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Solid Mechanics Final Exam - Spring 2022

Final-Term Exam, Solid Mechanics, Spring 2022
All solids are assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic, and linear elastic. Ignore the
material weight as far as it is not specified in each problem. Provide the answers
with the given unit (mandatory).
1. (25 pts) For the element shown below,
determine the range of values of 𝜏π‘₯𝑦 for
which the maximum tensile stress is equal to
or less than 60 MPa (Unit: MPa)
3. (25 pts) A bracket 𝐴𝐡𝐢𝐷 with a solid
circular cross-section has the allowable
bending stress of 30 MPa. Determine the
minimum permissible diameters for each
case 𝑑A and 𝑑B . (Unit: mm)
2. (25 pts) The self-weight loading along the
centerline of the airplane wing is shown
below. If the wing is fixed to point A, draw
the shear force diagram and bending
moment diagram for the wing, respectively.
(Unit: kN, kN·m)
4. (25 pts) The following image shows the
cantilevered triangular plate of constant
thickness t. The plate is made of material
having an elastic modulus of E. Express the
maximum deflection at point B using the
symbols (b, t, L, w, E).