ROBOTEK: MBOT RANGER MOBILE PROGRAMMING GRADE 7 Safety First When working, always remember! SAFETY FIRST! Always remember and make sure that your hands are dry (use working gloves if necessary). Make sure your working areas are clean. NO Liquid materials or Drinks NO Conductible material near work area Make sure you know where the first aid kit are place. Always triple Check your work *Connections *Wiring *Program Codes Read the schematic diagram carefully MODULE 1: ALL ABOUT ROBOTS SESSION 1:ROBOTS AND MACHINES SESSION OBJECTIVES: At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Define what is a robot; give some examples of a machine; cite some examples and applications of a simple machine in our daily life. Classify robots as autonoAmous/a.i HISTORY OF MACHINES Once upon a time a person needed to move something heavy. He or she picked up a long stick and stuck it under the edge of the heavy object and then pushed down on the other end of the stick. And the first simple machine was invented. Simple machines are just that. The simplest form of using one thing to accomplish something faster or better. A tool. They were the first ones created and we still use them today. WHAT IS A MACHINE? A MACHINE is a device which is made up of one or more parts and requires energy to perform a particular task. James Albert Bonsack's cigarette rolling machine, invented in 1880 and patented in 1881 Examples of Machines Photocopier Automobile Generator Vending machine Sewing machine Clock Blender WHAT IS A SIMPLE MACHINE? A SIMPLE MACHINE is a mechanically simple device which uses leverage to multiply the force put into it. The windlass is a well-known application of the wheel and axle. Examples of Simple Machines · · · · Simple Machine Pulley Wheel and axel Wedge Lever Definition Application Uses wheels and rope to raise or lower an object. Used to carry heavy loads easily over long distances. Wishing well, crane Wheelbarrow, bicycle Used to separate objects or secure these. Used to move a heavy load at one end when a lighter load is placed at the other end. Essentially an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder in a · Screw spiral. · Inclined Plane Any slope or ramp, inclined at an angle to the horizontal, which makes transporting heavy objects easier than directly lifting these. Pick axe, shovel Seesaw, door knob Screw, cork screw Ladder, slide THE PULLEY The pulley is actually a version of a wheel and axle that is combined with a rope, chain or other cord to allow moving something up and down or back and forth. The pulley can be combined with other pulleys to reduce the amount of work necessary to lift huge amounts of weight or to lower them down. Wheel and Axle A simple machine which is made up of two circular objects, a large disc and a small cylinder, both of which are connected at their centers. The disc is called the wheel, and the cylindrical object or rod is the axle. Both need to be joined to create this simple machine. WEDGE A triangular tool, often made of metal, wood, stone or plastic. It is thick on one end and tapers to a thin or sharp edge on the other end. Technically it is an inclined plane (or two inclined planes put together to form a triangle) that moves. LEVER The lever is a long tool such as a pole or a rod put under an object to lift it. The lever is more efficient when combined with a fulcrum. SCREW The screw is really a twisted inclined plane. It allows movement from a lower position to a higher position but at the same time it moves it in a circle. That makes it take up less horizontal space. A screw can also act to hold things togeth er in some cases. INCLINED PLANE The inclined plane is simply a ramp. One end is higher than the opposite end. This allows things to go from a low point to a higher point. Or vice versa. It takes the same amount of work, but less force, to move an object up a ramp than to move it vertically. ROBOT WHAT IS A ROBOT? A Robot is a machine —especially one programmable by a computer— which can carry out a potentially complex series of actions on its own. Robots can be guided by an external control device or by a program imbedded in its computer memory. Robots may be constructed to take human form but the forms of most robots follow the function they are designed to perform. Common elements which make up a robot are the controller, manipulator, and end-effector that is what is most associated with industrial robots, like a robotic arm which welds car parts together. Types of robots Industrial robots Household robots Medical robots Service robots Military robots Entertainment robots Space exploration robots Hobby and competition robots Industrial robots HOUSEHOLD ROBOTS WHAT IS ROBOTICS? ROBOTICS is the field of science and technology which deals with how robots are designed, constructed and operated. Robotic Arm Example of robotic products Drones Microbots Androids Asimo Nao Jibo Roomba Aibo WHAT IS MEANT BY “AUTONOMOUS?” Autonomous, in robotics, refers to a robot’s capability to perform the tasks set to it without the need for constant outside supervision, such as from a human Example of autonomous robots: Delivery robot – a robot that can deliver a parcel to a given address while navigating such real world concerns as landscape, traffic and weather. Space exploration robot – a robot which is used to explore other planets and various phenomena related to outer space. These need to be autonomous because of the time lag, which can be as long as minutes or hours, between the time a signal is sent from the Earth to the satellite, and vice versa. Social robot – a robot designed to socialize with humans, such as one designed to look and act like a pet. Maintenance robot – a robot that is intended to work environments which could be dirty or dangerous to humans, such as in sewers or in mines. