Limit switches communicate information through output ports. false Common I/O ports include interface and image analysis. false During ______, an analog-to-digital converter changes the analog signal of an image into an equivalent digital signal. image preprocessing The functions that take place during image processing are preprocessing, interpretation, analysis, and acquisition Although this data transmission method is faster, it is generally considered too costly to use over long distances. parallel This port is commonly used for serial transmission of data between a robot and a computer. RS-232C Two computers can communicate with each other over telephone circuits via ethernet WRONG ports connected to modems. The common point at which two or more systems communicate is a(n) interface Identify and explain the four functions that take place during image processing. There are four functions that take place during image processing. These functions are image acquisition, image preprocessing, image analysis, and image interpretation. During acquisition a work piece is illuminated to enhance it's surface features, and an image digitally is created. The image is captured with a digital camera. During preprocessing the signal is converted from an analog signal to an equivalent digital signal with and analog-to-digital converter. This transforms the image into pixels. The values of the pixels are stored for later interpretation. Image analysis is a function of machine vision. Analysis is performed by software. The software identifies, measures, and analyses features of the image. Interpretation is the process during which the scanned image is compared to a model image, or it's corresponding data. A decision is made about whether the image matches the model and the decision is sent to the robot to enable the robot to make decisions about tasks that it needs to do. Most manufacturers of robotic equipment do not provide troubleshooting manuals to aid in repairs. false Scrap is a manufactured part that is reconditioned and put back into service. false Most system problems are ______ failures. component Repairs to complex robotic systems are commonly performed on the _______________ . subassemblies ______ is key to preventative maintenance. Documentation An oscilloscope or multimeter and _______________ is most commonly used to isolate a system problem. voltmeter A ______ solder should be used for all electronic circuit work. resin-core Preventative maintenance programs place a great deal of responsibility on the ______. operator During the initial observation of equipment to be serviced, what should you look for? During the initial observation of equipment to be serviced, there are a number of things that you should look for. These include burned parts, broken parts, broken wires, poor wire connections, smoke, and heat damage. You should also look for oil, air, or water leaks, and loose, damaged, worn, or noisy parts. The key elements of various robots can be compared by constructing a(n) matrix Direct labor costs comprise about 15 percent of the total cost of producing a product. Automated equipment requires consistently uniform components to function efficiently. true Installing robots reduces personal injuries and increases employee safety. true Intelligent machines can do the same job as trained workers and save labor costs by replacing those workers. false Most automated equipment is dedicated, or designed to perform one function. true The money a business spends to purchase fixed assets is a(n) ______. capital investment Incorporating robots automatically increases productivity. false Robots can improve product quality because of their ______. both A and B accuracy repeatability Robots have the capacity to be innovative, collaborative, and think independently. false When working conditions are unpleasant or unsafe, worker productivity is affected. true Investments made in equipment or other business/production assets, which are projected to prevent additional costs in the future, are called avoidance costs What are the three common faulty assumptions that companies make regarding robots? Discuss why each is incorrect. The three common faulty assumptions that companies make regarding robots are that they automatically increase productivity, that they will save labor costs, and that they will pay back their investment over time. They do not automatically increase productivity because there are no machines more flexible and more efficient than a motivated human with the proper tools. The product must be specifically designed for robot production, and manual assembly benefits from specific product design as well. Robots do not save much if any on labor costs. Labor is only about 15% of the cost, and robots usually only replace one or two people. In addition, skilled labor must be hired to maintain the robot. Robots have a very high initial investment which takes a long time to get a return on. Robots economies of scale which is difficult to achieve in today's flexible manufacturing. Decreasing demand can bankrupt a company.