Joemar C. Endam Mathematics Department Negros Oriental State University Course Description This course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life. The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns and as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning. The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present-day living. Learning Outcomes Knowledge 1. Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used. 2. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concepts. 3. Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics. Learning Outcomes Skills 1. Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data. 2. Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and security purposes. 3. Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, business, arts and design, and recreation. Learning Outcomes Values 1. Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life. 2. Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavours. Course Outline Section 1 The Nature of Mathematics 1.1 Mathematics in our World 1.2 Mathematical Language and Symbols 1.3 Problem Solving and Reasoning Section 2 Mathematics as a Tool 2.1 Data Management 2.2 Geometric Designs 2.3 Apportionment and Voting 2.4 Graphs 2.5 Modular Arithmetic and Codes Core Ideas 1.1 Mathematics in our World Mathematics is a useful way to think about nature and our world. 1.2 Mathematical Language and Symbols Like any language, mathematics has its own symbols, syntax and rules. 1.3 Problem Solving and Reasoning Mathematics is not just about numbers, much of it is problem solving and reasoning. Core Ideas 2.1 Data Management Statistical tools derived from mathematics are useful in processing and managing numerical data in order to describe a phenomenon and predict values. 2.2 Geometry Geometry can help enhance one’s artistic prowess as well as enrich one’s own culture. Core Ideas 2.3 Apportionment and Voting Mathematics can promote democracy through impartial voting methods and numerical measures of fairness. 2.4 Graphs Mathematics creates connections and fosters efficiency through visual tools like graphs and algorithms. 2.5 Modular Arithmetic and Codes Mathematics enables the development of codes and ciphers that are useful to individuals and to society. 1.1 Mathematics in our World Resources 1. Nature’s Numbers by Ian Stewart 2. Youtube videos about math in nature Assessment 1. Quiz: Essay writing 2. Synthesis paper 3. PowerPoint presentation 1.2 Mathematical Language and Symbols Resources 1. Learning the language of mathematics by R. Jamison 2. The language of mathematics by Carol Fisher Assessment 1. Exercise sets 2. Quiz 1.3 Problem Solving and Reasoning Resources 1. Mathematical Excursions by Aufmann et al 2. Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities Assessment 1. Problem Set 2. Quiz 2.1 Data Management Resources 1. Mathematical Excursions by Aufmann et al 2. Any introductory statistic book Assessment 1. Quiz 2. Project Proposal 2.2 Geometric Designs Resources 1. Any book in Geometry: Shapes, Patterns and Designs 2. Youtube videos on geometric designs Assessment 1. Exercise sets 2. Quiz 2.3 Apportionment and Voting 2.4 Graphs 2.5 Modular Arithmetic and Codes 2.5 Modular Arithmetic and Codes Many clocks have the familiar 12-hour design. We designate whether the time is before noon or after noon by using the abbreviations A.M. and P.M. A reference to 7:00 A.M. means 7 hours after 12 midnight; a reference to 7:00 P.M. means 7 hours after 12 noon. In both cases, once 12 is reached on the clock, we begin again with 1. If we want to determine a time in the future or in the past, it is necessary to consider whether we have passed 12 o’clock. To determine the time 8 hours after 3 o’clock we add 3 and 8. Because we did not pass 12 o’clock, the time is 11 o’clock. However, to determine the time 8 hours after 9 o’clock, we must take into consideration that once we have passed 12 o’clock, we begin again with 1. Therefore, 8 hours after 9 o’clock is 5 o’clock. We will use the symbol + to denote this addition on a 12-hour clock. Using this notation, 3 + 8 = 11 and 9 + 8 = 5 on a 12-hour clock. We can also perform subtraction on a 12-hour clock. We can also perform subtraction on a 12-hour clock. If the time now is 10 o’clock, then 7 hours ago the time was 3 o’clock, which is the difference between 10 and 7 (10 – 7 = 3). However, if the time now is 3 o’clock, then, using figure below, we see that 7 hours ago it was 8 o’clock. If we use the symbol – to denote subtraction on a 12-hour clock, we can write 10 – 7 = 3 and 3 – 7 = 8. Perform Clock Arithmetic: Evaluate the following. 1. 8 + 7 2. 7 + 12 3. 8 – 11 4. 2 – 8 Modulo n Two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo n, where n is a natural number called the modulus, if the remainder when a is divided by n equals the remainder when b is divided by n. In this case, we write a ≡ b mod n. The statement a ≡ b mod n is called a congruence. For instance, 29 ≡ 11 mod 3 because 29 ÷ 3 = 9 remainder 2 and 11 ÷ 3 = 3 remainder 2. 5 is not congruent to 37 mod 6 because 5 ÷ 6 = 0 remainder 5 and 37 ÷ 6 = 6 remainder 1. The numbers 5 and 37 have different remainders when divided by 6. Computing the Day of the Week Zeller’s Congruence d is the day of the month m is the month using 1 for March, 2 for April, …, 10 for December, 11 for January and 12 February y is the last two digits of the year if the month is March through December; if the month is January or February, y is the last two digits of the year minus 1 c is the first two digits of the year x is the day of the week (0 for Sun, 1 for Mon,..., 6 for Sat) Exercises 1. Determine the day of the week on July 4, 1776. 