DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN AUTOMATED PAYROLL SYSTEM A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION- (NCC) CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS MAITAMA, ABUJA BY UDO, IKECHUKWU MOUAU/09/13183 BEING A PROJECT WORK SUBMITED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES MICHAEL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, UMUDIKE P.M.B. 7262 UMUAHIA – ABIA STATE OCTOBER, 2012. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 1 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN AUTOMATED PAYROLL SYSTEM A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION- (NCC) CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS MAITAMA, ABUJA BY UDO, IKECHUKWU MOUAU/09/13183 BEING A PROJECT WORK SUBMITTED TO DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES MICHAEL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, UMUDIKE, P.M.B. 7262 UMUAHIA , ABIA STATE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREES (BSC.HONS) IN COMPUTER SCIENCE OCTOBER, 2012. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 2 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN AUTOMATED PAYROLL SYSTEM AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 3 Certification This project work is the original work approved and carried out by Udo, Ikechukwu with registration number MOUAU/09/13183, in department of computer science, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc., Hons.), in computer science. ____________ UDO, IKECHUKWU (Student) ________18/07/2012___ (Date) __________________________ ENGR. MRS. IFEOMA NNOCHIRI (Project Supervisor) ____________________ (Date) __________________________ VERY REV. ENGR. (DR.) F. O. OKAFOR (H.O.D) ____________________ (Date) __________________________ ____________________ (Date) (EXTERNAL SUPERVISOR) AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 4 Dedication This Project Work is proudly dedicated to the glory of the Almighty God, the giver of wisdom, knowledge and good understanding. He was faithful to me throughout my academics in this great citadel of learning, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 5 Acknowledgement I am extremely glad to appreciate the untiring effort of my most cherished supervisor, Engr. Mrs. Ifeoma Nnochiri for painstaking putting me through the rigorous processes of the project work. Ma, I definitely cannot thank you enough, but I pray the almighty God rewards you in hundred folds. In the same vein, I owe millions of thanks to my daddy and role model, my able H.O.D: Very Rev. Engr. Dr. F.O. Okafor for broadening my learning scope, not only during the project work, but also from the onset of my program in the university. I also acknowledge Mrs. J.N. Oruh, Mr. C. Edeh, Mr. Osodeke Charles and Mr. Ihejirika, for being there for me all through and for obliging all my questions and requests made on several occasions. I am grateful to all of you. You were all wonderful to me. More so, I am indebted to giving you thanks: my beloved mum, Mrs. Patience Udo, my sweet sister, Mrs. Grace S. Okah, and my lovely brother, Mr. Samuel Udo, for your unflinching financial support throughout the tasking four-year program. And to the rest of my family members who also assisted in one way or the other, I say to you a big thank you, I love all of you. You are wonderful family. Finally, I am grateful to my beloved Pastor and members of my chapter church: Assemblies of God Church, Umuariaga for your prayers and timely encouragements throughout my course of study here in the university. All your prayers assisted me to a high extent, thank you all. I will surely miss every one of you. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 6 Abstract The proposed “Autom ated P a yr o l l S ys t e m ” is aimed at c o m p u t e r i z a t i o n o f e a c h s t e p i n v o l v e d i n p a yr o l l s ys t e m for the payroll operations going on in NCC, Abuja. In this project, all aspects from the user’s point of view are considered so that authorized users can interact with this project very easily. This system generates large amount of information, which would be very useful for the user who works with it. This system incorporates an authorization system whereby a user will be authorized to access information contained wit hin the database Administrator with user ID and PASSWORD in place. T h e n e w s ys t e m i s d e s i g n e d i n s u c h a w a y t h a t e v e r y u s e r c a n a d a p t i n a v e r y e a s y a n d e f f o r t l e s s w a y . B y a d d i n g constraints in the database, some rules are enforced for the user to enter valid or acceptable data. In this way it prevents the authorized user from e n t e r i n g t h e w r o n g a n d i n v a l i d d a t . In this new system, any type of information related to payroll can be obtained at any time using ADD, user enters an employee`s details and the pay amount is computed and the pay slip printed upon request. Similarly the information of an employee contained in the database can be obtained by choosing employee ID or name only. A “HELP” field is provided for new users to know their way around the system. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 7 List Of Tables Table 3.1: Percentage Distribution of Respondent on Staff Awareness of the Payroll System…………………………………………………………………..19 Table 3.2: Percentage Distribution of Respondents who want the Payroll system to be computerized……………………………………………………..19 - 20 Table 4.1: Login Table………….…………………………………………………..29 Table 4.2: Employee Record ………………………………………………………..29 Table 4.3: Pay Slip …………………………………………………………………30 Table 4.4: Report …………………………………………….…………………..…30 Table 4.5: Hardware Requirement Cost…………………………………………..…39 Table 4.6: Software Requirement Cost…………………………..…………..…39 - 40 Table 4.7: Personnel And Training Requirement Cost…………….……………..…40 Table 4.8: Operation And Maintenance Requirement Cost………….……………...41 Table 4.9: Total System Cost………………………………………….………….…41 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 8 List Of Figures Figure 1.1: The organizational Structure………………………………………………7 Figure 3.1: Entity Relationship Diagram………………………………………..……23 Figure 3.2: Process Modules of The Proposed System………………………………25 Figure 4.1: Waterfall Software Development Methodology…………………………27 Figure 4.2: Outlines Of Topologies…………………………………………………..36 Figure 4.3: The Bus Topology………………………………………………………..36 Figure 4.4: Client-Server Model……………………………………………………...38 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 9 Table Of Contents Title Page: …………….………..………………………………………………………….i Certification : ……………………...……………………………………………………ii Dedication: …………………………………………….…………………………………iii Acknowledgement: ………………………………………………………………………iv Abstract: …………………………………………………………………………………..v List Of Tables And Figure: ………………………………………………………………vi Table Of Content: ……………………………..………………………………….…vii-viii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….1 1.1 Statement Of The Problem………………………………………………...………2 1.2 Objective Of The Study………………………………………………………...……..3 1.3 Significance Of The Problem…………………………………………………………3 1.4 Scope And Limitations………………………………………………………...…..3 - 4 1.5 A Brief Description Of The Case Study…………………………………………..4 1.5.1 Services……………………………………………………………...…4 - 5 1.5.2 The Organization Structure……………………………………………5 - 6 1.6 The Justification Of The Study……………………………………………………8 1.7 Definitions Of Terms…………………………………………………………8 - 10 CHAPTER TWO 2.O LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………....11 - 12 2.1 Maintenance Of Records……………………..………………..........12 - 13 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 10 2.2 Operating Cost Accounting…………….………………………...…13 - 14 2.3 Computational Techniques And Labour Division……………………….15 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS.........................16 3.1 Research Methodology………………………………………………………16 3.1.1 Interviews………………………………………………………...16 3.1.2 Observation Of The Staff At Work…………………………16 - 17 3.1.3 Examination Of The Existing Documents……………………….17 3.1.4 Site Visitation…………………………………………….....17 - 18 3.1.5 Questionnaires……………………………………………………18 3.2 System Analysis……………………………………………………………..18 3.2.1Preliminary Investigation On The Existing System & The New System.18-19 Questionnaire Response And Interpretation…………………………19- 20 System Proposal………………………………………………………….20 Feasibility Report On The Proposed System………………………..20 - 21 Operational Feasibility………………………………………………....21 Technical Feasibility…………………………………………………..21 Economical Feasibility…………………………………………...21 – 22 3.3.1 Data Modeling And Analysis……………………………………………...22 3.3.2 The conceptual Data Modeling And Data Normalization……………22 - 23 3.3.3 Entity Relationship Diagram………………………………………………23 3.4 Data From Existing Records/Document…………………………………23 3.4.1 Individual Pay Period……………………………………………………...24 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 11 3.4.2 Overtime Sheet…………………………………………………………...24 3.5 Promotion And Demotion Notification……………………………………..24 3.6 System Block Diagram……………………………………………………...24 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION………………………………..26 4.1 Software System Development Methodology……………………………….26 4.1.1 Types Of Software System Development Methodology……..26-27 4.1.2 The Reasons For Adopting Waterfall Methodology For The Project……………………………………………………….27 - 28 4.2 Scope Of Design……………………………………………………………..28 4.2.1 Database Design And Database File Structure……...............28 - 30 4.2.2 Structural Query Language And Open Database Connectivity.....30 4.2.3 Input And Output Design Form …………………………………31 4.2.4 Security Specification……………………………………………32 4.2.5 System Development…………………………………………….33 4.2.6 Software Design………………………………………………….34 4.2.7 System Development Platform: Visual Basic 6.0…………..33 - 34 4.2.8 User Interface Design……………………………………………34 4.2.9 Application Architecture………………………………………...34 Network Topology…………………………………...35 Bus Topology………………………………………...35 Types Of Network……………………………………35 A Client/Server Architecture………………………...36 4.3 Implementation………………………………………………………………37 4.3.1 System Development Packages………………………………….37 4.3.2 Site Preparation…………………………………………..............38 4.3.3 System Requirement Cost………………………………………..38 Hardware Requirements……………………..