COURSE OUTLINE IN TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES (CULTURE AND BASIC GEOGRAPHY) COURSE TITLE : Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades COURSE CODE : TSSEGCULGEO NUMBER OF UNITS : 3 UNITS CONTACT HOURS : 3 HOURS PREREQUISITE : NONE COURSE REQUIREMENTS : Quizzes, reflection paper, research output Written reports, oral presentation and major exams COURSE DESCRIPTION : The course aims to equip the students in the BEED program a strong background in local history and culture. This background serves as an avenue for further inquiry of the available resources in the community for the localization and contextualization of teaching of elementary subjects. Areas to be studied include natural heritage of the locality, tangible and intangible culture that are of great significance to the socioeconomic and political activities of the people in the place. In the end they are expected to come up with the profiling of available cultural resources in the community. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Evaluate the importance of social studies and its purpose in primary educational environments. 2. Describe what powerful social studies looks like and identify important elements of such instruction 3. Explain the role of inquiry, concepts, Big Ideas and Essential Questions in social studies curriculum units. 4. Implement effective instructional strategies for teaching concepts, skills, and attitudes in the elementary classroom. 5. Develop lessons, individualize materials, identify appropriate assessment strategies, and plan unit of study using the formats provided. 6. Evaluate major resources for social studies education and describe trends in the field relevant to teaching in our changing information age society. 7. Describe the importance of local history in teaching social studies 8. Create a profile of the different cultural resources in the local community. COURSE CONTENT PRELIM and MIDTERM 1. Orientation & Course overview 2. The goal of Social Studies 3. A problem approach to social studies 4. K-12 curriculum of the Department of Education 5. Incorporating themes from the standards 6. Constructivism and Social studies 7. What values do you teach? Developing values Character education and citizenship FINALS Character and values Decision making skills Logical thinking and analyzing skills 8. Distinguish facts from Speculations, Conclusion from opinion, fantasy from reality truth from falsehood Incorporating thinking and learning skills in social studies 9. Teachers pedagogical knowledge: understanding the process of historical inquiry 10. Understanding primary geography 11. Exploring geography teaching and curriculum GRADING SYSTEM (Campus ++): Class Standing: 70% Major Exams: 30% Passing Percentage for Professional and major subjects: 60% REFERENCES: Brophy, J. (2018). Powerful social studies : for elementary students. Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Catling, S. (2018). Understanding and teaching primary geography (2nd ed.). New York. Routledge. Catling, S. and Willy, T. (2018). Understanding and teaching primary geography(2nd ed.). Washington D.C.: Sage Publishing. Copper, H. (2018) .History 5-11: A guide for teachers(3rd ed.). London: Routledge Russell, W.B. (2018). Essentials of elementary social studies (5th ed.). London: Routledge. K-12 Deped Araling panlipunan curriculum guide (2016).retrieved