Module Specification Module Title: Module Code: AC5052 Module Leader: Performance Management Accounting Level: 5 Dr Igbekele Osinubi Credit: 20 ECTS credit: 10 Pre-requisite: None Pre-cursor: None Co-requisite: Excluded combinations : None None Location of delivery: UEL/ Other/ By distance learning If ‘Other’ please insert location here: Overseas collaborative partnerships Summary of module for applicants: This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of management accounting techniques. You will understand how management accounting techniques can be used to support management in planning, controlling, and monitoring performance in a variety of business contexts. Main topics of study: Management accounting and the business environment BEP Analysis and Cost-volume profit analysis Decision Making Under Conditions of Certainty Activity-based costing Budgeting systems and types of budgets Process Costing, Joint & By-products costing Life-cycle costing Standard costing and Variance Analysis Target Costing This module will be able to demonstrate at least one of the following examples/ exposures (please tick one or more of the appropriate boxes, evidence will need to be provided later in this document) Live, applied project Company/engagement visits ☐ Company/industry sector endorsement/badging/sponsorship/award ☐ Learning Outcomes for the module The following codes identify where a learning outcome meets one of the UEL core competencies, Digital Proficiency - Code = (DP) Industry Connections - Code = (IC) Emotional Intelligence Development - Code = (EID) Social Intelligence Development - Code = (SID) Physical Intelligence Development - Code = (PID) Cultural Intelligence Development - Code = (CID) Community Connections - Code = (CC) UEL Give-Back - Code = (UGB) At the end of this module, you will: Knowledge 1. understand of the role of management accounting in current business environment (PID) 2. understand the use of management accounting techniques (PID) Thinking skills 3. 4. apply various management accounting techniques to different decision-making , planning and control scenarios and interpret the results (PID) evaluate the validity of the assumptions underlying management accounting techniques in the context of the current business environment (PID) Subject-based practical skills 5. evaluate information in business contexts by applying management accounting techniques (IC) Skills for life and work (general skills) 6. work in small groups to provide solution to business problems and reflect on your own development (SID) Teaching/ learning methods/strategies used to enable the achievement of learning outcomes: For on campus students: Lectures: Lecturer will present and explain to you the concepts and techniques of management accounting. The lecturer will stimulate your active participation through various exercises. You will get immediate formative feedback on your understanding of the concept/technique of management accounting. Seminars: Lecturer will stimulate your interest to participate and apply of the knowledge you acquired in the main lecture to a management accounting decision scenario. Lecturer will provide you further questions to discuss. Lecturer explains how you can interpret the questions to provide appropriate answers. Lecturer will stimulate your thought to evaluate the validity of management accounting techniques and assumptions made for its application. Group work in seminars: You will work in small groups to discuss examples of the application of management accounting techniques in business contexts. Guided reading and independent study: Lecturer will encourage you to participate and contribute to discussions on management accounting techniques Formative assessments and feedback sessions: You will be guide on how to reflect on your own learning and progression. Assessment methods which enable students to demonstrate the learning outcomes for the module; please define as necessary: Weighting: Learning Outcomes demonstrated: Component 1 Group presentation and individual reflection 40% 2, 3, 5, 6 Component 2 90 minutes unseen examination 60% 1-5 Reading and resources for the module: Core Seal, W., Rohde, C., Garrison, R.H., and Noreen, E.W. (2019) Management accounting. 6th edn, London: McGraw-Hill Education Recommended Bhimani, A. Datar, S.M., Horngren, C.T., and Rajan, M. (2019) Management and cost accounting. 7th edn, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Burns, J., Quinn, M., Warren, L., and Oliveira, J. (2013) Management accounting. Maidenhead: McGrawHill Education Drury, C. (2012) Management and cost accounting. 7th edn. Business Press/Thompson Learning, together with the accompanying Students manual Young, S. M. (2011) Readings in management accounting. 6th edn, Harlow: Pearson In addition, students will be expected to read journal articles Provide evidence of how this module will be able to demonstrate at least one of the following examples/ exposures Live, applied project: You will be present a real world case/scenario problem to work in group to provide solution to the case problem. Your group will do a 10 minutes presentation on your solution to the case problem. You will then write 600 words reflection on your experience working as member of the team. Company/engagement visits: NA Company/industry sector endorsement/badging/sponsorship/award: NA Indicative learning and teaching time (10 hrs per credit): 1. Student/tutor interaction: Activity Activity and hours (Defined as lectures, seminars, tutorials, project supervision, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops, supervised time in studio/workshop, fieldwork, external visits, work based learning (not placements), formative assessment) See further descriptions in guidance 48 hours 2. Student learning time: Activity (e.g. seminar reading and preparation/assignment preparation/ background reading/ on-line activities/group work/portfolio/diary preparation, unsupervised studio work etc): 152 hours Reading, preparation for seminars, preparing report, carrying out self-assessment and practice questions, revision for examination Total hours (1 and 2): 200 hours Nội dung giảng 2nd semester Week Content Specialist 1 cost and management accounting techniques Reference Part A1, 2ab Activity-based costing Target costing Specialist cost and management accounting techniques 2 2 Life-cycle costing Throughput accounting Environmental accounting Decision-making techniques Part A1, 2cde Learning Outcomes 3, 4, 5 Week 3+4 Content Relevant cost analysis Cost volume analysis Limiting factors 5 Relevant cost analysis Pricing decisions 6+7 Relevant cost analysis 2 Reference Learning Outcomes Materials given by lecturer Slides and reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 provided by lecturer Part B3,4 Make-or-buy and other short-termPart C7,8 decisions Materials given by Dealing with risk and uncertainty in lecturer decisionmaking Case Attempt 2 8+9 Budgeting and control 1 Part C7 Budgetary systems and types of budget Quantitative analysis in budgeting Standard costing 10 Part C8, 9 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Budgeting and control 3 Part C9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Planning and operational variances Performance analysis Case Attempt 3 Review Materials given by lecturer Budgeting and control 2 Material mix and yield variances Sales mix and quantity variances 11+12