TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES – MANILA ASSIGNMENT # 3 (MODULE 3) CE - 202 SUBMITTED BY: ALAIJAH DONEETHA KYE D. RAMOS SUBMITTED TO: ENGR. JOVELYN ARGETE 02 – 15 – 2022 Illustrate and discuss the rock cycle - Sedimentary rocks are made up of fragments of other rocks or organic matter that have been created in the past. Clastic, organic (biological), and chemical sedimentary rocks are the three kinds of sedimentary rocks. Sandstone, for example, is a sedimentary rock made up of clasts, which are bits of other rocks. Hard biological components like as plants, shells, and bones are compacted into a rock to produce organic sedimentary rocks, which are similar to coal. The weathering, or breaking down, of the exposed rock into minute fragments is the first step in the production of clastic and organic rocks. These particles are transferred to a new area by wind, water, ice, or biological activity as part of the erosion process. The lowest strata become compressed so tightly that they develop once the silt settles someplace and enough of it gathers to form a solid rock. When molten hot material cools and hardens, igneous rocks form. Igneous rocks can also be created in a variety of ways. Intrusive, or plutonic, igneous rocks are those that originate deep within the earth. Extrusive, or volcanic, igneous rocks are those that originate outside or on top of the Earth's crust. They have a coarse texture with large mineral grains, indicating that they cooled down inside the earth for thousands or millions of years, allowing large mineral crystals to grow. Rocks like basalt and obsidian, on the other hand, have incredibly minute grains and a fine texture. This happens because when magma erupts into lava, it cools more quickly than it would if it stayed inside the earth, giving crystals less time to form. When obsidian is ejected, it cools so quickly that the grains are hard to perceive with the human eye. reference: Honor Pledge: “I affirm that I shall not give or receive any unauthorized help on this assignment and that all work shall be my own.”