the local currency.
● Include a budget narrative in a separate document to justify the anticipated number of
units and unit costs for each line item.
The proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Minimum of 2 years experience in implementing human-centered design studies using
innovative techniques such as community mapping, photo elicitation, FGDs, and KII/ indepth interviews (Yes/No—10 points for yes, 0 for no)
2. Completeness and quality of proposal. Does the proposal contain the minimum required
1. Proposed research plan clearly explains the use of a Human-Centered
Design/innovative participatory approach in the study: 0-10 points
2. Proven track record providing the services outlined in the Scope of Work: 0-10
3. Examples of recent similar work: 0-10 points
4. Project team met the stated criteria/qualifications: 0-10 points
5. Timeline is within the scope specified: 0-10 points
Total possible score: 60 points
3. Competitiveness of cost which will be evaluated through cost analysis (0 points)
Interested candidates are to submit their complete application package with the subject line
“Proposal for Routine Immunization Research--company or group name” to research@baphilippines.org.
Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM PST on April 30, 2023.
Bidders can ask questions or requests for clarifications by email to research@baphilippines.org between the date of publication and April 24, 2023 no later than 5:00 p.m. The
Q&A will be sent to all bidders who indicate, by email, that they plan to respond to this
solicitation. Breakthrough ACTION reserves the right to add or delete information, or to modify
the content of this request during the period meant for the preparation of bids. Breakthrough
ACTION reserves the right to revise the date specified for the submission of bids. It is
understood that bidders shall bear the costs for the preparation and submission of their bids.
Breakthrough ACTION plans to award the contract based on the best value, cost, and all other
factors taken into consideration. Breakthrough ACTION reserves the right to reject all bids
received and not to award any contract under this request for proposals. Breakthrough ACTION
will not pay or reimburse the consultant for bids submitted.