….38 - 39 Software Requirements………………………………39 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 12 Personnel And Training Requirements………………39 Operation And Maintenance………………………....39 Total Cost Of The System Requirement……………..40 4.3.4 System Testing…………………………………………………...42 4.3.5 Conversion Plan………………………………………………….42 4.3.6 Deployment And Maintenance…………………………………..42 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION………………….43 5.1 Summary……………………………………………………………………..43 5.2 Recommendations…………………………………………………………...43 5.3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...44 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………….45 - 46 APPENDIX 1: Research Questionnaire………………………………………………A - B APPENDIX II: Program Flowchart…………………………………………………...C - J APPENDIX III: Program Forms………………………………………………………….K APPENDIX IV: Program Report Output……………………………………………..L - N APPENDIX V: Program Codes………………………………………………………..a - i AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 13 CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Nowadays all establishments are becoming modernized, modern technologies now make business transactions fast, easy, and accurate in order to avoid waste of time and for the sake of safety and security. It also helps human to solve and understand complex problem and analysis such as the computational need of humans. Especially to business establishment or corporation processing enormous data and complex transactions. Payroll is an example of such complex transaction because it is a critical business operation dealing with numerous accounts and processing confidential financial report about each staff of the establishment. A payroll contains a list of the employee and the amount each has earned for a specific period of productive time. An automated payroll system is not only faster and more accurate than a manual system, but once it has been installed into the computer, the user can automatically print a variety of reports such as employee pay, checks, including stubs with earning information. All payroll systems whether automated or manual, must calculate net pay, which consists of gross pay, deductions for taxes and any other optional deductions. This automated payroll system involves the design and implementation of computer-based payroll package procedure with an electronic data processing machine that brings about efficiency, high speed in computation, and self-storage system, easy retrieval of document/record. The automated payroll system is capable of maintaining all the records relating to payroll as well as producing the individual employee`s pay slip or pay advice. It entails the computation of the employee`s wages/salaries based on their condition of service: weekly or monthly as hours worked and the number of overtime spent over regular time hours. The motivation of an employee to work hard is the attractiveness of the salary, and so an organization can be competitive because of its high wages they pay to their employees. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 14 1.1 Statement Of The Problem Problem Definition is the prepared information document, which defines in details, all aspects of the system and their basic inadequacies. It contains in effect, the analysis of the old system and based on this, the following findings and recommendations were made. The overtime required for the pay roll preparation is felt to be unnecessary and its elimination is required in the new system. 1) The majority of the overtime is spent in handling union deductions correction in payroll time sheets. 2) They are unwanted duplication in some of the system output such as deduction register, payroll listing. 3) In any payroll system handling errors no matter how small is not tolerated and this was clearly stated in this work for management. Payroll system, the determination of wages and salaries of workers is a very sensitive issue in which business organizations should handle with care because the problems that emanate from it are endemic. In relationship to the case study of this project, some of the under listed problems were encountered while computing the payroll manually. These include: 1) Inability of organization to establish a good calculation system on which salary is determined. 2) The lack of uniform pay-rate among workers on the same level in different organization. 3) Lack of proper machinery for adjusting salaries periodically. 4) The job sometimes becomes cumbersome and monotonous to process. 5) Delay in payment of workers` salaries because the manual method wastes a lot of time. 6) Over payment and under payment which results from errors in the payroll salary computation, and this may give way to inaccuracy and fraud. To AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 15 eradicate these problems above, the use of computer is therefore needed in the payroll unit in order to automate the pay rolling operations. 1.2 Objective Of The Study The fundamental aim of this project work is to design an electronic payroll structure by writing a program that can compute the NET PAY of each employee of the Nigerian communications commission, Abuja, using the basic salary, allowances, benefits and other deductions as input and to review the effectiveness and advantages of an automated payroll system over its manual counterpart. 1.3 Significance Of The Project This software offers good benefits for more economical, realistic, faster and more efficient implementation of staff payment procedures. The software will help to check fraud, eliminate inaccuracy, and bring about efficiency and better documentation of staff records. It will point out the need for payroll computerization, assists students and researchers to know the concept of payroll and will act as a guide for a computerized payroll system. 1.4 Project Scope This study is designed to develop a Computerized Payroll System for the Nigerian Communications Commission, Abuja. It covers the process of preparing the Pay slip of each employee, the regular and job order employee, keeping of records safety and computing the exact wages of each employee. Including the stored report list of employee such as Monthly Salary, Basic salary, overtime, Gross payment, Net pay, and Deduction such as withholding tax, and Medicare, loan, Advances, Cash Advance, etc. The proposed Payroll System for NCC, Abuja is expected to generate Pay Slip of Employees, Report list of employees, Remittances for respective agencies, Payroll register of regular and job-order employees, and Payroll form for every pay period. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 16 The basic limitation of the work is that the proposed Computerized Payroll System for the Nigerian communications commission does not support network topology implementation and online program or online transaction easily. 1.5. Background Of The Case Study The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Abuja is the independent National Regulatory Authority for the telecommunications industry in Nigeria. The Commission is responsible for creating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry as well as ensuring the provision of qualitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country. NCC was created on 24th of November, 1992 to regulate the whole telecommunications sectors in Nigeria. The commission was established to deregulate the telecommunications industry in Nigeria and is charged with regulating private telecommunications services, promoting fair competition as well as facilitating entry into the telecommunications market. The NCC is responsible for licensing and registering of private telecommunications activity in Nigeria. NCC undertakings include ensuring private sector provision and operation of Value added Network Services such as the Internet and other services. In the nearly two decades that the Nigerian communications commission was founded, it has moved from being a government body merely created to satisfy the yearnings of consumers to becoming the continent`s beacon in telecommunications regulation. It was charged with the responsibility of regulating the supply of telecommunications services and facilities, promoting competition, and setting performance standards for telephone services in Nigeria. 