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Fahad Abbasi Internship Report

MARS BPO Company
Submitted By:
SPRING- 2023
Department of Management Sciences
Barani Institute of Management Sciences
PMAS- Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Internship/Employment Report
(SESSION: Spring-2023)
Internship/Employment Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA-Hons)
Miss Anum Rashid
Designation: HOD
Fahad Abbasi
Company Name: MARS BPO
Supervisor: Mahnoor Abbasi
Phone No: 0335-0059029
Email: marsbpo89@gmail.com
Address: 2nd Floor, Ramzan Plaza, Bank Road, Saddar, Rawalpindi
Starting Date: 16th-January-2023
Ending Date: 28th-Feb-2023
Report Submission Date: 24-June-2023
Date: 24-June-2023
Miss. Anum Rashid,
Department of Management Sciences
Barani Institute of Management Sciences (BIMS)
PMAS-Arid Agriculture University,
Subject: Submission of Internship Report
Dear Miss,
In accordance with the requirements of the BBA Program, I hereby submit my internship
report. To be actively supervised by you while working is a fantastic accomplishment.
My experience as an intern and employee at MARS BPO. is the basis for this report. I was
given the chance to work for this company for 6 weeks in the HR Department under the
supervision of Miss. Mahnoor Abbasi.
This project gave me both academic and practical exposures. I had the chance to pick up
practical knowledge and expertise in the area of human resources. Through this internship, I
was able to put the theoretical knowledge I learned while pursuing my degree at the Barani
Institute of Management Sciences into practice by seeing how an HR department operates on
a daily basis.
The internship report summarizes everything I learned, saw, and experienced while working
at Mars BPO. It covers a range of topics, such as a corporate overview, the function and
significance of the Human Resources department, tasks and projects completed, cooperation
and collaboration, HR practices and procedures, as well as my major takeaways and
professional development.
Please accept my sincere thanks if you can read this report and offer your insightful opinion.
It would make me really happy if you found this report to be educational and helpful in
gaining a clear understanding of the organization's position.
Yours Sincerely
Fahad Abbasi
BBA (Hons) – HR
I Fahad Abbasi, Registration No. 19-Arid-5530 program BBA (HR) have completed my
internship report of 6 weeks at MARS BPO under supervision of Miss. Mahnoor Abbasi
Fahad Abbasi
Mahnoor Abbasi
Miss Anum Rashid
Fahad Abbasi
Completed internship at
From 16th-January-2023 to 30th -FeB-2023
Internship/Employment report submitted for the Final Evaluation in
Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelors in Business Administration (Hons)
It is certified that, the Internship/Employment report and the work contained in it conforms
to all the standards set by the Institute for the evaluation of any such work.
Evaluation Committee:
Ms. Qurat-ul-Ain
Ms. Anum Rashid
Mr. Aman Aziz
Barani Institute of Management Sciences
PMAS- Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
First and foremost, I would like to thank the Almighty ALLAH. Who has bestowed and
blessed me with the time and the dedication to complete this report. I would like to thank my
Parents for always supporting me in whatever I do. I would also like to thank my company’s
management and fellow interns, especially my internship supervisor, MARS BPO and
everyone at the branch who made these 6 weeks of internship, an ultimate learning experience
I’m dedicating this to my supervisor Miss. Mahnoor Abbasi who gave the wonder
opportunity to do this wonderful project, and who helped me a lot during my internship
turner and support meto do things effectively and efficiently. As a supervisor you are truly an
inspiration to your staff. Your strong leadership skills, along with the support and dedication
you show to your team, have earned you much deserved respect and admiration. I feel lucky
to be a member of your staff. I would like to dedicate this Internship report to my parents
who supported me in every aspect of life and especially all this credit goes to BIMS who
makes me able to get market experience during my theoretical tenure.
The internship experience at Mars BPO's Human Resources (HR) division is summarized in this
executive summary. The [6 weeks] internship sought to give participants useful exposure to and
hands-on experience with HR procedures in a real-world organizational setting.
Key goals for the internship included learning about HR operations, comprehending the function and
significance of the HR department, and receiving practical experience in various HR activities. By
actively participating in a variety of HR projects, assignments, and daily tasks, these objectives were
successfully attained.
The report then goes into depth on the HR division at Mars BPO, giving readers a thorough
overview of its role, responsibilities, and organizational regulations and processes. It examines
numerous HR procedures and methods, including as hiring and firing, onboarding new employees,
performance monitoring, coaching and development, and employee engagement and retention.
