EQ & Context Due by Sunday September 3rd at 11:59 pm Part 1: Complete the Emotional intelligence (EQ): ● What was your score for each of the 5 emotional competencies (Question 2 on the sheets) o Self Awareness: 42, Managing Emotions: 29, Motivating Oneself: 32, Empathy: 39, Social Skills: 24 ● Reflect on your scores. Anything surprising? o I was actually surprised by some of the categories because I expected my managing emotions to be higher and empathy to be lower. The other categories are about what I have expected. ● What are your areas of improvement? o Managing emotions, motivating oneself and social skills fell under the needs attention category. Part 2: Submit your answers to each the questions we discussed in class (on Tuesday August 31st): The questions are below • How do you identify yourself? • • Is your identity one that has historically experienced more privilege/power or barriers/stigma? • • 3 I do not really think about it unless the barriers/stigma is brought upon Think about your current community where you live or where you grow up. What aspect of that community contributes to your wellbeing or health detriments? • • I experienced it as both - although I continue to face barriers and stigma especially in a hospital setting, my identity has allowed myself How much do you think about this identity? (1 = never, 5 = very often) • • It is visible If this identity is associated with barriers and stigma, do you experience this identity as a source of strength, stress, or both? • • Typically, my identity has historically experienced more barriers/stigma Is this identity visible, hidden, or concealable? • • I identified myself as a minority immigrant. Community of where we grew up contributes to wellbeing → taught to be accepting of individuals with different backgrounds and appreciative of different culture → helps us become more aware of community here (nursing school and hospital) What resources are available in your community? • • Church groups, schools, social clubs • All of these communities generally entail people of similar backgrounds, making it easier to connect and relate to life experiences • Church groups: same religion and faith • Schools: spending time with peers who share similar experiences/understanding of backgrounds • Social clubs: allows us to pursue shared interests Which group do you think is most at-risk in your community? Why? • - • Low-income, homeless, youth Youth is at risk because there is an increased use of drugs and alcohol and more peer pressure throughout communities - Many youth lack support systems and can face mental and or physical abuse in many of the communities they are a part of - The homeless population is at risk due to the stressors of housing, food, and lack of resources which increases the risks for death - The low-income population is at risk because of lack of access to resources, insurance, healthy foods, etc which increases risks for health conditions and death. What preconceived notions would others have about you based on your identity? • • Viewed as younger → less capable of what we are currently doing and seen as less trustworthy • Ex. working in the hospital as nursing students, we are perceived to be less knowledgeable about our skills by older patients • Ex. sometimes they are viewed as “smarter” as well which is unfair What preconceived notions do you have about particular groups/individuals based on their identity? • Older population → more likely to have stigma/assumptions towards us Part 3: Reflect on how parts 1 and 2 can affect how you interact with, care and advocate for communities and populations as a nursing student? In the future as a licensed health care professional? (Your answer to this question should be no longer than 2 paragraphs) As a nursing student, all 5 categories of emotional intelligence are important. My highest score, self awareness, can benefit me in a way to be self aware of my strength and weakness and realize when I have to reach out for help. This is critical in order to provide the optimal safe patient care. It can also help me be aware of my own implicit biases and to reduce what I have. My identity as a minority immigrant can benefit me in a way where I can reflect my own personal experiences to advocate for populations that need more attention. It can also help me support my community and hopefully provide resources to people who identify themselves as the same as me.