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Diversity in Workplace Assessment: BSBTWK501

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onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.
Usama Saleem
Student Name
Assessor Name
Student ID
Course Name
Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Course Code
Unit Name
Manage diversity in the workplace
Unit Code
Please attach the following student evidence to this form
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Yet Satisfactory
DNS = Did Not Submit
Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Final Assessment Result for this unit
C = Competent / NYC = Not Yet Competent
Student Declaration: I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained
Assessor Feedback:
and agree to undertake assessment. I am aware of NIT’s appeals process, should
the need arise. I also understand that I must be assessed as ‘satisfactory’ in all parts
of the assessment to gain a competent result for this unit of competency. I declare
that the work contained in this assessment is my own, except where
acknowledgement of sources is made. I understand that a person found responsible
for academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action (refer to Enrolment
Acceptance Agreement).
I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained and reproduced for
the purpose of review and validation.
Student Signature: USAMA SALEEM
03 /06
Assessor Signature:
Administrative use only
Entered onto Student Management Database
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Nova Institute of Technology
RTOID: 21984 CRICOS: 02856B
Assessment Task 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Written Test
Assessment Submission details:
1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:
 Your Name
 Your Student Id
 Your Trainer’s name
 Title of your Assessment
 Assessment Due Date
 Actual Submission Date
Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.
2. This assessment needs to be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this
assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:
Page setup
Body text
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 point
Line spacing: Double
Text style: Normal
Top: 2.54 cm
Bottom: 2.54 cm
Left: 3.17 cm
Right: 3.17 cm
Header: 1.25 cm
Footer: 1.25 cm
3. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
4. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details:
In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.
Achieving Competence:
To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:
Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task
Correctly address all of the submission instructions
Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet
Assessment Activity 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Performance objective:
You need to answer the entire questions using information given to you from class and from your course
Assessment description:
You must provide a response to all questions in assessment Questions section.
Assessment Questions:
Checkpoint 1
Question 1: How can employers and supervisors address prejudice and demonstrate respect in the workplace?
1.Treat people how you'd like to be treated: with kindness, courtesy and politeness.
2.Encourage other coworkers to share their valuable ideas.
3.Actively listen to others.
4.Use other people's ideas often to increase productivity and efficiency.
Question 2: List 7 prohibited areas of discrimination that your company’s diversity policy should address?
Discriminate on the basis of :
3.Religion sex
4.National origin
5. Age Disability
6.Marital status
7.Political affiliation.
Question 3: If you find areas of the diversity policy which do not fully address the current anti-discrimination
legislation then you must address them. This may involve providing feedback to the relevant colleagues to
ensure the policy is updated, and also communicating the changes to management and staff?
Assessment Activity 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Question 4: How does multiculturalism impact on dress and grooming standards in a workplace?
Studies have shown the positive impact a culturally diverse workforce can have on a team and companies
creativity. By bringing together people from different backgrounds you will see a more diverse series of solutions
to issues and approaches to projects you might have.
Question 5: What is diversity? How does a person’s disability impact their right to work and the legislative
requirements for employers?
Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality, life experiences and
beliefs, all of the things that make us who we are.
Employees with disability (including applicants) are protected against being excluded from employment which
they have the ability to perform safely. The law also gives the right to an employee with disability to have
reasonable changes called 'workplace adjustments' made to the way they work and/or the workplace.
Checkpoint 2
Question 6: The phrase ‘People are people everywhere’ means that people have similar issues everywhere. List
5 examples of commonalities between people?
Human rights are a set of principles concerned with equality and fairness. They recognise our freedom to make
choices about our lives and to develop our potential as human beings. They are about living a life free from fear,
harassment or discrimination.
We can apply the five human commonalities :health, justice, education, safety, and love and belonging — to our
marketing decisions.
Question 7: Provide 5 examples how cultural differences do impact on managing tensions between staff?
Cultural diversity includes:
3.Sexual orientation.
Assessment Activity 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Question 8: Which aspects are covered by the following legislation?
Age Discrimination Act 2004 – This Act makes it unlawful to discriminate on the ground of age. This Act has effect
subject to certain geographical and constitutional limitations . Discrimination on the ground of age can be direct or
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas,
including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local
government' programs and services.
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – recognition and equality before the law; right to life; freedom from forced work;
privacy and repudiation; and freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief.