The report also covers particular tasks and projects completed during the internship. The aims,
scope, methodology, findings, results, and recommendations for each project are described. Through
these tasks, the intern was able to contribute to the initiatives of the HR department and apply
theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.
The essential insights and professional growth of the intern are also documented, displaying the
expertise and abilities learned throughout the internship. The benefits of the internship program are
underlined as personal development and future career goals.
In conclusion, the Mars BPO internship gave me a thorough understanding of HR procedures within
a dynamic organizational environment. The internship improved practical skills, promoted
professional development, and provided the intern with invaluable insights into the routine activities
of the HR department. The internship helped the intern get the practical application of academic
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 10
2. Organizational structure ............................................................................................................ 11
3. Training Program ....................................................................................................................... 12
Detailed Description of Operation of Department .................................................................... 12
Internship Plan .......................................................................................................................... 12
Weekly Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 12
Week 1&2 ................................................................................................................................. 13
Week 3&4 ................................................................................................................................. 13
Week 5&6 ................................................................................................................................. 13
Training Department ................................................................................................................. 14
Human Resource Management Department and Training Department.................................... 14
4. Structure of the HR Department ............................................................................................... 15
5. Employee Recruitment and Selection ........................................................................................ 16
Sources of Candidates ............................................................................................................... 16
Employment Selection process……………………………...…………………………...…16
6. Training and Development ......................................................................................................... 16
7. Performance Management ......................................................................................................... 16
8. Employee Compensation and Benefit ........................................................................................ 17
9. Organizational Career Management ......................................................................................... 17
10. Separation .................................................................................................................................... 17
11. SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 17
Strengths ................................................................................................................................... 17
Weaknesses ................................................................................................................................ 17
Opportunity ................................................................................................................................ 18
Threats ....................................................................................................................................... 18
12. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 18
13. Recommendation for Employment ............................................................................................ 18
References ............................................................................................................................................. 19
1. Introduction
MARS BPO In 2013 was founded in response to a market need for a provider of outsourcing and
business solutions. The company that prioritizes providing expertly managed quality services. Three
fundamental values that we value highly are service, attention, and ethics. With MARS BPO's
extensive experience working with clients from a variety of industries, they offer a comprehensive
range of services that can assist any company of any size in reducing expenses and boosting income.
Over the course of this time, it has mastered the art of technology, achieved business ethics in
consulting and outsourcing, and secured a unique place in the world of internet business. Employees
of MARS BPO have been with the business since the beginning. This is partly because of a clearly
defined promotion route, which inspires workers to perform well in order to advance. Knowing they
have a long career path at MARS BPO inspires our staff members. Mars BPO aspires to become a
highly regarded offshore outsourcing provider with a reputation for providing precise and flawless
Call Center/Contact Center and Back Office enabled solutions, as well as for consistently adding
value for all stakeholders through innovation and improvement.
Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting
Company size
201-500 employees.
Lead Generation, Customer services, Marketing and Sales, Collections, Back-Office work, and
Inbound/Outbound Telemarketing
2. Organizational Structure
3. Training Program
Detailed description of the operations of department
I worked in Human Resource Management Department
The department of human resource management is primarily responsible for hiring new employees,
providing staff training, handling pension and promotion cases, addressing inquiries, handling
service issues, amending service rules, and handling union issues.
Main functions of HRM department.
 Appraisal of an employee's performance
 Job Evaluation
 Job analysis
 Based on the needs of the organization, create job descriptions and positions.
 Create job specs based on the requirements of the organization.
 Staffing.
 Issuance of vacancies.
 Employee’s promotions and transfers.
 Recruitment and selection of people.
 Approving authority of all managerial functions.
 Record Maintenance.
 Compensation and benefits.
 Human Resource Development (HRD)
 Coordination and planning of the promotion meeting. Training Department The organization's
employees' weak areas are investigated by the training department, which then develops a training
program for them.
Internship plan
I did my internship at MARS BRO COMPANY. It was a 6 weeks internship. It started from 16th
January, 2023 and ended on 28th Feb, 2023.
Weekly schedule
The six weeks of my internship at MARS BPO company is stated below:
Week 1&2
In the first two weeks of my internship, I take some time to get familiar with the MARS BPO
company. Actually, the MARS BPO company is an outbound company who provide services on
international basis. In the first two weeks the HR manager guide me about the company and their
services they provide in US.
The HR manager guide me how to check the employees’ performances, set the criteria of
Recruitment and hiring and other policies set by HR such as Promotion and transfer, give
compensation and benefits to the employees.
