Course number Course Title Term Academic Year ENGR 301 - CC Summer 2023-24 Engineering Management Principles and Economics Course Instructor Office Email Office Hours (Virtual: Zoom) Dr. Malleswara Talla MB13.363 M-W: 17:15-18:15 CLASS SCHEDULE Section Day Time Location Instructor E-mail Lecture CC M-W 14:45-17:30 H535 Malleswara Talla Tutorial CE M 17:45-19:35 H501 Martin Zorrilla Tutorial CF W 17:45-19:35 H501 Alison LaettBabcock Tutorial CG M 11:45-13:35 H501 Arezo Bodaghi Tutorial CH W 11:45-13:35 COURSE CALENDAR DESCRIPTION Introduction to project delivery systems. Principles of project management; role and activity of a manager; enterprise organizational charts; cost estimating; planning and control. Company finances; interest and time value of money; discounted cash flow; evaluation of projects in private and public sectors; depreciation methods; business tax regulations; decision tree; sensitivity analysis. PREREQUISITE None THIS COURSE IS A PREREQUISITE TO: AERO 490, BCEE 464, BLDG 490, BLDG 490A, BLDG 490B, BLDG 491, BLDG 493, CIVI 490, COEN 390, ELEC 390, INDU 330, INDU 490, MECH 490 TEXTBOOK AND ADDITIONAL COURSE MATERIALS Course information is available on Required Course Textbook Engineering Management Principles and Economics, 7th edition Project Management, Adrienne Watt, 2014 GENERAL INFO: This course provides an overview of project management and engineering economics. General concepts in these areas, along with a number of most commonly employed tools and techniques will be presented. The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) defines Engineering Economics and Project Management as: an ability to appropriately incorporate management, economic and business practice; including project, risk, and change management into the practice of engineering, and to understand their limitations. At the end of this course, students are expected to have a general understanding of the principles of project management and engineering economics. GRADING POLICY Evaluation Tool Weight HOMEWORK (ASSIGNMENTS/Quizzes) 1 10% 2 GROUP PROJECT (Online Peer Assessment will be conducted) 20% MIDTERM3 25% 4 FINAL EXAM 45% Total 100% PASSING CRITERIA: 1. Individual Assignments: There will be 6 to 8 individual assignments (in Quiz format) on the Moodle platform. Students can have “two attempts” for each assignment but their last attempt, after the assignment due, will be automatically marked. Immediately after the assignment due, students can see their assignment score, the correct answer(s) of each question, and a sample solution. No question bears negative marks, unless stated otherwise. Each attempt is time limited which means that an attempt, when initiated, must be finished within its time limit. The time limit will be the same for the two attempts per assignment but may vary for the assignments. When their time limit ends, assignment’s attempts will be submitted automatically by Moodle if they are not already submitted by the student. 2. Group Project: The instructor will form students’ groups. Each group, which includes 4 to 7 students, is required to work on a case which is relevant to the topics covered in the course. The groups will be announced after the DNE date. After the case report submission, an Online Peer Assessment will be conducted for fair grading of each team member (more details about the case and the submission procedure will be timely provided). The T.A.s/Markers act like supervisors to assist the student groups for this task. The course instructor may involve for further assistance, if needed. 3. Midterm: The midterm will be held on moodle during the lecture time on Monday (July 24, 2023, starting at 15:00-17:15 for 90-minute exam). The midterm is time limited with only “one attempt”. When the midterm time limit ends, it will be submitted automatically, if not submitted. 4. Final Exam: The Final Exam will be a cumulative (includes all material) during the final exams period (exact date and time TBA). There is no make-up final exam, should students miss the scheduled final exam. Additional exam details will follow. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Based on the class average, instructor decides upon using either fixed grading or relative grading scheme to translate the numeric grades to letter grades. 2. When emailing the instructor, always type the course code in the subject line. ENGR 301 3. I do my best to reply to emails within 48 hours. If a question is common, I might use a Moodle announcement to disseminate the information to everyone. If there is no Moodle announcement that answers your question AND you don’t hear back from me within 48 hours, feel free to send a follow-up. 4. For some of your assignments, your professor will be using the software Urkund / Ouriginal. It uses text matching technology as a method to uphold the University’s high academic integrity standards to detect any potential plagiarism. Urkund / Ouriginal is integrated into Moodle. For the assignments set up to use Urkund / Ouriginal, the software will review your paper when you upload it to Moodle. To learn more about Urkund’s privacy policy please review its Privacy Policy. 