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? Artificial Intelligence - a branch of computer science which deals enabling a machine or a robot to imitate intelligent human behavior. Examples of Artificial Intelligence Technology the 21st century Siri, a popular personal assistant offered by Apple in iPhone and iPad, uses machine-learning technology to enable it to better understand natural language questions and requests over time. Tesla Autopilot is a car driver assistant which enables a car to operate autonomously in limited environments. Cogito is an AI software which analyzes voice calls to assist call centers when the latter’s employees deal with those customers calling in. Flying drones are probably some of the best-known robots in use today. Autonomous versions of these use AI to control construction projects, and in the near future to deliver products and help with reporting the news. PRACTICE EXERCISES I. List down 5 examples of a machine. 1.___________________ 2.___________________ 3.___________________ 4.___________________ 5.___________________ II. Identify the correct simple machine used in the ff. objects. 1. crane: __________ 6. Pick axe: __________ 2. shovel: __________ 7. cork screw: __________ 3. Wheelbarrow: __________ 8. Wishing well: __________ 4. Seesaw: __________ 9. bicycle: __________ 5. Flat Screw: __________ 10. door knob: __________ III. Write A if the robot is Autonomous and AI if the robot is classified as Artificial Intelligence. _____1. Maintenance robot – is a robot that is intended to work environments which could be dirty or dangerous to humans, such as in sewers or in mines. _____2. Siri, a popular personal assistant offered by Apple in iPhone and iPad, uses machine-learning technology to enable it to better understand natural language questions and requests over time. _____3. Tesla Autopilot is a car driver assistant which enables a car to operate autonomously in limited environments. _____4. Social robot – a robot designed to socialize with humans, such as one designed to look and act like a pet. _____5. Flying drones are probably some of the best-known robots in use today. SESSION 2: THE MBOT RANGER AND ITS FORMS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Familiarize with the mBot ranger and its three forms Identify the components of an mBot ranger; Learn to use the proper working tools and equipment correctly. DISCUSSION: INTRODUCTION TO THE MBOT RANGER The mBot Ranger is a three-in-one robot kit which can be configured into three forms: a robotank , a three wheeled racing car and a self-balancing car. Programming and controlling the mBot Ranger can be done through smart phones, tablets or computers. LIST OF PARTS Proper Working Tools and Equipment PRACTICE EXERCISES I. Name the ff. mBot: 1. 2. 3. II. Match the parts of an mBot to its correct image. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. _____1. Plate T-Type _____2. Nut m4 _____3. Track _____4. USB cable _____5. Hex and Cross screwdriver _____6. Wrench _____7. 62T Wheel _____8. Ultrasonic sensor _____9. Me Auriga _____10. Encoder motor wire III. Activity: Loosen, Tighten Demonstrate how to loosen and tighten a screw and nut using the proper tools by following the schematic SESSION 3: GETTING TO KNOW THE ME AURIGA MICROCONTROLLER SESSION OBJECTIVES: At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Recognize the critical components of Me Auriga Microcontroller Identify the Port no., Tag color, Compatible module types, and Typical ME modules on the ME Auriga’s Interface. THE ME AURIGA MICROCONTROLLER Features Supports DC motors, stepper Onboard gyroscope, sound sensor, passive buzzer and temperature sensor. Can drive two encoder motors and • PORT5 – PORT10 have shortsupport over-current protection circuit protection and overfor 4A (instant). current protection for 3A. Supports Bluetooth and Bluetooth • PORT1 – PORT4 have shortwireless upgrade firmware. circuit protection and overOne-key power switch to control current protection for 3.5A. the whole circuit. • USB port with antistatic protection. PORT5 – PORT10 support continuous 5V DC and 4A output • Compatible with ARDUINO IDE. (max 3A) • Compatible with RJ25 network port. PORT1 – PORT4 support motors, servo controllers, smart servos, encoder motors, etc continuous 3.5A output (max 5A) INTRODUCTION TO PORTS ME AURIGA’S INTERFACE PRACTICE EXERCISES II.Complete the table by filling in all the information required for the ME Auriga Interface. (10pts) II.Complete the table by filling in all the information required