Office of General Education and Mission ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PLEDGE I, ____________________, affirm that I have read and understood the provisions below on course policies regarding course materials, course outputs, course behavior & concerns, and course correspondence upon enrolling in this course. To ensure that the objectives of the course are achieved and the utilization of the learning management system is maximized, the class shall be bound by the following provisions on course and classroom policies. Each student is expected to abide by these rules at all times to foster academic integrity throughout the term. A. Course Materials In the conduct of the course, the students are expected to uphold honesty and integrity at all times. The study materials are composed of the academic properties of the course instructor and the authors of the copyrighted materials. As such, no part of these materials shall be copied in any manner and no part of the synchronous discussions shall be recorded without the written permission of the instructor and/or the author concerned, nor shall these be distributed, and/or sold to a third person. All course materials are strictly for the students’ personal education and study. Unauthorized use of the course materials shall be treated as a violation of the university policy on honesty and an infringement of copyright laws. General Education courses generally utilizes and requires students to use the prescribed text/workbook crafted by USC professors who have designed the course that is suited to the needs of Carolinians. Students are expected to acquire their personal copies from the university’s Textbook Section. Additional discussion inputs may be provided by the respective learning facilitators on the Learning Management System of the course. Also, with the myriad of scholarly platforms subscribed to by the university for the benefit of the entire student population and made available via the ISMIS accounts, as well as the availability of numerous resource materials online and in the university library, students are expected to maximize the use of these sites. B. Course Outputs & Submissions All outputs, including examinations and short activities, submitted by the students should be original works, unless specified in the instructions to be a collection of existing samples from various sources. In any case, attribution to opina |2020|ver.3 [01.29.2023] 1 authors using APA format must be made at all times, unless the chosen journal for the final output requires a different citation format. Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited. Outputs and conduct in examinations that violate this provision shall automatically be discredited and the professor shall have the option to fail the student on the basis of such offense. Any instance of cheating or any work that is plagiarized by the student shall be dealt with accordingly and, if necessary, legally. The university policy on honesty as well as the provisions of the copyright laws, when applicable, shall be considered in addressing the matter. Any work required from the students should be submitted on or before the date and time set. Instructions for activities shall be available within at least a week prior to submission deadline to give students ample time to work, unless the nature of the task requires short notice. For online submissions via Canvas, the system will however automatically restrict the viewing and submission of the output beyond the date and time set as deadline. Late submissions may be accepted when the reason is deemed legitimate as indicated in a (1) formal letter signed by the student and duly noted by the parent/guardian together with the (2) applicable valid documentary proof. When accepted due to valid reason/s, a minimum of three-point deduction, for every ten days beyond deadline, shall be made from the score obtained, in the absence of an agreement approved by the class at the beginning of the term. C. Student Behavior Respect is vested in each and everyone in class. The professor and the students are expected to speak with tact and act with kindness and empathy throughout the term. During on-site classes, everyone’s opinion and voices shall be heard for the purpose of intellectual discussion, provided appropriate language is used. Disrespectful language and behavior shall not be tolerated. The interactive nature of the course coupled with the exchanges of ideas and opinions shall not be taken as a license to disrespect others. With the current set up of blended learning, incorporating both onsite and online classes, everyone should be mindful of and practice proper online etiquette or netiquette when interacting with anybody in the platform. Responsible use of online platforms is necessary at all times. The Learning Management System of the class as well as other platforms utilized by the students cannot be used to advance hate and violence toward others. Violations shall be dealt with accordingly, and legally, if necessary. D. Class Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes in accordance with the schedules set by the university, the department, and the professor. With the resumption of prepandemic policies in the university, rules on attendance and tardiness shall be reimplemented. A fifteen-minute grace period is granted to everyone before being marked late. Arriving beyond the first 30 minutes of the class hours shall be deemed an absence from the session. Attendance cards are handed over during face-to-face opina |2020|ver.3 [01.29.2023] 2 sessions and students must be able to affix their signatures. Failure to do so shall be taken against the student concerned. In addition, for every three cumulative absences incurred, whether consecutive or non-consecutive, in all face-to-face and online synchronous sessions combined, a student shall be required to secure a re-admission slip from the respective department Chair and Dean. Once duly processed, the student shall present the slip together with a commitment letter to attend sessions regularly. Commitment letters must be duly signed by him/her and the parent/guardian. Only upon full compliance shall the student be re-admitted to classes. Compliance of all missed activities shall be subject to the rules on excused absences. Any student who incurs a total of seven absences for MW or TTh classes or a total of ten absences for MWF classes shall be automatically dropped from the class list and shall receive a 5.0 as final grade. Absences from sessions are highly discouraged. In the event that a student cannot make it to class due to a (1) school activity, (2) medical condition, (3) filial responsibilities, and (4) emergency situations that may or may not fall under the three aforementioned cases, shall only be considered excused upon the submission via email of a (1) formal letter signed by the student and duly noted by the parent/guardian together with the (2) applicable valid documentary proof depending on the reason. Only after such compliance may a student be allowed to comply with the requirement missed due to the absence. