Magnetic Fields S. Nirmalan A region in which magnetic force acts is called a magnetic field. They are invisible and found around magnets, planets and wires carrying current. Magnetic fields exert a force on 1. magnetic material (Nickel, Cobalt, iron ,steel) 2. other magnets 3. a wire carrying an electric current provided field and current are not parallel 4. Moving charges if they are not parallel to the field Magnetic field patterns 1. Bar magnet 2. Horseshoe magnet 3. Cylindrical magnet 4.magnadur magnet The direction of a magnetic field at any point is taken to be the direction of the magnetic force which would act on a free N pole placed at that point. The direction of the magnetic field is the direction in which the N pole end of a plotting compass needle would point. 22 S. Nirmalan x - Neutral point A neutral point is a Position within overlapping magnetic fields where the fields cancel so that the resultant magnetic field is zero. Q.A solenoid is 35cm long and has 100 turns. Diameter is 9cm. the solenoid is placed in a redial magnetic field of strength 200mT. Calculate the magnetic force on the solenoid when a current of 4.2A flows. The Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field A current carrying conductor in a magnetic field experiences a force provided the conductor is not parallel to the field. The force has its maximum value when the conductor is perpendicular to the field.The force depends on, 1. The strength of the magnetic field (B) 2. The size of the currents (B) 3. The length of the conductor within the magnetic field (l) An increase in any of these three produces an increase in the magnitude of the force acting. 23 F B & F I & S. Nirmalan F F BI F BI F B I sin If 0 If the conductor is at an angle; F 0 C 90 F B I B A The direction of the force can be found using Fleming’s Left Hand Rule. Flemings Left Hand Rule If the first and second fingers and the thumb of the left hand are placed at right angles to each other, with the first finger pointing in the direction of the field and the second finger pointing in the direction of the current , then the thumb points in the direction of the force. Magnetic Flux Density / Magnetic Field Strength (B) The force on one meter length of a straight wire carrying a steady current of 1 A when placed perpendicular to a magnetic field unit - Tesla Definition of Tesla The magnetic flux density that produces a force of 1N on each meter length of wire carrying a current of 1A perpendicular to the magnetic field. 24 S. Nirmalan Magnetic Flux () Total amount of magnetism through an area and it is defined as; = BA Magnetic flux = magnetic flux density x area (Tm2 = Wb) Unit = Webber Magnetic Flux Linkage When a coil having N turns surrounds a magnetic flux , each turn links the flux . So the total magnetic flux linking the coil is the product of magnetic flux and number of turns. Magnetic flux linkage = magnetic flux x number of turns = N = NBA Q.The diagrams show three situation involving a wire carrying a current through a magnetic field .for each situation find the direction of the stated quantity. 25 S. Nirmalan Magnetic Force on a moving charged particle A charged paraticle moving in a magnetic field experiences a force provided the field is not parallel to the particle. The force has its maximum value when the particle moves perpendicular to the field. F B q v sin If the particle moves at right angles to the magnetic field the force is given by F Bqv The direction of the force is perpendicular to their direction of motion. This causes charged particle to perform circular motion. Speed of charge particle remains constant.the magnetic field provides the centripetal force needed for this circular motion. mv Bqv r 2 r mv Bq r p Bq D.C electric motor A simple motor to work from direct current consists of a rectangular coil of wire mounted on an axle which can rotate between the poles of a Cshaped magnet. Each end of the coil is connected to half of a split ring of copper, called a commutator, which rotates with the coil. Two carbon blocks, the brushes,, are pressed lightly against the commutator by springs. The brushes are connected to an electrical supply. if Fleming’s left hand rule is applied to the coil in the position shown, we find that side ab experiences an upward force and side cd a downward 26 S. Nirmalan force. These two forces form a couple which rotates the coil. Moving coil loud speaker The cylindrical magnet produces a strong radial magnetic field at right angles to the wire in the coil. The coil is free to move backwards and forwards and is attached to a stiff paper or plastic cone. The loud speaker is connected to an amplifier which gives out alternating current .since the alternating current through the wire changes direction it experiences a backward and forward force .as a result; the cone vibrates and gives out sound waves. Electromagnetic induction Production of electricity by the relative motion between magnetic fields and conductors. This is the principal of generators and transformers. When a conductor cuts the magnetic fields an e.m.f /voltage is induced. Induced voltage depend on Magnetic field strength (B) Speed of motion of the magnet or coil (v) Length of wire (l) Number