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Imperative Sentences: 7th Grade English Lesson Plan

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI, Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
DLP Number
Learning Area:
Learning Competency/ies:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide)
Key Concepts / Understanding to be
Adapted Cognitive
Process Domain
2. Content
3. Learning Resources
4.1 Introductory Activity
(5 minutes)
4.2 Activity/ Strategy
(5 minutes)
4.3 Analysis
(5 minutes)
4.4 Abstraction
(15 minutes)
Grade Level:
June 8, 2023
45 mins
Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources
when orally giving information, instructions, making
explanations and narrating events in personal or factual EN7OL-IV-f-3.10
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.
1. Objectives
Define imperative sentences.
Differentiate positive imperatives and negative imperatives.
Demonstrate the given imperatives or instructions.
Assess the given imperatives whether it is a positive or negative
Develop their own classroom rules through poster making.
Appreciate the importance of imperatives towards social order inside the
classroom or in the community.
Follow the rules imposed inside the classroom or within the community.
Type of Sentence: Imperative Sentence
Powerpoint Presentation, Teacher’s made activity sheet
4. Procedures
 Opening Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Mood Setting Activity
Bato , Bato-Bato, Batotoy Game
The learners will follow what the teacher says the instructions posted on
the board/ monitor. Those who fails to follow the instruction will be out of
the game. This will be males vs. females’ game. The group with the most
number of players left after 3 rounds will be the winner. (GAD, PE)
 Bato – Do not move.
 Bato- Bato – Place both hands on your hips.
 Batotoy – Move your hips sideways
 The students will read again the given instructions.
 The students will be asked the following guide questions:
- Did you follow the instructions correctly?
- Can we consider these instructions as sentences?
- What is a sentence?
- What is the purpose of these sentences? Is it to inform, ask
or instruct?
- What type of sentence gives advice or instruction?
 Imperative Sentence- is a type of sentence that gives advice or
instructions that express request or command.
- Put it down now!
- Please clean your room.
- Consider eating more vegetables rather than meat.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI, Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Let’s Practice Activity 1! – The learners will identify whether the following
sentences are imperatives or not. This will be done orally.
1. Please don’t do that!
2. The sun is a giant star. (Science)
3. Add two cups of water in it.
4. Wash your hands before eating. (Health)
5. We celebrate Independence Day every 12th of June. (A.P)
Discuss the answers through the following guide questions:
1. Which sentences are considered as imperatives? Why?
2. Which among the imperatives expresses a command or request that
should be done?
3. Which among the imperatives expresses a command or request that
shouldn’t be done?
 Positive Imperative- to form a positive imperative, use the
base form of the verb.
- Read the book.
- Speak english.
 Negative Imperative- use “do not + the base form of the
verb” to form a negative imperative.
- Do not come here.
- Don’t sit!
Let’s Practice Activity 2! – The learners will make imperatives based on the
pictures shown and will identify if it is positive or negative imperative.
4.5 Application
(5 minutes)
With the use of imperatives, the students will make a short skit out
of the given scenarios. This will be done by group.
2 members will act out the skit and the rest of the members will
have to identify the imperatives used and whether it is a positive or
negative imperative.
Situation 1(Telling a personal problem): You found out that your son failed
a test in Math. What will you say to know the reason behind it?
Situation 2 (Getting help in decision making): Your daughter needs an
advice about what course to pick in college.
4.6 Assessment
(10 minutes)
Situation 3 (Asking for help for a homework): Your friend needs your help
to answer a specific problem in your homework. What will you say?
Problem: Charlene had a pack of 35 pencil crayons. She gave 6 to her friend
Theresa. She gave 3 to her friend Mandy. How many pencil crayons does
Charlene have left?
Learning Activity Sheet
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI, Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Identify the following imperatives whether it is positive or negative. Inside
the box, write the addition symbol (+) for positive and the subtraction symbol
for negative and rewrite the sentences into its opposite form.
1. Keep distance!
2. Do not fall in line.
3. Step on the grass.
4. Trust the process.
5. Don't eat junk food!
6. Do not make any noise.
7. Please put your dishes in the sink.
8. Collect the trash into the plastic bag!
9. Speak softly when you answer the question.
10. Please do not take the activities in your
modules for granted.
4.7 Assignment
4.8 Wrap-up/Concluding Activity
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
Prepared by:
Teacher Applicant
The students will create their own classroom rule and make a
poster or symbol about it guided with the rubrics. (Art)
They will be using a long bond paper for their output.
The students will present their poster to the class and should
answer the following question.
- What form of imperative did you use? Is it positive or
- What makes it positive/negative?
- What is an imperative sentence?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI, Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Rubrics for Poster Making
1. Graphic Relevance
2. Originality
3. Required Elements
4. Attractiveness
5. Grammar
6. Use of class time
All graphics are related to the topic and
make it easier to understand. All
borrowed graphics have a source citation.
Several of the graphics used on the poster
reflect a exceptional degree of student
creativity in their creation and/or display.
The poster includes all required elements
as well as additional information.
The poster is exceptionally attractive in
terms of design, layout, and neatness.
There are no grammatical mistakes on the
Used time well during each class period.
Focused on getting the project done.
Never distracted others.
Points Score