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 is a federal law which makes it unlawful to: •
discriminate against you because of your sex, marital status, pregnancy or your potential to become pregnant •
dismiss you from your job because of your family responsibilities, or • sexually harass you.
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 – Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) as well as
federal laws that seek to ensure freedom from discrimination on the basis of attributes such as age, disability,
race, sex, sexuality and gender identity.
Checkpoint 3
Question 9: List 3 examples of business policies and procedures that may cover aspects of businesses operations
affected by diversity?
1.Diversity & Inclusion Policy.
2.Recruitment & Selection Policy.
3.Flexible Working Policy.
Question 10: How can you ensure that a diversity policy is correctly implemented and understood by staff?
Assessment Activity 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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1.Create diversity friendly policies. Review your existing workplace policies with a diversity lens.
2.Reassess employee benefits.
3.Provide diversity training.
4.Establish diverse mentorships.
5.Build diverse teams.
5.Measure your efforts.
Question 11: List 4 actions you may take to promote a diversity policy?
1.Be aware of unconscious bias.
2.Communicate the importance of managing bias.
3.Promote pay equity.
4.Develop a strategic training program.
Assessment Activity 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Checkpoint 4
Question 12: Describe how you can get to know and show respect to your staff?
Make sure your contribution in meetings are on topic and respectful. Avoid interrupting others and give others
your full attention. Respond in a timely manner. Answer phone calls and emails promptly :this shows people you
value their time.
Question 13: How can you use ideas and information from a diverse workforce to improve business operations?
The knowledge, experience and skills of such a diverse workforce can bring a range of innovative ideas and
solutions to the table. This collective creative power can help your organization: Streamline processes and create
new, more efficient systems. Create more functional organizational structures.
Question 14: List 3 ways businesses can use to promote their diversity internally, build the corporate culture and
encourage acceptance of others among staff?
1.Hire Leaders Who Understand The Importance Of These Values.
2.Help Employees Feel Comfortable Expressing Themselves.
3.Have A Safe Space For People's Beliefs.
4.Create Flexible Mandatory Holidays.
Assessment Activity 1
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© Nova Institute of Technology
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Question 15: List 5 benefits of aiming for diversity when selecting and recruiting staff?
1.Better opportunities for creativity and problem-solving.
2.Smarter decision-making.
3.An increase in profits and productivity.
4.Reduced rates of employee turnover.
5.Improved reputation for your business.
Question 16: List 7 examples of possible training you may need to offer staff to help deal with cultural
differences in your team?
1.Invest in global citizenship training.
2.Promote culturally sensitive communication skills.
3.Promote good manners in employees.
4.Celebrate your colleagues' traditional.
5.Listen to foreign clients and colleagues.
6.Pay attention to cultural differences.
7.Be an open minded.
Question 17: Describe how you should deal with a discrimination complaint ?
1.Listen to the accuser.
2.Take the complaint seriously.
3.Not retaliate against the accuser.
4.Keep the complaint confidential.
5.Not delay in conducting an investigation.
6.Conduct a thorough investigation.
7.Document the investigation.
Question 18: You have been asked to investigate a formal complaint which has occurred in an outlet operated
by your company. Describe how you would investigate the incident in a professional manner?
when we start to talk about situations which could potentially be a breach of workplace policy in terms of
inappropriate or unlawful behaviours like bullying, sexual harassment, victimisation, fraud, theft, those sorts of
things, then really a formal investigation should be conducted.
An effective incident investigation process involves four key steps: incident description, identification of causes,
identification of changes to the organisation and work processes, and learning. The science of human factors and
the theory of just culture play a crucial role in incident management and investigation.
Assessment Activity 1
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Assessment Task 2
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Assessment Submission details:
1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:
 Your Name
 Your Student Id
 Your Trainer’s name
 Title of your Assessment
 Assessment Due Date
 Actual Submission Date
Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.
2. This assessment needs to be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this
assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:
Page setup
Body text
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 point
Line spacing: Double
Text style: Normal
Top: 2.54 cm
Bottom: 2.54 cm
Left: 3.17 cm
Right: 3.17 cm
Header: 1.25 cm
Footer: 1.25 cm
3. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
4. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details:
In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.