of turns in the coil (N) E. M . Finduced B l v N E 27 N t S. Nirmalan Faradays Law E N The magnitude of an induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the t rate of change of magnetic flux linkage . Lenz’s Law The Direction of the induced current is such as to oppose the change causing it. North pole of the magnet approaches the coil.according to lenz’s law the induced current should flow in a direction that makes the coil behave like a magnet with its top a north pole. The downward motion of the magnet will then be opposed since like poles repel. When the magnet is withdrawn, the top of the coil should become a south pole,and attract the north pole of the magnet ,so hindering its removal. When magnet and coil are stationary, there is no deflection on the galvanometer. There is no relative emotion. So the rate of change of magnetic flux linkage is zero.( e.m.f is zero).The direction of the induced current can be found using Fleming’s right hand rule. Fleming’s right hand rule If the first and second fingers and the thumb of the right hand are placed at right angles to each other, with the first finger pointing in the direction of the field and the thumb pointing in the direction of the motion of the wire , then the second finger points in the direction of the induced current. 28 S. Nirmalan Bar magnet falling through the coil If a bar magnet is dropped through a coil, the flux through the coil increases as the bar magnet enters and decreases as it leaves. An e.m.f is induced across the coil as magnetic flux through it changes. the magnet is accelerating under gravity. it leaves the coil slightly faster than it enters. The maximum induced e.m.f is greater as the magnet exists ,although this e.m.f is induced for a shorter time. Transformers An alternating voltage applied to the primary produces an alternating current through the primary coil. a changing magnetic field is produced which cuts the secondary coil since the soft iron core traps most of the magnetic field .there is now a rate of change of magnetic flux linkage in the secondary coil and an alternating voltage is induced in the secondary coil due to electromagnetic induction .. 29 S. Nirmalan VS NS VP N P Vp - primary voltage Vs - secondary voltage Np - number of turns on secondary coil Ip – primary current Ns - number of turns on secondary coil Is - secondary current If Ns > Np, then Vs > Vp , this type of transformer is called a step up transformer. If Ns < Np, then Vs < Vp , this type of transformer is called a step down transformer. If the transformer is 100 % efficient, its an ideal transformer. So the Power output = Power input Vp Ip = Vs I s 30 S. Nirmalan The structure of an Atom Matter is made up of smaller particles called atoms. The three principal parts of the atom are the proton, neutron and electron. Protons and neutrons are bound together in the nucleus. Electrons orbit the nucleus. 10-10m . Diameter of an atom =10-10m atom nucleus Diameter of a nucleus =10-15m 10-15m The Protons and neutrons are called nucleons. Particle Mass Charge Proton 1u 1.67 10 27 kg 1.6 10 19 C Neutron 1u 1.67 10 27 kg 0 Electron Symbol 1 P 1 1 1u 9.1110 31 kg 1840 n 0 0 -11 .6 10 19 C 1u = atomic mass unit e Normally atom is neutral. This means that it has equal number of positive (protons) and negative (electrons) charges. Proton Number or Atomic Number (Z) The total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. (If atom is neutral proton number is equal to the number of electron) Neutron Number (N) A=Z+N The total number of neutron in the nucleus. Mass Number or Nucleon Number (A) The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is called its mass number. 31 S. Nirmalan If an element with a chemical symbol X has a mass number A an atomic number A X Z proton Z, its nucleus is represented by the symbol. 4 For Example: 23 11 2 Protons Neutrons Protons He nucleus Neutrons Na atom Electrons Electrons At different times, scientists have proposed various descriptions or models of the atom. following Thomson’s discovery of the electron in 1897, one of the first atomic models proposed was the “plum pudding” model. In this model atom was assumed to be a sphere of uniform positive charge with negatively charged electron spread through it. (it is like plums in a pudding) In 1911 Geiger and Marsden performed Alpha particle scattering experiment under the direction of (Ernest) Ruther ford, which led to a new model of the atom. Alpha particle scattering Experiment Lead Vacuum tube Screen 4 (Coated with Zinc sulphide) 2 Alpha source (Radium source in lead box) Thin gold foil 4 He 2 197 Au 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) A thin gold foil was bombarded with alpha particles. 2) Alpha particles leaving the foil were detected by observing flashes of light (which they caused on a glass screen coated with zinc sulphide. 