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Spindle Fomad" 1nhibitas SE ViCRÍSTInLE VNBLASTÍNE PexigheradNuply Spindll Bmakdoun fhhiih- PACLITAxEL Spr SIADi hypesensihity RAn. 2 Day. 0 Viner'sin Nevwer Nlanmuo Spcins aniicGnu don cr Tbuln doth aut CA ol Eriolin IMakepilone E s h a m u l h h e Usd in Prostadte canw Topolsomerak Inhibitor-unarty } Topotsome DNa DNA vepta et") lopofsorm I # T tF Etoposide AnThraydlines Tinofecan ColorecYal canew Scholinenic sun 2 absena Mtlodiplah tage preeddny Suweahy Anthnyin Doxonbiun An Daunovrobiun Ceukernis SfEardiotoxie e be 2 Maelutals DexiaOxun prevet carlloboxi pt trcakel Raolihn when hvtn anhroajclines yed neu,swel d dm adiahn-hectleel artur. 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Smal Moltuuley Con be gimm injectebt - Small Moleudn Inhibih ) uint kinaie )Protedtame nhibi'tno c)_PARP tnhebi d) CDKI m a n yc A n e n a) Tymin kinae InkibihukTe) ch+9 Chr 2 CiML abd ina be ta,2 IMATTINAB Philadetphia Chomamat DOCh Chunic ngcaid lukend ImeTINIB Geneal Reop TKI n i b bnau . 3 ector cvall Me1: by miemsUrned en24mn . CML 1 MATINIB DOC N NILOTiNIB D.DASATINi 2Lung Carunoma. Ae AFATINIB ERLOTINÍB CER*TÍNI GEFTINIG 3. Renal cell CA. P A PAzoPAN IB AiTiNÍB SORAFENig SUNÍTINÍ18 Hepatoclllon CA SORAFENIR Dooc S GIST S R SUNITINIB MATNi >Doc REGORA FINIB al vteot ho co ( Rectn! CA 4 Malicnant Melanoma DABREFENIR VEMURAFENIR TRA MELIENÍB ak CA ick-VANDETHNIS b .Proteatome Lnhibitu zoMBIDnys BORTE ZOMi CPREILzOMIR IXA 20NMLB Urecd Myelaoa Multipk ha Ra c)PARP_nhibitm: Poly ADP RTbore nibih bito OLAPARI18 OVenpn ccátpy Lnhibiar d) CDRl crln dependlenf Einaie PALBOCicLIR Brut care Lylin-DKT Rreeutca Monoclond Ab: injectakl Anbcone end eE doegs t mmunouppremis "mob Anhcanur bi- Cetuxi mab Co lorectel CA Panitumumab Colo reetal CA Rituxi nm ab Non- fudlgluin Lm ha Yastuumab Brealt cA Ccordio10x¢ Pertuzumab Breau CA Daratumumab &opL Mulhipk Mjeom Olara humao Sett trigug CA Dav = ImmuxosepTenh n s Stendok 2DnuqA acn_ m coLinawrinpahugy 3) AnhmtabQie. 4)Monoclona) Ab calineuin Pafmney. NERT (nuduar Haeh Achakl T.cath 4Cyclospoun a Caluhuin Tacnumu NEAT(ahate) Nutius IL 6) Packrzutb L-2 uph Rasiliximab mTOR (mamilen farget Rapanur a Twsin kinaje Siolimu) BM EVEum Immundal fuctión mp poiot Tausotjt S[E 7 Cgclospon Nephr hepa tox A BP Syu ipjds Nu Hirsuns m mly by Cyclo undy by TaCve suprerim - = Ant' etabolika M e t h o t r e x a t e Azathioprne Mycophen0kte Moheti! Lehltnonmide Monoclonal antb0olael:- f olmot _ human oUrey mab Tas nof Stabu, so pme, fan pnen SomtSomtMonoclonal added i Ler oae tnd Cept Soura mve animal tmprud,move Animad Humanj u Bom nik alts minimum alleg Chimene Humani2 b-S mkh V. un andn X eperdzu" menocloned Ab ÍNFLIKIMg8 BASILIXIMAR chimene od:nik alliry TRASTUZUMAR 2 humanize Puely humn 1Owu PANTTUMVMAB Tum Target l a t lut S kten Tu lumor Vi Vins ci cirulahm min: allo nik Dav BAC baclema Tox T2xibs O aeN cholotra LioweK(mmauly Tum TRASTUZUMAB CETUXI2AR RIOxima8 PERTUZUMAB Vru PAL VZUMAR SensihI Vieu Rupie ciulation ABCIxIMA Anh- platct2t ol Aneioeneis inhi biy BEYA C1 ZUMA8 peven Bactema REI BAcumAB Toxins BEz/LOoTOxumAB maso AneA LGstndtun dihhid luue Sudenonebrng calihs OBIL TOx AxiMAR Bau 2nhray 0ste0 DENOSUMAB OC9 hyomuolosr nea ALIROCUmAR EvoLDCU MAB OStcoprSi = ate L 20 o m e TNFA N I m m y m m u w s y p e s n h inhibitm Uf_jr Rhemutile Khemeutitle Crohn dtee ADALIMmUNOAB C E R T O L i s z u M p R E ETANERCEPT InhibitnNELÍx*MAR GOLiNIUMAB Goli Maw :D antamit used epor 1L-2 ransplentodicn DACLÍZUMBB BAsiLiKiNMA8 EFALÍZU MAB NATALIzUNMAB nuum fiemoglelbio) Used t PNH (PaxuSma Nociumel mab agwnt C EcULizUNmAB Salyhed Utes_hr Bronchial mab a(ainst aE OMALI2UMAB ANAKINRA 1L-T TocILIZUNMAB 1L-6 SARILUMAB T h i n k Asthma TL76# gst 20 120 ABATA CEPT THALUDOmiDE oshmhn nlibin EvthemqNodesun prrtumENL