2. Determine the day of the week on which you were born. ISBN and Credit Card Numbers Every book that is cataloged in the Library of Congress must have an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). The ISBN for the third edition of the American Heritage Dictionary is 0-395-44895-6. The first number, 0, indicates that the book is written in English. The next three numbers, 395, indicate the publisher (Houghton Mifflin Company). The five numbers 44895 identify the book (American Heritage Dictionary). The last digit is called a check digit. This digit is chosen so as to satisfy the following congruence. The digit 6 is selected as the check digit of the ISBN because 247 + 6 = 253 and 253 ÷ 11 = 23 remainder 0. Because the ISBN congruence equation has a modulus of 11, the value of x could be any number from 0 to 10. A check digit of 10 is coded as an X. One purpose of the ISBN method of coding books is to ensure that orders placed for books are filled accurately. For instance, suppose a clerk sends an order for the American Heritage Dictionary and inadvertently enters the number 0-395-44985-6 (the 8 and the adjacent 9 have been transposed). Now 0(10)+3(9)+9(8)+5(7)+4(6)+4(5)+9(4)+8(3)+5(2)+6 = 254 If we divide 254 by 11, the remainder is not zero. Because the congruence is not true, we know there is an error in the order. Determine the ISBN check digit for the book A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. The first nine digits of the ISBN are 0-553-05340- ? Credit Cards Companies that issue credit cards also use modular arithmetic to determine whether a credit card number is valid. This is especially important in e-commerce, where credit card information is frequently sent over the Internet. The primary coding method is based on the Luhn algorithm, which uses mod 10 arithmetic. Credit card numbers are normally 13 to 16 digits long. The first one to four digits are used to identify the card issuer. The Luhn algorithm, used to determine whether a credit card number is valid, is calculated as follows: Beginning with the next-to-last digit (the last digit is the check digit) and reading from right to left, double every other digit. If a digit becomes a two-digit number after being doubled, treat the number as two individual digits. Now find the sum of the new list of digits; the final sum must equal 0 mod 10. Is 6011012391452317 a valid credit card number? Codes Cryptology is the study of making and breaking secret codes. Plaintext is a message before it is coded. Ciphertext is the message after it has been written in code. Encryption is the method of changing from plaintext to ciphertext. Decryption is the method of changing from ciphertext to plaintext. A Cipher of Caesar Use the cyclical alphabetic encrypting code that shifts each letter 11 positions to a. code CATHERINE THE GREAT b. decode TGLY ESP EPCCTMWP 2.3 Apportionment and Voting Apportionment There are at least two plans of apportionment: 1. The Hamilton Plan 2. The Jefferson Plan. Apportionment We will consider a fictitious country of Andromeda with a population of 20,000 and five states. The population of each state is given in the table at the right. Andromeda calls for 25 representatives to be chosen from these states. The number of representatives is to be apportioned according to state’s respective populations. The Hamilton Plan Under the Hamilton Plan, the total population of the country is divided by the number of representatives. This gives the number of citizens represented by each representative. This number is called the standard divisor. From the calculation in the above table, the total number of representatives is 22, not 25 as required by Andromeda’s constitution. When this happens, the Hamilton Plan calls for revisiting the calculations of the quotients and assigning an additional representative to the state with the largest decimal remainder. This process is continued until the number of representatives equals the number required by the constitution. The Jefferson Plan As we saw with the Hamilton plan, dividing by the standard divisor and then rounding down does not always yield the correct number of representatives. In the previous example, we were three representatives short. The Jefferson plan attempts to overcome this difficulty by using a modified standard divisor. This number is chosen, by trial and error, so that the sum of the standard quotas is the total number of representatives. In a specific apportionment calculation, there may be more than one number that can serve as the modified standard divisor. In the following apportionment calculation, we used 740 as our modified standard divisor. However, 741 also can be used as the modified standard divisor. The table below shows how the results of the Hamilton and Jefferson apportionment methods differ. Note that each method assigns a different number of representatives to certain states. Although we have applied apportionment to allocating representatives to a congress, there are other applications of apportionment. Nurses can be assigned to hospitals according to the number of patients requiring care. 2. Police officers can be assigned to precincts based on the number of reported crimes. 3. Math classes can be scheduled based on student demand for those classes. 1. Exercise: Apportioning board members using the Hamilton and Jefferson methods. Suppose the 18 members on the board of the Ruben County environmental agency are selected according to the populations of five cities in the county, as shown in the table. The Hamilton Plan The Jefferson Plan