32 S. Nirmalan Angle of Evidence deflection/degrees Most alpha particles pass 0 – 10 straight through with little deviation. Conclusion Most of the atom is empty space. All the atom's positive 10 – 90 90 – 100 Some alpha particles deflected charge is concentrated in through a large angle. one place. A few alpha particles are Most of the mass, and all repelled back towards the positive charge, is in a source side of the foil. tiny, central nucleus. Target - Gold atom or (Gold foil) Incident particle = Alpha particles Electron beams Free conduction electrons in metals need a certain amount of energy if they are to escape from the surface of the metal structure. This energy can be supplied by a beam of photons, as seen in the photoelectric effect. The electrons can also gain enough energy simply through heating of the metal. The release of electrons from the surface of a metal as it is heated is known as thermionic emission. Electron diffraction 33 S. Nirmalan The Low voltage power supply heats up the cathode and so gives the atoms enough energy for them to emit electrons. This is called thermionic emission. The EHT power supply attracts electrons from the filament to positive plate which has a piece of graphite fixed in the middle .The fluorescent screen gives out light whenever it is hit by electrons. The layer of atoms in graphite produce electron superposition patterns. Pattern is a regular circular ring Electrical Potential Energ lost Kinetic Energy gained vQ 1 m v2 2 De Broglie’s Theorem Electrons, like other particles, have wave properties, with wave length that is dependent on the momentum of the particle. His equation states that 1P h P h mv where, De Broglies wave length h Planckscons tan t The wave length of electron is nearly equal to the atomic spacing. Diffraction takes place when electrons pass through the graphite. This result supports more that electrons behave like waves Q1.How fast would an electron be moving if it was accelerated from rest through a pd of 2500 V? Q2.What is the wavelength of an electron in a beam which has been accelerated through 2000 V? Q3Calculate the de Broglie wavelengths for the following: a. an electron travelling at 2 % of the speed of light b. an electron which has been accelerated through 1200 V c. a proton with a momentum of 5 x 10-21 kgms-1 d. you running at 5 ms-1 34 S. Nirmalan Particle accelerators The only way to find how matter is constructed(internal substructure of particles), is to break it apart with fast-moving particles produced by an is necessary to use high energy particles because at lower energies particles just bounce off each other ,keeping their internal secret.charged particles can be accelerated in straight lines using a potential difference,and their direction changed along a curved path by a magnetic field. The linac (Linear Accelerators) 1. This Consists of metal cylindrical tubes in an evacuated tube. 2. High frequency high voltage potential difference is applied to the tubes 3. The Polarityof the potential difference applied to each tube changes as the particle leaves the previous tube. 4. Particles travel at a constant speed within each tube and are accelerated between the tubes 5. Each tube is longer than the previous one because the accelerated particles are traveling increasing distances in the time taken for half of one complete cycle of the applied voltage to occur. Q1A particular linac has 420 metal tubes and the peak voltage of the alternating supply is that the emerging protons have gained a kinetic energy of about 5x10-11J and express the mass equivalent of this energy as a fraction of the mass of a stationary proton. Take the mass of a proton as 1.01u. The Frequency of the alternating supply is 390 MHz. Calculate how long it takes a proton to travel along the linac. 35 S. Nirmalan The Cyclotron Bqv T mv2 r 2 r 2 v v T f f x mv Bq r mv Bq 2 m Bq 2 m Bq 1 2 m 1 r Bq Bq 2 m This Consists of two semicircular boxes (called dees)separated by a small gap and contained in an evacuated chamber A uniform magnetic field provided by large electromagnet is applied perpendicular to the dees. A high frequency high voltage alternating potential difference is connected between the dees Changed particles produced by an iron source at the centre of the device and move along a circular path. Particles are accelerated every time it crosses from one dee to the other and they move at a constant speed in a circular path within each dee. Polarity of the p.d applied to each dee changes as the particle is just about to leave the dee The problem with the cyclotron is that it loses synchronization at high speed. Because the mass of the particle increases with speed. This gives an upper limit to the energy of the particle. 36 S. Nirmalan The synchrotron This has a fixed radius As the particles are accelerated the strength of the magnetic field is increased and the frequency of the a.c supply is synchronized to take account of the increasing mess of the particles as they approach the speed of light Cloud chamber The cloud chamber consists of glass vessel containing super saturated alcohol vapour(As much vapour as possible dissolved in the air but with no condensation present). If any charge particle moves through the vessel it will ionize air molecules along its path. Alcohol starts to condense along its path forming alcohol droplets. The result is a vapor trail which indicates the path of the particle. Bubble chamber 1. The bubble chamber consists of superheated liquid hydrogen under pressure.