Greek Theatre Web Quest All view Video in class: Read through the following websites and briefly outline (in complete sentences) the content as indicated. Ancient Greek Theatre Read THREE of the topics listed on the left side bar and write a short summary of what you have read. (I suggest looking at the first two main topics) Theatre and Drama in Ancient Greece Scan the timeline, then read TWO additional sections from sections 2-5. (I suggest 2 & 4) Write an outline of key information that you learned from these pages. History of Greek Theatre Read about costumes in ancient Greek Theatre, and again outline key information that you find there. (It is long, skimming it would be fine) Greek Theatre Image Search In your final file, be sure to include images of the following items: 1. Amphitheater; with parts of the theater labeled 2. Masks used in Tragedy 3. Masks used in Comedy 4. Vase painting of a Satyr Play 5. Dionysius 6. Images of two playwrights, labeled 7. Images from two productions of two different Ancient Greek Plays, tragedy or comedy For homework, complete your written work and plan to share the information on Thursday. Completed Research Exercise needs to be submitted to Classroom before class Thursday, February 15th. AFTER you have finished reviewing the sites, you should be able to answer the following questions: 1 – How did Greek theatre begin? 2 – Who is Dionysus and how is he connected with Greek theatre? 3 – What happened during the festival to Dionysus? 4 – Describe the Greek amphitheater. What are the benefits of this type of theatre? 5 – How were Greek stages constructed? Name the major parts of the Greek stage. 6 – Who are Sophocles and Aristophanes? What contributions did they make to Greek theatre? 7 – Describe Greek masks and how they were used in Greek theatre. 8 – Describe the key elements of Greek tragedy, comedy, and satyr plays.