for the ME Auriga Interface. (10pts) SESSION 4: THE SENSORS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify the different types of sensors Determine the function of the different types of sensors. Cite some applications of sensors in our lives. LIGHT SENSOR The Me Auriga has two on-board light sensors, which measure the intensity (brightness) of the light shines on these; the brighter the light, the higher the signal. The light sensors can be used to make an intelligent dimming lamp, a light-avoiding robot and a light-following robot. SOUND SENSOR The Me Auriga’s sound sensor is designed to detect the intensity of sound in the surrounding environment. It can deliver output analog values ranging from 0 to 1023 and can be used in such sound interactive projects as a voice operated switch. GYROSCOPE SENSOR The Ranger’s on-board gyroscope sensor is a motion processing module which measures both the linear and angular rates of acceleration. It can be used together with the encoder motor to build a self-balancing car. TEMPERATURE SENSOR The Ranger's on-board temperature sensor contains a tiny thermometer (a Negative Temperature Coefficient of resistance – NTC – thermistor) that detects the temperature of the surroundings. ULTRASONIC SENSOR The Me Ultrasonic Sensor is an electronic module that sends out an ultrasonic wave, listens to the return signal and then determines the distance between the sensor and an object based on the time it took for the signal to be sent out and then to be detected. Ultrasonic sensors have numerous applications in the real world, such as proximity alarms and as parking assistance sensors for cars. This Me Ultrasonic Sensor can be attached to the port with yellow tags on Me Auriga. LINE FOLLOWER SENSOR The Me Line Follower module enables the robot to detect lines or nearby objects. The module has two sensors, each of which consists of an IR emitting LED and an IR sensitive phototransistor. By measuring the amount of reflected infrared light, the module can detect transitions from light to dark, particularly lines, as well as objects directly in front of it. This module can be connected to the port with blue tags on Me Auriga. PRACTICE EXERCISES I. Identify the type of sensor being descibed. __________1. It is a module that enables the robot to detect lines or nearby objects. The module has two sensors, each of which consists of an IR emitting LED and an IR sensitive phototransistor. __________2. An electronic module that sends out an ultrasonic wave, listens to the return signal and then determines the distance between the sensor and an object based on the time it took for the signal to be sent out and then to be detected. __________3.A sensor that is a motion processing module which measures both the linear and angular rates of acceleration. __________4. A sensor designed to detect the intensity of sound in the surrounding environment. __________5. It is a type of sensor which measures the intensity (brightness) of the light; the brighter the light, the higher the signal. II. Essay: Choose a sensor and give instances how it can be used along with different mechanical objects. Give specific examples and explain your answer. (10pts) SESSION 5:IDENTIFYING BATTERIES SESSION OBJECTIVES: At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify basic information about batteries. (types, sizes, battery information) Determine indications that the batteries have become weak and needs replacement Practice safety procedures in using and replacing batteries. BATTERY BASIC INFORMATION A BATTERY is a device which converts the chemical energy stored in its cells into electrical energy. Batteris are used to power such devices as flashlights, smartphones, and electric cars. Types of Batteries Nickel cadmium (NiCd) – used in cordless phones and for electric vehicles. Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) – used for flashlights and in electric plug-in vehicles. Lead-acid – used in cars, backup power supplies and diesel-electric submarines. Lithium-ion – used in mobile phones, power tools and electric vehicles such as electric cars. Lithium polymer – used in mobile devices and radio-controlled aircraft. USING BATTERIES SAFELY IMPORTANT BATTERY INFORMATION: Use only fresh batteries of the required size and recommended type. Do not mix old and new batteries, or different types of batteries. Replace all batteries of the same type/brand at the same time. Do not short-circuit the battery terminals. Remove exhausted batteries from the robot. Remove batteries if the robot is not going to be operated for a long period time. LOW BATTERY INDICATORS: The following phenomena are indications that the Ranger batteries have become weak. REPLACING BATTERIES- RANGER Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Nervous Bird Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Dashing Raptor Step 1 Step 2 PRACTICE EXERCISES Identify the type of battery based on where it is being used. __________1. batteries used in mobile devices and radio-controlled aircraft. __________2. batteries used in cordless phones and for electric vehicles. __________3. batteries used in mobile phones, power tools and