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Toastmasters Meeting Script: Obstacles to Opportunities

Thank you TM Shikher for the introduction.It is my pleasure to serve as the
Toastmaster of the day today.
Before introducing the theme of the day, let me explain the agenda of the meeting to
the guest of the day.
Toastmasters meeting in general is divided into 3 sessions.
The first session is the Prepared speech session
The second one is the Table Topic speech session
And the last is the evaluation or the feedback session.
Now I call all the role players to introduce themselves.
The Ah Counter, Grammarian, Timer , General Evaluator introduces themselves and
explained their role.
After this
Before we start with the Prepared speech , let me talk about the theme of the day.
Todays theme is : Obstacles to Opportunities
Considering the theme of the day , I would like to tell you a short story —
Once upon a time , there was was a wealthy and a curios king named Chatur.He
always used to surprise his subjects with his actions.Once he decided to test his
fellow subjects.One night he placed a huge stone right in the middle of the road
which directly goes towards his court.
Early in the morning when the king council was about to start , few of his fellow court
council members were the first to come.Then were the king’s wealthiest merchants
and then the subjects whose problems were to be solved.
Surprisingly none of them tried to move the stone.Some started blaming the king for
not maintaining the road.All the subjects loved their king a lot.There was a Potter in
the town.The Potter was an amazing artist as well.He made a beautiful statue of
King Chatur and that day he came to present it to the king.As soon as he was about
to enter the court he saw the stone.He put the statue aside and tried to move the
stone to the side and finally after a lot of effort he finally succeeded.A small bag was
lying beanith the stone. He then went inside the court towards the king.
Before telling what the king said…let us start with the Prepared speech session.
Today TM Sabah is giving her icebreaker speech and TM Vishnu is the evaluator of
her speech.I call TM Vishnu on stage to read the objectives of Sabah’s speech.
After the objectives are read out —
Thank you! TM Vishnu
Now I welcome TM Sabah to present her speech.
After the icebreaker speech finished —
That was really an amazing Icebreaker Sabah.
After the prepared speech session, I asked the timer whether speakers has qualified
or not and vote.To keep the audience engaging I continued the paused story in by
saying —
Meanwhile let me continue with the story ,
The Potter took the bag and the statue and gave to the king .King Chatur was
amazed and glad to see the kind and generous act of the Potter.He asked him to
open the bag .The bag was stuffed with lot of gold coins and a note from king..The
king note said that the bag was a reward for moving the stone from the road. The
Potter was very happy.
The king also announced that the artist will take the contract to paint the kingdom
that year.
In this story , an obstacle which seemed to be a problem for the rest turned out to be
an opportunity for the poor artist.
So does happens in our lives , there are many obstacles that we may face in our
lives but it is upto us how we face them and turn it to an opportunity to succeed in
our life.
Now let us begin with the next session of the speech.
I call TM Shikher to address the table topics session.
After TTM session finished.
That was really an interesting TT session.
Then I asked the timer who has qualified and ask members to vote.
Meanwhile I would like to highlight the names of few people who overcome obstacles
in life and achieved great success.
It was Walt Disney who overcame poverty and became the world's leading producers
and providers if entertainment.
He was Abraham Lincoln who overcame chronic depression in life and served as the
President of America in his life.
She was Hellen Keller who was the first blind deaf person to earn Bachelor degree in
arts and become a prominent author, activist and lecturer.
And he is Nick Vujicic who is having a rare disorder of absence of arms and legs..but
is a swimmer and a motivational speaker .
And there lot many more.
Eventually they are obstacles who might lead to opportunities if we face them…else
a problem to move forward towards our dreams if we do not face them.
Now let is start the last session of the day,
The evaluation session.
All the evaluators read out their report.The audience voted for best speaker , best
Table Topic speaker and best Role player. After all the sessions finished, I handed
over the stage to the President of the club by saying —
Now I hand over the stage to the President of our club , TM Shikher to address the
vote of thanks .
Thank you ..!!