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Climate Change Effects in the UK: Lesson Plan

LO: To understand the effects of climate change in the UK
Sunday, 03 September 2023
• 9.3-5 - Identify a 1-2 effects of climate change in the UK
• 9.6-7 Categorize the effects of climate change using many case
specific details
• 9.8-9 make links between the effects of climate change using detailed
case specific detail
Effects of climate change in the UK
Watch this short video which discusses trends in the UK’s
weather for 2022.
Note down:
• At least 3 things this report tells us about the
weather in the UK in 2022
• What other worrying evidence was there of climate
change in 2022?
• What new patterns are emerging as a result of
increased greenhouse gas emissions?
At least 3 things this report tells us about the weather in the UK in 2022
• 2022 was the UK’s hottest year on record
• The average annual temperature topped 10 degrees for the first time
• England had temperatures exceeding 40 degrees in July – the hottest day ever recorded
What other worrying evidence was there of climate change in 2022?
Four times more wildfires in England
Fields turned brown
Water supplies dried up
All four nations of UK reached record breaking daily temperatures
Trains couldn’t run
Roads were melting
What new patterns are emerging as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions?
Temperatures like this used to happen once every five centuries before humans produced ghg - now likely every
3-4 years
• Plants can’t survive in the South East
• 10 hottest years this century
• Sea level rising 3mm/yr + Rainfall up 6% since 1990 = Increased risk of flooding
What are the effects of climate
change in the UK?
If the Earth gets hotter, these are some of the things that could happen in the UK:
• Water expands when it's heated so ___________________________could rise causing
erosion of British coasts and floods.
• The change in sea temperature could also affect the diverse sea-life ecosystem –
meaning the UK’s _________________ industry could suffer.
• Animals species might become ____________________ as habitats change/die out.
• There could be more _____________________, especially near the coast and rivers.
• Lakes and rivers could ___________________
• There could be more __________________, making it harder for farmers to grow
• Less water would be available for _________________ and agricultural purposes.
• Some plants and animals might become extinct or migrate to other climates because
they cannot cope with the higher __________________________ of the UK.
• Hurricanes, tornadoes and ______________________which are caused by changes in
heat and water evaporation may get more common here in the UK.
Droughts households
dry up
Sea levels
What are the effects of climate
change in the UK?
• If the Earth gets hotter, these are some of the things that could happen in the UK:
• Water expands when it's heated so 1 sea levels could rise causing erosion of British
coasts and floods.
• The change in sea temperature could also affect the diverse sea-life ecosystem –
meaning the UK’s 2 fishing industry could suffer.
• Animals species might become 3 extinct as habitats change/die out.
• There could be more 4 floods, especially near the coast and rivers.
• Lakes and rivers could 5 dry up.
• There could be more 6 droughts, making it harder for farmers to grow crops.
• Less water would be available for 7 households and agricultural purposes.
• Some plants and animals might become extinct or migrate to other climates because
they cannot cope with the higher 8 temperatures of the UK.
• Hurricanes, tornadoes and 9 storms which are caused by changes in heat and water
evaporation may get more common here in the UK.
Study the information from figure 1
Explain how each of the following people is likely to
be affected by climate change in the UK:
A hotel owner in the Lake District
A farmer in south-east England
A factory owner on the coastal mudflats in Teeside
A resident living near the Somerset Levels
The owner of a ski resort in the Cairngorms,
• An elderly person living in Devon on the south
coast of England.
E.g. A hotel owner in the Lake District is likely to be
affected by climate change because…and so…which
Figure 1
Challenge Task Menu
Essay title: Climate Change in
the UK – the truth
A formal letter – Impacts of
climate change in the UK
Magazine article for ‘Geography
Today’- The impacts of climate
change in the UK
News report and script for the
BBC’ on the impacts of climate
change in the UK
Information booklet – Impacts of Mind map - Impacts of climate
climate change in the UK
change in the UK
Pictures/storyboard - Impacts of Poster - Impacts of climate
climate change
change in the UK
In the UK
• 3 – Places in the UK affected by climate change
• 2 – Worst effects in your opinion
• 1 – Statistic from today