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Assessment Types & Methods: Formative & Summative

Type of Assessments
Summative Assessments
assessment OF learning - tasks assess the
achievement of the student learning
against the intended learning outcome.
Formative Assessments
assessment FOR learning : accompanied
by feedback from teachers and from their
fellow students can be used to modify
teaching strategies to meet learning needs;
Assessment Methods
End-of-term or midterm exams
Cumulative work over an extended period such as a final project or creative portfolio
End-of-unit or chapter tests
Progress trackers
Take Home exams
Mock exams
Write it down
Doodle it ( students draw what they understand, instead of writing it.)
Exit slip (hand out a short quiz or a few simple questions, and students give them to you as they leave
your class.)
Thumbs up, middle, or down
Two Roses and a Thorn (Name two things that you liked about a chapter, lesson, etc and one thing you
did not like or you still have a question about.)
Red / green card
Traffic Lights (Green = I know this; Yellow = I may know this OR I partially know this; Red = I don't know
this. )
3-Way Summaries
One-Minute Papers
KWL Charts (a graphic organizer in which students write what they know already about a topic (K), what
they want to learn about a topic (W), and eventually, what they learned about a topic during the unit or
lesson (L). )