Week 3&4
I spent the third week researching the HR component of training and development. I helped with
scheduling employee training sessions, creating training materials, and assessing the success of
training initiatives. I also had the chance to lead a training course on business ethics, which
improved my presenting and communication abilities.
I concentrated on HR regulations and compliance during the fourth week. I helped make sure the
employee handbook was reviewed and updated in accordance with the most recent labor laws and
regulations. I also took part in the creation of job analyses and the authoring of job descriptions to
enhance the precision and clarity of job duties.
Week 5&6
I had the chance to concentrate on HR reporting and analytics during the fifth week. I helped with
the data collection, trend analysis, and report preparation for several HR indicators like turnover,
absenteeism, and hiring figures. Based on the data analysis, I also worked with the HR staff to
pinpoint areas that needed improvement.
I finished my internship by working on a unique project that the HR manager had given me. To
encourage a good work-life balance, the project required researching and making recommendations
for creative employee wellness programs. I investigated the best practices for employee wellness
programs and developed a survey to get input from the workforce.
Training Department
Main functions of Training Department.
Project Training.
Training need assessment.
Training process.
All skill up-gradation trainings.
Monitoring of Training activity.
At the end of training program conducting Feedback from Employees.
 Human Resource Management Department & Training Department
I worked in the human resources department for 6 weeks. I was working there under Miss Mahnoor
Abbasi, the manager of the HR division. She oversees the Training and Career Planning department
and is the Manager of the HR division. Throughout my internship, I received numerous
responsibilities from Manager HRM.
Tasks given by the HR Manager:
Recruitment process.
To inform the relevant department of the error they made.
Attend the meetings.
Attending the new bees.
Helping the trainer.
Helping in preparing minutes of meeting.
4. Structure of the HR Department
5. Employee Recruitment and Selection
Sources of Candidates
 Internal Sources
Employees that are already employed by the company can be recruited and chosen internally
through promotions, skill development, etc. The internal source of recruiting is the hiring and
selection of staff from sub-offices.
 External Sources
Mars BPO hires workers from the labor market and advertises job openings in print and electronic
Employment selection process
Determine your hiring needs. What are your existing hiring needs? Prepare job description.
Create your recruitment plan.
Screen and shortlist candidates.
Interview Process.
Make the offer.
Employee Onboarding.
6. Training and Development
 Training Need Assessment
Each year, the Head of Departments shall determine the staff's training needs based on the following
The employee's history, which includes their job description and training history.
Performance analysis.
Behavior of the employee.
Counselling record.
7. Performance Management
In performance Management I learnt
Performance Appraisal.
Need based Training.
Establishing and keeping a performance report.
8. Employee Compensation and Benefits
Employee Benefits and Compensation at Mars BPO include:
Monthly and weekly bonuses
Cash incentives
Provident fund
Casual and sick leaves
Paid training sessions
9. Organizational Career Management
Organizational career management Job Changes within the Organization are
Promotion (on the basis of performance)
Transfer (if needed)
Demotion (on the basis of low and average performance)
10. Separations
Resignation (on 2 weeks prior notice)
Lay off / suspension
11. SWOT Analysis
Good and skilled team members
On time rewards
Lack of research and development.
Wastage of resources.
Development of new technology.
Possibilities are changing in various sectors and professions
The need for qualified and skilled labor in the local sector
Non-availability of skilled employees.
Entrance of new competitors.
12. Conclusion
The internship at Mars BPO's Human Resources (HR) division was a productive and transforming
experience. Throughout the internship, a number of goals were accomplished, including learning
about HR operations, comprehending the importance of the HR department, and obtaining
experience in HR duties. The internship gave me a thorough insight of Mars BPO's HR department’s
function and significance. The intern's knowledge and abilities in the field of HR have been greatly
expanded by the exposure to a variety of HR practices and processes, including hiring and selecting
employees, employee onboarding, management of performance, development and training, and
employee retention and participation. Teamwork and collaboration were essential components of the
internship experience. The intern had the chance to collaborate, coordinate, and effectively
communicate with other team members while working alongside HR specialists. The growth of
interpersonal skills and the capacity to function in varied teams was encouraged by this collaborative
atmosphere. Overall, the Mars BPO internship has been a pleasant and transforming experience. The
intern is appreciative of the chance and anticipates using the knowledge and experiences acquired to
successfully contribute to future HR roles and organizational success.
13. Recommendation for Improvement
A better performance evaluation system will increase employees' job happiness.
The pay structure must be such that it fosters employee happiness.
In general, it's a good place to work and study.
Reference: 1. http://marsbbpo.co/
2. https://www.facebook.com/marsbpo