1.5.1 Services The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Abuja is versed with the sole responsibility of regulating the activities of telecommunications services and activities of public and private telecommunications establishments. NCC, Abuja also does spectrum assignment, monitoring and bandwidth management in and AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 17 around the country. Licensing also is one of the primary instruments for the actualizatio of the Co issio ’s twi a date of regulati g a d pro oti g private sector participation in the deregulated aspects of the Nigerian telecommunications industry and the licensing of existing as well as intending private operators of telecommunications services. All telecommunications service operators are required to obtain the relevant licenses from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) via the license application process and compliance with the stipulated requirements. This section contains information on licensing, license requirements, license application forms, the list of current licensees and other necessary information for interested parties intending to participate in the provision of telecommunications services in Nigeria. 1.5.2 The Organizational Structure The Nigerian Communications Commission's organizational structure is comprised of Fifteen (15) departments, including the Four (4) departments under the Human Capital & Infrastructure Group. The Executive Vice Chairman (EVC) is the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission and directly oversees nine (9) departments, including the Human Capital & Infrastructure Group, and the independent Internal Audit Unit. The Executive Commissioner - Technical Services (ECTS) directly supervise the departments charged with the oversight of technical standards, spectrum and engineering issues governing the Nigerian telecommunications industry. The Executive Commissioner - Stakeholder Management (ECSM) directly supervises the departments charged with addressing the needs of telecommunications industry stakeholders including vendors, service providers and consumers. The Board of Commissioners, of which the EVC and the two Executive Commissioners are members, is charged AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 18 with the governance of the Nigerian Communications Commission and has oversight functions over all of the Commission's activities. The Leadership of the Nigerian Communications Commission consists of nine Commissioners made up of six Non-executive members, including the Chairman - representing each of the six Geopolitical Zones of Nigeria - and three Executive members, including the Executive Vice Chairman/Chief Executive and two Executive Commissioners. Mr. Peter Egbe Igoh is the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Nigerian Communications Commission. A native of Otukpo Local Government Area, Benue State, Dr. Eugene Juwah is the Executive Vice Chairman (Chief Executive Officer). Dr. Bashir Gwandu is the Executive Commissioner (Technical Services) while Mr. Okechukwu Itanyi is the Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder Management). AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 19 Executive Governors The Board Internal Audit Executive Vice Chairman (EVC) USPF Executive Commissioner (Technical Services) Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder management) Media Internal Audit Account Payment Training Human Capital Consumer Affairs Admin Maintenance Finance Infrastructure Group CPDM Technical Standard Vendors Services providers Support Engineering Services Services Information Technology Technical Standard IT IR Bandwidth Management CP Network Monitoring AAA Spectrum Mgt Control & Monitoring A Project Work Written and Presented by UDO IKECHUKWU Telecom Monitoring Page 20 Consumer 1.6 Project Justification The fact that the world has gone computerized has made most establishments to computerize their activities to reduce their work load and erroneous tendencies. It is obtained notice that 100% efficiency is the password of such an establishment and that can only be realized if worker/employee relationship is very cordial. Better still, if workers` wages and benefits are adequately implemented at shortest possible time. Prompt payment includes the monthly salary, allowances and overtime, etc. Based on this, workers are ready to do their best assigned job in order to achieve the maximum efficiency. To be precise, this automated system is designed to enable the accounting department of Nigerian Communications Commission, Abuja get a payroll package that can facilitate the payment of workers` entitlement on schedule. In this automated payroll system, any valuable information about workers can easily be retrieved and wages are computed at shortest time. Here, there is no issue of fear of destruction since safety is ensured by the storage device which is simple to handle. Unlike the manual system that is prepared with pen and payroll sheet, and bulky physical files, errors like nonpayment, over-payment, under-payment, and over deductions, etc are eliminated. The processes of payroll are electronically computerized. The ALU, memory and the register of the computer are for calculation. This checks the issue of workers queuing indefinitely at the pay –office thereby making the job to suffer. The new system requires few workers to operate thereby saving the establishment from employing above their means. 1.7 Definitions Of Terms And Concepts PAYROLL: Is a list of the employees and the amount each has earned for a specific pay period. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 21 PAY PERIOD: Is the amount of time for which an employee is paid such as hourly, weekly or monthly. SALARY: Is a fixed annual sum, paid at regular interval, usually a monthly, to an employee, especially for a professional and clerical worker. GROSS EARNING: Is the total amount an employee earns during a pay period. NETPAY: Is the gross earning minus deductions for taxes and other optional deductions. EMPLOYEE RECORD: Information about employee such as name and address, level, year of employment, type of pay, social security number earning and deduction and the accumulated earnings and deductions. PAYROLL REGISTER: This consists of payment and deductions from each employee current period. It shows the employee gross earnings amount withheld, deductions from gross pay, net pay, and gross salaries changes to specific amounts wages. Compensation compiled hourly at a given rate for each of the employee`s payroll records. This consists of all the data needed in payroll system processing of personal record list. This contains the personal information of each worker in all departments, including their names, address, department, sex and marital status of employee, etc. DATA: This is a collection of facts, figures, symbols, etc representing an idea that needs to be processed to yield information. Data Store: File or table of contents used in the database called data repository Server: A multi-user computer that provides interface services and appropriate database and processing service and connectivity Client: User computer that uses the services of server computer in a network. Analysis: Close examination of a task in details to draw a better understanding File: A collection of related records AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 22 System: An organized method consisting of simple units, using procedures which are collectively integrated together for accomplishing a task. Record: A collection of related fields that is used to process a file/document. Process: A series of actions directed toward a specific aim. Database: It is an organized collection of related information or data arranged to meet the various needs of an organization. Its contents are managed by powerful software known as database management software (DBMS). Query: A request for a set of desired information from a database containing files. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 23 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Payroll system is the assembly of methods, procedures or techniques required in wages preparation for employees in an organization. According to Richard W. Briglatman (1988),Using Computer in an Information Age, payroll system performs a number of tasks, it maintains information as well as payroll histories, it produces payroll checks and check register. The account for all of the voluntary and involuntary withholding from employee`s pay and produces report to be submitted. A payroll system is designed to handle and provide all the information relating to the processing of an employee payroll. This must incorporate all the paper work necessary to pay each employee and record personal taxes and deductions, maintains files on all past individual earnings, provides up-to-date total amount point outputs detailing payroll information and conforms to all tax regulations. In addition, the system must incorporate checks and controls that prohibit fraudulent use of payroll funds. The payroll system in many organizations is by task the highest operating cost and therefore deserves the highest attention. In the past when the employees are being paid in cash on the pay day, payroll was so easier and the problems for payroll were relatively simple, currently, the payroll system has become extremely complex and the clerical expenses for payroll system have served accordingly. In many organization therefore, whether private or public organization, their payroll system should be handled with strict adherence because without it no organization