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SaaS Deal Approval & Data Processing Quiz

1. You can get a DAS approval for a SaaS deal without a solution review
Correct, Every SaaS deal must be accompanied by an approved solution review for DAS
(1/1) Points
2. Which deals have to undergo a solution review process
License deals
SaaS Services deals
Consulting deals
Deals above a certain value
All types of deals
Correct, SaaS Services deals have to undergo a solution review process
(1/1) Points
3. Customer is the Processer and Oracle is the Controller for the Processing of
Personal Information as part of the provisioning of the SaaS Services.
Correct, Customer is the Controller and Oracle is the Processor for the Processing of
Personal Information as part of the provisioning of the SaaS Services.
(1/1) Points
4. DAS approvers do the solution review of a SaaS deal
Correct, FSGBU Technology office does the solution review of a SaaS deal
(1/1) Points
5. Which of the following document identifies Oracle's contractual obligations as it
relates to the processing of Personal Information
Oracle cloud hosting & delivery policy document
Oracle data processing agreement document
Oracle DR practice document
Oracle Software Security Assurance Policies & Practices
Correct, Oracle data processing agreement document identifies Oracle�s contractual
obligations as it relates to the processing of Personal Information
6. Cloud customer data is classified as Confidential Restricted or Highly Restricted
Correct, Cloud customer data is classified as Confidential Restricted or Highly Restricted
(1/1) Points
7. Which of the following in Oracle is responsible for setting up a business-resiliency
framework to help provide an efficient response to business interruption events affecting
Oracle's operations.
The Risk Management and Resiliency Program (RMRP)
EU GDPR Regulations
GBU Risk & Compliance
Oracle Software Security Assurance Policies & Practices
Incorrect, Oracle's Risk Management and Resiliency Program (RMRP) is responsible for
setting up a business-resiliency framework
(0/1) Points
8. Pick the deal characteristics reviewed in a solution review call
Review of Pricing
Review of functional fitment
Review of Deal Structure
Review of non functional fitment
Review of discounts
Incorrect, Solution review call inovolves review of functional and non functional fitment
(0/1) Points
9. Completing solution review templates is an important step in the solution review
Correct, Completing solution review templates is an important step in the solution review
(1/1) Points
10. OSOC, or Oracle Security Oversight committee, oversees the implementation of
Oracle-wide security programs, including security and privacy policies and procedures
Correct, OSOC, or Oracle Security Oversight committee, oversees the implementation of
Oracle-wide security programs, including security and privacy policies and procedures