electric vehicles such as electric cars. __________4. batteries used for flashlights and in electric plug-in vehicles. __________5. batteries used in cars, backup power supplies and dieselelectric submarin MODULE 2: EXPLORING THE MBOT RANGER SESSION 6:BUILDING THE MBOT RANGER SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Assemble the mBot ranger by following the given procedures needed for its assembly. Install proper wiring on the mBot by connecting the correct mBot components with its corresponding mCore connector port. Exhibit collaborative work in assembling the mBot ASSEMBLING THE MBOT RANGER- LAND RAIDER ASSEMBLING THE MBOT RANGER WIRING THE MBOT RANGER Practice exercises Teams will present the progress of their mBot’s construction and shall be rated according to the rubric . SESSION 7: SETTING UP THE MAKEBLOCK APP SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Determine how to install the makeblock app and connect mBot Ranger via Bluetooth. follow visual instructions using mobile app. Drive the mBot ranger using the mobile app via Bluetooth. INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE MAKEBLOCK APP FROM THE GOOGLE PLAY STORE An Android smartphone/tablet must be used, as the Makeblock app requires that the Android operating system be of at least version 4.3. The device must also be Bluetooth ready, as the mBot will connect to the device via Bluetooth. Once you are sure that the internet connection is stable, open the Google Play Store and search for Makeblock. Download the app and wait for it to install. After installation, open the app. A splash screen will then appear. Clickable options will then appear. Swipe to the left to show the other options. USING BLUETOOTH TO CONNECT WITH THE MBOT RANGER The Android device now needs to be connected to the mBot Ranger. Make sure that the batteries on the mBot are full or that their charge is still okay. Low batteries may lead to an unstable connection or to no connection at all. Turn on the mBot and click on the Bluetooth icon at the right-top-corner. The devices would then auto-connect after the app finishes searching for the mBot. The Bluetooth icon will change color once the connection is already stable. Once the robot is connected, go to Play and select from any of the following options to interact with the robot. PRACTICE EXERCISES Activity I. Write down the steps necessary to set up the Makeblock app and connect it via Bluetooth on your mobile device. Activity II. In the mobile app, go to play and drive the mBot ranger using the different options available on the Makeblock app. SESSION 8:CONTROLLING THE MBOT VIA JOYSTICK SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Use the drive option in the makeblock app and control the mBot via joystick in order to accomplish a given task. Exhibit sportsmanship in games by being humble in victory and graceful in defeat. JOYSTICK CONTROL There are various pre-programmed options in the Makeblock app available for use. For this exercise, the joystick function will be explored. Navigate to the Play option on the app. There are 4 games ready to play. These will be used when the mBots compete against each other later. Under the Play option, click Drive to control the mBot remotely from the device. Makeblock has made this remote joystick easy to understand and learn. Shown above is the remote control of the Makeblock app. It has six interactive buttons – one joystick, three drive settings, one button for the LED, and one button for the buzzer. Test each of these buttons and see what the mBot does each time you work these. RACES EXERCISE 1 Sprint Race The objective is to drive the mBot Ranger inside the playing field using the Drive option in the Makeblock app, by placing the Ranger at the starting line and driving it so it reaches the finish line the fastest time. Maze The objective is to use the Drive option in Makeblock App so that the 70 inches / 1.778 meters mBot maneuvers through the maze in the shortest amount of time, without touching the black line. 70 inches / 1.778 meters SESSION 9:HOW TO USE THE DRAW AND RUN FEATURE SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Use the draw and run feature in the makeblock app and control the mBot in order to accomplish a given task. Determine the relationship of the length of the line drawn to the drawing area to the amount of time the mBot will run. DRAW AND RUN The Makeblock app has an interesting feature that enables the mBot to follow a path which ws drawn out on the app. The path is noted by image detection and is then translated to mBot motor movements via the app. PRACTICES EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 Use the mBots to follow lines of different lengths. Once done, draw different shapes like a triangle, a circle, a square and other common shapes and then see what the mBot does. EXERCISE 2 Draw various lines across the whole drawing area and see how long that takes the robot to complete the path. Measure how long the robot traveled to give you an idea of how long you need to draw a line on the app in the future. Obstacle Maze Complete the maze in the fastest time, without touching the black line, 70 inches / 1.778 meters by using the draw and run option in the Makeblock App. 70 inches / 1.778 meters MODULE 3: MOBILE PROGRAMMING SESSION 10:THE MBLOCKLY:SEQUENCE,SOUND AND LIGHT, AND LOOP SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Define what is mBlockly. Identify how to navigate, solve problems and manipulate objects with the use of mobile coding together with mBot Code block pallets to do Sequence, Sound and light, and loop. DISCUSSION mBlockly is a graphical programming software designed for iPads/tablets and Android smartphone users mBlock program interface To run the app: 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Sequence. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. If it was accomplished correctly, this message will appear. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are nine activities under Sequence. 9. Once all Sequence activities are accomplished, move on to the other activities noted below, to better learn more on how to navigate, program and control the mBot PRACTICE EXERCISES EXERCISE I: SEQUENCE 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Sequence. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are nine activities under Sequence. EXERCISE II: SOUND AND LIGHT 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Sound and light. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are seven activities under Sound and Light. EXERCISE III: LOOP 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Sound and light. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are five activities under Loop. 9. Once all Sequence, Sound and Light, and Loop activities are accomplished, move on to the other activities noted below, to better learn more on how to navigate, program and control the mBot. SESSION 11:THE MBLOCKLY:ULTRASONIC,FOLLOWING,CONDI TION SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify how to navigate, solve problems and manipulate objects with the use of mobile coding together with mBot Code block pallets to do Ultrasonic, Following, and Condition. Coding of the block pallets through the mblock app using ultrasonic, following, and condition. Following of the sequence of instructions from the mblock app. PRACTICE EXERCISES EXERCISE I: ULTRASONIC 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Ultrasonic 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are seven activities under Ultrasonic. EXERCISE II: FOLLOWING 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Following. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are seven activities under Following. EXERCISE III: CONDITION 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Condition. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are seven activities under Condition. 9. Once all Ultrasonic, Following, and Condition activities are accomplished, move on to the other activities noted below, to better learn more on how to navigate, program and control the mBot. SESSION 12:THE MBLOCKLY:COMPARATION AND LIGHTNESS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify how to navigate, solve problems and manipulate objects with the use of mobile coding together with mBot Code block pallets to do Comparation, and Lightness. Coding of the block pallets through the mblock app using comparation, and lightness. Following of the sequence of instructions from the mblock app. PRACTICE EXERCISES EXERCISE I: COMPARATION 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select comparation 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are six activities under Comparation. EXERCISE II: LIGHTNESS 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Lightness. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are six activities under Lightness SESSION 13: THE MBLOCKLY:NUMBER AND VARIABLE SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify how to navigate, solve problems and manipulate objects with the use of mobile coding together with mBot Code block pallets to do Number, and Variable. Discussion Coding of the block pallets through the mblock app using number, and variable. Following of the sequence of instructions from the mblock app. PRACTICE EXERCISES EXERCISE I: NUMBER 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Number 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are six activities under Comparation. EXERCISE II: LIGHTNESS 1. Select the mBlock app. 2. Select mBot. 3. Select Lightness. 4. Select the first activity. 5. Read the instruction and wait. 6. Follow the given instructions, then click the Play button. 7. Perform the given activity. You will see a message and can play the next level if the activity was accomplished correctly. 