can function optimally. Orilla Laiorences (1983), in his work: “Introduction to Business Data Processing”, stated clearly that the production of payroll is certainly one of the most critical accounting tasks that a firm must undertake. The deadlines are relentless, “payroll check must be delivered to employee every week or two. Report of task withholding must be submitted to taxing agencies with time, and AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 24 summary reports must be submitted to the government and to the employees. Accuracy is very essential, there are few errors as embarrassing or errors insistent on immediate correction miscalculating an employee`s pay. In the united state, every organization with one or more employees is required to deduct federal income tax withholding social security tax from employee`s pay and to submit this amount periodically to the internal revenue service. In addition, the employee is levied payroll taxes and above the amounts deducted from the employee`s pay for state and federal unemployment program. Two third of the state also requires state income tax withholding. Besides tax deductions, voluntary employee deduction for retirement and insurance plans, saving union dues, payroll to banks and credit unions must be taken and accounted for. Geofrey Knot and Nick Wiats (1990), in “Computer Studies for BTEC”, said that payroll systems are concerned with the production of pay slips for employees and the maintenance of records required for taxation and other deductions. In a manual system, the preparation of payroll figures and the maintenance of payroll records in labor intensive task. Although tedious and repetitive, it is a vitally important task. Most employees naturally require pay as being the main reason for work and which is true as the main reason for work recent in payment or incorrect payment, unless of course it is in their favor. The weekly or monthly payroll run affects almost all employee records in the payroll master file; hence, batch processing is normally used. This processing method provides numerous opportunities to maintain the accuracy of the information. The repetitive nature of the tasks inherent in payroll makes it a popular candidate for computerization especially, with organization which employs large number of people. The automatic productions also provide valuable benefits. Smaller organizations with just few employees probably might not regard as a high priority application for computerization. The benefits are not as great as one or two employees who also carry out a number of other jobs can carry out the payroll task. In large firms, much of the work on wages and salaries is done by a computer system. This work AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 25 involves the calculation of salaries, the printing of wages slip and the production of payment. Data relating to the time and employee works are picked up by computer from magnetic tape, enabling the continuous recording of ways computer is to handle a lot of work quickly and accurately. This computerized payroll system, however, has capability of maintaining all records relating to payroll as well as turning out the required pay checks. Payroll processing is usually one of the first accounting operations to be placed on the computer. The payroll procedure consists of determining for each employee the gross earning, making deductions, computing net pay, preparing the pay check, and maintaining a record of each individual earning. The organization also needs a payroll summary for each pay roll period and usually, distributions of payroll cost by department by products, or classified by the various productive processes. Each employee must receive not only a payroll check at a statement showing the gross earning deductions and net pay. The organization`s records must be defined to facilitate the filling of regular pay roll reports to the state and federal government showing the amount withheld or taxes. The time and expenses required to prepare payrolls has risen in production to the need for information. The demand by government, labor unions, credit unions, and other agencies have added to the problem. A computerized payroll system will not only maintain the necessary records but also with the additional facility for calculating gross pay from the original data, print the checks and report. It will also keep the management informed about the cost of various functions with the business. In other words, much current information can be developed without significant extra expenses that will provide the management with a detail broken down of labor costs. In the same vein, Koliler (1970), defined payroll as a record showing the wages or salary earned by an employee for a specified period of time and the various deductions for withholding tax, health benefits and so forth or simply put as the total wages or salary accuses or praised for a given period. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 26 Lande (1950), defined payroll as that branch of accounting or cost accounting department work concerned with the preparation of the periodic payrolls and their recording on the books of account. This involves the entire procedure connected with translating production into the payroll note. It also includes procedures in connection with the many adjustments to an individual pay made necessary under modern conditions. Sheffied (1964) puts it as the main record in the wages accounting system, which shows the warnings and tax record of each employee, which is update at each period to show the cumulative earning and tax up-to-date. Whereas Long (1950) defined payroll as that branch of accounting or cost accounting department work concerned with the preparation of the periodic payrolls and their recording in the books of accounts. This involves the entire procedure connected with translating production into payroll note. It also includes procedures in connection with many adjustments to an individual pay made necessary under modern conditions. According to David Fimberg (1973), not that One payroll is like another payroll but that the data processing functions already listed are to be found in various conditions on all systems, be they payroll, inventory management sales ledger or any other activity concerned with data processing. It is important to differentiate between these data management and processing facilities, and what is known as “software application packages”. The application packages look at a business process, payroll perhaps, and the programmer tries to write a payroll program that can be used for all payrolls. Jack L. Smith, Robert M. Keith, William I. Stephens (1986), stated “you will observe from the figure that many different people are involved”. This is key to achieving strong internal control over payrolls; of course, small organizations where the owners prepare the payroll would have no need for such a system. The AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 27 owners should know all the employees and who had or had not worked during the pay period. But for larger organizations, separation of duties is essential. In addition, Ibrahim B. B. (1987), coined: “in the course of the years, effort will also be made to improve the fringe benefits, including transport allowances of workers through the process of collective bargaining in the organized private sector but always subject to the approval of the minister of employment, labor and productivity”. Henson E. (1973), “the term PAYROLL has several different meanings:” the distribution of paychecks (physical or electronic) to employees each payday. The financial records for employee wages/salaries, withholding, deductions, bonuses, pay for time not worked (holidays, vacations, sick time, etc.) and other items on employee paychecks. 2.1. The Problems Of The Paper-Based Payroll System The existing system is characterized with a lot of problems that have made the system difficult, rigorous, and obsolete. 2.1.1. Time Consuming Process Of Payroll Preparation The NCC, Abuja still using the manual method of payroll process, a lot of jobs is assigned to the payroll maker and accounting clerk, with cause’s inconvenience to their services. In this method, it will need more time and manpower to complete the payroll of each employee. 2.1.2 Laborious Payroll Process Nobody could admit the inescapable fact that what makes the manual procedure take a long time to finish the task is due to the many steps and processes to undergo. There is the collection of data such as DTR, REMITTANCES, and AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 28 individual manual calculation of payroll. Individual data is transferred through sheets, encoding and double checking after calculating. All this process requires labor and effort to complete the task. 2.1.3 Miss-posting And Understating Of Employee’s Data The logical process of manual procedure results to too much time consumption. It often times result in miss-posting and understating of each employees data of plenty of files that is hard to accommodate. To create a well-arranged database and to implement strong security of the system for data security poses a challenge. 