Achieving Competence:
To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:
Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task
Correctly address all of the submission instructions
Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet
Assessment Activity 2
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
1|P a g e
Performance objective:
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance
criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
a. demonstrate the application of diversity policy in a work context
b. critically review a diversity policy
c. implement strategies to ensure that diversity is understood and respected in the work team
d. demonstrate compliance with procedures for handling complaints or harassment allegations
e. promote the benefits of diversity to others
Assessment description:
This assessment consists of a series of tasks which include
i. research of legislation – key aspects, requirements, and complaint processes
ii. identification of current initiatives and the potential for integrating these in the management of a diverse
iii. development of a diversity policy which can be implemented in a diverse workplace based on the values
identified from the current projects and based on legal requirements identified
iv. development of an anti-bullying/anti-harassment policy with clear procedures for informal and formal
complaint stages
You are required to address all tasks set out below. The website link provided is current as of 27 September
2014 including the information relating to current initiatives.
Whilst EEO legislation covers the general aspects related to Equal Opportunity Employment, the intention of this
project is to identify contemporary aspects which would be beneficial for a diverse team in the workplace. You
are encouraged to evaluate current programs and identify which aspects can be implemented in a sustainable
manner in industry.
The link and information provided on the websites are sources of information and all responses you provide
here must be clearly referenced. Policies and procedures must be your own work.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback within agreed timelines as outlined to you.
Assessment Questions:
Question 1: Go to the website https://www.humanrights.gov.au/our-work/legal/legislationand identify the
purpose of the following Acts – what is covered, who does this apply to and what is the relevance in
a workplace?
Age Discrimination Act
Disability Discrimination Act
Racial Discrimination Act
Sex Discrimination Act
Australian Human Rights Commission Act
Question 2: Current projects that have been implemented as part of the national strategies for each of the
following acts can be found on the relevant areas of www.humanrights.gov.au. Review these
current projects and analyse the key factors and campaigns which would be beneficial and could be
adapted for managing a diverse workplace. Which potential benefits for a workplace can you find in
each of these projects?
Age Discrimination Act
Disability Discrimination Act
Racial Discrimination Act
Sex Discrimination Act
Assessment Activity 2
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Question 3: Choose 1 of the following options:
a) Review should be included. Identify what is potentially lacking and which of the aspects you have
researched could be included your existing diversity policy in the workplace (if one exists) and
compare what is includedto what
b) Given consideration to the requirements you have identified in Question 1 and the positives you
have analysed and identified in Question 2; develop a diversity policy which sufficiently covers all
aspects required to manage diversity in a contemporary, modern workplace which fosters effective
communication and promotes harmony and an inclusive team
Question 4: Develop a bullying/harassment policy that can be used in your workplace. The policy needs to
include: (You may access and reference you state WHS legislation or Fair work for specific
requirements in your state and the following link is provides a checklist: Bullying Policy Checklist for
employers page - Comcare)
 The legal requirements set out by law
 Examples of what is defined as bullying and harassment and what is not
 A clear statement that will outline the processes and procedures to be followed in case of any
incident including the stages of informal and formal procedures.
 A statement how you will implement this policy in the workplace and ensure staff are trained
and aware on an ongoing basis as part of an integrated consultation process.
1. A legal requirement is anything that a company legally must do. This can be different by industry and company. As well as
legislation, legal requirements can include statutory inspections such as LOLER and PUWER.
2. Inappropriate personal questions or comments. belittling or patronising comments or nicknames. assault or other nonaccidental physical contact, including disability aids. the display, sending or sharing of offensive letters, publications,
objects, images or sounds.
3. Employers should establish internal procedures for dealing with sexual harassment complaints or grievances to
encourage in-house resolution. The Sex Discrimination Act does not prescribe any particular type of complaint procedure
so employers have the flexibility to design a system that suits the organisation’s size, structure and resources.
1. Implement Realistic Policies and Procedures.
2.Make Your Policy Library Accessible to Everyone.
3.Communicate New Policies and Updates Accordingly.
4.Require Acknowledgement.
5.Test Employee Understanding.
