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PhD Position: Structural Mechanics, University of Ljubljana

of Ljubljana
of Civil and Geodetic
Jamova 2, p.o.b. 3422
1115 Ljubljana, Slovenia
telephone +386 1 47 68 500
fax +386 1 42 50 681
PhD position at the Chair of Mechanics
A call for a PhD position at the Chair of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering,
University of Ljubljana is now opened: https://www.uni-lj.si/study/young-researchers/ as a part
of the centralised call for young researchers. A short description of this position is provided
Country: Slovenia
Institution: Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana
Start date: October 1st, 2023
General information
The position is formally a full-time job with a fixed-term contract with the duration of four
The enrolment in the doctoral study programme “Built Environment” (https://www.en.fgg.unilj.si/study/3rd-cycle-study-programmes/built-environment-phd/) is required and the research
work within the group Chair of Mechanics (https://www.en.fgg.uni-lj.si/departments-andchairs/chair-of-mechanics/) is expected.
Work environment
The position is at the Research group Chair of Mechanics at Faculty of Civil and Geodetic
Engineering, University of Ljubljana. The group investigates the stability and dynamics of
structures, develops new finite elements and numerical formulations of non-linear problems in
mechanics, studies and develops mathematical models for reinforced concrete, composite and
polymer structures, develops stochastic methods and their application in reliability analysis,
analyses fire safety of steel and reinforced concrete buildings, moisture diffusion in wood
structures... The wide knowledge and research results within the research group represent an
excellent starting point for the early stage researcher. The PhD candidate will be supervised by
Prof. Dejan Zupan.
The supervisor and his research group offer the candidate excellent working conditions for
study and research work, creative, competitive and friendly environment and opportunities for
scientific discussions with scientists from Slovenia and abroad, and appropriate research
equipment and software. The doctoral thesis would be a continuation and extension of the
previous results of the research group with an emphasis on the present challenges in modelling
of layered structures with the possibility of delamination.
We are looking for candidates who are interested in study and research challenges and have
relevant knowledge in the field of modelling, equation solving and programming. Appropriate
background is the completion of the second level studies in civil engineering, mechanical
engineering, mathematics, physics or similar with sufficient content of engineering mechanics
and structural modelling.
Applicant requirements
- formal conditions as stated at https://www.uni-lj.si/study/young-researchers/;
- graduate degree in the field of technical sciences, mathematics or physics;
- high standard of spoken and written English;
- online submission of application https://studij.uni-lj.si/MR/english/mr_prva.asp
Additional information
For additional information about research and education activities please contact
Professor Dejan Zupan, e-mail Dejan.Zupan@fgg.uni-lj.si.