2.2 The Usefulness Of Computer-Based Payroll System To accounting department and payroll maker of the NCC, Abuja, and the proposed system will help the accounting section, especially the Payroll maker/bookkeeper and the Finance Officer. It will help to lessen the time and effort of the payroll maker/bookkeeper preparing payments of employees. The System development accommodates changing figures and produces a paperless environment through well design database. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 29 CHAPTER THREE 3.0. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, SYSTEM INVESTIGATION, AND ANALYSIS 3.1. Research Methodology This is the method used by the researcher to gather information about the existing system so that a proposed system can be effectively designed and implemented. The researcher of this project work used the following data gathering techniques: 3.1.1 Interviews: This is a process of gathering information by means of conversation between the interviewed and the interviewer(s). The users of the existing system were interviewed orally and information regarding the procedure/processing used to carry out the daily routines was obtained. The following people were interviewed: 1) The Administrator of the commission 2) The head of payment department 3) The head of finance department 4) Some workers in the payment departments The interview was thoroughly done and an understanding of the existing system became crystal clear to the researcher. This assisted in the design and implementation. 3.1.2 Observation Of The Staff At Work Observation is fact-finding techniques whereby the system analyst either participates in or watches a person perform activities in order to learn more about the system. In the process of observing the staff at work, a lot of facts were collected. These facts are enumerated thus: AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 30 1) The staff always have a lot of job to process most of the time 2) The staff are always busy writing, calculating, compiling information and carrying of several duplicate files 3) Their job in payroll unit wastes a lot of time in computing staff salary 4) There is always reoccurrence of errors which at times lead to the replacement of individual pay record and pay summary list form 5) In payroll computation, the pay slip, individual pay record and the pay summary list forms are carbonized. 6) Additionally, the payroll unit is also faced with the problem of safe storage and insecurity of information, files and individual records. 3.1.3 Examination Of The Existing Documents Due to the fact that the existing system needs to be properly understood for easy design and implementation of an automated new system, the documents used in the commission were obtained, examined and analyzed. Such documents are: 1) Pay slip 2) Employee record 3) Account receivable form 3.1.4 Site Visitation Since this project work requires a review of other related literatures, many sites were visited in the internet in order to get cognate information pertaining to the comments of the authors of the various literatures. Past projects on this area were visited in the internet so that proper due and user interface would be designed. Links like: http//, http//, and GOOGLE were visited. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 31 3.1.5 Questionnaires This method was used to obtain information from the staff members of the system. Concise and unambiguous questions were constructed with clear instructions on how responses were to be made. The questionnaire was designed in other to get the views of the staff members towards the automation of the payroll system. This needs to be done because some set of people may be pessimistic about the view. The questionnaire was divided into two sections, section A was designed to extract some relevant background information about the respondent and section B targeted the respondent`s familiarity with the current reservation system. See the sample of the questionnaire in Appendix1. 3.2. System Analysis This is a problem-solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying how well the component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose. System analysis deals with business problem but not technical problem. 3.2.1. Preliminary Investigation On The Existing System This is the first phase of the classic system development process. This can also be called initial study phase, survey phase or planning phase. This phase was carried out in order to actualize the following: 1) List problems, opportunities, and directives 2) Negotiate project worth 3) Plan the project 4) Present the project Initial baselines problems, opportunities and/or directives were assessed with respect to urgency, visibility, tangible benefits, and priority. Scope defines the AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 32 boundary of the project, those aspects of the business that will and will not be included. The project was initially studied in order to know what scope of the work will be taken so that it will be finished as at when needed and required. Initial aspect of project worth was done in order to ascertain how feasible it will be to actualize the project. That is, how much it will cost, how operational will the project be after implementation, what technological knowledge is required to bring the project to completion? Questionnaire Response And Interpretation A total of 180 questionnaires were administered, 20 per a day throughout a week long survey. The researcher successfully collected a total of 177 questionnaires after completion by the staff members. The findings were: Question 1: Are you aware of the problems of the Payroll System? Option Response No. % Response Degree(0) Yes 121 68.36 246.1 No 56 31.64 113.9 Total 177 100 360 Table 3.1: Percentage Distribution Despondence on Staff support of the payroll system. The figure shows that a substantial number of staff is aware of the payroll system. Question 2: Would you want the payroll system to be automated? Option Response No % Response Degree(0) Yes 68 56.20 202.31 No 53 43.80 157.69 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 33 Total Table 3.2 121 100 360 Percentage Distribution of Respondents who want the payroll system to be automated. This figure reveals that majority of staff will desire that the paper-based payroll system be changed to a computer-based system. System Proposal The problems of the existing system were highlighted in the previous section. These problems prompted the researcher to seek for a way to reduce or eradicate them. A computer-based system was proposed. The proposed system will be able to : 1) Reduce the amount of data redundancy associated with the current system 2) Reduce drastically, the difficulty associated with the recording of the voluminous data 3) Transfer and integrate data successfully 4) To secure the system from unauthorized users, and to allow access to authorized users of the system so that sensitive data will be properly used 5) Delays normally associated with the current system will be reduced through automation 6) Reduce the fatigue experienced by users of the existing system 7) Ensures that every employee is treated equally and optimally. Feasibility Report On The Proposed System Due to the cost incurred in the process of developing major information, the system investigation stage frequently requires a preliminary study called feasibility study. A feasibility study is a preliminary study to investigate the information needs of the prospective users and determines the resource AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 34 requirements, cost, benefits, and feasibility of a proposed project. The feasibility of the proposed system is summarized in the immediate subsections. Operational Feasibility This measures the urgency of the problem (survey and study phrase) or the acceptability of a solution (definition, selection, acquisition and design phase). Through a thorough analysis on the proposed system, the following were found: 1) The system will adequately provide throughput and response time 2) The system will provide end-users and management with timely, pertinent, accurate and useful information 3) The system will offer adequate controls against fraud and to guarantee the accuracy and security of data/information 4) It will provide desirable and reliable service to those who need it. Technical Feasibility This looks at what is practicable and reasonable as regards the technological requirements. With in-depth analysis, the following were observed: 1) The hardware and software requirements are ready for the design 2) There is technical expertise that will help to ensure that proposed system is implemented 3) There is possession of necessary technology Economic Feasibility The focus here is on finance to fund the project. The elements of costs which are considered are: 1) The cost of developing an application software AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 35 2) The cost of recruiting and training computer staff members 3) The cost of operating the computer system 4) The cost of purchasing computer(s) and its peripheral equipment 5) The cost of retraining staff members The Benefits: The possible benefits are numerous, they include: 1) Proper organization of records and files 2) Enhanced service delivery to members of staff 3) Enhances job efficiency/ease of payroll 4) Proffers expansion capabilities in terms of organizational growth and services diversity 5) Spurs a new medium for advertisement 6) Guaranteed increase in transaction volume and revenue acquisition 3.3.1 Data Modeling And Analysis Data modeling is a technique for organizing and documenting a system`s data. It is often called database modeling because a data model is eventually implemented as a database. Data modeling is also called information modeling. Data modeling is a process that prepares a data model for implementation as a simple, nonredundant, flexible, and adaptable database. The specific technique is called normalization. So the data collected during interview during interviews, observation of staff at work and examination of existing document were modeled and analyzed. 