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Media and Information Literacy Test

NAME: _______________________________
SCORE: _______________
1. When a message is transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system, the process is called?
A. Encoding
B. Noise
C. Decoding
D. Interpretation
2. It is the ability effectively and efficiently comprehend and use written symbols:
A. Literacy
B. Alliteration C. Illiteracy
D. Literature
3. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you’re using. You should;
A. shut down your PC
B. just ignore whatever it is
C. report to the moderator of the site
D. literature
4. What is censorship?
A. When cyber bullying occurs
B. When false and deceiving information is us ed to trick others.
C. When someone tries to in fluence the opinions or be saviors of others.
D. When information is suppressed or deleted to hinder freedom of speech.
5. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of an author.
A. copyrighting
B. plagiarism
C. net addiction
D. cyber bullying
6. Is it possible that different individual derives a different meaning from the message?
A. Yes, because he or she is coming from a different point of view and/or background
B. Yes , because so metimes inform ation is unclear.
C. Yes, because most of the time people don’t want to understand.
D. Yes , because strate gies in understandin g were not introduced
7. All of the statements about traditional media are correct EXCEPT?
A. Media experience is limited.
B. Sense receptors are very specific.
C. Integrates all aspects of old media.
D. Existed before the adve nt of internet.
8. It is a form of electronic communication through which people create online communities.
A. Mass media
B. New Media
C. Transmedia
D. Social Media
9. A media and information Literate individual is someone who:
A. thinks critically
B. thinks irrationally
C. thinks unethically
D. thinks immorally
10. What organization cites the importance of media and information literacy in the modern world?
B. Media Quest Holdings C. Press Alliance
D. Foundation for Media Alternatives
11. These are conventions, formats and symbols which indicate the meaning of media messages.
A. Media Education B. Media Literacy
C. Media Convergence D. Media Languages
12. Which of the following is not included in considering information ACCURACY?
A. content must be grammatically correct
B. Sources and references must be cited.
C. Does tone and style implied properly.
D. Author’s name is easily visible.
13. How did Facebook changed our lives in a good way?
A. We care less about our privacy.
B. Facebook changed the definition of friend.
C. Facebook has created online jobs and opportunities.
D. Facebook created negative effects on culture as well as in society.
14. DZMM, DZBB, DZME, DZRH and RADYO PATROL are examples of?
A. Print media
B. Broadcast Media
C. Film
D. New Media
15. Video Games can also be considered as type of media. Why is it possible?
A. Because it affects hu man behavior like social media did.
B. Because it’s been a means in which people are entertained.
C. Because video games have features that enable comm indication.
D. Because Millennials must be in a trend.
16. This type of literacy identifies what the information is for, where to find it, and how to evaluate it.
A. Media Literacy
B. Technology Literacy
C. Information Literacy
D. All of the Above
17. This type of literacy evaluates different media forms and how can they be analyzed, evaluated, and created to send out
messages efficiently and ethically.
A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Technology Literacy D. All of the Above
18. This type of literacy can access, manage, and integrate technologies to create and communicate information.
A. Information Literacy
B. Technology Literacy
C. Information Literacy
D. All of the Above
19. People discovered fire and developed paper from plants. This is in what age of the evolution of media?
A. Pre-industrial age
B. industrial age
C. electronic age
D. information age
20. It is characterized by internet that paved the way for faster communication and the creation of social network.
A. pre-industrial age
B. industrial age
C. electronic age
D. information age
21. People use the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron-production and the manufacturing of various
A. pre-industrial age
B. industrial age
C. electronic age
D. information age
22. Electronic age is characterized by the invention of transistor that lasts from ____?
A. 1900s-2000s
B. 1930s-1980s
C. 1700s-1930s
D. before 1700s
23. The following are media used in pre-industrial age EXCEPT...?
A. cave paintings
B. papyrus
C. metal printing press
D. Acta Diurna
24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about pre-industrial age?
A. People have learned how to make tools out stones.
B. Paper is made from papyrus.
C. China has the oldest newspaper which is the Dibao.
D. People used typewriter as tool for communication
25. The following platforms signal the information age EXCEPT___?
A. Television
B. Blogs
C. you tube
D. wearable technology
26. Which of the following statements is TRUE about industrial age?
A. People stored information through cave paintings.
B. The means of communication is by electronic devices.
C. Books were published through printing press.
D. People used portable computer laptops.
27. The following are media used to share and store information during the industrial age EXCEPT___?
A. mainframe computers such as IBM 704
B. newspaper- The London Gazette
C. telegraph
D. punch car
28. Which of the following medium is used during the electronic age?
A. clay tablets
B. virtual reality
C. cloud and big data
D. LCD projectors
29. Which of the following is NOT a wearable technology?
A. fitness tracking bands
B. smart watch
C. implantable such as pacemaker
D. regular jewelry
30. It is the function of media wherein people are given chances to share ideas, speculate, tell stories and give information.
A. Media as a watchdog.
B. Media as a resource center.
C. Media as a channel.
D. Media as an advocate.
31. It is the function of media where it gives opportunity to bridge the gaps of digital divide.
A. Media as an advocate.
B. Media as a channel.
C. Media as a resource center. D. Media as a watchdog.
32. It is the function of media wherein corrupt practices of the government and private sectors are exposed to the public that
gives the opportunity for the governed to scrutinize the government or leadership.
A. Media as a resource center.
B. Media as a watchdog.
C. Media as an advocate.
D. Media as a channel.
33. Myla searches for journal articles that she will used for her research paper, in google scholar. Moreover, she browses the
internet on how to cite her references so as not to commit plagiarism. This shows that media functions as _____?
A. an advocate
B. as a channel
C. as a resource center
D. as a watchdog
34. A market transition that is taking advantage of the reduced cost in connecting things in the internet.
A. IoT
B. IPv6
C. Mobility
D. Cloud computing
35. These are issued daily, weekly of regular time.
A. newspaper
B. journals
C. videos
D. print media
_______36. An information literate person should first understand the question to figure out the type of information sources
he or she needed.
_______37. Information needed only comes from one source or method only.
_______38. An information literate person cannot do anything in his society since it only entails researching on ideas instead
of acting up on it.
_______39. Information cannot be shared or learned upon if a person cannot understand what it is about.
_______Media is a collection of communication mediums such as radio, television, newspaper, and the Internet
_______41. A media literate person understands that media shows unbiased messages and is a reliable source of information
as it is.
_______A media literate person understands which media is appropriate and the processes how media is created
_______A technology literate person cannot learn every technology available out there, but can have competencies in
machines and techniques related to his/her field
_______44. Media, Information, and Technology Literacy are three separate entities and should be studies and treated as
_______Being able to assess, evaluate information, critically thinking and using the information effectively, and creating
messages are the important aspects of Media, Information, and Technology literacies.