(liquid is held at a temperature above its boiling point,but under pressure so that it does not boil) 2. Charged particles passing through it ionises the liquid hydrogen. 37 S. Nirmalan 3. When the pressure is released and the liquid starts to boil first in the region where there are ions, producing bubbles 4. The bubbles are allowed to grow for a time and then the whole chamber is photographed. Spark detector A sealed glass tube filled with inert gas consists of wires or plates carrying high potential. charge particles moving through gas ionises air molecules these ions/electrons accelerate towards wires causing more ionization. This leads to a spark Every time a spark is produced a tiny current flows in the wires nearest to it. A computer can quickly reconstruct the paths of the particles using the electrical signal. The spark chamber the wire spark chamber Analyzing particle tracks Track length :- This is related to the particle energy. Particle which has greater energy produces longer track. Track thickness :- This is related to charge of particle (ionizing ability) which depends of charge and speed. Curvature of track :- The sign of the charge particle can be found from the direction of deflection. 38 S. Nirmalan Deflection :- Apply magnetic field perpendicular to its path. When particle speed decreases (as it loses energy due to ionization) it spirals inwards and the track also becomes thicker. Missing tracks :- shows the presence of neutral particles Advantages of spark chamber Can record many times per second Electrical signal can be fed to computer (it is no longer necessary to photograph). Speed of the particles can be deduced Electronvolt (eV) The energy gained by an electron traveling through a potential difference of 1 volt. 1eV= Unified Atomic Mass Unit (u) One atomic mass unit is defined as one – twelfth of the mass of one atom of the C-12 atom. 1u = 1.66 x 10-27kg Einstein’s mass – energy relation According to the Einstein’s special theory of relativity a mass m is equivalent to an amount of energy E, where E m c2 C - Speed of light Antimatter or Antiparticle Matter with equal mass but opposite charge and spin to ordinary matter, for example the positron is the anti particle to the electron. It is difficult to store antimatter. As soon as it touches the matters/container, matter and anti matter annihilate. 39 S. Nirmalan Photon - photon is a tiny energy packet of e m radiation.E=hf Annihilation – (Reaction) of particles A reaction between a particle and its antiparticle in which the particles turn into electromagnetic radiation. The mass of the energy released is equal to the mass electron + positron photon of the two particles annihilate Electron-positron Pair production The creation of an electron -positron pair from a gamma ray photo. photon electron + positron Q1.A gamma ray photon converts into an electron and a positron (an antielectron which has an identical mass to the electron).calculate the frequency of the gamma photon Q2Show that the minimum -ray energy necessary of electron - positron production is 1.02 MeV. Deep Inelastic Scattering Low energy electron Proton Low energy electron High energy electron Proton or neutron X x X quarks Inciden t particle = high energy electron Target – Proton or neutron High energy electrons are fired at the protons to probe the distribution of charge within the proton. High energy electron penetrating the nucleus collides with the quarks in it and are scattered during the collision electron loses energy. So it is an inelastic collision. 40 Fundamental particles (A particle which cannot be further divided) S. Nirmalan A fundamental particle is one which cannot be split into anything smaller. It has no internal structure or components. There are twelve fundamental particles.Six Quarks and six leptons. Quarks The fundamental particles from which protons, neutrons (and some other particles) are made. Quarks can interact via the strong nuclear force. . Quarks never occur alone. There are six types of quarks. Strong nuclear force - the force which binds nucleons together in the nucleus. The family of quarks. These are subject to the strong nuclear force. Leptons Fundamental particles (they have never been split apart into smaller components) with a very small mass. There are six types of leptons. They are like point no radius. The family of leptons. These do not feel the strong nuclear force. 41 S. Nirmalan Hadrons - Groups of quarks held together by strong forces baryons and mesons Hadron is a heavy particle made from quarks. Quarks never occur alone. They always occur in combination of two or three, forming the hadrons. There are three types of hadrons.Mesons,Baryons,Anti baryons Mesons If a quark and an anti-quark are combined together, the resulting particle is known as a meson . The pion and the kaon are the most common example of mesons. Baryons If three quarks are combined together, the resulting particle is a baryon. Protons and neutrons are baryons. Reactions conserve properties In order for any particle reaction occur, the overall reaction must conserve various properties of the particles involved. iCharge iii. Mass/energy ii.Momentum particle v.lepton number(L) iv.baryon number(B) baryon number quark anti quark baryon anti baryon 42 vi.strangeness (S) S. Nirmalan meson 43