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the student to know what transpired during the session and comply with any activity missed. E. Course Correspondences & Concerns The official platform for correspondence shall be e-mail. Only official USC email addresses shall be allowed and entertained, unless it is highly impossible due to circumstances beyond the parties’ control. However, the parties may agree on additional platforms to be used subject to the same rules provided in this pledge. Unless the circumstances warrant or otherwise agreed by the parties, correspondences must be made during school and office hours only. When communicating your concerns or interacting via the agreed platform/s, conciseness and concreteness of messages are to be observed. Always use appropriate professional language only and refrain from using profanity, online jargons, politically incorrect remarks, and other similar words. Constructive criticisms are encouraged while sarcasm and distasteful jokes are prohibited. All class-related concerns, such as, but not limited to, questions, clarifications, complaints, violent reactions, and others must be coursed through the class representative only, unless it is very personal and confidential that it must be directly addressed to the learning facilitator only. Correspondence may be done through the provided contact details only. It is highly advised that communication shall only be done through the proper channels and during class hours, unless the circumstance warrants. opina |2020|ver.3 [01.29.2023] 3 Students are highly discouraged from automatically posting rants about the course, the instructor, and the class in general without clarifying the matter first with the teacher. While freedom of speech and expression is respected, any form of irresponsible use of digital platforms shall make students liable for any malicious imputations posted online, regardless if there is the presence or absence of any such malicious intent. F. Grading System For all class activities, whether minor or major tasks and outputs, the cut-off score is 50% of the total number of points set. Every student shall be graded according to Class Standing activities and Major Outputs/Exams required. Depending on the nature of the course, major written exams may not be administered and task incorporating all topics discussed shall instead be given. The students’ grades shall be objectively scored. Rubrics for specific activities shall be provided on Canvas or in person to guide the students. Grades shall always be based on the following components: o Class Standing (CS) Written & Oral Exercises/Seatworks Session Activities Assignments/Research Drafts Objective Quizzes o Major Exams (ME) Revised Drafts Final Research Article Published or Submitted/Acknowledged Article Computation of grades shall be done in the manner indicated in this pledge. Any deviations, if favorable to the students, may be imposed by the learning facilitator, provided that the students be made aware beforehand of such computation prior to implementation. Students shall be allowed to compute their grades based on the scores provided on their Canvas accounts and/or through the preparation of a compilation of graded tasks before the submission of the midterm and final grades. In case of disparity between their computation and that of the learning facilitator, it shall be the right of the student to complain about the matter via agreed correspondence platforms while observing proper decorum. o Midterm Grade (MG): 2/3 CS + 1/3 ME o Tentative-Final Grade (TFG): 2/3 CS + 1/3 ME o Semi-Final Grade (SFG): 1/2 MG + 1/2 TFG o Final Grade: SFG – Incentives* *Incentives: 0.1 deduction for perfect attendance from the start of the implementation of pledge opina |2020|ver.3 [01.29.2023] 4 G. Other Matters The blended learning modality implemented shall mean that student learning shall be through onsite and online. Subject to existing laws and directives from the government, the university, the school, and/or the department, students are highly expected to attend all sessions. Only in highly exceptional circumstances, proven and warranted by the situation, shall exceptions be allowed. For these arrangements, the learning facilitator and the respective department shall be informed of the situation. For online classes, the university’s Learning Management System (LMS) shall be utilized at all times unless the use of external applications are specified and announced to optimize learning. The platform is utilized for academic purposes only. Any illegal or obscene activities practiced or generated through the platform is absolutely disallowed. Sale of any product or service, unrelated to the course, shall not be tolerated. All other inappropriate practices and content proliferated in the platform, not covered by any of the foregoing provisions, shall not be tolerated. Proper sanctions shall be meted to any violations of the student handbook and the course policies. Students must be aware that anything posted online shall forever remain on the web, regardless if such has been posted on the platforms concerned. Thus, students are expected to always think before they click to avoid unfavorable repercussions. Furthermore, matters concerning course assessment learning and grading, attendance, class participation, expected tasks and outputs, and other similar topics are discussed and clarified during the class orientation at the beginning of the term. Anything discussed and agreed during such session shall bind everyone in class, regardless if the student was absent or has not yet been enrolled at the time the session was conducted. Any and all instruction/s discussed and/or presented during on-site and online sessions as well as those posted through the official Learning Management System that functions as a class policy after this Academic Integrity Pledge is signed, shall also bind the students. Provided however, that such instruction/s shall have been properly explained either orally or in writing for easy understanding of the students. Provided further, that such instruction/s do not run counter to any of the provisions stipulated in this Academic Integrity Pledge, unless such instruction/s is adaptive to the changing times or in accordance with new institutional and/or governmental policies implemented within the semester. Finally, accomplishing the Academic Integrity Pledge at the beginning of the term is necessary before the student is allowed to continue with the tasks and activities that will be required in class throughout the term. As this document contains all the general course and classroom policies to be observed this semester, this shall then be considered as a class contract that binds the student to all stipulations. Additionally, this document may be used in any forum, when warranted by the situation, such as, but not limited to, complaints and legal actions among others. opina |2020|ver.3 [01.29.2023] 5 CONFORME By affixing my signature below and on the left margin of every page that precedes this sheet, I am also conscious of the consequences of any form of violation to the provisions herein stipulated, and hereby fully and unconditionally agree and bind myself to the class policies and the rules and regulations as stated within. Furthermore, I attest that all entries I have provided in this Academic Integrity Pledge are true and correct. Any misrepresentations I have made can be used against me in any forum and may be taken into consideration in looking into my standing in this class/course. In case of discrepancies, the original copy of the pledge as uploaded on Canvas by the professor shall prevail and not the student’s signed copy. Recent Photo: 2x2 (5.08 cm x 5.08 cm) Mobile Number: ______________________________ USC E-mail Address: ______________________________ Personal E-mail Address: ___________________________ Present Address: ______________________________ Parent’s / Guardian’s Name: ______________________________ Parent’s / Guardian/s Contact Number: _____________________ ______________________________ Signature over Printed Name ______________________________ Degree Program & Year Level ______________________________ Date Signed opina |2020|ver.3 [01.29.2023] 6