Assessment Activity 2
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
© Nova Institute of Technology
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Assessment Evaluation Tool
Unit Code & Unit Name
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Assessment Type
Written task
Assessment Name
AT 1
Student’s name & ID
Assessment date/s
Usama Saleem
Is Student able to demonstrate the following: Performance Evidence [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
(1) Demonstrate the application of diversity policy in a work context
(2) Critically review a diversity policy
(3) Implement strategies to ensure that diversity is understood and respected in the work team
(4) Demonstrate compliance with procedures for handling complaints or harassment allegations
(5) Promote the benefits of diversity to others
Is Student able to demonstrate the following: Performance Criteria
[1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3]
(1.1) Locate and review diversity policy
(1.2) Determine its application to the specific work context
(1.3) Institute actions to ensure that the diversity policy is understood and implemented by relevant
(1.4) Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to ensure currency and efficacy of diversity
(2.1) Address own prejudices and demonstrate respect for difference in personal interactions
(2.2) Aim for diversity in selecting and recruiting staff
(2.3) Identify and address training needs to address issues of difference in the team
(2.4) Manage tensions and encourage collaboration and respect between staff who struggle to work
effectively with difference
(2.5) Assist staff to see that working effectively with difference is a strength that can improve the
organisation’s products, services and customer relations
(2.6) Manage allegations of harassment and address complaints according to established
organisational procedures
(3.1) Promote the organisation’s workforce diversity in internal and external forums to enhance the
company’s image and reputation
(3.2) Capture ideas and information from the diversity in the workforce to enhance products and
services and contribute to competitive advantage
(3.3) Support organisational efforts to value diversity
Document Name:
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Document No:
© Nova Institute of Technology
Version No:
V 1.0
Created Date:
Sept 2019
Last Modified Date:
Page Sequence:
Sept 2020
Page 1 of 2
Is Student able to demonstrate the following: Knowledge Evidence [1, 2]
(1) Outline formal and informal complaints procedures
(2) Identify and outline key features of relevant current legislation regarding:
a) age discrimination
b) disability discrimination
c) racial discrimination
d) sex discrimination
e) human rights
f) equal opportunity
Comments/feedback to Student
 Satisfactory
 Unsatisfactory
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks
Google check for plagiarism
Check for Copying/Collusion
Check for Authenticity (own work)
Cheating or use of model answers
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:
Document Name:
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Document No:
© Nova Institute of Technology
Version No:
V 1.0
Created Date:
Sept 2019
Last Modified Date:
Page Sequence:
Sept 2020
Page 2 of 2
Assessment Evaluation Tool
Unit Code & Unit Name
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Assessment Type
Assessment Name
AT 2
Student’s name & ID
Assessment date/s
Usama Saleem
Is Student able to demonstrate the following: Performance Evidence [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
(1) Demonstrate the application of diversity policy in a work context
(2) Critically review a diversity policy
(3) Implement strategies to ensure that diversity is understood and respected in the work team
(4) Demonstrate compliance with procedures for handling complaints or harassment allegations
(5) Promote the benefits of diversity to others
Is Student able to demonstrate the following: Performance Criteria
[1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3]
(1.1) Locate and review diversity policy
(1.2) Determine its application to the specific work context
(1.3) Institute actions to ensure that the diversity policy is understood and implemented by relevant
(1.4) Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to ensure currency and efficacy of diversity
(2.1) Address own prejudices and demonstrate respect for difference in personal interactions
(2.2) Aim for diversity in selecting and recruiting staff
(2.3) Identify and address training needs to address issues of difference in the team
(2.4) Manage tensions and encourage collaboration and respect between staff who struggle to work
effectively with difference
(2.5) Assist staff to see that working effectively with difference is a strength that can improve the
organisation’s products, services and customer relations
(2.6) Manage allegations of harassment and address complaints according to established
organisational procedures
(3.1) Promote the organisation’s workforce diversity in internal and external forums to enhance the
company’s image and reputation
(3.2) Capture ideas and information from the diversity in the workforce to enhance products and
services and contribute to competitive advantage
(3.3) Support organisational efforts to value diversity
Document Name:
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Document No:
© Nova Institute of Technology
Version No:
V 1.0
Created Date:
Sept 2019
Last Modified Date:
Page Sequence:
Sept 2020
Page 1 of 2
Is Student able to demonstrate the following: Knowledge Evidence [1, 2]
(1) Outline formal and informal complaints procedures
(2) Identify and outline key features of relevant current legislation regarding:
a) age discrimination
b) disability discrimination
c) racial discrimination
d) sex discrimination
e) human rights
f) equal opportunity
Comments/feedback to Student
 Satisfactory
 Unsatisfactory
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks
Google check for plagiarism
Check for Copying/Collusion
Check for Authenticity (own work)
Cheating or use of model answers
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:
Document Name:
BSBTWK501 Manage diversity in the workplace
Document No:
© Nova Institute of Technology
Version No:
V 1.0
Created Date:
Sept 2019
Last Modified Date:
Page Sequence:
Sept 2020
Page 2 of 2