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Philippine Traditional Dance Lesson Plan

: Philippine Traditional Dances
: Dance Terms, Common Formation/s used in Dance
Traditionally the dances were passed on by imitation with some
explanation. Other types of dancing were devised and taught by dancing
masters and terminology would be useful there to write down and learn the
dances and in devising them in the first place. In modern times dances have been
recorded and taught to people with no tradition of dance, and so the
importance of a common terminology grew. Dance terms in general make it
easier to learn and understand choreography. It’s like a code language for
In relation to dance, formations in a group dance will greatly reduce the
quality of the performance even if the dance in the group is synchronized with
music. Therefore, learning the formation of dance in a group is as important as
learning its choreography. This also provides a venue for students to integrate
creativity into their performances, develop wholesome relationships with others
and cultivate positive traits and values such as confidence, respect, discipline,
and collaboration.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Quiz
2. Recitation
3. Performance Test
4. Essay for Reflection
Learning Objectives:
1. Demonstrated each dance terms correctly.
2. Explained how dance formations help in the attainment of good
dance performance.
3. Appreciated the importance of identifying each dance term and
dance formations through its performance.
The following are the common Dance Terms in Philippine Folk Dance:
1. Abracete – Girl at the right side, holds Right arm of partner with her Left hand,
free hands down at the sides. This term is Spanish and is used in Rigodon and in
other dances.
2. Arms in Lateral Position – both arms are at one side, either sideward right or
left. This may be done at shoulder chest or waist level.
3. Arms in Reverse “T” position – Arms are sided horizontal, elbows bent at right
angles, forearms parallel to head, palms forward or facing inward, fists loosely
4. Bilao – To turn hands up and down alternately, hands at waist level in front,
elbows close to the waist.
5. Brush – Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot
(the free foot) after which that foot is lifted from the floor in any direction.
6. Cabeceras – When dancers are in a square formation, the couples occupying
the width of the hall are called “cabeceras” or head couples. This is of Spanish
7. Clockwise – Like the motion of the hands of the clock. The right shoulder is
toward the center of an imaginary circle. When facing the center, the
movement is toward the left.
8. Counterclockwise – The reverse direction of clockwise. The left shoulder is
toward the center of an imaginary circle. When facing the center, the
movement is toward the right.
9. Costados – When Dancers are in a square formation, the couples occupying
the length of the hall are called “costados” or side pairs. This is of Spanish origin.
10. Crossed arms – Partners are facing each other or standing side by side, the
girl at the Right of the boy. They join their Left hands together and their Right
hands together either Right over Left or Left over right hands.
11. Cross-Over – Two couples (the vis-à-vis) are opposite each other. Each
couple proceeds in a straight line to the opposite place. The girl passed by their
Left shoulders between the boy. Boys bow to each other when they meet in the
middle or at about one-third of the way, then proceed to the opposite place.
Upon reaching the opposite place, the partner turn-about, and the girls stand
on the partner’s right side.
12. Cut – To displace quickly one foot with the other, thus completely taking off
the weight of the body from the displaced foot.
13. Do-Si-Do(“Dos-a-Dos”) – The vis-à-vis (opposite) both advance forward,
passed each other’s right (or left) side, step across to the right (or left), move
backward without turning around passed each other’s left (or right) side to
proper places. This is of foreign origin and is used in many Philippine dances.
14. Draw – To pull one foot along the floor close to the other which has the
weight of the body The weight may or may not be transferred.
15. Free Foot – The foot not bearing the weight of the body.
16. Free Hand – The hand is not placed anywhere or not doing anything.
17. Hand on Waist – Place hands at the waistline (at the smallest part of the
trunk), knuckles in, fingers pointing in the rear.
18. Hapay – To flourish or offer a handkerchief, hat, or glass of wine to somebody
as a sign of invitation.
19. Hayon –Hayon – To place one forearm in front and the other at the back of
the waist. This is a Visayan term.
20. Hop – A spring from one foot landing on the same foot in place or in any
direction (in front, in the rear, sideward, or across).
21. Inside Foot - The foot nearest one’s partner, when partners stand side by side.
22. Inside Hand – The hand nearest one’s partner, when partners stand side by
23. Jaleo – Partners turn once around clockwise (with right elbows almost
touching) or counterclockwise with left elbows almost touching) using walking or
any kind of dance step. The hands near each other are on their waists. This is a
tagalong term but is of Spanish origin.
24. Jump – Spring on one foot or both feet, landing on both in any direction.
25. Kumintang – Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction. This is an Ilocano term.
26. Leap – A spring from one foot landing on the other foot in any direction
(forward, sideward, backward, or oblique)
27. Masiwak – To turn the hand from the wrist halfway clockwise then raise and
lower the wrist once or twice. This is an Ibanag term.
28. Outside Foot – The foot away from one’s partner, when partners stand side
by side.
29. Outside Hand – The hand away from one’s partner, when partners stand side
by side.
30. Place – To put the foot in a certain or desired position without putting weight
on it. The sole of the foot rests flat on the floor.
31. Point – Touch lightly with the toes of one foot, and the weight of the body on
the other.
32. Saludo –partners bow to each other, to the audience, to opposite dancers,
or to the neighbor.
33. Sarok – Cross the Right (or left) foot in front of the Left (or right), bend the
body slightly forward, and cross the hands down in front with the Right (Left)
hand over the Left (Right).
34. Set – A dance formation like a quadrille or a unit composed of two or more
35. Stamp – To bring down the foot forcibly and noisily on the floor (like doing
heavy steps).
36. Star with the Right Hand – Four or more people advance to the center and
join Right hands and circle around clockwise using walking or change or any
other step.
37. Star with the left hand – same as “Star with the Right hand” only join Left
hands and counterclockwise.
38. Step – To advance or recede by raising and moving one foot to another
resting place. There is a complete transfer of weight from one foot to the other.
39. Tap – To tap lightly with the ball or tip of the toe, placing the weight of the
body on the foot. There is no transfer of weight here.
Creative dance is the end product of exploration and improvisation of
movement as the dancer or the choreographer expresses his feelings or emotions,
ideas, and interpretations. This is a dance with a definite form, a beginning, and
an ending that can be seen through the various formations all throughout the
Formations commonly used in Philippine Folk Dances:
1. Single circle, facing clockwise
2. Single circle, facing counterclockwise
3. Single circle, facing partner
4. Single circle, facing center
5. Double circle, partners facing clockwise
6. Double circle, partners facing
7. Double circle, couples facing
8. Square or quadrille formation
9. Double line, facing front
10. Double lines, partners facing
11. Scatter formation in pairs
12. Several lines or long open formation
Semi-Circle or half moon
❖ http://dancesfromthephilippines.blogspot.com/p/dance-terms.html
❖ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7wS34uNfis
❖ https://www.scribd.com/document/355897040/Dance-Terms-Commonto-Folk-Dances
❖ https://prezi.com/mxatrmdprzbw/formation-commonly-used-in-danceactivities/
❖ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-UCs7SheE8&t=42s
❖ http://hnupe.weebly.com/pe-2.html
❖ https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=dance%20formation%20single%20
❖ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27e0j5mTRKU
Prepared by:
PE Professor