8. Finish the remaining activity to move on to the next level. There are six activities under Lightness SESSION 14:MOBILE PROGRAMMING:OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Code program thru mobile app and solve given problems. Determine the correct set of codes to solve the given task. Exhibit teamwork, collaboration and problem solving skills in accomplishing a given task. MOBILE PROGRAMMING ACTIVITIES Open the mBot app and select Create. Select the blocks desired for the program and drag and drop these under the starting block. OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE The objective is of this activity is to make the mBot Ranger go through the maze, while avoiding bumping or hitting any of the walls, to reach the finish line in the shortest amount of time. 70 inches / 1.778 meters FINISH START 70 inches / 1.778 meters Sample Program Code SESSION 15:MOBILE PROGRAMMING: CLIMBING OBSTACLE SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Code program thru mobile app and solve given problems. Determine the correct set of codes to solve the given task. Exhibit teamwork, collaboration and problem solving skills in accomplishing a given task. Programming is an activity where creating the correct set of codes for a certain task may not be precise at first it is a trial and error process where we keep on creating sets of codes to find the solution for the problem. PRACTICE EXERCISES Climbing Obstacle The objective is of this activity for the mBot Ranger to reach the finish point in the fastest amount of time. While within the playing field, the Ranger must complete all the challenges, which consist of driving in rough terrain, navigating and climbing and going down the hill. SESSION 16:MOBILE PROGRAMMING: INTELLIGENT TRACKING SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Code program thru mobile app and solve given problems. Determine the correct set of codes to solve the given task. Exhibit teamwork, collaboration and problem solving skills in accomplishing a given task. Programming is an activity where creating the correct set of codes for a certain task may not be precise at first it is a trial and error process where we keep on creating sets of codes to find the solution for the problem. PRACTICE EXERCISES Intelligent Tracking Create a program that will make the mBot Ranger to move to the locations assigned. Examples: 1. Program and move the robot forward from letter A up to letter J. 2. Program and move the robot to passing all the letters from A to X, in alphabetical order. B C D E F L K J I H G M N O P Q R X W V U T S 70 inches 70 inches A MODULE 4: PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS SESSION 17: RGB LED PROJECT: ALTERNATING LIGHTS AND BLINKING LEDS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Determine the correct codes for alternating RGB LEDs to display changes in color in sequence. Create a program for the RGB LEDs to display blinking lights similar to those seen on Christmas lights or on light decorations that automatically turn on and off. MOBILE LIGHT PROGRAM The 12 RGB LEDs on the Me Auriga of the mBot Ranger are placed in a circle. Each RGB LED can be programmed to control the brightness of three different colors (red, green and blue) and use combinations of different brightnesses of these three colors to produce various, other colors. 12 RGB LEDs Practice exercises EXERCISE I: ALTERNATING LIGHT Make a program for alternating RGB LEDs to display changes in color in sequence. Sample Code EXERCISE II: BLINKING LED’S Create a program for the RGB LEDs to display blinking lights similar to those seen on Christmas lights or on light decorations that automatically turn on and off. SESSION 18: PROGRAMMING THE ME AURIGA’S PASSIVE BUZZER SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Determine the correct codes for the passive buzzer to produce musical notes that will play different tones. Make the mBot Ranger to produce combination of sound, light and movement. Create a program for the buzzer to produce a combination of harmonious musical notes. MOBILE SOUND PROGRAM The Me Auriga uses a passive buzzer as an output device for signal tones or as an alarm sound. Passive buzzer EXERCISE I: MAKING SOUND create a program to make the passive buzzer to produce musical notes that will play different tones. Tone & Frequency Table Syllable do re mi fa so la ti Note C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 Note C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 Note C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 Note C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 Note C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 Note C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 A7 B7 Exercise II: Playing Sound Make the buzzer produce a combination of harmonious musical notes. Sample code: Exercise III: : MOVEMENT SESSION 19: BUILDING THE DASHING RAPTOR SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify the parts needed to assemble the Dashing Raptor Assemble the Dashing Raptor by following the given procedures. Exhibit collaborative work in assembling the Dashing Raptor. ASSEMBLING A DASHING RAPTOR Dashing raptor - A dashing raptor is a three-wheel racing car that runs/spins fast like a raptor which eager to catch its game. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 STEP 11 STEP 12 STEP 13 STEP 14 STEP 15 STEP 16 STEP 17 STEP 18 STEP 19 PRACTICE EXERCISES Teams will present the progress of their construction of the Beetle and shall be rated according to the rubric below. Assembling the Dashing Raptor Planning the assembly of the Dashing Raptor Supporting peers who have difficulty assembling the dashing raptor Responsibility for the designated dashing raptor Problem solving Dashing raptor challenges SESSION 20: THE DASHING RAPTOR:RACE OF THE RAPTORS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Define the ff. terms: Speed torque Power Motion Complete a race using the Dashing raptor by controlling it through a mobile device. Create a program using a mobile device which will enable the raptor to move autonomously through the race. SPEED, TORQUE, POWER AND MOTION SPEED measures how fast an object travels over a given period of time, measured in such terms as kilometers per hour or meters per second. TORQUE is force applied circularly, at a certain distance from the center of the circle it is applied at. POWER is the amount of energy done in a period of time. The unit of power, Watts, measures how much energy, in Joules, is done in a single second. MOTION is a change in an object’s position over a period of time. SPEED, TORQUE, POWER AND MOTION PRACTICE EXERCISES 3 WHEELED RACING BOT EXERCISE I. Race the Dashing Robot from start to finish line by FINISH START controlling it from a mobile device. 70 inches EXERCISE II. Using the same playing field, race the Dashing Raptor from FINISH START start to finish lines. For this race, the Dashing Raptor must move autonomously, courtesy of a program created from a mobile device. 70 inches SESSION 21: THE DASHING RAPTOR:SENSIBLE RAPTORS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Identify different sources of light. Enumerate the different types of sensors. Create a program using a mobile device which will enable the raptor to move automatically when it detects sound or light. SENSOR – a device used to sense its environment that can help a robot effectively perform specific tasks. TYPES OF SENSORS Temperature sensor Infrared (IR) sensor Ultrasonic sensor Touch sensor Proximity sensor Pressure sensor Level sensor Smoke and gas Sensor LIGHT has lots of charcteristics and sources that depends either from natural element or man-made that can be used in any location and its purpose. Sources of light Natural sources, like the sun or fire. Artifical sources, like flashlights or light bulbs. Characteristics of light PRACTICE EXERCISES EXERCISE I: Make the Dashing Raptor move automatically when it detects noise, such as a clap. 1. The Dashing Raptor must be programmed to move forward from the starting line and reach the finish line with only two claps being sounded. 2. The Dashing Raptor must be programmed to turn its RGB LEDs green if it detects sound and orange if no sound is detected. Sound Sensor The objective is of this activity is for the Dashing Raptor to move automatically when it detects noise, such as a clap. 1. The Dashing Raptor must be programmed to move forward from the starting line and reach the finish line with only two claps being sounded. 2. The Dashing Raptor must be programmed to turn its RGB LEDs green if it detects sound and orange if no sound is detected. START FINISH EXERCISE II: Have the Dashing Raptor move automatically when it detects light, like that from a flash light. 1. The racing bot must be programmed to move forward whenever it detects light from a source, as well as to stay within the path of the maze itself, reaching the finish line in the shortest amount of time. SESSION 22: THE DASHING RAPTOR:AUTONOMOUS RAPTORS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Create a program for the Raptor to drive autonomously. Determine the correct set of codes to solve the given task. Exhibit teamwork, collaboration and problem solving skills in accomplishing a given task. SPRINT RACE SAMPLE Game : 70 inches Program the Dashing Raptor to drive autonomously from the starting line to finish line, then go back again to the starting line in the fastest time. 70 inches PRACTICE EXERCISES EXERCISE I: Program the Dashing Raptor to drive autonomously from the starting line to the finish line in the fastest time, all the while avoiding any obstacles placed in front of it. SESSION 23: THE DASHING RAPTOR:THE MAZE RUNNER SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Create a program for the Raptor to drive autonomously while avoiding obstacles. Determine the correct set of codes to solve the given task. Exhibit teamwork, collaboration and problem solving skills in accomplishing a given task. OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE Program the Dashing Raptor to move through the maze and reach the finish line in the fastest amount of time while avoiding bumping or hitting any of the maze walls. 70 inches / 1.778 meters FINISH START 70 inches / 1.778 meters SESSION 24: THE DASHING RAPTOR:RACETHE INTELLIGENT RAPTORS SESSION OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the students should be able to: Create a program for the Raptor to move from one assigned location to another Determine the correct set of codes to solve the given task. Exhibit teamwork, collaboration and problem solving skills in accomplishing a given task. INTELLIGENT TRACKING Program the Dashing Raptor to move inside the box from one assigned location to another. 1. The learner will first choose a card where the robot will start, and another card showing where the robot will stop.