5. Whether being invigilated or not, students will be committed to doing their midterm and final exam individually without any collaboration with others. Collaboration is considered as plagiarism and will lead to midterm/final disqualification (zero grade) and incident report submission to the Dean’s Office. 6. The course instructor reserves the right NOT to reveal the quiz grades immediately after the quiz due for the post-quiz analysis. The course instructor reserves the right NOT to reveal the quizzes’ questions, yet, will be committed to providing the students with the source(s) of the quizzes’ questions. The final exam will not be returned and its grade will not be shared exclusively on the Moodle. Students who wish to review their quizzes/exam, must be aware that most instructors, if they find it necessary due to online meetings limitations, allow only a narrow window of time for that purpose. 7. All course materials including assessments (assignments, quizzes, exams) are considered the course instructor’s intellectual property. Hence, students must not share the assessments or the course materials publicly or privately without the formal permission of the course instructor. 8. The midterm/exam online review option, if granted, is NOT an opportunity to try and “negotiate” a higher grade with the instructor. Due to online meetings limitations, the course instructor may not directly share the screen of the assessment questions. Students who believe that their grade is not right may apply for a formal Course Re-evaluation through the Birks Student Centre. 9. Students will be responsible for ensuring appropriate properly functioning technology (computer webcam, a microphone, a reliable browser, as well as a reliable internet connection, and a quiet place for taking quiz/exam). Those who are unable to meet these conditions are advised to drop the course by the DNE date. Reminder to the students from the Office of Provost: “Content belonging to instructors shared in online courses, including, but not limited to, online lectures, course notes, and video recordings of classes remain the intellectual property of the faculty member. It may not be distributed, published or broadcast, in whole or in part, without the express permission of the faculty member. Students are also forbidden to use their own means of recording any elements of an online class, lecture, or other online sessions relevant to the course without express permission of the instructor. Any unauthorized sharing of course content may constitute a breach of the Academic Code of Conduct and/or the Code of Rights and Responsibilities” GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES ENGR 301 emphasizes and develops the following CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) graduate attributes and indicators: Attribute Indicator Level of knowledge Individual and team work: An ability to work effectively Project collaboration in Introductory as a member and leader in teams, preferably in a multigroups disciplinary setting. Communication skills: An ability to communicate complex engineering concepts within the profession and with society at large. Such ability includes reading, writing, speaking and listening, and the ability to ENGR 301 Written communication Professional writing Technical communication Oral communication Introductory comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, and to give and effectively respond to clear instructions. Impact of engineering on society and the environment: An ability to analyze social and environmental aspects of engineering activities. Such ability includes an understanding of the interactions that engineering has with the economic, social, health, safety, legal, and cultural aspects of society, the uncertainties in the prediction of such interactions; and the concepts of sustainable design and development and environmental stewardship. Ethics and equity: An ability to apply professional ethics, accountability, and equity. Economics and project management An ability to appropriately incorporate economics and business practices including project, risk and change management into the practice of engineering and to understand their limitations Sustainability Social impacts Economic tradeoffs Introductory Accountability Introductory Fundamentals of economics Economic evaluation of projects Project planning & implementation Continuous improvement and self-learning Introductory Introductory Introductory Life-long learning Introductory An ability to identify and to address their own educational needs in a changing world in ways sufficient to maintain their competence and to allow them to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. These attributes will be assessed through assignments, Quizzes, team projects, midterm and/or final exam. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOS) Make economic decisions Explain engineering costs Prepare and use cash flow diagrams Perform and use various economic analysis techniques Perform economic assessment of projects Evaluate and select alternative projects Carry out project cost estimation Calculate earned value Explain and select organizational structures Develop work breakdown structures Develop project schedules Perform network diagram analysis Identify critical paths Learn new material not covered in class on their own and use it to solve problems Economics and project management Fundamentals of economics Economics and project management Economic evaluation of projects Economics and project management Project planning & implementation Life-long learning Continuous improvement and self-learning COURSE SYLLABUS Part A - Engineering Management • Why Project Management? ENGR 301 Part B – Economics • Interest and Equivalence • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Organizational Context Organizational Structures Canadian Business Entities Contracts Project Delivery Systems Planning and Scheduling Cost Estimation Project Control Time Value of Money Present Worth Analysis Annual Cash Flow Analysis Rate of Return Analysis Other Analysis Techniques Depreciation Inflation and Price Change Taxation Disclaimer In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change. ON CAMPUS RESOURCES HEALTH SERVICES An on-campus health clinic and health promotion center with nurses and doctors. SGW 514-848-2424 ext. 3565 LOY 514-848-2424 ext. 3575 COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Counsellors (licensed mental health professionals) work with students to address their mental health and wellbeing needs. SGW 514-848-2424 ext. 3545 LOY 514 848-2424 ext. 3555 ACCESS CENTRE FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Supports students with a variety of disability conditions (including temporary disabilities arising from illness or injury). Students receive academic support for their educational experience at Concordia. 514-848-2424 ext. 3525 SEXUAL ASSAULT RESOURCE CENTRE Provides confidential and non-judgemental support and services to students, staff and faculty of all genders and orientations affected by sexual violence and/or harassment. Jennifer Drummond, Coordinator 514-848-2424 ext. 3353 STUDENT SUCCESS CENTRE DEAN OF STUDENTS Support network from first-year to graduation. You’ll find one-on-one tutors, study groups, workshops as well as learning and career advisors 514-848-2424, ext. 3921 Supports students to enhance their Concordia experience by engaging in student life outside the classroom. Terry Kyle, Manager SGW 514-848-2424 ext. 3517 LOY 514-848-2424 ext. 4239 ABORIGINAL STUDENT RESOURCE CENTRE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS OFFICE An on-campus resource for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students that helps them make the most of the many resources available at the university. Orenda Konwawennotion Boucher-Curotte, Coordinator 514-848-2424 ext. 7327 Supporting international students with immigration documents, health insurance, social events, and workshops. ENGR 301 514-848-2424 ext. 3515 STUDENT ADVOCACY OFFICE Advocating for students facing charges under the Academic Code of Conduct or the Code of Rights and Responsibilities. 514-848-2424, ext. 3992 CAMPUS SECURITY Ensures the safety of our members and campus property through prevention, surveillance, intervention, training, and education. Provides emergency medical services. 514-848-3717 (dial 1 for urgent situations; dial 2 for non-urgent situations) MULTI-FAITH & SPIRITUALITY CENTRE Provides a home for all those wishing to celebrate the human spirit in the widest sense of the word, through programs, events and a quiet space for reflection. Ellie Hummel, Coordinator 514-848-2424, ext. 3593 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY STUDENT PARENTS CENTRE An accessible space for student parents to study, share interests and develop a support network. Sumaiya Gangat, Coordinator 514-848-2424, ext. 2431 ACADEMIC HONESTY AND CODE OF CONDUCT Violation of the Academic Code of Conduct in any form will be severely dealt with. This includes copying (even with modifications) of program segments. You must demonstrate independent thought through your submitted work. The Academic Code of Conduct of Concordia University is available at: It is expected that during class discussions and in your written assignments you will communicate constructively and respectfully. Sexist, racist, homophobic, ageist, and ablest expressions will not be tolerated. ENGR 301 ENGR 301