3.3.2 The Conceptual Data Modeling And Data Normalization Data collected from the existing system were organized and necessary actions on documentation were done. Moreover, data were prepared to be in a non- AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 36 redundant, flexible, adaptable and simple form through the process of data normalization. 3.3.3 Entity Relationship Diagram Entity relationship diagrams (ERD) depicts data in terms of the entities and relationship described by the data. Entity is the data with which record of employee or pay slip can be made. The relationship talks about the common entity that relates two or more records together. Each of the entities will have attribute(s) which is/are descriptive properties or characteristics of the data. The entity may also be referred to as a field. Thus the entity relationship diagram of this project work is shown in figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: Entity Relationship Diagram 3.4 Data From Existing Records Or Document In the payroll unit of NCC, Abuja, three main documents are used in workers` salary preparation. These documents which are examined in the analysis of the work are hereby listed below: 1) The individual pay record 2) The pay summary list, and 3) The pay slip AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 37 3.4.1 Individual Pay Period This is a sheet that contains the individual salary format, allowances, deductions made, level of employee, category and all the payable records made by the pay structure of the commission are herein analyzed. It is carbonized with the pay summary list and the pay slip to eliminate any possible error. 3.4.2 Overtime Sheet This shows the number of overtime hours worked. It is normally used for recording official closing hours and the time worked after the normal closing hours. It is the duty of the departmental supervisor to ensure that whatever that is recorded on the sheet is correct and monitored. Hourly employees are entitled to extra compensation for working overtime or being on duty on a holiday. 3.5 Promotion And Demotion Notification A promotion or a demotion letter can be issued to an employee based on his/her performance at work place. Though the demotion letter is rarely issued, promotion letter which is more pronounced, notifies the employee an increment to his current status, both in his grade level and salary earnings. The demotion letter is the reverse of the promotion letter, which is based on depreciation in service delivery of the employee. If the need arises for the issuance of any of the afore mentioned letters, the personnel department will officially issue a notification letter to the payroll unit to effect the changes for the employee`s pay computation. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 38 3.6 Process Modules Of The Proposed system AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 39 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0. SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 Software System Development Methodology Every effective software system passes through a standardized series of logical developmental phases called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to meet certain requirements. The method through which the software development life cycle is carried out is called software system development methodology (SSDM). It covers many activities; starting from understanding why the system should be built, studying the project feasibility, analyzing problems, choosing the system design and architecture, implementing and testing it, and the deployment and maintenance of the system. System development life cycle is aimed at achieving a high quality system that meets the user requirements. Many methodologies have been developed and introduced in order to implement system development life cycle. Although each method follows certain different techniques and steps, they all maintain the same development phases described above. 4.1.1 Types Of Software System Development Methodology There are several system development methods in existence today, namely: Scrum, Extreme Programming, Lean Software Development, Unified Software Development Process, Agile, Waterfall, Feature Driven Development, Microsoft Solutions Framework, Capability Maturity Model Integration, Prototyping, Throw-Away Prototyping, Use-Case Drive, Architecture Centric, Iterative And Incremental, Dynamic View, Functional View, Enterprise Unified Process, Evo, Phased Development, to mention but a few. Basically, these vast methods have been categorized further into three main methodologies which are Structured Design, RAD (Rapid Application AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 40 Development), and Object-oriented Analysis and Design. Each of the available methodologies is best suited to specific kinds of projects, based on various technical, organizational, project and team considerations. For the purpose of the proposed automated payroll software system, the WATERFALL method is adopted as the payroll software development methodology. There are two approaches in developing system using Waterfall methodology, process-centered and data-centered approaches. Process-centered approach attempts to get the works done mainly from the perspective of the processes that exist in the operation of the system, which will likely result in system that constructed by process-oriented components. On the other hand, the data-centered approach concentrates on the data used by and involved in the system. The Waterfall development methodology is categorized under Structured Design Methodology. Figure 4.1: Waterfall Software Design Methodology 4.1.2 The Reasons For Adopting Waterfall Methodology For the Project AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 41 The researcher considered Waterfall software development methodology suitable for the automated payroll design and implementation due to the under listed advantages. 1) Waterfall supports less experienced project teams and project managers, or project teams whose composition fluctuates. 2) The orderly sequence of development steps and strict controls for ensuring the adequacy of documentation and design reviews helps ensure the quality, reliability, and maintainability of the developed software. 3) Progress of system development is measurable. 4) Waterfall methodology Conserves payroll resources. 5) It divides the Project is into sequential phases, with some overlap and splash back acceptable between phases. 6) Emphasis is on planning, time schedules, target dates, budgets and implementation of an entire system at one time. 7) Tight control is maintained over the life of the project through the use of extensive written documentation, as well as through formal reviews and approval/signoff by the user and information technology management occurring at the end of most phases before beginning the next phase. 4.2 System Design System design is defined as those tasks that focus on the specification of a detailed computer-based solution. Whereas, system analysis is emphasized by business problems, system design focuses on the technical concerns of the system. This chapter deals with the technical details of modeling the system, designing its database, inputs, reports, user interface, the application architecture and security specification, and producing other specifications which enables the application to be completed and accurately implemented. 4.2.1 Database Structure And The Data AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 42 File structure: The data modeled in figure 3.6 must be logically organized into a physical database so that relevant data and information will be stored. The entities in figure 3.6 are represented as files while the tables make up the database structure. The Database file structure for the various files is: login, employee record, pay slip, and report. Table 4.1: Login Table S/no. Description Field Name Type Width Decimal 1 User Name User-ID Character 30 Nil 2 User Password Password Character 10 Nil 3 User Access Level Access Level Character 1 Nil Table 4.2: Employee Record Table S/no. Description Field Name Type Width Decimal 1 Employee Surname Surname Character 30 Nil 2 Other Names Other-names Character 30 Nil 3 Staff Number Staff-ID Character 10 Nil 4 Address Address Character 30 Nil 5 Sex Sex Character 6 Nil 6 Department Dept Character 30 Nil 7 Marital Status Marital-status Character 7 Nil 8 Date of Birth D-Birth Date 8 Nil 9 Date Employed D-Employed Date 8 Nil 10 Passport Passport OLE 1 Nil 11 Signature Signature OLE 1 Nil Table 4.3: Pay Slip Table. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 43 S/no. Description Field Name Type Width Decimal 1 Account Number Bank-acct Character 10 Nil 2 Staff Number Staff-ID Character 10 Nil 3 Basic Salary Basic-pay Character 0 2 4 Housing Allow Housing-allow Number 0 2 5 Medical Allow Medical-allow Number 0 2 6 Utility Allow Utility Number 0 2 7 Transport Allow Transport-allo Number 0 2 8 Training Allow Training-allo Number 0 2 9 Gross Pay Gross-pay Number 0 2 10 Tax Tax Number 0 2 Table 4.4: Report Table S/no. Description Field Name Type Width Decimal 1 Report Number Report-ID Character 10 Nil 2 Staff Number Staff-ID Character 10 Nil 3 Account Number Bank-acct Character 10 Nil 4 Gross Pay Gross-pay Number 0 2 5 Deductions Deductions Number 0 2 6 Net Pay Net-pay Number 0 2 The above tables were implemented in project using Microsoft access 2003. 4.2.2 Structured Query Language And Open Database Connectivity A) Structural Language (SQL): When data are normalized, related information is placed in multiple tables. When the data are to be accessed, record sets that consolidate the related information from the multiple tables need to be created. This is done by using the SQL AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 44 (structured query language) that specifies the desired fields, the location of the field, and the relation between the tables. B) Open Database Connectivity One method used to communicate with client/server Database is called open database connectivity or O.D.B.C is a component of Microsoft`s windows open system architecture (WOSA). ODBC provides a set of application program interface (API) functions which makes it easier for a developer to connect to a wide range of database formats. In this work, ODBC was used to connect the application program to the database so that data can be easily accessed from the database to the application program, and vice versa. 4.2.3 Input And Output Design Form The input, processing and output of the automated payroll design is sub-divided into the following menus, and each menu performs the function as its name implies 1) Add New Employee Information 2) Update Employee Information 3) Calculate Employee Monthly Pay 4) Print Employee`s Monthly Pay Slip/Advice 5) Search the Payroll System 6) Exit Payroll System 7) Help AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 45 4.2.4 Security Specification To ensure an effective and secured access, three basic elements must be in place: authenticity, authorization, and accountability, collectively known as AAA security. AAA security ensures that only people who gain access to employee payroll information are the authorized people. Authentication makes sure that only the proper people can gain access to a system. This is performed with a user name and a matching password. Authorization makes certain that once users are inside the system, they can access only the information and resources that are appropriate for them, whereas, accountability ensures that the people/users are held responsible for their actions by keeping detailed records, or audit logs. Unauthorized users` particulars will be recorded in a file which only the system administrator will have access to, and which will alert the system administrator that someone is trying to steal information. These three basic elements are provided in this project work. The system administrator sees to the information and access level management of the system. 4.2.5 System Development In the design phase of the automated payroll system, system development involves the process of applying various techniques, algorithms and principles for defining the system in a sufficient detail to ensure its physical realization. In other to achieve this, a variety of tools such as program flowchart and function interactive diagrams are used to implement the system design optimally. All these are shown in appendix. The application was developed with an HP 550 laptop computer with the following configuration: a Pentium ® DUAL CPU T2370 @1.73 GHZ, with 1GHZ speed RAM, 112 GB Hard Disk, 32 bit system with AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 46 windows system operating system and the application was developed on Microsoft visual basic compiler (VB) version 6.0. Visual basic programming language was selected based on the fact that it directly supports database files in several formats in addition to other rich qualities like accessing files created with Dbase, Excel, etc with the professional edition, Active X data object (ADO) and open Database connectivity (ODBC). 4.2.6 Software Design After the system has been analyzed, the focus is now to design a new system that will take over the deficient exiting manually operated payroll system. A good software design is the beginning of an effective software engineering exercise. A well designed software system is easier to implement and maintain. It is easily understood and reliable. The difference between the proposed system and the existing system is that the existing system uses manual method while the proposed system is a computerized counterpart. Software being a creative process cannot be formulated as a set of rules. Nevertheless, the use of systematic methodology simplifies the design process and results in software system which is comprehensive, reliable and also verifiable. 4.2.7 System Development Platform: Visual Basic 6.0 This application software, automated payroll system, is developed in a visual basic version 6.0 programming language. Microsoft visual basic is a programming language which is used to write windows-based computer program. It is used to create a customized productivity tools with which one can design programs also known as application to accomplish any task one can imagine. Visual basic is a descendant of BASIC (Beginner`s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) which was one of the earliest programming languages ever in existence. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 47 BASIC was originally developed as a practicing language to give its users the opportunity to become familiar with other programming languages which are seemingly more complex and difficult. With the advent of windows, Microsoft developed visual basic which is a visual graphical version of BASIC. Since its introduction, visual basic has advanced into an extremely powerful application development tool, leaving behind its reputation as a beginner`s language. One very interesting feature of visual basic is the fact that one can explore it to create a suite of applications very quickly. Visual basic has versions, starting from the first to the recent version 6.0 and is used in this program development, “ automated payroll system”. This project in visual basic version 6.0 follows a three step procedure for planning the project, namely: setting-up the user interface, defining the properties, and creating the code. 1) Design the user interface: Here, I drew a sketch of the monitor screen the user will see when running the project. This contains and shows the forms and all the controls that I plan to use in the project concernment. 2) Planning the properties for each object, I got ready the properties that I planned to set or change during the form design 3) Plan the basic code: This is where I plan the procedures that execute when the program runs. 4.2.8 User Interface Design The user interface defines how the system user directly interacts with the system to provide inputs and queries and receiving output and helps. Thus the user interface is the specification of conservation between the system user and the computer. It therefore, establishes the dialogue between users and computer. The dialogue makes for very accommodating and friendly user interfaces. In this concernment, user interfaces were designed using a GRAPHICAL USER AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 48 INTERFACE (GUI) programming language called Visual Basic 6.0. This language comes with various controls which help in the interactivity of the system. The controls that are used in this project are: 1) Textbox: Used to enter data/values into the system 2) Command button: These are used enter the data to be processed, or to cancel a transaction or option 3) Drop-down list box/combs box: To specify particular choice amongst s list of alternatives 4) Check box: This provides the user with the flexibility selecting a value via a keyboard or mouse 5) Message box: These offer information/guide to the user about the system. 4.2.9 Application Architecture Application Architecture specifies the technology to be used to implement possibly all information system in terms of payroll data, process, and how these components interact and communication across a computer network. Application Architecture makes possible the distribution of the proposed system over a combination of more than one computer and other hardware devices like printer, scanner to be interconnected for resources and files sharing in a computer network. This is for an extended payroll service. Network Topology The topology defines how the devices (computers, printers, scanners, etc) are connected and how the data flows from one device to another. There are two conventions while representing the topologies. The physical topology defines how the devices are physically wired. The logical topology defines how the data flows from one device to another. Broadly categorized into Bus, Ring, Star, Mesh topologies. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 49 Fig 4.5 Outlines Of Various Types Of Topologies For the purpose of this software implementation, I recommend the bus topology to the case study NCC, Abuja due to its simplicity and ease of installation and application. Bus topology In a bus topology, all devices are connected to the transmission medium (cable) as backbone. There must be a terminator at each end of the bus to avoid signal reflections, which may distort the original signal. Signal is sent in both directions, but some buses are unidirectional. It is good for small networks. Can be used for 10BASE5 (thick net), 10BASE2 (thin net) or 10BROAD36 (broad band) co-axial bus standards. Fig 4.6 The bus topology. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 50 Types of Network There are basically two types of computer network, namely, peer-to-peer configuration which lacks security, and the client-server model with full control over security and protection. I, as a matter of fact recommend the client-server network for the automated payroll system implementation because of its security and versatility in network. Client/server This describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. Although the client/server idea can be used by programs within a single computer, it is a more important idea in a network. In a network, the client/server model provides a convenient way to interconnect programs that are distributed efficiently across different locations. Computer transactions using the client/server model are very common. The client/server model has become one of the central ideas of network computing. Most business applications being written today use the client/server model. Typically, multiple client programs share the services of a common server program. Both client programs and server programs are often part of a larger program or application. In this project work, the administrative department of the payroll unit is where the server will be installed and at least one computer system needs to be installed in any other payroll sections. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 51 Fig 4.7 Client server model 4.3 System Implementation 4.3.1 System Development Package The system development software is as follows: Microsoft visual studio 6.0: This is a suite of application packages for the development of the system. It contains a collection of all Microsoft oriented programming languages, any of which could be readily utilized by developer. Visual Basic 6.0 is used to program the proposed system. Microsoft Access XP Windows 7 Ultimate: This database delivers powerful tools for managing and analyzing data. It offers excellent capabilities for miniature data storage and with its compatibility with object oriented programming language. It was employed as the relational database where all the system data and information are kept. It also permits instant export of data stored to Microsoft SQL server and Microsoft applications. These two packages were used as developmental tools during the project design. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 52 4.3.2 Site Preparation Site preparation handles all the needed conducive environment and conditions under which the system can optimally deliver the expected output. The computer system(s) should be sited away from generating plants. The installation needs to be protected from unauthorized physical access, the area has to be adequately ventilated with fans and air condition to maintain cool temperature. Also needed is an uninterrupted power supply system to manage power outages. This is to prevent the system from malfunction. Power interrupt causes fatal error to both hardware and software. Stabilizers should also be supplied to avert fluctuation of power supply. 4.3.3 System Requirement Cost The basic requirements for the implementation of this system in the commission are shown in the table: Hardware Requirements QTY. 1 2 3 DETAILS Server system at the payroll unit HP Pentium iv Microcomputer 60+GB HDD, 512- 1GB RAMS, 1.4- 1.6 GHZ. 1 Laser Jet Printer. At least two other client systems: XP, Pentium 111 or above, microprocessor 40+GB HDD, 128+MB RAM, 1.4GHZ. Bin atone inbuilt stabilizer and UPS Two printers Network Accessories Total AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U AMOUNT #88,000 #130,000 #75,000 #55,000 #348,000 Page 53 Software Requirements DETAILS AMOUNT Windows 7 Operating System #20,000 Payroll Record Software, (HRS 1.0) #90,000 Total #110,000 Personnel And Training Requirements Computer savvy personnel, knowledgeable in database management with the ability to use a structured query language, a general system maintenance with extensive knowledge in network related issues will be required. Members of staff will be required to undergo both a computer appreciation course and training on HRS 1.0 application. DETAILS AMOUNT Personnel System & Database Administrator #20,000 Training Computer Appreciation Course #80,000 Total #100,000 AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 54 Operation And Maintenance Requirements DETAILS: 6 months basis AMOUNT Source Document: Payroll Documents #20,000 Pay slip Documents #25,000 System Maintenance #200,000 Total #245,000 Total Cost Of System Requirements 4.3.4 DETAILS AMOUNT Software Cost #110,000 Hardware Cost #348,000 Personnel & Training Cost #100,000 Operational & Maintenance Cost #245,000 Total #803,000 System Testing After the design of the system, program was written and installed. Then the program was tested with sample data to ascertain its correctness. During these processing, logic errors, syntax errors and other possible errors were detected and debugged. During this period, the need for the improvement of the programming codes and from interface was observed and necessary actions were taken to actualize and validate the processes. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 55 4.3.5 Conversion Plan The conversion plan to be used is parallel conversion. This plan supports the simultaneous operation of both the old and new system for a time frame depending on when the new system is well adapted. Though this plan is costly but it avoids the calamity that may befall the payroll unit and the organization at large if the users of the system should loose or misuse payroll details as a result of lack of familiarization with the new system. 4.3.6 Deployment And Maintenance The fully designed and implemented automated system is ready for deployment. Tight plans should be provided for the maintenance and upgrading of the system at regular intervals depending on management decision. This maintenance plan is aimed at updating/upgrading the functionalities of the system to meet up with future demands and technology. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 56 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0. SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary In summary, Payroll which contains the wages/salaries of workers in any organization is very important because it deals with the production of pay slips for the employees and the maintenance of employee record required for taxation and other deductions. A computerized payroll system involves the design and implementation of a computer-based pay roll package procedure with an electronic data processing machine which brings about, efficiency, speed, accuracy, easy storage and prompts retrieval of individual employee record, and a secured security backup of files. After the analysis of the manual pay rolling method, investigation and data collection, then the new system is designed and implemented with Visual Basic 6.0 for the payroll unit of the Nigerian Communications Commission, Abuja. The software was tested and implemented with the help of system flowchart, program flowchart, block diagrams and the system software. 5.2. Recommendations Payroll system determines the wages/salaries of workers; hence any business establishment should handle with care. The computerized counterpart of the payroll system was recommended by the researcher due to the numerous benefits the user stands to gain as earlier stated in this project work. The need for the proposed system outweighs that of the manual payroll system which is now almost obsolete. Nevertheless, some establishments find it difficult to computerize their payroll system because of the high cost involved in the system design and implementation. I strongly urge every organization to adopt the computerized payroll system, irrespective of the cost because of its security, efficiency, speed and accuracy in payroll management. AAA A P r o j e c t W o r k W r i t t e n a n d P r e s e n t e d b y U D O I K E C H U K W U Page 57 5.3 Conclusion The automation of a payroll system is profit-oriented to organizations and industries. It should be adopted in all the accounting department of every establishment since it is error-free and ensures data security. Computerized payroll system is an effective accounting tool necessary in order to reduce fraud and corruption that is inherent in the manual counterpart. At the same time it is needed both by private and government establishments due to its numerous advantages. An automated payroll system to a large extent enhances the economic growth of any firm since prompt and accurate payment of workers` wages/salary motivates the workers to put in their best service. 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